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^ I laughed so much xDDD



At first seasons I shipped Fluttershy x Big Mac.

But then that meta version of Fluttershy 100% more shy appeared. plus the show itself made it pretty shippy with Big Mac..




SO CUTE!!!! :wub:  :wub: Limestone (edit: oops) Marble Pie x Big Mac my ultimate (if not the only) straight ship 




Rarity is the most shippeable for me tho. I mean just take a handsome white unicorn et voilá

I lowkey ship Fluttershy with Bulk Biceps and Iron Will. Shy pony with macho machos. plus Flutter has that hidden angry personality and it matches Iron

Edited by Tropico
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Limestone Pie x Big Mac my ultimate (if not the only) straight ship

   That's Marble Pie. Mmmmmarble. MarbleMarbleMarbleMarbleMmmmarble! Limestone is her sister that's the complete polar opposite of her! The one with with grey hair! The one with the angry, pretty green eyes! The one that also happens to be my pony waifu! Man, was this close to breaking out the Flash Sentry shipping-pitchforks!  Mmmmmmmmmmarrrrble.


   I'm totally on board with Snowflake/Bulk Biceps + Fluttershy. He seems like the sweet & sensitive sort for the big lunk that he is. So too, the mare does seem to gravitate towards the more hulky body builder types, she was all over him in that... one episode about the pegusai tourney at rainbow falls. She was spotting for him, sitting on his weights, heck, he's even fully willing to wear frilly dresses & participate in tea parties! Despite his awkward, loud outbursts, one gets that feeling he's every bit as shy as Flutters! The fact she's clearly attracted to him don' hurt neither! *eyebrow waggle*

   Nope! That's it! Locking this one down on my ShipsList!  Now there's just the matter of what to call it... Bulkshy? Flutterflake? Snowshy?...

  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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   That's Marble Pie. Mmmmmarble. MarbleMarbleMarbleMarbleMmmmarble! Limestone is her sister that's the complete polar opposite of her! The one with with grey hair! The one with the angry, pretty green eyes! The one that also happens to be my pony waifu! Man, was this close to breaking out the Flash Sentry shipping-pitchforks!  Mmmmmmmmmmarrrrble.


   I'm totally on board with Snowflake/Bulk Biceps + Fluttershy. He seems like the sweet & sensitive sort for the big lunk that he is. So too, the mare does seem to gravitate towards the more hulky body builder types, she was all over him in that... one episode about the pegusai tourney at rainbow falls. She was spotting for him, sitting on his weights, heck, he's even fully willing to wear frilly dresses & participate in tea parties! Despite his awkward, loud outbursts, one gets that feeling he's every bit as shy as Flutters! The fact she's clearly attracted to him don' hurt neither! *eyebrow waggle*

   Nope! That's it! Locking this one down on my ShipsList!  Now there's just the matter of what to call it... Bulkshy? Flutterflake? Snowshy?...


sorry im not english and i totally get the names wrong  :o_o:  :o_o:  :o_o: FORGIVE ME ME GOD I SINNED!! I FEEL SO DIRTY INSIDE!



and omg yes i LOVED that scene where he wears that cute dress and doesnt make a drama about it ♥♥ so lovely that shy part of him. 

I love "Flutterflake" but maybe Bulkshy is more recognizable  :please:


aHAHAHA happy you're locking this ship too ♥♥

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@@Tropico,    Hey, hey, hey! Don't apologize to me, apologize to Miss. Marble!  *dramatic booping*

 Haaa, but I kid! Truly understandable that! (Thank Lard for spell check, am I right?)


  I whole-heartedly agree there too! They do feel rather cute together! Not to mention there's something a bit... cathartic about a mare as cripplingly shy as Flutters managing to get a shot at a stallion that impressive.    Still... rather silly looking of course, but impressive nonetheless!


 Darn shame that Pinkie, Applejack & Rarity are so hard to pair up. Mostly through lack of eligible stallions about. Rarity is likely the straightest arrow of the group & I'd hate to have to resort to background stallions that lack enough screentime to imply a personality like we can with Snowflake.

   Still wanna see FlashJack pulled off.... Hmm, and maybe Pinkie+Macintosh....Rarity & Double Diamond? eh, but that's a stretch...

  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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Yes thank Lard xDDD


The more we talk about Flutterflake the more i ship it omg started low tier and now's an AAA proud ship  :D


Yeah besides Rarity and Fluttershy I find the others hard to ship too. I totally DONT ship pinkie x cheese sandwich. I really dislike him. I know hes made for her but i dont see pinkie ready for a relationship. I find "pinkie in love" a concept out of her character.


for Applejack lets just ship her with a country pony.


oh wait i forgot, like someone said here, for Rainbow Dash i really liked Quibble Pants from the Daring Doo Con. They were so cute together doing fan things, and then hating each other. finally being friends again..xD I ship them too. I dont want rainbow with a wonderbolt guy  :ninja:




CUTE!  :wub:


Double Diamond imo matches phisically with Rarity but as you say i would like to see more personality from him (or any other) to start a ship.

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    Augh! I just realized that Flutterflake totally invalidates my TwiShy OTP! ACK! I'VE SHIPPED MYSELF INTO A CORNER!!




I totally DON'T ship pinkie x cheese sandwich. I really dislike him. I know he's made for her but i dont see...

   Yeh, he literally is made for her too. He was meant to be a celebrity cameo that gets over & done with after that episode. To me, he literally is Weird Al Yankovic and nothing else.

    Speaking of empty celebrity shells, that's why I don't want Dash with any Wonderbolts. That's pretty much just her dating a potential coworker & somepony else who just happens to have more or less the same goal. Sure, there might be more to Soarin but I need a bit more between them there....



for Applejack lets just ship her with a country pony.

  Yeah... just too bad pretty much ever country pony also happens to be a relative of her's... including the Pie family!


  Rainbow Dash & Quibblepants had actual, genuine, cannon chemistry there. An actual cannon date in the show! It's my indisputable opinion that's the writers getting fed up with all the fans implying she's gay or Bi- by just outright showing us & going " Look! Look, she's with an ACTUAL stallion! Enough already!"

  I don't connect the dots too much myself, but it is a respectable date there. I still prefer Zephyr+Dash though (if only for the unavoidable RomCom), but least that pairing has quite possibly the best shipping name ever in my opinion. Rainbow Pants!


  AS for Rarity & Spike...eh... It's not like it can't work, I just don't feel they mesh all that well or have all that much in common. It's cute... but, ehhh... To put it succinctly, think this picture summarizes my feelings on that ship rather well. If you catch the reference that is!


  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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Mine is mostly canon(s). not a shipper kind of person.


Cherrilee with Mac


King Somba with Princess Celestia ( comic canon)



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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Augh! I just realized that Flutterflake totally invalidates my TwiShy OTP! ACK! I'VE SHIPPED MYSELF INTO A CORNER!







I don't want Dash with any Wonderbolts. That's pretty much just her dating a potential coworker & somepony else who just happens to have more or less the same goal.



100% that. it wouldnt be as diverse if she starts dating Quibble. "Rainbow Pants" lmao love it



I dont like Rarity with Spike either. He's a kid and also I feel that Rarity sees him like a younger brother. (plus hes an annoying know-it-all but thats a personal opinion xD)

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Twilight and Flash Sentry

Rarity and Spike

Fluttershy and Discor or Big Mac

Dash with Soarin

Pinkie with Cheese Sandwhich

I actually don't have a straight ship with my favorite pony... Huh... So yeah Idk for AJ.

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Well, there's the ones from the book :P




but personally, I'd go:


Pinkie/cheese sandwhich

Rainbow dash/Soarin



Twilight/pony version of Timber

Applejack/ Big macintoshUnknown :P


I almost had a heart attack reading rarity's crush confesion cause i understood that SHE MEANT TWILIGHT HAD A CRUSH ON HER xDDDD that would be awesome xDDDD


Human Pinkie having a crush on Shining Armor wtf. I dont see it. i mean hes sexycute and all, but..omg

also Human Shining Armor is not brother from Sci-Twilight? That's weird  :blink:


Fluttershy's taste is perfect. That green haired guy is one of my top EG husbandos too  :yay:

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@@Unlikeable Pony,

   My reactions to that page, in order are as follows:




I almost had a heart attack reading rarity's crush confesion cause i understood that SHE MEANT TWILIGHT HAD A CRUSH ON HER

  OMIGOSH! TOTALLY! Fandom confirmed! First Same-Sex shipping! Whoo!

     ....Wait, Spike is purple too isn't he?... eh, that might also be a possibility.


   RD:  Rainbow... you... you don't know what romance is, do you? I'm pretty sure you'd be getting the same expression from me as you would Rarity. Unless... the physical act of doing what the sport requires him to do is some sort of turn on for you or something!    .....


  Huh, maybe I ought look into this whole "sport" thing...



   P.P.: Well it IS Shining after all, Pinks! I'm sure Cadence serves as some incontroversible evidence for that!


  F.S.: Huh, yeah. She goes for the hippy/hipster type, bet we didn't see that coming! Cl-ear-ly a transparent ploy for punnery, I daresay! Indeed!


  A.J: HRNG! ACTUAL PATHOS & CHARACTER BUILDING! Leave it to the farmgal to be the most genuine & heartfelt lass! AND SO HONEST! HRNK!!


    The Triple S: Why am I not surprised that the heartless demoness & wanted convict has issues working up an emotion? Hah.  ...Yes, I've not watched any of those movies. No, I don't see how that might skewer my ill-founded opinions on her character. Why would I feel anything for a transparently evil character that only hamfistedly makes attempts at redemption while awkardly trying to fit in socially?

           *Mayadere Alarm!*

 Great. Now I've fallen in love with another villainess.



  Was going to say too. Think there's one option I see being skipped alot on the subject that Pinkie might be a bit hard to ship. Discord. Now I can see that being debatable if he even has a gender for it to qualify as "straight" but I totes see them having this sort of Harley Quinn & Joker relationship.

    ...Uhh, a slightly more healthier one that is.

   I was really quite surprised that we didn't see more of a reaction out of Pinkie during Discords initial showboating. Even at Discord's absolute worst, I can still see Ms. Pie being all for Chaos.

   Twilight Sparkle: "We've got to stop Discord before this gets even more out of hoof!"

      Pinkie Pie: "What? Why?"

  Twilight: "Pink... Pinkie... I don't have time for this now... He's unraveling the fabric of reality itself!"

    Pinks: "Yeah, and? This is what the world usually looks like for me anyhoo! Nopony is gettin' hurt! Well, except that guy who just screamed to death while being dissolved into pixels. But I'm sure Discord will put that all back together."


   I see them working well together & there's even some fanart of that too. I just don't think they mesh quite as well as Lunacord might potentially.

 If any staunch supporters of...uh, Pink Cord (Hohmigawd! That's so romantically beutiful! Squee!) manage to see this, I would like to hear their stance on it.

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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This is a rather unpopular opinion, and I might get run off the forums for it, but... Twilight/Shining Armor is one of my faves.


I'm a huge sucker for brother/sister romance (in fiction, of course, not real life) and I think that Twilight and Shiny had great chemistry. I mean, just look at how jealous she got when she heard he was marrying Cadence. Twilight has said that as a child, he was her only friend, and even after years apart, they have a trust that is so deep and strong, it seems like nothing can shake it.


(I would go off about how Cadence/Twilight/Shiny is kind of my OT3, buuuut this is is a strictly straight thread ;) )

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   Well, to be fair, I rather get incest. Seen it happen often in anime down some rather long, traumatic backstory so I won't say its not realistic. I can see how paths may lead down that way sometimes, but... it's still... Yicky though.

   Twilight is straight focused on her brother! She straight up burst into song over him & I doubt many sisters would do that, lol! Though... she does also do that with Celestia. The fandom certainly has caught on with pairing Twi with her brother or Celestia. It would be a hard fit & quite the odd set of circumstances & some might difficult writing to get it to work, but it CAN!  Just not the highest on my list anyway, as Twi just seems to be the sort to get obsessive like that. Funny though... who she's known for a long time but doesn't fawn over like that? Her parents. Family drama, eh, eh?


  TwiShy is totes my OTP, but I have a hard time matching her with anypony else. Flash she only interacted with for one movie which was basically one episode's worth nor can I think of anyone else.  Hmmm, do see Twilight+Discord though they do seem to share more enmity. 

Edited by Widdershins
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   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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I almost had a heart attack reading rarity's crush confesion cause i understood that SHE MEANT TWILIGHT HAD A CRUSH ON HER xDDDD that would be awesome xDDDD


Human Pinkie having a crush on Shining Armor wtf. I dont see it. i mean hes sexycute and all, but..omg

also Human Shining Armor is not brother from Sci-Twilight? That's weird  :blink:


Fluttershy's taste is perfect. That green haired guy is one of my top EG husbandos too  :yay:

they mean Spike.


I see that.


That's a cute ship...


   Well, to be fair, I rather get incest. Seen it happen often in anime down some rather long, traumatic backstory so I won't say its not realistic. I can see how paths may lead down that way sometimes, but... it's still... Yicky though.

   Twilight is straight focused on her brother! She straight up burst into song over him & I doubt many sisters would do that, lol! Though... she does also do that with Celestia. The fandom certainly has caught on with pairing Twi with her brother or Celestia. It would be a hard fit & quite the odd set of circumstances & some might difficult writing to get it to work, but it CAN!  Just not the highest on my list anyway, as Twi just seems to be the sort to get obsessive like that. Funny though... who she's known for a long time but doesn't fawn over like that? Her parents. Family drama, eh, eh?


  TwiShy is totes my OTP, but I have a hard time matching her with anypony else. Flash she only interacted with for one movie which was basically one episode's worth nor can I think of anyone else.  Hmmm, do see Twilight+Discord though they do seem to share more enmity. 


This is a rather unpopular opinion, and I might get run off the forums for it, but... Twilight/Shining Armor is one of my faves.


I'm a huge sucker for brother/sister romance (in fiction, of course, not real life) and I think that Twilight and Shiny had great chemistry. I mean, just look at how jealous she got when she heard he was marrying Cadence. Twilight has said that as a child, he was her only friend, and even after years apart, they have a trust that is so deep and strong, it seems like nothing can shake it.


(I would go off about how Cadence/Twilight/Shiny is kind of my OT3, buuuut this is is a strictly straight thread ;) )

yeah thanks, but i se both of your points, and you know like I know of some Sasuke x Naruto and Neji x Hinata fic   ;)  :smug:  :wub:  :D  :-P


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