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general questions No MLP emoticons for ios safari?

Go to solution Solved by Lightwing,

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, all versions of MLPForums, whenever it is the IP.B default design, the MLPForums custom design or the Mobile version support emoticons. c:

Normally the button to add emoticons is found on the post editor:


But if you are using any mobile version, this editor is unavailable, so you may need to look at our emoticon list and introduce the correct codes for each emoticon, which should allow you to use our selection of custom emoticons, like  :muffins:

If you need more help, please let me know!

  • Brohoof 1
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You are welcome!  :muffins:


With that said, I can lock this topic seeing as your issue is resolved. If you have any other doubts, don't hesitate on making another thread c:

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