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Lunara charges the beast. When he tries to sideswipe her, she flaps her wings and is airborn for another twin slash against him. Her attacks aren't very accurate but she Crit hits him for a final strike hit. She turns to the others and says, "Final strike!"

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Lyriex had been waiting for this moment. His eyes turned red and he looked at the huge boss with an intense blood-lust in his eyes.

He charged at the beast, wielding his dark-magic dagger, he charges his strongest attack, he then reaches the monster and everything slows down. Time slows, all of the ponies of his guild seem to basically stop, he jumped as high as possible.

He flew to his hearts content around the monster, slashing it with his daggers, cutting deep into it's legs and cut into one of it's eyes, it didn't even flinch, it was in the same time as his fellow ponies, to them it looked as if a blur was rushing around the huge monster.

He finally flew and jumped down onto the ground in front of the monster's frozen body, it had cuts everywhere. As soon as this move was over, there would be a huge amount of health chipped from the monster.

His eyes slowly faded back to purple, and his dagger stopped dripping, as his move finished and everything started to move again.

This move has a huge impact on the user and he staggered and dropped to the ground with 97% of his health gone, this was all he could do at the moment. He wheezed, and felt like he was going to pass out.

Edited by Lightning


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Caramel was having the time of her life; she had switched to throwing knives, faster then her bow, and was throwing them swiftly and with deadly accuracy at the weaker monsters' eyes, knocking the majority out in one or two hits. She glanced up from having finished her tenth or so, and noticed the emptiness of the clearing, except the ponies. Well, that was fun! she thought. She noticed Lyriex, wheezing on the ground, and leapt down from the trees, trotting over to him. "Hey, you alright?" she asked.


(EDIT: screwed up my post, misread EVERYTHING. So, I edited it.)

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Equinox shook her head, making herself more alert and less disoriented. She noticed that Caramel had moved on to help Lyriex. She noticed a fairly large timberwolf behind her and shifted her daggers to assault the timberwolf. She swiftly dodged the timberwolf's strikes, and managed to snap off a timerwolf fang. She whistled at her newfound item before closely dodging a tail strike.


"C'mon, that's playin' dirty." She muttered. Equinox took out her daggers and hit the timberwolf in the eye, blinding it. She then delt a blow to the heart, successfully killing it. After gathering her loot (Some materials for weapons (She'd give those to Lunara) and a silver ring that could go for a lot of gold), she looked towards the mini-boss, a massive, wooden gorilla that Lyriex and Lunara had taken out. She nodded happily and patched up her damaged eye, going through her small loot.

Edited by Shift

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Even with the mini boss dead Snowflake kept getting surrounded by weaker mobs... it seems no matter how many times Snowflake would freeze them they would just keep coming back in greater numbers.... "these lil things have determination I'll give them that but also suffer greatly from stupidity" Snowflake freezes more of the mobs.... "I'm not scared or anything... but I could use some assistance"

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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@@Snowflake Frostflame,


"Assistance, you say?" Equinox grumbled, patting her eye. She shrugged and jumped over, slashing at one of the frozen mobs, killing it, thanks to Snowflake's frost magic. She jumped over some attacks and began to attack the ones out of the ice. "Y'know, Snowflake's right, there are a hell of a lot of monsters here!"


Equinox slashed at a few of them with some daggers, dodging out of the way to keep her eye from being attacked. Eventually, she got into a groove and was able to start attacking monsters with ease, albeit with a few injuries. 

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Lunara's horn glows and the hilts of her mana sabers glow. "Sorry, mana sabers are out of power. Am currently recharging the mana crystals. Give me two moments."


Lunara focuses on her magic, hoping the others can keep the mobs off of her for a bit until she can recharge the mana crystals.


(DM you can chose the given final strike item both myself and the other gets for finishing the mini mini boss off. Lunara got some crafting leathers, wood chips and a blueprint(needs identifying before can be used) from the mini boss on top of the final strike bonus item.)

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Red flew at the enemies. They were mostly gone now. She slashed them apart quickly. This fight seems pretty much over, she mused as she collected a few bits and monster claws for crafting from the corpses and put them in her bag. She didn't craft, but crafting items sold to NPCs for a decent price.

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Snowflake caused a massive frost explosion (no friendly fire) freezing as many mobs as he could "alright are we clear?" Snowflake sees one more coming at him and freezes it "okay I think we're good now" Snowflake takes a seat so he can recharge on his mana


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"I guess so." Caramel replied to Snowflake's observation. She sat down next to the exhausted Lyriex, giving him one of the regen potions she'd been given earlier. Not giving him any chance to reply (though she wasn't sure he would, considering how fatigued the poor pony appeared; that had been some technique!), she said, "Don't mention it." She stretched, rather cat-like, and checked her watch. "Mm. That fight took a little while." she commented. "Still... that was fun. A lot more fun with you lot. Beating monsters up, woo! Time of my life." She said, with a hint of sarcasm. But only a hint.

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Rush relaxed as the last of the monsters fell. The fight had left him covered in wood pulp and sawdust, but largely unharmed. "What, are we done? Shame. That was pretty fun for a while there. I guess now it's back to our scheduled missions? Unless you guys are too tired. Me, I could go all day."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Lunara says, "This will be the last time I can charge the crystals of these blades. I will need to craft new ones soon. Also, the crystals only took half the full charge. Can use them 12 more times before I can't use my favorite blades anymore."


Lunara is examining her blades. The spell took too long and her Mana Blades' crystals only got 25 charges instead of 50. Time to upgrade it seems.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Caramel glanced at Lunara, impressed. "You can craft? Well, that's useful." she paused for a moment, then asked bluntly, "do you have any Fallen Star bows, or tipped arrows on you? I really need some, but the market in the shop doesn't even stock them." She didn't expect Lunara to have them. As far as she knew, Fallen Star pieces only dropped from high-level mobs in dense, high-level dungeons.

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Lunara says, "The fallen star set. I can craft them but only if somepony can help me get the blueprints and the stars needed to make the items. They also use mythril as a crafting component."


Lunara smiles, 'Another special item request. However I haven't been able to get the crafting recipies and the fallen star items needed to make them.' She thinks.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Lightning quickly sipped as his health came back slowly.

"Ah, thanks."

He was grateful to the pony, he could have been dead by one of the smaller mobs by now.

He covered his eyes with his hooves and breathed in deeply. He continued to sip on the health pot and he began to wonder why he had ever doubted joining this guild.

Edited by Lightning


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"Ah, okay." Caramel said to Lunara. That was impressive; the pony knew about the crafting set, but still claimed she could craft them. She seemed to know a lot about it, too; Caramel had no idea mythril was needed. Not that she was going to say that.

A thought struck Caramel. If she could actually get the blueprints and the pieces of the star, she could have one of the best bows in the game. She grinned at Lunara. "I'll get those pieces and those blueprints at some point, and man, those mobs won't know what hit 'em."

She paused, examining Lunara more thoroughly, and then did a double take. "Oh! Oh, dear Celestia. Are you an allicorn?" she asked, abruptly afraid for her life for some reason. She had always had a bit of a worshiping habit of allicorns, and this... seeing one right in front of her... what a day, she sighed inwardly.


(Assuming her cloak's off, as you said she landed on the mob a while ago. Caramel doesn't know you're a pegacorn, hence the question.)

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Equinox flipped her head around at Caramel after defeating her current mob. "Oh! Um... she's not an alicorn. Don't start kneeling or anything, unless you really want to! If Lunara was a religious figure, I'd know. Unless she's Cadence, Twilight, Celestia, or Luna in disguise. The last one is actually plausible..." Equinox smirked, picking off the final monster in front of her and gathering her loot. She grumbled, the only thing good that she got in that haul was some magical timberwolf bark. Maybe she could use it for a potion if she could find an alchemist.


She started packing up, before picking up a health potion and drinking it, restoring her health. She looked around. "Hey, does anyone got any mana potions? I used some of my mana killing some of the stronger mobs, don't have a lot left."

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Red, who was sitting down, relaxing after the brief fight, stood up. "Sorry, I don't have any mana potions," she said, "I never use mana."

She stared at Caramel curiously, wondering if she was yet another member of the new guild. She hadn't come across this many ponies all at once since the first day. Lucky coincidence.

"I believe we were going to go to find your materials, Lunara," Red said, going over to the pegacorn.

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Snowflake nods , he opens his inventory and tosses a mana potion towards Equinox.... Snowflake gets back up on his hooves taking the ring out of his pocket to look at it.... the ring had an ominous glow on it..... Snowflake grinned at the ring before saying to his friends "it is time"


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@@Snowflake Frostflame,


"Hey thanks!" Equinox smiles and chugs it down. "Man.. that hit the spot. Here's a health potion in return. I have tons of these things." She handed a health potion to Snowflake. "Anyway, just checking, the guild's all here, right? We need to split up and go on our quests as soon as possible." 

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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caliber grinned. his health had finally regenerated to full health. "yeah, the optional boss i was talking about disappears in around ten minutes, we gotta go!" he said. he pulled up a map. "now...its on floor thirty-five. we gotta go now, if we're to get there in time." he put the map away. "i want that cloak! y'all can split whatevers leftover. ready?"


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"Quests, huh? Sounds fun." Caramel said, grinning slightly. "Optional boss sounds pretty good too. Where am I going?" she asked Equinox, who she assumed was giving the team assignments for the quests. "What are the options? How much time do we have? Who am I with? Who are all you ponies, anyway? You haven't introduced yourselves." she added as an afterthought.

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Snowflake looked at Caliber...."we must hurry then.... the ring is calling me.... and I must answer her call" Snowflake gets behind Caliber.... "quickly guys we haven't got much time" Snowflake waits for the others to join him and Caliber or head back to the village....


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Lunara says, "ok after Caliber's boss I need to gather mythril and enchanted leathers for that sword request I told yall about. The rare spawn should also spawn near the boss as an extra mob. So it a two for one hunt."


Lunara goes over to Caliber. She looks to Caramel, "I am a Pegacorn. A Pegasus and Unicorn Hybrid. Though i specialize more in flight then magic. I always fight without my night cloak."


She then gets ready. She then says, "If the extra mobs drop any of the Mana knight Set items, please give them to me. I still need the Mana blade, helm and chest blueprints. That will give me the Mana Knight Set Bonus. I have all the other blueprints. Also if yall come across a pair of the Phantom Mana Blade weapon. Let me know. Those have no Blueprint and are a rare drop from floor 50. They are also the most powerful mana blades I know of. During beta I never got higher then floor 54. I know either a new mana blade blueprint or drop is on 55. Let's go."


She pulls out a group town warp crystal. "Mine is set to take me to floor 35's Hometown. The dungeon shouldn't be far from there. Anyone wanna party with me? I can take us all with it."

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Rush grinned and went through the menus to send Lunara a party invite. "I'm always happy to party with a pretty girl. Count me in."




He looked over at Caramel. Another pretty mare in the group? This guild was awesome. "That's right, I guess you're new, aren't you? I'm Rush, resident dumb muscle."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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