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private Equestria Online [RP]


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"Yes, let's go." Red said, moving over to her. She glanced at Caliber. "That is near your boss... are you coming?" Some of the magic users that were formerly going with Lunara might not have wanted to any more because of the recent fight. Perhaps they wanted to recharge mana. But since she and Caliber wielded swords, it shouldn't be any problem for them.

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@@Alex Kennedy,

Caramel grinned wryly at  Rush. "Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Resident Dumb Muscle. I'll remember to call you if I need muscle. Or someone dumb. I'm Caramel, resident random pony who kind of just joined because why not. Also because that one saved me from a bunch of timberwolves," she added as an afterthought, gesturing at Caliber.



She looked with surprise at the mention of a pegacorn. "Well, I've never heard of one, but I guess I can gather what they are. Sorry about that," she added sheepishly. "Didn't mean to... fall down on my knees, or whatever." She was rather nervous about partying with the pony, though. Lunara's appearance was... intimidating, to say the least.

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Lunara chuckles and says, "Don't worry. I don't bite. I am actually very friendly."


She looks to Caliber. "Let's go we have 8 minutes."


She sends a group invite to all going with her. She then gets ready and waits for the others to accept the invite personal message.

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"Oh, we're splitting up now? Sad..." Equinox grumbled, but perked up at Caramel. "Oh, Caramel, forgot 'bout you. The guild's splitting into two groups. One group is assaulting Caliber's boss and getting Lunara's materials while the other is searching for an incredibly rare item somewhere around town. Most are going onto the boss due to it needing the most members possible, but me and Storm are heading for the town." Equinox looked around. "Oh, I need to introduce you to Storm. I'll do it later. Anyway, I'd be great if you came along with me, we could always use a new set of eyes and the boss route seems to be packed already. ...also, if me and Storm somehow get put in danger we'd love another weapon user. I'm not exactly the best combat mare... I rely entirely on stealth and luck. Which is both a good and bad thing."


Equinox seemed to have a realization before she flipped to her guild screen. "Oh! Right! Forgot to add you... silly me." She scrolled past the highest ranking guilds (Current highest one being the Order of Time, as usual) and to the Ender's Alliance. She added Caramel to the Alliance quickly and smiled. "You're in the guild now, Caramel. Good to have you."

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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"Alright! Ender's Alliance, huh? Pretty cool." Caramel said, grinning broadly from ear to ear as she accepted the guild invite. "Yeah, I'll be glad to come with you guys. I guess that was enough fighting for me for one day, anyway--though I certainly won't mind running into trouble. What's this rare item you're looking for, then?" She asked, trotting up to Equinox.

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Rush chuckled and nodded at Caramel. "Well anyway, it was nice meeting you, but I'm with the other group, so this is where we part ways for now. Catch me back in town sometime, though. I'll always make time for a pretty girl."


With a final nod he accepted Lunara's invitation and prepared to leave. 

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Lyriex sat up and rubbed his eyes. He trotted over to Equinox. 

"Who am I with, sorry I kinda lost it in that fight so I wasn't exactly focused."

He yawned. He always felt tired after that move and then the healing potion.

(OOC: I'm so sorry for not replying! I've been extremely sick lately, and completely bed-ridden.)


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"Well, look who decided to wake up," Caramel said, grinning at Lyriex. "From what I gathered, I get the guild leader all to myself. Well, except for the mysterious Storm, who I have yet to meet. You get to go fight a boss--looks like you're in great shape to do it!" she added, with a hint of sarcasm, but she knew the tired pony would be all right. He was already restoring health quickly.

@@Alex Kennedy,

"See you later, then," she said to Rush. She liked him. He seemed a little more... well, down-to-earth than the others. And funny. "Catch up with you when you make time for a pretty girl." She resisted the temptation to wink. She'd never gotten the flirting thing down--it just wasn't as important as beating things up.

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"Alright, gang. So most of us are heading with Lunara and Caliber to deal with two bosses, while the rest of us... er, me, Storm, and Caramel are going to look for some special item. Alright, let me just locate Storm..." Equinox clicked open her guild page, only to find Storm's page missing. "Oh, darn, I forgot to add Storm? Silly me..." She muttered, before looking up Storm's profile in the player list. She scrolled down and clicked open his character profile before scrolling down to find that his status wasn't the normal 'alive'.


It was the exact opposite; dead. He had 0 HP. How did she not notice?


"Oh... oh no..." Equinox breathed. "He got killed in the skirmish... oh no.. Celestia above..." She turned to the group. "Um... g-guys... I have bad news... S-Storm's... well... he's dead. He got killed in the battle... I-I couldn't protect him..." She lowered her head. "I'm sorry Caramel... l-looks like it's just you and me on the quest."

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Caramel gaped at Equinox, shocked. "D-dead?" she stammered, then recovered. The numbers of deaths large, but she hadn't yet met a pony related to her that had... died. She hadn't known Storm, but abruptly felt very, very sorry for the pony. "I... Dear Celestia," she breathed. "I'm so sorry... I'm so, so sorry for your loss." she said, with more solemnity than she had ever expressed in her life. She glanced at her hooves, the reality of death abruptly striking her.

She could die here. Away from all her family and friends, with nopony but these ones. She shuddered, and badly wanted to go out questing with Equinox. She needed a distraction.

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Lunara frowns. "He wanted a special set of items made too. I will make them and fight in his name. I will name the set after him."


Lunara was clearly sad. She had wanted to make those items for him.


She straitens up and says, "Now we have another reason to beat this game. We will beat it in honor of those who died to get us this far. Let's go. We have a boss to beat."


When the others accept her group invite she says to Equinox, "Good luck. If we finish quickly, we will join you."


After that she activates the crystal and vanishes with her group.


((Felt we need to advance things.))

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After teleporting Lyriex growled and threw his dagger into the ground, making it stick up out of the grass.

He didn't even care what floor they were on, another pony had died. He had vowed every pony he knew he would protect with his life and look what happened.

He waited from who was going to be the boss of the current group, Lunara, speak.


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Snowflake overheard the conversation but what two words caught his attention.... he's dead.... "wait WHAT!" Snowflake looks over and in the pile of dead things he notices Storm he pulls him out of the bodies of mobs and holds him... "Vy borolis' vo imya vsego togo, chto yavlyayetsya pravil'nym , vo imya priklyucheniy , i ot imeni Celestia . U vsekh nas yest' nashe vremya , kogda my ne mozhem borot'sya bol'she net. Mozhet Bogi prinyat' vas v ikh ubezhishche Storm" Snowflake lies Storm down... he then thought to himself.... "how could a guy like him die to this.... we're all some of the best players in Equestria Online... are we all meant to die?" Snowflake gets up on his hooves


your not suppose to understand what Snowflake said but here is what he said if you were curious "You fought hard in the name of all that is right, in the name of adventure, and in the name of Celestia. We all have our time when we cannot fight no more. May the Gods accept you into their haven Storm"

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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@@Midnight_Aurora, @, (and whoever else is coming!)

The teleportation gem took the group to floor 35's hometown. Red was examining the map and figured out where the boss was.

"It's east of here," she announced to the group. She began trotting towards the gate of the town. This particular floor, 35, had a hometown that was designed after a castle-town-- with four traditional gates that led north, south, east and west, with a moat around the castle, houses with thatched rooves, and of course, a giant castle in the middle. The giant castle had actually been this floor's boss, she remembered, and had been particularly difficult to beat. She hadn't gone, but had heard it was a very hard boss. She rarely helped with group bosses, allowing the bigger guilds to do that. But perhaps with this new guild, she'd be doing a lot more to defeat floor bosses.

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Snowflake wasn't expecting the rush of the teleportation stone it wouldn't be the first time he was teleported being a mage an all... at least he got to speak his final words to Storm before he got teleported.... Snowflake didn't like it when his friends would die... like his old guild.... but this is what he signed up for after all....


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Lunara says, "We will handle all bosses and mini bosses first. Then I would like y alls help in gathering Mythril and Enchanted Leather. Then yall will see what I can do as a Crafter."


Lunara follows red and Caliber. She asks, "Shall we do Caliber's boss and my mini boss first? Since yours can be summoned, Snowflake."

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caliber teleported, and he was immediately trotting towards a secluded door. "mine first!" he called out, "another couple of minutes, and it'll despawn!" he went to the north door, and knocked three times. a message popped up, warning him that theres a hidden boss behind it. recommended level: 60.


"now...are we ready?" caliber asked, "cause the door locks behind us once we go in."


(no-one announce the boss, i got something in mind... :ph34r: )

  • Brohoof 1


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Red wasn't level 60. She was level 47. (OOC: If that's good for everyone else) No wonder Caliber had wanted a group for this. This would be tough.

She was rather concerned about getting into this fight just after Storm had died. No, she couldn't think about Storm... it was... too... sad. She hadn't even gotten to know the stallion. But that was definitely for the best. She needed to not think about Storm, though-- focus on the task in front of her.

"Ready," she said, nodding, pulling out her sword. The Weak Potion of Strength she'd used last week would have been very useful right now.

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Dead. Rush hadn't really been thinking about death until now. But... he'd be fine. He'd never lost a fight before, and he wasn't about to start now. This would only serve to steel his resolve, make him more determined than ever to end this.


Up until now, he wasn't sure if he even really wanted to leave. At least here his strength was good for something, and he had a proper foe to turn his anger on. But that wasn't fair to the others. If they died in here, and he hadn't been doing his part, than it would be his fault as much as anything. So he would do all he good to end things, and get everyone out of here quickly.


As they came up on the boss door, he let these thoughts give him strength as he prepared to fight.


@@Midnight_Aurora,@, ((I consider you two the leaders right now))


"I'm ready." 

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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"my boss can only be summoned in a specific area... this isn't that area... lets get moving" Snowflake charges in with the others he then begins to enchant them but decides to ask them first "which do you guys prefer Ice Sword or Ice Shield" (Sword gives all of your attacks temporary extra ice damage while shield gives you extra armor and the enemy takes ice damage when they hit you)


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Lunara says, "One second you guys. Here take these. They are only useable against boss monsters and the break after their effects are used once. I got them during a material run. I have one for every current member of our guild minus myself. I have the up graded version."


To each she gives one Ring Of Sacrifice. It restores the wielder's hp and mana to max upon what would normally kill the wielder, but it breaks after one use.


Lunara has equipped one Rare ring of Sacrifice. This ring does the same as above but also has a passive ability that blocks curses from being effective against only the wielder. This ring is also destroyed when its revival effect is used.


Once everyone has the ring, Lunara says, "Ready, Caliber."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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@Shift @Reaver


Usually peoples don't tend to go alone in a forest infested with timberwolves just to colect herbs.

Golden Star Tuner however, one of the only Prench player to beta test the Equestrian servers, was not that worried. He trapped the zone with goo glyphs. Not even a fly could get to him.

As he struggled to cut one of the rarest plant of this floor, the kind that spawned once every 6 month in some obsure area, he began to hear noises.

"Bubble, we are going see if green glyphs are effective against these dogs"

He said to a mysterious round fish tank on his back.

"Back to business!!" G.S turning to th flower.

But the noise was not just a noise it was voises coming closer.

Then a boom then a scream.

"I might have done something wrong"

Edited by Guirdann
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"okay!" caliber poked the 'yes' button, and the door slowly opened.


inside, there was a clear room, circular, with nothing but a tiny blob in the middle of the room. it was pitch black.


it noticed the group, and it rose up a bit, and morphed into a pure-black clone of caliber, since he was the one nearest.


caliber grinned. "that legendary cape is mine!!" he yelled, before he engaged it. it seemed to do the same thing, and attacked caliber.


they started to exchange strikes, and the shadow kept up with caliber's fast swordplay blow-for-blow.


"help would be appreciated!"


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Lunara joins in and attepts to gain the creatures attention. She slashes at it with both of her sabers in a charged X-slash. "Hey, he isn't alone you know! Come and get me!" She yells to it. Due to her defensive stance she doesn't deal allot of damage but a crit from a back attack surely will make up for it.


She then readies for its counter attack. Her defensive stance allowing her to set herself.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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the blob looked at her, and still having caliber's frame, it replaced the sword it had into mana blades. 


now it was a dual-wielding caliber. it attacked, with caliber's strength, and lunara's weapons.


caliber's eyes widened a bit, and he too attacked. "now i understand why no-one's challenged you, yet!" he called out.


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