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Has a bad episode ever ruined a character for you?


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At first, I thought Sugar Belle was cute. Then Hard to Say Anything happened, and I realize she has no standards. So, two guys fight over you and you kick them both out. Okay, that's actually a fair reaction. But then one of those guys basically breaks into your shop, albeit to fix it up, and suddenly everything's hunky-bucking-dory between you and you start going out with him? Uh-uh. Nope. No way in the deepest darkest most fiery pits of Tartarus does that even BEGIN to work!

Edited by ggg-2

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12 minutes ago, The Artist Formerly Known As A.V. said:

Flutter Brutter was this for Zephyr Breeze.


Comic Book Guy: "Worst debut ever."


^ Ditto.

  • Brohoof 2

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


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25 minutes ago, The Artist Formerly Known As A.V. said:

Flutter Brutter was this for Zephyr Breeze.


Comic Book Guy: "Worst debut ever."


Eh, to be fair, since that was Zeph's first and so far only appearance, i'm a bit more lenient on it.

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13 minutes ago, sciencewill98 said:

Spike in 'princess spike' 

who agrees with me on this?

Not me. Since then, Spike's appearances and characterization greatly improved. S6 is his best to date.

  • Brohoof 2

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4


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2 minutes ago, Dark Qiviut said:

Not me. Since then, Spike's appearances and characterization greatly improved. S6 is his best to date.

Yeah, he has got better and he isn't being used for purely cringe comedy and comic relief anymore.

Good judgement comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgement - Will Rogers


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Discord's episodes since his true redemption have kinda spoiled (or at least lessened my enjoyment of) his character for me. 'What About Discord?' and 'Dungeons and Discords' in particular.

I thought 'What About Discord?' would be a turning point for his character and that he'd start to form friendships with each of the Mane 6. So far (at least where I'm at in the series) it doesn't seem that way and too much of his character still revolves around his friendship with Fluttershy. I did like him a bit more in 'To Where and Back Again' because of his interactions with Trixie, but I still feel like he lacks a lot of depth compared to how he was as a villain/not-totally-redeemed-ally.

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On 2017-09-16 at 3:14 PM, AnchorPoint said:

Discord's episodes since his true redemption have kinda spoiled (or at least lessened my enjoyment of) his character for me. 'What About Discord?' and 'Dungeons and Discords' in particular.

I thought 'What About Discord?' would be a turning point for his character and that he'd start to form friendships with each of the Mane 6. So far (at least where I'm at in the series) it doesn't seem that way and too much of his character still revolves around his friendship with Fluttershy. I did like him a bit more in 'To Where and Back Again' because of his interactions with Trixie, but I still feel like he lacks a lot of depth compared to how he was as a villain/not-totally-redeemed-ally.

I only really agree about What About Discord?. Other than going to plaid and imitating Bob Ross, he was "meh" compared to his usual game.

Edited by Even Evil Has Standards
  • Brohoof 1
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Diamond Tiara at "Flight to The Finish". At first, I thought that the whole fandom was over-reacting to her character, then she started bullying Scootaloo because of her inability to fly. 

But props, to Ed Valentive for making a powerful debut episode as a writer.

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to change a changling ruined trixie for me

like how much of an a**hole does she have to be?

yes she did do other bad things but she was mentally unstable then shes like "NOT MY FAULT ITS HERS SHES THE LEADER OK OK SHE IS"

"um trixie..."


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Can't say I dislike any characters (especially those used for one off episode lessons i.e. Gilda, Trenderhoof, Zephre) but I will say two characters need another episode episode to fix the frustrations I have with them. Those two being Tirek (whom it's probably unlikely) and Moondancer, please give her some actual character and personality!

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A single episode has never really been enough to ruin an episode I consistently liked to that point, at least as far as I can remember. A few recent episodes have eroded all of my goodwill towards Starlight Glimmer, but it took half a season to get to that point and I already had issues with her before the season started. 

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Flim and Flam almost had their characters ruined for me in Season 4, bit Las Pegasus helped to fix it a bit. Their initial appearance had their motivations as profit driven ignoring the people who would be impacted by their greed, but they were not fraudulent or dangerous. It made them interesting and a bit more complex. Then they went straight to the illegal shit and put lives in danger. 




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  • 3 weeks later...

Depends really, if it's an existing character with many appearances that was fine up to that point, it's less "they ruined the character" and more "I want to smack the person who wrote this upside the head"

If it's a one-shot/first appearance like Zephyr or Trenderhoof, then they didn't really ruin them, just that they made a bad character

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I don't like the yak prince because of the first episode. :orly: The same goes for Glim and Glam. 

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

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Not Asking For Troubles ruined Yaks for me, their first appearances are better.

Triple Threat ruined Spike, he is more stupid than Princess Spike, just slightly less shitty than Spike at your Service.

Daring Done ruined RD and Daring Do, they are dumbed dowm so hard that made my head spins.

They wont ruin character forever, some future episodes will fix it, but right now, those eps are their weakest moments so far.


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"One Bad Apple" ensured that i would never, ever like Babs Seed.  ever.  i can't even stand to watch "Apple Family Reunion" because of how prominently Babs is featured in that episode.  "Dragon Quest" was almost this for Garble, but at least i'm not expected to think that Garble is a good person.

EB: well you see, the explanation is perfectly simple and scientific.
EB: it was because shut up.
EB: shut up is why.
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