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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -RP-


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Flugel looked up. "Leave? Probably a good idea...You got any bodyguards with you, right now?" He asked, pocketing the notes. He'll start to put the wanted posters up in the sword and gun shops soon enough...


"Assuming there were no interruptions, a detachment of my household retinue should be waiting just outside.  Thank you."  With that, she began to exit the room.  Even she wasn't interrupted, she would reenter the lobby to see a small phalanx of heavily armored crystal ponies waiting for her, probably drawing a few glances from passersby.  While their armor appeared similar to that which was worn by the royal guards of the Crystal Palace, their uniform contained tints of black and silver, the Koroundio house colors.  Strapped to their armor was a xiphos and three flintlock pistols.


As soon as their mistress came into sight, every guard in the detachment stood erect and at attention, awaiting her orders.  If only other stallions were as attentive as them...


"I need an escort to the train station," she stated.  Wordlessly, and without any hesitation, the house guards formed a box around Carnelian, keeping a near perfect three meter distance from her at all times.  Their eyes scanned the streets and the roofs as they made their way to the train station, conscious to the knowledge that this city was not safe for the baroness they've sworn their lives to.

  • Brohoof 1

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Firebeak's sword, for an alarming second, didn't stop. Sheer strength and momentum triumphed over magnetic repulsion, but only just barely, as the blade nicked the surface of her head. Enough to cause bleeding, but then again, robots didn't exactly have blood, so at the least it should hurt. 


...Robots don't feel pain either, but whatever. 


After the minuscule blow was struck, he used the repulsion to help himself bounce away, in a ready position. The look in his eyes betrayed strategic thinking. Obviously, he was running through various plans to take her down...

"I highly doubt you'd have been able to do anything. It'll take about 40,000 PSI to breach my armor. More if you wish to bifurcate me. And you don't appear capable of such." She switched the polarity of her magnetism and focused on dragging Firebeaks blade towards her, all whilst pumping her shotgun. 

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@@Hazard Time,


Dust Devil was bored.


The city was small, and there wasn't actually much to do; At top speed, she could cross it in less than twenty minutes, and most of its activity seemed to happen below the surface. As such, when her sharp eyes spotted a square of guards marching along one street, she naturally took the opportunity to distract herself from her boredom, even for a few minutes. Flaring her glowing wings, she landed on a nearby rooftop with a thump. Gently, Dust pushed her goggles up on her face to see as she sat on the smooth rooftop. Her wings folded, vanishing smoothly into the brass plates on her shoulders as she settled herself.


It was fascinating, the perfection of their lockstep, Dust decided. And even her inexperienced eye could see the quality of their armor; it was just so perfectly smooth. She certainly couldn't have afforded guards like that.


Who am I kidding? I couldn't hire guards at all, even if I wanted to. Dust snorted quietly at the thought, tossing her turquoise mane as she went back to observing the guards.

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As they neared the station, several of the guards took note of the mare watching them from the roof.  The guards nearest her both watched her carefully, their eyes inspecting her appearance carefully, inspection passing from one guard to another as they passed.  She didn't appear to be the threat that they were briefed on, but no chances would be taken.  The possibility of accomplices lurking was made clear to them.


For her part, the baroness either didn't seem to notice or care.  They were almost at their destination, and the burden of fear was beginning to lift off her shoulders.

Edited by Hazard Time

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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@@Hazard Time, (Dust is a she, thought you might like to know) 


Dust lifted one tan hoof to wave at the guards, snickering quietly to herself. She didn't feel like moving; the roof was warm and the guards did not seem intent on killing her there and then. She sighed, laying her head on the roof, watching dully as the guards continued towards the train station. The sparkling crystal mare, seemingly the one being guarded, took no notice of her, but Dust didn't mind. She didn't look particularly friendly, anyway. Dust shrugged quietly and yawned, feeling quite content with her perch on the sun-warmed rooftop.

  • Brohoof 1


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In a matter of minutes, Carnelian and her entourage had arrived at the station and boarded a train back to the Crystal Empire.  She had a lot to do, and the gears were already turning in her mind.  If Flugel couldn't deal with Raze, then she would have a contingency in place that would ensure his demise.



A few hours later, another train pulled into the station from Manehattan.  Of all the ponies that exited, two ponies in body-covering cloaks did their best to blend into the crowd.  Speaking in hushed tones, they maneuvered their way through the unfamiliar streets, occasionally glancing at a piece of paper one had stashed amongst their robes.

Edited by Hazard Time

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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"...If there's a cure, then we need to do everything in our power, in order to find it." Nurse Redheart stopped in the hallway, turning towards Nadelle. "I'm also going to need everything that we have on this disease. It's origin, it's symptoms, where the ponies were when they contracted it, and how. Everything." Nurse Redheart's eyes weren't cold, but they were hard, the eyes of a nursepony who had been through way too many complications in her life to bow down in this situation. "The more information we have, the closer we get to finding a cure..."






"So... what now?"


"I don't know. There's so many things to do here, and yet nothing at all..."


"Well, if you could do anything, what would you pick?"


"Well, this is Bangcolt... i've been wanting to throw down for quite some time now. Again."


"Oh, really?" Sunset Shimmer stood up, a feigned smug grin on her face. "Well, I happen to be a Bangcolt contestant. And one of its best..."


"Do you really want to fight me?" Ivory star looked up, not standing. "Even knowing who and what I am?"


"Oh, please- i've fought a Twi-"


"Shh!" Ivory Star shushed her, a sharp look in her eye. "You can't exactly say that out loud. There's people watching..."


"Sorry." Sunset Shimmer flashed an apologetic look. "But you know what I mean. I'm not weak myself, and i'll throw down with everything i've got. And even if I lose..." Sunset Shimmer flicked Ivory Star's side with her tail playfully. "It'll be fun. And a neat experience." She flicked her again. "And a chance for you to cut back, and have a little fun with life."


Ivory Star stood up, looking out over the princesses quarters one last time. It looked so small from here... "I see..." She turned back to Sunset Shimmer. "...Okay."



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Nadelle could sense the ferocity in Redheart's eyes. They practically gave her fuel to keep going despite how fearful she was to disappoint her. "Y-yes! Of course! I will do everything I can to make sure that a cure is found. You vill not be sorry, Redheart." ​She tried her best to assure her superior as she straightened her glasses. ​"Is there anyzing else you need? Coffee? A break? I-I can handle zis until you get back!"


​After a good time at the spa, Ice Blizzard felt a bit more fresh, and relaxed. The tension he had built up over the past few weeks had been nearly dropped out of him. The details of which are to be left untouched. The point was, he was feeling better, and was now looking around for something to do. Bangcolt had gotten a hell of a lot more quieter and calmer recently, but--oh no.


Up ahead, he saw Ivory Star. The last time they talked...wasn't exactly the best. He was sort of out of it at that time, and wasn't exactly serious. He wanted to apologize to her. But he knew from the last time when there was more than one mare present...it wasn't gonna be easy. Regardless, this was important. The blue pony made his way over to them. ​"Uh...hey. Surprised to see ya'll here, huh? Um....hey Ivory. Now--before you get mad, I just wanna say I'm sorry and that I wasn't exactly myself earlier when we spoke. So....yeah. Sorry."

  • Brohoof 2


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@@Hazard Time,


The cloaked ponies were being watched.


The mare watching them also wore a cloak, but a vastly different one. It was brown, ragged, and lacked a hood. In fact, the only thing it hid effectively was the mare's cutie mark, which was fine by her. One gleaming, bright red eye quietly followed the ponies as the gray mare leaned against a wall.


The only reason they had caught her eye (rather literally) was because of how hard they were trying not to. In a station filled by the pastel hues of ponies and the whites, tans, and golds of griffons, their dark cloaks made a bit more of an impression then they might have intended. And there were two of them, which made them a doubly-large blotch against the colors around them.


The gray-coated mare decided that the only reason they hadn't been noticed was because of how urgent and purposeful the people around them were. They had places to go, trains to catch, and friends to meet, which meant that they weren't paying too much attention to their surroundings. 


For somepony who was searching for noone in particular, however, they stood out. The mare had been searching for reasonably powerful-looking opponents to fight, but she supposed that two ponies shadier than an underground fighting-pit were interesting enough.


Discreetly (which, in her case, meant with as much purpose and confidence as everyone else), the mare started to follow them.

Edited by Amorphous
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As the pair continued their trek, one of them glanced behind, locking eyes with their pursuer.  They turned back to face the front, only to check back again a minute later.  The attentive one whispered something to their companion, prompting them to dig through their cloak.  After some fidgeting, their hoof flung behind them a cherry bomb, rolling back towards the mare.  It exploded a moment later in an explosion of light, noise, and smoke that sent the crowded street into a panic.  In the clamour, the mysterious visitors hurried along down a side alley, hoping that the distraction would shake the other pony off their tails.

  • Brohoof 1

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Rainbow Dash's head slammed onto the bar counter with a thud. "Ugh...!" 


Applejack looked down at her, and cocked a brow as she cleaned out a cider mug. "Sugarcube. Ah don't know what else ah can do ta

help--and before ya ask. No ya can't have another shot." Rainbow Dash groaned, and banged her hooves on the counter. Applejack casually rolled her eyes and returned to her half-clean out mug. "Have ya tried talkin' to him?"


Rainbow peered at Applejack out of the corner of her eye, unremoving her forehead from the counter. "No." She sighed. "It's against protocol."


"Ah'm sorry, Rainbows." She grinned. 


"Ehck. Don't call me that," she said, her tongue slipping out her mouth in disgust. 


"Oh well. At least Zephyr's available." 


Rainbow raised from her slumped stance and glared at the orange mare. "Not helping." 


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Raze sighed as Agririon left. Was he too harsh? Possibly. Then again, two ponies with relatively short fuses tend to clash with each other rather easily.


Although, he had only developed this short fuse of his recently. Agririon was right, he couldn't control himself around ponies like the baroness; his experiences with them were just too much for him to suppress his emotions. With what was going on, and how everyone seemed to be treating him, he couldn't help but be pissed and snarky all the time.


He looked up. This wasn't how he supposed to be acting. Reflecting on the past events, from destroying and taking the baroness's crown, to being chased around the city, to dueling and nearly killing the baroness herself...


He sighed again in frustration. He needed to calm down, and think of a plan. Too late to change what happened in the past. He remembered his main rule when it came to situations like this: "Results beat idealism".


He looked down from the rooftops, and saw the pony he met before with some... dude on a skateboard. He looked like the kind of guy you'd find on the front of a cereal box, or on a can of soda. It seems they were heading towards the direction of the hospital.


Agririon knew her, and it seemed she was someone important. And it seemed like the wraith told her to avoid him, which only made him think: "I need to know who she is."


He began to think about how to approach the both of them, but they were quickly getting away, forcing him to think of a plan on the fly. He reached into his bag, and found a smoke grenade inside. Looking at it, an idea popped into his head.


He quietly followed them, then ran ahead and jumped off the roof, landing into an alleyway ahead of them. Taking the pin off the grenade, he came out as soon as he saw they were close, and walked past them.


"Hey, Pony Hawk," he said to the pony on the skateboard, taking his hoof and pressing the smoke grenade against it. "Hold that for me, please."


Before the grenade exploded, he ran up to the mare and grabbed her, wheelchair and all, before making a mad dash away from the hospital.



Edited by Detective Adachi
  • Brohoof 1

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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"I highly doubt you'd have been able to do anything. It'll take about 40,000 PSI to breach my armor. More if you wish to bifurcate me. And you don't appear capable of such." She switched the polarity of her magnetism and focused on dragging Firebeaks blade towards her, all whilst pumping her shotgun. 


Firebeak snarled, feeling his sword begin to be pulled towards Luster with an increasing intensity. It just wouldn't let up, even as he tried to make more distance. Even though his distance from the shotgun made it's birdshot increasingly hard to hit him, it still didn't give him the luck of the devil. Various pellets made their mark, sinking into his skin, and muscle. Although, the general nature of birdshot was to kill, well, birds. Granted, it had wide range, but it was weak--so much so that Firebeak barely felt them sink into his skin.


He stared at her, starting to be pulled towards the robot at this point. And although his guns had started to be dragged towards her, as well, it was mainly his sword that had the strongest pull. Angling it, he let go, aiming to let it sail as fast as a bullet itself, accelerating...Right towards her left eye.


Even as she began to deal with that, he wouldn't let this be his only attack. Withdrawing one of his flintlock pistols, he aimed it at her other eye, firing with startling accuracy, the iron bullet speeding faster then it usually would. Aimed for her right eye.




"Ohdamn, I didn't think he'd let go."

"You underestimate Firebeak, Pretisha."

"No, its just...Genius. He's using her strengths against her."

"Pfft, yeah I guess its cool, but honestly. She's a literal robot. With armor that needs insane strength to even begin to bend. With guns that were invented centuries beyond his era. Not to mention, Firebeak's best attack isn't gonna do anything to her. She's a, repeat, robot. Fire isn't gonna hurt her. It's like sending a spartan to fight a modern-day guard. Sure, they were feared in their heyday, but now, they're a joke."

"...She's got a point."

"Keplar always has a point."

"So, it looks like the robot is gonna win? Honestly, we were expecting...Something a little more...Organic." 



"Honestly, does she usually carry giant guns around? Pretty sure it states in the rules--"

"Ah, who cares? Chivalry isn't necessary when you're dealing with the Fifth Circle."




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Luster noted the sword was flying towards her. Just as planed. She unfolded her right wing and moved it across her face, deflecting the blade to the left, only scratching her armor. As the blade moved, the metal feathers encircled the handle, and clinched it. Firmly in her grip, she pulled the cutlass back, angling Firebeak's blade in front of her eye. Right where the musket round was coming in. 


"So freaking slow. I might as well be playing pong at this point."


Seeing how ineffectual her current ammo was,  Luster began unloading, switching out the ammo in her shotgun. From bird shot, to buck shot."

Edited by Denim&Venom

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@, @@J.R.,


Rosalia smiled slightly and quietly enjoyed the ride. Escorted to a hospital by a legend; and within an hour of arriving here! Wow... I'm quite lucky. She softly sighed before opening her eyes and frowning slightly. But... what if they take a blood test or touch my blood? How am I going to explain that, or my reluctance to do that? Do I say I just have a disease like HIV or something? But I'm too young for that, really... that would raise more eyebrows. Hmm...


As she became focused on coming up with an excuse, she didn't notice the voices that came from behind her, but with a sudden jostle, she suddenly picked up speed. "Aren't we going a little too fast, now?" She blinked, waiting for a response didn't come. After a few moments, she looked behind her. "Are..." There was a split second as she comprehended the face of the stallion was pushing her, before her eyes widened.


It was him.




Screeching, she gripped onto the wheelchair, not willing to let go, while her mind raced in circles and she attempted to figure out what to do while she was being whisked away. After a few seconds, she quickly released her grip and then attempted to dive sideways out of the wheelchair, where, if she succeeded, she would roll to a halt a few meters behind the cart, roughly fifty meters away Batter Boy, as Raze's mad dash would go even faster without her admittedly light weight, increasing the distance he overshot her by.




Agririon chuckled lightly, completely oblivious to the scene occurring about half a mile behind him. This pony might as well be a dwarf from a different dimension. This, compared to Tyra's general demeanor, meant that this pony seemed like she could put up a good fight, weapons or not.


"This is true. A good warrior is also not judged by her lack of sobriety, the quality of her song, nor," he said with a sniff in the air, taking in the alchoholic scent of her breath, "the quality of drink that she is accustomed to... But I'm certain that you can fight well, if nothing else, from your build and your attitude. Who claims your allegiance, I wonder?"

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Raze saw what she was doing, and pushed the wheelchair opposite of where she was trying to dive out from.


"You're making a big mistake!" he said to her while he was still running. "This is all a big misunderstanding, I don't know what that dumb wraith Kellog's Boo-- I mean, Agririon told you about me, but it ain't true!"

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Agririon chuckled lightly, completely oblivious to the scene occurring about half a mile behind him. This pony might as well be a dwarf from a different dimension. This, compared to Tyra's general demeanor, meant that this pony seemed like she could put up a good fight, weapons or not.


"This is true. A good warrior is also not judged by her lack of sobriety, the quality of her song, nor," he said with a sniff in the air, taking in the alchoholic scent of her breath, "the quality of drink that she is accustomed to... But I'm certain that you can fight well, if nothing else, from your build and your attitude. Who claims your allegiance, I wonder?"


Tyra let out an indignant snort at the stallion's comments - notably, the one about the song she was singing. "That is a proud song of battle from my homeland!"


"I am Tyra Shatterhoof, of the Shatterhoof Clan in the Frozen North!" She declared, eyes narrowed. "Thirdborn of Jarl Ralof of Trotstheim, and proud ally of the Sadaurians!" Not even inebriation could hold down this little mare's pride.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@, @,

Jack was confused for a moment, but then broke into a coughing fit when the smoke went off in his hoof. For a moment he was shaken up, and couldn't see a thing. However, he used his ears and could easily hear Rosalia's scream. ​"...!" ​He ran forward, and out of the smoke. He could now see Rosalia being pushed by this maniac in the distance. ​"Hey, get back here, jerkface!"


​Quickly realizing what was going on, Jack got onto his skateboard and began rolling forward, ​"...Grrrr...:" ​he pushed his hoof off along the ground as fast as he could to go faster. At the same time, he grabbed his baseball bat from his duffel bag he had with him, and a ball. Throwing the ball upwards, Jack would then swing, and hit it. The ball flew forward, ricocheted off a nearby tree, and sped towards a trashcan nearby, hitting it and knocking the trash over right in their path to slow them down.


In turn, this gave Jack some time to catch up, and when he did, he jumped upwards, letting his board roll along the ground still, and beneath them. As he was in the air, he jumped over them both, and winked at Raze. ​"No autographs, please." ​he landed on the opposite side, and quickly grabbed Rosalia out of the wheelchair (not touching her blood), and stepped right onto his board once more that was still rolling, and started speeding away from Raze on the board while holding Rosalia. ​"Thank you and goodnight."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Raze looked back, and sighed in frustration, quickly turning around and making his way back.


I don't know whose worse in smugness, the baroness or this guy, he thought, sprinting quickly towards the both of them. He began to catch up to them and, drawing his katana, sliced the wheels of the skateboard in half. 

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@@J.R. @ @


Just nearby, a filly was rolling along, wearing two pairs of rollerblades. On her head was a sky-blue baseball cap, worn backward with a few bangs of dark purple mane sticking out the gap, with the logo of the Cloudsdale Thunderbolts baseball team on it. Her backpack had a baseball bat and a hockey stick pointing out from the top. No doubt she was quite the sports fan.


​"Hey, get back here, jerkface!"


Her ears pricked up at the yelling, and she turned her head to see where it came from.



​Quickly realizing what was going on, Jack got onto his skateboard and began rolling forward, ​"...Grrrr...:" ​he pushed his hoof off along the ground as fast as he could to go faster. At the same time, he grabbed his baseball bat from his duffel bag he had with him, and a ball. Throwing the ball upwards, Jack would then swing, and hit it. The ball flew forward, ricocheted off a nearby tree, and sped towards a trashcan nearby, hitting it and knocking the trash over right in their path to slow them down.


In turn, this gave Jack some time to catch up, and when he did, he jumped upwards, letting his board roll along the ground still, and beneath them. As he was in the air, he jumped over them both, and winked at Raze. ​"No autographs, please." ​he landed on the opposite side, and quickly grabbed Rosalia out of the wheelchair (not touching her blood), and stepped right onto his board once more that was still rolling, and started speeding away from Raze on the board while holding Rosalia. ​"Thank you and goodnight."


She watched intently as the colt on the skateboard ricocheted the baseball with perfect precision to take out that supposed foalnapper.


That was undoubtedly awesome.


She rolled over to get a closer look, and narrowed her eyes at the colt rolling away with the filly in his hooves.


"...wait, isn't that...?"


Blinking, and her heart fluttering, she rolled after the two.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@Hazard Time,


The mare's eyes widened as the bomb flew, neon-red light cascading up her horn, sparks spraying from its jagged tip. A broad, pentagonal pane of light materialized in front of her, easily big enough to cover her, perhaps unnecessarily large. She threw her head back, turning the right side of her face towards the ponies, and dropped her ears.


If the pane of light was a shield, it wasn't a very good one. The weak explosion shattered it, blasting it into motes of light and sending the mare stumbling backwards. After the explosion died down, the mare simply plowed through the smoke, an unpleasant snarl on her face. Brilliant red light shone through the spikes of her mane that hung over the right side of her face, carving a small visible circle in the smoke. The mare plowed out of the other side, the light casting unnatural shadows as she searched for the ponies.


In fact, she wasn't just angry. She was thrilled to have an excuse to chase someone down. She'd wanted excitement. Perhaps I should wish a little more specifically next time, she thought, snorting. The red light slowly died down as she searched, eye stinging from the smoke.


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@@J.R., @@Unicorncob, @,


"Then why are you KIDNAPPING MEEEEE?!?!" She shrieked as the cart veered to the side to avoid the trash. She tilted over and was about to fall out when...




"Thank you and goodnight."


She closed her eyes and braced for impact... but she instead landed roughly in another pony's arms. Opening her eyes slightly, she was completely shocked to realize that she was being held onto her legend on a skateboard. Her eyes immediately lit up before turning behind him to see Raze hot on their heels, slashing the wheels of the skateboard in half. There was a hop into the air, but, as she did so, she lit up her horn and began throwing the contents of everything she could that was on the street at Raze- clothes, flower pots, et cetera, literally creating a magical storm of junk that was hurling towards Raze- plus, at least what he dodged, to the filly coming up with roller skates in the rear.

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@@Amorphous @ @ @@Unicorncob @@J.R.


Galloping through the alleyway, the mysterious duo appeared on the other side, slowing down to a much less conspicuous trot as they came out onto the street. However, just as they thought they were clear, a new scene presented itself to them: a baseball star on skateboard skating away with a bleeding filly in his forelegs being chased by a stallion waving a katana being chased by a filly in roller scates.


The two looked at each other silently for a moment, stunned for a moment at the insanity before their very eyes. What in Iridia's name were they doing here?

Edited by Hazard Time
  • Brohoof 5

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@, @@Unicorncob, @, @@Hazard Time, @@Amorphous,

Jack smirked as he jumped once more, and grabbed another board right out of his duffel bag. He had extras for his photo sessions in case anything every went wrong, and continued rolling on it--this one had slick wheels. ​"Thought you were quicker than that! Let's spice things up!"  ​With one hoof, the colt pressed a button on his pocket music player, and played some chase music to add to the atmosphere:


​"Come on, old man! Bring it on!" ​he shouted back as he started grinding a railing, and still holding the filly carefully.

  • Brohoof 2


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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He began to catch up to them and, drawing his katana, sliced the wheels of the skateboard in half. 


The filly winced as she saw the sword cut through the skateboard like it was nothing.


"Ouch... you don't mess with somepony's wheels, man. You just, don't."



There was a hop into the air, but, as she did so, she lit up her horn and began throwing the contents of everything she could that was on the street at Raze- clothes, flower pots, et cetera, literally creating a magical storm of junk that was hurling towards Raze- plus, at least what he dodged, to the filly coming up with roller skates in the rear.


A yelp escaped her as she ducked and weaved past the junk the other filly was lobbing at the stallion. She raised her hoof to avoid a flowerpot, and was temporarily blinded by a hat covering her face before she threw it off.



Jack smirked as he jumped once more, and grabbed another board right out of his duffel bag. He had extras for his photo sessions in case anything every went wrong, and continued rolling on it--this one had slick wheels. ​"Thought you were quicker than that! Let's spice things up!"  ​With one hoof, the colt pressed a button on his pocket music player, and played some chase music to add to the atmosphere:


​"Come on, old man! Bring it on!" ​he shouted back as he started grinding a railing, and still holding the filly carefully.


Now that she was closer, she could get a better look at the colt. Her face lit up as she recognised him.


It is him! And he's got awesome taste in music!


Lowering herself to lessen the wind resistance, she weaved past the stallion and caught up to Jack.

"Any reason we're runnin' from this guy?" She called to the two. "Want me to bop him one?" She hunched up her back to draw attention to the baseball bat and hockey stick poking out from her backpack.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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