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Why Console gaming is dying and why PC or Steam gaming is the future


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First of all. Consoles peasants as admirable as it is. It just doesnt work in this time and age. And i'll explain why which i think most would agree with.

First of all, i loved Playstation 1... i Loved playstation 2. And i played the heck out of the xbox 360, wii and Playstation 3. So why doesn't it work anymore? Well for one TVs have gone from Composite to HDMI, second its just more social to have PC to play with than to be glued to the TV. You can play games such as Final Fantasy, or SEGA classics games on Steam and still go to the living room and say hi while being on PC.

There are only few exceptions to consoles and that is if they are for social constructs. Like we have a Super Nintendo home, but thats because we played Super Mario, Donkey Kong Country... its not like i have it in my apartment. Like sitting there in a cave glued to the TV... that just doesnt work now. I mean when i was a kid it worked 100% because 1: I had friends coming over. 2: Well thats it really... there was a reason to have it. Now there really isnt. So if you wanna feel included, switch from consoles to PC. Also remember i hoped you got lots of games this year with Steam Summer Sales 2017.


Edit: I forgot to add the another reason why PC is better. Mainly the internet. There is much more distraction in life on the internet also the fact that you can connect with friends, that being glued to the TV doesnt work as it did in the 90s and early 2000s when it was social circles around you all the time. Because you really didnt have nothing much to do. Now there is plenty of stuff to do online, checking emails, social network... you know everyone uses it. So its a good reason to use PC over it. But in the past it was a good reason to have consoles, more social then than now. But alas i am not saying this is a fact but thats how i feel atleast.

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Um, you can use the Internet with the Consoles as well. You dont need an pc. And its still easier for me, to play on Consoles, since old Pc Games are just so difficult to get them working and i have various Problems with using Emulators, it barely works. Most of the time i get nothing to work.

At least with Consoles, i know what i can play with. It has one Name, and every game for that Name works on that Console. Thats it. Thats literally it.

With Pcs you have to look for the Version you need, the correct Sound Blaster, have to make sure that use a Cd Version and not Floppy Disks or something and you have to download multiple Emulators and some Pc Games still wont work on modern Pcs. ( like The Majority of Lego Games apparently. )

Also, most of the old Games i want to play, arent available on Steam or Gog or something, like the very old Dc and Marvel Games or even some Mario and Sonic Games. Sry, but Consoles seem way nicer to me. And they are easy to use.


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57 minutes ago, Slug Village said:

Umm...what?  Are you serious?  :blink:

I play both PC and console games.  I'm neither a PC elitist nor a console peasant.

What is this thread about, again?

Well i used to like console gaming. But it takes too much space, its offline, and i just feel unsocial now than before. So i just feel like i am a person who doesnt have a life or any interest in being with people now as i did before when the 90s wasnt internet and social based online as it is now. So now i feel its just too old fashioned for me to use. But i am not trying to come off as an elitist, its just how i feel


With Pcs you have to look for the Version you need, the correct Sound Blaster, have to make sure that use a Cd Version and not Floppy Disks or something and you have to download multiple Emulators and some Pc Games still wont work on modern Pcs. ( like The Majority of Lego Games apparently. )

But thats the fun, to tweak a littlel. But SEGA Classics you can for example get on steam, and in terms of old PC CDs, dosbox.. there are lots of options

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A PC elitist.. how droll.

Console gaming is not dying. It is growing. If anything you will see more of a revolution on getting the PC more console like and into the living room when it comes to gaming. The lines are slowly starting to blur together in some things as more and more companies get involved and rethink their practices. The PS4 and Xbone One are proof of that. Many already consider them and their hardware very PC like if not stripped down versions of it. Console gaming has been changing and will continue to change and evolve to a point where I believe at some point it will become the gaming standard. You already have consoles that can access the internet, Steam is looking to get into the console market, and the technology and attitude is changing to reflect this. The only reason it has not evolved faster in my opinion, is because of corporate greed and the unwillingness to adapt.

I tend to be more of a PC gamer personally these days, but anyone really paying attention can see the writing on the walls.

  • Brohoof 2


~No profound statement needed~

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14 minutes ago, GrimGrimoire said:

A PC elitist.. how droll.

Console gaming is not dying. It is growing. If anything you will see more of a revolution on getting the PC more console like and into the living room when it comes to gaming. The lines are slowly starting to blur together in some things as more and more companies get involved and rethink their practices. The PS4 and Xbone One are proof of that. Many already consider them and their hardware very PC like if not stripped down versions of it. Console gaming has been changing and will continue to change and evolve to a point where I believe at some point it will become the gaming standard. You already have consoles that can access the internet, Steam is looking to get into the console market, and the technology and attitude is changing to reflect this. The only reason it has not evolved faster in my opinion, is because of corporate greed and the unwillingness to adapt.

I tend to be more of a PC gamer personally these days, but anyone really paying attention can see the writing on the walls.

If thats the case, why is Nintendo doing an attempt from traditional console to hybrid handheld + tv console with the Nintendo Switch? I dunno.. i am not judging, just how i feel so far. Though i dont plan on getting it, but in Japan it seems mobile gaming is more on the rise due to the internet with distractions most likely. With PC i can like play Worms Armageddon and still be with people. Its just more conveniant way. In the past it was different.

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4 minutes ago, Reose said:

If thats the case, why is Nintendo doing an attempt from traditional console to hybrid handheld + tv console with the Nintendo Switch? I dunno.. i am not judging, just how i feel so far. Though i dont plan on getting it, but in Japan it seems mobile gaming is more on the rise due to the internet with distractions most likely. With PC i can like play Worms Armageddon and still be with people. Its just more conveniant way. In the past it was different.

Because it is Nintendo. Whether people love them or hate them, everyone has to admit Nintendo has always just done what they want to do, regardless of trends, technology or whatever is the current accepted standard. My guess is even if we got a true merge of console and PC gaming, Nintendo would stubbornly just try to stick to its own thing for better or worse. A lot of people call them a poor company because of their unwillingness to adapt and such, but personally I think they just are determined to march to their own standards until it either buries them, or they prove they were right all along.


~No profound statement needed~

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I like Nintendo. I am not super fan of it. But i think its ok. Though its mostly due to my childhood. But i dont consider Nintendo as above everything else. Its the same with Apple. I mean why would i care when i can just get a PC. Its ok but its not like wow.

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7 minutes ago, Liquid said:

I'm confused. Do you mean being with people over the internet or physically? It's been sounding like the former.

Well you can take a PC with you and have all the games. And the PC works in terms of internet etc. With consoles is much more old fashioned and dont keep up well and is impractical to this day and age.

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I love the audacity and just calling them console peasants. Its really all about exclusives tho imo, what if pc just doesn't have anything you like, and you wanna Smash all day? intentional double entendre lol

  • Brohoof 2

All things that interact with the world exert a force. All things that exert a force have an opposite and equal force. Ergo, nothing immaterial exists [because where would the opposite force be without material as a medium?]. Ergo god doesn't exist immaterially. Also if the universe were infinite itd take infinite time for a god to make it. If it were finite it'd be subject to entropy. Which means an eternal god can't exist.


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PC and Console are equals. Why? Because they both have games. Hardware is irrelevant.


If you want to be connected to people while playing console games it's as easy as getting a cheap laptop or using a phone.

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17 minutes ago, Discordian said:

PC and Console are equals. Why? Because they both have games. Hardware is irrelevant.


If you want to be connected to people while playing console games it's as easy as getting a cheap laptop or using a phone.

Not if you have dozens of consoles that distracts you. If your friends or family is in the living room, you can take the computer upstairs, interact with people both offline and online. With consoles i just dont feel in touch with the real world as i did in the 90s and early 2000s when it was no problem due to lack of internet and more of a friend circle... now that the time has changed i just cant play consoles as i did back then

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1 minute ago, Reose said:

Not if you have dozens of consoles that distracts you. If your friends or family is in the living room, you can take the computer upstairs, interact with people both offline and online. With consoles i just dont feel in touch with the real world as i did in the 90s and early 2000s


You're only ever going to be playing one console at a time. And the choice to have consoles in the living room instead of a private space is entirely on you, not the console. Consoles and TVs can be moved around just as well. The choice to be social is yours. There are plenty of options to do so.

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Okay, as a PC gamer, you've missed the point. I'll tell you why PC gaming is better than consoles though.

Prepare for incoming text wall.


PC gaming as a whole is much cheaper than console gaming. Especially in the long run, it can be less than half of what a console will cost you. Hidden fees, price hikes, and royalties are abundant for gamers AND developers in the console industry. [1] [2]

PC hardware offers better bang-for-buck & value than console hardware (same performance for less money, more performance for the same money, or much more performance for a bit more money). [1]

PCs have the freedom to upgrade whenever YOU decide to, not when Sony or Microsoft decide to. If you just got a big paycheck and wanted to sell your R7 260 to a friend for $50 and buy an R9 380 for $150 tomorrow, you could do it.

PCs give you full internal and external control over the graphical fidelity triangle. Consoles can control neither.

PCs easily work with TVs and monitors, and even multiple of each.

PCs can play nearly every old PC and console game ever made, thanks to its tremendous legacy support, emulator availability, and GOG.

PCs can use nearly every console controller ever made, modern ones (PS3/PS4/X360/XO) work without even needing a USB adapter. [1]

PC games offer a clearer image thanks to native resolution and its ability to adjust to any display its plugged into. Console games don't allow resolution adjustments, and will lock to whatever the developer arbitrarily chose. This means that lower resolution displays offer no performance benefit like they do on PCs, because the resolution is never lowered to spare some workload on the GPU (which, on a PC, would mean it could render frames faster). [1]

Gaming services and "social services" on the PC are completely free, even with online play (Steam, Galaxy, Desura, Mumble, etc)

Gaming services on the PC offer more functionality than what you pay for on a console

PCs have better better multiplayer support (LAN, 16x local multiplayer on the same machine with softXpand)

Using a modern budget GPU yields around 60 frames per second during gameplay with recent game releases. Consoles can barely reach 30FPS most of the time.

Not only can PC's be used for education, entertainment, gaming, and content creation... they're the best at all of these things.

PCs are much more powerful than the PS4 or XBox One at the same (traditionally believe to be affordable!) price point

More exclusives than all the current-gen consoles combined

More highly-rated exclusives

PC games have free modifications and enhancements available. Old games and new games alike have player-made content, graphical enhancements, and additions available for free. Even Minecraft. [1]

More games, much larger library

More exclusive games

Healthy independent developer scene

Lots of free games

Free abandonware titles

PCs can emulate almost any handheld and stationary console games using freely available emulators. Sometimes even at higher framerates, detail levels, and with better input than the original console permitted! [1] [1] [2]

Increasingly cheaper hardware for the price as new GPUs are released

Big Picture mode for couch gaming

Easier to repair and highly modular

Backward and forward hardware compatibility of ~2 years

No punishments for repairing

Can be upgraded if desired

Easier to upgrade

Better price-performance than consoles

Higher framerates, resulting in smoother motion, physics, particles, and gameplay

Higher resolutions than consoles (such as 1080p, 1440p, 1600p, 4k, and 8k!) if your display supports it and you have GPU power you're willing to spare. Consoles struggle, even at 720-900p!

Higher graphical details (lighting, textures, foliage, particles, shading, weather)

You're probably going to own some sort of PC anyways, why not pay a bit more on top to make it a gaming machine? That alone makes it cheaper than a console.


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Stopped reading at "console peasants".

Seriously, you PC gamers sure have quite the superiority complex. Keep on using terms like that and "PC gaming master race" because they really do fit your attitude perfectly.

PC gaming is such a headache. In fact, I'm having a headache over it today, because I don't want The Sims 3 to fry my video card but I can't even figure out exactly what I'm supposed to do for that because it's so darn complicated, and the simplest solution looks like it's from a website that will give me viruses, which could ruin my computer... So either way my computer could be ruined and I don't have any money for a new one or new parts... So I just don't play my game? Yeah, PC gaming sure is super amazing and awesome.

PC gaming is the future my butt. Consoles and their simplicity and cheaper expense should always be around.

  • Brohoof 1

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Just now, Frostgage said:

Just let people enjoy what they enjoy. No one can declare either is "better," whatever that means.

This is why the gaming community is so bad. No one can just let others be. I don't understand it. The stupid console wars, and the stupid PC master gaming race. I really flipping hate the gaming community. It's full of a bunch of people who apparently never grew past elementary school.

  • Brohoof 2

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Well i am not anti consoles. I used to play lots of them. I just overall think in this time and age that consoles is just not the most social construct if you want friends or be with them and stuff. I am not trying to be arrogant. If anything i blame the internet, before you had phones and consoles and board games was stuff people used their times on in the past. Though board games is always social, console gaming was not bad because you always knew about friends besides internet back then, like invite friends for Mario Party, Tekken or whatever... today that just doesnt work much. I mean its not that popular anymore.

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5 hours ago, Reose said:

But alas i am not saying this is a fact but thats how i feel atleast

Agreed. Most of your post can be ripped apart fairly easily so it stands only as an opinion piece.

I do have to say that I was amused as hell to see some of your points feel as if they were written before the release of the PS3 and Xbox 360. I mean, basing the death of home console gaming due to the prevalence of HDMI and online connectivity was just plain silly.


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11 minutes ago, Envy said:

Stopped reading at "console peasants".

Seriously, you PC gamers sure have quite the superiority complex. Keep on using terms like that and "PC gaming master race" because they really do fit your attitude perfectly.

1. Not every PC gamer is elitist.
2. "Console peasant" =/= all console players. Actual meaning of it is Console fanboys who are just like PC elitist aka who thinks that they are superior as humans because their gaming system and can't admit that there is problems and worship the companies like Sony and Microsoft. 
3. PC master race is a joke and those who use it seriously are plain stupid.

  • Brohoof 3


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Just now, Jeric said:

Agreed. Most of your post can be ripped apart fairly easily so it stands only as an opinion piece.

I do have to say that I was amused as hell to see some of your points feel as if they were written before the release of the PS3 and Xbox 360. I mean, basing the death of home console gaming due to the prevalence of HDMI and online connectivity was just plain silly.


But can i ask a question. How often do you invite friends to play Tekken or Mario Kart now than you did in the 90s or early 2000s or any local multiplayer games?

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6 minutes ago, Reose said:

But can i ask a question. How often do you invite friends to play Tekken or Mario Kart now than you did in the 90s or early 2000s or any local multiplayer games?

90's? Check my age. I locally gamed in the 80's before the NES was even a thing.

To answer your question, probably several times a week. I knock on the door down the hallway and say "Mario Kart". It's kinda cool having teenage kids who are gamers and geeks ... 

Sometimes I just yell, or send a message on whatever chat service I see them on. And here's the cool thing ... this is something that I am not that big of an outlier on. I have several friends my age that game with their kids. 

And yes I have friends and other family that game locally with me. Online is convenient tho. 

  • Brohoof 2



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2 minutes ago, The Cerberus said:

1. Not every PC gamer is elitist.
2. "Console peasant" =/= all console players. Actual meaning of it is Console fanboys who are just like PC elitist aka who thinks that they are superior as humans because their gaming system and can't admit that there is problems and worship the companies like Sony and Microsoft. 
3. PC master race is a joke and those who use it seriously are plain stupid.

1. I know not every single PC gamer is an elitist, but clearly it is enough of a problem within the PC gaming community because topics like this one right here come up so frequently on this forum and on other forums, as well. You can keep on making this argument over and over again, but it would be so much more effective to address the people who are causing these problems before coming after me for getting frustrated with them.

2. That does not appear to be the context that it was used in this topic. In this topic it was literally if you play consoles, you are a peasant. Regardless of whether or not it was entirely serious, it does not lend to your argument very well at all.

3. As for this and the term "console peasants" it is all extremely condescending whether used as a "joke" or not. Clearly A LOT of PC gamers do think that their format is superior, so using it as a "joke" doesn't sit right with me. Jokes can say a lot about someone.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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2 minutes ago, Jeric said:

90's? Check my age. I locally gamed in the 80's before the NES was even a thing.

To answer your question, probably several times a week. I knock on the door down the hallway and say "Mario Kart". It's kinda cool having teenage kids who are gamers and geeks ... 

Sometimes I just yell, or send a message on whatever chat service I see them on. And here's the cool thing ... this is something that I am not that big of an outlier on. I have several friends my age that game with their kids. 


Well i asked lots of time in the 90s or 2000s because internet didnt exist much outside regular searches, no facebook, no youtube etc. So it was easy for me to ask, now its really just not much i see of them besides facebook, same with family, though they are always ok with super nintendo at times when they come home. The last time i remember was in high school, after it it died. So i felt alone, nobody was interested anymore when i asked as i did back then.. So now i dont like consoles anymore. But i do like friends and hang out with people.

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