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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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I've gotten into a good nightly routine of ~10 minutes of visualization followed by ~30 minutes of personality discussion/narration.  No response from her yet, but I'll keep you guys updated.


Her name is Hazel, by the way.

  • Brohoof 1

That's really all there is to say on the matter.

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Hey guys, I'm new! One of my Brony friends told me all about Tulpae and directed me to this thread. Needless to say, I was apprehensive at first, but after reading through the first few pages I felt rather inspired!

Since then I've read through much more of the thread, clicked on several links, and done my own research into Tulpae. I've read some negative stuff about it, and a lot of positive stuff contradicting the negative stuff. But seeing as all of you seem to be having a wonderful time, I'm going to guess it's safe (As long as there are no long term problems)


I'm going to talk about my 'game plan', so that if I am doing anything wrong, hopefully one of you will correct me before I make things difficult for myself. I wan't to know if I'm going about this the wrong way o__o


I'm thinking of basing my Tulpa on S1 Luna (In visualization and name only. She will have unique personality and freedom to be who she wants to be) I have about 24 traits which I have thought of already, including that she is curious, imaginative, thoughtful, caring, affectionate, playful, talkative, and more. I know she may easily develop in a bit of a different direction, but that is the base I am going for.

I've read in multiple places that starting out with something abstract like an orb during the beginning phases is often best, but I realize that the entire process may vary from person to person. I get the impression that it's not always best to visualize the Tulpa before the personality is complete, but since I have Aspergus Syndrome I find it difficult to focus on anything abstract. In contrast, I excel with more literal interpretations of thought. Because of this, I plan to imagine Luna 'being there' in my room while I work on her personality. Could that have a negative impact on my progress in this case?

I sure hope not o__o

I'm pretty sure that once her personality is complete, the next step should be easy for me. I consider myself to have a fairly powerful imagination as it is. Take this tree for example. I only need to take one look at this image, and in my mind I can reconstruct and visualize the entire tree in 3D space, complete with moss, leaves, light/shadows, and in indentations on the bark. I can zoom in on it, rotate to any angle, change it's texture, bring it to life like the Whomping Willow, and just about anything else I care to think of. I can't physically see it like a Tulpa, but in my mind I can visualize it reasonably clearly.

Basic visualization aside, I think I have a good shot at 'bringing her to life' too. I've been animating for nearly seven years, and have spent over half that time active on DarkDemon.org. This site has the highest ranking standards out of all the known stick animation forums. To be a top ranking animator there, you must have an impeccable grasp of motion and  how things move in relation to one other. It takes a hell of a lot of experience coupled with an intuitive understanding of movement, all of which is ultimately ingrained into the subconscious. I'm ranked in the Top 10 out of more than 20,000 animators there, so I predict my Luna will move in a VERY realistic fashion once she has been imposed.

I will visualize Luna as she appears here, only with more life-like textures and lighting/shading. I won't make her too realistic, just in case I end up in a crisis where I don't know if I can distinguish between her and the real world. My one worry is that I might, might become unsure on whether or not I am unknowingly hallucinating 'real' things. I don't want to be worrying whether or not I have gone crazy without realizing it o__o


I plan on spending a minimum of 30 minutes to an hour each day for as long as it takes to get her personality beaten out, and then do the same for her physical appearance, and the rest of the details. I don't know what I'm going to do after that point yet, I guess I'll know by the time I get there. It could take many months, or a few weeks, we'll have to see I guess.

I wont start for another week or so (I have animations due) but I definitely will give this a shot.

Edited by OblivionFall
  • Brohoof 3
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Wall of Text



Hmm, I sort of had a suspicion you still had Rose. Though the third tulpa is something that I had no clue. Crep being a troublemaker is nothing new, of course. Good to hear a status report.



Pinkie says, "What's up with all these people and their multiple tulpas? One should be enough!"


Hahah, frankly, I have to agree with her. But I enjoy having one tulpa because I can devote all my attention and love to her. Though I gotta admit, having two tulpas to snuggle with instead of one would be pretty cool, too!

I think it comes down to personal preference sometimes. Other times it might just lead to accidents or out of nowhere tulpae.


Which is a good transition to talk about a status report. Something I haven't done in a while. For starters, Becca that was still a orb started having a form and thanks to Luna has her own thoughts and personality different to Luna. Another obnoxious thing though was the fact that Becca was impersonating Luna. Not to for payback from last time. They seem to have some sort of sisterly bond and Luna thought that I would miss her if she left for a certain amount of time(maybe she was right, but hell if know). An argument ensues and Luna leaves for a short amount of time. Coming back with her personality changed a bit. She's more introvert and only like to talks to me and Becca instead of me proxying her. I might have to do a one on one to see what has changed fully. Though I've been working more on Becca. Her form and such.


Which leads me to what I said earlier. Luna was a accidental tulpa from my conversation with myself. Becca was a tulpa I made using forcing and help become sentient thanks to Luna and myself working on it. Well, there's another tulpa apparently from what Becca and Luna had told me. A tulpa that has come out of nowhere. Though I haven't gotten a good view fully, it's orange. That's all I can say(though not AJ). Nevertheless, I think that's it for now. I'm working on Possession and Touch imposition. I've actually felt a few times in wonderland. Some where dull and just tingly, while a very few times I actually felt something. Progress is Progress. As for possession, I think Luna has move my right fingers a bit. We'll get there.


I think on the next post I'll proxy both Luna and Becca this time. I've been talking about them, but haven't really showed them to you. We'll see what happens. I hope you all have a good day.

  • Brohoof 3

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Well guys, something amazing has happened, but first I would like to thank everyone who answered my sentience question. I got emails so I did read your replies. Just didnt get around to posting again.


Anyways, I havent tulpaforced in a looooooong time because Im an idiot, but I told my friend about tulpae, and he wanted me to go visit her. She had never been sentient and the most she did was turn her head as she sat under her tree. This particular time however, she was not there. Instead there was an evil worm thing like a mini Jeff from MiB (Pic of Jeff bit.ly/Wa103c) I was about to speak to it when all of the sudden it morphed into a wolf and started flying around me in circles super fast with a smoke trail coming from behind. The circles got closer and closer until they hit me, and sent me shooting up in the air. I dove towards the ground and landed like a bad*** just for fun ;). When I landed, the wolf flew in front of me and morphed into an anime guy with a sword on his back. He had a huge smile on his face. I asked if he was my tulpa and he nodded enthusiastically. I told him I would come back later, but everytime I try, I seem to be locked out. I can view the wonderland and see things, but I cant seem to get in and walk around like normal.

So In a nutshell, my tulpa changed from a female pony, into a shapeshifting male, my tulpa has gained a ton of sentience almost instantly, and Im locked out of my wonderland.


Has this ever happened before? O_o


Oh and P.S.

This all happened about a month or 2 after my last tulpa forcing session. Where I told her she could be whatever she wants and I wouldnt stop her. But still, why the sudden sentience? Not that Im complaining :3

Edited by MrAwesomeness
  • Brohoof 1

Signature? Naw. Thats too mane stream.

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Which leads me to what I said earlier. Luna was a accidental tulpa from my conversation with myself. Becca was a tulpa I made using forcing and help become sentient thanks to Luna and myself working on it. Well, there's another tulpa apparently from what Becca and Luna had told me. A tulpa that has come out of nowhere. Though I haven't gotten a good view fully, it's orange. That's all I can say(though not AJ). Nevertheless, I think that's it for now. I'm working on Possession and Touch imposition. I've actually felt a few times in wonderland. Some where dull and just tingly, while a very few times I actually felt something. Progress is Progress. As for possession, I think Luna has move my right fingers a bit. We'll get there.


I think on the next post I'll proxy both Luna and Becca this time. I've been talking about them, but haven't really showed them to you. We'll see what happens. I hope you all have a good day.


Interesting. Luna is the same as Twilight then. The result of constantly asking questions and building a conversation in my head. Only problem is, Twi's a bit to confrontational because I always ask why and how it can be better. Synical is a good word for her. Its a pain breaking a tulpa of habits.

  • Brohoof 1


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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I've made a tulpa before,  and I thought maybe I should try making another. Though I didn't consider it the first time, I think I may make my second tulpa a pony, but I have some questions. They were probably asked before, but finding them in such a big thread would be really difficult, I think.

1. What is the general consensus on the size of a pony tulpa? I mean normal ponies like Crepescule, not ones like Tia, which are unusually large.

2. Isn't it odd having a colorful pony following you everywhere, or do you just get used to it?

3. Does anyone have any suggestions for which pony to base mine off of? I intend to have her deviate a fair amount from the character she is based, but I kind of want my original image to reflect her personality. I want one sort of cuddly like Fluttershy, but at the same time more excitable. Those that come immediately to mind are Octavia and Woona from Moonstuck (or perhaps just fanon Luna prior to season 2), but I'm really not sure. My favorite is AJ, but I just don't feel right about going with her.

4. My first tulpa completely disappeared several weeks ago out of the blue. :(  I can feel very strongly that she is gone, possibly forever. It is unusual, tragic, and frustrating to say the least. Does anyone have any thoughts about this? 

5. Does music affect tulpa creation? :huh:  I listened to Across the Universe on a loop while  forcing my first tulpa, and I read her Siddhartha early on, and she turned out kind Zen as a result (or at least I think this is the reason). Does anyone else have any experiences with this?


If all goes well, I will try to post updates here. I'll try not to be shy about posting here like I was before  ;)



Does anyone remember what the verdict you all decided on (I read this whole topic, but, that's a lot ot remember) for individuals whose puppeted tulpa had started copying actions the mancer was making, but doing so before they were made?


An example is that Luna tends to blink when I blink and yawn when I yawn, but is doing so slightly before I myself do, or am aware that I need to. She yawned before I knew I needed to yawn.


She also doesn't do it when I'm watching her FOR it, so when I need to yawn again and am watching her, she doesn't copy me.



Well yawns are contagious even amongst different people, so I would expect this to be true between a tulpa and creator. She is part of your mind, so it is easily possible for her to have an empathic response even before the initial yawn. I'm no expert, but I don't think this is necessarily a problem.  :)

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Hi guys. I, um, wanted to say that last night when I was having an internet sleepover, my friend asked me to basically tell her everything my tulpa did. I did and she was really interested. She started making her own. Anyway, lily, who is complete, and I were talkin the other day and my roommate walked in *facehoof* she started to ask me stuff like "should I get the doctors?" And "are they bothering you again." I told her about my tulpa and how it helps. She got really angry saying I had enough troubles already, now we are angry at each other. I don't like it. Does anyone else get this reaction from people?

  • Brohoof 4
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Hi guys. I, um, wanted to say that last night when I was having an internet sleepover, my friend asked me to basically tell her everything my tulpa did. I did and she was really interested. She started making her own. Anyway, lily, who is complete, and I were talkin the other day and my roommate walked in *facehoof* she started to ask me stuff like "should I get the doctors?" And "are they bothering you again." I told her about my tulpa and how it helps. She got really angry saying I had enough troubles already, now we are angry at each other. I don't like it. Does anyone else get this reaction from people?


Ignorant fools! Actually, I am interested what modern psychologist would think. Lol. But anyway, stay strong, and just write it off to outsiders as talking to yourself and that there is nothing wrong with that. If you need to, jokingly tell them your getting ready form the apocolipse when you survive and they don't.;) lol. Hang in there. Most people just don't get it. Think of all the people the world did not understand until later! And generally avoid speaking outloud to your tulpa in long conversations. Sure, make a comment to yourself out loud at times, but continue in your head. That's my suggestion.


BTW: my mom and brother hate the idea of a tulpa. They don't get it. I think it has to do with the fact we are christian, for my brother and me, my mom, she can be really stubborn, and, weird. Lol

  • Brohoof 1


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Hi guys. I, um, wanted to say that last night when I was having an internet sleepover, my friend asked me to basically tell her everything my tulpa did. I did and she was really interested. She started making her own. Anyway, lily, who is complete, and I were talkin the other day and my roommate walked in *facehoof* she started to ask me stuff like "should I get the doctors?" And "are they bothering you again." I told her about my tulpa and how it helps. She got really angry saying I had enough troubles already, now we are angry at each other. I don't like it. Does anyone else get this reaction from people?


I think you should stress the historical/cultural side of it, (or the psychological if you know, unlike me!). On the faq somewhere it talks about tulpae being a form of meditation for Tibetan monks. That alone strengthens your argument that it isn't some crazy thing unique to you - others have them and practice them across the world. Of course, don't seem too obsessed with them, even if it is pretty hard to remain casual about. Bring it up carefully, or wait until your friend does.


That's what I'm planning to do anyway. Explaining to my mom'll be at least ten minutes of the cultural importance, the history, and even some psychology if I learn it, before going, "So there's a pony sitting next to me who is as displeased as I with the strength of this tea." It'll be interesting, to say the least. 

  • Brohoof 2

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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Generally, I find it a bad idea to tell somebody about a tulpa unless you are 100% sure they will not think you're a freak. :P Not a single one of my family knows what a tulpa is or that I have one, and maybe three of my very good friends know I do have one (and they're all fine with it. Their opinions vary, but they're all accepting). I know it may be exciting to tell other people, but honestly, I think it's just asking for trouble and ridicule.

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Oh, I forgot to give up




No, that's blue, not purple.


How about now?




Hmmm, we can't tell the dark blue/black/purple from each other while typing. 


Anyway, not that Twi is done interrupting.




Last night, we made good progress. We were sparring


He cheats


Both with lightsabers and hand to hand. I am good, and can control the situation, she, she can read my mind, but is unskilled. 




All in all, very good night. I even went into the ideology of Tae Kwon Do vs. kung fu, etc. and was teaching her to use a lightsaber/sword. 


Looks like our relationship is going to be physical, but not like Riz&Creps.




What's it more like, not master and student?




No, not accomplice. 


I give up. 


Well, anyway. It was definably more like the Matrix Fight Scene. Mwhahahaha.


I'm the big black dude, whatever his name was.


Your supposed to help me with names, and no, that was my role. I was beating you up, badly. 


Okay, the rest of this conversation is not relevant to the world. lol




EDIT: How did this go from sparring and talking about my success, to that?

Edited by Mindrop
  • Brohoof 4


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Hey guys, I'm new! One of my Brony friends told me all about Tulpae and directed me to this thread. Needless to say, I was apprehensive at first, but after reading through the first few pages I felt rather inspired!


Since then I've read through much more of the thread, clicked on several links, and done my own research into Tulpae. I've read some negative stuff about it, and a lot of positive stuff contradicting the negative stuff. But seeing as all of you seem to be having a wonderful time, I'm going to guess it's safe (As long as there are no long term problems)




I'm going to talk about my 'game plan', so that if I am doing anything wrong, hopefully one of you will correct me before I make things difficult for myself. I wan't to know if I'm going about this the wrong way o__o




I'm thinking of basing my Tulpa on S1 Luna (In visualization and name only. She will have unique personality and freedom to be who she wants to be) I have about 24 traits which I have thought of already, including that she is curious, imaginative, thoughtful, caring, affectionate, playful, talkative, and more. I know she may easily develop in a bit of a different direction, but that is the base I am going for.


I've read in multiple places that starting out with something abstract like an orb during the beginning phases is often best, but I realize that the entire process may vary from person to person. I get the impression that it's not always best to visualize the Tulpa before the personality is complete, but since I have Aspergus Syndrome I find it difficult to focus on anything abstract. In contrast, I excel with more literal interpretations of thought. Because of this, I plan to imagine Luna 'being there' in my room while I work on her personality. Could that have a negative impact on my progress in this case?


I sure hope not o__o


I'm pretty sure that once her personality is complete, the next step should be easy for me. I consider myself to have a fairly powerful imagination as it is. Take this tree for example. I only need to take one look at this image, and in my mind I can reconstruct and visualize the entire tree in 3D space, complete with moss, leaves, light/shadows, and in indentations on the bark. I can zoom in on it, rotate to any angle, change it's texture, bring it to life like the Whomping Willow, and just about anything else I care to think of. I can't physically see it like a Tulpa, but in my mind I can visualize it reasonably clearly.


Basic visualization aside, I think I have a good shot at 'bringing her to life' too. I've been animating for nearly seven years, and have spent over half that time active on DarkDemon.org. This site has the highest ranking standards out of all the known stick animation forums. To be a top ranking animator there, you must have an impeccable grasp of motion and  how things move in relation to one other. It takes a hell of a lot of experience coupled with an intuitive understanding of movement, all of which is ultimately ingrained into the subconscious. I'm ranked in the Top 10 out of more than 20,000 animators there, so I predict my Luna will move in a VERY realistic fashion once she has been imposed.


I will visualize Luna as she appears here, only with more life-like textures and lighting/shading. I won't make her too realistic, just in case I end up in a crisis where I don't know if I can distinguish between her and the real world. My one worry is that I might, might become unsure on whether or not I am unknowingly hallucinating 'real' things. I don't want to be worrying whether or not I have gone crazy without realizing it o__o




I plan on spending a minimum of 30 minutes to an hour each day for as long as it takes to get her personality beaten out, and then do the same for her physical appearance, and the rest of the details. I don't know what I'm going to do after that point yet, I guess I'll know by the time I get there. It could take many months, or a few weeks, we'll have to see I guess.


I wont start for another week or so (I have animations due) but I definitely will give this a shot.

Your game plan is pretty similar to mine, so I think that you're good.  I also have been born with very powerful visualization skills, which really helped me.  Though what I did with Tia was designate a "work area" in my room, where she would constantly be to prevent myself loosing focus and to simply keep track of where she is.


I gave her no abstract form, per se, just imagined that there was something that I couldn't see yet forming there, but at the same time, that thing was living.  Simply a personality, without form.  Though one thing I recommend you keep on the lookout for when making the personality is a feeling of not being alone or being watched, as that's usually a good sign things are going well.


Same with the body, I kept it in that place until she was sentient to act for herself.  (And like you'll do as well, I focused largely on the range of movement, the individual joints, etc, even looking at the show for references into how they move)


But apart from that, everything looks good, so good luck!

Hi guys. I, um, wanted to say that last night when I was having an internet sleepover, my friend asked me to basically tell her everything my tulpa did. I did and she was really interested. She started making her own. Anyway, lily, who is complete, and I were talkin the other day and my roommate walked in *facehoof* she started to ask me stuff like "should I get the doctors?" And "are they bothering you again." I told her about my tulpa and how it helps. She got really angry saying I had enough troubles already, now we are angry at each other. I don't like it. Does anyone else get this reaction from people?

Since my brother tried to snoop into what I was looking at on the internet and had a little freakout, I've kept Tulpae on a very "need to know" basis.  In fact, I think that outside of interactions with others in the know, a tulpa should be a very personal thing for yourself.  Not for everyone to attempt, not for everyone to know.  They are simply, a personal boost.

Oh, I forgot to give up




No, that's blue, not purple.


How about now?




Hmmm, we can't tell the dark blue/black/purple from each other while typing. 


Anyway, not that Twi is done interrupting.




Last night, we made good progress. We were sparring


He cheats


Both with lightsabers and hand to hand. I am good, and can control the situation, she, she can read my mind, but is unskilled. 




All in all, very good night. I even went into the ideology of Tae Kwon Do vs. kung fu, etc. and was teaching her to use a lightsaber/sword. 


Looks like our relationship is going to be physical, but not like Riz&Creps.




What's it more like, not master and student?




No, not accomplice. 


I give up. 


Well, anyway. It was definably more like the Matrix Fight Scene. Mwhahahaha.


I'm the big black dude, whatever his name was.


Your supposed to help me with names, and no, that was my role. I was beating you up, badly. 


Okay, the rest of this conversation is not relevant to the world. lol




EDIT: How did this go from sparring and talking about my success, to that?

This sounded in my head like two people fighting over the controls of a microphone...  I'm happy that I don't spar HA HA, TWI DO YOU EVEN LIFT? What the... Blackjack!  STop possessing my finge  NO I DO WHAT I WANT! HA HA! *sticks tongue out*  I use my fingers however I please!  Let go of my hea m,0-pkr4t5 mkl bbgh nk 56mik


*five minutes of fighting later....*


I've never sparred with Blackjack before... Or tried possession at that... She's... She's strong.  At least, in the sense of making me slam my face into my keyboard... Ow.  Why'd you do that?!


I dunno.  Wanted to try out my skills I guess.  We do it all the time whenever someone else tries stuff out.  *struggles against restraints Tia made* You got to admit, the thought of a guy's fingers going out of control, then suddenly slamming his head into his keyboard...  Comedy Gold.


I would say Comedy Bronze at the most.


Well, that's the last time you'll do so.   Next time you try something like that again without my permission, you go straight to the ping pong room.


That doesn't sound so ba-


Without the Ping Pong Table.



  • Brohoof 4

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Last nights endeavors were fruitless. Nonetheless, Lucidity tests are still in progress


Spent half an hour forcing today. Had this weird sensation; I closed my eyes to just visualize and narrate, and they were stuck closed for a while. This isn't true, I could have opened them of my own free will, but something was keeping me from keeping them open. 

  • Brohoof 2

Riley was here

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I FINALLY managed to get Octavia's hair down. Using imaginary hair care equipment. What works, works. Oh, and Adam got ice rainbow powers and Octavia copied the motorcycle right out of Rampaging Sakuya.

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

http://mlpforums.com/topic/36359-ask-the-weapon/ -Want to learn more? Just ask.






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Oh, and Adam got ice rainbow powers

Ice rainbow powers? How does that work? 


Anyway, I think I've gotten the physical appearance of my new tulpa worked out so now I just have to finish mapping out the personality, and then I can start. Hopefully forcing and such will be easier the second time so everything runs smoother.


I'm not getting my hopes up  because it could have just been my head playing games with me, but I think my first tulpa may be coming back slowly over time. I felt her a little, emotionally.

  • Brohoof 1
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This is very fascinating. I am definitely considering making a tulpa, but I want to learn as much as I can about them before I do so.


I have a question about this, that I was wondering if any of you could answer. Are tulpa like living human beings? What would happen to them if I died? I'm worried that I'll be creating a slave, someone who did whatever I wanted and then just ceased to exist at some point or when I died even though it would be as alive as me. I don't want to do that.



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Well, they're not physical, of course, because they're all in your mind. Nobody can directly hear, see, or feel your tulpa other than you. They don't have any physical body and yes, if you die, they're gone too. They live in your brain.

  • Brohoof 1
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This is very fascinating. I am definitely considering making a tulpa, but I want to learn as much as I can about them before I do so.


I have a question about this, that I was wondering if any of you could answer. Are tulpa like living human beings? What would happen to them if I died? I'm worried that I'll be creating a slave, someone who did whatever I wanted and then just ceased to exist at some point or when I died even though it would be as alive as me. I don't want to do that.


A tulpa is a pyschological manifestation powered by your own psyche. Basically, an extension of your own mind. If you die, the tulpa will cease to exist as well.

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@@Brisineo, Oh Gosh Man, your post made us laugh. Of course, now Twi wants to try possession. 




*eyeroll* Thanks Bris. I am no where near ready to trust Twi.


Hey! You said in all those session you already trusted and was loyal to me, its why you could make a tulpa. YOU LIED!!!


"You changed that."




Yep, this is how it goes, all day almost. The more I pay attention and talk with her, this happens. At work, she agrees with me more. 


Hehehe, for now. 


No raging Fluttershy for now. 




I will color them later, after I finish typing.






There, their colored.




I should of seen this coming. Anyone remember my first response from Twi? I got in the car, and was driving and visualizing her in the passenger seat. <_< She put a race helmet on for protect. I should of seen this  <_<


USE THE  :wub:  OR  :unsure: 


No, the  <_< fits my expression. 


I can't see your face!


Okay, this is done.




As entertaining as it is for everyone, I am hungry, and tired. I have to get up early. 


Stupid human body. 


Oh, and I don't suggest Sparring with your tulpa's. Twi gets pissed cause I almost always beat her.  :ph34r:


Not for long. 



  • Brohoof 3


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Oh wow, Riz have 3 tulpae. Hi Blue Pixel, welcome to the mysterious world :)

Here lies Rizoel's sanity.


Oh how we will miss it.


But back to reality, Tia, BJ, and I welcome Blue Pixel into the world.


Thanks guys, I appreciate it! *Brohoof*


btw Riz can your brain handle all 3 at once?


I did say in my last post that I could just about handle them, you know?


Yea, he says that just after I joke about Pixel getting dissected.  ^_^


Mare, don't remind me:mellow:


Millie: "I want to hear it! I want to hear it! ^.^"




Truth is, there actually wasn't a joke. Ben just wanted to finish off the post with a laugh. He was struggling, so I decided to help him a little. Sorry.  :huh:


And besides, what pony in their right mind would want to hear a joke where it starts off with 3 imaginary beings in various positions?  :wacko:




Aye, well of course you would.  <_<


I'm worried that I'll be creating a slave, someone who did whatever I wanted and then just ceased to exist at some point or when I died even though it would be as alive as me. I don't want to do that.


The simple intention of not wanting them to be your slave is enough. If they want you to treat them better, they will say. But simply not wanting them to be your slave is enough, as I said. Stop worrying. 


Or else.  :ph34r:


I almost always beat her.  :ph34r:


When you take that sentence out of context, it sounds like something you should feel very bad about.  :blink: 


*Tut tut*


You beat your tulpa huh? That's bad, and you should feel bad, Mr Mindrop.  -_-


Hmm, I sort of had a suspicion you still had Rose.


You make it sound like as if at some point I said I got rid of Rose. I can't remember saying anything like that. In fact, she's talked a little bit in the past 5 posts or so. What made you think I got rid of her? 


Ice rainbow powers? How does that work?






Trust me, I'm a unicorn; I know how this shizzle works.  ;)

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YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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It sounds like a neat idea, but I probably shouldn't touch it.  I'm schizophrenic to begin with (yes, clinically diagnosed) and I already have more than enough trouble distinguishing relaity from hallucination.

I am not sure if you have been reading the last several pages so let me tell you that you probably know best, BUT reality does not become worse from having a tulpa. We've had a participant who hears voices and has had an easier time sifting through their thoughts and her(?) own after having a tulpa. Curiosity is only bad when you take action upon it so there will be no harm in monitoring the topic and asking a few more questions. Perhaps you might like to send a note to the other user I mentioned? http://mlpforums.com/user/6328-lilymalady123/

  • Brohoof 1
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I am not sure if you have been reading the last several pages so let me tell you that you probably know best, BUT reality does not become worse from having a tulpa. We've had a participant who hears voices and has had an easier time sifting through their thoughts and her(?) own after having a tulpa. Curiosity is only bad when you take action upon it so there will be no harm in monitoring the topic and asking a few more questions. Perhaps you might like to send a note to the other user I mentioned? http://mlpforums.com/user/6328-lilymalady123/


Oh, the issue isn't that I don't believe it could help, the issue is that it'd be yet another thing I have to check off.  Everywhere I go, everything I do, everything I see, I need to mentally run the logic through to either prove or disprove its existance.  It's exhausting, and even though a Tulpa would be pretty neat, I don't feel like voluntarily adding something to that list.

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Oh, the issue isn't that I don't believe it could help, the issue is that it'd be yet another thing I have to check off.  Everywhere I go, everything I do, everything I see, I need to mentally run the logic through to either prove or disprove its existance.  It's exhausting, and even though a Tulpa would be pretty neat, I don't feel like voluntarily adding something to that list.

yeh, um, hi...  i think i might let lily be written in this thread


yay! hey, why dont i get color?


because its 11:30 at night




uh... anyway. i myself have something similar to scitzaphrenia 


haha, you cant spell it XP


yeh... well... your... do you want me to tell them about the movies today?




then stop making fun of me. where was i? oh yes, i went to the shrink and they said it was blahdi-blah (i zoned out because her boobs were MASSIVE!!!) but she said it was a similar thing to... it and that it was a uncommon thing and all that. anyway, the voices and all that really pissed me off and i too had a similar problem with sorting real from fake. after researching into tulpas, i found they use the same part of the brain used to create the "projections" you get with schitzophrenia 


nope still not right


*sigh* so it... distracts, if you please, your brain. it didnt completely get rid of them, but it did help lessen them to a copable extent.


wait wait, did you say your shrinks boobs were massive? how about mine? 


you dont have any...


well, give me some!!!



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The ice and rainbows are seperate. I use light salmon text, it makes just as much sense.


And I can now drive this motorcycle on the ceiling. Take that, gravity!


So your psychiatrist has massive- Well, that's distracting. SO, tulpae share the part of the brain (ab)used by schizophrenia for hallucinations? Interesting.


Neddy doesn't use his much anyways. Moar space for us!



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