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If I had a vote, I would insist that the site be rolled back to the way it was before this alleged "Upgrade". I do not like the new format. It's much more difficult to navigate, and very confusing. The only notifications I get are "Status updates". Who cares about that? I liked being able to see if people quoted of bro-hoofed a post of mine. Is that gone forever?

My guess is that site usage is now going to drop like a rock.


That's just my two bits.

  • Brohoof 18


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Right there with you on this. Everything just seems clunkier and more tedious to do. Now to respond to a status, you have to click on it, wait for it to load, then wait for the text box to load, when before it was near instant. Also, status notifications, like when someone replies to one you have replied to, are far more vague than before. Now they just say 'So and so has respond to a status' Which one? The older version told us exactly which status it was. Sounds pretty downgrade-ish for being apart of an upgrade. Then there's the whole screwing up my thread thing but I won't get into that. At this point I can't say I am ever really going to get 'used to it'.



  • Brohoof 9



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The layout is way too wide. They should have an option to choose between the old and the new.

  • Brohoof 3


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Rolling it back wouldn't be a smart thing to do. This forum (like most forums) is based on third party software. Software changes over time and earlier versions are abandoned and no longer supported. 

I've said this before as a member and as staff and as a member again. Eventually they will have to upgrade. From here it is a matter of seeing what can be modified and what should be modified. 

There are visual things some have stated they do not like (the round avatars) and things that people are favorable toward. The best thing to do is itemize specific features you do not like so the dev team can determine what is actionable. 

  • Brohoof 15



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After a couple minutes using this new design for the site, I've already noticed something new that I asked for in the past:  condensed notifications.  Two people replied to a topic I'm following, and it shows up as one notification. That's exactly what I wanted.  The rest of this however is hard to navigate.  I knew where everything was before, now I have to start over.

  • Brohoof 8
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I don't mean to be unappreciative, but I feel like this could work with maybe a little extra polish and time. I echo Kyoshi's standpoint entirely; a lot of tasks now feel a lot more difficult to perform than what they used do. There are also some weird oddities, such as the character counter in the reply window being way too close to the content when it's probably intended to be anchored to the upper right hand corner aligned with the content controls. (Also not to mention status messages getting cut off, but that can probably be fixed with a little text scaling.)

I also understand the general appeal towards having more minimalist visuals on the front page, but it doesn't fit. You still have two main columns separating your content: one for the individual forums and the other for birthdays, the calendar and general status messages. There should be some kind of separator there to identify this split of responsibilities, perhaps setting the following css for ipsLayout_sidebar: {border-left: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1)} or performing it per content div within that window.

I do like a few of the things this update brings. Visually for the most part, things look pretty nice. As I've noted though, there are a few things off kilter here and there, but still pretty impressive given the short amount of maintenance time that took to bring the site back up.

Edited by Celtore
  • Brohoof 5
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just because it is less good for you doesn't mean the backend wasn't dramatically improved.

you are free to fight change, but the world is going to move on without you.

yeah, change is uncomfortable, but the upgrade probably means a better product in the long term.  

  • Brohoof 7

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I liked being able to see the last 20 odd posts that were added to on the forums and the last 10 or so posts that I participated in that had replies.  Is there any way to get some view like that back that I am missing?  Going forum to forum looking for recent posts is not something I want to do in general. 

  • Brohoof 7

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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C'MON PEEPS! Give it a chance!

This engine is in use only couple hours and people are angry. You will get used to "wide screen" "widgets in wrong places" and other stuff. Server ponies did it because it got too tough to maintain old forum engine. It's a serious technical reason.


Trust me, I'm an engineer.


  • Brohoof 12
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2 minutes ago, Crypty the Explorer said:

C'MON PEEPS! Give it a chance!

This engine is in use only couple hours and people are angry. You will get used to "wide screen" "widgets in wrong places" and other stuff. Server ponies did it because it got too tough to maintain old forum engine. It's a serious technical reason.


Trust me, I'm an engineer.


Well you have a point. I can get use to this but I do think the wide screen will take the longest to get use to XD

I do like a lot of features it came with. And it's still updating. Maybe it won't be so bad?

  • Brohoof 4
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One other thing I noticed is that it doesn't seem to keep track of total brohoofs anymore -- this might seem to be a trivial matter, but I actually kept whether or not a post would get brohoofs in mind when I was deciding whether to post something or not, and what ratio people had of brohoofs to posts was a fairly useful signal to noise ratio metric.


  • Brohoof 1

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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27 minutes ago, Celtore said:

I don't mean to be unappreciative, but I feel like this could work with maybe a little extra polish and time. I echo Kyoshi's standpoint entirely; a lot of tasks now feel a lot more difficult to perform than what they used do. There are also some weird oddities, such as the character counter in the reply window being way too close to the content when it's probably intended to be anchored to the upper right hand corner aligned with the content controls. (Also not to mention status messages getting cut off, but that can probably be fixed with a little text scaling.)

I also understand the general appeal towards having more minimalist visuals on the front page, but it doesn't fit. You still have two main columns separating your content: one for the individual forums and the other for birthdays, the calendar and general status messages. There should be some kind of separator there to identify this split of responsibilities, perhaps setting the following css for ipsLayout_sidebar: {border-left: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1)} or performing it per content div within that window.

I do like a few of the things this update brings. Visually for the most part, things look pretty nice. As I've noted though, there are a few things off kilter here and there, but still pretty impressive given the short amount of maintenance time that took to bring the site back up.

That's exactly what I mean by actionable feedback. Yeah there are things I'm not a huge fan of in IPB4's vanilla set up, and you are right to suggest that there are solutions that they could look at. Hoping they look into a few of them. 

  • Brohoof 4



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I strongly prefer the older software. We have to realize that this layout is more visually appealing and it loads better on phones, the reply updates on smart phones is actually rather efficent, however, i prefer having the recent topics of my own posting along with others centeted, this makes us dig for topics we are searching for rather than having them presented to us on the front page.. this layout has a social media supported concept about it

  • Brohoof 2
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5 minutes ago, silvadel said:

One other thing I noticed is that it doesn't seem to keep track of total brohoofs anymore -- this might seem to be a trivial matter, but I actually kept whether or not a post would get brohoofs in mind when I was deciding whether to post something or not, and what ratio people had of brohoofs to posts was a fairly useful signal to noise ratio metric.


The dev team commented publicly somewhere that they should be coming over in a few days. The data port was extensive and Brohoof are part of that. 

  • Brohoof 2



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27 minutes ago, silvadel said:

I liked being able to see the last 20 odd posts that were added to on the forums and the last 10 or so posts that I participated in that had replies.  Is there any way to get some view like that back that I am missing?  Going forum to forum looking for recent posts is not something I want to do in general. 

that was my favorite old part.
i'll figure out some other way if it doesn't come back, but it was pretty compact and functional. 

  • Brohoof 2

Send me pictures of ponies in hoodies

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I'm in the camp of "everyone should calm down and give it time". As others have said, the new update is only a couple of hours old, but a few users are getting upset about the change. 

Whilst I'm running into bugs here and there, I personally enjoy being able to instantly know when I get a reply to a thread though I'm on mobile, and I really enjoy the simplicity of mentions!  

I'm sure the devs are hard at work at importing some of the more useful features of the old site, so again, give it time! 

  • Brohoof 4
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Topic replies, I actually like how they're handled now...instead of getting 25 notifications for 25 new posts to "Topic X" and filling up my inbox....They're all listed as "Pony A, Pony B and Pony C have replied to Topic X"

I also love the new drag and drop for attachments to posts and they actually fill the given size of the post. It means I can jsut keep my one file open and instantly use the image I want instead of having to reopen my image folder every time.

The notification bar at the bottom is kinda neat as well. I can actually see live notifications, without having to refresh the page to see them.

Kinda cool that we can put emotes and stuff into status updates. :squee: 

I noticed my favourite Fluttershy emote is missing as well...the one that was tagged with :awuh: 

I kinda miss my profile background but I love the new Cover photo/banner at the top of it....though, I'm curious as to what the size dimensions of the block are...

Not  a *huge* fan of the round avatars or the "recent Activity" being narrowed down....but I can get used to it. :squee: 


Over all, I rather like the new setup...I'm liking all the little things that i'm finding..

  • Brohoof 2

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


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must agree i liked the old layout much more too, but the profile upgrade is great!

Also is there a way to turn off the notifications? I dont need to know that everyone i follow has added a new status thanks. I tend to look at that on the front page. 


edit: just to also note - much preferred the front page latest topics, blogs and events etc when they were little and subtle, the latest topics section just looks like a whole forum subsection. Its almost too much. Im the type of user that will go to the section I lurk around and just see whats new as opposed to being thrown with all the other topics i dont look at. Is there a minimize option at all?

Edited by StormBlaze
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It was confusing at first, but to anyone who regularly goes on online forums should get the hang of it within the first 20m-1h. All my original complaints about this update were fixed by searching around. Though the only problem I have with this update is it displays your warning history through only your POV on your profile. I'm trying to forget my past mistakes, and this isn't helping... I have yet to find a way to turn that off if there is a way.


11 minutes ago, StormBlaze said:

Also is there a way to turn off the notifications? I dont need to know that everyone i follow has added a new status thanks. I tend to look at that on the front page. 

Yes, though its kinda confusing so I'll just give you a link.


Its the fourth option under profile.

  • Brohoof 2


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10 hours ago, cuteycindyhoney said:

If I had a vote, I would insist that the site be rolled back to the way it was before this alleged "Upgrade". I do not like the new format. It's much more difficult to navigate, and very confusing. The only notifications I get are "Status updates". Who cares about that? I liked being able to see if people quoted of bro-hoofed a post of mine. Is that gone forever?

My guess is that site usage is now going to drop like a rock.


That's just my two bits.

Here my complaint, it might take awhile


Forums was down for a day- I wan'ted to rp. now i can't find my rp posts :angry:


There is no zombie emote, i am disappointed MLPForums 



Zombie Emoticons



No results
idk how to change colour back after putting in a paste
Finally, that was better, also the spaces are too big, yeah its a sin too. 
It does a double space which isn't quite enough after a single space, and two spaces is super chunky
but im gonna space anyway, because I can. Have all the space, hehehehe
I mean, can you like roll it back, otherwise can a certain zombie find where you keep the server boxs and chew on the wires
8 hours ago, Hypn0ticD said:

everyone should calm down and give it time

That's what happened with the umbrella corporatation and the T-Virus


it didn't end well




3 spaces, are you kidding me?] Well anyways, if you gave it anymore time your going to run out of spaces, if thats possible.


10 hours ago, Kyoshi said:

Everything just seems clunkier and more tedious to d

I don't like the quote this button


one miniute its there


the next its over there


takes me 3 times to click it, also how do i just do a mention?





also these spaces, have i mentioned them? I mean damn, its like a black hole worth of spaces, i've only done 3 replys. I normally do around 4 or 5 in a rp.



This is just going to end up killing my rp, because it takes up a whole page just to read.




whos idea is this?


also videos are too big


takes up like 10 spaces


also says that media isn't supported


Sigh, can we get rid of it? Please?



9 hours ago, Tangle said:

C'MON PEEPS! Give it a chance!



I like my forums like i like my food


Easy to see


Easy to use


Without any complications









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