Jokuc 8,174 January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 I remember back when I first became a brony, people kept asking me why I watch it. At the time, I couldn't really give a proper answer to the question. During my time in the fandom I have heard many people give explanations to this and most of the time it sounds something like this: "Because the characters are so awesome" or "Because the animation is fantastic" or "Because the story is great". So.. Do I think they are right? Haha, no. The storylines in the show are for the most part "eh". The majority of episodes are ridiculously predictable and the stories are just not enough thought out, leaving us with unexplained occurrences and plot holes bigger than the cracks of Titanic. How about the characters? I love Pinkie Pie and Twilight, who do you like? Anyway, the characters are not great. This one should be pretty obvious but apparently it's not to most people. Each pony in the mane 6 have the most manestream personalities there is which can be found in a million other kid cartoons. The Smart one, the fun one, the cool one, etc. About the animation quality, I don't really see what's so amazing about it either. It looks just fine but it doesn't stand out much in terms of quality compared to other shows and it has some issues such as animation errors and weird-looking movement when characters are running or moving up and down in "3D" space. This brings me to what I want to discuss: Friendship is Magic was not made for everyone. Lauren Faust claims that she wanted to create a show that could appeal to both kids and people who are a little older. Sure! I don't question that, but here's the thing: appealing for and aiming for isn't the same. I don't care what she or anyone else says, the show is made for kids. This is why they don't have to bother about using logic for everything or explain what's going on. This is why they choose to use characters with generic personalities instead of "boring" complicated ones. It's so the kids easily can distinguish between them just by their way of behavior and interests. Occasional events that are complicated are probably just thrown in because they're now aware that there is a bigger audience but this also comes with a bunch of pointless fanservice that ruins the show. Either way, just because it's created for little girls doesn't mean that it can't include elements that an older audience will enjoy. So, "who gives a shit who it's made for if I like it anyway", right? Well, yeah. I agree, I couldn't care less. Back to the characters; while their personalities are more generic than today's pop music, there are good things about them as well. Unlike many other cartoons for kids, these characters have somewhat of a development going on and their thoughts are way more complex than what's usually seen. We see how Rainbow Dash prioritize her friends over her own goals and how Appejack has to let go of her overprotectiveness to trust her sister. Just compare that with the dumb characters of G3.5. So, the characters have good points to them as well but development and individual problem solving is something I more or less expect from any character that should be considered good. Therefore they're not great but rather just good. The same goes for the storyline of the episodes. While there are some stupid things and a lot of unexplained things, most episodes in MLP FiM are made to deliver a message, most episodes has a moral to the story. These life lessons they talk about are great for kids but shouldn't teenagers or at least adults know about them already? I guess everyone isn't me. Anyway, As a kids' cartoon, FiM is pretty good. It's above average comparing to the rest of cartoon shows that are out there now since the things I mentioned above isn't important for a person at such a young age. As for teenagers and adults, I honestly can't see why so many bronies are calling it amazing. It's just fine to me but nothing more than that. When you grow older you look at things with different eyes and you look for different things in a movie or tv series. In my opinion, if you're going to watch a children's show as an adult, you can't judge it as a children's show anymore unless you're only watching it to see how good it'd be for a kid to watch. All and all, in terms of quality, MLP FiM is not good but it's not necessarily bad either. It's just.. "meh". Remember that this is my personal opinion and it's perfectly fine to disagree with me. Now when I got that out of the way, let me go back to the beginning and answer that question. Why do I watch My Little Pony? Well, because I love it! To me, there is a huge difference between enjoying something and thinking something is good. For example, I enjoy watching Birdemic for the laugh but only a fool would claim that that piece of shit is well made. MLP isn't even close to being Birdemic and it's not so bad that I watch it for mockery but the principle is the same. I don't really care if it has the most developed characters, the most complex animation, the most brilliant story or whatever. As long as I enjoy watching it, that's all that matters. I watch mlp because it is cute, it is funny, heartwarming and it makes me happy. The songs aren't all that bad either. One of the biggest reasons why i watch it is because of the fandom. I'm sorry if I offend you or something but let me tell you, I actually agree with all the haters who claim the brony community is full of weirdos. It's true and it's fucking great! Weirdos are cool, weirdos are fun and weirdos are... me. Because I'm a weirdo and being able to share your thoughts, reactions and feelings etc with other weirdos who listen to what you have to say is what makes me interested and motivated to be more involved. The fandom is what made me watch the show in the first place, not my reaction to the show about how awesome it is or whatever. If there were no bronies, I probably wouldn't watch mlp because there would not be anyone to share my reactions, thoughts and happiness with. If you watch it because you truly think that the show is a masterpiece then good for you, that's your opinion. What I want to say with this post is, try to admit that your babies have flaws. MLP is not perfect and if you see the flaws I do you should encourage yourself to acknowledge and admit it when the hater attacks. You don't need to convince them that it's the best thing ever created, just tell them it makes you happy. So my question is, do you think that MLP is as great as people claim it to be or do you think it's overrated? If so, do you use the "good animation, story, characters" argument against haters without truly thinking so yourself? Did you agree with anything I said? 11 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nitro Dash 35 January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 Opinions are opinions, though. In all honesty, there shouldn't be a problem with us bronies liking the show just because we like it. Fun fact: My birth date comes two days before the GameCube was released: November 18, 2001. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeekySonic 1,150 January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 I don't think I can ever give an explanation as thoughtful as yours. I could never pin for certain why I love it so much. I think it's mostly due to the fact that I didn't expect the show to have any substance at all. I expected it to be like G 3.5. It wasn't, and that just kinda surprised me. But looking back, I do realize that putting the joyful nature aside, there were plenty of moments (mostly in seasons 1-2) I had watching the show when I felt underwhelmed. But then again, as I've stated in other threads, I am easily satisfied, and I don't dwell on disappointment. And going off of your point about the fandom, it was the Brony community itself that lured me in, rather than the show. I had been reading fanfics, listening to fan music, watching fan videos, etc., for almost three years before I watched an episode. I've been an outcast loner type for most of my life, and it felt really good to belong somewhere, because it felt like there really was no categorization of Bronies. Anyone could like Friendship is Magic. Anyway, in regards to your last question, I don't view anything as overrated. I do love MLP: FiM, but maybe not to the higher extent that some do. I genuinely like the animation style, the characters, and the oftentimes kooky storyline; I tend not to use those examples when in conflict with people who disapprove of MLP, and just sum it up with, "Everyone has their reasons for calling it good, otherwise you never would have heard of it." 3 Check out my voice-acting demo reels on Casting Call Club, if you'd like. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moony the Cat 3,703 January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 (edited) EDIT : If i think about it again, i guess i was a little bit to harsh. Yes, the characters arent that good but they are still very funny to me. Except for Pinkie Pie i actually like all of them. Some Episodes actually are emotional and some scenes memorable. Sometimes i think i just write everything more extreme to get attention and then minutes later i completely regret posting it. That happened already like 4 or 5 times here. Sorry. The drawing style isnt insulting, its just to simplistic to me. Thats what i wanted to say. I think i agree with you on everything. The Show isnt the best Show ever made, the Characters are all very Stereo Typical and only sometimes actually relatable or realistic for me. Pinkie Pie makes no sense, Applejack is just kinda there...i dont know, she is supposed to be the honest one, and still lies sometimes. Twilight is supposed to be the Leader and still has to learn so many Stuff. Fluttershy is just way to shy sometimes, so that she is unrealistic to me. Specially when she rages out sometimes, its just weird. Rarity is okay. I dont know. EDIT : I forgot Rainbow Dash XD I guess the Fact, that she is so uninteresting to me, that i even forget her completely, says everything. I havent watched all the Episodes, maybe the Series gets more emotional over time and i have seen some of the Battles but its way to less, to consider it my favorite show, if there is other Series like Once Upon a Time, One Piece, Case Closed, or Dc Comics Stuff. I started watching Mlp because i am a Furry and im interested in Furry Characters. Thats the reason why i watched it, i didnt expected it to be my new favorite Show and it never was. Even in the Mlp Franchise, i personally liked My Little Pony Tales more, because of the more realistic Characters and better drawing Style. Even though pretty much every Brony ever disagrees with me. But thats okay. The Show is really " Meh " . It has no Great Storys that i will always keep in my Mind nor has it memorable scenes that would stuck in my Head. Nor has it that great Characters. The drawing Style is an insult and i dont even see the big difference between G4 and G1. I dont understand the Hate towards the older Generations ( except G3 was kinda boring to me, so i agree on that ) and i dont understand the praise that G4 got. G4 is not a great Show. It is good, yeah, but there were also so many Episodes where i just couldnt take the Characters, Story or drawing Style serious. I still like it, because its cute and funny and rarely has action in it. But other than that, nothing is really special to me. And as i said, i only watched it, because i couldnt find that many other Furry Series. I didnt watched it, because of the fantastic Story or the " fantastic " animation, i just watched it, because i thought it was cute. I still like it, but it will be never close to any of my favorite Shows ever. Its cute and Funny, but almost nothing else for me. Thats my unpopular Opinion. Edited January 10, 2016 by Dune Sig made by Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Limeblossom 482 January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 I don't think the show itself is bad, but it depends on the writer's willing to keep it good. Japan, where Yo-Kai Watch's second movie has more success than The Force Awakens Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
碇 シンジン 27,433 January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 I think MLP is amazing show bbecause it doesnt need to have amazing plotlines or super deep characterizations or anything too serious to get me excited =)=)=) im always happy seeing the episodes and Beig happy is more happy than being not happy =) 2 Rarity Fan Club Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,786 January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 (edited) To me it's good as well as many others, I like the characters, I like the world, the episodes(most of the time). It's a simple yet entertaining show, with a lush and cute artstyle And personally I never cared much for predictability, I've loved even some of the most predictable episodes. As many say, "it's all about the journey, not the destination", it doesn't matter if the episode is predictable as long it's also fun and entertaining. I also think people really need to keep their expectations in check, people shouldn't go into this show expecting Shakespearian writing or some deep, complex, intellectual masterpiece full of complicated plot twists, and quite frankly people who do go into it with that mindset deserve to be disappointed. In the end of the day it's just a children's cartoon, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that(unless your one of those people who act really insulted or offended by calling the show a "kid's show" for some dumb reason), it does it's job and does it well, be fun and entertaining Edited January 24, 2016 by Megas 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Number62 1,258 January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 (edited) Greg Weisman is one of my favorite television writers and has only/mostly done "kid stuff", and I like how he looks at the shows he produces. Anyway, the core target is Boys 6-11. But that was true on Gargoyles and even on W.I.T.C.H. True on most shows I've worked on. My shows (at least the ones I produce) are always written to work on multiple levels. Concentric circles like any target. We've got to hit that bullseye in the middle for commercial purposes, but we're not satisfied with only getting that audience. I like to think my shows work for kids, tweens, teens and adults, for boys and girls and men and women, for intense fan-geeks and casual viewers. But mostly -- fundamentally -- I write and edit for a core audience of one, i.e. ME. I produce the show I'd like to see. If you don't like it, all that really means is that our tastes are different. I've stated this in other threads, but the stories and characters are only as good as their storytellers. Edited January 10, 2016 by Number107 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Qiviut 22,447 January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 (edited) I don't care what she or anyone else says, the show is made for kids. Your opinion dies here, because you're factually incorrect. The show isn't simply made for kids. It's made for everyone. Kids and adults alike. Anyone at any age can watch and enjoy it. The stories are simple on the surface, but not dumbed down to insult kids' and adults' intelligence (for the most part, like Rainbow Falls). But over the past two seasons, FIM's staff has really stepped up their stories and morals. Over the past two seasons, you have these mature morals, including: Rarity Takes Manhattan: Don't let a bad event change who you really are. Flight to the Finish: You're great by being yourself. Toils: Consider the consequences of your actions before acting upon it. Testing Testing: Everyone learns in their own, unique way. Equestria Games: Don't beat yourself down. Castle Sweet Castle: Home is more than just a house. It's the memories you have and share with others. Amending Fences: What you do might be small to you, but to someone else, it can have a lasting impact. What About Discord?: You shouldn't withhold your emotions. Your emotions and feelings matter. And then there are the characters. Rainbow Dash is beyond just cocky and brash; she has a very close relationship with the ones she cares for and a strong morale. Wonderbolts Academy is one of the greatest explorations of Dash's character. Testing Testing and Sonic Rainboom closely follow. Fluttershy's shyness is beyond shyness; it's backed by a phobia that affects everything around her. Rarity's exuberance, generosity, and attention to detail help shape why she's one of the most complex characters in the entire series. Spike is an excellent wingpony for Twilight and helps shape their dynamic. What about the minor characters and villains? Moondancer is one of the most relatable in the entire show, because her conflict, feelings, dialogue, and struggle are so real. Derpy's aloof, caring, treated like one of them, but will do whatever it takes to get the job done right. Discord is one of the strongest villains for his ability to psychologically manipulate the Mane Six while not laying a finger on them and maintaining his integrity. Starlight is even stronger due to her strong sense of justice, the belief she's doing the right thing, broken worldview of cutie marks thanks to her trauma from her childhood, and that characters like her exist in real life. These are just some of them. And so many great episodes exist in the lineup. Several examples include Winter Wrap Up, Call of the Cutie, Suited for Success, The Best Night Ever, Sisterhooves Social, Hurricane Fluttershy, Sleepless in Ponyville, Flight to the Finish, Toils, The Cutie Map, Slice of Life, Amending Fences, Lost Mark, and Re-Mark. You can go on from there. Is it perfect? No. The entire Equestria Girls spinoff is one obvious example. But that doesn't mean FIM is a "kids' show" or is plain good. You don't need hyper-complex or non-morality stories to engage to a wide array of people. You need merely great stories with great characters with a great payoff. Why bronydom boomed varies from person to person, but one central reason is FIM is objectively great. Other all-ages cartoons may be better, ala Steven Universe, but that doesn't diminish the show's high quality of work itself. Spoilers for The Force Awakens: Is it Star Wars's most complex story? No. It rivals A New Hope as the simplest. But why does it work so well? Why is The Force Awakens easily one of the best SW films? The characters really shine. All of them are very complex and relatable. You can feel everything they do thanks to its awesome script, special effects, and cinematography. We as an audience can really connect to the new and old. In short, I thoroughly disagree with your OP, because your overall opinion is heavily flawed. Edited January 10, 2016 by Dark Qiviut 3 "Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Metemponychosis 1,262 January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 What made MLP - FIM special was that it was a children's cartoon, that understood it was a children's cartoon and didn't try to be anything other than a children's cartoon, but was so good at it, so much care was poured into it, that it reached beyond. Sure, it's owner never thought of it as more than a collection of 22 minute commercials for toys, but the people working on it were making a cartoon. That could be watched by an adult watching over a child without raising the suicide rates. Mostly, what made this work was that the cartoon, while childish, didn't treat children as if they are idiots. Now, about it's unexpected following... I believe this cartoon had a component of nostalgia for some. For others it was all the care and consideration that was poured into the simple yet acceptable stories and characters. And it looked beautiful, it sounded beautiful and spoke of beauty. Childishly, but still. There is another thing: this is not a cartoon you can look at and say "it's good" or "It's bad", because it's not very homogeneous in it's quality, specially if your attraction to the cartoon lies in inter-character relationships and world-building. The reason for that is that this cartoon is not "one-vision" and you can see it looking at how it changed in scope as the seasons progressed. It also is very "episodic" and each individual episode will have it's own problems that usually don't translate into other episodes. So take every use of this word with a grain of salt. Now, why do I like it? I'll start with the usual disclaimer that everyone has it's own opinions, yadda, yadda... Yes. I like the cartoon. I did in the beginning because it I felt, in my own experience that it brought something back to children's cartoons: beauty. As I grew up I thought that cartoons had just become ugly and spewed confused morals. Not that I would learn anything from TV, but I always liked seeing "the good guy", the "hero" (not the perfect ones, but the ones that actually try and in the end do "what is good", even if they fall along the way). Call me old fashioned... Fiction doesn't have to be very complex or like reality, and even then I don't think people really appreciate how much the both actually actually are alike. And even though I constantly complain about writing in the cartoon today, I still like it. Most episodes don't carry the same happiness that they used to, but I can find episodes to enjoy, and even the ones that I decide that I don't like, I can find things in them to like. But mostly, i like this cartoon now because I liked the characters. in the beginning. Yes, they are simple and of childish design, and I think that the cartoon often forgets what they're supposed to be, but they've progressed and I like them even more. Maybe if I knew these characters in their present state, I wouldn't really like them, but I understand that idea and execution don't always match in the final product and I remember what I liked about them back in the beginning of FIM. I think that the world they inhabit is becoming more and more bland, losing it's personality and it's magic, both literally and figuratively, but I still like it. I don't like the idea of a modern looking city like Manehattan in Equestria, as it appears in "Rarity Takes Manehattan". I don't like the idea of electronics in this cartoon... I feel like Equestria is in danger of turning into Cartoon US 2.0. It's not that I think this is objectively bad, it's just... C'mon... There is a fantastic Minas Tirith in the top of a mountain! This is a fantasy! Let's see imagination! Like Rainbow Falls! The Crystal Empire looks it's overcompensating (and totally useless), but that looks like magic. The reason I still like it is because I think that with a little more common sense and imagination, a little more caring and less pop culture and pandering, this cartoon can keep it's status of what I think still is the best cartoon for all ages way after it ends. Yes, this is an opinion. I don't like the crystal fetish, the villain worship, and the constant abuse of characters with the idiot ball so that Mr. Writer can shove minimum required effort into his job. The cartoon doesn't have to be perfect for me to like it, but it has to at least try. And it is. 2 For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out. And I'm just getting started. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jokuc 8,174 January 10, 2016 Author Share January 10, 2016 In short, I thoroughly disagree with your OP, because your overall opinion is heavily flawed. An opinion can't be flawed, it's an opinion. I see what you're saying but I disagree. I'm sorry. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
honk friend 1,978 January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 "What's so great about MLP?" or "Why do you watch MLP?" is such a loaded question. When I DID watch it, I watched it because it entertained me. There's no real answer to that question besides "because it's entertaining". I don't watch it anymore because it just doesn't offer as much as the other shows airing today do, but a show doesn't have to have flawless animation, interesting characters, or an amazing plot to be entertaining or even good. An opinion can't be flawed, it's an opinion. I see what you're saying but I disagree. I'm sorry. The objective reasoning behind an opinion can be flawed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Qiviut 22,447 January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 (edited) An opinion can't be flawed, it's an opinion. Wrong. Opinions can be flawed. Animated James stereotyped the brony fandom and blamed the victim when he got thrown out at BronyCon for violating its all-ages policy and insulting comedians in a Q&A. His opinion is flawed because rather than taking full responsibility for his actions, he blamed other people. Scapegoating the fandom for his or her own lack of enjoyment of the product is flawed. Fans don't affect another's enjoyment. They affect their own. Declaring that a brony hates the Twilicorn, Equestria Girls, or later seasons because they hate change is flawed itself, because they're using a strawman to back up their opinion. A good opinion needs strong reasoning. Sometimes you can't other than being a personal preference, like saying "black and blue" versus "blue and black." But there are some where you need logic to back it up. You said in your OP that FIM is made for kids and isn't good for adults because the characters and stories are generic, obvious, and flat, among other things. Your opinion is flawed because FIM is beyond all of that, including the insulting "kids' show" label. None of the Mane Eight (including Starlight and Spike) are flat or generic in any way. They have very strong characterizations, real strengths, and real flaws. Dozens of secondary characters are well-loved because the layers of characterization help mold them, like Moondancer, Sapphire Shores, Coloratura, the Equal Four, Maud, Marble, and Derpy. Each story has a moral, but great episodes help mold them into the writing, particularly by showing how the characters learn them. Seasons three and four transitioned how to teach morals by eliminating the friendship report and adopting both the journal and not spelling out the lesson. Season five completed that transition by eliminating the written moral entirely. FIM is objectively great because the show doesn't segregate demographics. It's an all-ages/family-friendly cartoon. Multiple demographics across generations love this show for many reasons, one for how well-written it is. Kids and adults understand and appreciate great writing. Good quality is demographically blind. Bronydom didn't grow for no reason. Edited January 10, 2016 by Dark Qiviut 2 "Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nouth 496 January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 I think I pretty much agree with the op, especially with the emphasis on the difference between something being of great craftsmanship and something being great for other reasons. You get a similair thing with Star Wars - you could find a million of flaws in the movies, yet they are immensely popular. I think one of the things to added to my initial enjoyment was this feeling of ... tranquility ? I'm not totally sure why, but the FIM world (especially in the early seasons) just seems to radiate a lot of peacefulness. You don't need to convince them that it's the best thing ever created, just tell them it makes you happy. +1 Splendid siggy by Chaotic Dischord, awesome avatar by Suntouched Coco!Ask me anything you want ! You'll make me happy and (most likely) get an answer !Omnia vincit Amor. When the world around you turns gray, stop, and think about rainbows.-->(> How would you describe me ? <(<-- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wind Chaser 4,768 January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 I've watched plenty of better things than MLP that were aimed at the same general age group. Even much of MLP's competition today is 20 times stronger than it was even two or three years ago. Your expectations of the show are your expectations. However, you can still be a part of the fandom if you don't like the show. That's what's great about it. Even when I lose interest in the show, there's enough discussion and quality fanart to keep me engaged. Just don't try to force yourself into something you're not fully on board with. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CastletonSnob 3,079 January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 (edited) MLP is a great show, but let's not act like the writing is as good as something like Mad Men. Edited January 10, 2016 by VG_Addict Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Celli 4,339 January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 MLP is a great show, but let's not act like the writing is as good as something like Mad Men. You can't really compare FiM to Mad Men, they aren't even remotely in the same boat. FiM wasn't aimed at adults, Mad Men is. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simba86 1,541 January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 as far as cartoons go I think it is well thought out but remember that it's sole purpose is to sell toys to preteen girls It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Qiviut 22,447 January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 as far as cartoons go I think it is well thought out but remember that it's sole purpose is to sell toys to preteen girls FIM succeeds because for the most part, they tell great stories irregardless of its pitch. Remember, Hasbro showed Princess Promenade to Faust because they wanted her and her team to help fix the franchise. Though she's no longer there, the show still thrives. Because the show succeeds, the toyline succeeds. MLP is a great show, but let's not act like the writing is as good as something like Mad Men. You're comparing apples and oranges. Mad Men can get away with a lot of their content, because it's not appropriate for kids. FIM is; either they adjust their scripts to its strict content rating and comply with its censors or risk getting the show and Hasbro into a world of trouble. 1 "Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CastletonSnob 3,079 January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 What would you say are some flaws of the show? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Qiviut 22,447 January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 (edited) What would you say are some flaws of the show? Two of them include: Inconsistency. Because the series juggles with several writers, you have several varying opinions of the stories, characters, and craft. One writer may be good with one story type, while another may be good with one other type. Josh Haber's biggest weakness is how his stories in season four never escaped the archetypical beginning, middle, and end. Merriwether Williams's stories in series two had mean tones, and she shifted the blame three times in her work (the other in Bats!). Neal Dusedau needs to understand the worldbuilding more. And so forth. Unfortunate implications. They got better this past season, but FIM is oft susceptible to this. I explained some of them here. Edited January 10, 2016 by Dark Qiviut 1 "Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CastletonSnob 3,079 January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 How does the show do at worldbuilding and adventure? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KatonRyu 1,033 January 12, 2016 Share January 12, 2016 I definitely agree with liking something without considering it good. For example, I like the Twilight books despite considering them horribly written and starring the most blatant Mary Sue ever. I still like the books because they're easy to read and I consider them enjoyable, but by no means good. As for MLP itself though, I partially agree with what you say. The stories, for the most part, aren't that special. I don't have enough knowledge about animation to say anything on that with any authority, but it is one of the things that draws me to the show as it's colorful and fluent. The main point at which my opinion differs from yours is the characters. I honestly think that the characters are, overall, really well done. Yes, they have some defining traits that might be considered stereotypical, but all of them sometimes deviate from those characteristics as well (Rainbow Dash modeling for Rarity, or Twilight going wild on the dance floor, for instance) and that is part of what makes them feel alive. Unlike many other kids' shows (older shows, these days that seems to change a bit judging by shows like Avatar, Gravity Falls and, little though I've seen of it, Steven Universe) the characters in MLP feel 'alive' in a way. They have certain traits, but it's not like they are those traits. Aside from that I think the interaction between them is very natural and it feels like the friendship they have could easily exist in a real world setting as well. Add to this the development they've been given over the running time of the show and you've got a cast of strong characters - and it's not just the Mane 6 either. The CMC as well received development and clearly grew up over the course of the show. I will admit a lot of this depends on the writer. Characters may sometimes seem to have 'regressed' into an earlier version of themselves when handled by certain writers, but never so much so that the show becomes unenjoyable. (I know this wasn't the point; I just felt that I should acknowledge they're not perfect, or written perfectly.) All of this is, of course, solely my own opinion, which has been heavily colored by my time in the Pokemon fandom. I wrote plenty of fanfiction starring the ultimate blank slate when it comes to personality, Ash Ketchum, and attributing heroic traits to him. To see a show where emotional development isn't erased after every season is a such a huge step up from that that my standards were probably lower. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wind Chaser 4,768 January 12, 2016 Share January 12, 2016 What would you say are some flaws of the show? How does the show do at worldbuilding and adventure? To answer both of these, I think the number one flaw of the show is leaving potential on the table. The show really developed at a breakneck pace through Seasons 2, 3, and 4, but there are still many story and character opportunities staring the show staff in the face that haven't been seized for one reason or another. Part of that may owe to the show's contradictory nature of wanting to grow and evolve, but still having to stick to a consistent formula. The issue with the formula itself is that it limits room for experimentation; the focus on core characters, the three-act structure, and clear black-and-white morals that sometimes fail to address their grey points are all a part of it. Related to this is when the show does build something up but fails to really capitalize on it. Season 5 had something really good going with the Mane 6 transitioning from students to teachers, however many episodes still hung around Ponyville, and when they did venture out, much of the new characters were rooted in stereotypes and had none of the luster the supporting characters of previous seasons did. Granted, I don't want this show to be perfect. If it was, there'd be little to discuss. Having this discussion keeps the fandom and sites like this healthy, even if sometimes it does threaten to tear it apart. Most of us just want to see it be the best it can be. On the subject of adventure and worldbuilding, it's not really the main focus of the show. That is the morals and messages it teaches. However, it's those elements that set this show apart from other shows that try to teach morals. Great new characters and locations are invaluable to the entertainment value and the diversity of the show's appeal; lacking ideas on this front risks stagnation and trouble keeping fans. Season 5 was a bit of a mixed bag on that; it started with a great new location and a potentially interesting villain, but it really lost momentum on that front going through the regular episodes. I don't expect Narnia out of this, but something that can support the messages this show tries to send. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drunkfrank 1,125 January 12, 2016 Share January 12, 2016 No, its not bad It is objectively a good show, good animation, good voice acting, good writing If you don't enjoy it or find certain chars uninteresting, that is your fault Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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