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Quitting after the Movie (rant inside)


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Hi.... I want to tell you my current feelings about the show. Warning: long wall of text onward.


I've been following this show since 2011, and I've always been proud of being it. And most of all, I've always been proud of being a fan of the Mane 6, especially Twilight. These six characters accompained me for all my five universitary years (which I'm gonna conclude in a few weeks), and they've always been heroes and inspirations for me, and seeing them growing and evolving throught the seasons was really satisfying to me, and their stories helped me cheering up in the hardest moments. And then, the doomsday happened... October 22nd 2016...


Despite the lukewarm reception, I actually LOVED the S6. Just like the previous seasons (especially the S4 and the S5) there have been A LOT of episodes I loved to the point they entered my top 25 favorites episodes. Some episodes were weaker than the others(like Newbie Dash, AJ's Day Off and 28 Pranks Later), but honestly there was only one I legittimately disliked (The Cart Before the Ponies), but after that disappointment, to me the season went all uphill after it and I think the season reached its peak with its penultimate episode Top Bolt. That episode had EVERYTHING I can wish from an MLP episode: the centric characters at their best (Twilight and RD in this case), two new great characters with a lot of background, great comedy, great humor, great animation, great BG music and great morals, it was just a great episode. And then it was time to watch the finale, after a so good season I had hype over 9000, and then I watched it, and I realized how it was......................................... an heartbreaking crap........


To me this finale was an ice arrow in the heart.... the Mane 6 were forcedly portrayed like Peach-style pushovers damzelleses in distress to give Starlight and the others the spotlight.... I feel that was extremely forced, and all to make the story working.... to me it was a painful experience... the six heroes who accompained me for five years.... treated like trash just to make a story working... It was horrible...


Now, I'm not new to forced writing, I've seen this several times in past from franchises I love when a well developed character is derailed to make a story working , and here's the two main examples that come to my mind:


-Metroid Other M: Samus cries like a baby when Ridley appears when she killed that space dragon a lot of times in past...;

-Sly 4 Thieves in Times: Penelope betrays Bentley and the Cooper Gang because she wanted more money than they could bring, when in the previous game she was portrayed like a friendly character (and.... they saved her life two times thorught it...).


There is an analogy between these cases of forced stories and the one of the MLP S6 finale: change of direction. The two games I mentioned previously mentioned are just two of the franchises who got forced stories after they fallen in the hand of other people, but it's a fate that always happen to franchises who last for too long and inevitably fall into other hands. After the S5 all the veteran writers and directors who worked on this show since S1 were gone, and I admit this gave me fears of that happening to MLP as well with the S6, but with the time my fears faded because I was loving the S6.... and then my fear suddenly came to reality when in the S6 forced finale the Mane 6 are so easely captured by enemies they faced in past like they were the weakest characters in the universe when they faced A LOT of villains and monsters in past, and when I say A LOT I MEAN a lot.


My biggest fear now, is that what's happened in the finale is gonna become the new norm for the show, and then the Mane 6 are gonna be forcedly constantly turned into Peach-like damzelleses in distress only to give Starlight Glimmer the spotlight.... it's something that gives me the nausea, especially since before this finale Jim Miller was a director for which I had GREAT respect for him. 


Desperated times call for desperate measures. I think the time for me has come to quit this show at once, but I need something big to quit on a high note. The good news it's that it wasn't hard to figure where to quit: with the 2017 Movie of course. The premises of it so far are more than great, and with Thiessen and McCarthy fully directing and writing it (with the help of a writer from Mulan and Toy Story 2), and since it's confirmed OFFICIALLY that the Mane 6 are gonna be the main characters there, I've zero worries for it. The bad news it's... there's gonna be a S7 in the meantime..... I REALLY REALLY prey to all the saints in this world that by the time the Movie came out, the S7 won't screw up the Mane 6 even mora than that f*****g finale did...... not gonna lie here.... it's embarassing to admit it but.... I'm desperately waiting for some S7 news right now to be sure it's just a paranoy of me.... to the point that I'm having even several.... erm... insomnia problems.....


I'm really sorry I'm making such a big deal for this. I know that MLP is just a cartoon, and I know that the Mane 6 are just fictional characters, but after all the smiles and satisfactions they gave to me in five of my hardest years of life, seeing them treated like that was really horrible.... so I think it's time for me to quit MLP and having just good memories of these six characters before the time and Hasbro's wish of money assassin them in even worse ways.... I really hope that won't already happen by the time the Movie is released.... I hope you understand...

Edited by Sly
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I'm not sure why a single defeat and kidnapping is such a big deal to people, I'm really not. The Mane Six were beaten and needed to be saved this one time...Okay? Does that somehow render all the great things they've done irrelevant? I could see it being a problem if it became a habit, but one time doesn't somehow destroy their characters. I have no less respect for them now then I did before the episode.


 Anyway, I'm pretty sure in a recent interview on Equestria Daily, it was said that season 7 would focus primarily on the Mane Six, so this is more than likely overreacting.

  • Brohoof 12

Twilight is best pony.


Why hello MLPForums! What have ya been up to?


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I'm not sure I understand. The season 4 finale relegated the mane five to "Peach-like" damsels, and in the season 5 finale, they were pretty much only there to show how terrible their lives would be if Dash's Rainboom never happened. 


The only thing season 6 did that was different or unique was sideline Twilight alongside them. 

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If you feel that you won't enjoy the show while you can and want to jump ship after the movie that's your call, especially if it's making you paranoid to the point of insomnia.


I won't lie, I'm in a similar boat, I know how you feel(well, minus the insomnia part), like you I'm really worried with how S7 will go down, though I didn't like S6 as much as you did. Newbie Dash was one of the most soul crushingly disappointing episodes I ever saw in the show, made me so upset that it damn near made me quit entirely, and 28 Pranks Later was one of the only episodes I that outright made me terrified to watch(for the wrong reasons obviously), so much so that I outright skipped it(the fact that it turned that it was everything I hoped it wouldn't be didn't help). The Mane 6, the characters we've grown to love, being pathetically worfed to the point of bullshit, JUST to make Starlight look good, a character that the season has done a shit job of getting me to warm up too doesn't do any favors. And that's not even talking about some of the boring, trite, uninspired(AJ's Day Off, On Your Marks), or just dumb bullshit(Cart, No Second Prances, Every Little Things She Does). I'm not saying this season was a total loss, Stranger than Fanfiction and Saddle Row are some of the funniest episodes the show's had, Times Are A Changeling, and Fault in Our Cutie Marks are some of the most heartfelt episodes since Amending Fences and Mane Attraction, and Top Bolt(and Viva Las Pegasus), as you said embodies everything that makes FiM great. But this season has had some really bad flaws, really bad ones, and it certainly makes me worried that the current writing team isn't fit, or just doesn't care, for the future direction of the show.


If you feel that way and call it quits, then I don't blame you one bit

Edited by Megas
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>This guy thinks it's possible to just "quit" the fandom

>He doesn't realize that he's here forever

>Implying that the ride will ever end

>tfw I'm green texting on a forum devoted to small cartoon donkeys



Those who announce that they're leaving the fandom rarely do.


  • Brohoof 1



That's 5% of the last 4.5 years. Send help.

Meanwhile, I can help you by reviewing your stories!


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It is a bit of a disappointment that the other members of the mane six didn't get the chance to be a hero like Twilight in their own finale. They don't have to save the world necessarily but they could play a big part in it for a finale, of course it would be cheesy to have every mane six member make a big mark but heck why not get some in on the action you know instead of suddenly introducing a bunch of new characters and then making them the heroes. I mean come on how is it that a bunch of new villains that are then reformed play a big part throughout the season 6 finale to be a "hero" while the mane six in their finale all become useless and Twilight has to break them out of the jam, they don't get their little heroic moments in finales, feel a bit cheated out on that. That season 6 finale should of been for the mane six.

Edited by cider float


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Okay. Do what feels right for you. I'm not judging. 


But I need to say a few things:


  1. Would you rather the mane six could never be defeated? That would lower the stakes of two-parters quite a bit. I'm sure that either they put up a good fight, or the changelings were particularly sneaky. Starlight and Trixie only got away because they were away from town, and Chrysalis didn't deem Twilight's unstable student and her illusionist friend a threat. 
  2. This was one time. These characters have never been defeated like this before. The only thing the two-parters repeat is the presence of an overwhelming threat to Equestria; I highly doubt they're gonna pull out the mane-six-get-captured trick again.

But whatever. If you're no longer happy watching the show, it's not my place to judge. Do what makes you happy. 

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I don't like starlight glimmer either, and I feel that S6 is a bit of a poor season. S5 and S6's plots have basically been "the season of starlight" for adventure stuff; The other 5 get SOL, but that's more or less it for their plotlines, the adventure stuff has shifted to focus around starlight. While I hope this is a temporary thing, unless starlight's given the boot, I don't see this really changing anytime soon, so I can understand your feelings.



Things have felt pretty "fillerish" due to that: Like, I wouldn't have minded so much if they gave good attention to the others arcs, but Look at Dash's wonderbolt arc with Newbie dash: THAT is the big climax where she joins the wonderbolts? SERIOUSLY?! Like, what kind of phoned in crap was that? Rarity's boutique episodes have felt better at least, but still.

I'm hoping that things will improve in S7 and that starlight will be booted out to the background, but I honestly have pretty much ZERO faith that will happen: She's been presented as one of hte mane six/mane seven in the chapter books (Twilight's most recent book for example and starlight's book all treat her as one of the mane seven/mane six), and the upcoming IDW comic arc will be about her saving the day again-- so I don't think she's going anywhere.



I'm not dropping the show atm since the SOL for the other 5 can still be decent (Top bolt for example), but If things keep a downward flow (S6 had alot of real stinkers like AJ's day off or pony point of view), I can see where you're coming from.

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its sad to see you go, while i dont think the final episode was that bad what with the mane six getting captured by the changelings, they would not have expected it after all but i digress. for me it wasnt that bad we got some character development of characters we have not seen for a little while. while season six may not have been amazing, not all seasons are they have the bad seasons and the good seasons. i will admit there were some bad episodes but there were some good as well. i plan to stick around i have grown to love the community as well as the show.

i am the official cider giver and drinker feel free to talk anytime i am always free to talk


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And then it was time to watch the finale, after a so good season I had hype over 9000, and then I watched it, and I realized how it was......................................... an heartbreaking crap........


To me this finale was an ice arrow in the heart.... the Mane 6 were forcedly portrayed like Peach-style pushovers damzelleses in distress to give Starlight and the others the spotlight.... I feel that was extremely forced, and all to make the story working.... to me it was a painful experience... the six heroes who accompained me for five years.... treated like trash just to make a story working... It was horrible...



LOL, Boo hoo


God forbid we actually have an interesting finale where we don't see the same old crap all over again a.k.a the mane 6 defeating a monster by shooting a rainbow in its face.

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Ah, Megas. I've kept an eye on you for a while. While I don't agree with you about the S6 as whole and Starlight, at least we can both agree about my pfoblem with the finale (boy, I can't believe we actually agree on something XD)


I want to ask you: are you gonna take my road as well? (I mean quitting after the Movie) Just for curiosity.

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Loved the S6 Finale. I knew they were gonna put Starlight in the spotlight, and they wrote it well. 


But really, the biggest heart crusher of Season 6 was Newbie Dash. That episode should've never ever ever been written. That episode ruined Rainbow's Wonderbolt Arc and completely destroyed the continuity that was Rainbow's new Wonderbolt position. So many excuses the writers tried to write in.


As I said before, the movie may open up many new arcs, so... 

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Well I though S6 was OK.. not my favorite season but nothing horrible either. I think i go into them with different expectations than a lot of people though and don't really let it phase me if they are not met. For example, I am not a fan of how Starlight sort of hijacked the season, but overall it was just a couple of episodes that were really effected IMO... the cutie map itself has the same effect on me though. I just find them minor gripes for individual episodes though in what amounts to me as a good show i enjoy watching. I can spare 22 minutes of my life to watch an episode I have reservations about, and if it turns out it sucks, I can always ignore it easy enough.


Really, I think you are being too paranoid. Just wait and see what S7 brings and go from there. If you don't like it, quit watching it... it is a cartoon show not a down payment on a mortgage.


~No profound statement needed~

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Heh ikr. I've been trying to say this for ages! That's why my fav episode is Twilight's Kingdom and oh boy...the aura it gave me, the inspiration of the Mane Six, and so passionate it was. And btw Jayson Thiessen and Meghan McCarthy are the ones responsible for that episode and are working on the Movie, so it will be bomb. Season 7 will be great too, cuz they promised for "most exciting adventures yet".

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LOL, Boo hoo


God forbid we actually have an interesting finale where we don't see the same old crap all over again a.k.a the mane 6 defeating a monster by shooting a rainbow in its face.


Wow...condescending much?

Being "different" and "unique" are bullshit excuses for things that pretty much require breaking suspension of disbelief. You expect me to believe that the changelings suddenly overpower everything? You expect me to believe that the mane 6 AND the princesses suddenly can't handle a few changeling grunts? I don't always agree with Dark Qiviut, but his point on not showing how the mane 6 and princesses got captured is spot on.


Also, it still hasn't gotten me to care about Starlight, she suddenly gets to be the hero when the season has done a terrible job of getting me to care, and all her development has done is make Twilight look like a poor teacher. She still doesn't feel like she's friends with the mane 6, despite the show wanting us to believe that. Not to mention, despite the show showing Twilight(and Spike) try to do a lot more for Starlight than Trixie ever did, she still picks the latter as her best friend, how much more of a middle finger can you get?

Ah, Megas. I've kept an eye on you for a while. While I don't agree with you about the S6 as whole and Starlight, at least we can both agree about my pfoblem with the finale (boy, I can't believe we actually agree on something XD)


I want to ask you: are you gonna take my road as well? (I mean quitting after the Movie) Just for curiosity.

Well, much of my problems with the finale also stem back to Starlight, so eh :P


As for quitting, depends on how S7 is, even with my problems with S6, they show that they can still make some good episodes

Edited by Megas
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Loved the S6 Finale. I knew they were gonna put Starlight in the spotlight, and they wrote it well. 


But really, the biggest heart crusher of Season 6 was Newbie Dash. That episode should've never ever ever been written. That episode ruined Rainbow's Wonderbolt Arc and completely destroyed the continuity that was Rainbow's new Wonderbolt position. So many excuses the writers tried to write in.


As I said before, the movie may open up many new arcs, so... 


Its ironic, they've done a MUCH better job of making Dash's relationship with daring do work well while completely flubbing the wonderbolt stuff. So they CAN do episodes where dash is working with other ponies that she looks up to and almost function as mentors, its just they HAVEN'T been doing it well :/

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As for the criticism for Newbie Dash, while I like it enough..... I agree with UP, Megas and C Thunder about being extremely underwelming as conclusion of a story arc lasted six years. Especially if compared with Twilight's, Rarity's and the CMCs' multiple conclusions, and here I link myself to what I've said in my own post: the conclusions I've mentioned above were all made by the three master writers of MLP (Larson, McCarthy and Rogers)(except The Saddle Row Review which I consider an expansion of Rarity's conclusion, and was written by Confalone, but it still was a really good episode anyway because Confalone got the characters right since he still joined a season before, so he already mastered the characters by the time he started writing that specific episode). The big mistake of Newbie Dash was.... giving it to a completely new writer. Why they did that, it's a mystery....

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I can understand why some people didn't like them sidelining the Mane 6 in the finale, but you need to understand that there's an equal amount of people that for years have been complaining that the Mane 6 always save the day. So they need to be fair to them, I guess. I don't imagine it'll be a regular thing. And even if it is, there's still 22 other episodes in the season to enjoy.

  • Brohoof 1


Credit to @Kyoshi for the signature!

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Wow...condescending much?

Being "different" and "unique" are bullshit excuses for things that pretty much require breaking suspension of disbelief. You expect me to believe that the changelings suddenly overpower everything? You expect me to believe that the mane 6 AND the princesses suddenly can't handle a few changeling grunts? I don't always agree with Dark Qiviut, but his point on not showing how the mane 6 and princesses got captured is spot on.


Also, it still hasn't gotten me to care about Starlight, she suddenly gets to be the hero when the season has done a terrible job of getting me to care, and all her development has done is make Twilight look like a poor teacher. She still doesn't feel like she's friends with the mane 6, despite the show wanting us to believe that. Not to mention, despite the show showing Twilight(and Spike) try to do a lot more for Starlight than Trixie ever did, she still picks the latter as her best friend, how much more of a middle finger can you get

Well, much of my problems with the finale also stem back to Starlight, so eh :P


As for quitting, depends on how S7 is, even with my problems with S6, they show that they can still make some good episodes

First of all, why are you being so passive-aggressive ?


Second of all, yes, and yes.


Third of all, this is where opinions start to kick in. This is only what you think. In my opinion Starlight is doing a great job at friendship for a pone like her. Yeah, she still has some bad habits but I'm sure that she will work on these stuff in season 7. Trust me

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I'm not sure why a single defeat and kidnapping is such a big deal to people, I'm really not. The Mane Six were beaten and needed to be saved this one time...Okay? Does that somehow render all the great things they've done irrelevant? I could see it being a problem if it became a habit, but one time doesn't somehow destroy their characters. I have no less respect for them now then I did before the episode.


 Anyway, I'm pretty sure in a recent interview on Equestria Daily, it was said that season 7 would focus primarily on the Mane Six, so this is more than likely overreacting.

Sadly, some people on Equestria Daily think that isn't true just because it was a press release.

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As for the criticism for Newbie Dash, while I like it enough..... I agree with UP, Megas and C Thunder about being extremely underwelming as conclusion of a story arc lasted six years. Especially if compared with Twilight's, Rarity's and the CMCs' multiple conclusions, and here I link myself to what I've said in my own post: the conclusions I've mentioned above were all made by the three master writers of MLP (Larson, McCarthy and Rogers)(except The Saddle Row Review which I consider an expansion of Rarity's conclusion, and was written by Confalone, but it still was a really good episode anyway because Confalone got the characters right since he still joined a season before, so he already mastered the characters by the time he started writing that specific episode). The big mistake of Newbie Dash was.... giving it to a completely new writer. Why they did that, it's a mystery....

There's no excuse. We've had plenty of new writers delivering on very risky episodes, Corey Powell was a new writer and was tasked with not only Scootaloo's first episode, but one that began her relationship with Dash, episode aired and became a fan favorite. Newbie Dash genuinely feels like they didn't give a shit at all. The episode not only brings Dash into the Wonderbolts in the most underwhelming way possible, it spends it's entire time humiliating Dash on what was supposed to be a defining moment for the character. Remember, even Josh Haber and Jim Miller actually had to look at it, and probably thought "YUP, THIS IS DEFINITELY A GREAT WAY TO CAP THIS ARC!". It seriously feels like they went out of their way to make it feel like they exact opposite of a milestone episode, and becomes a gigantic middle finger to anyone who was interested in her arc.


Say what you will about Magical Mystery Cure, it has a lot of problems, but at least it felt like they cared and wanted to make it feel special. Newbie Dash comes off as the writers saying "HAHAHA YOU SERIOUSLY THOUGHT SHE ACCOMPLISHED SOMETHING!!! HAHAHA FUCK YOU!"



EDIT: Alright I seriously need to calm down, every time I think of that episode I start fuming  :P



Third of all, this is where opinions start to kick in. This is only what you think. In my opinion Starlight is doing a great job at friendship for a pone like her. Yeah, she still has some bad habits but I'm sure that she will work on these stuff in season 7. Trust me


I won't deny that she's been wanting to get better at friendship, but imo they've done a terrible job of showing it. I do hope they address it these problems in S7. There's a lot of things that can help her improve imo if they actually fix it, namely her relationship with the mane 5(and no BS montage please :P)

Edited by Megas
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I get you on the part that mlp is beginning to lose your interests but eh...to be honest that isn't a problem. ...the reform changeling(?) yeah I think that will be the iceberg that will sink my interests for mlp. Unless they come up with something that will make up this predicament  then  I will reconsider it again. 

Edited by satrox



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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God forbid we actually have an interesting finale where we don't see the same old crap all over again a.k.a the mane 6 defeating a monster by shooting a rainbow in its face.

Still think the presence of some big bad at all is getting awfully tired, but I absolutely agree about appreciating something different for once. S5 finale and this one's premise had me worrying that the finales were gonna start getting samey. Do be civil, though. 


Especially if compared with Twilight's

To me, "The Cute Re-Mark" is the episode which actually provides satisfying closure for Twilight's character arc, simply by repositioning her - both in the initial lecture and in taking Starlight as a student - as a teacher, when for most of the show she had been a student, interested in learning above all else. That was written by Haber, and I struggle to agree that "Magical Mystery Cure" is better than "Newbie Dash," if only because I kinda like "Newbie Dash" and hate "Magical Mystery Cure" with the heat of a thousand suns. 


'course, I think "Newbie Dash" actually did a pretty good and thoughtful job of concluding Dash's arc, even if it could have done more to emphasize her best qualities. 



Being "different" and "unique" are bullshit excuses for things that pretty much require breaking suspension of disbelief. You expect me to believe that the changelings suddenly overpower everything? You expect me to believe that the mane 6 AND the princesses suddenly can't handle a few changeling grunts? 

Your disbelief was suspended because of something you didn't see? We didn't even see exactly how the mane six, princesses, and Shining Armour were captured, and yet you're assuming they were merely "overpowered?" Maybe the changelings drugged them. Maybe they caught them off guard with their disguises. There's plenty of possibilities, and showing it offscreen just means that the episode doesn't waste time with something which is largely irrelevant. Besides, if you recall the S2 finale, they were practically overpowered there as well. Remember the mane six's fight scene? That ended in their defeat. 



Also, it still hasn't gotten me to care about Starlight, she suddenly gets to be the hero when the season has done a terrible job of getting me to care, and all her development has done is make Twilight look like a poor teacher. 

At least you're being honest about that. I will say, though, that "making Twilight look like a poor teacher" is something I actually don't think the show is doing enough of, because Twilight struggling with her new role sounds a hell of a lot more interesting than the infallibility she displays most of the time now. 



Not to mention, despite the show showing Twilight(and Spike) try to do a lot more for Starlight than Trixie ever did, she still picks the latter as her best friend, how much more of a middle finger can you get

I think Starlight has a more difficult time relating to Twilight and Spike than to Trixie. As much as Twilight and Spike do for Starlight, her relationship with them never feels as close or as sincere as her relationship with Trixie, and because of that, I do just think that Starlight feels that going with Trixie would grant her more comfort than if she went with Twilight. 


Also, this is entirely subjective, but I kind of enjoy watching Twilight get metaphorically smacked around. I guess after her role in "P.P.O.V.," I'm desperate for anything showing her in less than the most glowingly positive of lights; I guess I find it humanizing, and I think that the unceremonious capture of the mane six does that for me as well. 

There's no excuse. We've had plenty of new writers delivering on very risky episodes, Corey Powell was a new writer and was tasked with not only Scootaloo's first episode, but one that began her relationship with Dash, episode aired and became a fan favorite. Newbie Dash genuinely feels like they didn't give a shit at all. The episode not only brings Dash into the Wonderbolts in the most underwhelming way possible, it spends it's entire time humiliating Dash on what was supposed to be a defining moment for the character. Remember, even Josh Haber and Jim Miller actually had to look at it, and probably thought "YUP, THIS IS DEFINITELY A GREAT WAY TO CAP THIS ARC!". It seriously feels like they went out of their way to make it feel like they exact opposite of a milestone episode, and becomes a gigantic middle finger to anyone who was interested in her arc.


Say what you will about Magical Mystery Cure, it has a lot of problems, but at least it felt like they cared and wanted to make it feel special. Newbie Dash comes off as the writers saying "HAHAHA YOU SERIOUSLY THOUGHT SHE ACCOMPLISHED SOMETHING!!! HAHAHA FUCK YOU!"

I disagree with the assertion that it makes no effort to provide emotional resonance to the ending of her character arc. I think what they were going for there is, if not perfectly executed, still very thoughtful and profound. Consider the nickname "Rainbow Crash": It was once used as an insult, and she believes that's also the case with the Wonderbolts, except it's not. It's just a nickname, like every other Wonderbolt has. Think about that: Dash was given something which Wonderbolts have. Because she's a Wonderbolt. She took that name and reclaimed it as a symbol of her success. She acts like she does because she's anxious, and she's anxious because, even as far as she's come, she thinks she has screwed it up -- but she hasn't. She's still a Wonderbolt. She made it. She acts embarrassingly because she's anxious as all hell, and she's anxious because she thinks she might lose everything she's worked for... but she's mistaken. She already made it. The dream has come true. 


That's the point that I get from the episode, and I think it's a really intelligent way to end this particular character arc. It's just too bad that the episode itself isn't a lot more polished, and that it doesn't have significantly better humour, because it has all the right ideas to be something legitimately great. I still have a real soft spot for it. 

EDIT: Alright I seriously need to calm down, every time I think of that episode I start fuming  :P

Aaaaaand I probably just riled you up again. Sorry about that. 

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Honestly, I'm kind of hoping the S7 has just 13 episodes. The less episodes it will have, the less risks there are that the Mane 6 are gonna be damaged more by the time the Movie is released.


Oh and another thing: if the S7 finale repeats the scheme of the S6's other than pretending that it never existed, strongly believing that the Movie is the actual S7 finale AND series finale, I'm gonna delete the name Jim Miller from my mindforever, and then caput.


You know, the fact I'm losing my respect in Jim Miller reminds me when a year half ago I lost my love for Nintendo after 15 years of support after that abomination of E3.... probably losing faith in people you trusted for so many years, is one of the worst feelings a person can have... I probably should stop of developing respect toward someone who produces pieces of entertainment, after all everybody do that just for money... ah, what an idiot I've been...

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