Kenny 232 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 (edited) IT FINALLY HAPPENED! I remember thinking how it would be interesting if each CMC got her cutie mark at a different time but I'm 100% okay with how they all got them at once. Also great to hear the musical aspect of this episode and Diamond Tiara being nice. \o/ Edited October 10, 2015 by Kenny 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flearia Dragondanser 918 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 Best episode ever!!! Such a 180 for Diamond Tiara! And at the end! WOOOOH! Hype hype hype 2 My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser You can also find me streaming some drawings on Starting a request shop! Visist it here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cybershocker455 324 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 Wow that was amazing! So many things happening all at once. The songs, the election, Pipsqueak, Diamond Tiara's mom, Diamond Tiara's reformations, and of course, the CMC finally getting their cutie marks. And all of it came together rather well. I can't wait to see how these changes will lead to new stories. Just an incredibly well-made episode. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stardust* 3,302 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 I think this was a perfect way to impalement change on the small spectrum of the series. It isn't a major change like with Twilight becoming a princess. But having followed the CMC for so long and us just begging them to get their cutie marks because they deserve it makes it such a wonderful thing. The timing was great and we will see them focusing on new and better things that they will come up with. Stardust My Art My Non-Pony Art Ask A Pony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlinkZ 1,151 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 WOOOOOT!!! BEST eopisode ever and Cutie makr and and so awesome!! no more then awsome ..i can't decirbe aword to decirbe how awesome this moment is. They come such a long way and i'm so proud! 11/10 Zubric(fimfiction) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Manman20x6 359 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 (edited) I have mixed opinions on this episode, but mostly positive. I have to admit, I was always skeptical about the idea of giving the CMC their marks, but the way it was handled was excellent. Now I realize that the show can't just stay where it is, it needs to move forwards and change things up. Sure, we are closing one of the show's major story arcs by giving the CMC their marks, but at the same time we are opening a new one where they can help others find their own talent. The episode also did a fantastic job at making Diamond Tiara sympathetic and relatable. It will be harder to go back and watch older episodes where she's a clear-cut antagonist, knowing why she acts this way in the first place. What didn't I like about the episode? The songs. I know I'm in the minority here, but I think that the show's songs are not that good. It was tolerable in the early seasons when there was only a handful of musical numbers per season, but now that almost every other episode has at least one song, it's just getting annoying. I already can't remember how any of this episode's songs went. I wish they hadn't made such an important episode into a musical. Edited October 10, 2015 by Manman20x6 1 I SHIP FLUTTERSHY X BULK BICEPS SO HARD Also, I really like Cloudchaser's mane! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Varrack 1,080 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 SOOO AWESOME!! 1. THE CMC got their marks 2. Diamond Tiara reformed 3. Pipsqueak won the election 4. The episode was a musical 5. Diamond stood up to her mom 6. Silver Spoon stood up to Diamond 7. Friendship happened Probably the best episode episode in the show. Pinkie Pride was around this level as well. I'm really digging this musical thing. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeric 46,860 October 10, 2015 Author Share October 10, 2015 I still have so many emotions over seeing this. Feels nothing ... this episode brought forth a flood! In 22 minutes it encapsulated everything that Friendship is Magic stands for and excels at. Redeption, looking for complexity and challenging your assumptions. The CMC getting their marks at once and having them be symbols of their own friendships with each other was a stroke of genius. Applejack's line. That was the drop that caused me to spill over. I have wanted that exact line in this exact situation but to see it ... to hear it. And the other sisters ... so much love. The updated picture! The flashbacks! Knowing that DT's mark meant leadership was a nice touch. Cutie Map, Amending Fences, and now this ... hell this could well be my favorite episode when all is said and done. AKR you nailed this one ... that was special. 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlinkZ 1,151 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 This episode was just amazing. It was a fantastic end to the CMC's story, and a wonderful way to open them up for new stories. I can't wait to see where this takes them. Who knows, maybe we'll get an episode where they help Pipsqueak find his cutie mark, or maybe even Button Mash! Mostly lickly they will have episodes i season 6 having thier own arch along side Starlight explotion into freindship(well i mean its just a theroy but still sounds most likely) Zubric(fimfiction) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RainbowPastel 185 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 BEST EPISODE EVER! I'm so happy for the CMC and Diamond Tiara 4 My cider brings all the ponies to the yard and they're like its better than yours, damn right it's better than yours. I can teach you, but I have to charge DeviantART YouTube Facebook Instagram Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ponylaces 1,870 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 (edited) I had a pretty shitty week. This episode made me so happy. It was awesome because of a lot of reasons that I could go into, but I'm just gonna keep fangirling. You know, a great thing about the CMC getting their cutie marks is that we won't be getting any more of those annoying episodes where the CMC obsess over trying to find their cutie marks. Helping others find their cutie marks is a great idea, and I'm sure a lot of interesting episodes will come out of it. But anyways, I give this episode a 100/10. c: Edited October 10, 2015 by PonyLaces 7 hello Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackWater627 700 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 Now all of the plot elements of "Bloom and Gloom" and "Appleloosa's Most Wanted" makes PERFECT SENSE! That wrapped up in a snug burrito, didn't it? My favorite parts were when Applejack,Rarity, and Rainbow Dash sang to the CMC. That was SO touching! I know right? It was like icing on the cake for me. Also, gave me a second wave of tears. 1 Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! ♥ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Qiviut 22,447 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 (edited) Holy crap, this episode. THIS. EPISODE! I've been a bit apathetic towards this show lately, as I haven't watched the previous three and didn't muster up the want to. Crusaders of the Lost Mark reignited my love for it again. Everything felt so right. The continuity, the progression, the characterization of the CMC, the songs. So many songs were packed into one, but like Pinkie Pride, they all fit and don't feel spliced.Dismond Tiara's reformation is easily the best one of this show. Except two or three episodes, she was nothing more than a flat antagonist. Pinkie Pride gave a small taste of their relationship, but it was off to headcanon from there. What happened here gave DT the characterization AND development she rightfully deserves. The song about how she wants to be someone else yet couldn't muster the ability and courage was heartbreaking.Lastly, reforming DT being a cause for the CMCs to get their cutie marks is a stroke of genius. For all of these years, they journeyed to try and get them, only to fall so short. But when they helped Pipsqueak and later Diamond Tiara, they no longer cared. As long as they helped others get their marks, that was perfectly fine. Inadvertently, they revealed their true talent: to spread the ability to achieve others' dreams. It was the perfect place for them to get their marks.An amazing episode! Edited October 10, 2015 by Dark Qiviut 12 "Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pineapple Bloom 511 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 I loved it so much I cried my eyes out from happiness and I think my heart exploded. Full thoughts... 3 "My past does not define me, because my past is not today." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Varrack 1,080 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 I was wondering: what exactly are the CMC's new cutie marks? I never really understood what they were. They appeared to be shields with symbols on them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wonderbolt 68 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 The Musical Crusade Such a sweet and Brilliant episode, the musical format worked really well, Pinkie Pride is the only episode to have done a musical format better. Kinda glad Diamond Tiara has reformed (and loved how her mums nose was naturally pointing up like a snob lol). Glad the CMC's finally have their cutie marks. Also sad when Applejack talked about their parents and I hope their backstory is explored sometime. I think this may be one of the last School episodes as with a friendly Diamond Tiara there is not really much you can do school story wise, so I think future CMC's episodes will be about their development outside of school. Finally though the ending of the photo shoot and sending it to Celestia and Luna was great, just like in the main theme sequence lol ----Twitter ----tumblr----Deviantart----My Blog---- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackWater627 700 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 I loved it so much I cried my eyes out from happiness and I think my heart exploded. Full thoughts... The votes for this episode agree with you. You mentioned in your blog post that DT's turn around didn't seem too rushed. Part of that is likely the inner story we got on her. Losing Silver Spoon's support could also be an important thing that tipped her over. Sometimes it's easiest to change when you've got nothing left. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. Also, I made the mistake of rewatching the end scene with the CMC and their sisters singing. Cried again. Oh dear Celestia, it's been hours now and I'm still running a river. 2 Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! ♥ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Qiviut 22,447 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 (edited) I was wondering: what exactly are the CMC's new cutie marks? I never really understood what they were. They appeared to be shields with symbols on them. Part of the Cutie Mark Crusader logo was a shield, and the symbols apparently represent their secondary talents/goals: Apple Bloom: Being an Apple family and a very loyal one at that. Sweetie Belle: Because she can sing. I hunch it's a callback to The Show Stoppers and Bloom & Gloom. Scootaloo: Being able to use her wings to power her scooter. Edited October 10, 2015 by Dark Qiviut 1 "Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stardust* 3,302 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 Scootaloo is a wing and a lightning bolt inside the shield Sweetie Belle is a star with a music note inside the shield Apple Bloom is a apple with a heart (for obvious reasons lol) I think that they are expressing the love that they have for things. Scootaloo loves to go fast and be a daring Pegasus like Rainbow, but she doesn't think she can because she can't fly yet. But her cutie mark has a wing, symbolically meaning she can fly, and the lighting bolt because she is daring and fast even if she can't fly just yet. Sweetie Belle has always loved singing, and she always wants to shine like her big sister Rarity. But she also tries to hide it even when she wants to be out in front but Apple Bloom is usually the one who is the leader. Sweetie Belle will find her voice just like Scootaloo will find her wings. Apple Bloom is very family oriented, she will always be an Apple and she is very proud of that. Thus the apple. The heart is her kindness and compassion for everypony, even when she doesn't want to show it. She acts tough and strong for the others but she is scared, she is just like AJ in that aspect. She has the feels but tries to hide it. But you can see it in other ways. The shields they all share are the shields that they have had to put up for so long, to protect their friendship, to protect others when they have been put down, to protect their feelings. 6 Stardust My Art My Non-Pony Art Ask A Pony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootadress 361 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 I love this. I can't believe they got the marks like that! *screaming* Please more Cutie Mark Crusader episodes, please! I need more of them. Plus more Diamond. 5 SCOOTALOO = Best CMC PINKIE PIE=Best Pony LUNA=Best Princess Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cider float 2,538 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 (edited) Meh I had a completely different headcanon for the CMC but this is what we got. One disappointing thing is that Luna didn't gobble the Pip One big flaw in the writing is that the CMC never were really going around helping others find the purpose of their cutie marks until the Troubleshoes episode... with just one or two episodes their purpose was fulfilled... terrible writing as usual and of course a meh ending to their quest. Edited October 10, 2015 by cider float 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ImAWhale 15 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 Can't believe it has been 5 years already! What a great episode. I especially like that the CMC's cutie marks look similar so we know they'll always be together 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EVBP 94 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 Wow. Much songs. So story. Do want... Living Tombstone and μThunder remixes!!! Also, OHMIGOSHOHMIGOSHOHMIGOSH! THEY DID IT!! WAIT TO GO CRUSADERS!! SQUEEEEEEE!!!! I don't think I'm mistaken in saying the whole fanbase is really proud of you! I'm interested to see where they go from here with Diamond Tiara. It's tough to stand up for what you believe in when expectations are imposed upon you. So kudos! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kevin 160 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 As if this season couldn't be even more awesome, the writers came in and did this to us and on the 5th anniversary too no less! When this episode started, I thought it was going to be another CMC episode. They'd go on some mission, learn a lesson, and we'd be teased about them getting their cutie marks. But no, we got one of the biggest surprises the show has ever given us. Yes, there were hints dropped here and there, but I ever expected it to turn out like this! Also, this episode confirmed my theory that Diamond Tiara had a pretty bad home life as I've seen personally when it comes to bullies in real life and that Silver Spoon was just following the leader. I used to really dislike her and Silver Spoon for the way they treated the CMC, but after this episode, I felt really bad for you and am happy that both she and Silver Spoon finally redeemed themselves. I will say her Mother learning her lesson went by a little too quickly though. Oh and as for those songs and facial expression, they really turned it up to 11 in this episode! As for that monologue at the end, it was simply beautiful and the perfectly way to wrap things up! You know, I keep wondering how the writers can keep surprising us and how they can keep upping their game and this episode shows how amazing they can be. I seriously have to give them a big round applause and think that this was perfect timing for this kind of even to occur. Happy 5th anniveraary, MLP:FiM! 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeonCobalt 256 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 (edited) THAT. WAS. AMAZING. Seriously, this is probably my favorite season 5 episode by far, and that's saying a lot, this has been a great season. So much happened that I've wanted for ages, such as CMC getting their marks, character development for Diamond Tiara, and hey, I've been hoping for another musical episode this entire season, so that's a plus. My Rating: 11/10 (seriously, I loved it that much) P.S. I've always predicted that after they got their marks, they would help others get theirs, so uh, guess I was right Edited October 10, 2015 by NeonCobalt Credit to @Kyoshi for the signature! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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