Castle Bleck 19,380 May 10, 2017 Share May 10, 2017 (edited) Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. Unfair gameplay mechanics, and a story that basically s***s all over your accomplishments and nostalgia (not to mention making Master Xehanort one of my most-disliked villains (and not in terms of "love to hate," either) of all time). Edited August 7, 2017 by A.V. By @Emerald Heart.↑ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
S.F. 1,560 May 10, 2017 Share May 10, 2017 I couldn't say what my worst of all time are, but one that springs to mind is Command and Conquer Red Alert 3. I didn't mind the game so much, had some fun with it (and it kept some of Red Alerts sillyness which was good), but what I really dislike is what direction it took the series as far as mechanics. The original Red Alert is pretty much what got me into gaming properly (instead of just casually playing on my uncles SNES). EA just sucked all that was C&C out of C&C, especially considering it followed the (imo) excellent C&C 3. After RA3, I didn't bother getting C&C 4. More recetly, I got the Force Unleashed 2, while 1 wasn't a great game, I had a lot of fun with it (and the story wasn't too bad either), 2 just felt rushed, bland story and I actually got bored with it by the end (at least it came around quickly). I wouldn't call them the worst I've ever played (I have no idea what I would say is), but they are two that certainly stand out to me. *Insert deep, intelligent and witty signature here* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
K.Rool Addict 718 May 10, 2017 Share May 10, 2017 Worst videogame I ever played and beat was Resident Evil Revelations. Everything about that game was just PAINFUL to sit through, at least for the 3ds version >.> Why? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Catpone Cerberus 23,666 May 10, 2017 Share May 10, 2017 (edited) I didn't like Witcher 2 or Just Cause 1, but worst game I have ever played, have to be Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing, and yes, I actually played it. And many of the cheap card-farming games on steam are pretty terrible too. Edited May 10, 2017 by The Cerberus “Cats!” “Cats!” “Music!” “Cats!” “Cats!” “(^・ω・^ )ノ” Ask me something! by @Stevonnie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stone Cold Steve Jobs 22,441 May 22, 2017 Share May 22, 2017 That's tough. I'm saying it's a tie between Dead Island and The Last of Us. And that’s the bottom line, ‘cause Stone Cold said so! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Celli 4,339 May 23, 2017 Share May 23, 2017 Definitely Sonic 06. Just overall frustrating and I wanted to toss my controller across the room several times. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
K.Rool Addict 718 May 23, 2017 Share May 23, 2017 (edited) On May 22, 2017 at 0:28 PM, Someguyinablazer said: That's tough. I'm saying it's a tie between Dead Island and The Last of Us. The Last of Us was one of the most overrated games I have ever played. Awesome production values doesn't automatically make a game good; I wish reviewers would learn this -.- Imo: The Last of Us Graphics - 10/10 - Jaw droppingly beautiful. Like holy crap, best graphics I saw on any Ps3 game, period. Sound (Music, Voice Acting, etc.) - 9.5/10 - Damn impressive. I cannot find any flaws here. Narrative (Story, Characters, etc.) - 8/10 - Very good. I found most of the characters unlikeable and the story rather predictable, but I think (the former of which) was intentional. Still, alot of depth and effort put into this area. Gameplay - 5/10 - UGH. Stealth, stealth, and more stealth. Deceivingly linear level design, boring shoot-outs, same damn shiv insta kill cutscenes over and over ad nauseum... bleh, not my style at all. I will admit that the weapon upgrades were fun to unlock and use, and the way the crosshair swayed back and forth made shootouts considerably more challenging, but that's about it :/ Everything else was either lackluster, or just by-the-numbers post apocalyptic shooter fare. I certainly wouldn't call it "the worst game I ever played" or anywhere even close, but it was still very disappointing after the insane levels of praise it received from pretty much every damn reviewer out there. Definitely not a 10/10. Maybe more like a 7/10 or a 7.5/10 at best Edited May 23, 2017 by K.Rool Addict Why? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guac 25 May 24, 2017 Share May 24, 2017 sonic and the secret rings. forgettable garbage game nobody even cares enough to bring up. horrid controls, boring story, boring gameplay, mediocre visuals, and ass performance. i've been playing paladins recently and after so many people calling it a clone i tried it and it feels very different from OW despite me being around level 240. i didn't think i'd enjoy it as much as i do rn. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Altscar 49 May 24, 2017 Share May 24, 2017 Ride To Hell: Retribution Yes, i actually played it. It was so bad it was good in my opinion. (I have bad tastes) 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magic Note 2,749 May 24, 2017 Share May 24, 2017 Tough choice between Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde (NES) and Batman Forever (Game Boy). The former is just an exercise of frustration and bad gameplay. The latter is borderline unplayable because the game developers, in their infinite wisdom, never listed the secret moves (grappling hook, something you need to do to beat the game 100%? It's not listed in the manual). Oh, and those secret moves can fail to input, even if you did the correct button inputs! (coming soon) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The MegaBrony 219 May 24, 2017 Share May 24, 2017 A Bug's Life for the Game Boy Color. Flik is a terrible jumper (even Mega Man jumps better than him), there are only four enemy types in the entire game (barring the final boss whom you just easily outrun), and the level design is boring. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The MegaBrony 219 May 24, 2017 Share May 24, 2017 On 3/31/2017 at 10:25 AM, Little Flyer said: So in your own experience, what is the worst videogame you've ever played? For me, that would be Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric. There was just nothing good about it. After three days of giving it a fair shot, I sold the game and the entirety of my collection of Sonic the Hedgehog memorabilia, and vowed to myself "Never Again." Looks like I'm not the only ex-Sonic fan around. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyoshi Frost Wolf 41,759 May 24, 2017 Share May 24, 2017 Pinpointing the absolute worst game I have played would probably be impossible, but I can name a few different games that I hate with a passion: Digimon World 2 (PS1): A boring game that was confusing as all hell and it didn't seem to know what genre it wanted to be in. Dynasty Warriors 6 (XB360): The next gen debut for one of my favorite franchises and it was garbage. The combat system was drastically worse than the previous games, with no combo variations whatsoever and the game also had very inconsistent visuals. It just wasn't fun. Destiny (XBONE): A generic, bland and boring grindfest with no story and no soul. Then the DLC came out and made the game worthless to all that paid $60 for it but didn't buy the DLC. This game is Activision being its absolute worst. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Will Guide 21,362 May 24, 2017 Share May 24, 2017 Sonic '06. I'm personally okay with the story. But the bad level designs, glitches, and loads and loads AND LOADS AND LOADS OF LOADING made getting to the ending a test of endurance even with a walkthrough. A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
proudboyz42 28 May 24, 2017 Share May 24, 2017 Jaws the video game. Yes that is actually a thing. You would think be able to be Jaws, eat people, and fight sea creatures would be awesome but it sank big time (pun intended). Bad controls, poor almost nonexistent story, repetitive, poor instructions, terrible camera, God awful graphics, and it got SO BORING SO QUICKLY. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BritishBrony2012 823 July 2, 2017 Share July 2, 2017 Chase the Express (PS1), find it annoying cos end it with bad ending, not sure what I surpose to do to get right story. Try again still bad ending. Proud British Brony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wardaddy 470 July 21, 2017 Share July 21, 2017 Halo 5, without a shadow of a doubt, is the worst of the worst games I've ever played on all gaming devices combined. Oh, how the mighty have fallen in my eyes. To think 343 Industries (the inheritor of the Halo franchise after Bungie left) did so well with the first game they built from the ground up, which was Halo 4. Admittedly, the multiplayer sucked because it was too similar to Halo's bitter rival Call of Duty, but the story was among the best ever in the franchise. Chief awakening from cryosleep to fight an ancient evil he accidentally awakened, while trying to save his friend and ally (and our beloved) Cortana from rampancy. The story made sense, the plot was totally coherent and there was nothing too out of left field (except for the Elites being enemies again, let alone the Covenant in my book). Plus, it was a sad death, but Cortana went out on her own terms. She didn't give in. She went out helping Chief defeat the Didact so that the people of Earth could be saved from composition. It was a beautiful death. One that she rightfully deserved for her 8 years of service alongside our favorite cyborg. Then suddenly, without zero explanation (or any sustainable sense of belief), 343 decided not only to bring her back in Halo 5, but to make her the villain. Every link to Halo 4 and its sub-campaign Spartan Ops was completely shafted by her return (as well as other facts I cannot recall off the top of my head). Her character suffered a complete 180 from how we, the Halo fans, once knew her. Nothing has enraged me more, given that I wasn't expecting anything like this. The Halo 5 trailers teased a conflict between the Chief and an assassin hired to either arrest or kill him, Agent Locke of the Office of Naval Intelligence. Given what was brewing in the Halo universe after the events of Halo 4, the sequel looked set to be an incredible game. But 343 pulled this, and the hype train derailed horribly. There was never a conflict between Locke and Chief. Cortana should have been left dead. She had served her purpose. A coming human civil war was ignored in favor of this filth. I could go on and on. There is also the multiplayer. I played one game and my team got destroyed by sweatstained tryhards. Never went back since. I fear for Halo 6 in the aftermath of this heresy. I fear 343 will pull something else dimwitted and poorly thought out, but surely they have learned from their mistakes. Surely they won't make the same mistake again, right? "Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent" Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier My OC - Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Celli 4,339 July 21, 2017 Share July 21, 2017 Alright. It's not a bad game, but it had a bad effect on me as a big fan of the series, but Metroid Other M. I'd go into detail about why I hate this game, but I'd be here all day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Discordian 6,015 July 22, 2017 Share July 22, 2017 Y'alls is some lucky people if the worst games you've ever played are things like The Witcher, Kingdom Hearts, Halo and Destiny. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Celli 4,339 July 22, 2017 Share July 22, 2017 (edited) 1 hour ago, Discordian said: Y'alls is some lucky people if the worst games you've ever played are things like The Witcher, Kingdom Hearts, Halo and Destiny. Halo 5 is a far cry from the rest of the series, it's more like CoD than Halo, honestly. The series has gotten stale ever since 343 became the devs. The person said he didn't like Witcher 2, he didn't say it was the worst game, although, Witcher 1 could be a contender for a game that's aged like milk. And Destiny was such a disappointment after so much hype. Can you blame people for hating it? I can't vouch for Kingdom Hearts, Chain of Memories, as I've only played a bit of the first, but from what I've heard it wasn't well liked as the first one, and was really repetitive, and had none of the fun gameplay of the first. Edited July 22, 2017 by Celli Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Discordian 6,015 July 22, 2017 Share July 22, 2017 None of these are broken games. For all intents and purposes a game being functional alone should exclude it from the ranks of "worst video games" but I understand that not everyone has played as many games as I have. Which is why I say they're lucky. If the worst they have to deal with is preferential differences then they've got it good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Celli 4,339 July 22, 2017 Share July 22, 2017 5 minutes ago, Discordian said: None of these are broken games. For all intents and purposes a game being functional alone should exclude it from the ranks of "worst video games" but I understand that not everyone has played as many games as I have. Which is why I say they're lucky. If the worst they have to deal with is preferential differences then they've got it good. Well, Witcher 1 I actually disagree. The controls could be considered broken, seriously, try playing the original Witcher. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tacodidra 61,295 July 22, 2017 Share July 22, 2017 (edited) When I was ten, I tried to program an adventure game without understanding anything about programming. The result was a disaster that crashed the computer after a few seconds of playing. So yes, the worst game I have ever played was my own creation. As for actual released games, I think this one wins (though I've just played the emulated version on GameCube): On 6.4.2017 at 11:50 AM, SONICchaos said: In terms of basic say the Game Gear version of Sonic Spinball. The controls and collision detection were SOOOOO off you would could phase through anything if hit at the right spot...even through the paddles that kept you from dying The Game Gear Sonic games were hit and miss in general, nothing compared to the Mega Drive classics. Sonic 1 on Game Gear was one I liked, though. Edited July 22, 2017 by Tacodidra 1 Signature by @Sparklefan1234 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DixonTheAdversary 1,632 August 1, 2017 Share August 1, 2017 The worst games I can think of that I've played are: Unpossible, Spongebob's Atlantis Squarepantis, Six Flags: Fun Park, The Glacier Series, and Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest August 1, 2017 Share August 1, 2017 Dota 2. Jesus christ I hate that game so much lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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