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Worst hater you've ever met


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Well there was this one guy in my physics class who sometimes said stuff like "Bronies are  bad thing in this society " or something like that so I asked him "Well have you seen the show?" and he said "Yeah, bits of it when I was little." Yeah, thinking the majority of us like G3.



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I have never met many haters since I prefer to keep quiet about it. However, there is a guy in my college class that never seems to shut up about his hate for the show if someone brings it up in a discussion. He has never said anything along the lines of "you are gay for liking MLP" but I am sure that's what he is thinking when someone says they like the show.

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Pretty much every member of /r/bronyhate over on Reddit. There isn't a single member there that doesn't generalise the fandom as perverts/paedophiles, or use the word autistic as an insult. It's the prime example of how shallow-minded and weak some people can be.

  • Brohoof 2
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I suppose I'm lucky that most people I willing to tell IRL are very open minded. As for the internet I was on Omegle one time and some guy with saw running on his screen called me autistic...riiiiiiiight happy.png

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Haven't met any yet, it's still kind of a secret. Although, I have seen forum posts about how 'it's stupid to go against social norms'. I hate these posts, since they're basically saying it's stupid being bronies because they're bronies.

Life is like an MMORPG, but with fewer fantasy weapons and more soul-crushing nihilistic despair that visits when you least need it.

Crummy OCs that I made years ago (thou hast been warned):

Main protagonist OC: Golden Typhoon
The professional assassin: Curse of Shadows

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Surprisingly none irl which is weird because I'm pretty open about it I even have a Rainbow Dash Vinyl

sticker on the back of my car.


I watched an episode in class once and the guy next me said "You don't look like the kind of guy that would be a brony." and another guy in a different class just laughed when he saw me watching a clip of Sweetie Belle and said it was cool.



Online of course I have but I've been online for a pretty long time now and I've dealt with a lot of hate

(being a Nintendo fan) so I'm used to it by now.

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Being one who viscerally ignores haters anytime I come across them I can't say I've ever had a 'worst hater', because I don't argue with them. I'm just like 'hey, that guy has a different opinion about a show than me, and he feels the need to tell everyone who likes the series about it, who cares, it's no sweat off my balls'.

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Worst one(s) were on a completely random classical music video on YouTube where there happened to be a war between bronies and haters and the whole comment section was going so crazy that the uploader had to put a stop to it and later eventually disabled the comment section. But there were some really harsh comments being thrown from the haters. Too harsh that it is inappropriate to show on here.

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In my times online I've come across more 'haters' than you can imagine. After a while of destroying them all they stopped messaging me in fear of being uploaded. The most stuck up hater I've met would be Blood Viper RE5 and the most hateful person, well lucky enough I got a video.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7amwEJ8Azg


  • Brohoof 1


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My best friend. He's a lot like me in tastes to everything other than ponies. When FIM first came out he would bash on bronies back in high school. He thought it was the worst fad ever and always said it would die by the second season. He assumes that all bronies are furries and we just like to clop to r34 stuff. 

When he found out I had finally became a brony he told me to never edit my Steam avatar or name to anything related to MLP or he'd block me. He also thinks that my entry to the fandom is the result of me not having the same friends anymore (We both kinda got outcasted from our cliques in highschool so it was just us for the longest), me going through a nasty breakup, me becoming a more devout Christian and needing to watch "non-mature/baby stuff", and me just coping with my depression as a whole. Even worse is he thinks that Pinkie Pie fanboys are the worst of the lot, and well... I am one. He also thinks that this fandom is the result of American society allowing women to teach and lead in the world.

Wow, we're like polar opposites yet I'll still call him my best friend, I suppose I can't leave him after all the crap we went through together. I'll love and tolerate the crap out of him lol.

Mind you he has a troll mentality too, so some of his views are just sick and twisted for the lulz I suppose. 

  • Brohoof 1



Student of Psychology | Inventor | Gamer | Otaku | Brony | Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist

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Online of course I have but I've been online for a pretty long time now and I've dealt with a lot of hate (being a Nintendo fan) so I'm used to it by now.

In my opinion, there's nothing wrong with being a nintendo fan. I don't unederstand why people dislike nintendo so much.

I think you're lucky that people irl know about you being a brony but don't mind.

Life is like an MMORPG, but with fewer fantasy weapons and more soul-crushing nihilistic despair that visits when you least need it.

Crummy OCs that I made years ago (thou hast been warned):

Main protagonist OC: Golden Typhoon
The professional assassin: Curse of Shadows

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reality - none


internet - ricksatan972 reasons: no grammar, no real reasons, is a 12 year old and is plain stupid.

may i need to say anymore?


also video of his stupidity



  • Brohoof 4

what do you mean my old signature was rubbish?

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One of my friends used to hate MLP so much and would always complain how ponies are "taking over the internet."  Now he loves MLP and never stops talking about it.

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I met some /v/ reject on a Tvtropes hate video on Youtube, who believed that the majority of bronies are worthless autist. For 25 hours I argued with him to tell him that you can't judge millions of people you've never met based off of a few embarrassing things you've heard and seen around. I can just tell he's the kind of guy who considers a SINGLE pony avatar in a thread or on a persons profile to be "spam" or "forcing your show on people" and then use that as cannon fodder for his war against us. Eventually he compared us to Nazis and terrorist groups by saying things like "I've haven't met every German during World War 2, but I know that most of them were killers." And I tried quoting him at one point, and then he just thought of me as "One of them" just because I was arguing point by point. As if he expected me to be so stupid that I wouldn't even read his argument.


The worst part though? Eventually he convinced himself that the only reason I was arguing with him is because I can't comprehend the concept of someone not liking ponies. That's when it was apparent to me that he was full of shit, because I was not forcing on him in the slightest, I never said "Just watch an episode, you'll like it" or "Haters gonna hate" No, we were having a mostly mature conversation and then he started pulling out bullshit "facts"


But what really bothers me is how many people exactly like him are around the internet hating for no freaking reason and just refusing to listen to common sense. Oh and one more thing, While he said majority it's pretty obvious he meant all of us. He constantly told me that a fandom is defined by it's majority. So let's just ignore all of the normal people that just sit at home and watch episodes every other Saturday, clearly if you like MLP even in the slightest, you're a complete f*ggot that photoshops yourself into Equestria, is 300 pounds and lives at home. That's how these Anti bronies work, they pick the most flamboyant example of a fan over doing it, or being a creepy prick and then convince themselves and others that we're all exactly like that. It could be from 2011 and they'll use it as a template all the same. I don't care what anyone says, there is nothing more pathetic or annoying than a Fan Hater, or something with a total hateboner. Because, and excuse my crudeness, who's the real autist: the lunatic obsessing over ponies or the lunatic being so enamored in him/her that they catalouge almost everything he does, takes 50 screeencaps and then runs to go and show his friends what freaks we are?

Edited by Mzukiller
  • Brohoof 3

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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I met some /v/ reject on a Tvtropes hate video on Youtube, who believed that the majority of bronies are worthless autist. For 25 hours I argued with him to tell him that you can't judge millions of people you've never met based off of a few embarrassing things you've heard and seen around. I can just tell he's the kind of guy who considers a SINGLE pony avatar in a thread or on a persons profile to be "spam" or "forcing your show on people" and then use that as cannon fodder for his war against us. Eventually he compared us to Nazis and terrorist groups by saying things like "I've haven't met every German during World War 2, but I know that most of them were killers."


The worst part though? Eventually he convinced himself that the only reason I was arguing with him is because I can't comprehend the concept of someone not liking ponies. That's when it was apparent to me that he was full of shit, because I was not forcing on him in the slightest, I never said "Just watch an episode, you'll like it" or "Haters gonna hate" No, we were having a mostly mature conversation and then he started pulling out bullshit "facts"


But what really bothers me is how many people exactly like him are around the internet hating for no freaking reason and just refusing to listen to common sense.

Predudice brings out the worst in people. A lot of people, though, are just scared of what they don't understand, and so feed each other lies to make themselves feel better.


You could also tell him that most Germans in WWII weren't killers.

Edited by MinecraftBronyFTW

Life is like an MMORPG, but with fewer fantasy weapons and more soul-crushing nihilistic despair that visits when you least need it.

Crummy OCs that I made years ago (thou hast been warned):

Main protagonist OC: Golden Typhoon
The professional assassin: Curse of Shadows

Avatar by The Incredible Blitz!

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There was a guy on Youtube a while ago named FimFansAreRetardedLosers, and he liked to spam pony videos with horrible insults to bronies that I won't even repeat. blink.png  But yeah, Youtube is a goldmine for these haters. They can say whatever the hell they want and Youtube doesn't do anything sad.png

  • Brohoof 1


The Brony Who Does Way Too Much Stuff!

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None that stood out because I only talk of ponies in fan zones like this one. No IRL pony talk, not ever. Shame that :(


I've seen plenty of random trolling in some comments left on MLP episode videos on YT some in reply to my comments, but to me I really don't notice haters in places like that not when there are so many fans to make them seem totally irrelevant.

Host of a documentary web series that looks at the history of video games



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Someone on a previous forum I used to go on named "Lord Tony". The forum's owner even placed an executive order forbidding him to mention MLP in any way, because spamming useless hate toward it was basically all he did. Of course, he often tries to find sly ways around it, like mentioning how good of a voice actor Tara Strong is, stealing forum avatars of humanized ponies, etc.


He still spams hate on YouTube videos, though. He never gives up. I tried to find some good in him, but I gave up hope.


He also says he's 21. Pffft.

Edited by Mars Brown
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There was a guy on Youtube a while ago named FimFansAreRetardedLosers, and he liked to spam pony videos with horrible insults to bronies that I won't even repeat. img-1464914-1-blink.png  But yeah, Youtube is a goldmine for these haters. They can say whatever the hell they want and Youtube doesn't do anything img-1464914-2-sad.png

Yeah there's more than one video AND channel dedicated to making us look like freaks. I may be overreacting, but that still counts as hate speech in my honest opinion. General hatred towards a large group of people over stereotypes, right? Meanwhile, Youtube does nothing, hell same on Facebook. And to give some gravity, it's not just us. Plenty of ethinicites and other important factions of life being shat on.

  • Brohoof 2

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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In my times online I've come across more 'haters' than you can imagine. After a while of destroying them all they stopped messaging me in fear of being uploaded. The most stuck up hater I've met would be Blood Viper RE5 and the most hateful person, well lucky enough I got a video.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7amwEJ8Azg


Heh, that video was pretty entertaining to watch! I might have to watch your channel now, and I'm probably going to watch the other video you have up. Cheers, my friend!



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@ The Brony master


That was the most poorly worded, grammatically incorrect and severely flawed plan ever.


If brony haters brought every piece of MLP merchandise not only would Hasbro receive a massive economical boost, but it would most likely backfire and bankrupt the haters because not enough of them are THAT stupid to participate in this idiotic plan.


As for worst haters that I've encountered, it was a group of my friends, I use the term lightly here, which actually managed to bully another brony to stop liking the show, although he's recently come out about it again and this time I'm going to be a bit more supportive of him. He's now signed into this forum and enjoying the experience.

  • Brohoof 1


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All I can say is that I've met a lot of haters online. The worst haters I've ever seen are the ones that no matter how much to reason with them they just keep saying stuff. 

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