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Are the 6 slaves to the map?


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Although the Cutie Map hasn't been too intrusive so far, what it if started calling them more often?  What if it started summoning them for every little thing across the land?  Are they merely obligated to answer, or are they magically bound to it, slaves to the map?  What if they chose not to answer?  Twilight was appointed as princess, but the others did not ask for this burden.  They had it thrust upon them.  They did not choose to be connected to the elements or the map.  What if one or more of them wanted a safe and simple life, and did not want to adventure across Equestria to solve the world's crises?  You cannot force someone to be a superhero.  What happens when they get too old for this sh*t?  What happens if when the map's summons conflict with other obligations?  Are they involuntarily locked to this magical bat signal for all time?  Doesn't seem right to me.


(This is just a thought that popped into my head earlier today.  I don't really have a problem with the map.  I'm just overanalyzing because it's fun.)


Ooh, ooh, ooh, new crossover forming in my head!


The six are summoned by the map to trek across the world.  They journey for months, maybe years.  They're hungry and exhausted.  Twilight says, "I wish the Cutie Map had never come to us.  I wish none of this had happened."  Then we see a superimposed visage of Celestia, a memory, as she says, "So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide.  All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you."


Sorry, I do that.  Okay, back to the question.  What do you think?




My new headcanon is that the Elements of Harmony, the tree, and the map, are all part of a magical Daemon created by Starswirl the Bearded, which has been running since his death.






Y'know, the more I see it and the more I think about it, the more I don't like the idea of the map.  Do they have any control over it?  Could Twilight turn it off if she wanted?  You know, hide map notifications?  If not, it just seems wrong to me.  It seems like it has taken their freedom away.


Also, I'd like to point out how crazy the existence of the map and castle is to begin with.  How could something so complex be naturally occurring?  The tree and the elements are one thing, but the map and the castle obviously had to have a designer.  Now, this sounds like the aboriginal watch analogy, and the argument for creation, but this is totally different.  It's obvious that humans adapted to the earth, not the other way around.  Earth was not made with us in mind.  But the castle was perfectly made for Twilight and her friends.  Bedrooms, kitchen, six thrones, a library.  It's completely different than arguing for a designer of the universe.  The ponies did not adapt to the castle.  The castle and the map must have had a designer.  How could a naturally occurring tree make this castle and this map that sends them on missions, knowing exactly which of them is right for the job?  The more I've thought about it, the more I can't reconcile the map or the castle without the Daemon theory.


In the sister's journal, we learn that Starswirl discovered the tree and the elements, so those are naturally occurring.  I say he constructed the rest.  The first Daemon event was when the elements changed shape to that of the mane 6's cutie marks.  The second Daemon event was the formation of the chest.  The third Daemon event occurred when the chest was opened, and it was this event that permanently unleashed the Daemon.  It's self-sustaining now, and cannot be stopped.  Its task is to create a new world order.  This was Starswirl's vision.  It may ultimately be for the best, but he needed to use six ponies against their will to achieve his goal.

Edited by Justin_Case001
  • Brohoof 2


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>the mane six are merely meat puppets being manipulated by the elements before they inevitably possess their mortal forms to gain access to the physical world and delete the six's personalities to have complete control.


Edited by Unlikeable Pony
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Twilight won't grow old because she's a princess.  Because she is a princess, she can perform age spells.  "An age spell? But... how could you do an age spell? That's only for the highest level unicorns!" - Twilight Sparkle, Magic Duel.  I am fairly sure that by "highest level unicorns" she meant alicorns.  I'm sure Twilight would be much more than sad to see her friends grow old, so she would use an age spell on them so they can be eternal together.  Also, you asked about if any of the mane 6 would rather stay safe and be lazy instead of protecting Equestria.  They are always safe.  Remember, they possess the most powerful magic of all; more powerful than all of Equestria, including alicorn magic and Discord's magic, combined: friendship.  

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>the mane six are merely meat puppets being manipulated by the elements before they inevitably possess their mortal forms to gain access to the physical world and delete the six's personalities to have complete control.


thats dark. I just figured that they were happy to do it and thats why the map chose them, because doing its will would have already been in their hearts without its influence

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  • 6 months later...

"The destiny of ponykind is not decided by material computation. When great causes are on the move in the world, stirring all pony's souls, drawing them from their firesides, casting aside comfort, wealth and the pursuit of happiness in response to impulses at once awe-striking and irresistible, we learn that we are spirits, not animals, and that something is going on in space and time, and beyond space and time, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty.


A wonderful story is unfolding before our eyes. How it will end we are not allowed to know. But in all corners of Equestria we all feel, I repeat, all, that we are a part of it, that our future and that of many generations is at stake. We are sure that the character of equine society will be shaped by the resolves we take and the deeds we do. We need not bewail the fact that we have been called upon to face such solemn responsibilities. We may be proud, and even rejoice amid our tribulations, that we have been born at this cardinal time for so great an age and so splendid an opportunity of service here below."


- Whinnyston Colthill


(Paraphrased excerpt from Winston Churchill's 'Old Lion' speech.)

The truth is always rough.
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I'd like to think that they can, at any point, be like, "F*** this map!"  And the map will be like, "But..."  And no one would hear it or care because it's a map.


I hate Starsquirm the Beergut.  Okay, I don't hate him, but he could easily be blamed for a lot of crap that's gone wrong in the series and comics.  Anything he's had his hoof in is bound to turn out wrong at some point or another.


I initially liked the idea of the map.  Now?  It kinda depends.  If they lean on it too long or too hard, it will be further exposed as the plot device it most certainly is.  Example of the map used to great effect?  "The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone."  Example of the map used as a thin excuse to place two ponies in the same situation?  "The Hooffields and the McColts."  (I didn't even dislike that episode, but it still fits my argument.)

  • Brohoof 2

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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The map doesn't tell you where you want to go, it tells you where you need to be.




Voyaging off Avalon in Gargoyles. 

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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Also, I'd like to point out how crazy the existence of the map and castle is to begin with.  How could something so complex be naturally occurring?  The tree and the elements are one thing, but the map and the castle obviously had to have a designer.  Now, this sounds like the aboriginal watch analogy, and the argument for creation, but this is totally different.  It's obvious that humans adapted to the earth, not the other way around.  Earth was not made with us in mind.  But the castle was perfectly made for Twilight and her friends.  Bedrooms, kitchen, six thrones, a library.  It's completely different than arguing for a designer of the universe.  The ponies did not adapt to the castle.  The castle and the map must have had a designer.  How could a naturally occurring tree make this castle and this map that sends them on missions, knowing exactly which of them is right for the job?  The more I've thought about it, the more I can't reconcile the map or the castle without the Daemon theory.  


In the sister's journal, we learn that Starswirl discovered the tree and the elements, so those are naturally occurring.  I say he constructed the rest.  The first Daemon event was when the elements changed shape to that of the mane 6's cutie marks.  The second Daemon event was the formation of the chest.  The third Daemon event occurred when the chest was opened, and it was this event that permanently unleashed the Daemon.  It's self-sustaining now, and cannot be stopped.  Its task is to create a new world order.  This was Starswirl's vision.  It may ultimately be for the best, but he needed to use six ponies against their will to achieve his goal.



The tree is not a demon nor was it created by Starswirl. Its more akin to a God, and Harmony is the religion it offers. I'd also like to point out that the Tree is entirely sentient, its intelligent and it seems to be completely aware of the future. Like the Crystal heart (which is also sentient), it holds dominion over its particular area, that area being Equestria while the Crystal heart holds dominion over the Crystal Empire. 


Thinking about the Tree as a god, let me frame this for you (purely head canon but it could work) ; When the ponies came into its lands, they had windegos on their heels because of their constant quarreling. With the windegos came the storms, and the disharmony, something its diametrically opposed too. So it made a pact with Ponies; They would adopt its tenets of harmony and "friendship" and the tree would grant them the power to defend themselves and become prosperous. Cutie marks are a major component of this harmony. they tell ponies what they are gifted in and what they would be happy doing, and most of them follow this path to contribute to society. Those who follow this path are happy and feel fulfilled, and those who don't understand the message or try to use those talents in a disharmonious way tend to be miserable. Cutie marks do not necessarily have to be connected to the tree, but the attributed to the ponies of Equestria definitely are. 


The Tree is the one that appointed the Princesses with the Elements of Harmony, and the ponies all "agreed" that they were the ones who were supposed to rule over them. The two sisters defended the land of Equestria with the powers the Tree granted them, and they were doing well...Until Luna fell from grace and the harmony between the two sisters fell apart. After Celestia sealed her sister on the moon, she was relinquished of the elements powers from that point forward. Celestia was then given the task of finding the next bearers of the elements of harmony whom eventually would be her successor. It probably told her that there would be a very specific sign when the elements of harmony would be reawakened, and that sign was the Rainboom. 


If you remember, they were all there who was destined to be in those places at those times (as long as nobody tampered with it), in fact Rarity was quite literally dragged by the horn to be in her proper place when the Rainboom happened. This was the Tree's doing. It may not move, or speak, but it has far reaching influence and it knows the future. When that rainboom happened, Twilight and the others all received their cutie marks and Celestia recieved her sign. She probably even noticed that Twilights cutie mark was the same as the one emblazoned on the tree. 


So she Trained up twilight until the return of nightmare moon, and then sent twilight to Ponyville on the Trees orders to go "make some friends". She does, guided to make the elements of harmony once again. Eventually she ascends to princesshood, and after returning the elements of harmony to The Tree, it imbues those powers directly into the mane six so it could have greater influence over them in the future. 


Then it grants Twilight and the others the Tree Castle, and the cutie map that resides within it. The goal of this? To spread its influence, its "harmony" even further. There is talk that Griffins may be gaining cutie marks this upcoming season. Well of course they are, the cutie map sent out ambassadors of friendship, "profits" if you will, whom convert Gilda whom then goes about spreading that message from there. As they gain cutie marks I'm sure they will become quite "harmonious" since they have quite the influence over ponies. You can also see why it sent out twilight to take out the false "equal sign cutie marks" because it removed its connection to those ponies and instead made them bow to Starlights will. Of course it would want that thwarted. 


Even when the time traveling of the finale happened, the Tree, whom is aware of the future and probably of any timeline its in, kept the map with Twilight and influenced her to get everything right before MANUALLY TAKING THE SCROLL AWAY FROM BOTH OF THEM AND WHISKING IT OUT OF THAT TIMELINE. And of course it would do that, can't have ponies hopping around the timeline...just yet anyway. 


Now the theme of this season is exploring equestria, where they would be spreading friendship and harmony, strengthening the Trees control over the world a bit at a time. 


Zecora knows about the Tree's power, why do you think Spike and Twilight were glowing when she put that green salve on them. The Tree of Harmony let Zecora know that Twilight was from the "proper timeline" where it had the most influence, and Zecora follows its instruction to a tee.


because of course, she has a cutie mark as well, and she lives in the very forest the Tree resides in, probably as some kind of Guardian. 


So do the ponies have free will? Can they resist the map? Well when the god of your religion is blatantly giving you clear as day orders I'm banking they wouldn't WANT to disobey it. 

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@@Buck Testa, a very interesting interpretation, and I enjoyed reading it.  You obviously put a lot of thought into it.  But what roots me in a different perspective is that I reject the idea of the tree (or crystal heart) being sentient, or being able to see the future.  From that paradigm, the Daemon is needed to explain the castle and the map.  (Hey, I know I'm wrong, but it makes me feel better to play up this theory.  :/ )  But either way, whether the tree and the elements are a sentient, divine force, or whether the map is simply a program carrying out a set of pre-written instructions, I still feel like the whole thing is totalitarian, which is why is doesn't sit well with me.



- Whinnyston Colthill

Okay, you get big points for that name.  :lol:


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@@Justin_Case001, if it turns out that the map is somehow controled by Celestia, I'd laugh my ass off.


I'm going to sound like a spoilsport, but I think that the map doesn't deserve this sort of analysis. Right now, it's just a magical lever to make things happen. The less we know about it, the better for the writers because it's magic. "They ain't gotta explain shit." It annoys me, but in the end it's nothing more than a tool for the writers to send the girls where they want the episode to happen without having to come up with an actual reason to contrive into existence their arrival. It's like a mission select screen in a game that doesn't have enough of a plot to justify the need to go there and do that stage right now, instead of the other. It's a vain hope, but I wish that Twilight's palace catches fire and takes the map with it, never to be seen again. And somehow Cadance and Flurry Heart are to blame.

  • Brohoof 1


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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@@Justin_Case001, if it turns out that the map is somehow controled by Celestia, I'd laugh my ass off.


I'm going to sound like a spoilsport, but I think that the map doesn't deserve this sort of analysis. Right now, it's just a magical lever to make things happen. The less we know about it, the better for the writers because it's magic. "They ain't gotta explain shit." It annoys me, but in the end it's nothing more than a tool for the writers to send the girls where they want the episode to happen without having to come up with an actual reason to contrive into existence their arrival. It's like a mission select screen in a game that doesn't have enough of a plot to justify the need to go there and do that stage right now, instead of the other. It's a vain hope, but I wish that Twilight's palace catches fire and takes the map with it, never to be seen again. And somehow Cadance and Flurry Heart are to blame.



Going to chime in here, I have been HORRIBLY dissapointed in the map.


When it appeared, I was hoping for SOMETHING to justify its existence, yeah? Like, I was thinking there'd be something to show its importance to the universe, something significant about its existence and it sending the mane six to places. Some sort of purpose. Like, even if the box was underwhelming it DID something, and it had a purpose, creating the castle and the map (as well as rainbow power).



But what has the map done? NOTHING. its a glorified WOW daily quest giver. The things they've done have been shown to have had ZERO major impact on the world. Like, its nice to help others and stuff, but does it require a super magical map to do that Shit?  Celestia could just send them letters like in season one for that kind of stuff, or you could just have them get letters from people they know like coco.



the ONLY thing of even halfway importance that the map has done is had the mane six set about getting starlight redeemed and if THAT was the entire point of the map, to redeem starlight glimmer, I'm going to be pretty freaking pissed at the writers, given that I honestly don't like starlight and feel something like the map and a bunch of thrones for the mane six would have something bigger than saving the worlds most insane plot armored moron from herself.

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I don't think the map is controlled by a daemon, a god, or Celestia. Or any sentient being/force for that matter. I view it as a manifestation of underlying destiny based on the magical harmony of the world the ponies live in. It is expressed in exactly the way it needs to be, where and when it needs to be. We already know destiny is a tangible concept in MLP so I can see this as an overarching providence meant to bring the Mane 6's fate to fruition.

The truth is always rough.
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