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How did you find MLP Forums?

Google is and will always be my best friend forever <3

How you became a fan of My Little Pony

The natural flow of life.

Ello everypony!

Now I joined the herd... am I 20% cooler? I hope so.

Anyhow hello! I am Cyberkiyo (just call me Cyber or Kiyo) and I am a 21 year old History student from Belgium!
I am not so new to My little pony, in fact my grandma pushed my first pony in my tiny hands when I was 4 years old in 1999. Gradually I got more. Especially G2, but also G1 and evolved to G3. When puberty hit me, I send them all to the garage. Until I heard from my sister a new show aired called Friendship is Magic. I looked it up and the art style was adorable. So 16 year old me, went to a toystore... for science of course... there I found a duo pack of Rainbow Dash and Rainbow Flash. The two ponies I did not sentence to banishment in the dark garage. So I decide to buy them and proudly put them next to their G3 version. After that I just browsed and followed some pony artists on deviantart and didn't do much with it. Of course when Equestria girls came out, I had to get the Rainbow doll. Haha. 
My first encounter with Bronies wasn't a very pleasant one, so I stayed away from the community. I thought y'all were creeps with weird fetishes (yeah the 2 bronies I met earlier directly started to talk about weird sexual topics so I backed off + the hated the previous generation of ponies). However my sister made a friend in highschool and her brother was a Brony and he was super nice. So I kinda gave it a second chance. After a while my mom interfered and told me to grow up and stop with collecting ponies/anime figures/etc. I never listen to her, but since I went to an university dorm I kinda forgot about MLP because I never took them with me. 
A few weeks ago, I was cleaning my room and I found a Rainbow Dash cosplay I got from a friend, so I started to rewatch FiM and I think I want to stay for good this time. In these past weeks, I encountered  so many nice people in groups, I started to practice songs and picked up working on my cosplay again. My boyfriend (who does not like MLP and never will) agreed on helping me with making mechanical wings and when I am finished I would like to volunteer for Cosplay4Charity/MakeaWish. We might be adults and like MLP, but I also want to entertain and put a smile on children's face by doing my hobby. 

Wow long post. Forgive me. I hope I can make a lot for friends here!
Please don't hesitate to introduce yourself as well or PM me. I love to chat <3
I also play the MMORPG Blade & Soul, so please hit me up if you want to play. 

XoXo Cyber

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Hey @Cyberkiyo im sure you will have a great time here, everyone here is nice so you dont have to worry about that. There is also a section for older generation if you want to check that out. I also play MMORPG's and I've also tried Blade & Soul but if im not wrong isnt it more pvp centred, but since im not really into pvp I've kind of stopped. Anyways have fun and a warm welcome from me ^~^. 

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Hello! ^_^ 

Heh, yeah, not the best first impression I suppose. :derp:

I hope you'll not have to experience anything like this in the future; Welcome to the herd! :) 

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6 hours ago, Alpakachii said:

Hey @Cyberkiyo im sure you will have a great time here, everyone here is nice so you dont have to worry about that. There is also a section for older generation if you want to check that out. I also play MMORPG's and I've also tried Blade & Soul but if im not wrong isnt it more pvp centred, but since im not really into pvp I've kind of stopped. Anyways have fun and a warm welcome from me ^~^. 

 @Alpakachii Not really. I play this game for almost 2 years now and this night I did PvP for the first time. When it first launched there was barely storyline, but now there is. Even with fast leveling it takes a while. I mostly do PvE Dungeons with friends.

5 hours ago, Hieroklicious said:

Welcome @Cyberkiyo. Always great to see our souther neighbures get in here. Feel free to be yourself here. :twi:

Thanks a lot <3

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@Cyberkiyo I might be totally wrong since I play and switch to many different MMORPG's :please:. But the one I have been playing the most is Riders of Icarus (because of all the awesome Mounts and creatures that you can tame) and Wildstar (wich I don't know why so many people didn't like)

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6 minutes ago, Alpakachii said:

@Cyberkiyo I might be totally wrong since I play and switch to many different MMORPG's :please:. But the one I have been playing the most is Riders of Icarus (because of all the awesome Mounts and creatures that you can tame) and Wildstar (wich I don't know why so many people didn't like)

@Alpakachii damn I didn't try any of those. I did play Aion, TERA and Revelation Online for a bit. But I sticked with BnS because I want to become really good, so I must concentrate on only one game. rip. I mostly pick games by the graphics. xD I am low. I know haha

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@Cyberkiyo I'm exactly the same dont even worry ^_^. I also played Tera and Aion but that was a longer time ago. Then I got into Dragomon hunter, wich by the way looks absolutely adorable. And there is a bunch more I also tried that I forgot. But the problem with me is I get very easly bored with things and since im a shy and awkward mess I often play alone (plus I have the attention span of a fly) and most of the guilds require you to be a really active player and im someone who likes to play when I feel like it. 

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Just now, Alpakachii said:

@Cyberkiyo I'm exactly the same dont even worry ^_^. I also played Tera and Aion but that was a longer time ago. Then I got into Dragomon hunter, wich by the way looks absolutely adorable. And there is a bunch more I also tried that I forgot. But the problem with me is I get very easly bored with things and since im a shy and awkward mess I often play alone (plus I have the attention span of a fly) and most of the guilds require you to be a really active player and im someone who likes to play when I feel like it. 

That is why my sister have our own guild. And it is a guild for "Newbies and Awkward memers". We are doing great in because a bad guild XD
Hmm I might look up that Dragomon thing ;;3;;

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Heya @Cyberkiyo and welcome to the forum :D
I hope, and I'm sure, you'll have a great time in here. You'll see, you'll enjoy yourself, lot of crazy cordial ponies people :o
Feel free to message me if you have any question, if you need help or just if you wanna talk ! :grin:


I see your from Belgium, is there any chance you pay speak french ? :please:

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On 14-12-2017 at 9:31 PM, Trotteurliciously Sauvage said:

Heya @Cyberkiyo and welcome to the forum :D
I hope, and I'm sure, you'll have a great time in here. You'll see, you'll enjoy yourself, lot of crazy cordial ponies people :o
Feel free to message me if you have any question, if you need help or just if you wanna talk ! :grin:


I see your from Belgium, is there any chance you pay speak french ? :please:

@Trotteurliciously Sauvage Thank you!!
Nope I am from the Dutch side. I study in Brussels tho, so by now I can do shopping and ordering pizza in French... It is something xD
Jokes aside, I understadn French and I can read (French Manga and comics are cheaper), but my writing is like a pig and I have difficulties with speaking. Because in Brussels, when you are fluent, they either get mad or switch to English. So I got the habit to just speak English :c
Next year I will probably take extra classes French. 

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