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What is your ideal teacher/professor ?


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There are many kinds of teachers/professors, like the super nice ones that let you do almost anything in class and pass you regardless of your grades , The scary ones that command respect and wouldn't even bat an eye at failing an entire class if they so much as have a brief moment of  childish fun and many others...


Which are the kinds of teachers/professors do you like? 



Honestly, I like the  ones that give everyone in the room a sense of russian roulette every time they have a lesson . They're the kind of folks who spend most of their lecture time randomly asking one student at a time to stand up and answer difficult questions based on the subject material....Sure, they may be difficult to pass and very stressful...but they're also exciting and I tend to learn more from them.... 

Edited by Crescent Light
  • Brohoof 1


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Back in high school, I had a select few teachers that were awesome.


Two of them just bappened to be some my mother's close friends, so they always gave me more time for assignments than the other students and never showed any mind when I arrived late. They also really took the time to try and understand my panic disorder, which gave me a sense that they genuinley cared for my progress.


I also remember having a teacher my senior year of high school was just one of the most laid back teachers you will probably ever meet. He allowed us to have our feet up on the desks/tables, he allowed us to sleep, he allowed us to text freely, he even allowed me (and onyl me) to bring in entire plates of breakfast from Starbucks. (Although, I think that he only allowed me to do that last one because he knew that it made me happier in the mornings!)


In college, so far, I have only had two teachers who were really chill. I would love to have them again; as they were both super nice.


So, I guess my ideal teacher/professor is one that is laid back, has a decent sense of humor, takes time to answer auestions, and allows food in the classroom.


Iruka would do just fine, too <3


  • Brohoof 3
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I personally like the ones that teach me things


I'd like to think most of them do, but I know there are the ones that split the class into groups and have us teach ourselves....with powerpoints... That we have to make ourselves... :fiery:

Edited by Crescent Light
  • Brohoof 2


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I would like to think that a ideal teacher is someone who you can relate to. Whether it's hobbies or interests, I've always wanted to know more about my teachers rather than just see them in a monologuing puppet. If I recalled correctly, the most memorable teachers I had in my past did something I like or having the same interests as me.

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My ideal teacher is one who teaches in an engaging manner.  Like how one time in fourth grade, we first learned about racism when for no apparent reason, my teacher sent out kids wearing red shirts.

off topic but, Red is also a gang color maybe your teacher picked up on this and sent them away? just a thought

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Laid back, funny, easy to approach and converse with, spontaneous (not like pop quizzes or more homework but like decide to take the class outside to teach that day or "lets do this instead of my lecture" kind of thing).


I have a couple art teachers in college this year who are like that.  They're the easiest to get along with imo.  I'm majoring in photography and I consider it an art and lots of art teachers have that kind of attitude so it's really easy to like them.


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i would have to say, the best kind of teachers are who put themselves into what they teach...

I had a teacher in collage named Jack Sandler...(psychology)

he is the best teacher I have ever had. such emotion, and drive!

  • Brohoof 1

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The unasked questions are what bother me, not the answers. The answers give me clarity. Silence is in its self an answer, so ask! To not ask is to deny the existence of said question, and leaves you with just "what if".

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My favorite teachers and professors have been those who were passionate about the subject matter, but kept an open mind when it came to people's learning styles. I actually enjoyed the ones who challenged me intellectually, but my favorites always had an open door policy and would be pretty accessible when it came to asking for help.


I remember being terrified my first two years of college when it came to participating in class discussions, but after getting used to it, I found that the professors who incorporated them during part of the lecture were the ones who cared the most about how well their students retained the material. Looking back, I feel that I learned the most when sharing ideas out loud like that because it helped to clear up any confusion. :)

  • Brohoof 1

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Anyone who has some kind of enthusiasm, passion or care about the content theyre teaching. Those types of teachers really help me excel because theyre the kind of teachers who show you where this stuff could be useful and get the imagination cranking. I think this is partially why I was so terrible in math and physics back in high school but I'm doing so much better now, my profs made me want to care too.

Edited by Celtore
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Teachers that are chill and have some common sense, and don't teach to follow the rules set out by the school but teach because they genuinely want to help their students.

  • Brohoof 1


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I'm gonna be that hipster and say I actually like teachers who are strict. I tend to learn more from my austere, hard-to-impress teachers rather than the easy-going, fun ones. Sure, the fun ones are cool because you don't get punished as hard for not doing homework or mucking around in class, but that's exactly why I don't like them, you don't receive discipline. I'd take a teacher who'd make me do my homework or I get a detention over a 'kind' teacher any day. The strict teacher challenges me and forces me to learn whereas the fun teacher bores me and causes me to fail.

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My favorite kind of teacher is the one who actually engages the class and doesn't just sit back at their desk while the students fill out worksheets from a textbook for the entire period... you know who you are  :okiedokieloki:


RavenholmZombie - Brony since 2011

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It's a mixed bag. I prefer those that put enough pressure on you to study, and are there to get their job done with frightening efficiency, but at the same time would help students who actually care about the material and are trying to master it.


There is a fine line where being tough with your students is just being an ass, as much as there is a fine line between leniency and ineptitude.


To me, a good professor should always challenge his students and drive them to tackle problems or ask questions - i know myself enough to know I'm a slacker, if i wasn't pushed towards success by other people I honestly wouldn't make it.

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Yoda would be my ideal teacher.

But aside from the little green dude, I would want someone I could respect and who is knowledgeable about his/her subject. They don't have to be sugary and sweet, but not an ass with a power trip either. 

When it comes right down to it, I'd rather be my own teacher because only I know exactly how I learn and what works best for me. 

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I like strict-ish teachers who allow a bit of fun and flexibility every now and then. For jokes, So long as it's relevant to the topic at hand, then I think it should be allowed. I like the teachers who don't tolerate any form of delinquency, such as having side conversations during class, being on your phone, missing a bunch of classes, not turning work in on time, ect. Those kinds of things irritate me too and I believe they are punishable offenses. Don't mistake this for mean teaching, though, I never want an overly strict teacher who yells at their students and I do believe there are exceptions; things can go wrong. So long as you're responsible, compromises can be made. I also like when teachers give out a decent amount of work - Some classes I feel overwhelmed with too many assignments and others I feel like I'm not learning as much as I should be or flexing my brain enough.

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I like laid back teachers who will give a lecture, and then give tests. I don't understand assignments, unless they're for actual projects and stuff.

I remember an anatomy and physiology class I had in high school. The teacher would give us a lecture, and actually go above and beyond explaining everything. Note-taking days were my favorite. I aced every test, but got an overall bad grade because I didn't do assignments.


Then in college, I took anthropology. The professor didn't expect much from us other than our attention when she was lecturing, and then we took tests. I guess we had to do some hw assignments, due to the college itself, probably. But she made it to where we'd just watch a video, and answer obvious questions. She was great.



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