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RK5 Debug Console
For RPG Maker VX Ace
"I was tired of testing stuff in the Editor - Now I can do that on move"
Version: 1.2.1


I've noticed, that some members use RPG Maker VX Ace to make games.
That's why I'd like to share this script, that I wrote ages ago.
Perhaps it will be useful for somepony.


def draw_introduction
This script adds an in-game console, that can be brought in any scene to perform a script call, that can be typed during gameplay.
There are many, many, many possibilities of using that console, starting from simply changing variables to even performing advanced codes to 
affect objects or even create them.
Besides freely typed strings, the console contains build-in commands, for quicker debugging like teleporting player to specific maps and coordinates or hooking objects like windows to move or resize them and print their parameters into a txt file to allow developers configure them in the script properly.


def features
-=> Type script calls to affect things in your game!

$game_party.members.each do |m|; m.hp = 1; m.mp = 1; end

Typing the above in the console will set HP and MP to 1 for all party members.

-=> Use build-in commands! Think of cheats or commands in Minecraft lel
       (spawn items/gold, noclip, teleport and stuff like this)
-=> Hook objects like windows to adjust their position, size or opacity
       and print the results into a txt file!
-=> Change variables, actor/enemy stats and many, many more
-=> Check values maintained by variables etc.
-=> Everything is up to you!
Planned Features:
-=> More commands - because why not?


def draw_instructions
► SCRIPT DIFFICULTY: ★★☆☆☆ - ★★★★☆
                            from build-in commands - to advanced usage
  [■] CP Keyboard Input script by Neon Black
    └►[author] http://forums.rpgmak...626-neon-black/
    └►[script] http://pastebin.com/raw/rD4rQtKP
-=> Place script(s) below ▼ Materials; above ▼ Main Process
-=> Plug & Play
-=> Press '~' (tilde) to bring up the console or exit from it.
-=> Type /help in console to view available commands and such.


def draw_currenty_available_commands


# CURRENTLY AVAILABLE COMMANDS                                                 #
# ----------------------------                                                 #
# [■] Commands - Call pre-made codes.                                          #
#   └► Toogle Noclip Mode | /noclip                                            #
#   |    Desc: Allows to go through impassable objects.                        #
#   |    Usage: /noclip #=> Toogles Noclip Mode ON/OFF                         #
#   |                                                                          #
#   └► Give Item | /give [type] [id] [amount] OR /give <item name> [amount]    #
#   |    Desc:  Spawns an item in inventory. Types: 1=item 2=weapon 3=armor    #
#   |    Usage: /give 1 5 10 #=> Gives 10x item with ID 5 from item category   #
#   |           /give Small Potion 10 #=> Gives items based on their names     #
#   |           (If there will be multiple items with the same name, it will   #
#   |            give them all, even from various item categories)             #
#   |                                                                          #
#   └► Give All | /give all                                                    #
#   |    Desc:  Fills your inventory with everything.                          #
#   |    Usage: /give all #=> Gives EVERYTHING x 99                            #
#   |                                                                          #
#   └► Lose All | /lose all                                                    #
#   |    Desc:  Cleans up your inventory.                                      #
#   |    Usage: /lose all #=> Removes EVERYTHING x 999                         #
#   |                                                                          #
#   └► Spawn Gold | /gold [amount]                                             #
#   |    Desc:  Adds or removes a specified amount of gold to/from inventory.  #
#   |    Usage: /gold 1000 #=> Adds 1000 gold to player's inventory            #
#   |                                                                          #
#   └► Transfer Player | /tp [map_id] [x] [y]                                  #
#   |    Desc: Moves player to specific map and coordinates.                   #
#   |    Usage: /tp 2 4 5 #=> Moves player to [4,5] position on MAP002         #
#   |                                                                          #
#   └► Scene Call | /sc scene ("Scene_" is automatically added)                #
#   |    Desc: Calls a specific scene.                                         #
#   |    Usage: /sc Menu #=> Calls a Scene_Menu                                #
#   |                                                                          #
#   └► Escape From Battle | /run                                               #
#   |    Desc: Successfully escapes from battle.                               #
#   |    Usage: /run #=> Escapes from battle and gets back to Map              #
#   |                                                                          #
#   └► Force Victory | /win                                                    #
#        Desc: Forces victory by instant-killing all enemies.                  #
#        Usage: /win #=> Kills all enemies - Your new secret OP weapon         #
#                                                                              #
# [■] Functions - New logical keywords used by this console.                   #
#   └► Check Value | [var] == ?                                                #
#   |    Desc: Returns current value from object to the console.               #
#   |    Usage: $game_variables[5] == ? #=> Returns value from Variable #5     #
#   |                                                                          #
#   └► Hook Object | /hook [object]                                            #
#        Desc: Hooks an object to allow moving/resising by input.              #
#        Usage: /hook @status_window #=> Hooks f.e. a party window from menu   #
#                                                                              #
# [■] Shortcuts - Replaces keyword into a string when pressing [TAB] button.   #
#   └► Variables | #v                                                          #
#   |    Desc: Code used to handle variables.                                  #
#   |    Usage: #v =[TAB]=> $game_variables => $game_variables[3]              #
#   |                                                                          #
#   └► Switches | #s                                                           #
#   |    Desc: Code used to handle switches.                                   #
#   |    Usage: #s =[TAB]=> $game_switches => $game_switches[3]                #
#   |                                                                          #
#   └► Party Members | #a                                                      #
#   |    Desc: Refers to a member similar to eg. 'a.hp' in Damage Formulas.    #
#   |    Usage: #a =[TAB]=> $game_party.members => $game_party.members[3].hp   #
#   |                                                                          #
#   └► Party Members | #b                                                      #
#        Desc: Refers to an enemy similar to eg. 'b.hp' in Damage Formulas.    #
#        Usage: #b =[TAB]=> $game_troop.members => $game_troop.members[3].hp   #
#                                                                              #
# REMEMBER: You can use negative numbers to subtract values / remove items     #
#                                                                              #
#                     - More to come in future updates -                       #




def create_screenshots
# Screenshots






#Some gifs showing this script in action:
@> Testing stuff on fresh project




@> 'HOOK' Command!




@> Testing commands ~ Uses version under development
@> Toying with menu ~ Uses version under development


def terms_of_use
-=> You ARE allowed to use this script in non-commercial projects.
-=> You ARE NOT allowed to use this script in commercial projects. Contact me first.
-=> You ARE allowed to edit this script to your needs.
-=> You ARE NOT allowed to repost or post modified versions of this script without my permission.
-=> You ARE DEFINITELY NOT allowed to claim this script as your own. Just to be clear. ^,^
-=> Crediting me, Rikifive would be heavily appreciated.
-=> You ARE obligated to read and follow the terms of use of
         CP Keyboard Input script created by Neon Black as well
While I won't kill anybody for breaking these terms of use, it still would be a violation of personal rights, that shouldn't happen.
By using this script you accept these terms of use.
Not reading them DOES NOT exempt you from liability.


def put_download_link
download_link_pastebin = RK5 Debug Console v.1.2.1
required_script = 
CP Keyboard Input script v1.0a by Neon Black


# UPDATES                                                                      #
# -------                                                                      #
# [■] 03.05.2016 | Version 1.2.1                                               #
#   └► you can print hooked object's parameters by pressing [CTRL]             #
#   └► added changeable opacity of the object to hook command                  #
#                                                                              #
# [■] 29.04.2016 | Version 1.2                                                 #
#   └► added 'Give' command                                                    #
#   └► added 'Give All' command                                                #
#   └► added 'Lose All' command                                                #
#   └► added 'Spawn Gold' command                                              #
#   └► added 'Noclip' command                                                  #
#   └► improved help window - it displays information more clearly             #
#                                                                              #
# [■] 27.04.2016 | Version 1.1                                                 #
#   └► added 'Hook' function                                                   #
#   └► incorrect codes don't crash the game anymore                            #
#   |  (Thanks to BLACK WYVERN for help with this)                   #
#   └► all sounds can be configured or disabled                                #
#   └► 'optimized' script code a little to make it shorter and more effective  #
#                                                                              #
# [■] 25.04.2016 | Version 1                                                   #
#   └► initial release                                                         #





Egghead stuff confirmed.



This script was tested by Eric. He didn't complain.

Edited by Rikifive
  • Brohoof 5


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