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open [RP] The Blackwater Quarry


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19 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

Mystic, upon looking up, was treated to the sight of Blackwater Ridge swimming in fog that rolled around the tombstones, through the rusted iron fence... and over the hooves of another presence in the cemetery.  One that only she could see... or more like, see through.

It was an elegant, yet reserved mare.  She wore a black bodysuit, and her long and luxurious mane was a deep indigo color, with a light blue stripe running through it, as well as her equally lovely tail.  Her eyes, big and softly blue, seemed to be looking directly at Mystic as she stood there.

Mystic was conflicted, on the one hoof she was terrified: Despite her training and practice she'd never encountered a foreign ghost before, she quickly went into herself to try and remember what she was supposed to do when she encountered one. On the other hoof she was excited: She'd never encountered a foreign ghost before! Do I tell a joke? No, that's for specters, or was it wraiths? Should I try to speak to it? I never got good at speaking on the visual plane, and it only works if they can read lips... hmm.

@Blitz Boom @Flow

Idly she'd start to draw the ghostly mare she saw so the others could see her too, at least by proxy. If the ghost could see her then it should be evidence enough that she was being seen, perhaps that would trigger a reaction?

On 7/8/2020 at 3:02 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Ooooh, it's a spooky, psychic drawing? *gasp* Awesome! No wait, not awesome. Not if there's fighting ghosts. I dunno what sorta explosives to use on ghosts. Maybe fireworks to calm them down? Everypony loves fireworks."

Mystic cracked a bit of a smile at that, but didn't respond out of anxiety for what speaking might do with the ghost.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Randimaxis@Illiad Easle@Blitz Boom

While observing what was drawn before their eyes, Bloom took careful note of the figures, along with the background. First, the one on the left, "A boulder......wait...could that be, Blackwater Vault? That bears a great resemblance to it, or is that really it? And that stallion, I have a feeling that I've seen him before...that mane...and mustache....could that be?" And then she felt like she struck gold when she figured it out "In the manor....the portraits....no way....is that Horace Blackwater? Is that his name? He does resemble the stallion in the portrait....It could be him, or that could be a doppelganger." She thought, before piecing it together "But why is he in front of the vault? Wait....this doesn't make any sense...he wasn't around when the vault existed...he was...oh......yes...I remember, the vault was created from the boulder...from which the boulder had.....yes, I get it now, it most likely is Horace, that was his name is it not?" She thought, "Well, I guess I owe it all to Master Dax for his "history lessons", if it weren't for him, I wouldn't have come to this conclusion. Some say his talk about his ancestors is boring in the least, but I thought it's facinating."

Next, Bloom turned her attention onto the one opposite of Horace. He too was somepony that she had seen before, also a portrait in the manor, seen with an zebra mare. Despite having decent knowledge of the Blackwater ancestry, Bloom had difficulty trying to name the other, but she felt that she has it at the back of her mind "I can't quite come up with who he was...but I know that he was a Blackwater. Okay, so why is he there? Does he have something against Horace?" She then stood there, pondering on what she was seeing.

Edited by Flow
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Gold waited patiently, devoid of expression. That was the intent, but Gold didn't have full confidence in his ability to do so. However, beyond a subtle heightening of the breath and the undetectable rising of the heart, Gold had surprised himself with his self-control. 'This is who I am,' he thought to himself unknowingly rewarding himself. With himself understood, the situation was next and it was clear to Gold this was a more than an interview, this was Miss. Blackwater's playtime. She was elated at having others at her beck and call, at least, she was at the moment.

Gold knew he would have to play the part if he didn't want to be a spoilsport. A peace of him felt disgusted at the thought of ruining someone else's fun, but if he played to far into it then their would be no room to demonstrate himself.

It had been a second or two after she had finished speaking. He looked to his surroundings in hope of finding something when it came to him.

"Sorry," Gold finally said as he snapped back the now, "I was distracted by your decor. It has a way of... catching one."

He would let her tier herself out on her self indulgence, and when it seems fair to bring the subject to himself, only then; when she grows weary of herself, will he make himself well and truly known.

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@Randimaxis @Flow @Illiad Easle

Blitz kept looking at the pictures too, but she hadn't the faintest idea who any of these were. There had been some pictures on the wall the one time she had been at the manor, but she had no idea if any of them had been of these two ponies, since she had been way more focused on just everything there. Long halls with doors, leading to surely magical places (or broom closets), stuff just everywhere too, like vases and stuff that might have interesting things in them, or at least pretty flowers. And that wasn't even speaking of what she imagined were there if she could just get further into the mansion! She had been stopped before she could rush off on an adventure, but one day, she'd get her chance, and then she'd find something cool for sure.

Anyway, minor details like details on pictures hadn't stood a chance in getting her attention at the first attempt of having her in the mansion.

Then suddenly, something happened. The mare started to pain another pony! *gasp* She must really be getting a lot of inspiration from this graveyard. Maybe she was like that funny looking filly, and the minotaur, she had seen at that old, overgrown graveyard that time she got lost in the forest? They had done a lot of work there, and seemed to be getting along well. The little one had even asked if she wanted to come and play with her for a bit. The big guy didn't seem happy with it, but then he suddenly took a nap and the two were free to play around. A lot of tea party games and dancing with that cool, magical dolly of hers, though she did say lots of strange things. A lot about death and ghosts and stuff, along with things that Blitz just didn't understand, but it had been fun. A shame she hadn't seen the filly again since then, but maybe she could ask around some day, and see if somepony else had? She might like this graveyard. Though... What was the name again... Uhm... Mourners Puppet, right. Maybe she could make that one come by and play sometimes, if she knew where Blitz were.

"Uuuh, she's pretty. Who's that then? Is she the marefriend to one of them? Oh, oh! Let it be the one who looks most grumpy. Maybe then he'll smile more.

Hmm, or is she maybe a fairy tale princess of sorts? She's real pretty like one. Is this the start of an adventure book?"

he were completely, and utterly oblivious to things going on around them, including that it got darker. At first at least, though after uttering these words, she'd raise a hoof to scratch her ear, and suddenly bit note in it having gotten darker than it were when they entered.

"Woah, did I lose track of time again? Usually that only happens when I work, or watch Pinkie Pie do fun things. Hehe, the drawings must just be really captivating then."

She lost track of time constantly, so this were nothing new to her, unless it were pointed out to her that barely any time had passed at all. That would be weird then, though right now, she were sure it were just her that had gotten lost in something, and hadn't noticed again. Hopefully it hadn't been days this time. It would be kinda cool to beat her record of three days, but the doctors, Pinkie, and Stormy, all said it were bad, and that she had to be careful not to work nonstop for that long.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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  • 4 weeks later...


"But ah only got my..."

Clod Hopper gave a look back towards the mare before whipping his head back and squirming in noticeable distress. He was an honest lad, and lying didn't come easy to one who's father usually found him out in such things. As vacant as the place he lived was, there wasn't much to lie about. Quickly shifting his weight back and forth in a canter he wasn't hiding it very well that the only scrap of cloth on him, his dense, rather blandly colored hoofwoven back blanket, was a bit of a sore spot for him.

"I, uh, I-i'm fine j-just having it right there on me back. It won't go anywhere, I promise! S- 'sides, it, uh, ain't proper to be undressin' in front of a lady!!

 I can carry just about anythin just fine! Ah'm good! Jist gimmie the doohickey and I'll be off somethin fast, just you see!!"


   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Illiad Easle

The pretty mare wore an expression of cold neutrality, but she stepped forward a bit, her eyes intent on Mystic as she sauntered close to where they were.  When it drew near, the spectre looked over all three of the gathered femmes quietly, then lifted a hoof and pointed at Mystic... more to the point, the drawing on her pad of the two stallions.

Her muzzle grew a look of concern, even worry, as she looked back at Mystic, as if asking for something... then, her eyes tracked towards the manor house itself, and stopped when they were gazing at Luther's office balcony.  Again, she then turned back to Mystic and her expression seemed as though she were almost pleading to her...


@Blitz Boom, @Flow

The cemetery was dark and foggy... and even though nightfall was near, it shouldn't have been HERE so quickly.  Add to that the intense feeling that the two of them were being watched, somehow... and well, it wasn't very productive on feeling safe and secure.

But strangely enough, Blitz could feel something as as well; it was almost like a gentle magnetic pulling that seemed to be trying to bring her attention to one of the cold marble gravestones.  How and why SHE was being affected, there was no telling... but whatever it was, it felt like someone trying to tickle her, but not with anything physical.  More like a giggly, bubbly sensation that she could feel inside her filly self.

Bloom, though - she was getting the general feeling that she was stepping into something potentially dangerous... but as she spoke of Dax, the feeling shifted, and became a sensation of being watched, intensely.  However, the fog that had gathered in the cemetery was growing thick, and she realized that they were surrounded by it; Bloom couldn't see anything outside of the gated gravesite - even the sky! 




@Loud Opinion

On 7/17/2020 at 6:03 PM, Loud Opinion said:

"Sorry... I was distracted by your decor. It has a way of... catching one."

Vylia's grin was small and tight, but she barely gave him a glance as she then reached over and took up a teacup in her hooves, giving it a light sip before returning it to the table.

The moment she did, a butler that was an exact copy of the one next to Gold stepped out from the sidelines (where he'd been waiting) and dutifully refilled the mare's teacup.  He was an exact copy of the other butler at his side - were they twins, perhaps?

The mare sighed loftily, and lounged back into her chaise.  "I see... so that would mean you're quite possibly either easily impressed or easily distracted... and I'm not in the habit of lending much of my time OR consideration to those who so readily admit their flaws in such a fashion.  It also leads me to believe you're not here for anything important, so I can assume this meeting shall be overwith in less than two minutes."

Using a hoof to smooth back her mane, her eyes found something else to look at off the side of the patio.  "Well, DO speak up - or are you as bereft of words as you seem to be of value to me?  Deliver whatever message you've been sent to relay, then DO be on your way - and relay to whomever sent you that I would MUCH rather receive a letter or a scroll than have to waste my time having to hear from an obvious peon like yourself."

"Madam Vylia," the butler next to her spoke up, "this is Gold Dust; he comes here as your last appointment for the day."

Vylia now lifted an eyebrow.  "Gold Dust?  Are you possibly involved with the Manehattan Dust family?  I've heard a number of rumours concerning Manehattan families - tell me, Mr. Dust... which rumours concern your family line?"  She asked this with a warm and smooth voice - the kind that was looking for a reason to mock him mercilessly.





On 8/12/2020 at 4:57 AM, Widdershins said:

"I, uh, I-i'm fine j-just having it right there on me back. It won't go anywhere, I promise! S- 'sides, it, uh, ain't proper to be undressin' in front of a lady!!

 I can carry just about anythin just fine! Ah'm good! Jist gimmie the doohickey and I'll be off somethin fast, just you see!!"

Pansy looked at him with a skeptical eye for a moment.

"Mr. Hopper... you DO realize that the crate's size would keep you from being able to hold it AND walk at the same time?  Unless you're a master at balancing, it would be far easier for you to simply wear the harness for it."

She knew something was up... but, as she usually went without being heard, she simply sighed and gave him a flat look.

"Or is the Cragg Mining Company going to have to donate a cart as well, because you're unwilling to use a harness?"



  • Brohoof 3

=====  ( 0=====


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@Randimaxis @Blitz Boom @Flow

Mystic didn't react to what the others were doing around her, she had fully immersed herself in her interaction with the ghost mare. She likely wouldn't react to anything outside of strong physical contact until she was done watching the mare.

12 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

even worry, as she looked back at Mystic, as if asking for something... then, her eyes tracked towards the manor house itself, and stopped when they were gazing at Luther's office balcony.  Again, she then turned back to Mystic and her expression seemed as though she were almost pleading to her...

Mystic wasn't the best at charades, but she felt she had a good enough understanding of what the mare wanted, Something between this drawing and either Lord Blackwater himself or simply one in charge. This mare seems to think it's important. Either the drawing is related, or a foreshadowing of something to come that he needs to know about.

She wondered how she might convey her understanding to the ghost, she had never been trained as a medium after all. She held up the image of the two stallions and held it out towards the balcony before nodding. on another sheet she drew herself giving the drawing to Luther on his balcony, she held it up for the mare to see with a questioning eyebrow, Is this what she wants?

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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His opportunity still had not made itself known. She was still whole heatedly on the offensive. The test of skill had still not come. This was the thick of the forest now. If he pushed back now he could get lucky and leave her at a loss for words, but he'd probably be at the receiving end of an overwhelming reversal. The math was clear. Wait until the end of his rope to show his force of will and critical eye. If nothing more, she may respect his patients.

"I may be born a Dust, but I was raised a Gold." That response had a little more will than he intended, but with any first attempt missteps are inevitable. He wasn't even sure where that response had come from. "Sorry, I'm just surprised you would even mention my mother's side of the family. I didn't know their were Dusts in Manehattan. I was raised in Gold Ring's estate."

Swift Dust wasn't very close to her family, but from what Gold knew they where the ponies to go to for work in hazardous conditions. He remembered Silver Tongue's recounting of their misdeeds. Arson, coincidental accidents for businesses that treated their work-force poorly, and of course, the most likely reason they've been brought up: their cooperation with Discord throughout his first rule of Equestria. Who could blame them? Discord's rule was equally miserable for everypony and that wasn't really a downgrade for the ever-expendable Dusts. Maybe there were more recent escapades that he wasn't aware of.

"Well, I don't do hazard work if that's what you're implying," Gold deflected before finally stating his purpose, "I'm trained in accounting and I plan to render several existing employees obsolete."

  • Brohoof 1

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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On 8/17/2020 at 1:57 AM, Randimaxis said:

The cemetery was dark and foggy... and even though nightfall was near, it shouldn't have been HERE so quickly.  Add to that the intense feeling that the two of them were being watched, somehow... and well, it wasn't very productive on feeling safe and secure.

Bloom, though - she was getting the general feeling that she was stepping into something potentially dangerous... but as she spoke of Dax, the feeling shifted, and became a sensation of being watched, intensely.  However, the fog that had gathered in the cemetery was growing thick, and she realized that they were surrounded by it; Bloom couldn't see anything outside of the gated gravesite - even the sky! 



@Randimaxis @Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom


Slowly, the atmosphere around Bloom, and the rest of the group began to turn tense, gradually transitioning into a feeling of terror. It, combined with the coming darkness around, contributed to the dark ambience around. Bloom knew that the day was soon approaching the night, but she did not think it would be here this fast, she kept a straight face, despite feeling frightened by what was unfolding around the group, "What's going on? Why does it seem so dark? Is it nightfall already? But it seems too early in the day!" She thought, before that same feeling turned into something else. Rather, it changed to a feeling of being watched "Wh-....why do I feel like...we're being watched? What's going on? I can't see beyond the cemetery!"

But as long as she stayed with Mystic, and Blitz, she would feel a sense of security in this tense atmosphere. "If I'm actually alone in this situation, I might've panicked, and cowered in fear, but strangely, I don't feel much around, I guess it has to do with them. I really don't know, but I really appreciate it for their company. I know, I'm not supposed to be like this as a maid, well, all the time, but every now and then would be fine by me," She thought, elated that her worries were going away, bit by bit.

Edited by Flow
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@Randimaxis @Flow

On 8/16/2020 at 5:57 PM, Randimaxis said:

But strangely enough, Blitz could feel something as as well; it was almost like a gentle magnetic pulling that seemed to be trying to bring her attention to one of the cold marble gravestones.  How and why SHE was being affected, there was no telling... but whatever it was, it felt like someone trying to tickle her, but not with anything physical.  More like a giggly, bubbly sensation that she could feel inside her filly self.

A smart pony would have noted the pull, and just done even more to stay away from it. Clearly it were drawing a specific target in for a reason, and as this were a graveyard, that reason couldn't be anything good.

Blitz were thankfully a rather smart pony, if she could say so herself. However, she were also a filly. One who tinkered most of her time, which combined to make her extremely curious in nature. So when she felt this pull, her first thought wasn't *Uhoh, better stay near the others where it's safe.*, but rather *Uuuuh, what's that?*.

So she'd wander over towards the stone that were dragging in her, lowly giggling as she went along. She weren't sure why, but it felt like she were getting tickled. Or well, it felt closer to when she were watching Pinkie Pie throw a party in the middle of Ponyville. Joy and the want to giggle away, as she felt all tingly and joyful on the inside, even before she had gotten anypony physically touching her.

Though surely, Pinkie Pie were not coming in out of nowhere, and throw a party in the middle of the graveyard.

...Then again, that was logic, and Pinkie defied logic, with every breath she took. Pinkie logic were that she could totally just show up out of nowhere, and fire off some streamers. Hehe, that'd be fun. Maybe she'd even use the replica party cannon that Blitz built for her? It wasn't as stretchy as Pinkie's own cannon seemed to be, but it were still what Blitz considered, a loving tribute to her idol.  One she had made solely by watching how her own cannon fired off, and worked from there. Pinkie had been fairly impressed at that even.

A shame Blitz just didn't have the time to make another one though. There were so many tothers things to experiment with in the Everfree Forest, so there just hadn't been time. Though she had been toying with a fun one, that'd be able to really fire off some stuff. Not cake batter though. She had promised the Cake's not to waste that sort, and Blitz were a filly, that kept her word. Most of the time. Sometimes her mind just sorta went a-wandering, and she tipped her hat a little too much.

Anyway, creepy gravestone, what did you hide? Time to find out!

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 3


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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"Do I..." Hopper trailed off, averting his eyes from her. For a decently big stallion, he seemed to do that an awful lot and wasn't too good at all at hiding his emotions. 

"Does the blanket have ta come off? Was supposin we was gon use a cart anyhow." He lowered his voice even softer as he tilted his head to one side in a breath of a pause, as if trying to unconsciously avert himself even further from the conversation. Low enough in tone, he wasn't so much directing questions as just talking his own thoughts out as they happened; a habit one picked up when most of your life was spent far away from society and no one to talk to but a grumpy father and the occasional passing critter. Clod didn't much assume anyone heard him when he talked. They didn't seem to.

 " ...I don't gotta walk to do it. But I suppose it gotta get there in one piece." He then turned his face back to her from where he stood perpendicular to her and facing the door they had come in through and unintentionally gave her a big, watery eyed look of begging one usually saw in young colts. "...It won' work otherwise? Could I leave it on... iffen that's okay?"

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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On 8/17/2020 at 12:43 AM, Illiad Easle said:

 Is this what she wants?

The lovely spectre stared for a moment more at the balcony, then turned to face Mystic and held up a hoof.

Within her hoof was what looked to be a ghostly image of... some sort of flower?  It was a bright crimson red, and had a large bulb in the center that was covered in leafy veins.  The mare looked at it longingly, then sent her glance back to Luther's balcony once more.

Slowly, the image of the plant within the ghost's hoof sank through the apparition and floated to the ground, where it looked as though it planted itself.  The spectre's gaze came to the ghost-plant in the ground, and she smiled - a beautiful sight for a beautiful ghost - then returned her eyes to Mystic once more.

Was it a plant of some sort that Luther knew about?


On 8/19/2020 at 12:47 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Anyway, creepy gravestone, what did you hide? Time to find out!

She approached a gravestone that was weathered and old, with slight cracks and chips marring the face of it.  On the marble headstone read the following words:

Here Lies
The King Of Explosions


If THAT didn't sound like an open invitation to investigate to Blitz, nothing would.

The grave itself was just a simple plot, the edges of the burial mound flattened out centuries ago.  However, upon closer inspection, there were lines and curves carved into a part of the front; they looked a bit like a child's drawing of an unidentifiable foal riding on a stallion's back, and there was just enough color left to see some blue, black and a touch of red on the stallion in question.

It looked like a simple, run-of-the-mill gravesite... until a single, ghostly hoof appeared, pawing up from the ground around it.

The dirt remained undisturbed, but the hoof was joined by another, and slowly, what looked to be a stallion's head popped out of the ground, looking at Blitz directly.

Even though his form was ghostly, she could easily pick out his bright red mane, his coat which was a mix of black and blue, and big magenta eyes that seemed to have both kindness and mischief in them.  He looked at Blitz and smiled a wide smile, and the little powderkeg herself heard what sounded like a light giggle.

The front half of a ghostly stallion was sticking out of Pitch Black's grave; he grinned and put his head on his hooves as he observed the little mare.


On 8/17/2020 at 8:50 AM, Flow said:

"If I'm actually alone in this situation, I might've panicked, and cowered in fear, but strangely, I don't feel much around, I guess it has to do with them. I really don't know, but I really appreciate it for their company. I know, I'm not supposed to be like this as a maid, well, all the time, but every now and then would be fine by me."

That was when she saw something as well...

In Blackwater Ridge, there were a number of well-carved headstones and statues, each a masterpiece of its' own accord.  Though all the statues were old and weathered, they had survived the centuries in grand condition, and were still lovely, if somber, sights to behold.

However, they were made of STONE; they weren't supposed to move at all... much less by themselves.

Bloom saw a statue, a mare, on the far end of the cemetery slowly turn it's head and look directly at her, and felt a slight chill as she saw it blink a few times.  Then, as if nothing was wrong with the idea of such, the statue began to step down from its' pedestal, and began to make its' way towards the maid.  She could hear the eerie sound of stone grinding together, and though it had no color nor irises, she could SWEAR that it was staring directly at HER.



On 8/17/2020 at 12:44 AM, Loud Opinion said:

"I may be born a Dust, but I was raised a Gold.  Sorry, I'm just surprised you would even mention my mother's side of the family. I didn't know their were Dusts in Manehattan. I was raised in Gold Ring's estate."

Vylia grinned sweetly.  "Oh, it was merely an assumption - after all, with such tastes as your own, I would have thought you were a product of the Dust family... but the Gold family, you say?"

She seemed to consider that for a moment, then shrugged.  "Well, I suppose I'll find out shortly whether or not you are a Gold... or a Dust, yes?  Because I could certainly use a Gold, but a Dust is nothing but their namesake."  Her smile got a bit cruel.  "I'm certain you understand, yes?"


On 8/17/2020 at 12:44 AM, Loud Opinion said:

"Well, I don't do hazard work if that's what you're implying, I'm trained in accounting and I plan to render several existing employees obsolete."

The mare's eyebrow lifted at that, and she gave a giggle.

"Oh-ho-hoooo... well, you certainly seem to have a great deal of confidence about you, Golddust," she smirked, "and THAT, I like... IF it can be used for the greater good of the quarry, that is.  I am most certainly looking for excellent new talent, and in fact, I've also been introduced to another accountant - an exotic zebra, no less - who is interning as we speak.  It's quite possible that she'll have that job before the week is out."

Her muzzle then took on an inncoently-questioning look.  "Oh, but... TWO applicants for the same position?  My goodness, whatever shall I do..?"

She then stood up and gave another laguid stretch, her lovely form on display for a moment, before turning back to Gold.

"Well, I suppose an internship for TWO applicants could prove interesting... but sadly, I only have a single position available.  However, should one of you 'quit', then it would be obvious whom the next hire would be, hmmmm?  Oh, but DO listen to me babble!  So very, very sorry..."

She motioned to Gold, and the butler at the table quickly poured a cup of tea into a lovely fine porcelain cup, which he then deftly brought to Gold with a bow.

"So... do you like tea, Mr. Golddust?"

Was she saying his name that way on purpose?  And should he correct her?



On 8/20/2020 at 8:22 AM, Widdershins said:

"Does the blanket have ta come off? Was supposin we was gon use a cart anyhow."

"Carts," Pansy sighed, "are expensive, Mister Hopper... and harnesses are not so expensive.  My boss," her muzzle wrinkled with distaste, "is well-known for pinching bits; he would most likely pitch a screaming fit about losing an entire cart.  For the record."

Then, despite her jaded thought processes, she saw something more about this situation:


On 8/20/2020 at 8:22 AM, Widdershins said:

"...It won' work otherwise? Could I leave it on... iffen that's okay?"

The large stallion was scared of something.  Something under that blanket.  Something that must have been horrible.

Pansy, usually stuck in her role as the cynical secretary, saw his eyes and his reaction, and her heart decided he wasn't to be a target of her long-browbeaten angst.  She looked to him seriously, and decided to try actually giving a damn about him.

"Mister Hopper?  You seem quite upset - it there something wrong beneath that blanket?  Is it a scar, of an unappealing cutie mark?  If you have so much issue with removing the blanket... may I ask why?"

No, she hadn't asked that question to anyone else on staff in years... but now, just like before, she mentioned it with a kind look on her face.  Though she may have been a bit plump, Pansy wasn't ugly, and her eyes were soft and understanding as they looked at him - a look she hadn't given anyone on staff in quite a long time.


  • Brohoof 3

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@Randimaxis @Blitz Boom @Flow

Mystic felt an ache start to grow in her horn and deeper behind her eyes, she had never channeled this long before, and it was starting to strain even her podigious stores of energy and ability. She would have to end this quickly or else she'd pass out, potentially revealing herself to the two with her.

Nonetheless, her discomfort and physical strain would be obvious to the other two if they looked her way, sweat poured down her furrowed brow and all her muscles were tense.

She did her best despite the growing pain to draw the plant that the ghost showed her. It was hard to understand, it seemed like Luther, or again someone in charge, knew of or had a certain plant like the one she drew, and the ghost wanted it here.

How any of it related to the two stallions she had seen earlier she had no clue. She very much hoped Luther would be able to explain something.

Drawing done she'd reach up to remove her blindfold and thus sever the channel, unless the ghost mare did something to warrant her continued effort.


  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Randimaxis@Illiad Easle@Blitz Boom

18 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

That was when she saw something as well...

In Blackwater Ridge, there were a number of well-carved headstones and statues, each a masterpiece of its' own accord.  Though all the statues were old and weathered, they had survived the centuries in grand condition, and were still lovely, if somber, sights to behold.

However, they were made of STONE; they weren't supposed to move at all... much less by themselves.

Bloom saw a statue, a mare, on the far end of the cemetery slowly turn it's head and look directly at her, and felt a slight chill as she saw it blink a few times.  Then, as if nothing was wrong with the idea of such, the statue began to step down from its' pedestal, and began to make its' way towards the maid.  She could hear the eerie sound of stone grinding together, and though it had no color nor irises, she could SWEAR that it was staring directly at HER. 

Although her feelings of insecurity were abating, Bloom still felt mostly terrified just by standing inside the pitch black cemetery. The sight of stone statues, perched atop the tombstones of departed Blackwaters, did nothing but add to fuel to her terrified self. The statues, carved with great detail, looked very much as if they were alive. Of course, they were made of stone, so they were not supposed to move at all. "These all look too real to me, it's as if they were alive, so much that it actually seems creepy." She thought,

Then, she looked ahead and spotted a peculiar statue of a mare. She knew that it was just a statue, but this one seemed to be oddly alive, turning its' head towards her. Such sight sent chills towards Bloom, "Did that....turn towards me? I mean, it's a statue isn't it? It didn't just....turn it's head now did it?" She then observed it to blink several times, before it came alive right before her eyes, and stepped down towards her, coupled with the sounds of grinding stone, combined for a terrifying scene. "W-What in the world...is this!?" She thought as if she was about to panic, and make a run for it.

At the same time, her conscience is telling her that this "statue" of a mare might seem lost. Though, with a terrified feeling, it was hard to consider, but she thought that it would not be right to just run away without getting to the root of a problem, and that it may not be as it seems. But due to the dubious nature of the situation, she would have to be very cautious about it. Taking that into consideration, she began, mustering all her courage, "P-pardon me, you seem..to be lost, or you might be looking for something? H-how can I be of service?"

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Hanging his head and eyes downcast, he strained to find away around a situation without outright giving too much away. Having the majority of your experiences being just one parent who knows you well enough to catch any lies; leads you to not trusting yourself enough to get away with any regular lie, so Hopper went with the usual foalhood mainstay of lying by omission. 

"I, um... it ain't nothin I want you to... It's just not pretty to look at.

Was born a bit funny an' I don't want to... ya shouldn't have a look at it."

Clod Hopper turned his head away. His father was a donkey and the only pegasus he had known was his mother from way back in his foalhood before he could make any hardset memories. Sure, any filly would play around with their wings, but Buster Clod had been there nearly every time to catch his son and grumpily bark at him for doing a darn fool thing like having his feet leave the ground. Hopper might have gotten used to using his legs for farmwork, but his wings had atrophied badly over time to the point where he had begun to assume nopony but him had these dinky little back-growths. 

  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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On 8/21/2020 at 9:58 PM, Randimaxis said:

Here Lies
The King Of Explosions

*gasp* This was Pitch Black's grave? Cool! No wonder why she were drawn to this then. Dax had said lots... Okay, he had said a little bit about him, but what he had said sounded awesome! One who had made massive explosions, up to an including blowing up a mountainside. Why wouldn't anypony fall head over hooves to try and learn more about him?

For a moment she sat in front of the grave in silence, getting a big grin on her face, ad imagining herself one day getting a stone like that. Denoting her as the queen of explosives. Oh man, that'd be great.

But there were no time to think over that! The gravestone might be really important in more ways, than it just being where Pitch had been buried. Maybe the stone had a secret hatch or something? Or it'd explode, if you pushed it the wrong way? Awh man, that'd totally be in character, with somepony who held his title.

Only thing she found though, were that it kinda looked like somepony had drawn on it? The colors were faded, but that definitely looked like a foal's drawing, of somepony riding a grown stallion. Probably the foal that made this, and that supposedly being Pitch Black? That'd make sense, though who could've done this? It looked like it might be old, so... Maybe Dax, when he were younger? The infamous Oglevy? Perhaps pi-Huh?

On 8/21/2020 at 9:58 PM, Randimaxis said:

It looked like a simple, run-of-the-mill gravesite... until a single, ghostly hoof appeared, pawing up from the ground around it.

The dirt remained undisturbed, but the hoof was joined by another, and slowly, what looked to be a stallion's head popped out of the ground, looking at Blitz directly.

When the hoof had popped out of the ground, Blitz had completely lost focus on what she were thinking about, and the others around her in general. They just couldn't compare to seeing a ghost hoof like this. And as could be expected, the first thing she'd do, were to poke at it. If it were solid or not, she'd stand with wonder in her eyes as she tried this (far as she knew) new experience, with all the caution of a horror movie teenager.

And when the head popped up... Well, only one logical thing to do there right?

"Hello ghost pony! I'm Blitz Boom."

Logical for Blitz anyway, as she rose a hoof and enthusiastically waved down at the ghost as he rose further up from the grave.

On 8/21/2020 at 9:58 PM, Randimaxis said:

Even though his form was ghostly, she could easily pick out his bright red mane, his coat which was a mix of black and blue, and big magenta eyes that seemed to have both kindness and mischief in them.  He looked at Blitz and smiled a wide smile, and the little powderkeg herself heard what sounded like a light giggle.

The front half of a ghostly stallion was sticking out of Pitch Black's grave; he grinned and put his head on his hooves as he observed the little mare.

Uuuuh, and now there were sounds? And that look- *gasp* She knew who this were! Almost certainly. Sorta. In fairness it were his grave, so it were easy, but who cared?! As a fellow impish bomb maker, Blitz knew this look of joy and mischief going over his eyes well. They greeted her too, whenever she had been looking into a river in the forest, to get something to drink. Or to dive in after some of the glittering orange fish scales. They were bad in explosives, but she had wanted to try and see if she could use them on her wings. She almost had enough for one when Dax showed up, and she got busy with all sorts of other things.

"Ooooh, you're Pitch Black? Eeeee! I've heard so many good things about you!"

She'd jump forth, aiming to do the impossible, and hug the ghost. Might be she'd just get some cold air, and potentially ectoplasm - she had no idea how that stuff worked, but knew it were related to ghosts - but she'd still do this, without hesitation. Long dead bomb maker like this, suddenly popping halfway up his own grave? He undoubtedly needed a hug. Especially after all the time he'd been dug down there, just laying in the ground and not getting any work done. Poor stallion must be bored to death.

...Pfff-ehehe. Oh man, she didn't even think about the phrasing before she thought it, but now she couldn't stop giggling over the accidental pun. Bored to death? Dax was gonna think that were So much fun later, she just knew it.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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  • 2 weeks later...


Gold let out a sigh as the duller reality set in; looks like the easy way in was out of the question.

He was about to take a sip of his tea when realization bloomed with him. With wide eyes, a raised eyebrow, and a half smile Gold made a suggestive inquiry, "A zebra you say?"

"You wouldn't happen to be talking about the one busy counting how much of your product he could never hope to afford, instead of doing his job, would you?"

Now was the time to turn the tables. As Gold realized that was what he was already doing, he had to fight to suppress a primal grin.

"If I'm not mistaken, your emeralds are so fine that your competition is nonexistent. The amount you produce is... noteworthy." Gold let his last word trail so as to not understate, "Letting your miners see what they produce long enough for them to load them onto a cart is one thing, but this zebra must be something loyal to be surrounded by them for hours, every, single, day. If he's the one counting the ones mined, then, I must wonder, who counts the ones smuggled?"

"I'm sure he really needs the money from this job though. It was bad optics for me: an upperclass trying to take a job away from a common pony. If he has this under control then I won't take any more of your time."

Gold, with his smile fully beaten back for a blank intensity to take over,then gestured for the help to take his tea, fully prepared to walk out of the room and even off the property if he wasn't taken seriously.

  • Brohoof 1

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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On 8/22/2020 at 2:51 AM, Illiad Easle said:

She did her best despite the growing pain to draw the plant that the ghost showed her. It was hard to understand, it seemed like Luther, or again someone in charge, knew of or had a certain plant like the one she drew, and the ghost wanted it here.

The lovely mare nodded at the effort, and as Mystic watched, she began to dissolve in a blur of mist.

She placed a single hoof over her own chest, where her heart would lie, and gave a slight bow before her ghostly image was simply gone from view... though Mystic still had the distinct impression that she was being watched...



On 8/22/2020 at 10:16 AM, Flow said:

"P-pardon me, you seem..to be lost, or you might be looking for something? H-how can I be of service?"

The statue came to a creaking halt in front of Bloom, then reached out and pointed in a direction.

From here, there was only a lush canopy of forest, from what the young mare could see... except for what seemed to be a small jut of what seemed to be a carved column of stone, poking out among a thick spread of vines and other wild growth.  It wouldn't have been too far from here, though it might mean another trek through the pathways that wound around the cemetery.

Wait... hadn't Daxter said something about a statue garden being around that area somewhere?  It seemed Bloom recalled one of his many tales where he and his friend Illiad had visited an area where there was some overgrowth - and wasn't there something about a relative in that story, too?

The statue slowly brought its' hoof down, seemed to stare at her for a moment, then looked down and, with the sound of grinding stone filling the air around her, it drew its' hoof back and forth over a section of ground, leaving a single word that she knew well...


With that, the statue looked at her again - well, she assumed it did, anyway - then began to walk back towards where it had come from.



On 8/27/2020 at 10:47 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Hello ghost pony! I'm Blitz Boom."

The ghostly pony gave a smirk, and waved a hoof in return.


On 8/27/2020 at 10:47 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Ooooh, you're Pitch Black? Eeeee! I've heard so many good things about you!"

She came forward to give the ghostie a hug... and ended up hugging his tombstone, which made the ghost laugh uproariously.  At least, she thought he might be laughing; she couldn't hear a single sound he was making.  It was weird, seeing all the hallmarks of laughter, yet hearing absolutely nothing from him.

After a good chortle, he turned back to face her and then began to pantomime opening a book of some sort, turning pages... then, he pointed towards Blackwater Manor, then pantomimed turning pages again.  Finally, he pointed directly at her... and his smile grew wider.

What was he trying to tell her?



On 8/23/2020 at 6:37 AM, Widdershins said:

"I, um... it ain't nothin I want you to... It's just not pretty to look at.

Was born a bit funny an' I don't want to... ya shouldn't have a look at it."

Pansy lifted a hoof to her mouth in shock.

"OH!  Oh, Mister Hopper, I DO apologize!  I didn't think that... well, there are a few workers here who've had some scarring and such, but I never... i-i-if it..."

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, then exhaled before addressing him again, this time with a good bit more calm in her manner.

"... of course, Mister Hopper - I suppose we can spare a cart after all; it isn't as if Mister Cragg is going broke, and it might go far to perhaps getting him to afford newer, safer carts.  Allow me a moment to get what you'll need... and I'll be certain to find a yoke that will allow you to, er... maintain your dignity.  Again, I am TRULY sorry."

Of course, now Pansy was wondering if the poor stallion was handicapped; to have a disfiguration was one thing, but for it to be so bad as to make Clod react in such a way?  She hoped she hadn't insulted or embarrassed him; he seemed okay, and Blackwater employees who knew better tended to stay away from Cragg's business as if it were the plague.

Pansy moved swiftly to get a yoke and cart, making a visible effort to push the wheeled thing to him.  She was a bit plump and out-of-shape, so the push left her sweating and gasping, but she still smiled grandly as she reached her destination.

"Very well... pant, gasp... Mister Hopper... pant, pant... we can send you... wheeze, pant... with this cart for the... pant, pant... crate."




On 9/5/2020 at 9:48 PM, Loud Opinion said:

"A zebra you say?  You wouldn't happen to be talking about the one busy counting how much of your product he could never hope to afford, instead of doing his job, would you?"

Vylia lifted an eyebrow, yet chose to take another sip of her tea and said nothing.


On 9/5/2020 at 9:48 PM, Loud Opinion said:

"If I'm not mistaken, your emeralds are so fine that your competition is nonexistent. The amount you produce is... noteworthy. Letting your miners see what they produce long enough for them to load them onto a cart is one thing, but this zebra must be something loyal to be surrounded by them for hours, every, single, day. If he's the one counting the ones mined, then, I must wonder, who counts the ones smuggled?"

The pegasus mare seemed to ponder the idea for a moment, then gave a slight shrug.

"Well, it stands to reason that each emerald is accounted for, mostly... however, there may be some merit in what you say, Mister Golddust - you have my attention, flighty as it may be; I would suggest you give me reason to pause, yes?"

She may have seemed non-chalant about it, but there was little doubt in Gold's mind that he'd gotten her attention, indeed - now, how to KEEP it?


On 9/5/2020 at 9:48 PM, Loud Opinion said:

"I'm sure he really needs the money from this job though. It was bad optics for me: an upperclass trying to take a job away from a common pony. If he has this under control then I won't take any more of your time."

"Now, just a moment..."

Vylia sat forward on her chair, giving the stallion the full weight of her gaze.  "As far as lineage goes, a worker is a worker, yes?  However, the idea of what you might be implying certainly intrigues me... and, admittdly, we've had troubles with theft in the past.  I normally would already have a number of other workers lined up for such a job, but... perhaps you have what it takes after all, hmmmm?"

The smile she now wore looked somewhat predatory.

"And, aside from my own family, NO position in the Blackwater Quarry is completely safe and secure... so, perhaps this IS worthy of some attention on my part."

She took a sip of her tea, then set the cup down as she once again lounged back in her chaise... however, her eyes were riveted to Gold as she spoke.

"So... what exactly would you propose would be a solution to such an issue?  Speaking hypothetically, of course - we're not actually making accusations yet, are we?  Please, indulge me - how would YOU go about dealing such a discovery, were you in my situation with this dilemma?  How would you handle someone who was seemingly doing their job on the outside, yet planning to make a personal profit from their wickedry on the inside?"

Well, he had her attention - time to make it count.


  • Brohoof 2

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@Randimaxis @Blitz Boom @Flow

Mystic sighed deeply and shut her eyes tight as soon as the ghost started to fade. She couldn't tell if the ghost was fading because it was done or if she had finally exhausted her strength to maintain the connection. All she knew was that her horn would no doubt ache for the next day at least with a full migraine for the next hour or two at least.

She didn't bother untying the seer's blindfold, instead slipping it off over the top of her head and stowing it away with her eyes closed tight. She would simply lay there, eyes closed, massaging her forehead to either side of where her horn would be if it were visible.

As to the feeling, she certainly hoped she was being watched, she hadn't been alone entering and frankly would be concerned if she felt alone. She decided she had had enough of ghosts of the time being, and that she was not cut out to be a medium. She would stick to prophesy thank you.

It would take her a few minutes to recover enough so that she could open her eyes, nonetheless she could really use a warm bath right about then.

Her hopes were dashed as she saw what supernatural things were going on around her. "I must be seeing things, delirious from the exhaustion, that makes sense."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Bloom expected to be struck, but was astonished to see that the statue came to a halt right in front of her. "Huh? Did that do it? What happened?" She thought, before observing the statue point towards a canopy of forest, and in it, was jut of carved stone, that appears to be poking out of a mix of thick vines and other wild overgrowth, "There? Err...how may I help with that?" She spoke, before remembering one of the many tales of Master Daxter, and the distinguished statespony, Illiad Easle of Troy, when he visited the manor.  She recalled the time where the two had ventured out into that same area before. In almost an instant, she knew what was there.

"The statue of a relative, I remember now," Bloom spoke, right before the statue brought it's hoof down, then seemingly stared at her, before it drew its hoof back and forth on the ground to spell a single word.

On 9/8/2020 at 12:50 AM, Randimaxis said:


"Clear? Oh I see, you would like me to clear that overgrowth on that statue correct?" Bloom said, figuring out what it wants her to do, then the the statue stared at her again, before returning to the same place it rested on. "Alright, I can take care of that," She said, before she left for the statue.

Edited by Flow
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Clod Hopper started feeling bad.

 Not just because the mare had used a new word like "dignity" and flew over his country colt brain at making somepony use up a new word. Dignity wasn't a concept out in the backwoods because you were more closer to such things as "Survival." But there were perhaps other reasons too.

 For one, he hadn't met anypony else who met him back with apologies and felt that maybe he could explain a bit further and perhaps this was a chance to confide a bit more. He hadn't much anypony else before. Papa Buster Clod had recommended, forcibly so, to keep 'em hidden but what colt didn't often find excuses for the rules they were given?

 Hearing her turn away and start for pushing the cart and struggling at it, Hopper turned silently to go after her. Apologetically, he went to her side to stop her, and by means show her.

"It's just... these here Flappy Bits..."

With that, he reached back to lift one corner of his back blanket quilt with his mouth to show her his wings.

 To call them Grotesque Disfigurements would be a flowery elaboration. The sudden way he lifted the veritable burlap towel off suggested they weren't sensitive by any means, but they weren't healthy in size. They hadn't been used much at all for most of his life and were notably out of proportion with the rest of a physique that could be politely refered to as Burly, but these were more under the classification of Atrophied. A more severe degree,yes, but not far off from the sort of shape wings got in a pegasus that had been bedridden for a few months after a nasty crash, something that did tend to be often with the sporty, daring sorts pegasai tended to be known for.

 Whether it was any relief to Pansy, this badge of colt's concern, would yet to be seen. For these were wings of a colt unused for close to a decade; a matter of pegasai wingcare... but this was not information Hopper knew since he had never been around a pegasai for long in his life.

  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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On 9/7/2020 at 4:50 PM, Randimaxis said:

After a good chortle, he turned back to face her and then began to pantomime opening a book of some sort, turning pages... then, he pointed towards Blackwater Manor, then pantomimed turning pages again.  Finally, he pointed directly at her... and his smile grew wider.

What was he trying to tell her?

Awh phooey. She couldn't touch him after all then it seemed. She barely felt going through him either. Just a teensie bit of cold, like a late autumn, early winter sort of wind. Nothing massively frozen, but also, not really warm. Sorta like walking past an open fridge perhaps? She weren't sure. Blitz didn't have one, and considering the disaster that happened whenever she tried helping to cook, the general consensus in town were that if she wanted to help, she had to be kept out of the kitchen. Usually, that meant helping setting the tables, the few times she'd been asked if she could help. Usually by some of the other foals, who didn't listen when their parents said that they should stay away from Blitz. Most did though. Usually it were only the CMC, and a few curious sorts, who'd seek her out. The other way around though, included a bunch more.

Such as the orphanage in Canterlot, where she had once been held for a bit, after being discovered in the forest. Until her experiments, combined with the fact that they couldn't figure out how to stop her from escaping, made them just give up eventually. A few did try to convince her to stay when she visited though, and one time, a guard had even kept her under his watchful eye, and said that she were required to stay.

Hehe, silly pony. He had to sleep eventually, whilst Blitz could go on for days. She had gotten away within a few days, and realistically, could have done so earlier too, but she were having fun with those of her friends still at the orphanage. Thankfully, that weren't a lot anymore. A couple or three, last she were there. The rest had gotten adopted into good families, which were all she ever hoped for them. They were her friends after all, and they got sad about not having parents sometimes, so it were just good that they now did.

Though if she ever heard they were treated badly, she'd bring the Boom box. The big one, where she kept the stuff that hurt. Not the big one of course, since duh, that'd be crazy. Just small scale things that'd roughly prank somepony, thinking that being a bad parent to her friends were okay.

Personally, Blitz were okay on her own. Sure it got a little lonely at times, but she had a lot of work to do, and friends in Ponyville, so she did fairly okay. And now she had Silver, Dax-Dad, Dax, Dax's marefriend, and a whole bunch of others she had barely met yet, to hang around with. Who needed parents, when you were surrounded by potential friends, and lots of work to do?

As for the current situation though, Blitz would still give the gravestone a big ol' hug, thinking that maybe it'd do the trick, and then turn around to see the ghost pony let out a silent laugh. Something which just made her jump up and down, and giggle like it were free candy day. Or if the blacksmith in Ponyville, had forgotten to lock the dumpster he filled with metal trash. All joyful, happy times then.

It weren't diminished when her ghostly friend, started to d a bit of pantomime. And a fairly easy one too! *gasp* She tended to get these wrong, but she were totally, 130% sure she knew what he were on about, with the ghost writing.

She'd snort a bit bigger laugh out at the pun, before responding to the floating mystery, that were Pitch Black.

"Oh, oh! I know this! Dax said you had a book of real fun explosives somewhere. Is that it? Huh? Huh? Huh?"

She'd bounce up and down, as she waited for an answer. Or a nod, more likely. And if it were affirmative, she'd have a bit extra to add on top of that afterwards.

"I knew it! Hehehe. Did you want me to get it for you?"

It were more likely that he wanted her to read what he had once written, but well, she perhaps got some of the way at least.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/12/2020 at 10:12 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Oh, oh! I know this! Dax said you had a book of real fun explosives somewhere. Is that it? Huh? Huh? Huh?"

Pitch clapped his hooves and pointed to the tip of his snout; she'd gotten it 'on the nose', apparently!

On 9/12/2020 at 10:12 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"I knew it! Hehehe. Did you want me to get it for you?"

He then threw his forelegs out to the sides, mimicking a big explosion, his muzzle nothing but a huge smile as his eyes looked extremely excited.  He then pointed behind him at his tombstone, and patted the dirt right in front of it, as if telling her exactly where to put it.

Then, his smile turning a bit less manic and a bit more gentle, he then pointed his hoof at Blitz, then motioned like pages turning... and nodded at her.



On 9/8/2020 at 7:29 AM, Flow said:

"Clear? Oh I see, you would like me to clear that overgrowth on that statue correct?  Alright, I can take care of that,"

The statue stopped, and ground its' head over its' shoulder to look at her again.  It nodded slowly, then walked over to the pedestal it had come down from and climbed back onto it, taking the same pose as before... then, nothing more.

The statuary garden in question was only a short trek from Blackwater Ridge, but the path there would either be back to the manor then out to the garden... or a return to the mountainside path they'd taken in getting here.  Mystic wouldn't have liked it, no... but the statue had interacted with Love Bloom; maybe this was her particular mission?

But should she go it alone?



On 9/7/2020 at 1:03 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"I must be seeing things, delirious from the exhaustion, that makes sense."

It was as good a guess as any... because the possibility that all three of them were experiencing ghostly phenomenon was highly unlikely... or it meant that something BIG was in the works, and involved ghosts.  And if the drawing she'd made was any indicator...

This may be something that could potentially be a bit dangerous, mayhaps?



On 9/8/2020 at 11:00 AM, Widdershins said:

"It's just... these here Flappy Bits..."


Pansy looked at them for a moment, then spoke in a soft and careful voice.

"Mister Hopper... may I ask what happened, or... o-or would you prefer to not speak about it?  Because these... these poor, poor wings..."

She looked at him solidly.  "You poor fellow.  I have never seen wings so atroph-... umm, so very bad off.  This..."

She searched his muzzle for a moment, then asked quite honestly, "How can I help?  I'd be happy to do whatever you think needs to be done here, but to see your poor wings in such a state... oh, it breaks my heart."

She turned and went towards one of the other carts and began to pick and pull at the padding for the harness, until eventually she had a good, sizeable chunk of the soft lining.  She then came to him and set it down beween them.

"If you like, Mister Hopper, I would find it an honour to help you out, here - if you allow it, I could put this padding around them, which could certainly help keep them from hurting you as you haul things around...it would probably do them some good, honestly."

She looked into his muzzle with a soft smile.  "It seems like it was hard for you to tell me about that; thank you for sharing it with me - I'm glad you did."



@Blitz Boom

(Because Ziggy might be there.)

The scream had definitely come from Shed #7... which was right across Shed Row from Doc Zinger's clinic.

Silver's shed had the doorway open, and an utterly shocked, stunned and weeping Silver Studs stood at the threshhold, bawling her eyes out.

As Dax came barrelling down the hill towards Shed Row, he doubled his pace as he saw the state she was in.  "Silver!?  What... what happened?"

She looked up at him and, with a sob in her voice, she simply said, "I've been ROBBED!"

  • Brohoof 1

=====  ( 0=====


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2 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

"I've been ROBBED!"


@Flow @Blitz Boom

2 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

This may be something that could potentially be a bit dangerous, mayhaps?

Seeing as her companions were enthralled with the scenery, and in too much pain to think on it further than that, she stowed away the drawings and looked through squinted eyes for a way back to the mansion. If it weren't for the intense exertion she had just done and the fact that no doubt her companions would notice she would simply teleport back to her room. As it was however she would look for some path that led back down to the manor. "I'm, um, heading back to the manor now, before anything else happens."

She certainly could get lost without a guide, but given her time in the caverns of her home she had a pretty good sense of direction. She should be able to get back down the way she had come up at the very least.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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17 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

The statuary garden in question was only a short trek from Blackwater Ridge, but the path there would either be back to the manor then out to the garden... or a return to the mountainside path they'd taken in getting here.  Mystic wouldn't have liked it, no... but the statue had interacted with Love Bloom; maybe this was her particular mission?

But should she go it alone? 

While heading down the path the statue pointed out, Bloom realized that this particular path either would lead back to the manor, or back to the way to Pitch Point, where they originally came from. Feeling pressured about finding the others, she thought about galloping her way through, but then remembered the request the statue made. Were she to ignore it, would be an insult to the code of the maid, and perhaps an insult to herself. Even if it came from an unlikely source within the premises, it was still a request, so she will have to fulfill it. Another thought that came up was why the statue had chosen her to carry out such task, might be because she was a maid who just happened to be in the area at the right time. Either that, or it could be her destiny to do so, but the latter seems highly unlikely to her.

Once she reached the overgrown statue, she cleared the vines with care, "Hmm, wonder who was buried here? Only one way to find out. Err.... maybe there was a reason why I was told to come here, not just to clear this stuff away, but maybe it wanted to show me something, not too sure about it, but I'll find out soon enough," She thought.

  • Brohoof 1
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