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private Everfree Dark Tournament RP

Literally Snails

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Canteen nodded at Dynamo as he heard Mason he rolled his eyes some seeing the other walk around them. After he got back in front of them he moved between Dynamo and Mason still unable to speak. He just watched Mason taking up the inhaler he pressed it to his nose and took in a deep inhale from it tossing it aside, he pushed up and was now on his hind legs holding up his front hooves ~I am tired of this smug, inbred looking, stick up his butt, wanna be emo~ moving forward he was about to attack Mason before magic enveloped him yanking him back from Mason as he struggled in the air

Standing by the ring Arid's assistant Sueno was standing her horn glowing white as she held Canteen in the air beside her. Using a hoof she pushed a her rectangular glasses back upon her nose "Sorry about Canteen here, you are correct we should be civil here. However you shouldnt tease about knowing where Tricis is or how she is a whore. Doesnt seem very Civil to me." she said simply before her eyes looked into his "Leave us, you are powerful." she smiled slightly "However you havent a clue what I can do...I shall be taking Dynamo here along with the rest of my team to get medical attention. Unless they truly wish to go see Tricis, however I advise against that with Dynamo." she said looking at him "You have already seen enough violence for a day wouldnt you say?"

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6 hours ago, Literally Snails said:

While Mason was staring off with Copper, a tendril of shadow extended from his body, transforming to a claw. A monstrous, face with a red toothy maw made completely of opaque shadows extended from his back as the claw grabbed the chunk of cement and crushed it to dust.

"We all need to be civil here. You wouldn't want to make the same mistake your friend Tricis has." He started pacing around the group, circling behind Dynamo and brushing across his body with a shadowy tendril. He may have been trying to stall, but with everyone injured and drained from their fights violence with a member of Team Rokata might be a bad option.

"I can tell you where they are, sure. But you wont be able to save them. Why don't you just help your injured friend recover and wait for your turns to die." Mason stepped out from behind Dynamo, standing squarely in front of the others. 

"You see, Tricis is a jealous whore who hates Rokata because he's stronger than her. So she took Jade with her to go and attack Rokata while he meditated and now he's killing them both. Are you sure you want to know where they are? You might not want to see it."

Dynamo knew that an attempt like that from Canteen wouldn't be enough to stop a teammate from Team Rokata. What surprised Dynamo was the tendril of shadow that Mason had used. It seemed as if Mason had gotten stronger since the last time he saw him fighting Rose. Either that, or he just wasn't showing them his full strength. If that was the case, then that meant that the others were just as strong and dangerous. "Just what do you mean by mistakes that Tricis had made? What would you know that we don't? He watched as Mason began to pace around the group. Feeling a bit nervous as Mason circled behind him. He was still as a statue, while shivering slightly from the shadowy tendril brushing across his body. 

"If you know where they are, then why don't you just tell us? Shining Armor is uninjured, so he could go find them, while we go take care of our injuries. Besides, he has to go and get Draco since he just ran off out of nowhere." In truth, Dynamo wanted to say that Draco was a bit reckless at times. However, he didn't want to give Mason fuel for his team on ways to beat Jade and the others. As Mason stepped past them, the blue unicorn narrowed his eyes slightly. "I get that Rokata is strong, but I'd watch what you say. I may not know the full story of what's going on here, but I trust Jade and Tricis." Dynamo knew for a fact that Jade and Tricis were training for the finals. It was why they left him in charge for leading the team. He wasn't going to say that as he would let Mason think he was right.

5 hours ago, Arid_Blitz said:

Canteen nodded at Dynamo as he heard Mason he rolled his eyes some seeing the other walk around them. After he got back in front of them he moved between Dynamo and Mason still unable to speak. He just watched Mason taking up the inhaler he pressed it to his nose and took in a deep inhale from it tossing it aside, he pushed up and was now on his hind legs holding up his front hooves ~I am tired of this smug, inbred looking, stick up his butt, wanna be emo~ moving forward he was about to attack Mason before magic enveloped him yanking him back from Mason as he struggled in the air

Standing by the ring Arid's assistant Sueno was standing her horn glowing white as she held Canteen in the air beside her. Using a hoof she pushed a her rectangular glasses back upon her nose "Sorry about Canteen here, you are correct we should be civil here. However you shouldnt tease about knowing where Tricis is or how she is a whore. Doesnt seem very Civil to me." she said simply before her eyes looked into his "Leave us, you are powerful." she smiled slightly "However you havent a clue what I can do...I shall be taking Dynamo here along with the rest of my team to get medical attention. Unless they truly wish to go see Tricis, however I advise against that with Dynamo." she said looking at him "You have already seen enough violence for a day wouldnt you say?"

@reader8363 @DwhitetheGamer

The gaming unicorn was honestly surprised that Canteen used his nose as he used the inhaler. Although, he was starting to learn that Canteen was Canteen and that one shouldn't ask questions. He smiled slightly as Canteen stood between him and Mason, but he knew it wasn't worth it. The two of them went all out in their battle and it looked like Canteen has nothing left. Dynamo was about to speak, but stopped as he saw Canteen being yanked back by some magic. He was confused as to who was there, but he looked to the ring to see Arid's assistant, Sueno. 

As he listened to what Sueno had to say, Dynamo smiled and appreciated the assistance. At the same time, he felt slightly fearful at the mention of not knowing what she could do. He understood that she was Arid's assistant, but that was all he knew. She could have some special power or strength that he never knew about before. For the time being, he would listen to what she said as she wanted to help his team and her Canteen's team. "It looks like you got your answer, Mason." He says, looking back towards the fighter from Team Rokata. "We're not in the mood for any trouble. If you're still looking for a fight, then we'll be there in the finals. So, you'll excuse us, we'll be heading to the infirmary with Miss Sueno." He says, looking to both Canteen and Copper. "Hey, you guys? We need some help, okay? Canteen, can you help me walk, while Copper can help Rose walk? I can guess that you two still have plenty of energy, while Rose and I are injured and/or exhausted." 

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19 hours ago, Literally Snails said:

Rokata stopped and turned around in time to see Jade performing her new ability. It was similar to the spectral dragon the Spirit Warriors fought with, but the important difference was its intensity. The blinding light and overwhelming power Rokata could sense made him almost... nervous. He smiled as he turned around to face her.

At last. An opponent I might not defeat. He extended his claw with an open palm as Jade rushed toward him. He braced himself for the impact but didn't attempt to dodge. But now isn't the time. Soon enough...

Jade didn't falter as Rokata raised his palm. By the time he could see her, the dragon had slammed its fist into his hoof. At the same time, its other arm swung the spectral katana toward him.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@Arid_Blitz @Dynamo Pad @reader8363 @dragon4111 @Unicorncob @DwhitetheGamer


5 hours ago, Unicorncob said:

Jade didn't falter as Rokata raised his palm. By the time he could see her, the dragon had slammed its fist into his hoof. At the same time, its other arm swung the spectral katana toward him.

Time appeared to slow as Jade neared Rokata. Both fighters eagerly anticipating which would survive this clash, a true test of their mettle. But right at the moment that the two clashed, her vision was overtaken by a blinding yellow light, her hearing was overwhelmed with a constant ringing and she felt a warm sensation all across her body before her vision darkened, her hearing went silent, and the warm sensation changed to the cold hard surface of the cave floor. She heard a dripping sound and felt a droplet of water land on her face. She was in the exact same spot she was when she began her test. She could see the glowing light of the magical cuffs around her ankles and her whole body felt sore. There were a few things that were different from when she passed out. She didn't exactly feel stronger, but she had the sensation that something was different about her. Her body was also covered in cuts and bruises that must have happened when she absorbed Tricis' gift.

17 hours ago, dragon4111 said:

@Literally Snails

 Draco was hurt alright but he forced himself up. "I'm not going to deter me from saving the old witch," Draco stated as he sent a kick towards Rokata's legs. Yep his ribs were cracked. He looked at Rokata as he was on shaky knees.

"You have a warrior's composition, you have a right to be proud." Rokata said to Draco as he pulled himself back up to his hooves. He sounded sincere, even respectful. "I can't allow your interference to continue. But I will not end your life."

Before Draco had completely stood up, Rokata slammed his claw into the ground, shaking the earth beneath Draco. Then Rokata gripped the ground then propelled himself forward, slamming into the off-balance Draco shoulder first, his body surrounded in an aura that made him as rigid as titanium. The impact would have completely disintegrated a normal pony, but Rokata knew Draco would survive the impact. It sent him flying, worsening his broken ribs while slamming him into an oak tree which snapped in half from the force of the impact.

Rokata stood where Draco was standing before with his back turned to Tricis as she stood back up. She clenched her front left leg which was clearly badly broken. "So there really is nothing of you left?" She asked with a voice shaking with sorrow and rage.

Rokata turned around and gazed at her sternly. "You're the one who's gone. You could have let your past make you stronger, as I did. Instead, you let it destroy you." He reached out his clawed leg and clenched it into a fist surrounded by a powerful red aura. "I'll show you what you could have had."

"You're too far up your own ass to even see what's happened to you!" Tricis said, using all her remaining strength to charge at Rokata, surrounded by a fiery blue aura. She jumped at Rokata, pointing both her hind hooves down at him, slamming down at him with a double flying kick. Rokata stood his ground. As Tricis drew nearer to him, he swung his clawed fist at her chest, slamming into her body with such force that her midsection curled around his fist and she spat out a misty spray of blood.

15 hours ago, Arid_Blitz said:

"Sorry about Canteen here, you are correct we should be civil here. However you shouldnt tease about knowing where Tricis is or how she is a whore. Doesnt seem very Civil to me." she said simply before her eyes looked into his "Leave us, you are powerful." she smiled slightly "However you havent a clue what I can do...I shall be taking Dynamo here along with the rest of my team to get medical attention. Unless they truly wish to go see Tricis, however I advise against that with Dynamo." she said looking at him "You have already seen enough violence for a day wouldnt you say?"

@Dynamo Pad

"Yes, go and find a different tournament to lose. You're not really needed here anymore." Mason said smugly as Canteen was pulled away. He was surprised, however, when Dynamo seemed to agree with Sueno. He was certain she would want to find out what happened to his friends, but it seemed Dynamo was practicing some restraint.

16 hours ago, reader8363 said:

"Just get to the point. Why are you even here, to taunt us into forfeiting or to waste our time?"

10 hours ago, Dynamo Pad said:

"If you know where they are, then why don't you just tell us? Shining Armor is uninjured, so he could go find them, while we go take care of our injuries. Besides, he has to go and get Draco since he just ran off out of nowhere."


"Ah yes, Draco must have gone off to find them. Not smart, I'm afraid."

A shadowy tendril curled under Copper's chin, stroking it softly. "It's true, I am taunting you," Mason admitted. "But you're being good little boys and girls, so I'll give you what you need. It's too late now anyway. Rokata was meditating at a cave carved in the largest mountain to the south of the stadium when Tricis and Jade attacked him. You'll find their corpses there."

  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@Literally Snails

Draco gasped as he was hurled away. body broken. He saw that what happened and threw a gauntlet at Rokata hard. Pathetic  I know but he was going to fight to save the old mare. Draco then got up and ran towards the two. He shoved the mare into the forest as he took up a defensive stance. "I will not back down. ain't no grave can hold my body down,"

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Literally Snails

That was all the info Copper needed to find them.  As soon as he was told, he activated his speed art before bolting out of the stadium, going south side as stated.

@dragon4111 @Unicorncob

It took a while, but he finally managed to make it to the mountainside.  And the very, VERY second he found the giant Pegasus, he jumped as high as he could before wrapping himself in a purple aura, while at the same time curling up to a ball.  This was his Buster technique, where he would be able to deal more damage than he normally would.  He charged up before aiming at Rokata like a heat-seeking missile.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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7 hours ago, Literally Snails said:

"Yes, go and find a different tournament to lose. You're not really needed here anymore." Mason said smugly as Canteen was pulled away. He was surprised, however, when Dynamo seemed to agree with Sueno. He was certain she would want to find out what happened to his friends, but it seemed Dynamo was practicing some restraint.

"Ah yes, Draco must have gone off to find them. Not smart, I'm afraid."

A shadowy tendril curled under Copper's chin, stroking it softly. "It's true, I am taunting you," Mason admitted. "But you're being good little boys and girls, so I'll give you what you need. It's too late now anyway. Rokata was meditating at a cave carved in the largest mountain to the south of the stadium when Tricis and Jade attacked him. You'll find their corpses there."

@Arid_Blitz @reader8363 @DwhitetheGamer

Dynamo had felt hurt when he heard Mason speaking with such disrespect towards Sueno, Canteen and the others from Team Crimos. He knew that they were all opponents and maybe enemies. However, he felt they all fought hard and deserved to be here at this tournament. He chose to stay quiet as it wasn't his place to say. At the same time, this whole argument was against Team Crimos. "I trust Draco. He's both a friend and a teammate. I trust that he'll find Tricis and bring her back." He says, feeling a sense of dread in the pit of his stomach. It was as if something didn't fit quite right, but he couldn't tell why.

At the mention of the information given by Mason, Dynamo quickly turned to Copper, who had quickly run right out of the stadium. "Copper, wait! Come back here!" He held out a hoof as if trying to reach out to his friend, but it was to no avail. 'Darn it. What if what Mason is telling us is either a trick, or a trap waiting to happen? Besides, the forest is thick with trees and terrible vision. I don't know what to think about this.' He thought, deciding to just trust the others. "I'm sorry about this, Shining Armor. I guess the others wanted to go on ahead. I guess we should just head to the infirmary and see if we can all get some medical attention." He says, also referring to his team and Team Crimos. He then turned towards Rose with a look of concern on his face. "Do you want me to help you to the infirmary, Rose? You can lean on me and we'll be there before you know it."

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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16 hours ago, Literally Snails said:

Time appeared to slow as Jade neared Rokata. Both fighters eagerly anticipating which would survive this clash, a true test of their mettle. But right at the moment that the two clashed, her vision was overtaken by a blinding yellow light, her hearing was overwhelmed with a constant ringing and she felt a warm sensation all across her body before her vision darkened, her hearing went silent, and the warm sensation changed to the cold hard surface of the cave floor. She heard a dripping sound and felt a droplet of water land on her face. She was in the exact same spot she was when she began her test. She could see the glowing light of the magical cuffs around her ankles and her whole body felt sore. There were a few things that were different from when she passed out. She didn't exactly feel stronger, but she had the sensation that something was different about her. Her body was also covered in cuts and bruises that must have happened when she absorbed Tricis' gift.

Jade groaned and lifted her head, eyes stinging. Where was she? A cave?

Right. Tricis's training. She remembered.

Had she been in that field at all? Were Tricis and Dynamo really safe? She wasn't sure. That fight felt so real. The cuts and bruises all over her helped her believe that.

She scowled at the cuffs around her ankles. She'd forgotten about those. When would Tricis allow her to take them off?

Come to think of it, where was Tricis?

Her ears flicked as she heard some kind of commotion from the mouth of the cave. She grunted and struggled to lift herself onto her hooves, hobbling toward the light.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@Dynamo Pad
Rose looked over to see that the portal was almost done and said, "No thanks, I won't need the infirmary right now. I'll get the help I need real quick, but thanks for offering." She brought down her back hoof to get rid of the point and used it to move towards the portal.

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20 minutes ago, reader8363 said:

@Dynamo Pad
Rose looked over to see that the portal was almost done and said, "No thanks, I won't need the infirmary right now. I'll get the help I need real quick, but thanks for offering." She brought down her back hoof to get rid of the point and used it to move towards the portal.


Dynamo wanted to argue as he knew that Rose needed some serious medical attention. However, he sighed and nodded with a soft, yet caring smile. "Okay and I understand. Just take the time you need and be back as soon as you can. We'll be waiting for you and you're welcome, Rose. That's what friends are for." He says, waiting for Rose to finish the portal to make sure that she would be okay. He knew Rose was capable of taking care of herself, but he just couldn't trust Mason being here. He then turned his attention to Sueno, who was still standing on the ring. "Excuse me, Miss Sueno? I guess it'll just be me who's going along with your team to the infirmary. I hope you don't mind me accompanying the others." 

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@Literally Snails  @Dynamo Pad

Sueno stood there as Mason taunted her with the losing part and just smiled "You assume we came here to win? If that were the case I myself would of entered as well..no no. See I knew we would make it to the semi-finals. Face against Team Lotus and lose." she pushed her glasses up on her face again as she shut her eyes "Why do you think I left before the match began? I place a bet on Lotus to win, the amount we earned from it is more then enough to help Crimos with war relief efforts." she reopened her eyes as she was now examining Mason...looking into his eyes before nodding "Now then Dynamo I do not mind assisting you to the Infirmary, the others will be fine and you were right not to go. Your magic is depleted and you are injured."

Turning around she set Canteen off near Melio and simply said "Behave." before looking over her shoulder at Mason "I hope you do not mind but." she pointed with a hoof at the darkness still on Canteen's mouth "I'm taking this I find it quite fascinating." she reached into her saddle bag and removed a small vial looking at Canteen she used her magic on the tendril hoping to remove it and store it for later in her vial "Anyways Come Dynamo the others are waiting, well at least my team..no worries on your team they will survive Mason is just attempting to get under your skin."

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1 minute ago, Arid_Blitz said:

@Literally Snails  @Dynamo Pad

Sueno stood there as Mason taunted her with the losing part and just smiled "You assume we came here to win? If that were the case I myself would of entered as well..no no. See I knew we would make it to the semi-finals. Face against Team Lotus and lose." she pushed her glasses up on her face again as she shut her eyes "Why do you think I left before the match began? I place a bet on Lotus to win, the amount we earned from it is more then enough to help Crimos with war relief efforts." she reopened her eyes as she was now examining Mason...looking into his eyes before nodding "Now then Dynamo I do not mind assisting you to the Infirmary, the others will be fine and you were right not to go. Your magic is depleted and you are injured."

Turning around she set Canteen off near Melio and simply said "Behave." before looking over her shoulder at Mason "I hope you do not mind but." she pointed with a hoof at the darkness still on Canteen's mouth "I'm taking this I find it quite fascinating." she reached into her saddle bag and removed a small vial looking at Canteen she used her magic on the tendril hoping to remove it and store it for later in her vial "Anyways Come Dynamo the others are waiting, well at least my team..no worries on your team they will survive Mason is just attempting to get under your skin."

As Sueno began to go into detail about her explanation, Dynamo began to wonder about how she placed a bet on his team. 'She knew that we would win this round? She must have some serious confidence about our team if we were able to win against Canteen and the others.' He thought, nodding as she allowed him to follow the rest of her team to the infirmary. "Thank you and I appreciate the help. I just didn't want to go off on my own, or just follow along and expect for the others to be okay with it. Besides, I think it's better to be there for your friends." He says, looking over and nodding towards Canteen and Melio.

He was surprised as he saw Canteen listening to Sueno's words. He had gotten to know Canteen a little bit from the previous day, but he didn't think he would just stay there in place, or anything like that. He had a feeling that they would want to use that sort of magic. Seeing how Team Crimos would be using different magic for the weapons they used to fight. As she asked him to follow her and the team, Dynamo nodded, before almost stopping at what Sueno had told him. He didn't stand still for long as he walked over to team Crimos and walked alongside them. "I'll be back in a little while, Shining Armor. If you see the others, then just tell them I'm at the infirmary." He called out to his team owner, while his thoughts continued to bombard his mind with questions. 'This just doesn't make any sense. She just saw my team head off towards the forest to check on and save Jade and Tricis. Not only that, but Mason said that Rokata was with Jade and the coach. Maybe I can ask her how she knows all of this when we get to the infirmary.' He thought, trying to figure out what exactly was going on with the assistant. 

  • Brohoof 1
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On 5/22/2019 at 3:29 PM, dragon4111 said:

His gauntlets beside Tricis. He coughed up blood. He'll say "No matter how are you hit me I'll keep standing back up," draco stated  as his resolve was hardened He looked at the beast in front of his not backing down. He got into a guarded stance.


Draco was too injured to last another minute with Rokata. He'd bought Tricis some time, but now it was time for him to step down. Tricis knew he wouldn't. "Unfortunately I believe him," Tricis said, standing up while clenching her bleeding chest. She could feel that another one of Jade's teammates was rapidly approaching. "It's not time for any of you to get yourselves killed yet."

Tricis flicked her horn and used her magic to envelop Draco in a glowing pink bubble of magical energy, slowly lifting the badly injured pegasus off the ground. The bubble wouldn't break unless she broke the spell or lost consciousness. With another flick of her horn, she sent Draco flying away toward Copper as he dove down at Rokata. With Copper flying too fast to change directions, he hit the bubble which expanded in size and trapped him as well. The two stayed hovering over the grove, trapped in the bubble that was hard as steel from the inside.


Jade emerged from the cave just in time to see Rokata charging at Tricis with his clawed leg clenched. Tricis' horn was glowing, ready to use the last magic she had left in her well. Rokata dragged his claw on the ground, chunks of earth flying in all directions from the explosive red aura surrounding the limb. Tricis fired a blinding blue blast at Rokata's chest right as his claw swung upward and dug deep into her chest, clenching her broken ribs while spraying out viscera before she was hurled away, landing on her back with an anticlimactic thud.

Draco and Copper were still trapped in their bubble, so she couldn't be unconscious. But she wasn't moving.

Rokata had a singed mark on his left shoulder where Tricis' blast landed, oozing purple blood down his size. He turned his head to Jade with a slouched posture. He didn't look like he was interested in attacking anyone else.


4 hours ago, Arid_Blitz said:

she pointed with a hoof at the darkness still on Canteen's mouth "I'm taking this I find it quite fascinating." she reached into her saddle bag and removed a small vial looking at Canteen she used her magic on the tendril hoping to remove it and store it for later in her vial "Anyways Come Dynamo the others are waiting, well at least my team..no worries on your team they will survive Mason is just attempting to get under your skin."

@Dynamo Pad

"Of course." Mason said with a smile. He turned to Dynamo. "It seems your teammates have made different plans. I'd suggest you stop making friends with ponies you beat. No sense in using someone who's weaker than you."

He stood where he was while Dynamo and Sueno left.

  • Brohoof 2


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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5 hours ago, Dynamo Pad said:

As Sueno began to go into detail about her explanation, Dynamo began to wonder about how she placed a bet on his team. 'She knew that we would win this round? She must have some serious confidence about our team if we were able to win against Canteen and the others.' He thought, nodding as she allowed him to follow the rest of her team to the infirmary. "Thank you and I appreciate the help. I just didn't want to go off on my own, or just follow along and expect for the others to be okay with it. Besides, I think it's better to be there for your friends." He says, looking over and nodding towards Canteen and Melio.

He was surprised as he saw Canteen listening to Sueno's words. He had gotten to know Canteen a little bit from the previous day, but he didn't think he would just stay there in place, or anything like that. He had a feeling that they would want to use that sort of magic. Seeing how Team Crimos would be using different magic for the weapons they used to fight. As she asked him to follow her and the team, Dynamo nodded, before almost stopping at what Sueno had told him. He didn't stand still for long as he walked over to team Crimos and walked alongside them. "I'll be back in a little while, Shining Armor. If you see the others, then just tell them I'm at the infirmary." He called out to his team owner, while his thoughts continued to bombard his mind with questions. 'This just doesn't make any sense. She just saw my team head off towards the forest to check on and save Jade and Tricis. Not only that, but Mason said that Rokata was with Jade and the coach. Maybe I can ask her how she knows all of this when we get to the infirmary.' He thought, trying to figure out what exactly was going on with the assistant. 

"Yes yes, make all the comments. I do look forward to the finals. See you then." she said before she forcefully removed the tendril from Canteen's mouth tearing fur off with it, he let out a scream of pain as he rubbed the area. Sueno placed the tendril inside the vial sealing it, it began to glow as a rune Viridi placed on it to keep it sealed. "There we go, and Canteen stop whining get Melio and come to the Infirmary." She said as she walked towards the infirmary

"No worries, you can ask some questions and at least get fixed up. The ones who ran off are gonna be beaten up pretty badly but nothing life threatening. Really not my concern they ran off knowing full well they would just be used as punching bags." she chuckled as she got to the infirmary where Defiant, Viridi and even Arid were. Arid was still dead on a bed, Viridi was fully awake and watching as Sueno walked in with Canteen, Melio, and Dynamo

Viridi looked at Dynamo and bowed her head some "Hello seems a shame we didnt all get a chance to probably introduce ourselves to each other. My name is Viridi captain of the guard of Crimos. Honor to meet you."

Defiant was laying in a bed groaning some "Oh shut up...my head is killing me." he said before a smack to his head made him cry out in pain "OUCH."

Viridi rolled her eyes some "No one told you to go out there and over do it, but noooo you just had to try and impress the ladies."

Canteen helped Melio to a bed to let him sleep as he looked around "Ha all of you look like shit, cant handle the fights like I can."

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@Unicorncob @dragon4111

He could HAVE been able to dodge the bubble, but he didn't expect it at all, so indeed he was trapped inside.  It made him stop spinning and look at Draco for a moment before gazing at Jade.  Seeing she made it out of the cave, he turned his attention back to Rokata. 


@Literally Snails

"Hey Roky boy," he stated, devoid of any humor or pity.  "What gives you a right to attack our trainer?  She didn't do jack squat to you.  You do understand that evil will never prevail, right?  You've seen the cartoon shows about heroes triumphing over evil, have you?  Don't you have some legacy or some crap that your father wanted you to continue?  I bet your daddy's PISSED at you right now.  Anyone with half a brain would."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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9 hours ago, Arid_Blitz said:

"Yes yes, make all the comments. I do look forward to the finals. See you then." she said before she forcefully removed the tendril from Canteen's mouth tearing fur off with it, he let out a scream of pain as he rubbed the area. Sueno placed the tendril inside the vial sealing it, it began to glow as a rune Viridi placed on it to keep it sealed. "There we go, and Canteen stop whining get Melio and come to the Infirmary." She said as she walked towards the infirmary

"No worries, you can ask some questions and at least get fixed up. The ones who ran off are gonna be beaten up pretty badly but nothing life threatening. Really not my concern they ran off knowing full well they would just be used as punching bags." she chuckled as she got to the infirmary where Defiant, Viridi and even Arid were. Arid was still dead on a bed, Viridi was fully awake and watching as Sueno walked in with Canteen, Melio, and Dynamo

Viridi looked at Dynamo and bowed her head some "Hello seems a shame we didnt all get a chance to probably introduce ourselves to each other. My name is Viridi captain of the guard of Crimos. Honor to meet you."

Defiant was laying in a bed groaning some "Oh shut up...my head is killing me." he said before a smack to his head made him cry out in pain "OUCH."

Viridi rolled her eyes some "No one told you to go out there and over do it, but noooo you just had to try and impress the ladies."

Canteen helped Melio to a bed to let him sleep as he looked around "Ha all of you look like shit, cant handle the fights like I can."

As Sueno removed the tendril from Canteen's mouth, Dynamo winced as he could hear Canteen's scream of pain. "Oh, now that had to hurt." He trembled slightly as he could feel the pain from his friend's injury. As Sueno and the others began to walk away, Dynamo had begun to walk alongside them to the infirmary. His eyes widened slightly as the assistant answered what he was thinking. 'Is she able to read my mind? Now I'm even more curious as to what's going on. Hopefully, I can get some answers when we are all in the infirmary. It's better to have a private chat instead of others listening in on the conversation.' The blue unicorn gave a deadpanned expression as he listened to Sueno's remark.

"I'm not the captain of my team, but I can tell that some of the teammates are a bit of a loose cannon. They seem to fly off the handle whenever something doesn't sit quite right. That, or it's just in their nature. It was always like that for Copper as he always worried about me and others. He's been my oldest friend when I was younger and even now, he hasn't changed a bit. I know Rose had to leave, but she had to take care of things on her own terms. I admit that I would go and follow the others, but it would be foolish of me. I know I can be reckless at times, but I've learned now that I have to think before I act. I'm out of magic and exhausted from my fight. So, I'll more likely be a liability, instead of an asset."

As they reached the infirmary, Dynamo had stepped through the open door to see the other members of Team Crimos. The gaming unicorn was surprised as he saw Viridi had bowed to him. "A captain of the guard for Crimos? No wonder you were so powerful in your fight. Also, there's no need to bow to me. I know we were enemies and rivals, but I hope we can be friends after all of this. By the way, my name is Dynamo Pad. It's an honor to meet you too, Viridi." He bowed briefly, before looking up and giving Viridi a friendly smile. He held back a chuckle as he saw the antics of the team. Even though they were strong, there seemed to never be a dull moment. He then turned to Canteen and chuckled sheepishly. "Either you have a great resistance to pain, or the gems you have can dull the pain." He shrugged his shoulders as he still didn't know much about his new friends. 

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Rose watched the other's leave and headed into the portal, where it wrapped around her and pulled her down into the shadows. Shining's magic faded and was replaced with stronger shadow magic. She sighed as she saw a metal table with straps and laid down for her to be fitted

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14 hours ago, Literally Snails said:

Jade emerged from the cave just in time to see Rokata charging at Tricis with his clawed leg clenched. Tricis' horn was glowing, ready to use the last magic she had left in her well. Rokata dragged his claw on the ground, chunks of earth flying in all directions from the explosive red aura surrounding the limb. Tricis fired a blinding blue blast at Rokata's chest right as his claw swung upward and dug deep into her chest, clenching her broken ribs while spraying out viscera before she was hurled away, landing on her back with an anticlimactic thud.

Draco and Copper were still trapped in their bubble, so she couldn't be unconscious. But she wasn't moving.

Rokata had a singed mark on his left shoulder where Tricis' blast landed, oozing purple blood down his size. He turned his head to Jade with a slouched posture. He didn't look like he was interested in attacking anyone else.

Jade was weak and sore, panting just from dragging herself out of the cave. Rokata was there, bleeding. Tricis was badly injured, and Draco and Copper were trapped. Her hooves were still bound in those cuffs

But she held her ground. She was certain that what she had seen before was simply a vision, but her power was real. She could feel it.

She kept eye contact with Rokata, staring him down. She felt the aura inside her burning.

"If you wish to finish this here instead of the arena," she growled, "then so be it. Face me."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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14 hours ago, Dynamo Pad said:

As Sueno removed the tendril from Canteen's mouth, Dynamo winced as he could hear Canteen's scream of pain. "Oh, now that had to hurt." He trembled slightly as he could feel the pain from his friend's injury. As Sueno and the others began to walk away, Dynamo had begun to walk alongside them to the infirmary. His eyes widened slightly as the assistant answered what he was thinking. 'Is she able to read my mind? Now I'm even more curious as to what's going on. Hopefully, I can get some answers when we are all in the infirmary. It's better to have a private chat instead of others listening in on the conversation.' The blue unicorn gave a deadpanned expression as he listened to Sueno's remark.

"I'm not the captain of my team, but I can tell that some of the teammates are a bit of a loose cannon. They seem to fly off the handle whenever something doesn't sit quite right. That, or it's just in their nature. It was always like that for Copper as he always worried about me and others. He's been my oldest friend when I was younger and even now, he hasn't changed a bit. I know Rose had to leave, but she had to take care of things on her own terms. I admit that I would go and follow the others, but it would be foolish of me. I know I can be reckless at times, but I've learned now that I have to think before I act. I'm out of magic and exhausted from my fight. So, I'll more likely be a liability, instead of an asset."

As they reached the infirmary, Dynamo had stepped through the open door to see the other members of Team Crimos. The gaming unicorn was surprised as he saw Viridi had bowed to him. "A captain of the guard for Crimos? No wonder you were so powerful in your fight. Also, there's no need to bow to me. I know we were enemies and rivals, but I hope we can be friends after all of this. By the way, my name is Dynamo Pad. It's an honor to meet you too, Viridi." He bowed briefly, before looking up and giving Viridi a friendly smile. He held back a chuckle as he saw the antics of the team. Even though they were strong, there seemed to never be a dull moment. He then turned to Canteen and chuckled sheepishly. "Either you have a great resistance to pain, or the gems you have can dull the pain." He shrugged his shoulders as he still didn't know much about his new friends. 


Viridi tilted her head at the mention of not needing to bow "Enemies? Pfft oh that is a good one. Oh no wonder Canteen took a liking to you." she said before hearing what Canteen said, picking up a baton she leaned over and gently poked him in the side before seeing him drop like a rock and crying out in pain "Oh yes looking good there Canteen." she looked at Dynamo chuckling some "I actually held back some, believe it or not a few of us did. Arid went all out and Canteen here...oh and Defiant." she said stretching some "In all honesty I havent seen Canteen get pushed that hard since he fought Arid. Defiant, Aiden, and Myself all couldnt do that to him."

Defiant rolled his eyes some "Hey I pushed him pretty hard myself."

Canteen looked up from the floor as he shook his head "Not really, You were pretty easy to figure out, then all I had to do was move in ways that made your attacks realllly ineffective against me. You wear out sooo fast at full speed...got bored honestly."

Getting red in the face with anger he grabbed a pan nearby and flung it at Canteen whacking him in the head with it "Shut it." he grabbed his pillow and covered his head with it

"Anyways." Sueno said pushing her glasses up before looking at Dynamo "Take a seat, you will be fixed up pretty soon. And I must agree Canteen is pretty...unusual as well smarter then he appears. Dynamo if you were ever to learn from a new "Master" then Canteen would probably be your best bet."


Edited by Arid_Blitz
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8 hours ago, Arid_Blitz said:


Viridi tilted her head at the mention of not needing to bow "Enemies? Pfft oh that is a good one. Oh no wonder Canteen took a liking to you." she said before hearing what Canteen said, picking up a baton she leaned over and gently poked him in the side before seeing him drop like a rock and crying out in pain "Oh yes looking good there Canteen." she looked at Dynamo chuckling some "I actually held back some, believe it or not a few of us did. Arid went all out and Canteen here...oh and Defiant." she said stretching some "In all honesty I havent seen Canteen get pushed that hard since he fought Arid. Defiant, Aiden, and Myself all couldnt do that to him."

Defiant rolled his eyes some "Hey I pushed him pretty hard myself."

Canteen looked up from the floor as he shook his head "Not really, You were pretty easy to figure out, then all I had to do was move in ways that made your attacks realllly ineffective against me. You wear out sooo fast at full speed...got bored honestly."

Getting red in the face with anger he grabbed a pan nearby and flung it at Canteen whacking him in the head with it "Shut it." he grabbed his pillow and covered his head with it

"Anyways." Sueno said pushing her glasses up before looking at Dynamo "Take a seat, you will be fixed up pretty soon. And I must agree Canteen is pretty...unusual as well smarter then he appears. Dynamo if you were ever to learn from a new "Master" then Canteen would probably be your best bet."


Dynamo tilted his head at Vridi's comment, before smiling with a nod. "Well, with how everything's gone so far. It really feels nice to have friends instead of enemies trying to take you down. I guess I'll take that as a compliment as I seemed to have made you laugh." He looked over to Canteen, who seemed to have dropped to the ground after being poked by a baton. "Uh...are you sure that's a baton and not a taser? Actually, I can imagine that baton had some runes on that too, right? Seeing how that was your ability and/or strength. I mean no offense in saying this, but I was a little disturbed at how the runes were seared within your skin. Don't get me wrong, you were awesome and it was really cool, but I didn't know you had the power of runes like that." He says, giving Viridi an apologetic look. "I didn't think you were holding back. To be honest, when you took the gloves off when fighting Draco, I felt that was your way of going into serious mode. I have no doubt that Canteen was going all out. I really had to give it my all, but he's got reaction time, in order to fight the way he did."

At the mention of Canteen being pushed that far caught Dynamo by surprise. "Wow. I really didn't think I'd push him to go to such great feats. I mean, I know he wanted to fight me because of that mind racer spell I used. However, I wanted to try and not use that spell, unless I was out of options." He noticed Defiant becoming angry, while throwing a nearby pan at Canteen. He winced at the pan made contact, before seeing Defiant covered his face with his pillow. "Uh...should I ask?" He turned towards Viridi with a confused look upon his face. His ears perked as Sueno called out to him. He looked over to the assistant and nods, before going over to a nearby chair and taking a seat. "I know it would sound strange, but I do believe you on how he's smarter than he appears. He does things in his own way, but it sort of has purpose towards it. Anytime I caught him off guard and took the advantage, Canteen would always take the advantage back." At the mention of Canteen being his master, he looked towards the fallen earth pony and chuckled. "If he was willing to, then I guess it wouldn't be bad to have Canteen as my new "Master." Whether it was intentional or unintentional, he did help me to learn a lot as we fought." Suddenly, a thought had just occurred to the gaming unicorn. "By the way, Miss Sueno? From what you were talking about on our way to the infirmary. How did you know what was happening to my team? Not only that, but how did you know what I was thinking? Are you able to read minds, or something like that?"

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On 5/24/2019 at 6:34 AM, DwhitetheGamer said:

@Unicorncob @dragon4111

He could HAVE been able to dodge the bubble, but he didn't expect it at all, so indeed he was trapped inside.  It made him stop spinning and look at Draco for a moment before gazing at Jade.  Seeing she made it out of the cave, he turned his attention back to Rokata. 


@Literally Snails

"Hey Roky boy," he stated, devoid of any humor or pity.  "What gives you a right to attack our trainer?  She didn't do jack squat to you.  You do understand that evil will never prevail, right?  You've seen the cartoon shows about heroes triumphing over evil, have you?  Don't you have some legacy or some crap that your father wanted you to continue?  I bet your daddy's PISSED at you right now.  Anyone with half a brain would."


Rokata acted like Copper and Draco weren't even present. He was almost done with what he came here to do, and Jade was the only one he planned to fight in the ring. He walked closer to Tricis who was barely hanging on to consciousness.

On 5/24/2019 at 11:05 AM, Unicorncob said:

Jade was weak and sore, panting just from dragging herself out of the cave. Rokata was there, bleeding. Tricis was badly injured, and Draco and Copper were trapped. Her hooves were still bound in those cuffs

But she held her ground. She was certain that what she had seen before was simply a vision, but her power was real. She could feel it.

She kept eye contact with Rokata, staring him down. She felt the aura inside her burning.

"If you wish to finish this here instead of the arena," she growled, "then so be it. Face me."

"This has nothing to do with you, Jade." Rokata said, looking at the heavily wounded mare. Tricis reached out to Jade, looking like she wanted to say something to her, but she didn't have the strength to say it when she was so far away. "I didn't come to this tournament for her. But I'll admit that finding her here was an added bonus."

Rokata didn't enter a fighting stance even though it was clear Jade could strike at him at any moment. He smiled at her, waiting eagerly to see how she would react. "It's so unfair, isn't it? All this time training and you didn't even get a chance to defend her life."


  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@Literally Snails

Draco crawled himself over to tricis. using his battered body he would shield her. Bloody hell her throwing him into a tree was a low blow. But he was determined to save her. He slipped a gauntlet onto her. He then activated the healing magic with in it the last charge of it.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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15 hours ago, Literally Snails said:

"This has nothing to do with you, Jade." Rokata said, looking at the heavily wounded mare. Tricis reached out to Jade, looking like she wanted to say something to her, but she didn't have the strength to say it when she was so far away. "I didn't come to this tournament for her. But I'll admit that finding her here was an added bonus."

Rokata didn't enter a fighting stance even though it was clear Jade could strike at him at any moment. He smiled at her, waiting eagerly to see how she would react. "It's so unfair, isn't it? All this time training and you didn't even get a chance to defend her life."


Jade saw Tricis on the ground, heavily wounded. She limped over to her, eyes locked on Rokata. Thanks to her visions from before, the sight of her trainer so badly injured didn't shock her as much as the first time.

"Tricis knows what she's doing," she panted, nearly faltering a few times, "and I will defend her life. If I cannot, then I will defend the next one."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@Unicorncob @dragon4111 @Literally Snails

"Oi!" Copper said a little loudly to the giant Pegasus.  He didn't appreciate being ignored, and to top it off, the next thing he said my surprise a couple ponies.  "I'm talking to you, Rokata!  What is it with you trying to kill ponies for absolutely no reason, and why your mother of all ponies to be your next victim?  Are you that weak in the mind?!"

He then looked at Jade to explain further.  "This Pegasus before you has a large bounty on his head, Jade, as well as smaller bounties on his delusional team.  I'm not interested in him, I'm more interested in his acquaintances."

  • Brohoof 1

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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On 5/25/2019 at 6:57 AM, Dynamo Pad said:

Dynamo tilted his head at Vridi's comment, before smiling with a nod. "Well, with how everything's gone so far. It really feels nice to have friends instead of enemies trying to take you down. I guess I'll take that as a compliment as I seemed to have made you laugh." He looked over to Canteen, who seemed to have dropped to the ground after being poked by a baton. "Uh...are you sure that's a baton and not a taser? Actually, I can imagine that baton had some runes on that too, right? Seeing how that was your ability and/or strength. I mean no offense in saying this, but I was a little disturbed at how the runes were seared within your skin. Don't get me wrong, you were awesome and it was really cool, but I didn't know you had the power of runes like that." He says, giving Viridi an apologetic look. "I didn't think you were holding back. To be honest, when you took the gloves off when fighting Draco, I felt that was your way of going into serious mode. I have no doubt that Canteen was going all out. I really had to give it my all, but he's got reaction time, in order to fight the way he did."

At the mention of Canteen being pushed that far caught Dynamo by surprise. "Wow. I really didn't think I'd push him to go to such great feats. I mean, I know he wanted to fight me because of that mind racer spell I used. However, I wanted to try and not use that spell, unless I was out of options." He noticed Defiant becoming angry, while throwing a nearby pan at Canteen. He winced at the pan made contact, before seeing Defiant covered his face with his pillow. "Uh...should I ask?" He turned towards Viridi with a confused look upon his face. His ears perked as Sueno called out to him. He looked over to the assistant and nods, before going over to a nearby chair and taking a seat. "I know it would sound strange, but I do believe you on how he's smarter than he appears. He does things in his own way, but it sort of has purpose towards it. Anytime I caught him off guard and took the advantage, Canteen would always take the advantage back." At the mention of Canteen being his master, he looked towards the fallen earth pony and chuckled. "If he was willing to, then I guess it wouldn't be bad to have Canteen as my new "Master." Whether it was intentional or unintentional, he did help me to learn a lot as we fought." Suddenly, a thought had just occurred to the gaming unicorn. "By the way, Miss Sueno? From what you were talking about on our way to the infirmary. How did you know what was happening to my team? Not only that, but how did you know what I was thinking? Are you able to read minds, or something like that?"

Viridi just listened to the banter before hearing the Baton and about her runes in her talons "Oh my Batons do just I didnt activate them, plus it isnt so bad with the runes. Didnt really even hurt...when I inscribed them into my talons they began to sear into me. Hardly any pain then again I am pretty tough ole gal." hearing how he thought she was cool in her fight she chuckled "Ah yes and it was sorta a let down I didnt get to really let loose."

Canteen perked up at the mention of being a master to Dynamo "Oh hey yeah, I can show you a thing or two. Maybe three, though now that I think about it you wouldnt want to have me as a master. You wouldnt get a wise ole pony with a beard and give you subtle hints of how to improve." he said before yawning a bit laying on his back "Though I bet you would use your mind racer in new and wonderful ways."

"I saw all of it." she said bluntly before using her magic to grab out some tarot cards from her saddle bag along with a crystal ball made out of a ruby having them float near her "I saw what would occur plus read their tarot. Some very interesting things came from that. Also why I went and put a bet on your team to win, the only one that wasnt clear was Canteen..." she gave him a glare as she set her stuff back into her bag "When I read into his match with you...with my crystal ball..." she twitched some  as Sueno breathed in slowly "It exploded because it couldnt determine anything with him. I had to find a crystal out here and then shaped it into a new crystal ball." she then used her magic to gather up a few of the gems Melio's had given her and set them with Dynamo "Eat one it will renew your energy. I'll work on resetting your broken bones."

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