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news Harriet Tubman to Be the New Face of the 20 Dollar Bill

Jaxsie (Inactive)

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It's to give the currency a sense of legitimacy that comes from the Founders. There were Roman coins that had Romulus and Remus suckling from their wolf mother. We have our currency reflect a very few based on who the government feels are figures that in one way or another embodied ideals of the nation.


Roman coins always always carried the head of the current emperor on the obverse, or depictions of conquering generals and current republican heroes. 


Many great people that fit your description were born and died in the 20th century alone. Placing more contemporary figures on the currency would, to me, be inspirational for people who live today. Rather than people more distant in history- you could at least have one non-president semi-contemporary person. Just because someone lived a shorter amount of time ago doesn't make them less legitimate. That's my take on it. 


MLK would be a good choice, I think 

Edited by Zyrael
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Roman coins always always carried the head of the current emperor on the obverse, or depictions of conquering generals and current republican heroes. 


Many great people that fit your description were born and died in the 20th century alone. Placing more contemporary figures on the currency would, to me, be inspirational for people who live today. Rather than people more distant in history- you could at least have one non-president semi-contemporary person. Just because someone lived a shorter amount of time ago doesn't make them less legitimate. That's my take on it. 


MLK would be a good choice, I think 


Fair enough and MLK would also be a good choice. At the same time, one shouldn't dismiss people like Benjamin Franklin or Thomas Jefferson just because they lived longer ago. I mean Hell, Sun Tzu and Lao Tzi are still quoted today and they lived thousands of years ago! All I'm saying is the logic shouldn't be, "who CARES about them? They're old!"

Edited by Steel Accord
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Well, I'll be blunt about the topic. If the change were for a genuine reason, that had a deep historical meaning and was not tied in with appeasement of people who are simply unhappy with a boogie man that doesn't exist, I'd have been in full support of a change. The thing is, I can't see it as anything but an attempt to appease the outraged people of the united states crying shame on their fellow human beings. I have always, and will always hold humanity to a close scrutiny, and because of this I often question myself as to why we are allowed to continue living our happy carefree lives in which we have the right to kick and scream about the problems we think we see. So, to appease those who do kick and scream just seems like a slap in the face of being able to make any real progress with our species. We stand back and yell about small subjects, that hold no real meaning outside of offending one another. At the same time nobody wants to get involved with the much larger issues going on around us. It always comes down to selfish behavior, and that is why I just cannot agree. That being said I believe Harriett was indeed a critical figure in her part played in our nation's history. I just don't think that she should be put on a dollar bill for the soul fact of her race and gender. They aren't changing it because of her merits. It is just based on her race and gender coinciding with her fame. I'm sure people will dislike this statement, and in turn me for it, but I don't care. Reality is harsh, and this is the reality of things.

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Do you have any kind of proof that supports this theory? 

A profound question indeed. I could say that I in fact have no solid proof of this theory. Thus it is simply that. This being said, given the modern societal troubles we face, I am able to make an educated guess.  Though, this post is simply my opinion. If you can give me one hundred percent citeable proof that it isn't what I believe, it may or may not be enough to justify your position on the matter to me.


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Which means that your entire point is invalid. 

Given that you believe my point is invalid, I am to assume you are in opposition to it, or simply wish to debunk it. That being said because there is no solid proof doesn't mean that there isn't reasonable suspicion to for it to exist. So, putting it out as my point yes it is in fact invalid. I should have stated more thoroughly it was simply my opinion on the matter. I won't sit here and tell you it is a fact, but it is an opinion. Whether or not people like it, is entirely up to them. However your counter is a fine shut down. So my respect you have earned to say the very least.


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Given specifically the replacement of Jackson in favour of Tubman, theories of rampant tokenism are understandable (even if not provable), especially against the backdrop of the current cultural climate where numerous institutions across the US are being forced to edit their own histories.  It would certainly be interesting to have been a fly on the wall during those discussions.


She is clearly a notable figure, and worthy of recognition, but the timing will cause questions not about whether or not she deserves the honour, but about the motives of the people behind the decision.  That is a great shame, she should be recognised for what she did in life, free from accusations that she's only there because she ticks the right demographic boxes.

Edited by Concerned Bystander


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I'm almost rendered speechless by the fact that there is any outrage whatsoever about this.




But as it's going to happen, and as American currency gets periodic 'updates' anyway as a means to combat counterfeiting, this is a non-issue.




The original plan was, as some have pointed out, to change the $10 bill. After being announced, the public outcry against removing Alexander Hamilton was so massive, the treasury Dept. did something very few government bureaucracies have EVER done- it LISTENED to the people, and Hamilton will remain on the $10. The remaining denominations in circulation all feature historical figures that are VASTLY more popular and beloved than Jackson, so it was a logical step to replace him. The timing is purely coincidental.

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Roman coins always always carried the head of the current emperor on the obverse, or depictions of conquering generals and current republican heroes. 


The problem with that is we would have to reprint regularly then.

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I'm almost rendered speechless by the fact that there is any outrage whatsoever about this.




But as it's going to happen, and as American currency gets periodic 'updates' anyway as a means to combat counterfeiting, this is a non-issue.




The original plan was, as some have pointed out, to change the $10 bill. After being announced, the public outcry against removing Alexander Hamilton was so massive, the treasury Dept. did something very few government bureaucracies have EVER done- it LISTENED to the people, and Hamilton will remain on the $10. The remaining denominations in circulation all feature historical figures that are VASTLY more popular and beloved than Jackson, so it was a logical step to replace him. The timing is purely coincidental.

It almost reminds me of the Overwatch "controversy" (i.e. complaining a character's pose was SJW appeasement) and pretty much shows that we're taking this SJW or "minority appeasement" issue way too dramatically and seriously. Are they causing trouble? Yes, they are, but that doesn't mean we have to witch hunt every single thing that suggests it. (And that sounds like hypocrisy, doesn't it?)


I won't say too much about it since this is General, but by the way I see the topic going it's going to be a Debate Pit topic anyways. I assume some people didn't bother to listen to the OP's request.

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The problem with that is we would have to reprint regularly then.


Not so. I don't mean to imply that we'd have to keep the currency constantly updated with newer people, just that we should have a few more modern figures featured as well. 

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Not so. I don't mean to imply that we'd have to keep the currency constantly updated with newer people, just that we should have a few more modern figures featured as well. 


Well, if we could we can always reissue and update the discontinued $500 bill or change the dollar coin – they're not very common but they're not quite rare, either, though for the former it's more likely you're going to keep it as a collector than use it for anything (mostly because the $500 bill has been discontinued in 1969 along with inflation and such; it's worth far more if you give it to a collector).


The $500 bill has President McKinley on the front, and honestly he's not a very great president (McKinley was pretty much a suck-up to trusts and other massive corporations, which is why the succeeding President Roosevelt was far more notable for being a progressive, trust-buster, and conservationist). Earl Warren, LBJ, Barry Goldwater, Robert La Follette Sr., Robert A. Taft, Upton Sinclair, MLK, Malcolm X, Alice Paul, and if you want to push your definition of "modern", Salmon P. Chase and Charles Sumner from the Reconstruction Era are also good. Every single person I listed had strong influence in the modern ages and help shape the United States some of us here live in today.

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Personally I think they should just leave the twenty dollar bill alone, if they want to put a woman on currency they should make a new bill like a three dollar bill or a twenty five dollar bill honestly I would appreciate having a twenty five dollar bill since a lot of things I buy cost just under twenty five bucks.

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I hate that Andrew Jackson is going to still be there. Jackson was part of the genocide against Native Americans. Harriet Tubman is far superior a person. 


Why do we even have people on our money? Baby bunnies would be better.

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I am to assume you are in opposition to it

I know this was not directed at me but i have to say it. You know what they say about assumptions.....


Anyway on topic, I like this idea mostly just for a change I am tried of looking at the same money. I loved when the 100$ was changed up a bit ago.

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Credit to Kiki


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I have some extra news for you all to possibly discuss. ^^


Apparently, the 20 dollar bill isn't the only bill that's getting a make over. Five influential women in history are going to be on the 10 dollar bill as well; specifically, Susan B. Anthony, Lucretia Mott, Alice Paul, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Sojourner Truth (1, 2). Alexander Hamilton will still be featured on the front of the bill. 


In addition to Harriet Tubman being on the 20 dollar bill, what are all of your thoughts on this news?

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I have some extra news for you all to possibly discuss. ^^


Apparently, the 20 dollar bill isn't the only bill that's getting a make over. Five influential women in history are going to be on the 10 dollar bill as well; specifically, Susan B. Anthony, Lucretia Mott, Alice Paul, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Sojourner Truth (1, 2). Alexander Hamilton will still be featured on the front of the bill. 


In addition to Harriet Tubman being on the 20 dollar bill, what are all of your thoughts on this news?


If I had to choose, I would take Susan B. Anthony out of the equation because she's already been on a dollar coin and sub her with Abigail Adams or Eleanor Roosevelt.


Courtesy of @Sparklefan1234

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I have some extra news for you all to possibly discuss. ^^


Apparently, the 20 dollar bill isn't the only bill that's getting a make over. Five influential women in history are going to be on the 10 dollar bill as well; specifically, Susan B. Anthony, Lucretia Mott, Alice Paul, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Sojourner Truth (1, 2). Alexander Hamilton will still be featured on the front of the bill. 


In addition to Harriet Tubman being on the 20 dollar bill, what are all of your thoughts on this news?

That's great. If you want to show how far the U.S. has come on equal gender rights, one influential figure isn't enough to define the women suffrage / first wave feminist movement.


If I had to choose, I would take Susan B. Anthony out of the equation because she's already been on a dollar coin and sub her with Abigail Adams or Eleanor Roosevelt.

Adams doesn't quite fit into first wave feminism, though; all of the figures mentioned were from the mid-19th or early 20th. Rose Schneiderman is also a good pick. Glad to see that people haven't forgotten about these influential figures.

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As long as we keep the orginal faces of the dollar bills (except Jackson), I wouldn't mind adding more faces to it. But honestly I really don't care, money is money.

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I find it funny that, as a Canadian, I've never heard of most of the people being discussed here (besides Franklin and the big presidents), since I'm no history buff. I've always found American bills quite boring. They're just shade of mossy green, and don't have anything interesting to look at. Canadian banknotes, on the other hand, are colourful and shiny, and the transparant security features are quite cool.


My favourites are the reverse sides of the five and hundred dollar bills, the five depicting the Canadarm on the ISS, and the hundred showing a vial of insulin, a strand of DNA, and other neat science things.







Now if only our government could do something about the drop in currency value. There's a "seventy cents to a dollar" wage gap all right, but not for women. It's Canadians who should be getting all the "equal pay for equal work" crap.



As for changeing the American bill, from what I've read here, it seems like this Jackson fellow probably never should have been put on it to begin with. Tubman seems like a good subtitute, but I would warn against shoehorning in people for the sake of "diversity". Only the people most important to a country should be on the currency. There shouldn't be any shame in admiting that the majority of people involved with making your country great were of a certain race or sex, just because that was the way things were in the past. You don't see many white people on African or Asian currencies.

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