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open Fallout Equestria: Aftermath (Rp)


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Scarlett looked around for a few more moments, looking for anything that could be useful. Not that she knew what could be useful. "I'm not entirely sure. What kind of weapons do you sell, and how much are you selling them for?" Hopefully if she acted like she knew what she was doing, they'd be less likely to scam her. That was the theory anyway.

Allegory raised her eyes. The red mare's attempt didn't do much to convince Allegory of her "competence"; an actual wastelander, even a regular settler, would know which weapon is which and ask them if they had it in the first place, and much less wastelanders would ask what a weapons dealer would actually have. Besides, Allegory knew that the red mare wasn't a real wastelander and some pony from the "future" anyways. "Oh, I have T-99 10mm's, the Regime Sportshot, ES-11 Assault...oh, and the fast firing .45 PTT. What do you want, and I should say if you have the caps for it," sbe replies, hoping to catch the red mare off guard.


@@Defender of Tomorrow,


"Oh, and are you going to stand there or are you going to show me the part you need, mister?" Allegory added, patting her desk. "If it's easy to make, I can finish it in a few hours. Otherwise it could take a few days. So if you're willing to stay here for a while, I'll cut down the price a bit. How's that?"

Edited by Sealand
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Allegory raised her eyes. The red mare's attempt didn't do much to convince Allegory of her "competence"; an actual wastelander, even a regular settler, would know which weapon is which and ask them if they had it in the first place, and much less wastelanders would ask what a weapons dealer would actually have. Besides, Allegory knew that the red mare wasn't a real wastelander and some pony from the "future" anyways. "Oh, I have T-99 10mm's, the Regime Sportshot, ES-11 Assault...oh, and the fast firing .45 PTT. What do you want, and I should say if you have the caps for it," sbe replies, hoping to catch the red mare off guard.


Scarlett looked straight at the pony for a moment. She had no idea how much she actually had. Well, she did. But she had no concept of how much it was. I have one of the greatest scientific minds of my time. I invented a device that can allow travel between dimensions and time. But I have absolutely no idea what any of those are, how to use them nor the inclination or motive to ever want to use them. Lovely. Great situation I'm in right here.


Doing her best to speak in a calm tone, which was rather hard considering the situation, she said "Right, uhh. Do you have any, pistols, uhh, and how much are they?"


Art by DoeKitty

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Storage, storage is a necessary evil.


If you have enough strength, you could savage a massive hull after a raid. Too small and you’re letting scavengers have weapons and armor scott free.  Not mention strength, Steam wasn’t one who could carry a fatman or minigun without some appropriate strength training or full suit armor. Still, here she was with a motherlode of items in her saddlebags


Steam wasn’t one to decide on killing on a whim, but desperate times come with desperate measures. Only with a half a day supplies left, not exactly knowing where she was going and finding a couple of raiders down around a broken down house, it was a perfect disaster waiting to happen. It was only a matter of waiting until night before she took them out. It wasn’t exactly an easy process, return fire, potential bullet wound, but only scraped the fur. It was only a matter of pure luck that she gotten out of there, unscathed.


 Now, here she was in R7 Junction with a guns, armor, and supplies. Sure, she could of use them, maybe modified them like her trusty rifle. However, she wasn’t one to bother with plethora of guns. Better to barter with someone and get some caps out of it, then carried around and losing or stealing them. With her cloak wavering around with the faint wind, the sound of metal clinging around her saddle bags. She trots along through the junction.


She wasn’t exactly a normal mare, she was pretty tall. They might thought of her as some stallion as most of her appearance is hidden beneath the cloak, however her muzzle and face had soften feature and has a nice peach fur along it. Maybe in some other life she would have been some supermodel or at least someone who can help ponies who need get something from the top shelf. Her long legs push along the rough texture, her mind intertwined on ignoring the stares and going right towards a weapon shop.


@@Ethan Sawyer, 



"And welcome to Stream's Hit-n-Run, young miss! What are you here for: weapons, armor, supplies, or getting your things repaired?" the green earth pony heard as she entered the shop. Glancing over to see two ponies talking business. While another was standing behind the red mare. The red mare certainly didn’t look like she was from around here. She certainly gave off the vibe of royalty with how well her fur and clothes were not ridden with the stretch of the wastelands. Steam didn’t bother with more deduction as her eyes wavered over to the counter.


Looking over at the possible ammo. .50 caliber bullets, probably the most effective gun that doesn’t involve it pewing or ka-booming. Her trusty hunting rifle, strap on her back, modified to have that powerful bullet. A curse, with how much bloody caps it cost to have a .50 cal. Still, with how well the bullet pierces armor, it certainly worth the caps. 


She trots over and stands behind the red mare, like a good customer should do. She already had a plan. 2 pipe pistol, 9mm pistol, a knife, 20 .38 round, 10 9 mm. Not to mention parts of leather armor. Least enough to salvage a full armor. Should be enough for a couple of bullet and some extra caps if needed. Least enough where she find a job with enough caps not to go into her cap bag. 


Steam waits along, as she faintly hears the conversation they're having about guns. Whoever this red mare is, it was getting a little cringe worthy to hear her not know what type of pistol are out there. Her face gave look of disdain, but she kept it to herself. 

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Storm walked over to the desk and pulled out the small piece of schematic, it was a overcharged capacitor and he showed it to the mare, he didn't expect her to know what the hell it was, but there was no harm in showing it to her. He had hopes that the mare had an idea on what he was looking for, he didn't expect her to be able to make it though, but she was a shop owner, she had to know somepony that could make it. 


"I zink what my friend is looking for is a .44 revolver, with a ejector rod and customized grip." He said as he glanced back at the mare, subtly motioning her to the desk so he could see how many caps she had. "Alzo, zhe would like at leazt 30 rounds to go with it." he added, wondering how much that would cost them, he didn't exactly like conventional weaponry, but this shop didn't look like it carried anything advanced. He hoped that the mare knew how to control her magic to use basic levitation, because without it she would have the most unpleasant time with the revolver. It was then that he noticed the new mare walk inside the shop, she looked like she was carrying at least twice her weight in weapons, he tugged his cloak closer to his metallic body. 

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"I zink what my friend is looking for is a .44 revolver, with a ejector rod and customized grip." He said as he glanced back at the mare, subtly motioning her to the desk so he could see how many caps she had. "Alzo, zhe would like at leazt 30 rounds to go with it." he added, wondering how much that would cost them, he didn't exactly like conventional weaponry, but this shop didn't look like it carried anything advanced. He hoped that the mare knew how to control her magic to use basic levitation, because without it she would have the most unpleasant time with the revolver.


Scarlett turned to face the robot pony straight for a moment. Deciding to just let him help, she turned back to the pony behind the desk, walked slightly closer towards it and said "Yea, let's go with that. A .44 revolver with 30 rounds." She had never been one for violence, though it appeared as if violence would be the only option to stop, more violence, around here.


She still had no idea what the gun was, nor how to use it. She could almost feel the cringe of that new pony that just came in. Wait, new pony? She quickly glanced behind her to see a new pony who seemed to be looking at her, rather distastefully. Either they're confused about how clean I am compared to the rest of this world, or they're about to murder someone. Or both. Who the hell knows in this time.

Edited by Ethan Sawyer


Art by DoeKitty

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Crackshot rolled his eyes at Foray's impatience, and felt a chilly gust of wind blow on his face. One he was not accustomed to in his life travelling the boiling hot nuclear desert.


"Calm down, we're nearly there," he grunted, and started donning the padded armour, "if anypony's got any warm clothing, put it on now."

Crap, Kronos thought to himself, Of all the things I packed, decent snowgear is something I didn't bring with me. Dammit. Oh well, guess I'm gonna have to reroute most of my central core into my internal heating components. This is going to limit my combat proficiency in the mountains, so I should call for a requisition from the city. I hope it takes less than three days, cuz that's how long my current core is going to last in those conditions. If I don't have my supplies in that time, my internal components will start freezing over. Shit.
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@@Ethan Sawyer, @@NinjaCPU, @@Defender of Tomorrow,  

Allegory quietly looked straight back at the red mare, appearing a bit bored. You're not going to have a very pleasant time here in the wastes if you don't adapt quickly, future mare... she thought before turning back to the rack and levitating several pistols as once. The cyberpony stops her, however, and she immediately lowers all the pistols down and takes out the .44 revolver specifically, glancing at the peachy-green earth pony that entered and stood behind her. Finally, a respectful customer. Streamline looked up as well before leaning back down and nodding slowly.


"Mmm...well, first of all, I don't think she really needs a customized grip when she's a unicorn, unless she's magically impaired," she explained, making sure the rod was well-aligned and clean. "Now, the revolver with the cleaning pack for it is 350 caps, but that thirty or so bullets will cost you another 100 caps. .44 ammunition is not cheap and while .44 revolvers aren't hard to find, ammunition certainly is. This can chamber the even stronger .454 if you need it, but that's even rarer so I'm selling thirty of those bullets at 150 caps. If you're going to use such a strong weapon, you better hope you have a big wallet because it'll seriously drain one out."


Allegory examines the weapon one more time and then places it on the counter along with a small booklet that read Gun Safety: Minimizing Accidents. "Not to mention I don't think a first-timer like you can handle the strong recoil of a .44 revolver. If you don't get trained to shoot it well, you might as well be dumping your caps in the trash. You should consider buying another .38 revolver so you get used it with lesser recoil. .38 revolvers go for 160 caps and a 50-bullet box would be about 60 caps," she added, then smacking her hoof down on the gun safety packet. "And please, if you are buying it, read the packet so you know how to clean your weapon and use it properly. We're not responsible if you unintentionally shoot yourself.


"Now, for that part..." she looked over the schematic closely and tilted her ears. "Mmh. An overcharged capacitor. That's not going to be very easy...alright. I'm not too certain I can make one, but I can go with a max-capacitor. Not too hard, would probably take a day, and just 400 caps. Those kind of high overcharged capacitors certainly aren't something you can craft out of a typical store. You might need to find others with better tech on their hooves."


She rubbed her muzzle and sighed after that length explanation, looking at the new pony that came in. "Alright, and what do you want?"

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@@Defender of Tomorrow,@, @@Ethan Sawyer


Immediately hearing the strong accent from the stallion, she glance over at him, brows rose up as Steam looked at him curiously. Not your prototypical group of folks here. Her eyes rolls at his recommendation however,doesn't look like they know each other. This mare looks like a pony who would lose her eye out with the recoil itself, magic or otherwise. Fortunate that the clerk wasn't going to just give her that weapon. Smart one, you want to keep your customers alive. Her eyes went over to the red mare, as as the clerk talked about on capacitor with Storm.


Her lips open up, "You might want to get yourself a holster, unless you like having a revolver in your mouth." Her voice a little dry, an obvious need of some water. Her head turns around as she was being called by the clerk. Approaching the counter as she unclip the saddle bags. She went into them and place a pipe rifle on the counter all rusted up and used, pulling out and placing another one with the same condition. From both bags she took out two pipe pistols.   Steam went deep into her bag as she place a saw off shotgun. Placing a  large leather piece, used to protect the chest, having a burnt right down the middle, but no bullet wounds, thankfully.  Then came the ammo. The green earth pony tried not to make a mess on the counter, placing the boxes of .38s next to the pipe weapons. 


As she counted the weapons herself, she look back at the clerk. Clearing her throat, "I'm looking for..." she place a hoof along her chin, contemplating her thoughts. "20 .50 Cal bullets" her hoof move beneath her cloak, unholster her hidden .22 pistol, ejecting the magazine, to check her count. "25 .22 bullets and... a silencer attachment or parts for one for a rifle. Oh, and about 50 caps extra that is," she holster back her .22 as she looked back at Allegory, "you willing to trade with me.

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Allegory quietly looked straight back at the red mare, appearing a bit bored. You're not going to have a very pleasant time here in the wastes if you don't adapt quickly, future mare... she thought before turning back to the rack and levitating several pistols as once. The cyberpony stops her, however, and she immediately lowers all the pistols down and takes out the .44 revolver specifically, glancing at the peachy-green earth pony that entered and stood behind her. Finally, a respectful customer. Streamline looked up as well before leaning back down and nodding slowly.


"Mmm...well, first of all, I don't think she really needs a customized grip when she's a unicorn, unless she's magically impaired," she explained, making sure the rod was well-aligned and clean. "Now, the revolver with the cleaning pack for it is 350 caps, but that thirty or so bullets will cost you another 100 caps. .44 ammunition is not cheap and while .44 revolvers aren't hard to find, ammunition certainly is. This can chamber the even stronger .454 if you need it, but that's even rarer so I'm selling thirty of those bullets at 150 caps. If you're going to use such a strong weapon, you better hope you have a big wallet because it'll seriously drain one out."


Allegory examines the weapon one more time and then places it on the counter along with a small booklet that read Gun Safety: Minimizing Accidents. "Not to mention I don't think a first-timer like you can handle the strong recoil of a .44 revolver. If you don't get trained to shoot it well, you might as well be dumping your caps in the trash. You should consider buying another .38 revolver so you get used it with lesser recoil. .38 revolvers go for 160 caps and a 50-bullet box would be about 60 caps," she added, then smacking her hoof down on the gun safety packet. "And please, if you are buying it, read the packet so you know how to clean your weapon and use it properly. We're not responsible if you unintentionally shoot yourself."


"D'awwww, and here I was thinking you didn't care." Scarlett said sarcastically. I just travelled in time and between dimensions, I think I can handle a little gun. They have no idea how powerful I really am. Cute. She glanced down at the manual for a moment. You know, I think I might actually read that. "I'll take the .44 as well as that ammo." she said while glancing at the bag of caps she had been levitating near the ground with her. "I believe I have enough for it."


Immediately hearing the strong accent from the stallion, she glance over at him, brows rose up as Steam looked at him curiously. Not your prototypical group of folks here. Her eyes rolls at his recommendation however,doesn't look like they know each other. This mare looks like a pony who would lose her eye out with the recoil itself, magic or otherwise. Fortunate that the clerk wasn't going to just give her that weapon. Smart one, you want to keep your customers alive. Her eyes went over to the red mare, as as the clerk talked about on capacitor with Storm.


Her lips open up, "You might want to get yourself a holster, unless you like having a revolver in your mouth." Her voice a little dry, an obvious need of some water. Her head turns around as she was being called by the clerk. Approaching the counter as she unclip the saddle bags. She went into them and place a pipe rifle on the counter all rusted up and used, pulling out and placing another one with the same condition. From both bags she took out two pipe pistols.   Steam went deep into her bag as she place a saw off shotgun. Placing a  large leather piece, used to protect the chest, having a burnt right down the middle, but no bullet wounds, thankfully.  Then came the ammo. The green earth pony tried not to make a mess on the counter, placing the boxes of .38s next to the pipe weapons. 


As she counted the weapons herself, she look back at the clerk. Clearing her throat, "I'm looking for..." she place a hoof along her chin, contemplating her thoughts. "20 .50 Cal bullets" her hoof move beneath her cloak, unholster her hidden .22 pistol, ejecting the magazine, to check her count. "25 .22 bullets and... a silencer attachment or parts for one for a rifle. Oh, and about 50 caps extra that is," she holster back her .22 as she looked back at Allegory, "you willing to trade with me."


Oh dear. A holster. Didn't account for that. I've only got enough, caps? What an unusual currency. I've only got enough caps for the gun and the ammo. She glanced over to the new pony before looking to the shop keeper. "I'll just take the gun and the ammo if you please." she said while levitating the caps higher. For a moment, her magic cut out and the caps dropped down less than a centimetre before she caught hold of it again. This could be a problem.


Art by DoeKitty

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@@Ethan Sawyer


Lips pursed up as she went for the .44 ammo, she didn't exactly agree with it, but it's her caps. Not her own, she did exhale long as she didn't get a holster. Closing her eyes as she shook her head, holster are pretty important or at least something to hold onto revolver. Something is getting a little too greedy for their own good. "Also, get a holster for her. I'll pay for it." she points her hoof at Scarlett. Wasn't like it was much caps anyway. 

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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@@Ethan Sawyer


Lips pursed up as she went for the .44 ammo, she didn't exactly agree with it, but it's her caps. Not her own, she did exhale long as she didn't get a holster. Closing her eyes as she shook her head, holster are pretty important or at least something to hold onto revolver. Something is getting a little too greedy for their own good. "Also, get a holster for her. I'll pay for it." she points her hoof at Scarlett. Wasn't like it was much caps anyway. 


Somepony sighed behind her, before offering to buy a holster. What do I do? I don't need a holster because I can just levitat- no wait. I should have bought a holster. Not that I'd need it. I'm sure I can make my own. She stayed silent, not knowing what to say. On one hand, free holster to save her the trouble of getting one later. On the other, can't make a custom one. She liked making custom things. "Uhh, all right then."


Art by DoeKitty

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Heeding Crackshot's order and beginning to strap sections of her tight-fitting leather armor onto her harness, Foray asked, "So what exactly is the plan? We can't just show up at their doorstep with guns blazing, we'll all get killed."


She tossed a momentary glance back to her group, sensing they'd disagree with that statement, however Foray well knew the fragility of life. No amount of brawn is invincible, so she often relied on clever planning to counter larger and more fearsome opponents, with generally good results.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Heeding Crackshot's order and beginning to strap sections of her tight-fitting leather armor onto her harness, Foray asked, "So what exactly is the plan? We can't just show up at their doorstep with guns blazing, we'll all get killed."


She tossed a momentary glance back to her group, sensing they'd disagree with that statement, however Foray well knew the fragility of life. No amount of brawn is invincible, so she often relied on clever planning to counter larger and more fearsome opponents, with generally good results.

"As gung ho as I usually am about the thrill of battle, I have to agree with Foray on this. I'm not exactly too optimized for combat yet. I'm too unprepared. My weapon is dinged up and my cybernetics are still on the fritz. *Spark* Sunuvabitch! Gah." Suddenly, Kronos had an idea, "Hey, can any of you guys see if any of those raiders have any power armor? If so, i think i have an idea..." Edited by Kronos
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@@Meson Bolt


Crackshot nodded once. "Right. My plan was to pick off their heavy hitters with a sniper rifle, but since they didn't have one, we need to improvise."


The air got the slightest bit colder as the group got ever so closer to the mountains. It was still a good half-a-day's trek to the mountains themselves, but their chilly influence could be felt.




He looked back at the curious pony and blinked. "What idea?"

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@Meson Bolt


Crackshot nodded once. "Right. My plan was to pick off their heavy hitters with a sniper rifle, but since they didn't have one, we need to improvise."


The air got the slightest bit colder as the group got ever so closer to the mountains. It was still a good half-a-day's trek to the mountains themselves, but their chilly influence could be felt.




He looked back at the curious pony and blinked. "What idea?"

Kronos explained, "I know this will sound crazy, but I've seen it work. If one of those raiders has power armor, we could use it against them. The new models of power armor work on fusion cores placed on the back the armor. If one of us can sneak our way behind a raider in power armor and remove the fusion core, it could force the pony out of their power armor, leaving it open for entry. Then, we could use it against them. It's perfect."
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@@Ethan Sawyer, @@NinjaCPU, @@Defender of Tomorrow,  


"Just read the damn thing," she rolled her eyes and rapidly counted the caps...which did take a while, since it was qute a lot of caps. She didn't know why ponies had to use so much, but then again wasteland economics was messy and one hundred caps here could be the same as two hundred caps or eighty there. Allegory didn't appreciate the red mare's snid remark as well; maybe she was indeed a mare from the future, but when Allegory had heard of mercenaries shooting themselves and Future Mare here was struggling to identify guns, she didn't have the liberty to act like she was so special and all. "Just enjoy your revolver and all."


Allegory then turned to the other mare and gave a small smile, taking out two small bullet boxes. "210 caps for the bullets. Now, thankfully I've been getting some bullets modifications from the Redmist Weapons Cartel last week, and you seem to be those assassin mercs that might want more bite to their arsenal. So, I have .50 armor piercing and incendiaries, 12 caps and 15 caps each respectively. They're very rare and I only have, say, two or three boxes of both. If you want to go full .50 armor piercing, that's 290, and incendiary is 350," she suggested, pulling out the boxes as she talked. "Sadly I don't have sniper or anti-material rifle parts as of yet, only those lower caliber rifle modifications, so you might have to look elsewhere."


She flattened her mane and paused when the hooded pony mentioned that she wanted to pay for Future Mare's holster. "Fine. 25 caps for a regular one, 35 caps for a smaller concealed holster," she responded. Sisters, I am really making a lot of caps today. Way more for a store refill...with this much I can probably get some better armor and a few frag grenades, maybe a laser rifle modification.

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@@Ethan Sawyer, @@NinjaCPU, @@Defender of Tomorrow,


"Just read the damn thing," she rolled her eyes and rapidly counted the caps...which did take a while, since it was qute a lot of caps. She didn't know why ponies had to use so much, but then again wasteland economics was messy and one hundred caps here could be the same as two hundred caps or eighty there. Allegory didn't appreciate the red mare's snid remark as well; maybe she was indeed a mare from the future, but when Allegory had heard of mercenaries shooting themselves and Future Mare here was struggling to identify guns, she didn't have the liberty to act like she was so special and all. "Just enjoy your revolver and all."

Scarlett took the gun and ammo with her magic, and for lack of a place to put it simply levitated them beside her for now. I could have sworn I had a saddlebag with me when I left. Must have gotten burnt off or something. Chest last vie


Scarlett then nodded anf said "Thanks" before grabbing the manual and stepping to the side, beginning to read through it


Art by DoeKitty

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@@@Ethan Sawyer,


Admittedly, Steam tried to be someone to be frugal. Not one to spend on her caps of basically anything, but...


This certainly wasn't anything you see much in the wasteland. This was something that would be define as a motherlode. That amount of ammunition, she can't figure how long it would take her to actually lose all of those bullets. Weeks, Months, maybe even a year? She salivate a little, before shallowing. .50 are hard enough to find, but all of this... Her mind contemplated spending all those caps. Ah, screw it! 


Steam took a defeated sigh as she went into her saddle bags one more time. Placing boxes of caps on the counter along with weapons placed on the counter.  "Screw it, I'll take it all." damn, she was probably going to regret this later on, but she knew that it was better to prep up. Bounties with high caps aren't exactly going to be used with .22s. "Also, get the concealer holster. Better be prepared."

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Storm was quite unhappy that the new mare had cut him off, and while admittedly he was quiet for a moment, he was contemplating whether or not this capacitor would be able to work with his weapon. He had decided that the capacitor could be upgraded, he was really good with technology, after all her was a full on cyberpony. "I zink that I'll take za max-capacitor then, however, I won't give za payment until I zee it." he said, before adding. "But if you find the overcharged capacitor, I'll pay 600 caps." he said, hoping that 600 was a price that she would accept.


"Zat zound good? Okay good." he said, not caring that she was dealing with the new mare, and not caring to hear a response. He thought that 600 caps was more than enough for the one part, considering the pistol was worth at least 600 caps, however, he had been looking for the part for some time and wouldn't mind going a tad higher, though based on his lifeless facial expression, she wouldn't know that. He turned over to see the red mare reading the book, she was wise to read that book, considering her lack of experience with....just Equestria in general. "I zink that you should practice zat weapon soon." he said to her, not sure if she was paying any attention to him.

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 "Also, get the concealer holster. Better be prepared."


Scarlett looked up from her reading as she heard something she did not understand. "What's a concealer holster? And how is it different from a normal one?"


He turned over to see the red mare reading the book, she was wise to read that book, considering her lack of experience with....just Equestria in general. "I zink that you should practice zat weapon soon." he said to her, not sure if she was paying any attention to him.


She turned to face the robot pony again and replied "I will, once I've read this manual. Which, by the way, is actually rather interesting."


Art by DoeKitty

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@@Ethan Sawyer


Turns her head as she wanted an explanation on the different holsters type, "Well, a normal holster is like this." she pull off the side of her cloak, revealing her .22 and part of a her green fur,, the color with a slight tint of brown from all the dirt she has to deal with. "They are pretty basic, have a simple shape and they generally wide, they're more for other weapons as well, depending on the size of the holster. Concealed holster, are more like molded. They have specific shape to them that is exact to the weapon. Concealed holster can be place in a variety of places on clothes and most, if not all would be unable to see them. You can do that with regular holster, but that if you have fashionable cloak like yours truly." she quipped. Pulling her cloak back to herself

Edited by NinjaCPU

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Turns her head as she wanted an explanation on the different holsters type, "Well, a normal holster is like this." she pull off the side of her cloak, revealing her .22 and part of a her green fur,, the color with a slight tint of brown from all the dirt she has to deal with. "They are pretty basic, have a simple shape and they generally wide, they're more for other weapons as well, depending on the size of the holster. Concealed holster, are more like molded. They have specific shape to them that is exact to the weapon. Concealed holster can be place in a variety of places on clothes and most, if not all would be unable to see them. You can do that with regular holster, but that if you have fashionable cloak like yours truly." she quipped. Pulling her cloak back to herself


Ahh. So normal holsters are just a generic shape that tend to stick out more, where a concealed holster is more moulded for the specific gun meaning that it can be hidden more easily. Make sense. But damn, now I want a cloak.


Scarlett glanced at the cloak and holster for a moment before saying "That, makes quite a lot of sense actually." She then put the book down on the counter before saying "Am I supposed to keep this once I've read it?"


Art by DoeKitty

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@@Ethan Sawyer, @@NinjaCPU, @@Defender of Tomorrow,  


Allegory raises an eye and paused; this mare was seriously going to buy out all the .50 she has now. She looked at her boxes, then back at her. "Um...980 caps," she finally concluded, slightly confused. A regular pony would have probably bought a SMG, especially considering her sole close range weapon was literally a peashooting pistol. She's in a terrible spot if she's caught or she's facing Talons, Allegory thought. "You...sure that's all?" she finally responded.


She then looked up at the stallion and stared at the schematic one more time. "Yes, I'll get it done and you can pay me then," she agreed before turning to the other two, adding something else. "Concealed holsters takes a bit more time for you to draw your weapon out compared to regular holsters but you can compensate it with faster magic or hooves.


"Some wastelanders get a bit more creative and craft containers for their weapons to hold. My dad used to put his .45 pistols in carved dictionaries. Others might stick them in violin or cello cases...anywhere could be concealing a pistol or something bigger. So yeah, next time you all are scavenging you should search for those things," she added, taking a sip of water from a plastic bottle. "No, keep the booklet. It's copied out."

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"Some wastelanders get a bit more creative and craft containers for their weapons to hold. My dad used to put his .45 pistols in carved dictionaries. Others might stick them in violin or cello cases...anywhere could be concealing a pistol or something bigger. So yeah, next time you all are scavenging you should search for those things," she added, taking a sip of water from a plastic bottle. "No, keep the booklet. It's copied out."


Wastelanders? So that's what they call themselves. She looked at the unloaded weapon floating beside her. I might have to do some customising of me own. She rotated the gun a little to see it all. I doubt I'll be getting home anytime soon. I'll need to keep an eye out for anything that could conceal a weapon. "Thanks" she said before taking the booklet and hovering it beside her, before continuing. "For the advice I mean. And the gun."


Now I just need to get my holster, and figure out where to go from there. And find out what the buck is wrong with my magic.


Art by DoeKitty

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Kronos explained, "I know this will sound crazy, but I've seen it work. If one of those raiders has power armor, we could use it against them. The new models of power armor work on fusion cores placed on the back the armor. If one of us can sneak our way behind a raider in power armor and remove the fusion core, it could force the pony out of their power armor, leaving it open for entry. Then, we could use it against them. It's perfect."


Crackshot opened his mouth to object, then closed it as he narrowed his eyes in thought. It was true that the newer model Power Armour suits used fusion cores, and it was possible to remove them while the suit was still active; it would simply render it powerless and next to impossible to move in.


"That... that could work," he muttered, "It would take the major firepower out of the fight, and we can keep the suit for ourselves if we can."


He looked ahead to the road leading toward the mountains. "But first, we need to see if they have any... though, does anypony volunteer for the core removal?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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