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open Strange Tales of the Equestrian Idiot RP Thread (See OOC to join!)


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@@EquestrianScholar@@HigurSan, @@GeneralDirection@@Taialin@@bronislav84@@Love@@Derplight Sperkle@@Hypn0ticD


"Fans? What kinda fans? They've heard of us? Are we famous in this other dimension, too?" Pinkie asked as Celestia and Rainbow Dash finished speaking. "Oooh, I should throw a welcome party when they arrive! Show them that we're super friendly!"


She starting thinking about what she'd need for this welcome party she was planning, how much time they may or may not have before the humans arrive. She almost got ready to panic. "When are they getting here, Princess?!"

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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As Cadance listened to the explanation of these humans, she furrowed her brow in thought. Hairless? No hooves? Akin to monkeys? These creatures must be hideous. She sighed deeply. "I think before judging if we should trust them or not, we should see how they act. Observe them. Do some science, as Twilight is so fond of saying. If they are at the top of their food chain with seemingly nothing remarkable about them, then they could just be terribly cleaver." She tapped her lower lip with her forehoof as she spoke. "Perhaps all they need is a little love," Cadance said with a weak smile. She feeling somewhat naive for says so, but she was the Princess of Love after all, and it was what she believed in above all else. "Do we know when they arrive? And where? It would probably be best to start our game plan there." Not for the first time today, Cadance wished her husband were here by her side. She could really use his comfort right now.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Wow this must be of utmost importance, not only did Princess Luna and Cadance come, now Princess Celestia arrives. Oh I hope these humans are not terrible creatures. Fluttershy blended in with the group, not really drawing any attention to herself. She listened to the Princesses talk about the humans, with Luna being negative to them, and Celestia bringing up generally positive points. Celestia even showed them that they are actually fans of all of them, including several wearing what looked like her on quite a few apparel. Am I really that popular? But what about what Princess Luna said? Are humans terrible too? What if all humans are that terrible? Fluttershy tried to hide her face from the others with her mane, looking slightly scared of the notion of humans coming to Equestria after all.


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Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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@@Windbreaker, @@Love, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@Taialin, @@bronislav84, @@GeneralDirection, @@EquestrianScholar, @@Yoshi89,


Applejack wasted no time and took her seat as Luna's Guards took to a formation, three Unicorn guards casting their magic to create a makeshift projector showing the Seal of Equestria.


"As you all know, there have been many rumors flying around lately regarding the beings known as Humans," Luna began. She then presented her audience with an image of the humans' planet, then a model of what they supposedly looked like. No hooves nor tails, and almost completely hairless, save for the tops of their heads. AJ was left perplexed as to what to feel about their appearance. Perhaps she could ask Rarity what she felt about the humans' looks later!


"Their level of technology use has grown to the rate that many will grow to adulthood entirely dependent on devices, unable to live without them. This is just the beginning of their many flaws, some of which are too wrong for me to mention."


Now how in the hay was one supposed to grow so dependent upon technology?? sure, it was useful, but--


Luna began showing them what she had meant - ponyless carriages, impossibly large birdlike doohickeys that took to the air, and small, flat things that the humans either held to their ears or in front of their faces, before the display took a sudden and dark turn, as Luna had shown them the humans' instruments of war and destruction, as well as humans dressed in strange uniforms and holding stick-like devices and firing them at other humans, before the display culminated in a human city being engulfed in a flash as bright as the sun, followed by a terrifying explosion the likes AJ had never seen before, shaking the poor farm Pony to her very core.


Humans were capable of that?! And the Canterlot scholars were gonna bring them here?! If that were the case, then why bring them at all?! Was there something missing from Luna's presentation, because even the eggiest of eggheads would think twice before messing around and inviting something so violent! As fantastic as the thought was, Applejack found herself wondering if the humans were truly that bad...


"I have been told that the humans that will be brought here are amongst the best of their kind, not prone to the inherent flaws that run through their species. But I do not trust them. I never will. I've seen what they do to their own home, and will never let them bring that here."


"Due respect, Princess Luna, but maybe the Hu-Mane--er, Humans won't be so bad? After all, if'n they were, then why would those fancy pants scientists bring 'em here?? It wouldn't make sense!" Applejack suggested voicing her thoughts. She looked to her friends, who seemed to have the same opinion, which came as a huge relief.


Twilight, who had just finished jotting something down on paper, spoke first.


"Personally, I believe we should give them a chance before jumping to conclusions. It is my duty to extend as well as maintain friendship, and I believe this goes for everyone. Hairless apes from another dimension should be entitled to the same chance as foreign dignitaries. They should be treated with the utmost respect first and foremost."


"I must agree with Twilight, Princess Luna," Rarity concurred , nodding to Twilight. "While these humans may seem dangerous, I cannot simply classify them as villains and send them away. All sapient beings, I believe, are capable of friendship, no matter who they are. We should, at the very least, give them a chance. And should things go poorly..."

Rarity tapped her hoof twice on the hard crystal floor of the castle, a friendly reminder of what Rainbow Power was always an option, should things really go south!


“I am glad you both feel that way and am proud to hear that there are those willing to give humans a chance... I was hoping you would all choose such,” another, very regal voice said. Applejack looked over and gasped, as her eyes fell upon none other than - "Princesses Celestia?"


“I am sure my sister has told, and from the magic felt shown, you the worse of what humanity has done or created.” Celestia said, looking over to her sister. Celestia then gave a presentation of her own, showing the ponies showing these creatures in a far more positive light. Human families and friends smiling and laughing together, a human dressed in a funny white suit against a background of pure black walking ever so slowly, as if nearly weightless, and a human scientist looking intently into a Petri dish.


For all the terrible things Luna had shown them, Celestia had provided them a show of truly wondrous things, and it eased Applejack's fears.


“More, we even have fans..."


"Wait... we what?!"


"Fans? What kinda fans? They've heard of us? Are we famous in this other dimension, too?" Pinkie chirped. "Oooh, I should throw a welcome party when they arrive! Show them that we're super friendly!"


As if she hadn't done so already, Celestia showed them all something truly astonishing: drives upon droves of humans dressed as - as THEM! rainbow colored wigs here, lavender wings there, and Stetson hats just off to the right!


Celestia then showed the humans watching large flat screen-like with them on it! The humans were actually watching them and their adventures!


"I think we should at least give these humans a chance, then we can see for ourselves what they're really like." Rainbow Dash said once Celestia's presentation ended. Maybe we should just keep them under supervision until we trust them more?"


"Ah'm with Dash. Let's take turns keepin' our eyes on 'em, at least for now!"


"Do we know when they arrive? And where? It would probably be best to start our game plan there." Princess Cadance asked.


"The paper said they'll be arriving in Canterlot in a few days." AJ responded. "Ah know! Maybe we can catch a glimpse a' 'em when they arrive! Anypone else fancy a trip there?" Applejack asked, raising a hoof and looking around.


Her eyes fell on Fluttershy, who seemed to be even more frightened than usual... Applejack rose from her seat and went over to the timid Pegasus, placing a hoof on her shoulder.


"...You alright, Fluttershy?" Applejack asked softly. "Luna's presentation sure was a bit much, but Celestia showed some pretty amazing things that the humans have done, too, so the Humans coming here can't be all that bad!"

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"I'm just a little worried of these humans. Sure Princess Celestia says they are capable of great things, but Princess Luna says that they are also capable of terrible things. How do we know what humans are coming here? Will it be the bad ones or the good ones?," Fluttershy said softly to her friend. She was very concerned about the humans coming. Fluttershy didn't know if Equestria could handle an onslaught that the humans could possibly bring, per Princess Luna. 


Fluttershy sighs. "I hope it's the good ones, but I'm just not too sure they will be."


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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@@HigurSan, @@Taialin, @@Windbreaker, @@Hypn0ticD, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@bronislav84,@@GeneralDirection, @@RubyW32, @@Littlecandylulu903, @@Love,


Princess Celestia

Celestia would feel relief and  pride on hearing Rainbow also express the decision to give humans on a chance. On her suggestion that they should keep them under supervision,  and be observed as Cadence would offer as well, the princess would nod before relieving, “We actually already have, our scientists having put mankind under such since making the connection. They are clever at times, but also foolish as well with great diversity and complexity.” It was actually quite complex, though she wouldn't doubt needing to reveal a bit more before the night was doubt. 

Which would come sooner then later with Pinkie's question, “I think a party to help them feel welcome would be appreciated.” She would laugh softly at the energetic nature of the pink mare's inquiries before saying, “as much in the same way as Rainbow Dash is towards the Wonderbolts or Twilight is towards Starswirl the Bearded there are humans who are fans of us.” On considering how to explain Celestia would offering, “As it is said in a song by one who sounds like you, to the humans that know us 'we are a toymaker's creation trapped inside a crystal ball'... heh, which is called a television or TV. It is those boxes with images I showed.” When repeating the lyrics Celestia would actually sing it somewhat.
Using her magic, images again of humans looking at a box with images of each of them before explaining, “The show is called My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic, and there is a great following not only of children but of adults.” Onto when they would get here she would say, “Quite soon, now that they have been chosen by way of a competition.
One Cadance's thoughts that perhaps all humans needed is some love her aunt would say, “It would seem many humans need much love, not getting such from their family, or from friend in they have any. On when and where they will be here, I was thinking we could all be there to greet them when the time comes.
Yet it would be Fluttershy's worry and concern, even after her words of assurance that not all humans are terrible, scary, or evil the Celestia would focus on. It was for such thoughts that the princess was appreciative of Applejack though it did seem that both mares were more strongly effect by her sister Luna's words. “You bring up a good point Applejack, why would we bring them here unless our scientists were certain that it would be safe? It would not make sense, and every precaution and care has been taken in making sure none dangerous come through into Equestria.
Rarity as well it would seem was willing to give humans a chance, despite what Luna had shown each of them, saying, “We do believe many already appreciate friendship, especially that of the bond shared by six special mares who have faced so much together. Who better to greet the first humans into Equestria then those who wielded the Elements of Harmony and now carry within them the Rainbow of Light?
Looking once more to Fluttershy, the princess would assure, “They humans that will be coming will not be the bad ones, of that I can assure given all that we have done to make sure of such.
Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Cadance raised one eyebrow, both relieved and concerned at how prompt their meeting had been, as well as how quickly everything had been decided. Television. Such a silly word. She wondered what other phenomena these humans would hold. One thing she knew for certain, they would probably change Equestria, good or bad, forever.


"Well then," Cadance said decisively, looking to Luna and Celestia,"If these humans are to arrive in Canterlot, it appears that we have a lot to do before they arrive. I hope you don't mind housing myself and a few of our friends while we prepare." A glint of excitement appeared in her eye. "I think a Welcome to Equestria Party is needed, and I think we all know just the pony to organize it." She looked to Pinkie with an excited smile.

  • Brohoof 1


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Fluttershy lifted her head as if to show her spirits were rising upon hearing the Princess Celestia's words. If Princess Celestia said they will make sure that the humans that come are good, then Fluttershy believed that it will happen. "I believe it will be so Princess Celestia. Thank you. I feel much better now about the humans." Fluttershy smiled at her friend and the Princess.


Fluttershy was ready now that she knew the humans will mean them no harm. Oh I still hope they are not going to be too scary though. 


"I'm ready to go meet these humans."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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@@EquestrianScholar, @@GeneralDirection, @, @@bronislav84, @@Hypn0ticD, @@HigurSan, @@Yoshi89
Rarity blinked a few times. "What," she said, more as a statement than a question, too blindsided by what she had heard and seen to specify exactly what she was referring to. These mysterious, foreign aliens, whom she had never even known existed until a few days ago, had been watching her and been fans of her and her friends for who knows how long?
Attention was something that Rarity was no stranger to, nor was it something she was averse to. But attention from such an unexpected source through . . . tele-vision boxes?—was not exactly the same as fans on a runway. She could only hope that those tele-vision boxes captured her good side.
Rarity came to when Princess Celestia elaborated that these humans may need friendship, and she and her friends would be the one who would greet them. Here was something that she was more accustomed to. While she had never actually been a foreign ambassador of any sort, greeting the incoming humans with the rest of her friends seemed far and away one of the less dangerous things they had done.
"I ready to go meet these humans," she heard Fluttershy say beside her.
"And I as well," Rarity followed, nodding. She was impressed that Fluttershy would act so courageous in such uncharted territory, but the least she could do was to follow. To be the first to greet these unknown entities would be an adventure, certainly, but then, Rarity was no stranger to adventure or drama, either.

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Green. everything was green. And spotty.

North had just opened his eyes, only to be greeted with a bushy view.


With a little bit of effort, he managed to lift his head up and out of the large bush he had just spent the few hours sleeping in.

He still could not see much - everything was much too bright. Holding a hoof over his eyes to shade for the sun, he managed to fish up a pair of small, round, tinted glasses from his bag still left on the ground.

Putting them on, he took a moment to look around, find his place in the grand landscape. A moment later, he noticed a pair of ponies wandering on a road not too far away.


He took a moment to shake off any leaves and twigs that had gotten stuck on him, before he grabbed his bags and headed for the road. By the time he had reached it, the two ponies had wandered a fair bit away from him. He looked in the direction they had come from, noticing some towers poking up from behind a tall mountain in the distance.


He gave his entire body one long stretch, a few loud pops sounding from some of his joints, before nodding contently to himself.

With the help of his wings, he leapt a distance before starting to move at a slower pace on the ground - towards Canterlot.

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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@@EquestrianScholar@, @@bronislav84,

Pinkie giggled with glee. "They're making songs about us? I gotta throw 'em a party now! There's gonna be cake and candy, balloons, streamers...What else could we use? Ooooh! Muffins and cupcakes! Maybe some magic tricks? Twilight, could you maybe show 'em a bit of magic at their welcome party? Please, pretty please?" She implored Twilight's help in her usual fashion. Her party planning was usually this chaotic, but the quality spoke for itself most days.
  • Brohoof 1

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@GeneralDirection, @@Windbreaker,

@@Derplight Sperkle, @, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@bronislav84, @@Taialin, @@Yoshi89, @@HigurSan, @@EquestrianScholar,


Princess Celestia seemed truly pleased with all of the ponies reaching an agreement about giving the humans a chance, for the most part. Fluttershy, on the other hoof, seemed even more hesitant than the others... "I hope it's the good ones, but I'm just not too sure they will be." Fluttershy said with a sigh.


"Ah'm sure it'll be the good humans comin' ta visit us, Fluttershy! Don't you worry none!" Applejack said, leaning in for a reassuring nuzzle.


“You bring up a good point Applejack, why would we bring them here unless our scientists were certain that it would be safe? It would not make sense, and every precaution and care has been taken in making sure no one dangerous comes through into Equestria.”


Applejack turned to face the Solar Deity, who had once again cast her magic to show them their alien admirers once more, who were once again shown to be watching them and their adventures...


“The show is called My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic, and there is a great following not only of children but of adults.”


That sent a shiver down Applejack's spine. How were the humans able to see them through those flat doohickeys, yet ponies were just now discovering them?? And just how long was this going on??


Once again, Rarity managed to somehow give a voice and sum up Applejack's own thoughts with but a single word: "What."


Applejack just had to meet the humans now, if only to get an answer to the question now burning in her mind.


"Well then," Princess Cadance interjected, "If these humans are to arrive in Canterlot, it appears that we have a lot to do before they arrive. I hope you don't mind housing myself and a few of our friends while we prepare." she turned to Pinkie, a look of excitement appearing in her eye. "I think a Welcome to Equestria Party is needed, and I think we all know just the pony to organize it."


This seemed to send Pinkie into party planning overdrive! "I gotta throw 'em a party now! There's gonna be cake and candy, balloons, streamers...What else could we use? Ooooh! Muffins and cupcakes! Maybe some magic tricks? Twilight, could you maybe show 'em a bit of magic at their welcome party? Please, pretty please?"


"Don't forget about me, Pinkie! Ah'mma bring the humans some of the best apples and Apple Family baked goods they ever done tasted!"


Even Fluttershy seemed eager to see them now, as she said, "I'm ready to go meet these humans."


"And I as well," Rarity joined. Finally, Twilight joined in as well. "This pretty much solidifies my thoughts that just about everyone is capable of great good and great evil. Sure some more evil than others, considering the things the six of us have faced in recent times, but I still believe in giving a chance before deciding. But if my friends are ready, so am I."


"Well, we should look into hoppin' on the first train ta Canterlot in the mornin'!"

  • Brohoof 1
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Spike said nothing, just listening at everything Luna had to say about these humans. He hopped on a train of thought when she talked about this marvel known as television: Wow, we're our own TV show! People in this other world know all about us! He jumped back at the conversation that followed between the rest of the ponies and smiled when they collectively expressed how thrilled they were at finally getting to meet them in Canterlot the next day.


"I'm ready to meet them if all you guys are," he added. He remembered what the Princess of Love had to say and turned to his mentor. "Cadance is right, Twilight. Maybe we should come up with a checklist so we know what to do when we come across them."


Just as he was about to rush off in search of parchment, a thought forced him to stop and skid abruptly across the hall. He backtracked toward the group and turned to the royal sisters. "Celestia? Luna?" he called to them. "Do you two think they should know about dragons, too?"

  • Brohoof 2

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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@@HigurSan, @@Taialin, @@Windbreaker, @@Hypn0ticD, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@bronislav84,@@GeneralDirection, @@RubyW32, @@Littlecandylulu903, @@Love@@Yoshi89
Glad to see everything working out without too much damage, even if her sister was being awfully quiet as everypony spoke, Celestia would listen as the others spoken. To her niece, the princess would reply, “I am sure my sister would agree that we would be pleased to have the company at the castle, all here are welcome.” The tall white mare still had some concern, but hopefully Luna would not hold this against her.
To the reasons of relieving they had fans in the human world she would smile before saying, to Rarity in particular, “Please don't worry yourself, the program seems to only take snippets of our lives... particularly the positive or grand experiences, especially when a friendship lesson was learned.”
With such the princess would begin making the plans for them to come to the castle and stay, feeling that things could perhaps not move forward. She would say to Pinkie Pie, “Yes, well you can't very well throw a party for those who are not here yet... is this not true my dear party planner?”
Considering her student Celestia would say, “I'm sorry that none of the books you request were any help, now even we know much more about humans then what was learned by the scientists. Please forgive me for not saying something, as it was uncertain at first if we would even allow humans into Equestria. Thankfully, we will all be able to learn more once they get here.”
“Our story being that of a foal's tale, particularly for human's equivalent to young fillies, for their entertainment does sum it up. We feel very little of our daily life actually comes to the writers and animators of the show, and a detail here and there many not be show perfectly. Especially since it seems they cannot know out thoughts, only our words and actions,” She would turn to then answer Spike's question, “Actually they already know about dragons, though the ones they know may well be different from what we know... so you could still tell them much which they don't know.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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@@GeneralDirection, @@Windbreaker, @, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@bronislav84, @@Taialin, @@Yoshi89, @@HigurSan, @@EquestrianScholar,


Applejack's eyes widened at Princess Celestia's invitation for the Ponies, "Well, Ah'll be! We really get ta stay in THE Canterlot Castle to plan the welcome party? This is gonna be great, and Ah'm not bein' Rarity!"


Applejack held her giddiness in check as Princess Celestia addressed the others one by one, starting with Rarity... even if little snippets of their lives were gleaned, sanitized or otherwise made suitable for the humans to view, the fact remained that the humans knew about them and still got to see what life was like for them, and potentially every Equestrian out there, which still put Applejack a little on edge, and yet fueled her curiosity about the humans and what they knew that much more.


Celestia then addressed Pinkie Pie, asking her if she could not plan a party for those who have not yet arrived, to which she snickered a little. This was Pinkie Pie! So long as it was party themed, she could make it happen!


Celestia then addressed Twilight, apologizing for not having books on these creatures, but that made sense in a way. They just found out about humans, as Celestia had pointed out.


“Our story being that of a foal's tale, particularly for human's equivalent to young fillies, for their entertainment does sum it up. We feel very little of our daily life actually comes to the writers and animators of the show, and a detail here and there many not be show perfectly. Especially since it seems they cannot know out thoughts, only our words and actions,” Celestia said, before finally turning to Spike. “Actually they already know about dragons, though the ones they know may well be different from what we know... so you could still tell them much which they don't know."


"Well, what better way ta let 'em know than ta tell 'em in person, Spike? In fact, why don't we all head home and get ready to head on out to Canterlot ta meet the humans! We got a biiig party ta plan!"

  • Brohoof 1
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"Yepperoonie, Princess Celestia, ma'am! I'll throw the biggest, bestest party these humans have ever seen! It will be my finest party EVER!" Pinkie exclaimed, standing on her hind legs and pointing her hoof skywards. She would not be stopped or deterred from this course of action and this party would happen. All she needed was a plan.


Next she turned to Applejack, brimming with excitement. "Yes! We do, indeedy! Onwards, girls! TO CANTERLOT!"

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@GeneralDirection, @@Windbreaker, @@Orion Caelum, @, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@bronislav84, @@Littlecandylulu903, @@Taialin, @@Yoshi89, @@AspenSwift, @@RubyW32, @@HigurSan, @@Zhooves,


((Fast forward in 3... 2... 1!))


"Are you sure you want these two?"


"They seem like they're the closest to what we're looking for, even if they don't seem to harbor the same obsession over our kind as their 'Brony' counterparts."


"Yes, but is that wise? They seem rather... cynical to me, though. That, and they know very little of the show in their world."


"All the more reason to open their eyes, don't you think?"


"Fair enough. I'll inform the princesses of our decision..."




The search was over. All Equestria had to do now was wait with bated breath, as three large words graced all of the papers in Equestria:


"Two humans found!"


Now, the time was drawing near for the aliens to arrive in Canterlot. To commemorate, a massive party was being planned to welcome them by none other than the Super Party Pony herself, Pinkie Pie. Add to that, all four princesses were going to be in attendance, any any and everypony was invited to come see the humans, making this a truly momentous occasion!


Anypony who could made their way to the capital, to partake in the festivities and hopefully catch a glimpse of the new creatures to visit them...




The school bell rang, sending a cacophonous mass of students into the halls, quickly congesting it to the brim as they made their way to their destination.


Amid the din was Colette, who sulked as she stuffed her English assignment into her binder as she hurried to her locker. She sighed and groaned at the prospect of having to read the first three chapters of The Great Gatsby -- a book that she truly didn't care much for. 'Happy joy!' Colette thought.'best knock the damned thing out so dad doesn't get on my ass again!' She trudged over to her Iocker, her face lighting up upon reaching it. There, she was greeted by not only her best friend Maddie, but Jon and Knate as well.


"So, I saw you gag about having to enter that Brony contest a few days ago!" The latter boy teased. "Yeah, I saw that, too. You never told us you got into girly ponies~!" Jon added.


"Oh, shut it, you two!" Colette said as she worked the combination to her lock. "Ain't no way I'm ever gonna get into that show! Now let's hurry and go steal the jock's table again!"


Colette had opened her locker then, and without another thought, she threw her backpack into her locker, and slammed the door shut. No sooner had she done this however, an explosion of purple, shimmering smoke erupted from the locker with such force that the door burst open, smoke spilling into the air and choking all present.


"What the hell?!" Maddie sputtered out. "Cole, what'd you do?!"


"Nothing! I just shoved my bag into my locker! You all saw me!" Colette choked out, waving a hand in a futile attempt to clear the strange smoke.


She then tentatively reached into her locker, pulling out a large rolled up scroll, tied and sealed with what appeared to be a horseshoe. Colette looked to her friends, who returned her gaze with inquisitive looks of their own. Raising an eyebrow, Colette unfurled the scroll, and began reading aloud:


"Dear Colette Marie Yvette Irving, Jr.,


As you no doubt can recall, you grudgingly entered a contest aimed at what you call 'Bronies,' thinking very little of it.


Well, we are pleased to inform you that you have been chosen, and will be invited to spend 100 days in our world, living amongst Equestrians as we learn more about yours.


To prove this letter is not a forgery or some trick, you will receive a key, along with further instructions upon your return home.


We cannot wait to meet you in person, and hope you find your time in Equestria to be quite enlightening.


Yours Truly,


- The Royal Equestrian Coalition of Magic."


Colette stood stock still for a moment before turning to her friends once more, an unamused expression on her face. "Which one of you did it?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

@@GeneralDirection, @@Windbreaker, @, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@bronislav84, @@Littlecandylulu903, @@Taialin, @@Yoshi89, @@AspenSwift,

@@RubyW32, @@HigurSan, @@EquestrianScholar,



Applejack wasted no time and bid everypony farewell before heading back to Sweet Apple Acres. Once there, she immediately set out to picking out what she discerned to be the best apples that she could pick off the branch. Green, golden, and of course the signature red! Hopefully, the humans will at least try them, for if they did, Applejack was sure that they'd love them!


After surmising that she had enough for everyhuman and everypony, she carefully packed the apples into several barrels, and from there, she packed the barrels into a cart. It was all she could do to keep from exploding with giddiness as she made her way back into the farmhouse.


Perhaps the humans were watching her now? She looked over one shoulder, then the other. How did the humans watch them? After years of knowing Rarity and Twilight, Applejack knew what magic looked like, and for the most part knew when the latter was about to cast a spell, so there should be some way to tell if the humans were somehow using magic or casting spells... Right??


"Applejack... hello? Applejack!"


AJ looked down to spot her little sister, who was now waving a tiny hoof in front of her muzzle. "Heh heh, sorry there, Apple Bloom! Ah spaced out there for a second." Applejack said as she made her way into the kitchen. "Just gettin' excited 'bout the humans arrivin' is all!"


"Oooh, we were talkin' 'bout the Hu-manes in class today! Everypony's talkin' 'bout' 'em and can't wait ta see 'em in pony!"


"Well, you're gonna hafta wait fer that. Ah gotta help mah friends and the princesses with welcomin' the humans an' throwin' a party for 'em."


"Ah can help!" Apple Bloom pleaded.


"Thank ya kindly, but we got it covered. Just stay here on the farm until Ah come back." Applejack responded, heading over to the stairwell.


"Please, Applejack!" The young filly pleaded. "Ah won't get in the way, and Ah promise Ah'll work hard!"


"Thanks again, Apple Bloom, but we really got everything covered. Just stay here for now, okay? Who knows? Maybe they'll visit Ponyville! If'n they do, Ah'll let ya know, providin' you don't already. Sound fair?"

"Ah guess..."


Applejack lifted her sister's chin so that she made eye contact with Apple Bloom. "If'n the humans come here to Ponyville, then Ah'll ask the others if you can help out with welcomin' them here."


This seemed to lift the young filly's spirits, if only a little. "Okay..."


"Oh, don't be like that. Lemme wash up, then let's talk about it over dinner!"


With that, Applejack went to washing up before preparing dinner, informing Ganny Smith and Big Mac of her plans with her friends in the morning. Granny Smith suggested that they all turn in early that evening, to which Applejack all too readily agreed to. Tomorrow was going to be an exiting day for AJ! She could only imagine what the others were thinking at that moment...

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Alex was going about his daily routine for a day when he didn't have to work, since his last video had been recorded after he got home. Today, he was testing a game he'd sworn never to play: Five Nights at Freddy's. Naturally, this involved a lot of swearing and screaming as he died multiple times.




In the midst of his raging, an explosion of purple smoke made him leap out of his chair, almost knocking his recording gear flying. "FUCK ME!" As he attempted to calm himself down, he spotted a scroll sitting on his bed. He shakily got up to examine the parchment, tied and sealed with a horseshoe. 


"Am I being accepted into Hogwarts or something?" He asked as he opened it.


"Dear Alexander Nathanial Jones, 


As you no doubt can recall, you grudgingly entered a contest aimed at what you call 'Bronies,' thinking little of your entry. 


Well, we are pleased to inform you that you have been chosen, and will be invited to spend 100 days in our world, living amongst Equestrians as we learn more about yours.


To prove this letter is not a forgery or some trick, you will receive a key, along with further instructions this afternoon. 


We cannot wait to meet you in person, and hope you find your time in Equestria to be quite enlightening.


Yours Truly, 


- The Royal Equestrian Coalition of Magic."


"If someone is pranking me, then this is the most elaborate one I've ever seen. Still, I'm not joining the bloody herd. Forget it." He said, dropping the scroll on his desk before beginning to record. Naturally, his accent once again drifted into Texan, right on cue.


"Hey guys. AJ from AJVoiceOvers here. Check the skies tomorrow,, because the pigs have taken wing. Apparently, people have decided that since they can annoy me into a contest for bronies, they can also annoy me into games that force me to endure an aneurysm to play. So...Five Nights in my own personal Hell. Are you ready? Because I'm not..."

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Fluttershy left the castle once everypony seemed to be heading off to get ready to greet the humans. A nagging feeling followed her as she headed back to her cottage. This feeling remained even after a couple days have passed and she did her usual routine of caring of the animals. What was that Princess Celestia said again? That the humans watched us on a box in their homes? Fluttershy did a double take as she was preparing food to leave for her animal friends while she was gone. Are they watching now? Fluttershy shuddered. Be brave Fluttershy, they are not watching you now, they could be watching somepony else. Yeah, they are not watching me.


As Fluttershy finished preparing to leave for the train station, she gathered her animal friends to tell them the news. "Okay, so I'm going to Canterlot to see these humans. I want you all to be good and take care of each other. I shouldn't be gone too long." She picked up her favorite bunny friend, Angel. "And you Angel, I want you to be on your best behavior. I will make your favorite meal when I get back okay? I promise." Angel gave Fluttershy a stern look and nodded after a few seconds. Fluttershy put Angel back down and got her bag. "Goodbye friends! I will miss you all."


Fluttershy shut the door of her little cottage and flew off to the train station to wait for her friends.

Edited by Derplight Sperkle


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Clover read her invitation with growing excitement. Humans in Equestria! How amazing! Clover for one simply could not wait to meet the new arrivals; she hoped that she would get an opportunity to speak to them about their strange alien world. Clover might have completed her official studies, but that didn't mean that she was about to lay down her books and give up her reading. Well, maybe for one thing; she caught sight of her rumpled mane in a nearby mirror on the wall of her house in Trottingham and immediately used her magic to levitate a mane brush. It simply would not do for her to meet the humans with her mane looking as tho she'd been walking thru a hurricane! Clover absentmindedly hummed to herself as she brushed her mane with good thick strokes, thinking about the magic book she was already halfway thru; not reading, however, but writing. She really ought to buckle down to it, given that there were plenty of unicorns out there who were waiting patiently for her new book to be completed... but, humans! In Equestria! When it came down to it, this was an opportunity not to be missed. For once, her magic studies could wait.


The pale grey unicorn mare finished brushing her mane and packed a few things in her saddlebags in readiness to catch the train to Canterlot. Pausing only to make a last check to ensure that she'd remembered everything that she wanted to bring, from a fresh notebook and quill to a few snacks for the journey, Clover locked her front door and set off for Trottingham station. Soon she was there, along with what appeared to be the entire population of Trottingham, including her friends who were also going to Canterlot. Clover happily sat down next to her best friend Stargazer on the train, waiting impatiently for everypony to get on the train and for the journey to begin.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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North kept on wandering at his carefree, sluggish speed, slowly making his way towards the towers growing in the distance beyond some hills and trees.


He stopped a few times to eat from his bag, and the rare time someone asked him if they were going in the right direction, though other than that, he kept on moving.


As the sun set, and the moon rose, he had gotten close: He could see the lights from the castle and the city, the glow almost reaching as far as he had come.


Finally, he stood before the outskirts of the city, the sun slowly rising in the horizon as a glow could be seen from atop of one of the towers in the castle. North entered the city, starting to look around...

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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@@GeneralDirection, @@Windbreaker, @,@@Derplight Sperkle, @@bronislav84,@@Littlecandylulu903, @@Taialin, @@Yoshi89,@@AspenSwift,


@@Zhooves, @@Pripyat Pony,


Applejack made her way to the train station as fast as she could, her full cart in tow. She was all but bouncing with excitement at the ever-nearing event. Not only were she and her friends headed to Canterlot Castle, they were going there with all four princesses!


But where were they? Applejack looked around as she arrived at the station, spotting the usual patrons, before laying eyes on a familiar yellow Pegasus. "Fluttershy!" She called out as she made her way to her. "You see anypone else arrive, or is it just us?"


Applejack looked around again, whilst Fluttershy gave her answer, as if anypony would appear of she did...

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@@GeneralDirection, @@Windbreaker, @,@@Derplight Sperkle, @@bronislav84,@@Littlecandylulu903, @@Taialin, @@Hypn0ticD,@@AspenSwift,

@@Zhooves, @@Pripyat Pony,

Spike repeatedly slammed the lid of his suitcase and jumped on it several times but it just would not close. "Hmm." He put a claw to his chin but his brief moment of thought was interrupted by Twilight calling for him. "Be right down, Twilight!" he yelled back. He opened the suitcase once again and took out his plush Rarity doll. "I don't think I'll need this," he said. "I'm going to be with the real thing in Canterlot anyway." With that, he tossed the plushie to the side and closed the latches to his suitcase. He threw the case over his shoulder and ran down to where he thought he heard Twilight's voice. "I'm ready, Twilight!" he called.

  • Brohoof 1

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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@@Zhooves, Clover soon arrived at Canterlot. There, she parted regretfully from her friends, who promised to book her a room at the hotel, and went to look around the city. Altho Clover had been educated in Canterlot, at Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns, she very rarely visited Canterlot nowadays and whenever she did, she liked to look around the city and see all the sights. Despite being far from the place she called home, Clover always felt perfectly alright whenever she visited Canterlot. Just as she was about to walk down a street, she blinked and stared at a tall pegasus stallion. Surely that was somepony she knew?


"North!" Clover yelled as she galloped towards him. "How fantastic to see you!"

Edited by Pripyat Pony



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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