ManaMinori 4,145 November 25, 2015 Share November 25, 2015 Exhibit A: Equestria Girls Friendship Games- just as Rarity pulls out all the clothes racks, and Aplejack agrees with Rainbow Dash with how Rarity really shouldn't have gone all out with the clothes-making, Pinkie appears behind a clothes rack, with a pointy, starry mage hat (like Starswirl's), and a pink beard Exhibit B: Pinkie is knowledgeable about otherdimensional portals, like Starswirl, as seen in "Too many pinkie Pie's", and her ability to fully understand Twilight's concept of transferring magic from her book to the portal she made, to get it to open, in "Rainbow rocks". Along with the book of "magical portal maintenence" she had, in "Friendship Games". Exhibit C: Her knowledge of events in the future, or in other worlds was also an ability that Starswirl had, according to the Journal of the Two Sisters. (P. 91) People try to pass off Pinkie's actions as just Pinkie just being Pinkie, but is it really that, and nothing more? Pinkie's shown to do things that no other pony can seem to do, such as breaking the 4th wall, having access to possibly time-travel*, knowing the people/ ponies in parallel worlds/ dimensions*, and alter her appearance to those she'd have met in those other worlds?* In the very first episode of MLP: FIM, Pinkie Pie is the first pony Twilight speaks to, and Pinkie gasps, as if she's seen Twilight before. And while, later on, Pinkie explains that she gasped, because she hadn't seen Twi before, and knew that she was new in town, so a party must be thrown, in order for Twilight to start making friends, I see it as one of 3 possibilities. 1: Pinkie Pie actually being Starswirl the Bearded 2: Pinkie not being Starswirl, but having his memories and magic, due to interference from Starswirl himself 3: it's not just Pinkie who may be Starswirl Starting with number 1. This could be likely for the aforementioned reasons. Starswirl; being the creator and master of hundreds of spells- as said by Celestia, in the Journal of the Two sisters, had gone forward in time and seen Twilight some time after she had gotten her cutie mark, to know how she (and Celestia and Luna) were connected to the Tree of Harmony. It's safe to assume that Starswirl would've likely met Twilight's friends as well, if he arrived in the future at whatever point after she'd gotten her cutie mark. And when he returned to the present, he could've tried to complete the spell in Magical Mystery Cure, that he had been working on, which would allow him to switch his destiny with the young pink mare that he had seen Twilight interacting with, in the distant future; becoming Pinkie in Twilight's timeline, while at the same time, carrying over all his unicorn magic that he had spent his lifetime learning into the young earth pony- where it manifests as 4th wall breaking, knowledge of other-worldly people (who Starswirl also likely encountered during his time and space travels), time travel (to beat rainbow Dash to destinations beforehand), and precognition in the form of Pinkie sense. As to why Starswirl would try and swap destinies with future Pinkie, and become her, in the current timeline- I'd imagine that it could've all been done for the same of trying to learn the meaning of friendship through the destiny of somepony else. Starswirl in his original form, seemed to have never known about friendship, so as he switched destinies with a pony who was the embodiment of laughter and an important piece of the pie that was the elements of harmony, he could learn what he needed in order to complete his spell, back in the past, swap the destinies again, and do things right, once timelines and destinies had been put back as they were. This could also explain why Starswirl, in Pinkie's body/ timeline would so quickly revert to a sad, gloomy, depressed flat-mane state, thinking that the friends that he// she made after so long, would abandon her- thus, making Starswirl feel defeated that he couldn't go back to his own timeline, and complete his spell, with the magic of friendship he had struggled to learn about. The second possibility is Pinkie not being Starswirl, himself, but having his magic planted into her, due to interference and destiny swapping from Starswirl. A third theory is that not only Pinkie who could be Starswirl, but all of the mane 6. Given this possibility, it's possibly we're actually just following Starswirl's adventures in generation 4 (of him learning/mastering friendship and teaching it to others), but through several different embodiments of ponies that house his memories and magic. Because Starswirl hadn't known friendship in his life, thus the mane 6 hadn't immediately been introduced as all friends. Likely, Starswirl- being as powerful as he was- knew that he was nearing death in the past, and due to his time-hopping/ manipulation/ other dimensional/ worldly interference, saw the mane 6 in the future, swapped his destiny with all of theirs, as he returned to his own timeline (from one to another= one being Starswirl's destiny of solitude in his timeline, being swapped with the 'another'- the 6's destinies in the future, who all are pieces of ONE grand force of friendship. A mark of one's destiny singled out alone, fulfilled. Again, reiterating that Starswirl could've swapped shit, abandoning his current destiny to cause his spell to force his will/ memories/ magic into 6 other ponies that act as one, to learn the magic of friendship through the ponies he switched destinies with, because he couldn't on his own) *(Griffon the Brush off, Equestria Girls, Too many Pinkie Pies) TL; DR- (see exhibits A, B, C) 3 Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulcan 3,255 November 25, 2015 Share November 25, 2015 Exhibit D! I figured since you already used Eqg as proof, I could use the comics :3 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scrubbed user 3,417 November 25, 2015 Share November 25, 2015 The day Pinkie realized that the is in fact a cartoon character, and therefore the Laws of Physics in her world truly does not apply to any single being, she had surpassed Starswirl in all worldly factors. It does not mean that she is an OP magical being, she just has a much greater understanding of the universe she is a part of, so she is able to bend her environment to her will. She also knows about universes beyond her own, including the EqG world, and even ours. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cmarston1 5,959 November 25, 2015 Share November 25, 2015 Based on the comics I would have to say that Pinkie Pie is the reincarnation of Starswirl the Bearded. It would explain her bizarre, and powerful magic that would manifested in a strange way due to being an earth pony and not a unicorn. Plus she acts just like how he did when he was younger. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyoshi Frost Wolf 41,803 November 25, 2015 Share November 25, 2015 Yikes, this is scary. XD Pinkie being or being a reincarnation of one of the most powerful unicorns to ever live, makes me worry. It is amazing how much actual proof there is for this. You all know so much and I know so little. I like the reincarnation idea personally. That would be really, really interesting if true. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unlikeable Pony 2,698 November 26, 2015 Share November 26, 2015 I think it would make for a funny episode if the mane six randomly found some geneology saying that pinkie was a super distant relation of starswirl the bearded.The episode could then follow Twilight following pinkie around and sperging out about her being related to her magical idol while also being super depressed that SHE'S not related, and being upset that pinkie doesn't seem to care at all about how she's related.Then have the episode have twilight end up learning from pinkie that its more important who your family is NOW than who they were in the past and not to care where you're from. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ManaMinori 4,145 November 27, 2015 Author Share November 27, 2015 Exhibit D! I figured since you already used Eqg as proof, I could use the comics :3 thanks for the additional evidenceI had mentioned that in the rough draft, but, for some reason, left it out of the final post. It was late. Dunno what I was thinking. Haha (Glad you had the img straight from the comic) 1 Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulcan 3,255 November 27, 2015 Share November 27, 2015 thanks for the additional evidence I had mentioned that in the rough draft, but, for some reason, left it out of the final post. It was late. Dunno what I was thinking. Haha (Glad you had the img straight from the comic) You're very welcome and no worries, I've already had the images stored on file from a previous post awhile back. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steve Piranha 29,443 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 Woah, I would normaly think bullshit, but those quite the points. Maybe they're foreshadowing Pinks' relation to Starswirl. Maybe the movie will shed light to it if it's true Sig by Discords Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silver Stream. 708 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 I thought this was a joke. But you impress me Nightmare Muffin. Well played....well played. Time for me to go lay down and stare at the ceiling with the phrase "everything I've ever known was a lie" repeating in my head. 2 SILVER STREAM'S POETRY DUMP I am Silver Stream || My Request Shop Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ManaMinori 4,145 November 28, 2015 Author Share November 28, 2015 (edited) I thought this was a joke. But you impress me Nightmare Muffin. Well played....well played. Time for me to go lay down and stare at the ceiling with the phrase "everything I've ever known was a lie" repeating in my head. surprised more people haven't come to the same conclusion, when all the evidence points to Pinks being ol Beardybutt. (Especially after exhibit A)Not to mention that Twi considers Starswirl a genius she idolizes, and just how many times has Twi called Miss Pie a genius (right after Pinks provides a solution that Twi didn't think of, mind you) my count is at least 3 (Rainbow Rocks, Luna Eclipsed, and again in It's about Time) Edited November 28, 2015 by Nightmare Muffin Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StormdustPony 471 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 That is actually a viable possibility.. My mind is blown. Never thought of that before. Signature by ME Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ManaMinori 4,145 December 1, 2015 Author Share December 1, 2015 That is actually a viable possibility.. My mind is blown. Never thought of that before.that, my dear, is why the Analysts look too derply into thing. To see what others who don't don't Woah, I would normaly think bullshit, but those quite the points. Maybe they're foreshadowing Pinks' relation to Starswirl. Maybe the movie will shed light to it if it's truehmmmm. I peronally might like it more if she was Starswirl, rather than just being related to him. The latter makes less of an impact.... Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daring_Do 552 December 1, 2015 Share December 1, 2015 Exhibit D! I figured since you already used Eqg as proof, I could use the comics :3 AKR's Journal of the Two Sisters is actually consistent with what Luna says here. (Celestia being Twilight-y, and I think it mentions Starswirl being eccentric at one point). The question is, which source influenced which? Or is it just coincidence that they match up? 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ManaMinori 4,145 January 1, 2016 Author Share January 1, 2016 AKR's Journal of the Two Sisters is actually consistent with what Luna says here. (Celestia being Twilight-y, and I think it mentions Starswirl being eccentric at one point). The question is, which source influenced which? Or is it just coincidence that they match up?time to consult the Fausticorn? Or maybe someone can ask the writers at a con Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drunkfrank 1,125 January 2, 2016 Share January 2, 2016 time to consult the Fausticorn? Or maybe someone can ask the writers at a con Yeah... Even if it were true, I don't feel like having hundreds of Bronies laugh at me... neat theory though, personally don't believe it, but nice. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cider float 2,538 January 3, 2016 Share January 3, 2016 I always had a headcanon that Starswhirl having a kooky personality, he's eccentric but brilliant and could be sort of prankish as well like Celestia is occasionally. A more silly Dumbledorf. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunny Fox 5,952 January 3, 2016 Share January 3, 2016 I think it's an exaggeration to call it "confirmed", but as a headcanon, it's a pretty cool idea. 2 Happy minion of The Fabulous One! Signature by Midnightive Check out my blog! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
20% Cooler Than Cake 161 January 5, 2016 Share January 5, 2016 Another bit of evidence is that in the episode "It's About Time," Pinkie Pie both shows Twilight where the Star Swirl the Bearded Wing is, and then goes on to locate a time travelling spell for her in just a minute. 1 “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” - Albert Einstein Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buck Testa 5,505 January 5, 2016 Share January 5, 2016 (edited) Exhibit D! This is the first thing I thought of when I saw this topic To the original post, I think that Pinks may not be his reincarnation, but she certainly is somepony whom is very similar to him. My money is on her being a super secret agent for Celestia that is gathering info and wiretapping all of equestria C.I.A style. I mean who said that "party cave" of hers was the ONLY place she stores important data on ponies? And why does she have full body suits that perfectly disguise her as other characters? And why can she make gadgets super fast? And why did her imagined version of a secret agent turned out to be using actual agent gear that Lyra had? The only way she could of known about that gear is if she had seen....or used them herself. And if she pinkie promised to keep her secret spying as just that, then she absolutely would not reveal it to even her close friends. The only reason she had problems with holding the baby secret was because it wasn't a PInkie promise. But who knows, maybe she's super secret agent reincarnated starswirl Pinkamena Dianne Pie. Edited January 5, 2016 by Buck Testa Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkaminaseesu117 11 January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 This is amazing, my fav pone being a reincarnaited starswirl (another favorite.) this head cannon just made my morning! Thanks nightmare! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ManaMinori 4,145 January 6, 2016 Author Share January 6, 2016 Another bit of evidence is that in the episode "It's About Time," Pinkie Pie both shows Twilight where the Star Swirl the Bearded Wing is, and then goes on to locate a time travelling spell for her in just a minute.that is true. And she did the sme for a book Twi was looking for, in an earlier episode, for the Elements of Harmony. Starswirl also had knowledge of the elements, according to the Journal of the Two Sisters Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PinkiePuffPoo 10 January 9, 2016 Share January 9, 2016 That is just scary. Pinkie being Star Swirl is just too much to handle. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Justin_Case001 4,907 January 9, 2016 Share January 9, 2016 The day Pinkie realized that the is in fact a cartoon character, and therefore the Laws of Physics in her world truly does not apply to any single being, she had surpassed Starswirl in all worldly factors. It does not mean that she is an OP magical being, she just has a much greater understanding of the universe she is a part of, so she is able to bend her environment to her will. She also knows about universes beyond her own, including the EqG world, and even ours. This gives me an idea. They should do an episode where Pinkie unlocks her mind and goes all Lucy like that goofy Lucy movie. Couldn't you see Pinkie doing that? If anypony became everything that ever was and ever will be at every point in time, it would be Pinkie, no doubt. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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