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Rate the Equestria Girls Movies

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  • 4 months later...

1. Rainbow Rocks (9/10)

2. Legend of Everfree (8/10)

3. Friendship Games (8/10)

4. Equestria Girls (6/10)

LoE and FG are really close, they're basically interchangeable for me.


At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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EG: 7\10, it was pretty interesting overall with some great music, although the ending was pretty rushed in my opinion.

RR: 9\10, the best movie in my opinion, some amazing songs, the best villains from equestria girls overall, the pacing was great and the animation improved.

FG: 7.5\10, it was interesting enough with a nice concept of evil twilight, only wish MS had more screen time. The music as usually great.

LOE: 8\10, it was enjoyable, the shiping was decent, the music was great and there was no clear villain. 

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EQG: like a 3 or 4. I don't hate it but don't feel like I'd ever rewatch this other than the cafeteria song

RR:  like a 6 or so. Soundtrack's solid.

FG: a 7 I think. I remember liking this one better than RR but can't really recall why other than having a really good time live reacting/shitposting along with my first viewing.

LoE: I listened to the soundtrack before it came out and was disappointed enough to skip on the movie

I remember thinking Forgotten Friendship was probably the best thing that'd come out of EQG, but apparently it doesn't count

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9 minutes ago, ponchomonkey said:

EQG: like a 3 or 4. I don't hate it but don't feel like I'd ever rewatch this other than the cafeteria song

RR:  like a 6 or so. Soundtrack's solid.

FG: a 7 I think. I remember liking this one better than RR but can't really recall why other than having a really good time live reacting/shitposting along with my first viewing.

LoE: I listened to the soundtrack before it came out and was disappointed enough to skip on the movie

I remember thinking Forgotten Friendship was probably the best thing that'd come out of EQG, but apparently it doesn't count

Rainbow Rocks deserved more than a 6 :okiedokieloki:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Rainbow Rocks will probably always be my favorite EQG film.  This was the first EQG movie I ever watched, had AMAZING villains, Sunset's redemption arc, the only problem I have with it, is "no offense".  Yeh, huge character bias coming into play there.  I honestly don't care about the story issues. 10/10

I know only the first four were asked for, but Forgotten Friendship is my second favorite and the movie that cemented Sunset as my favorite character.  The scene with the special Pony-Up forms actually MEANT something.  But I have one major problem with it.  Wallflower.  I explain my problems with her a lot better on my character bias blog, so I'm not going to try.  Basically, I really don't like her for targeting Sunset without a good reason and then receiving no consequences for her actions. 9/10

Sunset's Backstage Pass is my third favorite, and I think it's been out long enough I don't need a spoiler tag, and this is the short version why.  Sunset herself was top-quality(As usual), the Dazzlings were amazing, no reformed villains(because the people who reform weren't really villains, they were antagonists), Sci-Twi was actually a good character, Sunset was both incredibly cool and incredibly cute, Sunset seems to be the only character who knows how to do sarcasm well, the Dazzlings song looks SO much better in hindsight of this movie, and the only problems I have with it are Pinkie Pie being annoying(she REALLY needs to learn self control), and I still don't know why Sunset was unaffected by the time loop and could still remember everything that happened before that. 8.9/10

I realized as I was writing this that 3 out of the 4 new specials/movies were ones I really liked, oh well. My fourth favorite was Spring Breakdown. It was hilarious, the whole sequence in Ponyville was hilarious, and if something's funny, I'm probably going to really like it. Rainbow Dash was pretty annoying in the beginning, though, and I really REALLY hate the way the special Pony-Up forms are portrayed in this movie, like, the main 7 can summon them whenever they want now. 8/10

Fifth favorite was the first EQG movie.  I find it enjoyable and to be average in terms of MLP and EQG movies, considering it's almost right smack in the middle.  Sunset was an awesome villain, and I don't know why ponies think she isn't.  I have some arguments to defend her plan ready in my Google Docs.  And by the way, she broke up the main 5 because A. Like Fluttershy said, at CHS, everybody sticks to their own kind.  The main 5 are all different kinds.  And B. Rarity was most likely the girl who ran against Sunset for princess of the Spring Fling.  Why do you think she was so quick to seek out Twilight after she saw the video to help her out?  It may also have been because Applejack wasn't taking Sunset's behavior as well as she wanted, so she broke up her and Rainbow Dash. 7/10

Next after that is Friendship Games.   I feel like I would have more to say about it if Sunset's arc hadn't been cut out of the movie, the song is honestly much better in duet form than the finished version was.  At least Midnight Sparkle was cool and Sci-Twi was sympathetic.  Oh yeh, and how come Sci-Twi's first movie gets to star her alongside Sunset and her second movie was her own solo movie, but Sunset didn't get her own solo movie until her FIFTH one? 6.5/10

Legend of Everfree is a movie I honestly don't like.  Midnight Sparkle was made into a separate being than Sci-Twi, existing ENTIRELY inside her head.  There was too much moping and refusing to acknowledge that Sci-Twi needs help.  I'm sorry, but I just don't feel sympathy for Sci-Twi.  Why is Timber Spruce so hated though?  I thought he worked very well, especially since he had a reason to be there and was constantly helping his sister out.  Flash had better not get back together with Sunset though. 4/10

I hate Rollercoaster of Friendship.  The villain was awful, the plot was so much like "A Canterlot Wedding", Sci-Twi dragged Sunset into a rigged game, the song at the end was awful, the endings of the shorts on YouTube weren't suspenseful(except for one), despite it being a Rarity AND Applejack movie, Rarity was the one who got to save the day and channel the magic, the "special" Pony-Up forms were achieved by holding hands, and it wasn't very funny. 0/10

I hope this doesn't come off as too rant-y, I have a bad habit of going on rants without realizing it. . . :blush:

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  • 5 months later...

1. Legend of Everfree (good Sunset Shimmer song)

2. Rainbow Rocks (I guess good plot?)

3. Friendship Games (something?)

4. Equestria Girls (very basic story, blah)



The movies were a distraction from the main show, keeping the budget from reaching a full 26 episodes of Season 3, and a weirdly edited Season 4. The specials were so much better than the moves!



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  • 3 years later...
On 2018-11-09 at 3:01 PM, Arkadios said:



FGs: My god, what EVEN...!? The entire movie was just to give an excuse for human world Spike to be able to talk. And also introduce human Twilight. Story... what story? “We hate Crystal Prep!” blackmailing the protagonist (light-hearted, doncha think?) and, oh, look, another she-demon. Must be something about that statue. Lucky Midnight got rid of it.


Spike really should have been human instead of a dog.
He's basically stuck as a prop

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  • 4 months later...
On 2023-08-09 at 9:33 PM, nightshroud96 said:

Spike really should have been human instead of a dog.
He's basically stuck as a prop

And tell me, what difference would it make if Spike had been a human? Like, what potential does a human Spike remotely have?

Besides, Fluttershy didn't get any focus either and she's a human, so I doubt making Spike a human would magically make him any more prominent than he already was.

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7 hours ago, SunsetShimmerStan said:

And tell me, what difference would it make if Spike had been a human? Like, what potential does a human Spike remotely have?

Besides, Fluttershy didn't get any focus either and she's a human, so I doubt making Spike a human would magically make him any more prominent than he already was.

Well he be allowed to be involved more and get to do more as a human

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  • 6 months later...

Rainbow Rocks (9/10)

Legend of Everfree (8.5/10) (Both this and RR are very close, but RR has the better soundtrack imo which gives it an extra .5 bump)

Friendship Games (7/10)

Self-Titled (6/10)

Edited by Iforgotmybrain
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1) Rainbow Rocks(9/10) - I feel like it goes without saying. Great story, turned a fan favorite out of Sunset(especially after her awful debut in the first movie), the Dazzlings are by and large FiM's best villains

2) Legend of Everfree(8/10) - A lot more lowkey compared to the rest of the movies, as well as some questionable decisions(especially making Filthy Rich a bad guy), but the rest of the characters are fun here, Gloriosa is an underrated character and villain(and the soundtrack is too), and I like how it leans most into making them magical girls

3) Equestria Girls(7/10) - Rewatched it not too long ago and I was surprised at how much more I liked it than the first time. Yeah, Sunset sucks as a villain, but seeing Twilight exploring a world alien to her was fun and I like how the human 6 were introduced, as they somehow felt similar yet different to their pony counterparts

4) Friendship Games(5/10) - The more I think about it the more I find myself becoming more and more disappointed with it, which is a shame because the mane cast are arguably at their best here, and the songs are as great as ever(dare I say my favorite of the movies). But Sci-Twi is just kinda boring and the Shadow 5 are hyped to high heavens in the promotions(like they were banking on the Dazzling's popularity by giving us a nega mane 6), only to be used as a bait-n-switch and amount to nothing, instead and have a crabby old lady as the movie's main villain, and the climax is probably the weakest of the lot. But then you see all the deleted scenes, cut content, scrapped ideas and they basically gutted everything that would have made the movie interesting and really good(like the subplot about Sunset feeling homesick)

Edited by Megas
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  • 1 month later...
Equestria Girls: 6/10

Rainbow Rocks: 10/10 - Some of the best songs in the series oh my gosh plus Sunset's redemption arc? 10/10. 

Friendship Games: 7.5/10 - Again, the music here was fantastic. 

Legend of Everfree: 8/10 


⋆.˚⟡ Know that your time is coming soon. As the sun rises, so does the moon.  As love finds a place in every heart: You are a princess, you'll play your part. ⋆.˚⟡
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