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Randimaxis Answers Questions


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Okay, there's apparently a thing where folks put up these 'Ask Blah' threads, and there are occasionally folks who will actually post questions on it, and the people in question answer those inquiries, usually to the best of their abilities.


But honestly, what fun is there in making sense?  *chuckle*


But yes, I have followed suit and put one of these things out there.  Honestly, I am uncertain if I'll even get a single question, but hey - be prepared, right?  Might as well have and not need, then need and not have.  So, this thing is actually happening...


That being said, I welcome any and all questions tossed out there at me - and I shall endeavor to answer them as quickly as possible.  Of course, I am WELL aware that I might not even get a single response... but, such is life, sometimes.  At least the thread is here, right?


So, without further ado - fire away!



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Oh, if I had the options?


I'd enjoy trying onDISCORDApplejack for size, especially sinceDISCORDI happen to be Southern - I could come up with country-isms all day long!  I've played PinkieDISCORDPie once... though it was a dark version, which wasDISCORDeven MORE fun!  I think I could playDISCORDan accurate Twilight, but I wouldn't feelDISCORDright doing so... she's cool, just not my type toDISCORDRP.  I think I could get Rarity fairly well, butDISCORDI think I'd pull a miss on RD; too separate of personalities between us.  Of course,DISCORDI'd love to play Fluttershy... but I'd probably enjoyDISCORDRPing WITH her more.  As forDISCORDside characters?  Hmmmm... I'd actually like to giveDISCORDBig Mac, Doc Whooves or even Zecora a try sometime.  And oh, if I only hadDISCORDa chance to play Luna... *sigh*... well, I suppose thatDISCORDabout covers it... but I keepDISCORDgetting this nagging feeling I'm forgetting someone...



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It's actually something I originally picked up from one of the old chat rooms I used to frequent when I first stared going online.


There would usually be a constant wall of text that would rain down upon us, because people were always typing; if there wasn't a response from someone for a while, there would be a few folks who would try a lot of different methods to get their attention:  teasing, threats, sarcasm and the like.


I was more... shall we say, 'amicable', in the matter?  On this site in particular, I RPed a rogue (yup, STILL RPing!) - so, when I wanted to check to see if someone was lost or if they had logged off, I would type:


*lurk, lurk*  Rex looks for _____ 


Does that look familiar?  The blank, of course, was the screen name of whoever I was calling for.  The reason for lurking was that my character Rex was a thief.  Little by little, as I don't care for repetition, I began to experiment with different phrases...


*lurk, lurk*  Rex nudges _____

*lurk, lurk*  Rex pokes _____ with a dagger

*lurk, lurk*  Rex searches ____'s pocket for goodies

*lurk, lurk*  Rex summons _____ to his side to absorb incoming arrow damage

*lurk, lurk*  Rex puts in a prayer to the Goddess of Love to infect _____ with pustules on their backside


As I got more and more descriptive and comedic, folks really started paying attention to me and interacting.  I made a few friends simply because I had gone "lurking" for them, and they had been amused by whatever I had put.


Since then, I've used some form of that for general random fun, i.e. I'm bored and want to reach out and touch someone.  For the Forums, the whole "... lurk, lurk, lurk..." format just sorta came to me when I was looking through profiles.  I had seen something on a profile that I thought was really nifty, so I left a "lurk" message referring to the nifty thing.  So inclined, I left another on another profile.  Then another.  Then another.


Soon, I started getting responses.  So, I responded in turn.  And continued lurking.  Now?  I have about 100 friends, and roughly half of them came from me lurking their profile feed.  I'll read over their About Me (when there is one) and try to find something about them that piques my interest, then I comment accordingly.


For Example:


Vulcan (who you definitely aren't) has on his profile that he's a Classic Rock fan; so am I.  Hence:


... lurk, lurk, lurk... *leaves you a copy of the album 'TOMMY' by The Who* ... lurk, lurk, lurk...


This way, I'm not only showing my approval of your preference, but it's a means of possibly introducing something to you that you may not have known about/heard/experienced, and therefore creating a possible line of friendship.  


There you go... Lurking, Randimaxis-style!

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Oh my Gosh, Oh my Gosh, Oh my Gosh, I have so so many questions, but I think I'll start with one that a few members would like to know the answer to.


When is Jeric going to grace our ears again with his dulcet tones and release his next track off the upcoming album he must be working on ???

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Jeric is a very, very busy stallion.


There were a number of wonderful folks who made enough donations above and beyond our $4000 goal during the recent Making Christmas Merrier event to warrant a number of songs.  A GREAT number.  In fact, we've been in touch with an agent, and Troblems is about to peddle his flank out negotiate a contract with a big-shot record company for a twenty-three record deal... which will cover roughly the first third of his requirements.


All kidding aside, that would normally be something you could ask him yourself... but as it's part of my job to try to field things (free time is one of the best presents anyone can ever give a staff member), I will state that I have seen him Skype-chatting about it, and he does have it in mind to get them done and posted, but you will have to be like a mental ward; have 'patients'.  *chuckle*  


RL and Forum duties make for a very busy stallion, so I'd simply give him enough time to get things going when he has his stars aligned and such.  He genuinely loves the Forums and what the community is like here; he's probably just as eager to find out your reactions to what he'll do as you folks are to hear him do it!  (He's a big softie... between the razor-sharp spines, I mean.)


Besides, I have a feeling he'll get the idea.   ;)


Oh, and @@Bogrick Grey Mane?  Way to go, posting on someone's thread asking about someone else; classy, Boggy.   :unamused:     *gives you a good-natured poke in the ribs*






[NOTE TO JERIC: Code #412]

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  • 2 weeks later...

This question offers an insight into the fragmented dimension that is our own perception of reality; since @  has been so gracious as to grace me with one of the staples of illogic, I shall now endeavor to explain the essential basics of what would be known (affectionately, in my case) as DISCORDIAN LOGIC.


Now, Discord is a name I am certain you may recognize, but Discordianism stretches much, much farther back... like, the 1970's.  The two elders that began the pseudo-religion were masters of the idea that Chaos was not only good for you, but good for ALL the world.  Therefore, they created pamphlets, fables, party drinks and a solitary book for which to describe this with/to/for/crap, and worked on spreading the word.


The word passed (and occasionally failed with flying colors), and soon there were a number of folks who began adding to the chaos as well, of which there were a great number who were fairly intelligent... or at least wildly creative... that began putting forth the idea that CHAOS may not be definable... but, within the realm of absolute nonsense, it can be forced into an illusory sense of "logic".


Therefore, the ubiquitous question put forth so aptly by my colleague has a rather random form of sense ensconced within its very nature.  Upon reading the question, I realized that this might have been a question that would pre-date the possibilities of being fully Discordian in nature; the chaos and randomness evident in its simplicity affords the idea that, instead, this was a question formulated with the tenets of Discordianism in mind, if not in actual existence.  Conclusively, this means that, in essence, the question IS askable, but not actually directly ANSWERABLE without the application of Discordian Logic.


By the tenets of Discordianism, there are a number of answers to Magos' question that could technically be considered "correct".  One could simply answer a number or a letter, but to do such would be like a slap in the face to Discord himself.  A question like the one above nearly DEMANDS an answer of either equal or greater nonsense that the question itself.  There are FIVE (5) answers that spring immediately to mind, but there are possibilities that stretch into the endless ether as to what answers could be had if one were to over(and under)think it.  The 5 (FIVE) answers that come to my afflicted brain are as follows:


1:  A milk of glass, hold the cow.


2:  Mommy told me not to answer questions that end with a question mark; sorry.


3:  Five tons of Flax!




... and the fifth answer consists of a long, rambling and completely ad-libbed explanation about the question, essentially completely ignoring actually answering the question at all - which is what this is.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hmmmmmmmm... yes.


This is simply a general list I'd post to anyone asking this - but just for you, dearest , I'll make it colorful.   :grin2: 




Be descriptive - the more description you put in your text, the better mental picture you paint for others to enjoy.


Vocabulary is paramount if you want to post LOTS of characters with minimal effort; use a Thesaurus AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE.


Make sure to separate character from player; just because your OC hates another one, it doesn't mean you two players can't be friends.


Play well with others; share the plotline, fail with grace and dignity (or at least a snappy one-liner), and don't be an NPC hog.


Make characters with flaws and weaknesses to go with their abilities and strengths; perfection tends to breed stagnancy.


Try to picture how your character would react to a pauper, a farmer, a prince and a god; that should give you a good dynamic for their personality towards others.


Prioritize their personal goals; it's okay for them to treasure an old, moth-eaten blanket over gold and jewels; just explain why.


Think outside the box all you want to; just make sure to check in with your DM before doing anything BIG, or STORYLINE-CHANGING.




Don't be afraid to make the wrong decisions; sometimes, an epic fail can be just as entertaining as an epic win.


Give all your characters at least ONE quirk, like collecting something weird or an odd speech pattern - you'd be surprised at what it can become, once it develops.  Remember: Derpy was just a pegasus with crossed-eyes to begin with.




There's a lot more, but if I told ALL my advice at one shot, you'd be reading well into next Thursday.  I hope that the spattering of tips helps!

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  • 2 weeks later...
post-18984-0-43211000-1399339235.gif Chatterbox: Good day mr Eye of Rykros! i am a journalist that works for Canterlot Times Newspaper and Magazines! i would like an interview with you if you like of course!
post-18984-0-24039800-1399343692.gif don't worry i won't ask private stuff, at least as long as you let me
post-18984-0-35675300-1399344126.gif okay here goees~!
what is the best sucess you made in your entire life?
what you like to do on weekends?
what are your political views?
your opinion about endangered species?
if you could be a politician, what laws would you propose and why?


post-18984-0-98404500-1399340807.gif  Finally preferences

Coca Cola or Pepsi?

Apple or Android?

Pizza Hut or Dominos Pizza?

McDonald or Burger King?

Pegasus, Earth pony, Unicorn, Changeling or Crystal Rarity?

Best Ship?

Nightmare Moon or Discord?

Accept a beautiful lie or a hurtful truth?

Gummy bears or Jelly Beans?

best jam ever tasted?

Sweets or snacks?

Edited by Vardakas
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Chatterbox, you and your sponsor  are welcome to ask me whatever you wish... 


But only ask what you want answers to.  *impish grin*  Anyway, on with the answers:


My children, Jack and Margie, and my wife Lisa - my best success is knowing that they love me as much as I love them.  I don't care who you are, what walk of life you're from or what you do... there is no bigger success than having a loving family.


I sometimes LARP with a few different groups, wander the Net of Inters, or just bum around on my 360.


I loathe politics.  My views are the ones I have from the sidelines, wondering why the Hell voters of America continue to either put up with a lumbering, unyielding pachyderm, or a loud and braying jackass.  The short version is 'don't get me started'.


If a species is dying from human intervention, then people should fix what they're breaking; if it's simply Nature's Way, then we should just allow things to run their course.  If it's through illegal trapping and killing, then that needs to be cracked down on.  Otherwise, the best we can do is hope.


A Politician?  I refer you to my opinion on such above... but as I'm no spoil-sport, I'll answer your question.  I would try (being the operative word) to pass a law regulating commercials to certain times or certain places.  I am SICK of seeing ads everywhere I go; try to go an entire day without seeing even one ad, logo or trademarked font - in this day and age, it CANNOT be done easily.  I would also try to pass laws to cut Congress' salaries until they get things working well enough to justify their paychecks... to require a portion of ALL taxes already being paid by citizens to go into a Debt Repayment Program for the USA to pay back all those other countries we owe... to DECREASE budget spending on National Defense and INCREASE budget spending on Education... there are a number of things I would endeavor to change... but it would require me being able to both run AND win for that to happen.  Nice thought, though.


Pepsi; Coca Cola hasn't been the same since they changed the original recipe.  *chuckle*

I am poor, as I have never owned either one.  Therefore, N/A.

Pizza Hut - I do like Domino's, but PH makes the deep dish to DIE for!

Burger King - McDonald/s tastes like cardboard.

Earth Pony, because everyone underestimates them.

Maud Pie + Boulder = <3

DISCORD, of course...

Hurtful truth; I'd rather cry over honesty than laugh over lies.

Gummy bears!  (Because there's no option for Jelly Babies.)

Smuckers' Grape Jelly; for the discerning lunatic in all of us.

Snacks; sweets are good on occasion, but give me some cheddar cheese and Ritz crackers... or Veggie Chips with Ranch dressing...


You're free to go on, of course... but if this is sufficient enough, then I suppose it will have to do.

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post-18984-0-57195100-1416798786.gif  hi! i think i haven't meet you before! my name is Chatterbox! i am a student of journalism from Canterlot High School, i was wondering if can you grant me and interview

post-18984-0-71232500-1416802039.gif i'll ask a serie of questions, if there's something you don't wanna answer i'll understand


What are your views on ilegal inmigrants?


What is your opinion about capitalism?


is there any favorite spot on the earth where would you like to visit?


least favorite vegetables?


you drink alcohol? if so how much and what is your favorite drink?


how and when did you start being a Brony?


is there any other fandom you are in?


can you post a picture you consider "epic"?


and finally what is the most disgusting thing you ever ate in your entire life?

post-18984-0-12700500-1416807546.gif trust me is just for a homework none of this information is gonna be shared

Edited by Vardakas
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You remind me of someone... can't put my finger on it, but... *shrugs* oh, well.  This is the thread where I answer questions, so I guess I should get to work, right?



Illegal immigrants?  *sigh*  Political stuff... well, it's my idea that they should be given the option to either fill out the proper paperwork so they can become actual citizens, or send them home.  Simple as that.  Telling them they can simply stay and offering amnesty is like slapping the face of every immigrant who worked HARD to get their stuff done right and do what they had to do.  In fairness, they should be given a real chance to do it correctly - but should they refuse?  Home they go.


Capitalism is what America runs on.  I feel torn;  like the idea of simply sharing, but I also understand the need for competitive pricing.  Capitalism is fine, on its own... GREED, however, gets involved FAR too frequently for me to feel right about it.


There is (supposedly) a castle in Scotland where my ancestors lived; I'd love to see that, someday.  Plus, it's Scotland - do I NEED a reason?


English Peas/Green Peas.  Dis.  Gust.  Ting.


I sure don't drink like I used to, that's for sure... *rueful chuckle*  I drink usually socially, and only on special occasions.  That being said, I prefer vodka - especially Screwdrivers.  I tend to down three - four of them at a single sitting.  I will match shots with folks on request... though I tend to be the last one standing at a party.  Blame the insomnia.


Almost a year ago.  Yeah, I kinda came to the game late, but it is what it is; I'm gathering quite the plushie collection.   :D


Hmmmmmmm... fandom, you say?  Well, there's a lot of things I like... Star Wars, X-Men, Batman Villains, Rocky Horror, Discordianism... and those are just the ones I can currently think of.  There's more, I'm certain; my memory's like Swiss Cheese.


Epic?  Ummmmm...


Will that do?


Not ATE, but picked up a cup once and drank straight out of it... was still swallowing when my wife told me it was where she'd been pouring the contents of all the other forgotten cups in our room... there was MOLD in it... and dead bugs.  NOT a happy time for me, or Senor Stomach.



Heck, share it if you want to - I have exceedingly little to hide, Chatterbox!  Oh, and make sure to tell your pet  I said hi!  *grins*



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You remind me of someone... can't put my finger on it, but... *shrugs* oh, well.  This is the thread where I answer questions, so I guess I should get to work, right?



Illegal immigrants?  *sigh*  Political stuff... well, it's my idea that they should be given the option to either fill out the proper paperwork so they can become actual citizens, or send them home.  Simple as that.  Telling them they can simply stay and offering amnesty is like slapping the face of every immigrant who worked HARD to get their stuff done right and do what they had to do.  In fairness, they should be given a real chance to do it correctly - but should they refuse?  Home they go.


Capitalism is what America runs on.  I feel torn;  like the idea of simply sharing, but I also understand the need for competitive pricing.  Capitalism is fine, on its own... GREED, however, gets involved FAR too frequently for me to feel right about it.


There is (supposedly) a castle in Scotland where my ancestors lived; I'd love to see that, someday.  Plus, it's Scotland - do I NEED a reason?


English Peas/Green Peas.  Dis.  Gust.  Ting.


I sure don't drink like I used to, that's for sure... *rueful chuckle*  I drink usually socially, and only on special occasions.  That being said, I prefer vodka - especially Screwdrivers.  I tend to down three - four of them at a single sitting.  I will match shots with folks on request... though I tend to be the last one standing at a party.  Blame the insomnia.


Almost a year ago.  Yeah, I kinda came to the game late, but it is what it is; I'm gathering quite the plushie collection.   :D


Hmmmmmmm... fandom, you say?  Well, there's a lot of things I like... Star Wars, X-Men, Batman Villains, Rocky Horror, Discordianism... and those are just the ones I can currently think of.  There's more, I'm certain; my memory's like Swiss Cheese.


Epic?  Ummmmm...


Will that do?


Not ATE, but picked up a cup once and drank straight out of it... was still swallowing when my wife told me it was where she'd been pouring the contents of all the other forgotten cups in our room... there was MOLD in it... and dead bugs.  NOT a happy time for me, or Senor Stomach.



Heck, share it if you want to - I have exceedingly little to hide, Chatterbox!  Oh, and make sure to tell your pet  I said hi!  *grins*

post-18984-0-63991000-1416799881.gif He is not a pet!

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What's yer favourite pasttime, Randi?


Also, how are you :catface:

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Hiya, !  Digging the new look; tres chic!


I suppose I'd have to split that call;  on the one hand, I absolutely love my 360, and tend to invest a number of hours each week into it - my latest obsession would be Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare.  Very TF2, but with flowers and zeds.  Usually, I don't get many 'new' games (as I has the 'No Money Honey Blues'), but I do cycle through the ones I have.  


The OTHER hand, however, is different.  I LOVE music, specifically, I love to listen to music and imagine stuff.  No, really... I spend at least an hour a day listening to music, and I use that time to listen to songs and imagine different scenes, characters, plots... I suppose, to borrow a phrase from Disney, I 'Imagineer' grandiose stories and characters and just let each scene play out in my head.  It's a fun exercise for my imagination, and it helps me discover more about the music I listen to.


As to how I'm doing?  Well, I suppose I can't complain... but I still do, just to keep in practice.

  • Brohoof 1

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Hiya, !  Digging the new look; tres chic!


I suppose I'd have to split that call;  on the one hand, I absolutely love my 360, and tend to invest a number of hours each week into it - my latest obsession would be Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare.  Very TF2, but with flowers and zeds.  Usually, I don't get many 'new' games (as I has the 'No Money Honey Blues'), but I do cycle through the ones I have.  


The OTHER hand, however, is different.  I LOVE music, specifically, I love to listen to music and imagine stuff.  No, really... I spend at least an hour a day listening to music, and I use that time to listen to songs and imagine different scenes, characters, plots... I suppose, to borrow a phrase from Disney, I 'Imagineer' grandiose stories and characters and just let each scene play out in my head.  It's a fun exercise for my imagination, and it helps me discover more about the music I listen to.


As to how I'm doing?  Well, I suppose I can't complain... but I still do, just to keep in practice.


post-18984-0-09505300-1417211903.gif Hello! my name is Flowerflame and i love games! i was wondering if would you like to play a game with me! if so the only rule is that you must quote my words to keep this dynamic okay?
"you went to sleep last night and close your eyes slowy and keep thinking the plans for tomorrow until you finally conceal dream, there's not too much relevant about them but when you open your eyes you see a blurry vision of a pastel colored parks, you heard children voices playing and also trotting, you get up quickly and feel that something is wrong with your anatomy and the surroundings, and after take a look arund you you realize that you are in Equestria! now to comfirm what you are now you see yourself in the lake and you have hooves instead of arms and feet, your eyes are big and you feel an extra thin limb rubbing your butt, and is a marvelous tail! now you see a pony sitting near the lake to your right, then there's some houses in front of you indicating that is the entrance to Ponyville and there's a paper with a note on it in the floor to your left"
-Talk to the Pony 
-Go to Ponyville
-Read the Piece of Paper



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"you went to sleep last night and close your eyes slowy and keep thinking the plans for tomorrow until you finally conceal dream, there's not too much relevant about them but when you open your eyes you see a blurry vision of a pastel colored parks, you heard children voices playing and also trotting, you get up quickly and feel that something is wrong with your anatomy and the surroundings, and after take a look arund you you realize that you are in Equestria! now to comfirm what you are now you see yourself in the lake and you have hooves instead of arms and feet, your eyes are big and you feel an extra thin limb rubbing your butt, and is a marvelous tail! now you see a pony sitting near the lake to your right, then there's some houses in front of you indicating that is the entrance to Ponyville and there's a paper with a note on it in the floor to your left"


The paper-thing... let's do that.


(This is an... interesting... question.)

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The paper-thing... let's do that.


(This is an... interesting... question.)



"you picked the paper and there's only lines and points but for some strange reason you understand such words, it says something like "Holder of the Gift let me crawl this night, bringing chaos to those who this paper may found, call me and ill be there waiting for spread the plague" the rest is only latin words. Is obvious that is a spell and a powerful one, you hold it in your mouth because you are naked, you need to find a bag where you can put your items, you need to find a proper pony to see what this spell means plus an explanation about how do you get in here and how can you return to your world"




-Go to Poniville.


-Look for a pony in the park who can help you.


-Go to the pony you see before.


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"you picked the paper and there's only lines and points but for some strange reason you understand such words, it says something like "Holder of the Gift let me crawl this night, bringing chaos to those who this paper may found, call me and ill be there waiting for spread the plague" the rest is only latin words. Is obvious that is a spell and a powerful one, you hold it in your mouth because you are naked, you need to find a bag where you can put your items, you need to find a proper pony to see what this spell means plus an explanation about how do you get in here and how can you return to your world"


Why not check the park?  Somepony must know SOMEthing, right?


(Y'know, if you wanna RP with me, you can just say so; this thread's for questions, after all.  *chuckle*)

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Why not check the park?  Somepony must know SOMEthing, right?


(Y'know, if you wanna RP with me, you can just say so; this thread's for questions, after all.  *chuckle*)

(am so sorry :( won't happen again)


what's your favorite color?

Edited by Vardakas


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, there's no need to be upset - no tears!  


I absolutely understand; the moments make themselves.  And really, if you'd like to run through the scenario you began, I'm game - just invite me to a one-on-one thread.  I enjoy creative thinking, and I used to DEVOUR the 'Choose Your Own Adventure' books!


Oh, and 'aquamarine', by the way.

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, there's no need to be upset - no tears!  


I absolutely understand; the moments make themselves.  And really, if you'd like to run through the scenario you began, I'm game - just invite me to a one-on-one thread.  I enjoy creative thinking, and I used to DEVOUR the 'Choose Your Own Adventure' books!


Oh, and 'aquamarine', by the way.



what was your first Choose Your Own Adventure book you ever read?


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