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Organ music


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Has anyone heard of the musical instrument called the organ. It  is similar to the piano except it has a pedal board while the pianos don't. I have a organ at my house and I love to play it quite a bit to be honest. It drives my mom crazy because she can hear it up to her office where she works.  But I am planning to get a new one in the future that will have a headphones jack. I love to play church songs on my organ most of the time, but I will play ballpark music quite often as well. Once in a while, I try to play rock songs that I have heard before. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :) :) :) :) :)

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@goofyg65, I have moved your topic to General Discussion. The Music section from Creative Resources is meant for sharing advice for aspiring artists, while General Discussion is meant for overall discussion about anything non-MLP related, or in this case, organ music.

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Where is general doscussion


It can be found in this link.




If you want to look for it without the link, go to the front page and scroll down till you find a tab called Beyond Equestria. It is below the Roleplaying section and the Art section.




As for my opinion on organ music, I like it. To me it conveys a wide range of feelings, whether it be terror or excitement. I don't have many songs that use the organ, but I still enjoy listening to it regardless.

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I love the Organ because of the huge range of sound it can make. It was a synthesizer before synthesizers existed!

This is one of my favorites as well, especially because of how the piece makes use of the fact that organs can still make sound even with extremely low pressure in their pipes.

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I love Bach. My favorite piece is ode to joy


Isn't that Beethoven?



I lvoe the gothic pieces when played on an organ...Tocatta and Fugue in D Minor was already posted, so I shall post a weird, 1970's piece by musician Rick Wakeman. Organ, synths and drums.


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Since we're posting all of the popular ones, we can't forget this one!:



It's my favorite, actually. Fugues are undeniably awesome.

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I sure as heck love organ music ever since I was a toddler.


I love the organ instrument and organ music that I even decided to have my OC's Cutie Mark to be a principle pipe from a pipe organ. :)


Two of my favourites are these:


I mostly like the Fantasia part of this piece:


This organ solo in 13:45 to 17:34 is still one of my most favourites even though it is not well known. More info about where and when this was from will be here.

Edited by Jonny Music
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I've already decided that if I ever get rich enough to own a mansion, I'm putting a Grand organ in it and playing evil music whenever it storms. I'll position the organ towards the front so anybody driving by can hear it coming from my house....


I'm a little messed up XD

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Wow, I didn't know you loved that instrument since you were a little kid.


Eeyup. It's a true story. I'd love to own my own home organ as soon as I get my own place to live. :)



I've already decided that if I ever get rich enough to own a mansion, I'm putting a Grand organ in it and playing evil music whenever it storms. I'll position the organ towards the front so anybody driving by can hear it coming from my house....


I'm a little messed up XD


I'd love to practice and play many kind of songs on the organ, not only classical pipe organ, christian hymns, etc. But also video game music, fan-made renditions of Pop Culture songs from TV Shows like MLP (of course), etc.

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Oh yeah, I do that on my current organ now. I have started using sound recorder, a recording application on my computer to record my organ music. My first official recording on there was forty five minutes exactly.

I love to practice ode to joy on my organ a lot and it makes me feel happy.

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Love organ instrumentals of music from the modern era. Hockey & Baseball games are my primary cause of this and to this day when I go to churches with organs I imagine myself taking a face-off for whatever reason.  :lol:

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  • 5 years later...
6 hours ago, EpicEnergy said:

There was an organ in the church I went to and they played it mostly every Sunday.

And yet here I am making the world know the organ isn't only for religious purposes. Have you bumped into my Blog here before? I share every new organ cover that I release to the public in that blog. :)

Edited by Jonny Music
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5 hours ago, Jonny Music said:

And yet here I am making the world know the organ isn't only for religious purposes. Have you bumped into my Blog here before? I share every new organ cover that I release to the public. :)

I've seen some of your blog entries appear every once in awhile but I haven't got to read/listen to them yet, thanks for letting me know though! I'll check them out!

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  • 1 month later...
9 minutes ago, ZiggWheelsManning said:

There is an organ in :dash:lots of churches.  An organ villain exists in the Beauty and the Beast Christmas movie:sealed:  

Indeed. I'm well aware of that myself as a former church organist. And yes, I'm aware of the organ villain in that film, even if I haven't watched the film before.

The organ doesn't always have to be known for being a scary sounding instrument when the fact of the matter is that due to the versatility of it, many different atmospheric tones are possible. ;)

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