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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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caliber frowned when his cape was destroyed.


his cape...the thing he'd had since his childhood, a possession he'd had even longer then his sword...hopefully, rarity can knit the severed threads back together, to make it look like it was never sliced up in the first place...


but he had a spar to win. and damn, he was gonna avenge his cape, should rarity not be able to fix it.


"oi! lektra! how are ya with melee?" he yelled, as he landed on the ground. his sword was no longer floating, and he was positively dashing about, with surprising agility and speed, parrying blows faster and faster, going left and right.


once or twice, he felt a dragging sensation that meant a sword of her's found it's mark, but they were in places he just so happened to have a blind spot, like his flank, or tail. so, he knew if they were fighting for real, they would be minor wounds.


he got an idea. sheathing his sword, he started running in a wide circle around her, steadily decreasing the diameter of said circle. his speed turning from combat speed to travel speed. the idea was to avoid the swords, while slowly getting closer to her. 


he was gonna move her from that spot. and he was gonna win.

Okay, I definitely struck a nerve with destroying his cape. The pieces were on the floor in a sad state. I would have to apologize for that when we decided on a winner. Hopefully Rarity could fix it. Hopefully.


Well I hit him, but we weren't going for actual damage so they were dull blows. Definitely fast this one. The running in circles thing was interesting. I tried to follow him but figured I'd get dizzy so I used Sparky's sight from a distance to keep track of him instead. "How am I at melee? Actual close range fighting, or melee weapons? If it's the former, terrible actually. Kind of why I figured we should train. I'm not doing a good job of melee, am I?" I wanted to warn him of what happens if somepony touches me, but then I realized we weren't full on fighting and I could only use my weapons. No constructs and no shocking.


I simply made the six katanas spin around faster, matching Caliber's speed to be able to hit him with more dull attacks. Must keep him away.

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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Three days...three days was all I need till my suit was washed away of its sin and be reborn into something spectacular! That was the problem, what was I suppose to do in three days! I doubt they had a job for a griffon like myself here in the peaceful equestrian empire so I guess that's out of the question,unless I learn how to bake in the course of twenty minutes. With a heavy sigh I calmed myself enough to think clearly. I needed a nap, yeah that's what I'll do find a nice big fluffy cloud and nap all over it. Flying up I dodged some pegasi as I grabbed a cloud. Making sure it was nice and poofy I laid down on it, a wave of comfort flowed through my body as the cloud engulfed my body. "Yeah...I needed this, count on a cloud to make a winged creature happy," I said to myself as I closed my eyes.


 The heavy sand filled winds constantly slamming into my body reminded me I was in the sand filled deserts of Saddle Arabia. Where in morn you die of thirst and at dawn you shiver till your body shattered. Full plate was never really the wises attire to wear in the desert but I had an image to keep. Luckily my partners were kind enough to share some spare cloth they used to protect them form the sand and winds. The griffon next to me wore a shroud and goggles, the musket in his hand was aimed at the road ahead of us. Looking pass the road I saw more of my partners wearing the same equipment eyeing the road just the same. That's when I saw it a flash in the middle of the night. I grabbed on of the explosive tipped spear that was laid across our feet,grabbing a pair of binoculars in the other hand I looked through to see a bunch of carriages. 


  Guards lined the sides of the carriages all equipped with scaled vest and various types of weapons. The usual merchant convoy usually had at least fourteen guards. Only a few of them were out in the open more of them had to be inside the carriages. When the carriages got close enough to the hills the ambush began. Letting out a warlike screech the griffon beside me chucked one of the spears at a carriage. As soon as it made contact the concentrated explosion blasted the carriage on to its side. Following his example I threw the spear in my hand at the wheels of another carriage, the explosion tore of the wheel and a large portion from its front. The guards that survived the explosions scurried out with their weapons drawn looking for the ones responsible for the sudden attack. Multiple loud bangs rang out in the night as more guards were cut down by musket fire from the griffons on the other side of the road. Drawing our swords we flew down to finish off the guards who stood in the way of our loot.


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"Basically." Trixie gave Aknor a wink in response, before coming to a small moment of enlightenment.


"Hey...when we first met, you called my shows hokey. "Rabbit in the hat tricks," if I remember? Well, now that we're here, and we both have free time..."


She magically pressed a button located on the ceiling of the shop. Instantly, all items were swept away on rotating floor and wall panels, leaving nothing but a bare wooden floor and the chairs they were sitting on.


"How'd you like to see a real show?"




Sleight Mist took a pebble to the back. Then another. Then another. Barriers went up to block it while she concentrated.


The steam that had been drifting through the room nearly since the battle began had finally come to saturate the room; she could feel the water clinging to her fur and saturating the air. Which meant she could see. She concentrated, focusing her magic through the water particles in the air. Almost immediately, she could sense a shape running through the mist around her. Perfect.


Reaching out with her magic, she condensed the water around the target, attempting to seal it in a large bubble.




@Orion Caelum

Anette, embraced in Wilhelm's grasp, shook her head behind him.


Wilhelm... Back in the stands, when Electron Wave Storm made fun of me, I made a mistake. I wanted to kill him, Wilhelm, and I would've; I wanted it so badly that I hurt my closest friends in the process. I felt terrible."


She gently pushed away from him so she could look him in the eyes.


"But you were there for me. Remember what you said? Tell the ones that you wronged that you're sorry, and if they forgive you, let it go. It's pointless to hold onto all of that anger and regret, right, Wilhelm?"


She pulled him back into a hug, holding him tightly.


"I forgive you," she whispered.




Somewhere in the world, Discord dropped a pin, and it was silent enough in the room that all of the occupants could hear it. Celestia simply stared at Night Tracer, while Luna cocked her head confusedly.


"You wish to challenge me in the field of combat?" 


Her composure quickly took over, and she righted herself, looking at Night Tracer with a solemn expression.


"Very well, then. But this will be an unofficial match, one designed only to test your abilities and wherewithal in a fight. Furthemore, I will..."


"Lulu." Celestia had finally gained her composure, and had decided to intervene. "You're doing that thing we talked about again; you're taking this too seriously. Night Tracer is obviously trying to have fun, so try not to think about it too much, please?"


Luna took a pause, then promptly nodded.


"Very well then. Come, Night Tracer, let us have..."


She grinned wickedly at him.




Without another word, she teleported them both onto the training field.


...As the two of them disappeared, Celestia took a long breath.


"I never thought the arena could be this...exciting."


She was interrupted from further thought however, by a knocking on the door. Or whatever was left of it. Looking out into the hall, she could see Rainbow Dash and another pony peering in. She broke into a smile.


"Come in, my ponies. Is there something I can help you with?"

Edited by Corona de Adamas
  • Brohoof 1
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Kevin walked in and showed the note to Celestia. His bugs began to crawl along his ear to inspect the princess. They had never seen anything of this magnitude before, and they could sense extreme magical levels within the princess. Nevertheless, he still had an objective, "I found this note on the ground near the lake. It says 'Blizzard is dead'. By chance, do you know anyone by the name of 'Blizzard'? And maybe whether he's alive or not?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Darkrai could tell that something was wrong. Not normal at all. She could plainly see that Kazas was messed up from using his phoenix based form, so she went to him, "Kazas. You're shaking like crazy. Maybe we should head back and get you to the doctor and begin searching again later. If I have to, I'll carry you all the way back there myself."

Kazas's face was a twist of worry, panick, and grief. He couldn't just abandon Ice Blizzard to his fate now, could he? No. That would not be righteous. He had to press on, no matter the cost to himself. As long as there was a possibility of Ice Blizzard surviving, he had to continue the search. It would not be right to abandon him.


Still shaking like a leaf, Kazas planted his bloodied claw on the ground so Darkrai would not be able to see. If she caught a glimpse, he would not know it. He hoped that she didn't. It was very much like him to not want to worry others about his well being, especially his love.


" Darkrai, listen to me. I'm fine, I promise. We have to keep searching. It would not be right to just give up. Do not worry about me."


He smiled faintly. He was still shivering.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Princess Celestia gasped at the mention of Ice Blizzard's name.




The note teleported itself out of the ponies grasp, and into her view. She read it, frowned darkly, then peered over it to stare at the two occupants that had entered the room.


"Where did you find this note? And do you know anything else about it?"

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Kevin replied monotonously, "No idea. Just found this on the ground near the lake. It was folded in a way that resembles a paper airplane. I believe that's how it managed to make its way to me: by wind. But I've no clue on as to who may have thrown this note. Let alone why they wrote what was on it. I decided to tell somepony about this when this Rainbow Mare came out of nowhere and said that you'd be the best one to inform. What do you suggest princess?"


Kazas's face was a twist of worry, panick, and grief. He couldn't just abandon Ice Blizzard to his fate now, could he? No. That would not be righteous. He had to press on, no matter the cost to himself. As long as there was a possibility of Ice Blizzard surviving, he had to continue the search. It would not be right to abandon him.

Still shaking like a leaf, Kazas planted his bloodied claw on the ground so Darkrai would not be able to see. If she caught a glimpse, he would not know it. He hoped that she didn't. It was very much like him to not want to worry others about his well being, especially his love.

" Darkrai, listen to me. I'm fine, I promise. We have to keep searching. It would not be right to just give up. Do not worry about me."

He smiled faintly. He was still shivering.

Darkrai was starting to get worried, "Kazy. Please don't hurt yourself. The kid is pretty tough, so I'm sure he'll make it out here. But if you are really in pain, then I suggest we go back and return searching  later. Or at least take a break ok?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Aknor clapped his hooves happly, "Cool! I didn't intend to see a show tody but this should be good!" I didn't mean to offend you but if this is the result then I guess I did good for once." He sat there happily as the room rotated itself and he waited eagerly for her performance, unsure of what expect.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Well I hit him, but we weren't going for actual damage so they were dull blows. Definitely fast this one. The running in circles thing was interesting. I tried to follow him but figured I'd get dizzy so I used Sparky's sight from a distance to keep track of him instead. "How am I at melee? Actual close range fighting, or melee weapons? If it's the former, terrible actually. Kind of why I figured we should train. I'm not doing a good job of melee, am I?" I wanted to warn him of what happens if somepony touches me, but then I realized we weren't full on fighting and I could only use my weapons. No constructs and no shocking.


I simply made the six katanas spin around faster, matching Caliber's speed to hit him with more dull attacks. Must keep him away.


"okay, leks, lets do this!" he said, stopping suddenly, and dashing straight at her. his sword flashed, and he started a flurry of attacks, his sword fending off all six of her swords, along with himself getting steadily closer.


this alone proved caliber was about equal to six normal swordsponies.


Sleight Mist took a pebble to the back. Then another. Then another. Barriers went up to block it while she concentrated.


The steam that had been drifting through the room nearly since the battle began had finally come to saturate the room; she could feel the water clinging to her fur and saturating the air. Which meant she could see. She concentrated, focusing her magic through the water particles in the air. Almost immediately, she could sense a shape running through the mist around her. Perfect.


Reaching out with her magic, she condensed the water around the target, attempting to seal it in a large bubble.



his trap was set!

hopefully, he can make a big enough charge. within the bubble, his arm burst into flames, dispelling the invisibility spell, and evaporating the bubble. then, he raised his two staffs. water, and lightning. shooting a large volume of water on the ground in sleight's direction, and using the thunder staff to discharge all the lightning inside it.


which is quite a lot.

and the water conducted it.

bouncing from droplet to droplet in the air, and traveling on the wet floor, the lightning storm made it way to the direction rune was shooting.


which was near sleight.


this was rune's last trick. if sleight somehow countered this, and knowing her she probably will, rune will have no magical power left. 


and he's not exactly the best at hoof-to-hoof.

Edited by PeytonJay
  • Brohoof 1


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"Give me a moment; I must make the next tournament announcement. If I don't, my ponies will worry."


Celestia turned to the intercom, flipping it on.


"Attention ponies," she said loudly into the speaker. "The next match has been decided. It will be between Pinkie Pie and Skitz, location: Skyscraper. That is all."


She flipped the intercom off before turning back to him.


"Now, about this note. I will see to it that the pony responsible for this is punished severely. At the time however, I have no reason to trust the validity of this note. The best I can do is perform a magical check for him, though this is not something I do lightly."




"Let's begin, then," Trixie said, grinning. She magically pushed a button on the ceiling, and the lights went out. They came back on... only to reveal that she'd disappeared. From the back of the store, the floor rose, becoming what appeared to be a miniature stage, complete with red velvet curtains.


"Get ready for the last performance of the GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!!!" a voice shouted from seemingly everywhere. As the voice died down, Trixie stepped from behind the right curtain, and gave a bow. In a second, another Trixie joined her from behind the left curtain, giving a similar bow.


"Are you ready?" said a third voice, as a third Trixie popped up behind his chair this time, smirking.




Eyes closed in order to "see" better, Sleight Mist could see Peytonjay shooting water at her ineffectually. She raised one eyebrow in curiosity... and that was when the storm hit her.


Lightning discharged through every part of her body, making her hair stand on end in a manner that would almost be comical if it wasn't for the agonizing pain she was undergoing. Her body twitched like a puppet on a string until the storm ended. When it dissipated, she passed out on the wet floor, unconscious. steam stopped spewing from the water orb, and the room gradually became clear.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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Kevin raised an eyebrow underneath his dark goggles which hid his expression. He was intriuged at the alicorn's ability to 'check' for others without having to see them. Interesting to say the least, "'Check' you say? May I ask how does it work? Will you be able to fin whoever this is?"

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Each of my ponies has a different and unique magical signature extending from their very essence," Celestia began to explain. "Provided a pony is alive and hasn't altered or shielded their signatures from detection, I should be able to sense that signature. If Ice Blizzard is anywhere near this arena, I should be able to find him."


Celestia cast a wing over herself as a warning.


"I urge you to stand back. It's been centuries since I will have used this much power; I do not know what may happen."

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Kevin listened intently to the alicorn. But he felt no actual reason to believe that she could find anyone from almost anywhere. Granted, he knew very little about the princesses and the extent of their power, so this would be interesting to witness.


Without hesitation, he stood far back from Celestia to give her some space.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Aknor grinned in antisipation, "Of course! Go, impress m-- Wha.. How did you so quickly?" He'd just noticed all the Trixies. "Go on, I'm already confused so lets keep it going." He sat, rooted to his chair waiting on her next trick, like a colt would await a new toy on winter's eve.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Rune looked at her unconscious body for the briefest of moments.


He laid down, and started to catch his breath. This had been a tough battle. As long as he could remember, no-ones ever drained him this much. Sleight truly was a dangerous foe.


But...his plan won out, in the end.


Rune was the victor.


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Wilhelm sighed with a mixture of relief and sorrow and leaned down slightly to face Annette, muzzle to muzzle. "Annette... Thank you." He closed his eyes briefly and let those three words hang in the air, weighted as they were with repressed emotion. "Sometimes, I think I l-" He suddenly stopped short mid-sentence, considering that he was rather too busy kissing Annette. After a few moments, he pulled back, cheeks a fiery red, heart beating far faster than normal, and his breath just slightly heavier. "....Anyway." Wilhelm rubbed the back of his neck with a hoof, embarrassed, and he ducked his head slightly to the side.


"So... I'm going to leave for the cave where Carmine died. Ice was thrown from the entrance and I saw him go down among the trees, so if I look carefully, I should be able to track him. If nothing else, I should be able to find his... ahem." Wilhelm shut his eyes for a moment, and then continued as if nothing was said, especially nothing along the lines of 'body'. "Would you do me the honor of coming with me? Two minds are better than one." He expectantly waited for Annette to respond.

Edited by Orion Caelum
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Blizzard was still within his mind, practically crying his eyes out. However, in the real world, rain began to fall on the horizon, with the occasional lightning strike. The rain had made the ground wet and slippery. That coupled with the nearby dirt had started a mudslide. While within his ice, Blizzard's body began to slide downhill in the direction of the river.


He kept sliding with the mud from the rain until he deviated from the river's path, and ended up stopping in a ravine just a few yards from the river. From there it wouldn't seem like he would move anymore. Fortunately, his preservation ice was his most durable and resistant to weathering, and he was under the ravine's cliff and therefore untouchable by the rain.



Once EWS was finally released from the hospital, he grew happy as he flew to the sky, "Haha. It looks like it's gonna rain soon. One of the saddest kinds of weather there is....PERFECT!" he shouted as he began to walk around the town.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"I still don't see why you wanted to walk back home, we could of just taken a train." the stallion whined.


"For Captain of the Royal Guard, you sure aren't very tough," his pink coated partner replied.


"Well, remember that you married that "tough", not to mention handsome stallion," He said cockily.


"Uh, huh," Cadence said as she rubbed the base of her muzzle, "Wonder what I was thinking there." She teased


"Hey!" Shining Armor jabbed at her. In response she laughed, and looked at him with a small smile. He returned the favor and leaned in and kissed her. They both stopped and kept their grins on theiir face. 


"I love you, " Cadence cooed


"I love you too babe, but.... my hooves are killing me, I've got go take a rest. Why did you choose to walk anyway, we could of been back already."

"I've already told you, it's blissful out here. I enjoy the sceneary. But you wouldn't understand that." She rolled her eyes and followed her partner who laid down in the shade under a tall oak tree. She laid beside him and nuzzled her body into his chest and shut her eyes.

It'd be a long trip back to Bangcolt, best they'd get there rest. 

Miles upon miles upon miles upon miles, lye a seemingly lifeless body, awaiting, seeking,  pleading for life.




Night Tracer smiled as Luna was corrected by Celestia, she wasn't looking at him at the moment so he thought it was ok. 

She then turned and smiled wickedly at Night Tracer and walked toward him. He snickered, "Fun," he mocked. As he did so, Luna transported them to a training arena, "Aw, I was hoping for the real deal," he was still excited to give it a go with her or anyone for that matter, since fighting seemed to be what drove the town.

"You're going to go easy on me right?" He joked; he took out his Kukri's from his bag and his necklace.

He grasped the necklace at he latched it around his neck. Instantly it glowed a vibrant color, stronger than usual, "Oh, this is going to be fun, " he thought.

He looked up at her and smirked, "Ready, whenever you are. The first move is yours." 

@@Mars Orbit


Pinkie Pie narrowed her eyes at Skitz and got down real low. She then bolted towards him as fast as she could. She left a trail of pink flames and her legs spun like wheels as she charged directly toward him. 

Before she could reach him, she jumped straight into the air and perhaps 30 foot in the air, which would be practically impossible for any normal Earth pony but Pinkie Pie was everything but. 

She dove down towards Skitz as if she were about to jump in a pool. 


Thanks dude.


The CMC were walking to SugarKube Korner, all of them talking amongst each other. Sweetie Belle held a not in her hand as the girls conversed over it.


"Some guy name Ice Blizzard."

"Does it say how he died?"


Sweetie flipped the card to its back then to its front again and read carefully. "NOPE!" she shouted and busted the other two's eardurms, "Hehe, oops sorry. I've got to stop doing that."


Scootaloo rubbed the inside of her ear with her hoof, "Yeah, you do. It's sort of starting to leave a lasting impression. I can't go to sleep without hearing ringing in my ears."

"Enough about Squeaky; it say anything else, Squeaky?

"Nope." Sweetie Belle, folded it a few times over and made a paper airplane out of it. She smiled at it, then threw it. 

"You think that was important? You think we should of told someone?" Applebloom asked.

Scootaloo piped up before Sweetie could reconsider her decision, "Nope, probably some crude joke."

The trio walked inside SugarKube Korner and sat down at a round, tawny table; awaiting to be served. 

Edited by louisvillepride


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Skitz flew back quickly, metal waffles clanking together as he flew. "At least say hi first. Goodness. So rude." When he saw her hit the ground he quickly sped towards her and swung for an uppercut while she was recovering from diving. "This will be fuuun."

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"BAAAH!! MY BUTT!!!" He said as her kick connected. "That hurt. Whhhyyyy?" He was pushed forward but avoided falling on his face. "I'm gonna lose every fight won't I?" He flew off the roof of the sky scraper and moved to where if she wanted to hit him she would have to be able to fly, which she definitely will find a way to do.

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"BAAAH!! MY BUTT!!!" He said as her kick connected. "That hurt. Whhhyyyy?" He was pushed forward but avoided falling on his face. "I'm gonna lose every fight won't I?" He flew off the roof of the sky scraper and moved to where if she wanted to hit him she would have to be able to fly, which she definitely will find a way to do.


She watched as he fell off the edge, "Haha, right in the Flank! That'll show ya! Uh, huh, oh yeah, go Pinkie, it's your bithday." she chanted and danced.

She peered over the edge once more to look for Skitz, "I hope he's okay," she muttered. She waited for Skitz to return, anxiously. 


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She watched as he fell off the edge, "Haha, right in the Flank! That'll show ya! Uh, huh, oh yeah, go Pinkie, it's your bithday." she chanted and danced.

She peered over the edge once more to look for Skitz, "I hope he's okay," she muttered. She waited for Skitz to return, anxiously.


He stayed right under where she could see. "Can't think." He said angrily to himself. "Clleeeaaaarrrr yooouuuurrr heeeaaad." He said in a calming tone activating skitz force. "Five minutes." He dropped the brass off his hooves "gotta be light." He grabbed some steel waffles and flew up. He got high in the sky and started to throw them at her, aiming for her, where he believed she would dodge to, and a few just to make her focus on more things flying in her direction.
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"I still don't see why you wanted to walk back home, we could of just taken a train." the stallion whined.


"For Captain of the Royal Guard, you sure aren't very tough," his pink coated partner replied.


"Well, remember that you married that "tough", not to mention handsome stallion," He said cockily.


"Uh, huh," Cadence said as she rubbed the base of her muzzle, "Wonder what I was thinking there." She teased


"Hey!" Shining Armor jabbed at her. In response she laughed, and looked at him with a small smile. He returned the favor and leaned in and kissed her. They both stopped and kept their grins on theiir face. 


"I love you, " Cadence cooed


"I love you too babe, but.... my hooves are killing me, I've got go take a rest. Why did you choose to walk anyway, we could of been back already."


"I've already told you, it's blissful out here. I enjoy the sceneary. But you wouldn't understand that." She rolled her eyes and followed her partner who laid down in the shade under a tall oak tree. She laid beside him and nuzzled her body into his chest and shut her eyes.


It'd be a long trip back to Bangcolt, best they'd get there rest. 


Miles upon miles upon miles upon miles, lye a seemingly lifeless body, awaiting, seeking,  pleading for life.





Night Tracer smiled as Luna was corrected by Celestia, she wasn't looking at him at the moment so he thought it was ok. 


She then turned and smiled wickedly at Night Tracer and walked toward him. He snickered, "Fun," he mocked. As he did so, Luna transported them to a training arena, "Aw, I was hoping for the real deal," he was still excited to give it a go with her or anyone for that matter, since fighting seemed to be what drove the town.


"You're going to go easy on me right?" He joked; he took out his Kukri's from his bag and his necklace. He threw the fromer back in the bag and but took something attached to the base of it and slipped it behind his ear. 


He grasped the necklace at he latched it around his neck. Instantly it glowed a vibrant color, stronger than usual, "Oh, this is going to be fun, " he thought.


He looked up at her and smirked, "Ready, whenever you are. The first move is yours." 


@@Mars Orbit


Pinkie Pie narrowed her eyes at Skitz and got down real low. She then bolted towards him as fast as she could. She left a trail of pink flames and her legs spun like wheels as she charged directly toward him. 


Before she could reach him, she jumped straight into the air and perhaps 30 foot in the air, which would be practically impossible for any normal Earth pony but Pinkie Pie was everything but. 


She dove down towards Skitz as if she were about to jump in a pool. 





The CMC were walking to SugarKube Korner, all of them talking amongst each other. Sweetie Belle held a not in her hand as the girls conversed over it.




"Some guy name Ice Blizzard."


"Does it say how he died?"


Sweetie flipped the card to its back then to its front again and read carefully. "NOPE!" she shouted and busted the other two's eardurms, "Hehe, oops sorry. I've got to stop doing that."


Scootaloo rubbed the inside of her ear with her hoof, "Yeah, you do. It's sort of starting to leave a lasting impression. I can't go to sleep without hearing ringing in my ears."


"Enough about Squeaky; it say anything else, Squeaky?


"Nope." Sweetie Belle, folded it a few times over and made a paper airplane out of it. She smiled at it, then threw it. 


"You think that was important? You think we should of told someone?" Applebloom asked.


Scootaloo piped up before Sweetie could reconsider her decision, "Nope, probably some crude joke."


The trio walked inside SugarKube Korner and sat down at a round, tawny table; awaiting to be served. 

With a whoosh and boom, Speed arrived at at the Sweet Shop with Flash in tow on a skateboard. She and her brother were hungry from their trip to the Arena to see their sister. Fortunately they had been given money for the trip. Unfortunately most of it would be spent on snacks right now. She spoke with a noticeable Manehattan accent. "Twoofyourfinestcheesecakesplease, withchocolatesyrupandchocolatechipsontop." She floated compensation for the older mare whom she didn't know and accepted the cakes. Her brother took his cake as well.


Looking around, the fraternal twins saw three other young ponies. "Hi! I'mSpeed, andthisisFlash. Canwesitwithyouplease?" She whooshed over, followed by her brother following normally.


Figuring they wouldn't refuse, she floated her cake on the table as her brother did the same. "We're fraternal twins, and Speed always talks fast. You can share some of our cake if you'd like. What's your names, eh?"

"okay, leks, lets do this!" he said, stopping suddenly, and dashing straight at her. his sword flashed, and he started a flurry of attacks, his sword fending off all six of her swords, along with himself getting steadily closer.


this alone proved caliber was about equal to six normal swordsponies.




his trap was set!

hopefully, he can make a big enough charge. within the bubble, his arm burst into flames, dispelling the invisibility spell, and evaporating the bubble. then, he raised his two staffs. water, and lightning. shooting a large volume of water on the ground in sleight's direction, and using the thunder staff to discharge all the lightning inside it.


which is quite a lot.

and the water conducted it.

bouncing from droplet to droplet in the air, and traveling on the wet floor, the lightning storm made it way to the direction rune was shooting.


which was near sleight.


this was rune's last trick. if sleight somehow countered this, and knowing her she probably will, rune will have no magical power left. 


and he's not exactly the best at hoof-to-hoof.

"Leks? It's like you can read minds or something. That's my nickname from back home." I was impressed. I was about to kick it up when a particularly strong mana signature appeared nearby.


I took a couple of seconds just trying to make sure I was reading it properly, making sure to fend him off as best as I could. That could only be one of the royals. I looked through Sparky's sight and sure enough Luna was the one that teleported in. She had a stallion with her. I turned to Caliber. "Pause a bit. Do you feel what I feel? Princess Luna just came under the effect of my Magic Booster. This won't end well."


Figuring he would turn off the machine for me before the Princess blew up the planet from not realizing how cheap her spells were, I headed over. Bowing first as was customary respect, I spoke. "Hello there Princess. Were you going to train here too? Caliber and I were practicing here." I felt awkward. Extremely. I hoped it didn't show on my face.

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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Kevin replied monotonously, "No idea. Just found this on the ground near the lake. It was folded in a way that resembles a paper airplane. I believe that's how it managed to make its way to me: by wind. But I've no clue on as to who may have thrown this note. Let alone why they wrote what was on it. I decided to tell somepony about this when this Rainbow Mare came out of nowhere and said that you'd be the best one to inform. What do you suggest princess?"



Darkrai was starting to get worried, "Kazy. Please don't hurt yourself. The kid is pretty tough, so I'm sure he'll make it out here. But if you are really in pain, then I suggest we go back and return searching  later. Or at least take a break ok?"

' Kazy '.


Just the sound of that almost made him want to chuckle. Already, his special somepony was coming up with cute nicknames? Well, she certainly knew how to make him smile, even in a serious situation. With her so close, he gently pressed his forehead against hers, a Leovian sign of affection, and spoke softly. As he did so, he twirled his unbloodied claw in her mane carefully. It was almost strange, being in love with a pony. He didn't know their romantic customs or mannerisms very well, so he could not tell if this was making her uncomfortable or not. It was just... something that came from the heart.


" Darkrai... If you are that worried, let's take a break, okay? But I still want to remain near the woods. The Phoenixes that I sent in there will need to be able to get to us as quickly as possible. And Darky... thank you for your concern. I love you."


He said, then going to perform an action he hadn't quite yet; a light kiss, on the forehead. He didn't actually know how to kiss an Equestrian, and was worried that his beak would hurt her, and so he did so slowly and carefully.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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