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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -RP-


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Ivory Star looked over, releasing the magic, as something seemed off. A tiny spot in the sky, riding off from the plane of snow and magic. Was that... Ice Blizzard riding an ice skateboard? She looked harder...


It was, she figured out after a moment. Metal, she thought only to herself, though that still meant she had to try to finish this. Drawing up large energy planes on either side of him as he rode, she smashed them together, with enough force that it would able to be heard, like the slamming of two enormous doors.

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Ice was caught in between the two panels for a moment and used his forelegs to try and push them away. It put a heavy strain on both of his arms. At that point he could have sworn he tore blood vessels, and cracked a few bones in both arms. The good news was, because of the icy coating upon his body, it made him slippery. With that in mind, Ice managed to slip out of the grip of both doors. However, he was thrown off now. Literally. This made him open his eyes and cover his ears for a moment as he felt annoyed by what had happened as he felt the extreme level of strain in his arms. ​"Urg!" ​A face of grimace crossed his muzzle, but that grimace slowly turned into a smirk. Wait what? He's falling out of the damn sky and has something to smirk about? What is wrong with this fool?


Admittedly, it was setup that way. Oh, yes. Ice saw the moment and took it to his advantage once more. With a quick throw, he threw another ice dust ball, but not at Ivory's eyes this time. No. Instead it was thrown down in front of Ivory to cause a light blue smokescreen to make it to where she couldn't see a lick of what was in front of her.


From there, Ice managed to created a slide to allow him to latch on, slide down to the ground below and avoid falling all in a smooth motion. At the same time, he would be sliding at a fast rate towards the mare. With a quick jump, Ice would then spring up and spin at her with three whirling kicks. The first would be aimed at the side of her face, the second at her neck, and the third at her chest.

Edited by J.R.
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"Hey!" Ivory Star coughed, as the icy smoke spread out once again, preventing her from seeing. Again, she had to note as she tried to see outside of the smokescreen; she'd really have to plan for that, for future events. But for now, she had bigger issues, like that this was probably some sort of...


A distinct series of impacts on her still remaining shield drew her attention, as it  actually shuddered under the force of the blows. Which meant that it wasn't an accident; either an elaborate trap, she concluded quickly or an attack, with no way of knowing which, under the smokescreen. Fine with her, for now. Drawing up energy around the shield, she slammed it downward, presumably generating enough force to send whatever the what that had struck her shield down flat to the ground, along with everything else in a twenty foot radius.

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Ice smirked as he realized his kicks made contact, but couldn't resist the impact of the shield attack. With a harsh grunt, Ice suddenly found himself on the ground, front first. ​"Uh! ...Ow." ​He slowly stood up, shaking himself off, and grinned at her. ​"Pretty neat stuff ya got...but this fight ain't over yet..." ​He had to admit, this fight was going tougher than what he'd expected. As well as the fact he let his guard down, and needed to let his abilities stay at rest to avoid fatigue. However, he wouldn't let this stop him...

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No, it wasn't; that part of her that was determined to win this was burning. Peals of energy shot off from the shield; enormous, clear beams, that would knock into anything they hit with the force of a small building colliding. Amping up the power, she increased the number slowly, until barely a gap could be noticed in between them. Inside her shield, if one looked right, she would like she was sitting in a giant, spiked shell, protected from all sides. And she wasn't done yet, though likely, this would be one of her final attacks. Cold and frostbite would see to it that she wouldn't be doing much else, she thought, as she sent the final beam in the weave rushing forward towards Ice Blizzard.

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The defense Ice had made of the crystalline structure around his body would ensure him that he wouldn't be severely harmed. Unfortunately for Ivory, he wasn't about to take his chances with it. As the beam headed for him, Ice tried rolling out of the way, but was a bit slowed from the pain in his arms. He took a hit on his lower body, and fell to the ground. From there, however, he would quickly get up, and charge Ivory from the side, aiming to uppercut her chin.

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My eyes shot open. Was I dead? No, if one can ask if they're dead, then they're not dead or at least a ghost if such a thing even existed. I was neither. Sparky was at my bedside. I couldn't move, checking Sparky's point of view I could see they'd put me in a full body cast with just the eyes and mouth uncovered, hanging from the ceiling with an IV. Caliber was hanging nearby in a similar manner. I could only see in one direction, which was weird cause I could have sworn I'd lost my eyes too, or at least gone blind. My point of view had me looking out the window with a lovely view of tulips.


So what happened after I passed out? Oh I see. I got crushed into a bloody pulp by what was left of the mechatuar after I passed out, some gray colored portal making mare saved us, and the doctors patched us up. If I ever see her I'd have to thank her. We've been out for 4 hours. I didn't feel any pain and Sparky explained the docs were going to let us out in a couple of hours. They'd healed us in separate rooms, but put us in the same ward to rest. Bangcolt sure had great hospital services. They'd better, what with matches ending up much worse than ours. So I wasn't surprised we were basically out in 6 hours tops.


Unable to actually turn to the side to speak to him directly, I hoped it was acceptable to speak like this and he could hear me. "S-so Cal....who's buying dinner? We tied." Was that my voice? Kinda raspy and I sounded like Rainbow. Guess my throat was still not completely healed. "I could probably afford it. About 90% of my income goes right back into buying materials, but I'm probably better off than you?"

If only she could. In truth, there were very few solutions she could come up with at all, that didn't require either costs too great, or sacrifices beyond her ability to manage as ruler. Or that didn't require her forcing her ponies into a situation that they wouldn't find an ounce of comfort in. But regardless, she needed to try.


"My plan..." She paused in delivery of her thoughts; something she found indispensable, as a ruler. "As I am aware, there is only one object in the whole of Equestria capable of providing a constant outpouring of love. And that is the Crystal Heart." As she sure Chrysalis was aware; she'd had first hoof experience with it, after all. "What is intended would be for a separate town to be built, within its limits. You and your changelings would stay there, and, once in a particular time period, make trips to feed off of the love that is contained within." Celestia finished, but only in speaking. Already, her mind was calculating at a furious pace. One part working on possible angles this could go wrong, and to what extent. Another, calculating potential unexpected negatives and benefits in the given situation. And still another, watching Kevin and Chrysalis, studying their behavior. Despite herself, unraveling them...

"Genius!" This exclamation from Kevin. "We wouldn't have to travel so much to search for subjects, and it would just be right there. Though probably not all would comply just living in peace, I believe it would be pretty easy to decide between this or starving to death. As my Queen said, she's lost touch with a portion of her children."


"I had actually almost forgotten about the time we invaded the Crystal Empire. It was a long time ago, and we left the others to fend for themselves. After all, I meant what I said. If the umbrum had taken over there would be no love to feed on. I am actually kind of glad they did not, or we would have starved right after that. I can only assume they were stopped, since we are not all being ruled by them nor Sombra." She pondered for a moment, sniffing the flower in her mane again then putting it back. "Would Cadence be ok with this, or do you supersede her?"


"We did kind of almost ruin her wedding. She might hold a grudge." Kevin agreed with her, just pacing around the room for lack of anything to do other than speak.


"You are too young to remember that. You were not there. How do you remember that?" Chrissy was unsure how he would know what happened.


"I uh, asked some of our people?" He didn't feel like telling her he was actually there, in another life.


"But yes I did some things. Things I am not proud of. Do you think she could be convinced to help us, Celestia?" Chrissy said this, somewhat convinced Kevin could have just asked around. He was wise beyond his years though, so maybe it was not just that.

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@@Literally Snails,

The toxin failed, sure, but that wasn't all that was offered. Next, a sudden vine would come from seemingly out of nowhere, and try and grab him.

Snowstorm's ear twitched at the sound of rustling leaves a the vine whipped out at incredible speeds. Despite the warning that his advanced hearing gave him, he hadn't been expecting the attack enough for him to fail to react in time. The vine whipped around one of his hind legs, but it was very quickly cut off with his sword before it could do any harm.


'That confirms that she controls plants like I thought.' He thought in his head, sword and ears poised to cut more vines. 'Now I know her abilities, but she knows nothing of mine, an advantage I intend to keep. Still, it would be foolish of me to stay within the trees.'


He then spread his wings and started to fly up to hover above the tree line.



Jade smirked as she noted how sloppy Mni's defence was getting. She knew she was faster than Ember, but this was just silly.


A lucky kick to his jaw sent him tumbling backward, and toppling into the bog behind him.


She pegasus fluttered over to the water, and bowed her head. "I'm sorry, Ember... but your body is better at the bottom of these marshes than in the control of that monster."

"I don't believe it!" Feather said in shock. "She's a natural demon hunter! I should give up right now and give her my job! Way to go, Jade!" Feather cheered.


Tricis was laying one hoof on Patch's head and using some kind of focused magic to help him recover, but she wasn't saying anything to Jade and she still had yet to call the match.

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"I don't believe it!" Feather said in shock. "She's a natural demon hunter! I should give up right now and give her my job! Way to go, Jade!" Feather cheered.


Tricis was laying one hoof on Patch's head and using some kind of focused magic to help him recover, but she wasn't saying anything to Jade and she still had yet to call the match.


After a few moments, and a couple of steps away from the bog, Jade collapsed onto her haunches in exhaustion. The rush was wearing off, and the impact of all that had just happened was truly dawning on her.


She had not only proven herself more worthy of Master Tricis's teachings, but she had also slain a demon and potentially saved the world!

"Wow..." she gasped to herself.


She looked up toward Feather, and managed a smile from his praises. "Thank you, my friend... I've never fought a demon before."

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He'd been doing this for centuries. A noble, desperate or ambitious enough to work with him and his undead...


Although, it entertained him expressively that she couldn't stomach Mockingbird. Now, few could, but this one in particular entertained him with her general haughtiness. He chuckled to himself for a bit as he finished, before he patted her on the side, underneath one of her wings. "Alright, my dear, everything's ready. Why don't you take off for a while and explore the new city from the air? I've got to talk business with the pretty lady."


Business, business, pretty business... business as usual! Hehehehehe...


"Yes, father," she replied as simply as before before taking off, quickly becoming little more than a speck in the sky.


The lich sighed momentarily before turning back to her. "My masterpiece, you know? A miracle of magic. She's actually sentient; think of my surprise when the monstrosity I made from ancient texts to guard my secrets starts talking with all the innocence of a child! Yes... surprise is an understatement. But I assumed from your posture you aren't particularly fond of the ancient and noble arts of necromancy." He sighed slightly.


"Anyways, I am known as Tsor'Ekoh, and I would be more than happy to assist you in finding this ruffian Madame... ah... Madame Clout. He made his way up to the roof, where he proceeded to supposively teleport away. Let us start our investigation there. Magic tends to leave traces, after all." He opened his residence- which was, although a bit cooler than usual, was still almost prestigiously clean, before leading her up through the hallways and into the attic- where a variety of chemicals were bubbling in a corner, with a small, unidentifiable being was slowly cleaning the mess, seemingly feeding the glass shards to the acidic mess before mopping up the chemical. It looked like the recovery of a blast zone- which it certainly was. Popping open a nearby hatch, he made his way through it before examining the frost covered tiles. "We were running this way, when... ah, hello there. Perhaps you could assist us in hunting down this hooligan. I noted that you were chasing him earlier."



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After a few moments, and a couple of steps away from the bog, Jade collapsed onto her haunches in exhaustion. The rush was wearing off, and the impact of all that had just happened was truly dawning on her.


She had not only proven herself more worthy of Master Tricis's teachings, but she had also slain a demon and potentially saved the world!

"Wow..." she gasped to herself.


She looked up toward Feather, and managed a smile from his praises. "Thank you, my friend... I've never fought a demon before."

Jade heard a faint noise beyond her as bubbles surfaced and popped on the bog. Suddenly, a burst of water splashed out and wet Jades back as the huge, horrible figure of Mni in his true form emerged from the water. With the same crazed look in his eyes. He had his shoulder pad on, likely containing the orb that he had retrieved from the bottom of the lake. He didn't bother to remove the swamp algae from his mane after he emerged onto dry land.


"You never have defeated a demon and you never will!" Mni barked, teeming with rage.

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My eyes shot open. Was I dead? No, if one can ask if they're dead, then they're not dead or at least a ghost if such a thing even existed. I was neither. Sparky was at my bedside. I couldn't move, checking Sparky's point of view I could see they'd put me in a full body cast with just the eyes and mouth uncovered, hanging from the ceiling with an IV. Caliber was hanging nearby in a similar manner. I could only see in one direction, which was weird cause I could have sworn I'd lost my eyes too, or at least gone blind. My point of view had me looking out the window with a lovely view of tulips.


So what happened after I passed out? Oh I see. I got crushed into a bloody pulp by what was left of the mechatuar after I passed out, some gray colored portal making mare saved us, and the doctors patched us up. If I ever see her I'd have to thank her. We've been out for 4 hours. I didn't feel any pain and Sparky explained the docs were going to let us out in a couple of hours. They'd healed us in separate rooms, but put us in the same ward to rest. Bangcolt sure had great hospital services. They'd better, what with matches ending up much worse than ours. So I wasn't surprised we were basically out in 6 hours tops.


Unable to actually turn to the side to speak to him directly, I hoped it was acceptable to speak like this and he could hear me. "S-so Cal....who's buying dinner? We tied." Was that my voice? Kinda raspy and I sounded like Rainbow. Guess my throat was still not completely healed. "I could probably afford it. About 90% of my income goes right back into buying materials, but I'm probably better off than you?"


Caliber had been awake for half an hour, staring at the ceiling, in silence. Replaying what had happened in his mind, for the time he spent in the bed. Wondering, if he had been fighting at his fullest, instead of under the lingering gravity, would the result have been any different?


He grit his teeth. This felt too much like a loss. He had her on the ropes, using nothing but his sword and wits, but fluffed up in the final stretch.


Since he had gotten to Bangcolt, it had been nothing but one beatdown after another. He knew that this city was tough to make it big in, but he hadn't expected this much...Humiliation from it. He had just about drifted back to sleep, when he heard Lektra's voice.


He responded in his usual tone.


"I'll pay. Pick whatever place you want..."


Iron continued moving. She didn't allow herself to hesitate, even as her opponent vanished. "I'm half-blind anyway," she said. "Might as well go the rest of the way."


With one forehoof, Ironblade kicked off of the stone floor. However, the floor was far smoother than anywhere she'd fought before, and she very nearly fell over performing the maneuver. 


Hiero's sword sliced across one shoulder, nearly knocking Ironblade off of the edge. Her blind eye was turned towards him, so all she could do was stab wildly as she clambered to her feet. Her sword moved in an absurd and random series of spins and movements that would have been impossible without magic as she turned away from the edge of the cliff. Blood streamed from her shoulder, but the injury barely seemed to faze her.


"There is no 'might as well', in battle, youngling." Hiero responded, having bounced away from her retaliation, settling back into his stance, to watch Iron intently. "If you are partially blind, then you compensate. You train your other senses. You find a way to fight, around it...And you don't hinder yourself further."


"Does this make sense, youngling?" He asked, swishing his blade to his side. 


The sheathed blade at his side, however, had started to somewhat suck in the light around in, curiously enough. As if the mere beginning of a battle had started to excite it...Hiero paid it no mind, as he waited for Ironblade to make her next move. 

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Jade heard a faint noise beyond her as bubbles surfaced and popped on the bog. Suddenly, a burst of water splashed out and wet Jades back as the huge, horrible figure of Mni in his true form emerged from the water. With the same crazed look in his eyes. He had his shoulder pad on, likely containing the orb that he had retrieved from the bottom of the lake. He didn't bother to remove the swamp algae from his mane after he emerged onto dry land.


"You never have defeated a demon and you never will!" Mni barked, teeming with rage.


Jade's ear flicked as she heard a bubbling from the marshes behind her. Before she could turn around, an unpleasantly cold wetness splashed her on the back, making her shiver. "Ewww..."


She turned, and her jaw dropped as Mni emerged from the bog, with psychotic rage in his eyes. And no doubt he had retrieved his orb.


She swallowed, and managed to get onto her hind hooves in her battle stance. "There's always a first time."

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Jade's ear flicked as she heard a bubbling from the marshes behind her. Before she could turn around, an unpleasantly cold wetness splashed her on the back, making her shiver. "Ewww..."


She turned, and her jaw dropped as Mni emerged from the bog, with psychotic rage in his eyes. And no doubt he had retrieved his orb.


She swallowed, and managed to get onto her hind hooves in her battle stance. "There's always a first time."

Mni stood up tall and opened his jaw wide, taking advantage of Jade being on the defensive. Dozens of hair-thin strands of white silk started to snake out of his open mouth and waved freely in the wind like a broken spider web. Each strand continued to grow until they were each about thirty feet long.
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Mni stood up tall and opened his jaw wide, taking advantage of Jade being on the defensive. Dozens of hair-thin strands of white silk started to snake out of his open mouth and waved freely in the wind like a broken spider web. Each strand continued to grow until they were each about thirty feet long.


Jade blinked as Mni began shooting strands of what looked like spider web out of his mouth. She had no idea what it was, but she had a feeling she didn't want to be too close to it.


She started backing up, hopping and somersaulting away from the webbing.

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Jade blinked as Mni began shooting strands of what looked like spider web out of his mouth. She had no idea what it was, but she had a feeling she didn't want to be too close to it.


She started backing up, hopping and somersaulting away from the webbing.

(You know you can probably use your sword at this point .3.)


Choosing to back away instead of advancing was probably a good idea, but it also gave Mni time to finish what he'd started. He hooked the base of the threads with his fetlock and pulled them out of his mouth. The individual strands then fused together into a single, thick rope that seemed to move freely through the air instead of going limp. "Consider this a compliment. I never use my own techniques if I don't have to! This is my Psychic Silk Thread!"


He cracked the strange rope at her like a whip that tried to wrap around her with a mind of its own.

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Choosing to back away instead of advancing was probably a good idea, but it also gave Mni time to finish what he'd started. He hooked the base of the threads with his fetlock and pulled them out of his mouth. The individual strands then fused together into a single, thick rope that seemed to move freely through the air instead of going limp. "Consider this a compliment. I never use my own techniques if I don't have to! This is my Psychic Silk Thread!"


He cracked the strange rope at her like a whip that tried to wrap around her with a mind of its own.


Jade watched as Mni prepared what he'd called his 'Psychic Silk Thread'. It appeared to be some kind of whip with a mind of its own.


She narrowed her eyes and used her wing to draw her sword, holding it in her wingtips. As the whip neared her, she swung herself around in attempt to cut it off as it wrapped around her.

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Ivory watched as Ice Blizzard bounced off the shield once again, with another heavy shot. This time, her whole shield rippled across the surface, bending from the force of the impact. Which meant that she didn't have much time left until it faded, or even another hit to take like that one. She needed to make this quick.


Pulling a similar trick as before, she bent the energy in the air outside herself and Ice Blizzard into a sphere, and drew inward. Dirt, rocks, and other similar objects were pulled along, along with everything else inside the radius, as they were all  pulled forward, directly towards the shield, and the energy columns. Once there, they would slam against them with an initial massive force, and then a crushing pressure, as she built more energy on top of it. At the very least, greatly limiting movement of whatever happened to be outside. At worst, threatening total compaction, as the force would soon stretch to beyond what even rocks and stone could survive in a solid form.





Celestia paused. Commonplace to other ponies, but to her, very bizarre, as it was something that she rarely did, or ever had to do. Only two circumstances in her life ever being sufficient to cause it, in fact. One, her being shocked beyond words, which gradually began to grow less and less common over thousands of years of walking Equis, and other planes. Or when she truly didn't know something. As was the case now.


She let out a sigh. This was one of the problems she had discovered very early on in her planning; best to get it over with now. "I am not sure. Luna may have walked your dreams, and forgiven you, and I am willing to at least offer the chance, but neither of us have been hurt so personally by you as was Cadence." She skipped over the details; she didn't think Chrysalis needed to be reminded. "There are no ways around this; I hold no control over the actions of the Crystal Empire, so I cannot force jurisdiction over there, even if I had a need to." A fact which was partially untrue; she had ways of getting around practically everything, even if at a cost. But Chrysalis didn't need to know that. "Which leaves only the option of seeing my niece. Somehow, you'll have to convince her of your change, and of how much you need this."


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He'd been doing this for centuries. A noble, desperate or ambitious enough to work with him and his undead...


Although, it entertained him expressively that she couldn't stomach Mockingbird. Now, few could, but this one in particular entertained him with her general haughtiness. He chuckled to himself for a bit as he finished, before he patted her on the side, underneath one of her wings. "Alright, my dear, everything's ready. Why don't you take off for a while and explore the new city from the air? I've got to talk business with the pretty lady."


Business, business, pretty business... business as usual! Hehehehehe...


"Yes, father," she replied as simply as before before taking off, quickly becoming little more than a speck in the sky.


The lich sighed momentarily before turning back to her. "My masterpiece, you know? A miracle of magic. She's actually sentient; think of my surprise when the monstrosity I made from ancient texts to guard my secrets starts talking with all the innocence of a child! Yes... surprise is an understatement. But I assumed from your posture you aren't particularly fond of the ancient and noble arts of necromancy." He sighed slightly.


"Anyways, I am known as Tsor'Ekoh, and I would be more than happy to assist you in finding this ruffian Madame... ah... Madame Clout. He made his way up to the roof, where he proceeded to supposively teleport away. Let us start our investigation there. Magic tends to leave traces, after all." He opened his residence- which was, although a bit cooler than usual, was still almost prestigiously clean, before leading her up through the hallways and into the attic- where a variety of chemicals were bubbling in a corner, with a small, unidentifiable being was slowly cleaning the mess, seemingly feeding the glass shards to the acidic mess before mopping up the chemical. It looked like the recovery of a blast zone- which it certainly was. Popping open a nearby hatch, he made his way through it before examining the frost covered tiles. "We were running this way, when... ah, hello there. Perhaps you could assist us in hunting down this hooligan. I noted that you were chasing him earlier."




"You are correct in that regard.  I cannot argue that your...masterpiece is unnerving, though necromancy is not my forte.  However, can one not agree that the arts of death and blood magic are compatible?"


Having conquered her earlier unease, she now readily stood beside and conversed with the lich.  Carnelian had no reason to fear him any longer, not when he genuinely appeared to be willing to cooperate.  "Call my trade what you will: aimaturge, sanguimancer, preferably the former.  I am no stranger to the unnatural, I simply find it distasteful."  


The baroness haughtily tossed her hair over her other shoulder, walking now with necromancer.  "An interesting name.  I do not recognize it as any Equestrian tongue, but you are free to tell me all about your travels later.  The two of us have a hooligan to catch."

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Ice could tell he was being forcefully pulled. This would mean he was gonna be slammed into her shield. Something like this seemed inevitable, unless....advantageous points. With the realization that he was being taken for a ride towards the shield, he figured why not use it? There were still bits of ice surrounding both of his arms, so from there, he tacked spikes onto it to make them both like giant spiked clubs of ice backed by the weight of his next attack. He wound up a punch, spinning his right hoof around like a fan rotor, until he would strike, letting the flow of his arm slam into the shield with a punch that could normally bust through iron. ​"Pow!" Not to mention backed by the addition of ice spikes on his arm for a club. Now sure, he knew he would likely break his whole arm with this move due to the pull, but better to have that one part of his body taken the shock and double-edge-sword the situation.


The entire time, Axton had been slowly keeping track of Raze's movements. After a while, he would eventually appear behind Raze. But instead of attack him, the soul hunter simply spoke to him in a calm, casual, nonchalant manner. ​"Sup. You feel lucky today, eh?"

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"Uhh..." Ivory Star blinked twice, at the weapon of mass destruction headed for her, poised to strike. She barely had time to move to the farthest edge of the shield, before it punched clean through, still striking her in the right shoulder on the way through. She heard the distinct sound of something shatter, as she was thrown off heavily to the side, spinning as she went. She came to a stop on the ground, some distance away.


"...Ah..." She hissed with pain, as she rolled to sit, picking up one foreleg with another one. Yep... definitely broken. Probably shattered, really. And accompanied by no small amount of agony. But, how important was this match to her, she considered? As she once again closed a group of energy panels on Ice Blizzard, like a clear cube closing in to smash him from multiple directions, she figured she had her answer.

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Rune wondered how he got here. It happened a bit too fast for his tastes, having met up with Twilight after so long, they got to talking about how they'd improved, and...




Now they were walking into Canterlot Garden, Rune's book, scarf, and foreleg glowing faintly white, almost invisible in the sun's glare...


"...Remind me why we're so curious about each other's magic so much, that we're willing to risk pain over learning about said magic styles?" He asked, knowing full-well what the answer was, almost ignoring Twilight, as he walked to inspect the Discord stature replica. It looked just as it did, when he took a trip here, so long ago...

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Raze didn't flinch when he heard the voice behind him, yet he didn't know whether it was because of shock or the lack of intimidation coming from this new character. He sighed.


"Come to arrest me or something?" he asked, not turning around. "You another one of that greedy aristocrat's pets?"

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Ice realized his attack had connected, but from there he noticed that he would begin to become ensnared within the tube-like structure. He knew that his ice attacks were starting to run thin, so he had to keep up the pressure. He had to admit, though, he was slowly beginning to grow tired, but ironically had some fire left in him. ​"Hyah!" With a quick spin, he spun around on the ground with a breakdance-style kick to hopefully break through.

Raze didn't flinch when he heard the voice behind him, yet he didn't know whether it was because of shock or the lack of intimidation coming from this new character. He sighed.

"Come to arrest me or something?" he asked, not turning around. "You another one of that greedy aristocrat's pets?"


Axton shrugged. "Not really, and no. In fact you could call me a...vigilante of sorts." ​he chuckled, walking up to be beside him.  His entire face lit up with flames. ​"They're comin' for you, boy. I hope you like the idea of prison. Unless of course you just give those pieces back...and maybe you can avoid....anything worse..."

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Raze scoffed. "She'll just get another one," he said to him. "Hell, she's probably already done just that. That's the way people like her are. You break something valuable of theirs, and they get all pissy about it. Then the next day, they replace it, but they still wanna make it a big deal to the person that broke it. 'Wah, you broke my diamond brooch! Waaah, you destroyed my ruby earrings! Waaah, you cut my silver crown in half!!!'" He took the silver crown pieces and threw them into the portal, their destination unknown.


"There. Out of my hands now. I didn't even want the crown, it reeks of corruption and lies."

Edited by The Sad Manikin Mask
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