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CMC Cutie Mark Speculation


Cutie mark for a CMC?  

46 users have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to see one of the CMC get a cutie mark before the others?

    • Sho' Nuff! that would be interesting!
    • No way! That would ruin the CMC
  2. 2. Will the CMC get their Cutie Marks?

    • Yes
    • No

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I get the impression that something will happen so that they will get them at the same time. I mean the whole point of the group is that none of them have their marks yet, so it would only make sense that they are a group that all have them. If I am making sense? :D

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No. They may not have them. They must suffer forever


Im doubtful it will happen at all, let alone this season. Especially considering they announced more seasons. The whole point is that they dont have cutie marks. It gives them areas to make new stories.


I dont know... Maybe one will, could make for an interesting plotline (drum and cymbals roll down hill)


I :lol: 'd at the first line.

You're right when you say that they can make new stories, but as was said earlier, it's mostly just gonna be them trying something new and then something bad will happen and they'll learn a lesson as they fix the problem. It's been used quite a bit in the previous CMC episodes.

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Guys here it is


Sweety Belle : Singing (Maybe some music notes)


Apple bloom : King fo! Maybe a fist or something ( She said In Show Stoppers that she thought KUNG FO was like dance moves. SHe's been seen a few times doing kung fu!)


Scootaloo : A scooter! Duhhh Her name is the first part of her way of going places!


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Whatever season the CMC get their cutie marks I think it's safe to say we're getting closer to it. I think the safest bet is Sweetie Belle's being music related. I think that Apple Bloom is going to have something related to being generally crafty and handy. And while I'm not sure that Scootaloo's won't be a scooter, I hope it isn't. I would like to see her take an interest in extreme sports, with a cute mark that could be a wheel with some action marks of some sort coming off the back of it. So not as literal as just a scooter.


I am looking forward to how they use the CMC's getting their cutie marks story wise. We can't expect them all to get them simultaneously. When the first one gets their cutie mark will they feel guilty and hide it from the others, or will they be overly excited? I know we already saw Sweetie and Scoot being supportive of Apple Bloom in the Cutie Pox episode, but I think it's fair to say that the reactions wouldn't be the same because AB only had her "cutie mark" for a day. It's possible that if it went on longer the other two would grow more impatient, and bond over being blank flanks still, and the on CMC with a CM would ultimately start to feel left out.


There are certainly lots of different directions to go in, and I'm hoping they don't blow all these possible story lines by shoving it into one episode. Whatever happens they're will be a significant shift in the group dynamic.

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This is the problem with having characters hoping to achieve some goal. If you let them have it, it will be hard to find things to do with them. If you wait too long, watchers will complain about it never being revealed and you will be forced to do the former. I think that in the series finale or a few episodes before, things like Rainbow Dash becoming a Wonderbolt and the CMC getting their cutie marks.

  • Brohoof 1
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They will in the movie.


What movie you ask ? The movie they end up making after 6 seasons.

That was a joke I hope they just keep making the show and NEVER STOP :blink:

Anyhow, Whenever they end the show (Celestia forbid it.) they will probably get their cutie marks then.

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I kind of hope they don't get their cutie marks in the show. The CMC getting their cutie marks would be like if Wile E Coyote caught the Road Runner. The Cutie Mark Crusaders are in this never ending chase to get their cutie marks, that's what brought them together!

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I highly doubt it because their ambition to get cutie marks is a plot devise to drive episodes. If they got rid of that plot devise, the creators would have less opportunities for episodes. Also, the fact that the CMC are trying who find who they are and their special talents is a way to connect and appeal to kids, since this show does focus on appealing to children.

Edited by Zenith
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I think that they should get them eventually, before the show ends, that much at least.

It would be awful if they went on for years and years without getting their marks. It should happen one day.


Also, I think it would be interesting if one got her's before the others did, which is actually more likely, then we'd have an episode where one feels left out.


Another thing what I think it would be interesting is if somehow their special talent was helping little ponies find their own special talents, which would be rather ironic, but they do already have a lot of experience trying to get marks. xD


Also, finding the marks wouldn't be the end for them, the Mane 6 have their marks and they still have plots which revolve around them, and we've already had an episode (Hearts and Hooves Day) what is about the CMC, but doesn't actually revolve around them getting marks.


Also, I just want to say I love CMC, and Scootaloo is best pony.

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Scootaloo scootering, will have a scooter


Sweaty Belle, singing, something to do with music, microphone perhaps


Apple bloom, carpentry/design, a saw perhaps?


Sweetie- a pink heart with a microphone? Or yeah, just a microphone.


AB- Canvas and paintbrush? Something to resemble clothing design?


I agree with your Scootaloo prediction, though


Sweaty Belle- LOL'D so HARD! xD




They will grow old without talents or purposes.


Like Gramps.


Posted Image


Again, lol'd really hard. Nice one!

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I think it's very likely to happen in the last season. I can see it now:


In the pre-opening scene, one of them shows off her cutie mark. Act 1 of the episode consists of the other two being supportive, but secretly jealous, and ends with a second getting hers. From there, the remaining CMC feels isolated from the group and spends an irrational amount of time alone, jealous, and depressed, until the others confront her about her behavior and she learns to be open with her feelings around those she trusts. In a closing montage as the lesson is being read, the third and final cutie mark is earned, and a tear is shed in households around the globe.

Edited by Pony Joe
  • Brohoof 1
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If they were to get their cutie marks, it would be in one of the last episodes of the confirmed final season as there are more episodes to be created when they don't have them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't see how Applebloom's cutie mark could be a white plus sign with a heart, it has nothing to do with her name, and usually there names go with what there cutie marks are going to be. I thought it would have something to do with apples blooming of course. But maybe there is a chance that it is a white plus sign with heart. Maybe she heals apples, you never know.  :huh:

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I think I might've mentioned something simular in another thread regarding the CMC's emblems, as I prefer to call them.


Basicly, they will never receieve their respective emblems. If they did, whatever each of the designs turned out to be would leave half the fandom butthurt. "What!? Thrackerzod Sweetie Belle got a ribbon instead of a bell?", "How the hay did Applebloom not get something involving apples??", etc. etc.

Altho' it's true that the point of the CMCs is that they're always trying to earn their emblems. It doesn't matter to them what they end up specializing at, as long as something at all can "cover their asses", heheh. But whatever appears on there will undoubtedly infuriate many, many bronies. And the more of us who desert the fandom, that'll mean less profit for Hasbro. Which is why I think it's always gonna be ambiguous.

Edited by Khazmere
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I think that they will get their cutie marks eventually, but not until the end of the series, because if they got their cutie marks now, their story would be more or less finished, which would make it a lot harder to include them in further episodes. So I don't think that they would get them for a while. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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  • 3 weeks later...

They need to learn that it isn't about the cutie mark, but accepting and loving who they are.


The thing is, I really feel like TV series should never go beyond 3 or 4 seasons (some exceptions, such as Doctor Who because the storyarch and main characters are constantly shifting and changing so it stays different, and the Simpsons just because I'm so used to it being there it'd be bizarre for it to get cancelled). So many amazing shows get ruined because they drag out the true story.


That's why I think they should just let the cutie mark crusaders get their marks now. If this was a show where time is frozen, it may not make a difference, but we are seeing real progress in other ponies' lives. I think pretty soon Rarity and Applejack should be worried something is wrong. (I mean, if your daughter never got her period and she was like 17, wouldn't you be a little worried?) They are developmentally behind their peers! And even Snails found his life's specialty before they did! 


But I doubt they will get their cutie marks, ever. Probably will have some thrown in as the series ends and there isn't time to explore it any more. All the ideas mentioned here though about how and when are brilliant though!

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Eventually like every pony they will. But we won't know until we see the episode.

I bet when one of them gets their cutie marks it would be like they're evolving or something. XD

Edited by Double D
  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah, well... NO.jpg

If they get their cutie marks then there will be a significantly lower number of episodes featuring the CMC.

Less episodes = less profit.

And we all know that all hasbro really cares about.

  • Brohoof 1
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I want to see them get their cutie marks but the only way i would want that to happen is that if we ensure that the CMC continues on even after Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle get their cutie marks. I would want them to meet 3 new fillies who take their places and rinse repeat. Passing on lessons they've learned in their crazy attempts. I dont think they are getting drawn out because we dont see the CMC enough as it is. Im glad we got a scootaloo episode finally. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle have had their own already more than once. I agree with what was said earlier. You cant let your character achieve their goal too early unless it will further their story and add more than what you would have lost. For example if you made Rainbow Dash a Wonderbolt finally it would more than likely mean she would have to travel and move around with them and that would take her out of the mane 6 which i cant even possibly comprehend how that could work. Rarity becomming a fashion sensation in Canterlot was already explored and it didnt stick either. The goal for Twilight, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie is less defined. What happens when Twilight finally finishes her training with Celestia? I dont want to know. Sometimes the "what ifs" are better left that way. I can only imagine Fluttershy's dream is to become a tree. This is why they need to give the background characters (other than Derpy) some depth occassionaly. It wouldnt kill us to learn a little more about Lyra or Bon Bon.

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