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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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Tyra held on as tight as she could to the stone armour, but the bucking of the monstrous Ursa was becoming stronger.


So much stronger, in fact, that it caused her axe to dislodge from the rock and she was sent flying into the sky!


She watched helplessly as the Ursa beast positioned itself to where she would land.

Tyra swallowed some air, trying to think of a plan. The beast was far too large and sturdy to destroy from where she was before.


But perhaps, now that she got such a lift...yes, that should work!


The young viking got a firm grip on her axe in her jaw, and positioned herself into a dive.

As the great ursa arose to a bipedal position as it had succeeded in sending Tyra high into the air, it pointed it's head skywards, and slowly, opened its mouth wide, revealing a great set of stone teeth, and roaring loud enough to split the heavens! Keeping his jaws open, it was evident that he was aiming to consume Tyra!




Kazas, smiling, chuckled ever so slightly again, and spoke.


" You think so? Haha... He's never reached this level before. I think... That Tyra can help him push even further...."

Edited by Hokuto's Heir
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As the great ursa arose to a bipedal position as it had succeeded in sending Tyra high into the air, it pointed it's head skywards, and slowly, opened its mouth wide, revealing a great set of stone teeth, and roaring loud enough to split the heavens! Keeping his jaws open, it was evident that he was aiming to consume Tyra!


Tyra's eyes widened as she watched the Ursa rear up, using her leg to shield her face from the roar. Its jaws kept wide open, as if it were...


...as if it were planning to eat her!


The viking swallowed another breath of air, and had to think fast.

If I cannot destroy you from the outside...then I shall try from the inside!


She allowed herself to enter the Ursa's gaping maw, using her axe to slow her descent into what could be its oesophagus.

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A simple question, to start off. He was relieved it was nothing to close to home but he would of liked a deeper question as he enjoyed conversing about much more important topics. Getting true answers; so to speak. 


"Well, I got a bachelor's degree in Creative Writing, I keep a journal of important documents and countless stories. So I suppose I enjoy writing. Uh, messing around with my Kukri's and if I could ever get my hooves on a pair of Sai's again then those as well." He explained, "I enjoy flying at exhilarating speeds, feeling the wind run through my coat, I enjoy sports, I enjoy socialize with friends, bummer I missed out on a lot of it when was young. So far, I've thoroughly enjoyed my time with Luna as well as yourself. Uh... that's all I can think of off the top of my head." He finished after talking rather quickly, not touching on one of his interests any longer than the former. 


"Respond and what not, any thoughts to my interests. Lay 'em on me but I'm going to go ahead and ask my question so you can answer afterward. Seems to help move things along, y'know?" He was wanting to talk to her as much as possible; that way, she wouldn't pick up another drink. "My question is..." He tapped is hooves up against the table, "What did you think of your parents?" He said inquistively as he leaned back in his chair, eyeing Celestia curiosly. 

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caliber sighed, being set into the bed. he heard sleight say 'sorry' and he felt bad again all over. and, very softly,  he whispered to himself.


"i blew it."


unless a pony was paying rapt attention, that little comment would go unheard.




zenru got up. apparently, she wasn't going to find him. he started aimlessly wandering, looking for her. he wanted to make another friend, and let them know that you never have to do anything alone.

Edited by PeytonJay
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Ash instinctively leaned back as Pinkie Pie got in his face again; he honestly had no idea what she was going on about lava patches and chocolate rain; although a relaxing lava bath sounded good right about now. Ash sighed and shook his head. It seems this pony wasn’t going to take no for an answer, her loss. “Hmph, I guess I can’t stop you. Just don’t expect me to save you if you get yourself in trouble.”

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@@Star Saber,


Pinkie Pie and Ash had begun walking north; Pinkie Pie, was more so bouncing than walking. She beamed brightly and pulled Ash close to her side as she kept bouncing.  


"Don't worry about me Ashie," She giggled and snorted, "I'll be just fine, I've played the role of an almighty conquering king, this shouldn't be too haaAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDd" She screamed as she steeped onto a pile of leaves...which, ultimately was a Griffon resident's hunter's trap. She plummeted through the ground, pulling Ash with her. 


Pinkie Pie landed on Flank, "Umph," she exclaimed as she hit the bottom of the deep, dusty, dirt hole. She rubbed her head which strangely had a bump on it, odd since she didn't hit her head. "Sorry Ashie," She cheekily smiled, while blushing.

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Tyra's eyes widened as she watched the Ursa rear up, using her leg to shield her face from the roar. Its jaws kept wide open, as if it were...


...as if it were planning to eat her!


The viking swallowed another breath of air, and had to think fast.

If I cannot destroy you from the outside...then I shall try from the inside!


She allowed herself to enter the Ursa's gaping maw, using her axe to slow her descent into what could be its oesophagus.

Within the ursa's body, one could digress that it was definitely not a living organism. It was almost completely hollow, save for the same goldish-brown life force energy flowing to multiple portions of the body, creating a kind of skeleton that worked as a base for the outer stone shell. Any warrior with at least half a brain could assume that, by following the steady stream of power that outlined the beast's skeletal portions, that they could find the epicenter of the beast's heart; Lorec. The stream that ran up the esophagus was convening with the other streams, in what would've been the ursa's stomach, as it just appeared as a giant, hollowed out cavern, with Lorec kneeling over, palms on the ground, and the aura exuding from him and into the body of the beast. His eyes were pupil-less, and glowing as well. His face looked as though he were in a trance...

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Within the ursa's body, one could digress that it was definitely not a living organism. It was almost completely hollow, save for the same goldish-brown life force energy flowing to multiple portions of the body, creating a kind of skeleton that worked as a base for the outer stone shell. Any warrior with at least half a brain could assume that, by following the steady stream of power that outlined the beast's skeletal portions, that they could find the epicenter of the beast's heart; Lorec. The stream that ran up the esophagus was convening with the other streams, in what would've been the ursa's stomach, as it just appeared as a giant, hollowed out cavern, with Lorec kneeling over, palms on the ground, and the aura exuding from him and into the body of the beast. His eyes were pupil-less, and glowing as well. His face looked as though he were in a trance...


Tyra descended into the Ursa, deducing that it was indeed not a real living creature. The bones flowing through its body were not natural, and its skin was all rock.


She descended what she supposed was the stomach, which was more like a cavern. Lorec was knelt down in the middle, the familiar aura emanating from him. She slowly and carefully approached him.


"Lorec!" She called to him.

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Kazas, smiling, chuckled ever so slightly again, and spoke. " You think so? Haha... He's never reached this level before. I think... That Tyra can help him push even further...."

Vera was amazed as the giant stone bear seemingly ate Tyra. "Woah! You're right. But I think this game is pretty much won at this point. I don't see how she could get her way out of this one."


Vera was practially on the edge of her seat as she watched the battle.

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“Wha- Damnit damnit damnit!” Ash yelled as he was pulled unwillingly into the pit; his uninjured wing flapped frantically in hopes of staying out of the pit but it wasn’t enough and the dragon ended up plummeting into the pit and landing on his face. His claws clenched digging into the dirt, as he pushed himself onto his knees. Ash glared daggers at Pinkie Pie as he fumed a small gout of flame from the corner of his mouth. “You’re going to be the death of me pony…”


Ash then stood up and began climbing out of the pit by digging his claws into the dirt wall surrounding the two of them.

Edited by Star Saber
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Celestia couldn't deny she was intrigued by Night Tracer's answers. Particularly the part that involved friends, as he had yet to mention any of them to her at all in the time they'd been together. She made the assumption that Vinyl Scratch and Octavia were on the list, judging by their brief interaction with him on the stage, and decided not to press on it further.


"You have a very interesting set of talents. It's not something that pops up all that often, but I myself used to fly with Commander Hurricane back before he became the Wonderbolt's founder and leader. I never won a single race," she said with a chuckle, "but it sure felt good trying."


She broke off from reminiscing to bring up another one of Night Tracer's points.


"I wish I could help you with your sai problem, but aside from the personal one forged by my magic, all weapons are locked away in various places in and around Canterlot. Obviously, we can't allow ponies to get their hands on potentially rare and dangerous artifacts, so we keep them locked away for safekeeping. I do not know if you have heard of the Inspiration Manifestation and the events that transpired around it recently, but that was one of them. I still can't for the life of me figure out that got into Ponyville, let alone into the hands of one of the elements." she muttered, not even bothering to try to figure it out. She had put her head to it months ago and come up with nothing.


It was at this point that she personally realized she was stalling; she didn't want to talk about her parents. She did, in fact, have them, but it was a topic that came up so little that she assumed that they had simply faded into myths and legends over time, and then beyond that. To her pleasure Now that she was being asked directly, she wondered whether she even wanted to recount the tale.


Finally she gave in, almost deflating with the force of her exhale. She looked up at Night Tracer and began.


"Our mother's name was Harmony. Most ponies believe us to be flawless, perfect beings, but they are wrong. Powerful beyond measure, beautiful beyond description, and incapable of making mistakes, she was beyond us, beyond even the concept an alicorn. That name is an imperfection, relegated to lesser beings such as ourselves. I am nothing compared to my mother." she confessed, exhaling again and adding a particularly long and drawn out blink for good measure.


"Even perfection has its flaws, however. For my mother, it was that she lacked foresight. How could she possess it, when everything was as it should be to her? An endless line of plans and grand ideas, rolling onward into eternity with no bumps in the road. A perfect universe. Until she met my father."


Celestia reached down instinctively for her drink. When she realized she had put it back, and was no holding water, her flitted up at Night Tracer guiltily before falling back down.


"Our father, Chaos, was just as brilliant and awe inspiring as my mother. He had little power to speak of at the time, but what he lacked in raw ability, he more than made up for in guile. He came to my mother as a light in the darkness, wooing her under the guise of good intentions, as well as the assertion that he just wanted to fit in her plans. Naturally my mother agreed, because it was beyond her ability to see the truth. That my father... was an absolute monster."


She couldn't stop now; she was too absorbed in the story. Anger flashed in her eyes, like twin supernova's going in the dim heart of the hall.


"Our father's heart was powered by evil and darkness, and the sick joy of seeing my mother fail. He whispered lovingly in her ear, worshiped her work, all the while secretly undoing every one of her creations behind her back. Planets she created, he tore apart. The animals she gave life to, he turned into monsters and demons. Entire worlds and civilizations built from nothing, then twisted and ruined for his amusement. All the while he grew stronger from the destruction that was caused, while my mother grew unnoticeably weaker. This all before we were born, and when Equis was just a speck of thought in our mother's eye." she noted, calming down once again.


"It all changed after that fact, after our mother sired us and the perfect world Equis was built. There came a time when our father decided that he was powerful enough to where he could oppose Harmony and defeat her, permanently. And why not? He no longer needed her, because he believed in his twisted mind that me and my sister would make perfectly good replacements, young as we were. He attacked my mother as soon on one fateful day of weakness, and it was only then that she finally realized what had laid inside him all this time."


No anger this time, just sadness and pain. Her eyes grew slightly misty, but she continued regardless.


"She fought back, savagely. The whole of creation shook from the fight; planets were annihilated by the millions, stars went out, flickering like candles, whole galaxies shook and were shredded to pieces above our heads. But, we were safe. It seemed like our father had made a grievous error in challenging our mother as early as he did, for she was still the stronger one in the fight. Giving up some of her power to protect us, then, left them even. Which meant there was only one way this battle could conclude."


Not even sadness now, just the pain.


"They struck each other down. My father was completely destroyed, scattered to the furthest reaches of space and beyond time, while my mother fell from the sky, dying on the planet that she saved for our sake. She disappeared after that; we never got to see her before the end."


And with that, she concluded her story, closing the long book on her history once again. It was only at this point that she realized that Night Tracer had simply asked what she thought of her parents, and she looked at him apologetically.


"I'm sorry, I did not mean to speak so long on this subject. It seems I just got caught up." she admitted, eyes now clear and devoid of any of the emotion seen earlier. "I hope I answered your question..."




Sleight Mist didn't hear Caliber say a word, so she assumed he was asleep. She leaned over, lightly brushing his mane back as he slept.


She had been sent here to kill him. Some very powerful, very persistent ponies wanted to make sure that the hero that had taken care of Eclipse was properly disposed of, and had promised her a lot of money in the event that she saw it through. But, she had messed up, and done the one thing no assassin was meant to do; get too close to the client. Now here he was, drunk and practically helpless, one sharp barrier away from a mission success, and she couldn't even raise a hoof against him. She had failed, but she had also failed him. She didn't know which one was worse at this point. 


"I blew it," she whispered softly to herself as she lay on the bed, still stroking Caliber's mane.




"Oh, maybe I should," Rarity replied, feeling a little dizzy after all of that dancing. She moved back over to her table, stumbling a little as she walked.


"But I was having the most wonderful time," she mentioned as she finally made it back to her table and sat down. "Out there, on the dance floor, with you, it felt like... I felt like..." she tried to force the words out, but nothing would come to her through a combination of nerves and alcohol. She settled for the simplest answer.


"I felt happy." She blurted out, the words coming out in a rush. She looked up at Ice Blizzard, eyes bright and revealing.




Rainbow Dash glared at Lightning Dust with hostility, as she approached, not even remotely happy to see her. This pegasus had nearly cost her her wings and cost her the lives of her friends, two things that were very much not cool with her. It had partially been her fault as well, but she had ideally hoped to never see her again.


But still, a challenge was a challenge, and Rainbow Dash was not eager to turn one down, especially in front of a fan. She flew slowly over to Lightning Dust, holding out her hoof.


"You're on, Lightning Dust. But only on two conditions. One, you can't cheat to win, and two, you can't do anything that's crazy or would endanger the lives of anypony around you. Shake on it." she said forcefully, looking down pointedly at her hoof.

  • Brohoof 1
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Aknor soghed in releif, at least she had come back. "Hmm." He nudged her fpod towards her, "Your meal arrived while you were conversing with the princess. Mine's still good so yours should be too." He said, hoping to cheer her up a bit. "If you want, we could move tables so that she isn't directly in your sight if that'd help?" He asked, hoping to get away from what could ruin the meal. "And remember," he said as the pony on the stage began singing, "We're here to have fun." He said with a smile and wink.

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 @Little Red


rune grinned at red, and then ruby. "no problem." he said, hopping off the stage. he went to get a cup of water, as that little performance he did really took a lot of magical energy to pull off.




caliber laid there, distantly feeling her stroke his hair, regretting that he took that bet, that he suggested that they go to the ball, that he had agreed to dance...


he started drifting off to sleep, with these troubling thoughts. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Blizzard thought to himself when he saw Rarity try to walk back to the table, "Hmm. The alcohol must be getting to her."


When he got back to the table, he heard Rarity say she felt happy out there with him. That was literally the best thing he could have ever heard in his life. He felt so accomplished within himself that he had made Rarity, the pony he loved, happy. It was like a dream come true. To the point where nothing could make him any happier at that moment.


"I...made her....h-happy....?" He blushed, and was stuck in a trance of love and surprise for a moment, until he regained control, and stopped blushing. He went and sat down at the table, opposite from Rarity, and looked into her beautiful eyes. He smiled, "Aw, you're welcome Raresy. I-I'm glad you had a good time. I loved dancing with you. You were like a graceful swan out there. So beautiful, and yet full of skill at the same time. Can't wait to dance with you tomorrow...in our sparring match haha."


In his mind, however, Ice was trying to best to hold back his joyful tears. In his thoughts, his voice started to break, "She looks so happy. I-I did it. I made this date a success. I made the date go well, she's happy, and I'm happy. *sniff* So..happy...I love you, Rarity."


Coversely, he was nowhere near ready to admit his feelings outright. But maybe soon. For now, Ice knew that Rarity was, indeed, drunk. He knew that the best thing to do to supress the alcohol in one's system, was to eat. However, since Rarity had a delicate body, he wanted to get her something light, so she wouldn't throw up.


He flagged down a waiter and asked for something. The waiter returned with a basket of small heart-shaped cookies for dessert. "The bread within the cookies will help slow down some of that alcoholic metabolism in her system. So at least she won't feel a big of a headache the next morning."


Ice ate one of the cookies, "So...I'll be over by your place, ready to model some of your clothes at 3:00 tomorrow. And then afterwards we can go practice together ok?"


He ate another cookie, but didn't want to seem greedy. After all, they were for her, "Hey, Rarity, you gotta try one of these cookies, they're delicious." Hopefully, if she wasn't hungry, she'd decline so that she wouldn't end up throwing up. He also knew that, pretty soon, Rarity would need to go home and get some rest from all that eating, drinking and dancing. But with the scheduled rainfall, he knew that walking her home would definetly be the best notion.

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Night Tracer stared blankly at Celestia, not showing much emotional empathy or sympathy all though he felt a lot. It was almost overwhelming for him to hear someone who suffered the same as he did. It was, comforting yet unsettling. Emotions scattered across his body, his brain turned numb and he choked up. He didn't speak; he couldn't. He was almost awestruck...


He sat in his chair motionless, and when he finally mustered up the courage to speak he apologized, "I'm so sorry, I didn't know... Celestia you didn't have to tell me all, no, any of that. I asked an unfair question and that's one I shouldn't of put you through... I'm just so sorry, I can't... imagine how that feels," He lied, "Dammit, why'd you say that, you owe it to her. She spilt her guts and you're just going to sit here," his concious scolded.


He felt bad for not only asking what he did but not telling her the truth. He hoped she wouldn't ask the same question in return, then he'd be in some trouble.


He wasn't sure what to say next, so he didn't, he sung. He tapped his hooves against the table to symbolize drumns being beaten with drumsticks; " I'll show there's another side to me, you can't deny. I may not know what the future holds; but hear me when I say that my past does not define me, cause my past is not today." He smiled up at Celestia while singing in a cheerful as well as hopeful tone, "Do you know the song? Of course you do! Well, it's a song that I used to sing all the time to remind myself to always keep my head up and my hooves on the ground. I suggest you should try singing it. It helps; I promise." He sat smiling at her, hoping he had lightened the mood at least a little bit

Edited by Not Safe For Woona
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Rain Shadow took a long, concentrated look at Lektra, staring intensely at her as she took yet another trip to the open bar. She promptly threw her hooves up in the air.


"Nope, can't say that I have. Honestly, i'd think i'd remember you, you have this way of... standing out." She gave a half-grin, perfectly designed for a comment that was a half-joke. It would be incredibly hard to forget this mare.


"Anyways, i'm a changeling researcher at Ponyville,..."


Probably the only one, she thought with exasperation, but kept it to herself.


"And yes, I do like mares, which i'm guessing is...not a problem to you."

"I really try not to stand out, I swear. This is just my best outfit, if you can even call it an outfit." I was eating and some of the waiters were getting annoyed at how much I was eating. Some were commenting and wondering where I put it all, thinking I didn't hear. Yea, right.


I looked her over, reading her mana when she said she researches changelings. The mana flow was all wrong. It just felt wrong for a Pegasus. Aren't they supposed to be good with the weather? Her mana was just all over her body. The only thing I did was just nod at that. Something just felt off with that statement is all. It made me suspicious.


"Nope, no problem at all. Preferred, actually." I listened to the music. Not bad, not bad. When they went to just basic music again I turned back to Rain.


"Mind if we go around the Hall? I was hoping to pass out my business cards, but you're interesting to talk to." I moved to float around the attendees, hoping she would follow as I nonchalantly began to talk up the strangers and hoof out business cards. The hum of the suit floating and the look of it in general caught attention.

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Trixie looked up, at Aknor. She was still caught up over what had just happened, and couldn't quite return the smile genuinely yet. But, she did nod in response.


"You're right," she agreed. "And no, I don't need to switch seats. Let's just forget it happened."


She picked through her food in silence for a moment, stewing in her own anger, before quickly, the tables turned. She decided that she had enough of moping for the night. She had a date, she paid ridiculous amounts of money for this place, and she was going to enjoy it, Celestia be damned. Literally.


"So, Aknor, what were we talking about before I left?" she asked as she looked up. Hopefully, she could re-kindle the conversation and the night before they both went out completely.




Rarity took Ice Blizzard's advice and popped one of the cookies into her mouth, and it was only her hard-lined self-control that kept her from attacking the rest of the box. Instead, she ate slowly, savoring the taste. Like a small sun had just exploded in her mouth.


"These are amazing, Ice Blizzard." But, it all had been, she realized as she thought back over the events so far. Like a dream come to life. She put the cookies down, slowly, and moved over to look at Ice Blizzard, gazing at him with a look more genuine than solid gold.


"Thank you for such a wonderful night."




Sleight Mist had thought that she was going to stay there all night, just sitting by Caliber's side. However, the anger that had been gnawing at her all night told her otherwise. She needed to leave and let go, or she would explode. Possibly literally.


She left a note attached on the door as she left, informing Caliber when he woke up that she had gone off to the training grounds. She also left him a present in the fridge; a large supply of cold white pasta and some salad that she had managed to swipe from the buffet line when she left, both of which would easily last for a while.


She made it to the training grounds easily enough, and what followed would be the most vicious, violent, and intense work out session that she had ever pushed herself through.




The mare with the leafy green mane and tail walked until she was physically unable to anymore. She figured she had made it far enough away from the swordspony to lose him, though, so she decided to stop, camping under a large tree in one of the few rare open spots in the forest.


She leaned back against the tree, gazed up at the stars, and cried herself to sleep.


"My past does not define me, cause my past is not today..."


She finished singing the line. In hindsight, it was something that should have been ridiculous, but it fit, and it sounded so familiar... Celestia once again couldn't resist folding under a grin, light but clearly present.


"Thank you, Night Tracer." She opened her eyes, and they radiated gratitude. Night Tracer had done it again; made her smile in his own incredibly strange way. Just like Starswirl...


She didn't dwell on the thought too long. She had her own question to ask after all.


"Night Tracer, what is your happiest personal memory?" she asked, moving into what she hoped was still safe territory.



"Okay, let's go around the hall, then," Rain Shadow replied cheerfully as she followed Lektra. She was so excited; it had only been minutes at this party, and she had already made a potential friend in all of this confusion!


She moved with her, secretly glad that most of the attention was being absorbed by her new friend for now.


"So...Lektra Bolt of Bolt solutions, right?" she recalled. "What exactly does your job entail?" She guessed manufacturer of some sort, but there was only one way to find out.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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@@Star Saber,


"Sorry, Ashie." She frowned, but she didn't stay down for long; as she got an idea. A fluorescent lightbulb lit above her head and she jumped up with excitment, ultimately hitting the seemingly imaginative entity.  It shattered over her but miraculously none of the glass got in her skin, "Owie, who put that there?" She exclaimed before continuing on to execute her plan. Which she forgot...


She sat back down and put her hoof to her chin while she began thinking. A few moments later she got another idea, she reached above her and pulled down another lightbulb which has magically appeared as she got another idea. Pinkie proceeded to pull her party canon out of Celestia doesn't even no where and jumps in. Pinkie reached over the side and plugged in the lightbulb to the base of the canon. As she did so, the particles in the lightbulb began moving rapidly; creating kinetic energy. Eventually the particles began to move so rapid that the glass lightbulb busted and the energy was transferred to the canon, blasting Pinkie Pie out of the hole and onto the topsoil. 


She sat up and trotted over to the side of the hole's edge. She glanced down to see Ash struggling to pull himself up and out of the aperture. "Do you need any help, Ashie?" She inquired in a concerned tone. 



"Fine, but your no fun. Wouldn't need to do either of those even without you." she extended her hoof and shook Rainbow's. While doing so she looked away towards Lighting Strike, "You ready to watch your idle get her flank handed to her?" She taunted, yet again. She new Rainbow Dash alreadyd didn't want her here so there wasn't mucht to lose from trash talking.  



Octavia who had left the kitchen mid performance and came out to talk to a waitress about something had overheard Rune's performance from the back which sounded rather good, for a nightclub. Or so she thought. She watched his performance nervously, "Oh dear, what if someone important sees that let a total performance go on, on MY stage. No one will even look at me. That doesnt showcase any culture. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. This is a nightmare." She panicked and ran towards the wings of the stage of the wings as Rune concluded his performance.


As Rune walked off with Vinyl she smiled and gave him a high hoof only for their interaction to be cut short by Octavia, "What have you done! Why the hell would you do that sort of thing, what kind of a party do you think this is? It isn't a club! People, very important people are watching. Do you have no sense?" Octavia questioned, a third nervous, a third scared, a third furious.  Vonyl watched as her friend freaked out over something seemingly minute yet again. 



He was glad to see her smiling again, one of his many talents, not to make someone smile necessarily but to make them feel. For being a writer, I suppose he would have to have be pretty good at working with emotions or else he wouldn't be a very good writer. 


He then continued on to answer Celestia's question for him, "My past... what a lovely topic," he pretended to be entranced by nostalgia. "I remember my grandfather, my brother and I going bowling one day. It wouldn't seem like much but it mattered a lot, it wasn't more of the activity as it was what the they said while doing it. More of the interaction. Y'know? Not what you do, but who you do it with." He concluded, as much as he hated his past he did have some good memories but most had faded due to the fact they were overwhelemed and squandered by the bad. 


"Moving on from that, What's your favorite thing about Luna?" He inquired. 

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rune looked at octavia, who started ranting. 


so he did what any reasonable pony in his hooves would've done. he answered each and every question to the best of his ability.


"what have i done? i put on a show! why the 'hell' would i do it? because the crowd loves a good show! what kind of party do i think this is? a ball party, of course! this isnt a club? of course not, couldn't you tell right off the bat? i know important ponies are watching, and im sure they loved the show! have i no sense?" his voice suddenly got a lot more serious. "depends on how im feeling."


rune then started to walk away, to get that drink.

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Octavia was prepared to let Rune have it as he thought he knew something different than Octavia did but he didn't. Or so Octavia saw it that way. Vinyl walked up behind Octavia and pulled her by her shoulder so she would face her. Vinyl offered her sentiment with many gestures as well as some that defended Rune. 


"You're right, it's one performance. Won't sweat it. Just could you make sure he doesn't blow anything for his later performance? Please." She begged Vinyl nodded and saluted to symbolize that she understood. 


Octavia wandered off to take care of something as Vinyl walked over to Rune who was at the bar. She sat next to him and smiled; nothing more, nothing less. 

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Celestia sat back again, mulling Night Tracer's question over. It was a difficult one, not due to her having lack of answers, but due to her having too many to choose from in the first place. The truth was, she loved Luna more than anything, which meant even with their differences, there were very few things that she didn't like about her in some way or another. Except maybe her habit of stealing the last slice of...


Suddenly, she became acutely aware of where she was again, and of the fact that she had just been caught heading towards a very off-topic conversation. She coughed once in embarrassment before quickly moving back to the correct train of thought.


"Well, surely you of all ponies would understand that there's many things to like about Luna. The way she looks, the way she talks, how she changes at new moon..."


Celestia stopped counting, then, because something she hadn't thought about earlier had just occurred to her. Night Tracer didn't know. She looked at Night Tracer, and grinned in amusement.


"Oh, I forget you haven't seen that one yet. Well, you're in for quite the surprise, I promise you." 


She then cocked her head and began to think again, her face growing more serious than before. Now that she was putting her mind to it, it took her less than a few seconds to arrive at an answer.


"It may sound selfish, but maybe the favorite thing I love about my sister is the fact that she's always been by side. As foals cradled in the wings of my mother, she was there. As fillies, attempting to survive in a world that had no love for our kind, she was there. As mare's, being crowned princesses of Equestria, she sat right by my side and we were coronated together in front of the world. Even over the last thousand years, as my sister lay on the moon possessed by rage and Nightmares... we were still together. Even if only through song."


Celestia once again was helpless in the throes of her emotion as she felt the song pull at her mind. It was as familiar to her as breathing by this point: She opened her mouth and sung it like she was re-living it.





Lullay, Moon Princess,
Goodnight, Sister Mine,
Rest now in Moonlight's embrace
Bear up my Lullaby, Winds of the Earth
Through Cloud, and through Sky, and through Space

Carry the Peace in the Coolness of Night

And Carry my Sorrow in Kind
Luna you're loved so much more than you know
May troubles be far from your mind...


She took a long pause, but she didn't hold the note. That result was a large gap of silence that hung in the air like a a choking noose. That was perfect; it described how she always felt before the end.


"And forgive me for being so blind." She said, speaking the words instead of singing them. The noose was lifted; she opened her eyes, and she actually felt relived rather than sad now that she had finished it. The last verse was always the hard part.


"So, now you know. Through any obstacle and through time itself, it has always been me and Luna. To be honest... I can't imagine life without her." she said, and her eyes

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Blizzard had to control every bone in his body from doing something stupid. But he just couldn't help it. He blushed and giggled like a little filly when Rarity thanked him again. "Hehehee..no problem Raresy. I-I wanted to make sure I did my best for you. Only the best for the most beautiful mare in all of Equestria."


He then took a quick look at a nearby clock on the wall. It was getting late. "Hmm....better make this night last...."


He turned back to Rarity, "Um...so, if there's anything else you wanna do before the night's over, Raresy, just let me know, and I'll make it happen."

Edited by Ice Blizzard
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@ @

LS was excited to have a other competitor in the race, "LETS DO THIS!" She shouted excitedly, then she got in her starting position again, excited to be doing the race now -jet engine sound in background- she looked at RD, waiting for her to say 'start' or 'go'

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As Kevin sat at the table with Fluttershy, he couldn't help but ask, "Have you ever felt that you knew something bad was going to happen? Like a sneaking suspicion? Have you ever felt that way when confronting dangerous animals?"


"As far as I can tell, this place definetly needs to have stricter rules on who can come here and who can't. I mean, if the so-called all powerful princess is here, I don't think any common pony would be worthy enough to attend a gathering that she is attending. Oh well, everpony always seems to be on 20 different levels of crazy or stupid around here...."

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Anette paused as the watch flipped open. She had always thought it strange that anypony would carry a pocket watch, but never use it, and now she knew why. She immediately regretted not having asked sooner, though she felt even worse about opening up a topic that caused Wilhelm so much obvious pain.


She paused, and her eyes grew briefly sad. The mare was beautiful. It may not have been his wife, or a marefriend, but it was obvious that this pony had meant the world to him. How could she ever stack up? Did she even have the right?


She paused, and then using telekinesis, she silently closed the watch down, leaving it on the table where it lay. Once it clicked shut, she looked up at him, eyes reassuring.


"No, you haven't," she said, laying a hoof on the table.


"Wilhelm, I asked you that question because I want you to just act naturally. You don't have to pretend to be somepony else; just be that intelligent, independent, and completely insane stallion that I fell for in the first place."


She smiled warmly, and slid the pocket watch back across the table, towards him.


"I'm sure she was a wonderful mare. I can't replace her, and i'm not going to try. Because I want to be the best I can, as myself, for you."


She looked down at her still outstretched hoof, then back up at Wilhelm. A silent plea.


"Can you do the same for me?"



Wilhelm picked up the pocket watch and tucked it back inside his jacket, and then looked at Annette for a moment, eyes finally beginning to well with tears, though from his tremulous smile, it seemed to be a mix of happiness and sadness. 


"Always. Anything for you, Annette... my love."


He finally reached across the table and took her hoof. He held it tightly for a moment, as if afraid it was a phantasm that would slip away at any moment, and then considered something that was extremely rash, may or may not ruin his reputation, was rather unlike him, and was likely completely improper to do in this sort of civilized venue. Then, he decided to do it anyway. 


He leaned across the table, used Annette's hoof to pull her closer to him, and met her in the middle with a kiss, lips to lips. His eyes widened on contact, as if even he was surprised at what he just did, but he quickly pushed such thoughts to the side and allowed himself to simply melt into her for just a few moments, which nevertheless felt like a eternity, beyond projects or new stars or the court or his sister or any of his other worldly cares, just one single moment, without a past or a future. Neither of which Wilhelm needed.


Finally breaking away, Wilhelm took off his glasses and wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his uniform, his eyes shining brighter than they had for years, except when he was on adventures of the most dangerous sort. Adrenaline seemed to replace his blood for a several seconds, and he kept his gaze locked with Annette's, content to gaze into those beautiful green eyes for an eternity, or, at least, until he calmed down from whatever high he was on.


Quietly and with a great deal of understatement, he said "So... I do believe something occurred there."


To cover up the massive blush currently turning his cheeks a strange color of purple (when accounting for his blue coat), Wilhelm took a long gulp of water. Unfortunately, glasses are usually made of... glass. Which happens to be transparent.

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