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planning Fractured Futures: World Building OOC


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@Lektra Bolt 

You underestimate the conflicts I have planned! But I leave it at that... for now...

And, perhaps not necessarily body guards, but it's certainly faster and more efficient to take an airship with a decent sized crew to get from point A to point B, or perhaps some sort of Train system? I did want air travel to be relatively limited, perhaps due to the unpredictability of the atmospheric conditions mentioned before. 

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Well, then in there lies the problem then. If you want to give your character more screen time and something to write about, seems like you're going to have to ditch the armor. 

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Well, none of my characters have power armor... I don't plan on having all of them die. Maybe a few, but not all. That's what makes these RPs so interesting, trying to figure out solutions and ideas for getting out of those deadly situations. 

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I know, but bearing in mind all of this and the ease of story telling, you might want to rethink its use is all. I can guarantee ditching it will make things more interesting for you. If not, you can just keep being the juggernaut. Either way I can give your character conflict and difficult decisions in my RPs. Most of them will just be more psychologically challenging. 

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Well, this is all on your decision. You could use the same method she uses with the main six... she doesn't have to have armor, that's all on your creative limitations.

If you go the armor rout though, I'm probably never really going to have meaningful combat scenes with her. They'd be pretty pointless cus we already know the outcome. 

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@Lektra Bolt

I'm keeping specifics to a minimum, just considering major world events. But hey, again, it's your call. This is your character, and your creation. Do whatever you want to it. Just know you're not going to solve the problems I throw at you with your fists. She can't beat everything with firepower, nor can her armies. 

@Techno Universal

Sorry!!! I keep forgetting to address your last post... sincerest apologies. We concluded projectile/projection weapons in general are present in this universe so plasma weaponry is a go. Though, I'm not sure if I want your heavy plasma turrets to be capable of burning through literally everything... most things perhaps, but if its plasma, doesn't the material need to super heat and pass through the weapon's barrel? If it could burn through anything... wouldn't it melt the components of the weapon?


I keep forgetting to ask... had you decided if you wanted to take on the Remnants as your own faction, or were you just more interested in throwing a few things in about them?

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Well shoot! I'd love to here them. Don't know if you saw their description on the first post yet, but that's just what we have so far. It can change of course, but this faction basically has the most malleability when it comes to creative direction considering how many species are involved. I kind of figured from what I remembered us discussing they were not exactly fans of ponies... 

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4 minutes ago, GoldieS said:


Well shoot! I'd love to here them. Don't know if you saw their description on the first post yet, but that's just what we have so far. It can change of course, but this faction basically has the most malleability when it comes to creative direction considering how many species are involved. I kind of figured from what I remembered us discussing they were not exactly fans of ponies... 

That could be part of the plan, but then again I also plan on having Thestrals heavily involved in the faction. So that might complicate things. I see the group using the changing climate and the chaos of the everfree to their advantage, taming the beasts, harvesting rare crops, opertating in the forest while others avoid it, becoming one with the powers of nature. Though while working in the everfree, they'd still have their base of operations down south off the coast in the storm lands, where they function their own navy. Probably the one area where they'd have superiority other than the Everfree. 

While perhaps not quite blaming ponies, they could blame their methods, believing that the regime of the princess's are to blame, warping the land out of it's natural state, submitting the other races to better their own and most likely being behind the plague. But given the status of the other 3 factions, I'm not sure how to make them stand a chance, unless we want to go samurai jack on all this and have things like swords & bows and arrows be able to best robots and plasma fire. 

Or perhaps somehow they've received a mutated strand of the plague, one that allows them access to becoming nano-beasts themselves? 

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Guess I should have made a distinction. In my initial description, the bat ponies weren't included as the more disliked species, I kind of see them separate. 

So they've managed to essentially retake the land, unlike the north. Instead of all these mega cities and massive populations, they've kind of started over from the beginning in a more natural state of things. Working the land, spreading outward rather than hiding behind walls and building up, fighting back the jungle-everfree, and of course all the beasties that come with it. We probably want to keep it so there's still a good amount of monsters and creatures lurking about causing problems, but I can definitely get behind taming a lot of them. 

You see the sword theme from time to time in fantasy too, it can work if you make it. They'd have to be a little more magic oriented to compete, or just really clever/naturally gifted in the physical categories. Though, I'm not sure how they'd maintain a powerful navy with sword and arrow and individual hero type combat. Might make things a bit difficult. Perhaps they can have some sort of affiliation with the Raider/Pirate/Underbelly city of Lost Pegasus? I envisioned them as a dominant naval force, merely for sheer numbers and old ships. Storm king must have a heck of a lot of those laying around. 

What kind of abilities might the 'limited' plague variant have on the users though? And what would some of the negative side effects be?


Welcome back friendly neighborhood apple XD sorry we haven't really discussed apple fam's involvement all that much, kinda got carried away with a few random things. 

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It's fine 




@Lektra Bolt I was wondering if it would be ok to expand the apple farm....maybe to outside the wall of the city? I know it dangerous and everything but I'm guessing space is a precious commodity and I think you can sacrifice a few soldiers to protect our food reserve 

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beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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Oh! And a few things. Just remember, this world is for any of us to use, so if you wish to have an RP specifically about traveling to a sort of 'safe zone' if you will, feel free to explore that! I'd be happy to come along for the adventure with one of my many characters. 

I also might have a few ideas involving the exploration of some of the other cities (other than Ponyville/New Everfree) if you would be interested when we start those too. As the cities leading agricultural expert I imagine AJ would want to come along and take a look at some possible food sources for the city. 

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@GoldieS I was think about it and I was wondering if we should send some of the Apple family to different places as ambassadors or sorts? 

Just now, GoldieS said:


Oh! And a few things. Just remember, this world is for any of us to use, so if you wish to have an RP specifically about traveling to a sort of 'safe zone' if you will, feel free to explore that! I'd be happy to come along for the adventure with one of my many characters. 

I also might have a few ideas involving the exploration of some of the other cities (other than Ponyville/New Everfree) if you would be interested when we start those too. As the cities leading agricultural expert I imagine AJ would want to come along and take a look at some possible food sources for the city. 

Sounds great!!!

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beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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@woodchunks66 It's hard to say, she's more one to take charge and do things herself, but in such extended circumstances... likely she would. Then again, It would still be dangerous travels, and I don't know how much she'd be okay letting anyone (or any group) in the family to tackle such an effort without her. Though, there's nothing stopping some of the others from doing that typical apple family stubborn decision making and just going out to prove they can do it. XD

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5 minutes ago, Lektra Bolt said:

But playing two factions? You're in a super important position in New Everfree.

And why do you keep dodging the 'do we commit unjustified murder' question?

Super important. But not the most important. It's still your faction. I'm just a part of it. Besides, there are only 3 major powers in the game essentially. 

And no, Luster doesn't commit murder. Sure, she may go absolutely overkill, but she has to be provoked first, or have concrete reasoning for a premptive strike. Yes, there will be innocent casualties, but she'd justify those as 'acceptable losses.' 

She doesn't get off on murder. Just excessive violence.

5 minutes ago, GoldieS said:


Guess I should have made a distinction. In my initial description, the bat ponies weren't included as the more disliked species, I kind of see them separate. 

So they've managed to essentially retake the land, unlike the north. Instead of all these mega cities and massive populations, they've kind of started over from the beginning in a more natural state of things. Working the land, spreading outward rather than hiding behind walls and building up, fighting back the jungle-everfree, and of course all the beasties that come with it. We probably want to keep it so there's still a good amount of monsters and creatures lurking about causing problems, but I can definitely get behind taming a lot of them. 

You see the sword theme from time to time in fantasy too, it can work if you make it. They'd have to be a little more magic oriented to compete, or just really clever/naturally gifted in the physical categories. Though, I'm not sure how they'd maintain a powerful navy with sword and arrow and individual hero type combat. Might make things a bit difficult. Perhaps they can have some sort of affiliation with the Raider/Pirate/Underbelly city of Lost Pegasus? I envisioned them as a dominant naval force, merely for sheer numbers and old ships. Storm king must have a heck of a lot of those laying around. 

What kind of abilities might the 'limited' plague variant have on the users though? And what would some of the negative side effects be?

Well that does kind of depend on what tech level Equestria was at pre-plague. How far after the events of the show did things go down? Cause I can see them using what amounts to late 19th or early 20th century military tech, like WW1 tanks, zepplin gun boats, bi-planes and artillery cannons. Sounds like a lot, but rather primitive compared to New Everfree and Troneon. Such recources woudl help them establish some port towns/ bases and tame portions of the everfree. I guess think a cross between american indians and vikings equipped w/ steam punk tech. A balence of nature and machine.

As for abilities, well I see them getting super strength and speed, growing weapons out of their bodies, natural armor, codex communications, having circuit board and metal tribal marks on their bodies. Essentially cyborg were-beasts.  Though I'd say the longer they stay, the more control they loose. Also I'd see them being more prone to berserker rages, and being a preferred target of other nano-beasts. 

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@Lektra Boltlet's get make our first contact with our factions a memorable one I thing AJ her self accompanied with pinkie sound go with the 1000 troops you offered so generously 😀Now the only thing to decide is which place/factions we should go to

@GoldieS@Lektra Bolt @Denim&Venom 

Where should the traveling party go to? 

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beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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1 hour ago, GoldieS said:

@Lektra Bolt

I'm keeping specifics to a minimum, just considering major world events. But hey, again, it's your call. This is your character, and your creation. Do whatever you want to it. Just know you're not going to solve the problems I throw at you with your fists. She can't beat everything with firepower, nor can her armies. 

@Techno Universal

Sorry!!! I keep forgetting to address your last post... sincerest apologies. We concluded projectile/projection weapons in general are present in this universe so plasma weaponry is a go. Though, I'm not sure if I want your heavy plasma turrets to be capable of burning through literally everything... most things perhaps, but if its plasma, doesn't the material need to super heat and pass through the weapon's barrel? If it could burn through anything... wouldn't it melt the components of the weapon?


I keep forgetting to ask... had you decided if you wanted to take on the Remnants as your own faction, or were you just more interested in throwing a few things in about them?

Well really a number of different metals would be used in the city as silver, gold and copper would still be used for their electronics. Like copper would be used for all of the wiring in the city but all the CPU chips would have gold plated pins for maximum electrical contact. Though a lot of the parts for machines and plasma wepons that are under high heat and impact would be made out of tungsten as it's the strongest metal that could be possibly be created. It's a metal that would also be used for the drill heads on the mining machines. Anyways tungsten is also used here in real life on metal moulding machines, large industrial shredding machines and for the heads on hydraulic press machines! :)  

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Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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10 minutes ago, Lektra Bolt said:

75% of the around 10 million residents are enlisted, and 20% of that are actually active at any given time of the month unless more are needed. Your could have a company of 1000 actually and about 5 to 10 of our large 'robots' too. Of course robots is relative. They are actually highly enchanted magically animated golem, but robot is just easier to understand for most people :)

You're in the 'ruling' triad and two of the characters are played by you though.

But for two pages @GoldieS was saying she just commits murder for the hell of it. To me this is perfectly fine and Lektra condones this. Might have trouble explaining it to Twilight though. :okiedokieloki:

Where does this aggression come from anyway? Neither of her moms is that aggressive

Perhaps it's because they aren't that aggressive that's the problem. Twi always has to talk things through and settle things peacefully when I'm certain she would've rather tear everyone a new rectal cavity for causing her such problems and never learning their lessons. I'm sure lektra has had those times too, where doing the moral thing of being mature and level headed, doesn't feel like the right thing of soem violent stress relief.

Also don't forget that Luster is the end result of the brain scans of 1000 other ponies too. 

On the topic of the city population though. 10 million? That's a country in of itself, let alone the remnants of one.

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@Techno Universal Don't forget shuttle and rocket parts... and the warhead of a modern tank shell... nothing like a good ole fashioned tungsten in your face! Projectile weapons are so much funner than lasers or plasma in fantasy...

At any rate, all sound reasonable to me. Can't wait to see what sinister projects Techno and his goons have cooking in there... speaking of which, I just kind of assumed the head researchers of the various departments would form the sort of leadership of Troneon, with Techno at the top. Is that correct?


The tech should work for what they need it for initially. I mean realistically they're mostly just fighting mindless zombies with the occasional monstrosities, along with normal organic beasts. WW1 type tech would work just fine. In this case it would really all just come down to numbers and ammo. Plus, they got the sword and board to back them up!

But dat Nano-were-beast though... that got my attention pretty quick... I'd love to see that! I don't know why we didn't mention it earlier... It can't be all of those down south though, probably a relatively small number but still enough to make up a strong backbone of the military. Problem is, I don't want other nations to have it, want it to be unique to the species of the south lands. Maybe some sort of biological trate to those who live in those conditions makes that strain of the virus have that sort of effect?

That way, we can keep a steady supply so they aren't too terribly precious of a commodity, but also make it so other factions can't come in and just use the were-virus for themselves. That make sense?


And holly tartarus, 1000 TROOPS!? Are you trying to look like a strike force or something!? I mean, it is a harsh land and all so... maybe that's for the best?

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@Lektra Bolt @woodchunks66

Well, if you guys want, we can say they've only been trading on the periphery, like mostly the outlying minor settlements and whatnot. New Hayseed and Lost Pegasus might be aware of the cities existence, but they aint traveling through the wild lands to get there...

Don't know about their culture, exports, or anything like that, save for a few brave independent traders here and there. Kind of like the far east and the west in the early days of exploration. 

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