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Legend Of Everfree

The Cynical Lone Wolf

What did you think of the fourth Equestria Girls movie, Legend of Everfree ?  

147 users have voted

  1. 1. Do you like it?

    • No; it was travesty
    • No..not really
    • Meh; I liked it and didn't like it at the same time
    • I enjoyed it, but could've been a whole lot better.

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Finally, I find the "romance" between Timber and Twilight to be super-cringey, with Timber often coming across as a creep and full of himself. I would imagine that, in real life, if a camp counselor (i.e. someone in a position of nominal authority) instantly singled out one girl in a school group and "flirted" with her as Timber does, without even knowing a single thing about her, that might be considered kind of inappropriate. It could be seen as him not really doing his job to be counselor for the whole group. It also just seems kind of pointless, and setting themselves up to be disappointed later. Why would Timber or Twilight pursue a romantic interest in someone they've only seen at camp? Is it even possible for Timber and Twilight to see each other after camp is over? Do they even live anywhere close to each other? If I were one of Twilight's friends, I think asking those kind of questions would be my main reaction, rather than giggling about it or saying it's "adorable".

I found those two to have a lot of chemistry, but that's an angle I didn't consider. How old is Timber? He must be a bit older than Twilight, even if only a year or two. This is something I feel the writers ought to be more cognizant of, as the high school setting removes some ambiguity from characters' ages, and I feel that Twilight getting a love interest within her own age group would be more appropriate. With that said, I find some of their dorky flirting scenes utterly irresistible - they finally nailed it in execution, so I wish they gave this subplot a lot more thought and time.

Edited by AlexanderThrond
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o, another thing that i've..stated in my coments; timber and twilight. One big flaw with it, as a camp councilor timber would be hammered with the fact that you don't date the campers. it's a big nono. Twilight is always a camper until she is on the bus heading to canterlot high

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I really enjoyed this movie. The songs were awesome, the outfits looked super cool. Surprisingly I didn't mind the romance angle and I even thought it was pretty cute. Visually the main villain was really cool looking and that end credit scene was legit hilarious. 


I also was a big fan of each of the characters acting exactly how they should.


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I have watched the movie a view days ago and now my review is ready.

This movie was an experiance but I thnk my great rant about the plot is worth to be watched.

Excuse my crappy voice. I have catch a cold and am not over it right now.


I'm the dreamer of the dream, who suppose to be my life.

This is my youtube part of the dream.


I hope you like it.

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Eh, Legend of Everfree wasn't that great for me. I was a little uneasy with the fact that they just shipped the mane seven off to some random camp, but that's not much of the problem. The plot was horrific.


- SciTwi has ZERO personality..In my opinion, she's excruciatingly boring. And why is she so panicked about Midnight Sparkle? You transformed into her ONCE. For like, THREE MINUTES. CHILL OUT.


- Timber. Oh, boy...So apparently Hasbro realized that they had made an awful mistake with Flash..Timber is like a slightly-less cliché version of him. His romance with Twilight only makes a small amount of sense...Come on, Twi started crushing on him when she first laid eyes on him? At least Princess Twilight ran into Flash a few times before crushing on him...


- Daisy. Okay, we all saw it coming. Of course she was the villian. But come on, can't you think of s better villian than ANOTHER magic-consumed demon? It's getting really lame now. However, I thought her character besides being a part-antagonist was pretty cute.


Anyway, character points aside, I'll give out a super basic summary of the story: The Mane Seven go to a camp and some magic powers are slapped on so they can defeat another she-demon...


Isn't that like every EG movie though. I find it really annoying how the "hey we're humans so there's no magic" thing gets thrown down the drain in this and FG. However, I think the main problem with this story is this: What was the main problem in the story, anyway? Midnight Sparkle? Filthy Rich? MORE EQUESTRIAN MAGIC?!


EG - 7/10

RR- 9/10

FG - 5/10

LE - 3/10


I also hate the fact that every protagonist male character is either super unattractive or perfect. *cough cough* Timber and Flash *cough*

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm surprised Zecora wasn't included given the name of the camp and the fact that it was located in the woods.

Kind of glad she didn't show up: You don't want the movie to be too busy, this was a MAJOR problem with FG. Its hard to devote enough time to newly introduced characters, and I don't think Zecora would have gotten the time to do her justice in this movie with all the plotlines and timber and glory in the movie. And if you can't do someone justice, its better to hold off on them for a time when you CAN do so, yeah?


Plus, the plot relied on the camp being run by people who aren't the brightest bulbs out there, since glory got in way over her head, Timber had given up on the camp as being lost, and Glory was so shortsighted that she jumped at magic despite not understanding it.

Zecora is a VERY level headed individual, and having a voice of reason at the camp who should be in the know wouldn't work well alongside the plot relying on Timber and Glory's lack of cooperation or wisdom.

  • Brohoof 2
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Kind of glad she didn't show up: You don't want the movie to be too busy, this was a MAJOR problem with FG. Its hard to devote enough time to newly introduced characters, and I don't think Zecora would have gotten the time to do her justice in this movie with all the plotlines and timber and glory in the movie. And if you can't do someone justice, its better to hold off on them for a time when you CAN do so, yeah?


Plus, the plot relied on the camp being run by people who aren't the brightest bulbs out there, since glory got in way over her head, Timber had given up on the camp as being lost, and Glory was so shortsighted that she jumped at magic despite not understanding it.

Zecora is a VERY level headed individual, and having a voice of reason at the camp who should be in the know wouldn't work well alongside the plot relying on Timber and Glory's lack of cooperation or wisdom.


Despite having watched Friendship Games in one form or another over three hundred times, I realized that they did add in way too many characters which is why the Shadowbolts were so underdeveloped. Aside from a few lines here and there and some slight personality traits, I'm willing to believe many fans of Equestria Girls don't remember their names.


Zecora is a character that people want to see more of in general regardless of whether it's the show, the movies, or the comics. She has so much potential but it's been squandered by the staff not really knowing how best to utilize her talents. In fact, I believe we've not seen her once throughout season six.

  • Brohoof 1


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To be honest, I dont really like the movie...and the fact EqG is going downhill for me from here and out.

  • -The good guy fallen into  magic overload is very similar to EqG 3. The first should already established that and should not been overused.
  • -Timber and twilight just want me to gag since it's so cheesy.
  • -Twilight (human) is the worse character. She has no ambition and backbone. She is nothing like her pony counterpart.  twilight (pony) would rather get up her ass and investigate and tried to figure out the problem, and how to deal with her own problem instead of bumming around and moping and being all in insecure about it. I get it she fears the midnight twi, but at least do something about it instead of moping about it. 
  • -the whole plot beside trying to save the camp is pretty much the same as the rest of the movies.
  • -there is no real deal villain as the sieren. which i was hoping for.
  • -the part when the mane 6 (not counting twi)  is  somehow arrogant  about their power, even though they have already encounter it 3 times. and arrogant where this power is coming from. 
  • -overall the worst EqG's movie.



  • Brohoof 1



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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   I finally got my chance to see, the Legend of Everfree and I was quite surprised, to me at least it was good. I had a low expectation for this Equestria Girls, so it was quite refreshing to see a new chapter, in these girls' lives, as they go for recreation and leisure to Camp Everfree, headed by Gloriossa and Timber, I wonder how they would look as ponies. Human Twilight Sparkle is still haunted by her experience as Midnight Sparkle, from the last movie, it is understandable, she went from a humble person to a half-crazed abhoration, due to magic contamination, to be fair we have our Midnight Sparkles in all of us, that moment when something causes you to snap, and exposes a side to yourself that you have rarely expressed, you can either hide it or harness it. Twilight Sparkle decides to hide it, as everyone begins to settle into camp, but not before Filthy Rich stops by to see his investment, by nightfall we get our campfire story, a forest spirit called Gaia Everfree, who once threatened the camp but decides to share the forest with its new inhabitants. Sunset Shimmer learns that Twilight has magical powers, to her she sees wonderful potential, but to Twilight she sees her powers as Midnight Sparkle's abilities.

    The other girls start to notice they have magic too, Applejack has super strength, Rarity has force field magic, Pinkie Pie has exploding power, Fluttershy has animal telepathy, and Rainbow Dash has super speed, Sunset Shimmer later discovers she has mind reading powers, as she learns that Gloriossa is behind her payments to Filthy Rich, and is desperate to keep the camp going, then she comes across a gem cave, with magic powers in the gems, next Gloriossa uses the powers to make camp fun, but Timber is sceptical and urges Gloriossa to not use the magic, until finally she become possessed by the magic and becomes Gaia Everfree, who kind of reminds me of Poison Ivy, Gaia Everfree could make a cool Batman villain. As the magic takes hold, Gaia uses vines and shrubs to block the camp from the rest of the universe, meanwhile, the remaining mane six, use their powers to try to defeat Gaia, finally Twilight Sparkle embraces the magic, and uses it to break out of the cave, and joined powers with the others, and is victorious over Gaia Everfree. Gloriossa laments loosing the camp, however a fundraiser saves the camp, she came to realise that asking others for help, is sometimes needed, there is only so much we can do as an individual.

    Overall, I really like this Equestria Girls, it is so nice to see how far the human mane six has progressed, I really like how they interact with each other, as they discover magic, and learn more about each others capabilities, I also like how distinct they are from their pony counterparts, these characters can stand on their own, I also admire Sunset Shimmer and Flash Sentry reconnecting, Timber and Twilight Sparkle seem like a nice pair, plus I can sympathise with Twilight Sparkle, I had my own Midnight Sparkle, after I came home from the navy, I had difficulty adjusting to civilian life, after aggressive and stressful navy moments, I repressed that fighting spirit, afraid I could hurt someone with my training, instead I learn to use my energy to improve my life and others, it is a good lesson for people of all ages, to use your spirit and to make yourself into a better person, I do wonder if there is going to be another Equestria Girls movie, we end on magic leaking into their world from the portal at Canterlot High, only time will tell.    

Edited by King Sejong
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During the Legend You Are Meant To Be song where they sing "Take My Hand I'm Here For You" chorus twice, did anyone notice that they reuse the same clip of Rarity and Applejack holding hands in both instances? That annoyed me a bit. :)


On a related note, I haven't watched all the episodes of the regular series, but do the girls normally have internal pairings within the group, kind of like best-best-friends among best friends? From this movie, I see Rarity with Applejack, Fluttershy with Pinkie, Sunset with Twilight, and Rainbow with basically herself. With Rarity/Applejack and Fluttershy/Pinkie, I suspect the pairing is due to the writers wanting opposite personalities to generate some interesting interactions.

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-the part when the mane 6 (not counting twi)  is  somehow arrogant  about their power, even though they have already encounter it 3 times. and arrogant where this power is coming from. 





How the heck were the mane six ARROGANT about their powers? They were scared of them, but in no way shape or form were they ARROGANT. :/

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During the Legend You Are Meant To Be song where they sing "Take My Hand I'm Here For You" chorus twice, did anyone notice that they reuse the same clip of Rarity and Applejack holding hands in both instances? That annoyed me a bit. :)


On a related note, I haven't watched all the episodes of the regular series, but do the girls normally have internal pairings within the group, kind of like best-best-friends among best friends? From this movie, I see Rarity with Applejack, Fluttershy with Pinkie, Sunset with Twilight, and Rainbow with basically herself. With Rarity/Applejack and Fluttershy/Pinkie, I suspect the pairing is due to the writers wanting opposite personalities to generate some interesting interactions.


They also reused the same clip with Sunset and Rainbow Dash singing in front of the mike, Pinkie playing her drums, and Sci-Twi and Fluttershy singing in front of their mike. Essentially, they repeated the first bit of the chorus by using the same footage twice.

Edited by Ganondorf8


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I really liked this movie, enjoyed it even more than Rainbow Rocks to be honest! All of the Mane 6 were fun to watch and everyone got their screentime, Sunny and Twi had great chemistry (along with all of the Mane 6, of course. Loved how they were all portrayed!), I found lots of moments really funny, and it was really cool seeing the Mane 6 get their superpowers. :D


Really liked the songs as well, though I like Rainbow Rocks' more - same for the villains, of course. Gotta love the Dazzlings~ Speaking of, I like how the villain's identity was a mystery up until the end.


The Timber-Twilight romance though...better than the Flash-Twilight shipping from the first movie, but I wouldn't mind if it was absent. :awuh: At least he made some neat noodle art in the credits scene I suppose. :P Speaking of Flash though, he's at it again, trying to steal people's waifus!


All in all, my favorite one so far! Had lots of fun watching it, might have to do it again sooner or later. :please:

Check out my art thread for some cute ponies, cookies and boops. img-34212-1-img-34212-1-img-34212-1-img-34212-2-fluttershy.png



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I thought it was nice that this movie was more down-to-earth compared to the previous movies and didn't involve a world-level crisis, which allowed for more character development. I thought Rarity was especially funny with her "drama" and her interactions with Applejack were good. And of course Sunset and Sci-Twi had a lot of focus. While the remaining girls didn't have much attention, did anyone else think that Pinkie seemed a bit more "weird" or "ditzy" than usual? It seemed too stereotypical and I didn't like how that made her seem less like a "real" person. And did the pony version of her have so much focus on eating?

  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah that FRI (Forced romantic interest) was terrible. As soon as that guy opened his mouth I was like "I hate you already" oh and conviently guy teamed up to the girls just so they can meet.  Ugh those cringy awkward moments were funny in Goofy Movie and they aren't funny here.

Anyone else sick of Rarity or the mane six's use of "Oh no offense" ugh i swear i want to punch them.

  • Brohoof 1
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Cliche evil rich man will close down our camp unless I pay him.


Another evil female magic addict character that goes out of control for a couple of minutes.


We just met but love at first sight.


I'm afraid of my magic because I could turn back into a magic addict. It's okay because I'm also a recovering magic addict.


Let's spend a few minutes to play Scooby-Doo.


It's morphing time. Really.


Are they really trying following Marvel's formula and building up to the Avengers?


The movie is about the same as the other EG movies I've seen. Just watching them to fill my viewing quota.

Edited by Singe
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How the heck were the mane six ARROGANT about their powers? They were scared of them, but in no way shape or form were they ARROGANT. :/

they should at least not be 'scare" about their power, since they experience it like 3 times. they should be able get used to it. and the fact in the 2nd movie they were trying to figure out how to release their power..and now they are scared?? sound like arrogant to me.



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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It's a shame human Zecora wasn't shown as a camp counselor or camp doctor since her pony counter part lives in the everfree.


Also why are there seven EoH in the human world but six in Equestria?And once again the EoH are used for evil but only in the human world.And why is it only the two principals didn't bring a few more teachers?


And l find it strange that only the humane 7 got magical abilities but the other campers stayed unaffected.Also the Filthy Rich and Gaia Everfree subplot didn't really go anywhere but it's possible Gaia is still out there somewhere.

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