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What would you do when an awkward fan situation happen to you in public?


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Like a mlp ringtone rings on your phone. Or someone see you walk around with mlp toys.



Would you feeling emberassed? Would feel funny? Would you try to stay cool?


Just an example.





Your opinions please...

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Honestly I don't care anymore. If someone sees me good for them. They try and say something..we'll let's just say I'm a very big smart-ass and would not let them get the last word. I know how the mind works and I can destroy it depending on the person.

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At this point, I honestly don't care. Random people's opinions doesn't matter that much and most people I know already know I'm a brony. I even just revealed on my Twitch stream that I was a brony and just rolled with it.

  • Brohoof 1
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I would either stay quite if its really awkward and then change the subject in a spit second.  Or I will just start off saying "hey how it going?"

Edited by satrox
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It already has.


I've had ringtones go off in situations that might have been better if it not had. I also have a phone app game, and have forgotten the sound at times in places.


It is not the end of the world honestly and you just have to ignore the looks.

  • Brohoof 1
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Already happened, I like to listen to mlp music on my bus using my laptop on youtube, so some annoying people like to look at my screen to see what I'm listening to (I'm often singing along lol) when they see ponies on the screen, they ask "are those ponies?!" in a really rude tone, I just reply, "So what?" same if they ask my lil sis

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I usually keep my cool. Hell, I've even prepared for the possibility of my pony collection being seen by mortal eyes and act accordingly: keep my cool, and basically tell them those are my horses, and deal with it  XD. 

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