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“That is very flattering, and I do agree on liking the sea smell, but I can assure you that the sea smells much more appealing than I currently do.” Ren replied back, his sunset colored eyes settling on the pegasus. “It’s quite all right. No need to worry or anything. It takes more than a collision to put me down-“ He started, but was caught off guard by the Pegasus calling him cute just by feeling his face. The mako could feel his face becoming warm by her comment and he tried his best to remain composed. It never did take a lot to make this shark feel flustered, in a good way. “T-thanks, and I’ll have to admit that you kind of caught me off guard. I certainly don’t hear that everyday.” Ren let out a nervous laugh and continued looking at the pink Pegasus.


He took notice of how she mistook his words earlier, but he did nothing to correct her. From his perspective, she was definitely fine. Ack, what am I thinking! I just met the pegasus! Ren scolded himself and quickly shook his thoughts away. Was it strange he felt a little weird around this Pegasus? He couldn’t quite explain it. Maybe it’s because ninety-nine percent of his family are filled with mammals and herbivores that he has a strange attraction to them? Deciding not to dwell on it any further, Ren returned his focus back on the two ponies. Seeing the way she was acting, he couldn’t help but smile, “Just relax and take a deep breath, you’re not awkward. If anything, I find it cute,” He decided to return the favor, “and unique, in a good way of course.”

Edited by ENN
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Copper nodded at the clerk who told him to look around at the store.  He decided to take a gander around to see what they had.  He wasn't really a gamer, but he liked playing a few games every now and then.  He was the variety type of gamer, and he liked all games, except the ones that were terrible.  He searched around for games that sparked his interest.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Mary blinked and shrugged. Her opinion of Lightning was drastically different from hers. She had many different reasons for liking her. "Interesting. I kind of liked her throughout the game. She seemed pretty smart, and capable to me. Though I will agree with you, she didn't need her own game. That wasn't very necessary of the company to do. But to each their own."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Kronos browsed the store with some interest.


"There are some things I am interested in," he replied, "You dont happen to hold some Bethesda Studio games, do you? Cuz if you do, I am interested in a copy of Fallout 4, assuming you have one available."


Blob started gibbering, "Blah, itchdebataba."


"Oh, and Blob here would like a copy of GTA V, if you have on. PC, preferably."


"Fallout 4 and GTA V?" Denise repeated, and jogged over to the PC section, "Lemme see... ah, here we are."


She pulled out a copy of GTA V and handed it to Kronos. "Here you are, and which platform did you want Fallout on?"



Copper nodded at the clerk who told him to look around at the store.  He decided to take a gander around to see what they had.  He wasn't really a gamer, but he liked playing a few games every now and then.  He was the variety type of gamer, and he liked all games, except the ones that were terrible.  He searched around for games that sparked his interest.


She looked over at Copper. "Just gimme a shout if you need anything, dude."



Mary blinked and shrugged. Her opinion of Lightning was drastically different from hers. She had many different reasons for liking her. "Interesting. I kind of liked her throughout the game. She seemed pretty smart, and capable to me. Though I will agree with you, she didn't need her own game. That wasn't very necessary of the company to do. But to each their own."


She got back to Mary, and shrugged at her explanation. "Eh, just my opinion. So if you want Thirteen, I think I've got it somewhere."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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She nodded and smiled, "I'll take it if you find it. I'd like that and...hm..." She surveyed the clothing and accessory section. Until she saw a cap with a Shine Sprite on it, "And this." She pulled the cap off the rack, "I just love how everything in the Mario universe has cute adorable eyes."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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She nodded and smiled, "I'll take it if you find it. I'd like that and...hm..." She surveyed the clothing and accessory section. Until she saw a cap with a Shine Sprite on it, "And this." She pulled the cap off the rack, "I just love how everything in the Mario universe has cute adorable eyes."


"Got it," Denise nodded and grabbed a case from the shelf, "Xbox or PS3? I think I have the PC one here somewhere."


She looked at the cap and nodded. "Good choice, Mario's pretty awesome as well. Some people think the new Marios are lame because they're not as original, but they're still fun so whatever."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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“That is very flattering, and I do agree on liking the sea smell, but I can assure you that the sea smells much more appealing than I currently do.” Ren replied back, his sunset colored eyes settling on the pegasus. “It’s quite all right. No need to worry or anything. It takes more than a collision to put me down-“ He started, but was caught off guard by the Pegasus calling him cute just by feeling his face. The mako could feel his face becoming warm by her comment and he tried his best to remain composed. It never did take a lot to make this shark feel flustered, in a good way. “T-thanks, and I’ll have to admit that you kind of caught me off guard. I certainly don’t hear that everyday.” Ren let out a nervous laugh and continued looking at the pink Pegasus.


He took notice of how she mistook his words earlier, but he did nothing to correct her. From his perspective, she was definitely fine. Ack, what am I thinking! I just met the pegasus! Ren scolded himself and quickly shook his thoughts away. Was it strange he felt a little weird around this Pegasus? He couldn’t quite explain it. Maybe it’s because ninety-nine percent of his family are filled with mammals and herbivores that he has a strange attraction to them? Deciding not to dwell on it any further, Ren returned his focus back on the two ponies. Seeing the way she was acting, he couldn’t help but smile, “Just relax and take a deep breath, you’re not awkward. If anything, I find it cute,” He decided to return the favor, “and unique, in a good way of course.”

Rose grinned broadly. "Oh so we are past the awkward first encounter and moving into the openly flirtatious stage, Huh? Sounds good to me," she said with a wink. She knew based on all the books she read that such a gesture was considered flirty, even though she didn't understand how for obvious reasons.


Her brain was just PACKED with questions, but given the crowd here it didn't seem like the best environment to pester him about all of the things she wanted to know. And there were quite a few at that. "OK hot stuff. If you're really worried about your scent, though I don't find anything at all wrong with it and being blind all my other senses have to pick up the slack, how about this. There's a lake not all that far from here. How 'bout we go check it out? By which I mean you check out the lake while I lounge on the shore, since swimming is kind of terrifying for me. So like, a picnic of sorts. You in?"


((Sorry for the short post. Brain is kinda fried today))

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"Well I'm gonna leave you two to it then I think I don't want to um be around while I get embarrassed, it was nice to meat you two see, um talk to you next time Rose nice to meet you." Crystal backed away from the pair going to leave to find the general store for the supplies she needed...


(She's walking in town anyone can @ me if they wish) 

  • Brohoof 1

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"Fallout 4 and GTA V?" Denise repeated, and jogged over to the PC section, "Lemme see... ah, here we are."


She pulled out a copy of GTA V and handed it to Kronos. "Here you are, and which platform did you want Fallout 4?

"You know what," Kronos replied, "I'll take a PC copy of Fallout 4 as well, since you're already at the PC section." He leaned over at the counter and gave an attempt at a charming smile at the rat. Hmm, strange, he thought to himself, I never thought I'd find a female rat tantilizing. Then again, I seem to be starsticken by ANY kind of gal I meet. Blob started squishing up amd down rapidly on Kronos' shoulder. "What wrong, boy?" Blob wriggled his stub at some PC parts. "You want those?" he asked his pet. Blob nodded in reply. "Ugh, fine," Kronos groaned, "How much for those PC parts as well?"
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After a few minutes of flight, Scarlet saw the address where her belongings had been moved and found it s bit odd. "Why would they be moved here. It's just a farmhouse." She thought, before remembering the job Blitz had offered her. The bird then sighed and landed on the front porch, before gently knocking on the door.

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Even though the noise produced from Scarlet knocking on the door was faint, it was still enough to wake Blitz. The dragon then sighed as he stood and opened the front door, not really caring that he didn't have a shirt on. It didn't take him long to notice Scarlet. "I didn't expect to see you so soon. Your stuff is in the second room from the right on the second floor." He said.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Scarlet narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms. "Why did you have my stuff moved here? Better yet, how. I just talked with you a few hours ago." The hawk then noticed the defined muscles from Blitz's lack of clothing and quickly looked around at the surrounding area. "You own all of this, and managed it by yourself?"

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Blitz nodded slightly and looked around. "I'm just that efficient." He said, giving a slight smirk. "As for the farm, its basically an area of 600 acres, and I have no plans of expanding. "That being said, there is something I have to tend to. Make yourself at home. If you get hungry, I'm making lunch.."

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@@Chip Circuit, Gemma blushed. "Thank you for your kind words," she said. "I do have some paintings that I did at home now; maybe, if you're not doing anything this morning, you could come over and see them? Kind of like a preview of the festival viewing. And if you like any, I could reserve it for you."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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"You know what," Kronos replied, "I'll take a PC copy of Fallout 4 as well, since you're already at the PC section." He leaned over at the counter and gave an attempt at a charming smile at the rat. Hmm, strange, he thought to himself, I never thought I'd find a female rat tantilizing. Then again, I seem to be starsticken by ANY kind of gal I meet. Blob started squishing up amd down rapidly on Kronos' shoulder. "What wrong, boy?" Blob wriggled his stub at some PC parts. "You want those?" he asked his pet. Blob nodded in reply. "Ugh, fine," Kronos groaned, "How much for those PC parts as well?"


"Got it," Denise nodded, and quickly grabbed the case from the shelf, "Fallout and GTA..."


She blinked and looked at the boxes of PC parts, higher up on another shelf. "Oh, those old things? I've had those there forever, no one's wanted 'em and I don't need 'em. Which parts are you after?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Scarlet's eyes widened and gave Blitz a incredulous look. "How did you manage 600 acres and not pass out from exhaustion?" She asked. The hawk then walked into the house and looked around. The house seemed large enough to hold more people, but Blitz was evidently the only one here. She then noticed a picture on a table and picked it up. "Who are these?" She asked, somewhat curious.

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Copper nodded yet again at the clerk and waved.  "Thanks!"  then he continued on his search for games that he would enjoy.  He noted that all types of the most popular games of old and new were here.  He nodded briefly at the collection and looked around some more before some words caught his attention.  "I agree to that.  Those eyes are adorable."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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"Most of the average isn't being farmed. Right now, I can only manage 60 acres on my own." Blitz's body seemed to tense up as soon as Scarlet picked up the picture. "My family." He said, his voice lacking emotion. "As I said before, I have somewhere to go. Try not to burn the place down." With that, the dragon left simply walked for a while. He needed to clear his head and now was as good a time as any.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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"Got it," Denise nodded, and quickly grabbed the case from the shelf, "Fallout and GTA..."


She blinked and looked at the boxes of PC parts, higher up on another shelf. "Oh, those old things? I've had those there forever, no one's wanted 'em and I don't need 'em. Which parts are you after?"

Blob whispered something into Kronos' ear.


"Really? You can do that? Okay then," Kronos replied before turning to the rat, "I'll take any intact hard drives you got. Also some of the speakers, monitors, some of the computer mi--oh, you dont want that one? Oh, okay then, Just the two games, some intact hard drives, speakers and monitors, if you'd be so kind. By the by, what's your name, cutie?"

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@@Unicorncob, @@DwhitetheGamer,
She nodded, and set the cap on the counter, "I have a PS3. I'd like that version of the game please." She looked over at the other animal that entered the store, "Right? Everything in Mario's games is always so...alive and....happy and....adorable. It makes the games so much fun."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Copper grinned at the other animal, nodding at the statement.  "That's right.  I dunno why fillies these days care about shooting and fighting.  There's very little challenge when it comes to those compared to the platforming, kid-friendly games that Mario and other platforming games have."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@captainborgue@@Mentis Soliloquy

“Oh, leaving already? Well, all right, it was nice to meet you, Crystal. Hope to see you around!” Ren watched the uniformed pony leave the café before his attention went back to Rose.


The mako couldn’t help but blush slightly at the pegasus’s comment about being on the flirtatious stage, along with that wink she gave him. He was a little glad she couldn’t see his face. His blush only grew deeper and made him embarrassed when she called him hot stuff. Why is he so weak when it comes to people giving him compliments, especially if they are coming the opposite gender?


Lake. There’s that word again. His memories were still a tad foggy from before. Ren remembered everything he did since he woke up this morning to the time he arrived in Amber Crust. He recalls wandering around the town, but everything after that drew a blank, up until when he met the dragoness who were gracious enough to help him. He hoped he didn’t do anything embarrassing in front of that nice lady. Okay, a reminder, I need to find the dragoness again and thank her properly when I get the chance. Ren made a mental note to himself.


 “Oh, you have no idea how divine the lake sounds to me right now. As for a picnic-“ At the mention of that word, Ren’s stomach growled rather loudly causing him to blush once again, “Um, as you have probably heard that, a picnic would be nice, so I’m definitely in. Should we pick up what we need here, or head over to a general store, or grocery store? Oh wait, do you need to grab a bathing suit? I am not about to have fun the the water by myself.”

  • Brohoof 2
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Blob whispered something into Kronos' ear.


"Really? You can do that? Okay then," Kronos replied before turning to the rat, "I'll take any intact hard drives you got. Also some of the speakers, monitors, some of the computer mi--oh, you dont want that one? Oh, okay then, Just the two games, some intact hard drives, speakers and monitors, if you'd be so kind. By the by, what's your name, cutie?"


Denise nodded and grabbed the hard drives, speakers and monitors. "You got it. I'll just run this girl's order and I'll get to you."


She set the gear on the counter and raised her eyebrow at the question. "Denise."



She nodded, and set the cap on the counter, "I have a PS3. I'd like that version of the game please." She looked over at the other animal that entered the store, "Right? Everything in Mario's games is always so...alive and....happy and....adorable. It makes the games so much fun."


The rat nodded and jogged over to grab a copy of the game for Mary. "There you go... fifteen bucks."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@Unicorncob, @@DwhitetheGamer,
Mary gave Denise the money needed for the game, and took it, "Thanks! I'm gonna have so much fun with this. But day after tomorrow, because the summer festival's coming!" She grinned, "Oh, are either of you going to it tomorrow? There's gonna be food, a bikini contest, and a swimming contest."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Denise nodded and grabbed the hard drives, speakers and monitors. "You got it. I'll just run this girl's order and I'll get to you."


She set the gear on the counter and raised her eyebrow at the question. "Denise."

"Hmm, Denise," Kronos replied with a calm, slow tone, "That's a fine name. Never met a lot of gals by that name. Mine's Kronos. In case you didn't notice," he shifted his body slightly to show off his instrument case, "I'm a musician. A rather good one at it, too. What's your type? Pop? Rock? R&B? Jazz? Country? C'mon, baby, I'm curious. What's your musical poison? Just tell me and I can serenade you into my grasp in one verse."

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