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mega thread Post a Picture of Yourself!

Mint Petal

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I've been meaning to post these for some time.


My three favorite of my five tattoos.


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^The gecko is for someone important to me that is no longer in my life.


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^A Buddhist quote. "Chaos is inherent in all compounded things. Strive on with diligence."


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^And, as tribal as that looks, it's a symbol for the Guardians of Paradise. Which is kinda my own thing that I can't explain.

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Well, it depends.

If you want to meet me in real life, you'd have to be extremely lucky in one of our concerts(or before it) to find me.

If it is in the MLP Forums... You just did. Nice to meet you!

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Thx! I wash it every two days, blow dry it before bed and wake up with the final result.


i think youre really cute<3
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Decided to straighten my hair today. :P











I know I'm shirtless but that's what happens after a shower :P

Plus I didn't think it minded since It just shows my shoulders.

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Yeah, that was probably the most fun I've had in quite a while. Gonna post some pictures of the awesome swag I got in a bit, if you're interested.

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So, this is Humphrey. I've had him pretty much since the day I was born. He's sorta been there, a constant companion that granted, I rarely think about, but is often just sorta sitting in a corner of my room. On occasion I cuddle him as I sleep if I am feeling particularly down.


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my fave pic, taken this summer at the beach:


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and me and a friend on a fairly normal day. :3


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i was wonder woman last year for halloween haha. :D but they all came out too dark to post. :/


dang girl! your very pretty! :o


@@Lord Bababa, it's funny how your sisters are this and you are that. In the other pic I'm only interested in the money

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All take a sec to look at this sexy beast right here.


I got my signature cocky grin, as always.



pic went sideways, which absolutley ruined the dimensions...


I'll fix it when I'm no longer on my crappy mobile device.


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I got the stuff right here; two armbands, a mask, and an event poster. Total cost: $17; $15 for the bands and poster, and $2 for the coat room charge for holding the poster.


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Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, step right up and see a sight unsought. What you are about to witness is no common illusion. No feint of ordinary man!


Come one, come all, and behold the anachronism rare!




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I found this OLD picture of back 2 years ago when I actually took sports seriously. That was a good day for me. (If you can't tell 1st place.

VVV-And a more recent photo.


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Here I am





This was right on Halloween.


As you can see, I'm a bronified hippie. I represent each of the mane 6 with what I have on and what I do


Jeans= Applejack

Drumsticks= Pinkie Pie

Crazy Shoes= Rainbow Dash

Whig and Glasses=Rarity

Kindness= Fluttershy

Ki energy Abilities= Twilight Sparkle


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So, this is Humphrey. I've had him pretty much since the day I was born. He's sorta been there, a constant companion that granted, I rarely think about, but is often just sorta sitting in a corner of my room. On occasion I cuddle him as I sleep if I am feeling particularly down.


Damnit. Now I want to post a stuffed animal.

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12 years ago, the presidential election for Gore vs Bush took place. I was young boy, in first grade to be exact, and my teacher came to school with some "I voted" stickers. Despite the fact that she had a whole ton of them for some reason, she didn't give them to us because we didn't vote. For 12 years my anger and overall disgust towards her has grown to extreme heights, all because of those stupid stickers that I have been coveting.


12 years after the incident in question...

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That's right! Here I am now with that sticker that I've been coveting for 12 long and bitter years! You can SUCK IT, Mrs. Hill!

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Here are some pictures of me from various points in my life.


This was at a restaurant or something.

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Me and my little cousin at some waterpark looking place.

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This is me at my highschool graduation. I'm the one holding a trophy while wearing a red tie.

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Look, it's baby Berry Pie and his uncle.

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And finally, here I am standing outside somewhere.

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