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Mane 6's maturity in order?


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1. Applejack


She actually shows herself to be a more apt leader than Twilight at times. She's always there to fall back on and she's easily the best at maintaining her composure and keeping a level head about decision making. There are times that I question why she isn't in charge.


2. Twilight Sparkle


She's not as composed as Applejack, but she is still quite good at managing herself as well as others and leading them to success, as proven many times throughout the series. She's second.


3. Rarity


She runs a business by herself, often takes care of her little sister and is always more than willing to put her wants and needs aside to help those around her, no matter the situation. She is strong enough as well as smart enough to handle herself in a sticky situation and is shown to recognize severity quite well and won't ham it up in those situations. Furthermore, her drive and ceaseless ambition even in the face of adversity shows how mentally strong of a mare she truly is. She makes a case for 2nd, in my opinion, but I'll give it to Twilight based on leadership.


4. Rainbow Dash


She can be cocky and bullheaded, but I'll give her an edge over the next two on my list for one reason - she will readily fight the good fight and face her own fears for others. She brags a lot and is very cocky and often fails to take others into consideration, but all in all she's willing to do what's best and not give up. That's what I define maturity as - being willing to put your needs and wants aside for the greater good of those around you.


5. Pinkie Pie


This one is more excusable as she will quite often act immature but it seems to be of her own accord. She has displayed an ability to be mature when the time calls for it, but often times she won't anyway, so therefore I can't place her much higher than the #6 on my list.


6. Fluttershy


I don't view Fluttershy as very mature, to be honest, as she often refuses to even try to attempt to overcome her own fears unless the situation absolutely demands for it. She is easily shattered and breaks composure and will give into those around her regardless of how it hurts them. Furthermore, as shown in Bats!, she displays a tendency to not take others into mind for her own personal beliefs. She didn't once think that the food supply being ravaged by the fruit bats were the main source of income for her friends family as well as a major source of food for the town itself - she only thought about what she wanted, and that was letting the fruit bats feast. That is not mature, that's putting others in danger based on what you want to happen. That's honestly a tad selfish, even if she was putting the well-being of the fruit bars in mind, as it showed she was unwilling to even think about AJ's family as well as the town itself based on her own thought process. She will hardly ever face adversity and often refuses to even stand up to her fears regardless of situation, and she won't put the well-being of those who disagree with her personal beliefs in her mind.


That's pretty immature, honestly.

  • Brohoof 3


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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This is a tricky question, because although the definition of "maturity" is clear, its implementation is subjective. For these characters, not only do their nature as dynamic, well-defined characters make this a bit difficult, but also the varying interpretations by different writers. Notably, some writers are better at following continuity than others, and still others portray reasonable character flaws in such an exaggerated manner that it can be seen as out-of-character.


Based on criteria of how much they've learned and grown throughout the series, how well they've retained their lessons, and how far they've come in overcoming basic personality flaws, here's how I'd list it:


Applejack (very astute and level-headed, great leader, overcoming her stubbornness)

Twilight Sparkle (continuously evolving confidence and skill since series premiere)

Rainbow Dash (occasionally very brash and arrogant, but an amazingly supportive and humble role model otherwise)

Rarity (occasional drama queen and gold-digging tendencies, but still very sensible)

Pinkie Pie (values the feelings of others, though she may not always understand them, and knows herself very well)

Fluttershy (level-headed, but is relatively stagnant in trying to overcome her shy tendencies)

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