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Do You Want MLP to Address More Serious Issues? Which? How?

Queen Cassie

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"Friendship is Magic"


it is that hard to understand? the show is primarily focused on friendship with it's ups and downs (though now that Twilight is the princess of Friendship, I wonder how many other things she has yet to learn)

Bringing a topic such as sexuality is waaaaaay to much, and in fact not explored in pretty much every kids show. Fine, the heart and hooves day episode was focused on hooking up Big Mac and Cherilee, but straight relationships are so mainstream and common that the part of sexuality even if it's there, it is so implicit and subtle that it's actually not even 1% the focus of the episode.


So no, that's a terrible idea, too polemic and really, has nothing to do with the show.

  • Brohoof 5


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It would be great if two male/female characters got together.  But they shouldn't make it have any morals about homosexuality.  In fact, it'd be great if they didn't treat it any differently than if they did a heterosexual relationship.  That would do a lot more good than if they made a big deal about it in my opinion.

  • Brohoof 3

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Sorry, but considering this is a kid's show and that's a mature subject that is best dealt with in more adult programming, as well as considering the the unholy storm of SHIT it will cause, no thanks.

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No, not centered around homosexuality. But having gay characters? Sure, we've had straight couples. I don't consider a gay couple to be an 'agenda', nor inappropriate for kids. Pushing a lesson about those characters would be an agenda. I think many things are an agenda, such as the moral of every episode. Agenda such a convenient buzzword when needed. 'How dare someone's moral lesson be something I don't wanna hear, damn liberals ruining everythang'. Funny how when we get to gays people automatically think it's all about sex and is therefore inappropriate. But we've seen straight couples that are kid friendly, we can do it for gay couples.
I also think 'it will cause controversy' is a lame excuse. Well, a good answer for why it wouldn't happen, but not for why it should not happen. So many good books, movies, shows would not have been conceived if 'some people will oppose it' would've been enough to prevent it from happening.

  • Brohoof 3
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'Cause we totally need another Derpy-level perfect storm of foalishness and idiocy.


As much as I value the sentiment of showing kids that its ok to be who you are, this isn't the medium.

  • Brohoof 1
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No, it'll simply cause more problems then it's worth. Plus it's a kids show, it's not a grounds to debate gay rights on or something.


I am totally in support of gays, but a homosexuality based episode would be out of place.


Not to mention soccer mom outrage.. Just not worth it or nessarly. Not a super suitable topic for the show anyways.


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Politics my ass, this is a social issue just like any other topic the show has dealt with.

I honestly have no idea...the show does promote the values of kindness and tolerance, so whine about "political agenas" all you want, but a pro-gay rights message is consistent with the values of the show. If you look hard enough, plenty of episodes promote certain beliefs and values. I seems to me like people don't have a problem with agendas...only agendas they don't like.


I'm seeing a lot of people playing the "it's a kid's show" card, let's make one thing clear: gay does not equal sexuality. It's nothing but a double standard, I don't see people complaining that Hearts and Hooves Day or A Canterlot Wedding were exposing children to sexuality.

Saying that "it has no place in a kid's show" is not an excuse, gay relationships are no more sexual than straight relationships, and there already are a few of those in the show.


In the end of course, people get butthurt when children are exposed to controversial ideas, regardless of how valid these ideas are. So I don't imagine an episode like that could exist until people stop being assholes...the show probably won't exist by then. However, AndrewsarchusJones pointed out that saying it will be controversial does not mean it shouldn't exist.


I'd love to see a fanfic on the topic however.

  • Brohoof 6
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Nah, I don't get why the show should try to lose its innocence? Isn't that where some of its appeal comes from? A lot of fan fiction has more mature themes, but to do those things in the actual show would subvert its aesthetic. 

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The Death Scenario: Maybe. It could help kids not to fear death, but they may bring in something's like "after life" which could cause some trouble with non-religious people. It's a good thought that may be able to help kids though.


The Reproduction Scenario. No. Definitely not. You should keep in mind that there are some young kids that watch the show. They shouldn't know about that YET. They will learn about it in Health class in Middle School..... Sorry bad memories.


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Little kiddies in grades K-3 don't understand the consept of dating


I'm pretty sure the episode Hearts and Hooves Day was about dating, if you're going to say that romantic relationships have no place in this show, please be consistent.

  • Brohoof 3
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I really don't care for controversial stuff in mlp, I enjoy the lighthearted stuff, because controversial things can be argued even among us, and don't like to see fierce arguments or any at all really, Expecially between the people here.


Besides its a kids show, there's still a kid audience to attend to, and parents who will be angry if they get to risky on something.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Sexuality does not equal sex, if that makes any sense. Just as you can have a heterosexual relationship that isn't explicit, you can have a homosexual relationship that doesn't deal with that stuff. I dunno, I just think it's stupid that people think talking to kids about it also means discussing...how it happens.


Anyway, ignoring whether Hasbro would even allow this because this is purely hypothetically, I'm torn on this. On one hand, this kind of stuff shouldn't be as taboo as it is, and the first kids show that deals with this subject gains my respect.


So I guess that means that as long as it's done well (like in Paranorman, where it isn't a really big deal and the character just so happens to be gay), than i'd be up for it if the writers want to do it.


Unfortunately, they also gain the fury of a backlash so intense that they'll wish their mothers never met their fathers. And I don't think MLP will survive the massacre.

Edited by CITRUS KING46


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I’m going with no.

They have an episode about racism already, but to avoid people sending angry emails they hide it and say that the real moral is about sharing. And some people think that Read it and Weep is about closet homosexuality (although more people say it’s about closet bronies or, dare I say it, avid readers).

In other words, I think they probably could pull it off, but it would have to be watered down to a completely different topic, or they will get a lot of upset soccer-moms at their door. Remember what happened when they used the word “Derpy” in The Last Round-Up? Imagine them saying “Gay” in an episode.


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to expand on my pro gay message. What if we could have en episode where they address death.


I heard that this was originally going to be the message of A Bird in the Hoof, or as Faust put it, a "tug-at-your-heartysrings style episode about losing a pet". I guess Hasbro just thought that idea was abit too dark for kids.

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Politics my ass, this is a social issue just like any other topic the show has dealt with.

I honestly have no idea...the show does promote the values of kindness and tolerance, so whine about "political agenas" all you want, but a pro-gay rights message is consistent with the values of the show. If you look hard enough, plenty of episodes promote certain beliefs and values. I seems to me like people don't have a problem with agendas...only agendas they don't like.


It also promotes a monarchy they should do an entire episode dedicated to the reasons why a monarchy is better than capitalism!  And don't kid yourself, "love and kindness" does not extend itself to the promotion of homosexuality.  You can love your neighbor and be against homosexuality at the same time and honestly the way that gay activists treat opposition to homosexuality constantly calling them bigots and the like is less for this message of love and kindness than anything


It would be beyond ridiculous for this cartoon to promote homosexuality under the guise of sending a message that we should all love and accept gay people and homosexuality.

Edited by Titan Rising
  • Brohoof 2
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I actually thought that A Bird in the Hoof was going to touch onto the subject of death and I was shocked for a second, then I immediately thought. "Wait, Phoenix. Of course. Makes sense."


In terms of showing 'controversial' stuff, I honestly couldn't care less. If they decide to, fine with me, because I trust that they would know best on how to go about it. I do think that people need to stop freaking out about it, by that I mean the soccer moms who can't handle anything whatsoever. A character has messed up eyes? Offended! A character might die. Offended! You show any resistance to their narrow minded views. Offended!



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Once Upon A Time, which means history which no one bothers to learn, there was a man named Elvis. His music borrowed heavily from black artists. White teens fell in love with him, but parents thought it was inappropriate for their cherished middle class white children to be listening to black music, "Racists attacked rock and roll because of the mingling of black and white people it implied and achieved, and because of what they saw as black music's power to corrupt through vulgar and animalistic rhythms..." Walser and Nicholls, p.358

He should have been more white and less controversial! Jeez.

For those of little imagination, I present to you how I would write a gay couple appropriate for a children's show.
Drum Roll!
They live in the same house and they call each other names like 'hon', 'sweetheart', 'dear'.
Exactly how I would write a straight couple.
Took awhile to come up with an appropriate gay version, but I think I pulled it off. Gays are just soooo different, you know. Dear god, I'm a genius.



So I guess that means that as long as it's done well (like in Paranorman, where it isn't a really big deal and the character just so happens to be gay), than i'd be up for it if the writers want to do it.


It's funny though, if you have a character who happens to be gay, you have a chance of people saying you're just trying to pander to the LGBT. If you have one and there's a reason or plot point to for them to be gay, then you're pushing an agenda. You literally can't win, so why try to please everyone?

(I haven't seen Paranorman, but this is a general statement about what I've observed when it comes to gay characters in the media.)

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For death, they kind of already did when they had that coffin in Hearts and Hooves Day. But yes, I would like an episode dealing with death, but preferably in the last couple of episodes of the show. Or maybe they could use Applejack's parents for this.


For sexual reproduction, no. If people got upset about Alicorn twilight, they would go batpoop over a pregnant pony. Also, technically, they dealed with this too with the Baby Cakes episode.

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You can love your neighbor and be against homosexuality at the same time and honestly the way that gay activists treat opposition to homosexuality constantly calling them bigots and the like is less for this message of love and kindness than anything


There is not logical reason to be against homosexuality. At all. It doesn't affect anybody in the slightest bit at all. The only two reasons I can think of are:


1. Religion.


2. It grosses you out.


Both of them are shitty reasons to not accept a person on the same level as yourself or to be against their civil rights.

  • Brohoof 2


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Sig by the illustrious Kyoshi!

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There is not logical reason to be against homosexuality. At all. It doesn't affect anybody in the slightest bit at all. The only two reasons I can think of are:


1. Religion.


2. It grosses you out.


Both of them are shitty reasons to not accept a person on the same level as yourself or to be against their civil rights.


There is no logical reason to be for homosexuality either but you don't see me crawling up that ladder.  It is not inconsistent to be for love and kindness and be against homosexuality, thats the bottom line and as far as I'm willing to go on the subject for this thread.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm bi. I just want to make that clear, before anyone tries to say I'm against gays or whatever. However, in a show like this, having an episode would not work out as well. It's a kid's show. I remember when my state passed a proposition that banned gay marriages (don't worry, they are working on fixing that problem). One of the arguments was that if we allowed gay marriages, we would have to teach our kids about alternative marriages. Total horse apples, but if we were to try to put a pro-homosexuality moral in a kid's shows, we'd have those same politicians up in arms again, claiming it as proof that we are trying to force our kids to accept homosexuality. Not that that is a bad thing, mind you. I'm just worried about starting another Derpygate.

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We don't need to simply comment about the op's two options we could actually discuss about what COULD be put in the show.


I'm not against Lauren's original idea that Scootaloo is handicapped. I know that idea horrifies some people but guess what some people are born w/o their full abilities. I still think that would make a great episode and mean another episode spotlight.


Or of the fact that she might be an orphan.


Or breach the subject of death with bringing up the loss of Aj's parents or having a character presumed dead for 5 min before coming triumphantly back.


Other controversial things would be just letting charcters evolve. Have Rarity get a boyfriend or have her get a shop in Canterlot, the CMC get their cutie marks (singing, apples, and scooters by the way), or have Rainbow Dash become a wonderbolt like LAuren also recommended.


Regarding the OP they COULD make an episode about a family rejecting their child because they were different. (ie the whole Rudolph scenario) What if Fluttershy's parents do ot talk to her (and haven't been shown)  because she wasn't a good flier and wanted to be more rooted to the ground and they rejected her for that. What if that's part of the reason for a lack of confidence? That way you can parallel something that SHOULD be part of the storyline not overcomplicate it (with sexuality) but mirror that sometimes parents disapprove of their kids lifestyle (but have to learn to accept them eventually or lose touch)....


Maybe have a changeling that's discovered living in ponyville but that's not part of the hive and explaining how people can be independent of their society and co-exist.  That someone from a different race and culture isn't naturally a threat (ie muslims, terrorists)


Jeez why am i not a writer on this show....img-1411101-1-blink.png img-1411101-2-happy.png


I am in agreement that what makes this show WORK is when it's lesson can be taken from the show and inserted in our own lives. When they are relevant to humans. But tlet's not complicate it by taking subjects that won't work or aren't appropriate for the real intended audience.  img-1411101-3-wink.png

Edited by Freewave

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