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searching Xenograft (Sci-Fi, Adventure) (OOC)

Arylett Charnoa

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RP Thread


Status: Open


Slots left: 4



Twilight's Report: Code CC - Strange Occurrences - #64.


More and more disappearances are being reported in Crystal City. It is likely there is a connection to the increased neutrino readings that were detected earlier this month. As stated in Report Code CC52, these readings were first discovered at Canterlot High School. However, the new source in Crystal City, centralized at Crystal City University, appears to be increasing at a much more significant rate. Based on the information, the increase in neutrinos corresponds with the increase in disappearances in the area. Although nobody around me seems to be too concerned or notice the signs, I must investigate these matters more thoroughly.


For now, I have formulated a very rough theory as to what this could mean.


From what I can tell, the neutrino readings are coming up with a unique result, so drastically different from the norm that I didn’t even think it could be possible. The extra neutrinos seem to have a greater amount of energy, making them seem to move faster than the speed of light. The only way this is theoretically possible, is that the neutrinos have come from another dimension.


This has lead me to believe that the barriers between our dimension and many possible others could be breaking down. And that perhaps, these people may have in fact disappeared into an alternate dimension. Although I believe this may be a bit far-reaching, it is an exciting possibility and a huge scientific breakthrough if it is true. I must gather more evidence and conduct more research before I can truly confirm my findings.


But I must move quickly, before any others disappear. Perhaps even I myself. Who knows what strange forms they could take in these possible alternate dimensions, or even if we can retrieve them from wherever they are? There are so many things unknown to humanity, and we must be cautious of the dangers. I will proceed carefully, and as always, remind myself to abide by the Scientific Method and Principles of Ethics. Reckless behavior may only serve to agitate our already unstable dimension...



Welcome to  Xenograft! As you may have guessed, this is somewhat of an Equestria Girls-themed RP.


The basic premise is simple - you are a human in Crystal City University, completely unaware (or perhaps your character is aware, it's up to you) of the disappearances that have happened. The roleplay will start off in the human world for a brief time, before all characters become victims of the disappearances themselves, and get sucked into Equestria. Here, you will be transformed into a pony or any other Equestrian sentient fauna (such as dragons, griffins, etc) that may exist and forced to figure out what is happening and why as you confusedly navigate your new body.


This is an Advanced Roleplay. Not because we want super long posts though. Length isn't everything. We are looking for a batch of decent RPers on the forums who can hold their own and create an interesting, fun story with us and the premise we have crafted. If the beginning of the roleplay goes well, we will personally dedicate ourselves to keeping this alive and encourage you to do the same.  You may not be accepted if you do not meet the requirements. But if you are a good to decent writer with ideas, you should be all right.


There will be a certain structure to this roleplay you may not have experienced before. It will be split into chapters in which I give a very basic objective that must be accomplished. The way in which this objective is accomplished is to be determined by the roleplayers, and isn’t planned out. This exists to give people direction and ideas to play off of. For example, Chapter 1’s objective is to get to the location (a fountain) where everyone is going to be sucked into Equestria. That’s all that’s planned out, and the players will figure out how they get there and what happens before they get there.


Before you can join though, there are some guidelines that you are expected to follow. I'd like to tell you NOT to be intimidated just because there are a lot of them. They're very basic things that aren't all that difficult to remember or understand. These guidelines exist to ensure that we have a quality roleplay here which we can all enjoy.



General Guidelines

  • The Most Important Rule #1: Try to contribute. This is very important. The key to RPing is interacting with others. So try not to make any posts in which you don't interact with someone at least for a little bit. Or at least, try to contribute something to the overall plot. It's all right if your character isn't very social and keeps to themselves, but at least have them do some action that might attract attention from other characters or is otherwise relevant to the overall plot.

  • No godmodding (controlling other people's characters), Mary Sues (uninteresting perfect characters), etc. For more information on these basic no-nos, read my Enhanced General Guide to Roleplaying which is basically the same as A General Guide to Roleplaying, except updated and better.

  • Please make posts with as much proper grammar/spelling as you can muster.  A few errors here and there are fine and understandable. But if it is consistent, we'll have to put our foot down.

  • Try to make decent quality, detailed, and descriptive posts. This is an RP for roleplayers with decent to great writing ability. That doesn't necessarily mean that your posts have to be a huge wall of text or a novel, however.

  • Speaking of length, there is of course the Advanced forum's natural 800 character requirement. Feel more than free to make them longer if you wish, but try not to write huge walls of texts and massive novels. This is a roleplay, not a book. (Anything past 12 paragraphs is kind of pushing it)

  • There is an activity check. If you have not posted in this roleplay in one week without prior notification, I will remove you and open up your spot to new roleplayers. Please remain as active as possible and try to post once a week.

  • We're pretty lenient about which direction the story is moved in. Just because there is a chapter objective, doesn't mean everything is completely planned out. Our chapter objectives are as vague as possible, and are designed to be a template for others to fill in the blanks. The fun of roleplaying is seeing how characters react to things. So feel more than free to improvise. provided you don't kill what is supposed to be an all-powerful villain in one shot. Ask if you're truly unsure about an action your character is about to take.

Character Guidelines

  • @@Lunaris Adamantine (my co-GM) and myself will be carefully overlooking and approving every character form that is posted. If you are accepted, one of us will quote your post and say Accepted.  If you are not accepted, one of us will quote your post and explain what you need to change to become accepted.

  • Please include in your character's backstory as a human and how and why they are at Crystal City University in the Other field.

  • You may use an existing OC for this if you'd like. You don't have to make up a new human-turned-pony exclusively for Xenograft. Just edit in the above information into your Database entry with an obvious "FOR XENOGRAFT" section.

  • Canon characters can be controlled by anyone who claims them first, but they are not the main focus of the story, and are treated only as side characters for the most part.

  • Your character can a canon species or other species that could possibly exist in Equestria (like sentient deer). The only species not allowed are Alicorns and Draconequus.

  • Xenograft has 8 slots, 2 of which are taken by myself and Lunaris. So that's a total of six slots. In these six slots, we expect diversity of species. Therefore, there may only be two of each pony related-race (there can only be two unicorns, for instance), and one slot must be for a non-pony. (So basically, there are five pony slots and one on-pony.)


GMs: Arylett Charnoa, Lunaris Adamantine


Player List

  • Brohoof 2

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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I'd really love to join this RP! But I'm not in the best situation for this at the moment. Right now is just three hours before I leave for the airport and fly over to visit my relatives, and then I won't be able to come on the forums for about 9 days. Chances are I'll be gone before people see this. If possible, I'd like to 'reserve' a slot (specifically a pegasus slot if that's allowed) so I can enter the RP when I'm back, but I understand if that's not possible.


Also, as much as I like MLP, I've never actually gotten around to watching any of the Equestria Girls movies. It looks like you plan shift the setting to the pony-version Equestria early on, so I hope that won't be too much of an issue.


Finally, for this RP I'd like to use my OC Aero Wind. He should fit right into a university setting, since as a scientist he'd likely work and study at one. However, I'm actually in the middle of revising Aero Wind's character, since I've been RPing with him for about a year now and I've gotten a better grasp on things that work well and no so well for him. Ideally, I'd like to use this new version of Aero Wind for this RP, but it's not 100% complete yet. I'll see if I can post some information on some of Aero's changes before I go so you have a better idea of what you're approving, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to do that in the three hours I have left. Although he is really close to being finished; all I really have left to do is come up with a good backstory, and with a 9-day absence I'm probably going to come up with something. He should be finished shortly after I get back and be ready for the RP.


Edit: Here's what I've got for the updated version of Aero Wind so far. I don't have a backstory yet, but everything else is complete. I'll still need to work on the backstory a bit before he's ready, but I hope what I've given you so far gives you a good idea about the character I'd like to enter this RP with when I get back.

Edited by FortyTwo42
  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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I have no clue when you are actually going to read this, but that's perfectly fine with the both of us. Based on what you've got so far on your character, I've no doubt that the quality of the backstory will be plenty good for what we have in mind for this roleplay. A meteorologist sounds like an interesting addition to the team anyways. I look forward to seeing what you, and Aero Wind, can add to the roleplay.

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm wondering if a character with a private investigator background would be up the alley of this RP. The tags of sci-fi and adventure make me think of creating a Blade Runner-esque character.


As a human, he'd have been hired by the family of one of the missing students to determine what's happening.


Shall I go ahead and try for a complete submission form, or should I pursue a different avenue?

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I feel I should say I am interested. At the moment I am trying to figure out if I will have the time for an Advanced roleplay. My only real concern (and I'm sure this isn't arare concern) is that I have to wonder how do you stretch out a simple one paragraph response post so that it feels natural to read as two or three paragraphs? 

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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I'm wondering if a character with a private investigator background would be up the alley of this RP. The tags of sci-fi and adventure make me think of creating a Blade Runner-esque character.


As a human, he'd have been hired by the family of one of the missing students to determine what's happening.


Shall I go ahead and try for a complete submission form, or should I pursue a different avenue?

Sounds good to me! Very interesting. I would say, go for it.


I feel I should say I am interested. At the moment I am trying to figure out if I will have the time for an Advanced roleplay. My only real concern (and I'm sure this isn't arare concern) is that I have to wonder how do you stretch out a simple one paragraph response post so that it feels natural to read as two or three paragraphs? 

Well, other than the required 800 characters, there's no need to go any longer than that. I'll show you what 800 characters looks like from one of my other RPs that isn't even advanced:



"You mean... you don't know? I guess it hasn't really spread as much as I thought.. consider yourself lucky though," The exasperation on her face became extremely apparent with that statement. "Oh yes, my name's Nimbus Sol. Nice to meet you, Mr. Lunaris." 

Nimbus attempted to bow her head politely, but for the slight second it wasn't pointing forward, it collided with a particularly fluffy cloud as she coughed and batted it out of the way with her hooves. The mare chuckled embarassedly, blushing like a tomato before attempting to disregard the situation as though it had never happened.
"As I was saying, um. Well... I'm not sure you want to go there. We just had a run-in with some very nasty and territorial Diamond Dogs. All we were trying to do was expand our excavation and... uh... well... those ruffians chased us away when we dug up one of their gems on accident. We tried to explain the situation, but I... oh! I'm sorry. I've started ranting about it. I apologize for my rudeness. I suppose I could take you if you're really sure you want to go."


As you can see, that's not particularly long. But my character was just talking, and not really doing anything in particular. To add more length to the post to reach 800 characters, I just described a few actions she was doing as she was talking. Adding your characters thoughts and feelings about things can also help make it flow a bit better. Basically, just describe what they're thinking and doing if you need a bit more to reach that 800. 

  • Brohoof 1

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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@@Arylett Charnoa


Yes, I didn't imagine it was too hard, I remember that being my biggest problem with Advanced RP's when they were announced though. It really shouldn't be too much of a problem, I've been trying to improve the quality of my posts lately. I'll write up a character sheet either later tonight ort tomorrow. 

  • Brohoof 1

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Attention All Prospecting Applicants!


We are changing the number of active slots from 6 to 8. The following pair of rules are going to be added to the Roleplay.


  1. The restrictions on the Pony races have changed. We will now allow two of each type, but no more than that.
  2. One person must choose a separate species, something that is NOT a pony. It doesn't even have to be a canon species, so long as it fits with the setting.




Alright, I present Gut Feeling/Sam Dansel. Please feel free to check out the "Other" section for information specific to Xenograft.


I don't see any problem with your character, however, the human world that the first part takes place in is the world from Equestria Girls. This would mean that your characters name will be the same in both worlds, so he wouldn't be Sam Dansel. Just some guy named Gut Feeling, as silly as that sounds.


But yes, that small detail is unimportant in our decision, and you are APPROVED for this Roleplay.

  • Brohoof 1
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Attention All Prospecting Applicants!


We are changing the number of active slots from 6 to 8. The following pair of rules are going to be added to the Roleplay.


  1. The restrictions on the Pony races have changed. We will now allow two of each type, but no more than that.


  2. One person must choose a separate species, something that is NOT a pony. It doesn't even have to be a canon species, so long as it fits with the setting.





I don't see any problem with your character, however, the human world that the first part takes place in is the world from Equestria Girls. This would mean that your characters name will be the same in both worlds, so he wouldn't be Sam Dansel. Just some guy named Gut Feeling, as silly as that sounds.


But yes, that small detail is unimportant in our decision, and you are APPROVED for this Roleplay.

Thank you!

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I gotta say, this RP looks fantastic. I would love to participate!


Hopefully Celes is suitable. It's been quite a while since I used her (almost forgot she existed, even), but I polished her up a bit and also added the human backstory for this roleplay. It's currently kinda brief 'cause I didn't know exactly what to add and it might still be missing some things, so if there is anything I can change to make her fit better, do say!

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Just looked over your form, cause 1:30 AM for me is akin to everyone else's 5:30 pm, and it sounds perfectly fine to me! I have nothing more to say, except that having a pyromaniac in the group will certainly make things interesting. I look forward to seeing what she brings to the Roleplay.


Oh, and by the way, you are ACCEPTED!

  • Brohoof 1
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Hiya. Well, I've been looking at this RP, and jeez, it looks like fun. I've been fighting the urge to join it for awhile, but I ended up unable to help myself (I'm not as active as many other members of the forum, and I'm part of several RPs and DMing one, which is why I said that).


Anyway, your @@Lunaris Adamantine Chargaff character rather inspired me to create a non-canon character of my own. Her name is Talisman, she's a lion, and she's in my signature. Set aside her backstory, that would be her Equestrian version's backstory. I will add her backstory For Xenograft in the Other field if I get accepted.


For Xenograft, Talisman Suzuki got a sports scholarship into Crystal City University. As a high school student, she refused to play sports on the girls' team, managed to get onto the boys' team of several sports, and she ended up getting a sports scholarship to the University. She lived in Japan with her family when she was young, but when she was six, she moved to Crystal City, and her learning of English and Japanese intermingled and gave her a unique accent that she is quite proud of. While she has few friends due to her rather unwelcoming attitude, she chose to go to the city's university anyway because of the scholarship, because it was easier than Japan (the only alternative for her, and because she quite likes being unique among the vast English-speaking majority. At the university, she does and studies about every sport she can.


I hope I get accepted, but if not, then I'll understand. Thanks anyway! :lol:


EDIT: If you're willing to accept her but can't because a couple small flaws, tell me if I can edit anything in her character to make her more usable in the RP.


SECOND EDIT: Lol, the Chamrosh mistake was so bad. Keeping it there, for historical integrity purposes.

Edited by Reaver
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First of all, I don't know whether you got Autocorrected or something, but it's a Chamrosh, not a Chargaff. Chargaff is apparently some biochemist guy who messed about with DNA, which is nice and all, but not me.



Anyways... about your Character form, I must say that I'm glad you chose a different species. I was worried no one would go for that. A Lion certainly seems like a very interesting choice, but I can easily see one being in the series. As for the human, it adds only more variety to our already unusual mix of character. I'll have to say that you are APPROVED!




One more thing. I can't help it, but every time I read 'Duskstripe', I misread it as 'Duckstripe'. Makes me think that a lion is opening it's mouth to let out a fierce roar, and all it manages is a simple, nonthreatening quack.

  • Brohoof 2
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First of all, I don't know whether you got Autocorrected or something, but it's a Chamrosh, not a Chargaff. Chargaff is apparently some biochemist guy who messed about with DNA, which is nice and all, but not me.

Oops, I wish it had been autocorrect. XD No, I just done goofed. I swear I knew what I was talking about...! I just, kind of, done the dum dums with the letters. Chamrosh, Chamrosh, Chamrosh, blegh.




Anyways... about your Character form, I must say that I'm glad you chose a different species. I was worried no one would go for that. A Lion certainly seems like a very interesting choice, but I can easily see one being in the series. As for the human, it adds only more variety to our already unusual mix of character. I'll have to say that you are APPROVED! One more thing. I can't help it, but every time I read 'Duskstripe', I misread it as 'Duckstripe'. Makes me think that a lion is opening it's mouth to let out a fierce roar, and all it manages is a simple, nonthreatening quack.


Thank you so much for the acceptance! :) I will try my best to contribute what I can!


Er. Let me know if the name becomes a problem. While I'm fond of Duskstripe, I understand it can be annoying to say it in your head. :P

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It's not a problem at all. I only mentioned it because I thought it was funny. You can change it if you want. In my opinion I think just Suzuki would be alright, but that's up to you. However, that one just makes me think of a lion driving an SUV. Still pretty funny, but at least she's not quacking anymore.

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Lunaris Adamantine,


Suzuki would be her name in this RP, her being human here. Obviously, Dusk/Duckstripe wouldn't be a human name.


I'm quite fond of the name 'Suzuki'. It's a popular series of stringed instrument workbooks. XD So, I'mma keep it, because of that. Also, because Talisman would think that image is hilarious.

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Uhm, excuse me?  I would like to know if it might be possible to express an interest in this RP?


I have three OCs that exist in the database (see my non-sig), but I am uncertain as to their viability.  You are more than welcome to peruse them at your lesiure... if you find the time to, of course.  I'll understand if the answer is no, but I would indeed be overjoyed if you said yes to any of the three.


I can, of course, tailor them to fit if necessary.  I can be quite flexible with my OCs, and a bit of rewriting will help to keep me on my toes.



Dax is in two other RPs at the moment, but he can be available for another.


Harcourt is untested, but I have a good personality to go with him.


Gideon could work, but he'd be a 'pseudo-villain' type, so I'm unsure as to how he would fit.



Anyhoof, if you have an interest, please let me know - I'd be happy to join you!  As I'm still getting my Forum Wings (so to speak), it'd be good to find good RPers to weave a story with!


Thank you for your time.

Edited by Randimaxis

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Sorry it took so long, but I have been extremely busy with my job this week. Just now finally getting some time to relax. Anyways, I've read through your three OCs, and I'm afraid the news isn't good. I'll explain a few of the problems in detail.



Let's start with Dax.


This guy... one of the main problems I have is his Cutie Mark. You explained that it represents how he is a "Diamond in the Rough", but that's not really a special talent. Apparently he comes from, what appears to be, and evil family. But he is not evil. So his talent, the reason he has the cutie mark, is not being Evil? Most ponies would have the same cutie mark in that case.


I noticed you mentioned he was good at finding emeralds, which is a special talent, but that wasn't even mentioned in his Cutie Mark description field. It could have easily gone unnoticed. But then you also say he wants to be an astronomer, and he's good at astronomy. But that talent has literally nothing in common with his cutie mark.


So is he an astronomer, emerald miner, or an evil-family escapee? His talent can't be all three, yet they all seem to be.


There are other problems with his as well, but that was the most evident.



Now on to Harcourt.


This guy is just a particular kind of Mary-Sue.


He is apparently the best thief in Equestria, has never been caught, and he prides himself on this particular aspect. Not only that, but he is very athletic, and a charmer of the ladies.


He also has a somewhat opposite problem as Dax with the Cutie Mark. It's quite clear what it means, but in this case it's basically saying that he is evil, in a sense, rather than good. A negative Cutie Mark is almost as bad as one that isn't clear-cut.


Also, like Dax, there are other problems. I'm just bringing to light one of the more obvious ones.



Now it's time for Gideon.


This guy is pretty much just a stereotypical Saturday-morning cartoon villain. There really isn't room in this roleplay for anyone who wants to destroy the world, especially not since we are all playing the part of the protagonist.



Sorry to say it, but all three of your characters are Not Accepted






An anthro character wouldn't really be a problem, provided it would still fit in well with the shows canon. However, before that your character must first be approved, which brings me to my review of yours.



The first thing I read about her didn't look good for you, I'm sorry to say. I immediately thought she was a Mary-Sue, and as I read further in, that was eventually upgraded to her being the Ultimate Mary-Sue.


Mindie is perfect. Attractive, intelligent, owns a flourishing company, is a renowned musician. As far as I could tell, she only has two flaws. First being that she gets easily agitated by little things. Second being that she is bored cause she's done everything that's possible for anyone to do, but that's not even really a flaw. I just half-counted it cause it was the only other negative thing mentioned.



We are not looking for perfect characters. Because of this I'm going to have to say you are Not Accepted.

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I thank you for your time, and I do appreciate the honest critique.


I tried, but it's okay - I'll try some others, see what happens.


Again, thank you.

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So I want to apologize for taking so long. I've been trying to figure out which character I wanted to use. I eventually settled on a human version of Mirror Image, whose backstory would have been overhauled to allow her to fit into the RP. Due to the amount of time it took me to decide, someone had already been accepted as a Unicorn. Since its taken me over a week to decide on my character (mostly from classes and life in general) I don't believe I have time for this RP at the moment. Is there any chance that you will open this back up to more players in the future?


EDIT: So I went back and reread the rules. Apparently there were two slots per pony race. I could have sworn it had said one per race. Mea Culpa)

Edited by SilverHeart
  • Brohoof 1

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Hello again! I'm back, so now I have time to make a more proper application for this RP. I just completely finished Aero Wind, so there's now a backstory for you to check as well.


For his Xenograft backstory, the normal backstory he has now almost works perfectly for him as a human too, and I'd rather just note the changes so I don't type up paragraphs that are almost the same. So, Aero and anyone else mentioned in his backstory are humans instead of ponies, the storm doesn't cause him to get his cutie mark and he's injured by the wind picking up and blowing him off his feet into a wall since he doesn't have wings as a human, and the university he studied at and now researches and sometimes teaches at is Crystal City University. If he's accepted, I'll edit his page with the 'FOR XENOGRAFT' section so these changes are listed there too.




I have no clue when you are actually going to read this, but that's perfectly fine with the both of us. Based on what you've got so far on your character, I've no doubt that the quality of the backstory will be plenty good for what we have in mind for this roleplay. A meteorologist sounds like an interesting addition to the team anyways. I look forward to seeing what you, and Aero Wind, can add to the roleplay.

Thanks! Although I feel coming up with good backstories is a weakness of mine, since most of the time when I create OCs I can fill up I can come up with most parts of their character easily but I struggle creating a good, believable backstory for them. Still, I think I got a pretty good idea for Aero, so I feel his backstory is good. But since I only just made it and I'm typcally not so good at creating backstories, I'm happy to change things about it if others don't like it and have some improvements to suggest.


Also, I have one question about how the human Equestria Girls world works: Does weather behave naturally like it does in real life, or do all the characters control the weather like they do in pony-version Equestria? If it's the former, that could make for quite an interesting situation; Aero would've spent most of his life studying how the weather works in one way, then he ends up in a different world where weather obeys a completely different set of rules and he'll need to relearn how weather works there. But either way would work well with my character.


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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