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Ever been blocked for stupid reasons?


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Actually, I don't think anyone has ever blocked me before. It's kind of weird now that I think about it... this must mean I don't get out much, or I just don't do things that make other people mad at me. :blush:

Edited by Admiral Regulus




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Got blocked in a Steam group chat once because the newly "elected" admin decided I wasn't worth his time and effort, lol.


You believe that shit?  :pout:


I've also been banned from a chat because I said "Spiderman 3D", which apparently was advertising.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got blocked from quite a few Grand Theft Auto SAMP servers because my ping was a painful 700.


It wouldn't have been so bad being banned as a lagger if I wasn't playing there for months or falsely accused of cheating. These servers made it damn near impossible to score a kill because of the frequent amount of players within them utilized teleporting hacks and minigun cheats... across several servers, like seriously (miniguns and teleporting are the bane of my existence).


Yet during my efforts to report the rule-breakers, I was somehow the rule-breaker.

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No.....................But I did get comment blasted.


Story Time........8D




I hate facebook............I only use it to keep up with certain friends and family members..........and even then I only go on once a week........maybe. -_-


So a friend sent a me a thing about a cosplayer............Her stuff was really good.............the costume quality was Brilliant..........so I followed her. (should have just stuck with my no following policy) >_<


 So every once and a while I comment on a costume she would post. Nothing spectacular or anything beyond "good Job" or "nice"

        One day she posts  a picture that's pretty Risqué.......*cough* playboy cover *cough*


This girl is pretty new to this posting as far as I can tell so I  leave this Comment................ "This is a little different from what you usually do, Please be careful."


After that.............her along with a large amount of her "fans" screamed and ranted at me................so left one last message........."All I was saying is that you can't take back things you post them. it's out there and people have seen. I had a friend that did the same and she acquired stalkers. I was trying to tell her to be careful and take care of herself. If this is the response for actually caring about someone's well being. I'm Out."


  I then un-followed her.........and deleted my comments...........I don't have enough time in  he day to deal with crazy or to communicate with people who can't or don't want to communicate back.


 Well that's the story............enjoy...........^^



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Well, I used to play on those virtual game chat sites and in my case it involved animals so I was trying to defend a white cat from a horse who was calling her fat and the dang horse banned me from chat for 48 hours.

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I know I've been blocked a few times but cannot remember the scenarios... Blocking other people... it happens more frequently than you think... not on here tho because y'all lovely people <3


Sig by: Kyoshi

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I got banned on a streaming channel for standing up for myself when I was bullied by the head and some of his moderators, they started calling me nasty names and harassing me over the internet so I stood up for myself and called them out on it, and they banned and blocked me.


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A couple of reasons.


On Instagram- I have a gaming account and I post a lot of Nintendo and other gaming things. I posted some of one of my amiibos, and one of my followers asks me what the point of amiibos are. I explained that they can be any reason, gaming, collection, photography, or customizing them. He then proceeds to say he still doesn't see the point and all I did was post an annoyed face and he blocked me. Like...I was never being rude, just answering a question.


On Facebook- An old friend of mine, who was a bit odd sometimes had asked me about this problem I was having. I then vented to her and explained about the problem I was having. She then gets annoyed with me and got offended over something I still never found out about and she blocked me. Still blocked after a year. I kinda wish I knew what I did wrong and then I would have apologized, but she wanted me to vent.....

  • Brohoof 1

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No I don't use face book and ive never been blocked but one time for some reason people/bot tryed to phish at me or download a virus on steam so I had to block them.

  • Brohoof 1


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Someone blocked me on Tinierme (Rest in Peace, old website... ;n;) because I said that if you hold down the windows key and "E" at the same time on a Vista computer for about 30 seconds, you will crash it (Please do not try this, it actually does crash...)


I guess he didn't believe me and tried it, despite me warning him not to o3o that's the only reason I can think of that he would block me XD

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  • Brohoof 1

~Hocus Pocus

Ya weni mareh mirekyarahire
Juri yu mirekerason

Kire hyari yoriherahe nyurahera
Nunnyura unera yurawera nihmerani

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I've never been blocked on any site. One time, I had written a comment on a video listing some of my favorite songs. It got deleted for no apparent reason. I guess somebody didn't like My Chemical Romance! XDD

  • Brohoof 2

"The question that drives me hazy:am I or the others crazy?"-Albert Einstein

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I've been blocked because I followed a guy on Instagram. "I didnt know he didnt like me until I followed him. Like seriously all I did was follow him and he blocks the 1 follower he didnt have. Oh well suckzZ to be him I guess. 


If anybody wants to follow me on Instagram im zach_the_r1pper


P.S I always follow back.

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signature made by myself.

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I was blocked and banned on this guy's streaming channel due to him and some others harassing and cyber bullying me and I stood up for myself and called him out, so he blocked and banned me.

  • Brohoof 1


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LOL, yeah, I've been blocked quite a few times. Sometimes people block me as soon as they see my icon simply because of what they've heard. I don't get where people got it in there mind that I'm mean or something. Sometimes I wonder what sets them over the edge, was it the political posts, or because I talked about feminism one to many times, or because I posted to many pony pictures. I never really know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know but I am sure I've been blocked by someone in the time I have been here. I could only hope not but who am I to control that either? 

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Not on here, but on FB. Friend removed and blocked me because I got annoyed at him for commenting on nearly any post I made related to gaming, shoving his "lol PS4 is the best and Xbox sucks." Stating that it was his opinion, with no justification of his opinion. No, he wasn't he was just being a dick. He's the biggest Playstation fanboy I know of. Every time I posted something Microsoft related he'd make some irritating comment on how PS3/ PS4 is better and would continue to berate Microsoft.  Yet when I would post something bad about Sony (like them getting hacked), he wouldn't say anything.


There's a difference in being a dick and stating your opinion.


He blocked me. I'm happy with my 360.

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