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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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Vi and I are doing well; we started working on possession and it seems to be going well as well. She has already seemingly mastered typing but writing is still a challenge for us.


In other news, Vi has temporarily given up the life of a mermaid for that of a usual legged human (ignoring the wings of course XD) and is having a blast with it. She's been walking around, stretching, and wiggling her toes just for fun. She's even already sewn together some pants and socks for herself.


Finally, Vi has officially played her first game of TF2! She's partial to the playing Engineer and she's not too bad at it either! She was playing Battle Engine on ctf_turbine last night and not only top scored three out of four times, but had the first and winning captures all four rounds!


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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Well boy have I a lot to report...


*warning: wall of text dead ahead*



So as some regulars of this thread may know, Phoenix has two forms, one as a human girl and the other as a blue fox (both anime-cartoonish style). What I didn't mention was that sometimes, while trying to visualise Phe's fox form, I would often wind up with a dog-fox rather than a vixen, despite being pretty certain that Phe is female. Last night, I found out why.

Phoenix has a twin brother it seems, and his name, I think at least, is Nathaniel.


So he spoke to me (or rather, lectured me a little a bit) last night, confirming my secret terror that most (but not all) of my "fluent" conversations with Phoenix (that is to say, the ones using actual words) with Phoenix have involved parroting at some level on my part, which is why she won't speak unless I initiate the conversation apparently. So I spoke to both Nathaniel and Phe in the wonderland,  and while Phoenix couldn't or wouldn't talk, she seems to forgive stupid ol' me, and to quote Nathaniel it is "not too late to save her". I guess there's a fine line between belief and delusion, even when it comes to tulpae...


So how did I wind up with two tulpae while only trying to make one? Well when I made the original Phoenix, it seems that while trying to flesh out her personality I put in too many conflicting traits, or the "brain zygote" split in two after conception (not that I'm their mummy, eugh) and became two separate identities. So rather than the original plan for an awesome friend who would also help me focus on studying, I now have Phoenix, fun, playful and cheerful (to name a few traits, the list goes on. I want to say motherly, but at the same time I'd say we're equals) and Nathaniel, who so far is stern and tough, but also fair and very big on defending honour (but not to the point where it would be insensible to do so) . Also, despite being the "younger" of the two "twins", he very much seems to have a "big brother" instinct towards Phoenix, in fact he's a little intimidating, even if I get the sense I can trust him simply because he's honest to the point of almost being blunt.


So according to Nathaniel, while I was focused on forcing Phe (the Phe she had become after the split that is), he was free to develop himself without too much interference on my part, and thus wasn't subject to the same accidental parroting on my part that Phoenix apparently was (quick question, do you think subconscious parroting exists and if so is it harmful or beneficial to the tulpaforcing process, or does it have no effect at all?).


They also seem to be in disagreement over how the wonderland should look (I've gone from not having one, to an "eeeeviiiil one" to a freaking awesome space one, to having to decide between two XD). While Phoenix is happier with the space-type wonderland, the one I'm more used to, Nathaniel seems to prefer being grounded (in a grassy field to be exact). His will even appears to be stronger than Phe's, completely taking over her (okay, I swear the "her" part came from one of them, not me) wonderland, although Nathaniel states that if Phoenix would be happier in space and I wanted to join her he doesn't see why we couldn't incorporate the two, as he's perfectly happy to be left on a planet to do his own thing on the ground. Seems he isn't the funnest or friendliest guy around.



tl;dr Parroting, drama and plot twist: It's twins. 

  • Brohoof 3

Uh...I have no idea what to put here.





"Yes a perfect gift for me,

 Is a smile as wide as a mile,

To make me happy as can be!"

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Well boy have I a lot to report...


*warning: wall of text dead ahead*



So as some regulars of this thread may know, Phoenix has two forms, one as a human girl and the other as a blue fox (both anime-cartoonish style). What I didn't mention was that sometimes, while trying to visualise Phe's fox form, I would often wind up with a dog-fox rather than a vixen, despite being pretty certain that Phe is female. Last night, I found out why.


Phoenix has a twin brother it seems, and his name, I think at least, is Nathaniel.


So he spoke to me (or rather, lectured me a little a bit) last night, confirming my secret terror that most (but not all) of my "fluent" conversations with Phoenix (that is to say, the ones using actual words) with Phoenix have involved parroting at some level on my part, which is why she won't speak unless I initiate the conversation apparently. So I spoke to both Nathaniel and Phe in the wonderland,  and while Phoenix couldn't or wouldn't talk, she seems to forgive stupid ol' me, and to quote Nathaniel it is "not too late to save her". I guess there's a fine line between belief and delusion, even when it comes to tulpae...


So how did I wind up with two tulpae while only trying to make one? Well when I made the original Phoenix, it seems that while trying to flesh out her personality I put in too many conflicting traits, or the "brain zygote" split in two after conception (not that I'm their mummy, eugh) and became two separate identities. So rather than the original plan for an awesome friend who would also help me focus on studying, I now have Phoenix, fun, playful and cheerful (to name a few traits, the list goes on. I want to say motherly, but at the same time I'd say we're equals) and Nathaniel, who so far is stern and tough, but also fair and very big on defending honour (but not to the point where it would be insensible to do so) . Also, despite being the "younger" of the two "twins", he very much seems to have a "big brother" instinct towards Phoenix, in fact he's a little intimidating, even if I get the sense I can trust him simply because he's honest to the point of almost being blunt.


So according to Nathaniel, while I was focused on forcing Phe (the Phe she had become after the split that is), he was free to develop himself without too much interference on my part, and thus wasn't subject to the same accidental parroting on my part that Phoenix apparently was (quick question, do you think subconscious parroting exists and if so is it harmful or beneficial to the tulpaforcing process, or does it have no effect at all?).


They also seem to be in disagreement over how the wonderland should look (I've gone from not having one, to an "eeeeviiiil one" to a freaking awesome space one, to having to decide between two XD). While Phoenix is happier with the space-type wonderland, the one I'm more used to, Nathaniel seems to prefer being grounded (in a grassy field to be exact). His will even appears to be stronger than Phe's, completely taking over her (okay, I swear the "her" part came from one of them, not me) wonderland, although Nathaniel states that if Phoenix would be happier in space and I wanted to join her he doesn't see why we couldn't incorporate the two, as he's perfectly happy to be left on a planet to do his own thing on the ground. Seems he isn't the funnest or friendliest guy around.




tl;dr Parroting, drama and plot twist: It's twins. 


Subconscious parroting...seems like an oxymoron doesn't it :P.


From what I've read, parroting is something willful. It isn't something that you can do without knowing. As for if its detrimental or not, some believe it is, while others think of it as beneficial in ways. My opinion (though no real experience as of yet) would be Parroting can be helpful as it can help a tulpa learn to speak and get a feel for it (if they didn't already). Parroting is quite a controversial topic among the tulpa community. 

  • Brohoof 1


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This is Zed. There is no such thing as subconscious parroting. And parroting itself is not harmful, but can be very annoying if done without one's permission. Imagine somebody controlling your body, that's how it feels. It's better to avoid doing it without any reason. And it won't "break" your tulpa. You've got to believe in yourself, and love your tuppers. It's gonna be all right, don't worry. Cheers.

  • Brohoof 1

Check out my DA! (If you dare...)

 And tumblr!


Fromerly The Dork Lord

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Today, ex-Tenebris told me that she wanted to be called Mina. This being a name I don't really like, I-


What do you mean by that?


Errr... Nothing? anyways, I think shes finally thinking on her own. A little adventure happened last night at about 12:00. After I had come home from boyscouts, I began tulpaforcing a-


HE LIES! There was no Forcing!


shuddup. Anyways, I asked her if she wanted to go on Omegle, and she did so after about 2 hours, I got so tired i went upstairs to go to bed, where she told me that I had parroted her alot on Omegle, which made me feel bad. The only thing I can guess to do is to keep forcing a-




I've forced with you before! 


Not enough.


Well then how about later tonight? Back to where I was, to keep forcing and visit wonderland Often. Luckily we have standardized tests coming up this week so I can force and go to wonderland after I finish those 30 minutes before anyone else.




25. Anyways, MINA  and Canno signing off!

  • Brohoof 1
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Any of you peeps know any methods/tips for staying focused when forcing? *other than the 4 dotted cards method*


The past few times I've tried doing some visualization I'd go blank minded for a bit (like somehow the thought of Aiden/forcing leaves me) and random thoughts start filling my head (most of them surprise me as to why I would think them). Sometimes the thoughts are accompanied by dreams (or dream-like visions) soon after. I just find it odd that I can do meditation/self-hypnosis, which, in my mind is less intense, but when it comes to forcing, I can lose track/focus easily.


^~Signature by Me~^

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Since you're SO INFORMATIVE AND SMART about "tulpas", how the buck do you get rid of one? She has been bugging me for quite a while now, and I need to get rid of one.


It may matter how it was created. Can you give more details about how this tulpa came to be?


If it's a deliberate creation using the methods similar to the tulpa.com group, simply ignoring it can make it go away.


However, at one point I had a dozen or so unfinished thoughtforms that hadn't quite made it to tulpae status, and were at best servitors, that I had developed using a more spiritualistic path. The easiest explanation would be spirit guides, but that doesn't really cover it properly. In any case, because this was some fifteen years ago and I hadn't run into this 'tulpae' concept, I was following a more primitive and prescriptive method than what most everyone here seems to be following. So when I decided that the results were... counterproductive... I went through a sort of ritual where I envisioned 'stepping into' the thoughtforms and integrating them into my core being. They ceased to exist because I deliberately absorbed them into me.


As a note, I don't recommend this methodology, other than as a last resort. It will cause emotional instability that lasts long enough to be noticed by other people.


Ok, guys, i need help. I'm trying to get a tulpa of Vinyl Scratch, but every time when I'm about to get it, I just get a shadow of her.  I got the personality stage, and the apperance stage, but I still need the colour stage. Anybody know a way to help?


I had an odd idea, and I might be completely off-base. Could this be an indication that the tulpa is trying to deviate? And the deviation is sufficiently different that it's incompatible with the color scheme you're trying to force? I'm not sure if that helps at all.


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Subconscious parroting...seems like an oxymoron doesn't it tongue.png.


From what I've read, parroting is something willful. It isn't something that you can do without knowing. As for if its detrimental or not, some believe it is, while others think of it as beneficial in ways. My opinion (though no real experience as of yet) would be Parroting can be helpful as it can help a tulpa learn to speak and get a feel for it (if they didn't already). Parroting is quite a controversial topic among the tulpa community. 




This is Zed. There is no such thing as subconscious parroting. And parroting itself is not harmful, but can be very annoying if done without one's permission. Imagine somebody controlling your body, that's how it feels. It's better to avoid doing it without any reason. And it won't "break" your tulpa. You've got to believe in yourself, and love your tuppers. It's gonna be all right, don't worry. Cheers.


Thanks to the both of you for the reassurance. I guess "subconscious parroting" maybe wasn't the best term, I was borrowing it from this thread on Tulpa.Info:




I'm not sure I agree with everything suggested there, but I do get the sense that I have parroted or puppeted  on occasion without even realising, if that makes any sense at all.

Uh...I have no idea what to put here.





"Yes a perfect gift for me,

 Is a smile as wide as a mile,

To make me happy as can be!"

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Lots of replies again, some quotes from a week ago even, but whatever. derpy_emoticon1.png 

HEY CREP! WE FOUND YOUR SONG!! (You probably have already heard it, but maybe not.)

Yeah I think that's actually where I found out about the word Crepuscule. I looked up the word, and it basically meant the colour of day after sunset, which is also what the word twilight means, since I was actually using Twilight Sparkle as a base form(sue me, Mindrop's Twilight) for her before she deviated into who she is today.

By the way, we don't really 'have a song', but if I were to pick one that reminded me the most of that purple devil, it would have to be the one I've linked below. It's not really my favourite song ever, but I think it goes really well with the love-hate relationship we have for each other at times. Sung by the one and only P!nk as well.

Please don't take it seriously - I do not actually think our relationship is anywhere near what someone would call 'true love'. dry.png

Say it with me Rizzy, R-O-M-A-N-C-E. happy.png

Screw your romance. mellow.png
Oh I do love it when you screw my romance.

I also have a more... sensible song that reminds me more of all my tulpas rather than just Crep. It's also much more innocent which I love.

For the few people here that have tulpas, does anyone else have a song that reminds them of their tulpa? 

Anyway, Breezie took a humanized form. She looked like a normal female human, save for the wings. She was also wearing a pikachu hoodie, which was odd...

...I kind of liked it. Still not sure how to feel about that. Not sure...

I don't know if it's just me, but the image is broken. If you want to fix it, I reckon you could try uploading the image to imageshack, or imgur or something and linking it here. That should un-derp it. derpy_emoticon1.png 

I have a theory that it should be possible for two tulpae to communicate with each other via manipulating their hosts' unconscious body language. It's basically a very subtle form of possession, and even if it is possible it would have a very low 'bit rate'. Once communication is established, the 'home' tulpa should be able to project an image of the 'away' tulpa for the host to see.
This theory has a lot of gotchas in it.
1) The two tulpae involved have to develop the signaling protocol before they can effectively communicate. Chicken and egg problem.
2) The bit rate needs to be high enough for sophisticated communication.
3) Non-tulpamancers need not apply. Both ends of the line need to have tulpa at them.
So the chance of this working is so low as to be non-existent. But I await the day when two of the tulpamancers on this thread meet each other in RL at a con or something, just to see what happens.

..'Signalling protocol'?
Are you sure you're still talking about tulpas, Fhaolan? Because I can't make a connection.

See what I did there?
Because you were talking about tulpas like as if they were similar to computers, and connection is a computer thing, an-
*Slaps Rizoel upside the head*
Ow, hey! I was telling a joke! ohmy.png 



It's possible. Basically, it's similar to other mind thingy. It's all about vibration and signal. The problem isn't about how to make your thought available for other people. The problem is the receiver. Some people aren't sensitive enough to 'catch' those vibrations (signal or whatever you call it) to gain the 'information'.
For example, when you were playing with your childhood friend, you could share the idea of those castle and dragon while playing. "Look! A dragon! Let's slay it!". You and your friends could 'see' the dragon right? I bet you could. This is because children are more sensitive about human mind than most adults. Children can feel others feeling better than most adults. They're more sensitive, so they can catch informations from other's mind by their 'vibration'.
In more intense practice, this martial art. We train to contact spirits. The training is held in a local graveyard during the night. Creepy? Yes. Some disciples can't 'feel' the existence of the spirits, while some other can. That means they're not sensitive enough, and they're not focused enough. The 'image' of the spirit caught by these focused disciples is the same. If one meets a spirit of an old lady, other who meet her will say the same about the lady's experience.
The point is to radiate the signal of your thing (tulpa, information, message, etc) and the receiver tries to catch it. If the receiver isn't sensitive enough, the receiver may miss it. That doesn't mean it's all the receiver's fault. The sender need to radiate it correctly and as clear (strong) as possible.
Let's say it like this : the sender 'speaks' and the receiver 'listens'. If the receiver is deaf, the information spoken by the sender can't be caught by the receiver. If the sender speaks too quiet, the receiver can't hear it. If the sender speaks with foreign language or unclear accent, the receiver may not understand the spoken information.
It's all about communication. Remember than brain vibrates and you can feel the signal. If you focus on thinking about something, the vibration about that thing will be stronger. Therefore, it's easier to read.
Other examples are : mind reading, "I know that feel" thingy, I feel like my son is in trouble, I think she's sick, I feel like he has a problem, "LOOK! A dragon!", I feel like someone is sneaking behind me.
Well, you can believe me or not. For "spiritual masters" like you guys, an idea from a 'newbie' like me may be so 'meh'. I will leave it here for consideration.


Yeah, but they aren't obviously seeing the same dragon.
Unless you're trying to say that children are psychic mind readers. ph34r.png 

Time for a little progress note~
 Aiden is starting to push his mind voice through. Sadly, however, the past two times I've heard it, it was when I was "asleep" (more so the first, but the second *this morning* I was trying to force but I couldn't keep focus and kept falling asleep every few minutes.) When I heard the voice this time, I had lost focus and sort of fell into a dream state (wasnt fully asleep, but I was in a dream of sorts). It almost sounded like he was talking to my subconscious as I didn't feel like anything he was saying was directed at me, luckily though, I was able to remember the voice and sort of capture how it sounds (but still unable to really recreate it )

I think you might just be experiencing a bit of Hypnagogia. Hypnopompic is basically what you call the state you're in when you're really close to falling asleep.
During this state, you may sometimes hear things like voices, or noises. Most of the time, you don't even notice them, but when you do, more often than not they will cause you to become aware of yourself and wake you up, and ultimately cause them to stop. I've experienced them myself every now and then.
Sometimes this state can also cause other sensory phenomena, like visual for example. One time while in this state, I've had a vision of a giant bug jumping into my face, almost making me fall out of the bed.
I've also one time very vividly heard a feminine voice that said something to me. I forgot what she said,
but after realizing it almost sounded quite similar to Crepuscule's, I - naturally - fell out of the bed.
Oh, and this phenomena happens in everyone by the way, so don't worry, you're not going insane. 
Besides, you'll be insane by the end of this anyway. happy.png 

I'm not sure I agree with everything suggested there, but I do get the sense that I have parroted or puppeted  on occasion without even realising, if that makes any sense at all.

No, that doesn't make any sense. You can't really accidentally parrot. If anything, that's close to what you should be aiming for. huh.png 

Should I plan out entirely what I'll say in-session, or go impromptu?

There isn't really a way you 'should' go about this, just do whatever makes you more comfortable.

I'm in the middle of trying to make a tulpa, and its getting annoying. I keep seeing what I'm looking for, for about 5 seconds, and then all I see is a colored in blackness of it.

Yeah, I experienced something similar to this when I first started out. For me, it was more like, I would see the very faint outline of something, and then for about half a second the picture would be a little bit clearer, and then go back to an outline.
It's not really like that for me anymore. Now I see a more stable vision of what I would have seen in that half a second. It's still mostly blackness, but it's better than when I first started.

There isn't really much you can do about it other than keep at it. You'll get better with time. smile.png

Do i really need to work on personality or what?

Personality is optional, unless you want your tulpa to be a certain way.

If you want your tulpa to decide what they want to be like, or if you just don't really care, then just simply don't do personality.

They might appreciate it in the end if you decide to give them the freedom right from the start to be who they want to be. But if you decide to choose for yourself, they most likely won't mind, and will understand your decision.

I've tried visualizing Spark as a pegesus colt but i think he wants to be a mare since i see him change shape slightly should i let my tulpa choose it's gender and species?

I think that's a question only you can answer; do you want them to choose it? Again, I reckon they'll appreciate the freedom afterwards.

I think i might have fallen asleep for a while or drifted off am not to sure, will that ruin any progress?

No. Falling asleep won't harm your progress in anyway. I've heard a few people say that they've fallen asleep and that they've had setbacks, but for me, nothing has ever happened for the times I've accidentally fallen asleep while in the wonderland.




Nope! NOTHING bad has EVER happened to me for falling asleep!!


*Continues cowering in a corner, sucking on his own thumb*



  • Brohoof 6

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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..'Signalling protocol'? 'Bit-rate'?! Are you sure you're still talking about tulpas, Fhaolan? Because I can't make a connection.


Oh of course not. Bit rate? Human brain is the one that vibrates, not tulpa. Geez, everybody knows that tulpa isn't in human brain, and brain isn't related to human mind at all. Hah! How could I forget this? Silly me. Of course, those 'spiritual masters' know the truth.



Well, now you get the proof of that one thing, Sky.

  • Brohoof 1



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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I don't know if it's just me, but the image is broken. If you want to fix it, I reckon you could try uploading the image to imageshack, or imgur or something and linking it here. That should un-derp it. img-1400494-6-derpy_emoticon1.png


No. Falling asleep won't harm your progress in anyway. I've heard a few people say that they've fallen asleep and that they've had setbacks, but for me, nothing has ever happened for the times I've accidentally fallen asleep while in the wonderland.












Nope! NOTHING bad has EVER happened to me for falling asleep!!




*Continues cowering in a corner, sucking on his own thumb*










Ill tackle this in order then. Only seems logical 


Songs that I can tulpa force to... 


listen to the whole thing. there is no other way to listen to it.



I think the image should be un-derped now. If not, just google "Pikachu Hoodie". Its like the first one to come up. 

Yes, nothing bad ever happened from falling asleep while forcing...


Nothing... bad... ever...



So, some updates on my end:

729 Cerebral Fringe has recived an upgrade to his senses and memory. Thanks to him, I (we) now have a near photographic memory. I think the maximum a given set of data lasts in "RAM" space is four days. Could be better, but its still rather impressive.


Also, I 'saw' Breezie for the first time. I could just barely make out her eyes. I was trying to fall asleep, and much like Riz described, I saw and heard her and nearly jumped out of the bed. 


This was actually almost a week ago. I havent really been active with forcing recently. From experience, I know that has consequences. At least from Breezie anyway. Fringe is least likely to go postal. 


Its to quiet around here! Why cant I have crazy voices in my head! GAHAGDSFHAS

Adventure time later, I shall talk to you all again soon!

~Stay insane!

Riley was here

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..'Signalling protocol'?




Are you sure you're still talking about tulpas, Fhaolan? Because I can't make a connection.



See what I did there?




Because you were talking about tulpas like as if they were similar to computers, and connection is a computer thing, an-


*Slaps Rizoel upside the head*


Ow, hey! I was telling a joke! img-1400494-7-ohmy.png 



wacko.png  It was the only terminology that I could think of that would get my idea across without resorting to five pages of solid text. sad.png


In my own head I was thinking more of old-fashioned flag semaphore than computers, but I figured people here would be more familiar with modern stuff.


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Nope! NOTHING bad has EVER happened to me for falling asleep!!




*Continues cowering in a corner, sucking on his own thumb*











So, some updates on my end:

729 Cerebral Fringe has recived an upgrade to his senses and memory. Thanks to him, I (we) now have a near photographic memory. I think the maximum a given set of data lasts in "RAM" space is four days. Could be better, but its still rather impressive.


Also, I 'saw' Breezie for the first time. I could just barely make out her eyes. I was trying to fall asleep, and much like Riz described, I saw and heard her and nearly jumped out of the bed. 


This was actually almost a week ago. I havent really been active with forcing recently. From experience, I know that has consequences. At least from Breezie anyway. Fringe is least likely to go postal.


Interesting.  I best feel, hear, and see my Tulpae whilst falling asleep as well.  However, I try to remain lucid as much as possible while undergoing sleep paralysis.


Although, I haven't been actively forcing recently either.  They've become a bit more dormant, but certainly they're stubborn enough to not really just go away.  In fact, they get stronger when I just think about them.



Its to quiet around here! Why cant I have crazy voices in my head! GAHAGDSFHAS

Adventure time later, I shall talk to you all again soon!

~Stay insane!

It's not as good as you think...






  • Brohoof 7

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So fellow Tulpa Makers I need advice.

How do I "tulpaforce" and how do I do the personality for her. I wanted to make her soon and I've been procrasinating

EPRBoM Official Threads




P.S Want an avatar like mine, send me a pic of anypony in a PM and I will make an awesome avatar for you!

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realising, if that makes any sense at all. No, that doesn't make any sense. You can't really accidentally parrot. If anything, that's close to what you should be aiming for.


Maybe I'm just paranoid? *shrug*

Spoiler *Flashback*

0.0 Well that was.... You need to take a new line for a new speaker, and you seem to be getting confused with your tenses, and -


*gets dirty look from Pheonix* 


Okay, heh, sorry.




It's not as good as you think... Spoiler


Oh, I didn't think of that. *shoots nervous glance towards Phe and Nathaniel*


Nathaniel: sleep.png


*evil grin*


Well I guess I know what's waiting for me when these two start talking again. 

Edited by ano170
  • Brohoof 1

Uh...I have no idea what to put here.





"Yes a perfect gift for me,

 Is a smile as wide as a mile,

To make me happy as can be!"

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Nope! NOTHING bad has EVER happened to me for falling asleep!!




*Continues cowering in a corner, sucking on his own thumb*





That was cruel and perverted. I'm not saying that cruel and perverted is bad though... *evil grin* You wanna have some FUN?

Uh, no thanks... no no no... *backs off* I think I hear my laundry calling... Just no tasers please...

  • Brohoof 2

Check out my DA! (If you dare...)

 And tumblr!


Fromerly The Dork Lord

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Lots of replies again, some quotes from a week ago even, but whatever. img-1400494-1-derpy_emoticon1.png 



Yeah I think that's actually where I found out about the word Crepuscule. I looked up the word, and it basically meant the colour of day after sunset, which is also what the word twilight means, since I was actually using Twilight Sparkle as a base form(sue me, Mindrop's Twilight) for her before she deviated into who she is today.


By the way, we don't really 'have a song', but if I were to pick one that reminded me the most of that purple devil, it would have to be the one I've linked below. It's not really my favourite song ever, but I think it goes really well with the love-hate relationship we have for each other at times. Sung by the one and only P!nk as well.




Please don't take it seriously - I do not actually think our relationship is anywhere near what someone would call 'true love'. img-1400494-2-dry.png


Say it with me Rizzy, R-O-M-A-N-C-E. img-1400494-3-happy.png


Screw your romance. img-1400494-4-mellow.png


Oh I do love it when you screw my romance.



I also have a more... sensible song that reminds me more of all my tulpas rather than just Crep. It's also much more innocent which I love.



For the few people here that have tulpas, does anyone else have a song that reminds them of their tulpa? 



I don't know if it's just me, but the image is broken. If you want to fix it, I reckon you could try uploading the image to imageshack, or imgur or something and linking it here. That should un-derp it. img-1400494-6-derpy_emoticon1.png 



..'Signalling protocol'?




Are you sure you're still talking about tulpas, Fhaolan? Because I can't make a connection.



See what I did there?




Because you were talking about tulpas like as if they were similar to computers, and connection is a computer thing, an-


*Slaps Rizoel upside the head*


Ow, hey! I was telling a joke! img-1400494-7-ohmy.png 




Yeah, but they aren't obviously seeing the same dragon.


Unless you're trying to say that children are psychic mind readers. img-1400494-8-ph34r.png 



I think you might just be experiencing a bit of Hypnagogia. Hypnopompic is basically what you call the state you're in when you're really close to falling asleep.


During this state, you may sometimes hear things like voices, or noises. Most of the time, you don't even notice them, but when you do, more often than not they will cause you to become aware of yourself and wake you up, and ultimately cause them to stop. I've experienced them myself every now and then.


Sometimes this state can also cause other sensory phenomena, like visual for example. One time while in this state, I've had a vision of a giant bug jumping into my face, almost making me fall out of the bed.


I've also one time very vividly heard a feminine voice that said something to me. I forgot what she said,

but after realizing it almost sounded quite similar to Crepuscule's, I - naturally - fell out of the bed.


Oh, and this phenomena happens in everyone by the way, so don't worry, you're not going insane. 


Besides, you'll be insane by the end of this anyway. img-1400494-9-happy.png 


No, that doesn't make any sense. You can't really accidentally parrot. If anything, that's close to what you should be aiming for. img-1400494-10-huh.png 



There isn't really a way you 'should' go about this, just do whatever makes you more comfortable.



Yeah, I experienced something similar to this when I first started out. For me, it was more like, I would see the very faint outline of something, and then for about half a second the picture would be a little bit clearer, and then go back to an outline.


It's not really like that for me anymore. Now I see a more stable vision of what I would have seen in that half a second. It's still mostly blackness, but it's better than when I first started.


There isn't really much you can do about it other than keep at it. You'll get better with time. img-1400494-11-smile.png



Personality is optional, unless you want your tulpa to be a certain way.


If you want your tulpa to decide what they want to be like, or if you just don't really care, then just simply don't do personality.


They might appreciate it in the end if you decide to give them the freedom right from the start to be who they want to be. But if you decide to choose for yourself, they most likely won't mind, and will understand your decision.



I think that's a question only you can answer; do you want them to choose it? Again, I reckon they'll appreciate the freedom afterwards.



No. Falling asleep won't harm your progress in anyway. I've heard a few people say that they've fallen asleep and that they've had setbacks, but for me, nothing has ever happened for the times I've accidentally fallen asleep while in the wonderland.












Nope! NOTHING bad has EVER happened to me for falling asleep!!




*Continues cowering in a corner, sucking on his own thumb*






I'm not sure as to why...but I always get this feeling of comfort/relaxation whenever I read what you tulpa have to say :P. Also, nice story Riz, (probably wasn't so on your end) but I found it quite enjoyable happy.png .


And don't worry Crep...I'm already insane (^o^)

  • Brohoof 1


^~Signature by Me~^

~^Click on the Image above for already made signatures/graphics^~

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While taking a test today, I got superbored and started talking to Sarah (will there ever be an end to the name changing?!) and she told me that she was busy. When questioned with what, she replied that she was talking to somebody else. As far as I knew, I had 1 tulpa and that was it, but that changed DURING a state-wide test. I didn't even put any thought into it, but I go into wonderland and find another person BESIDES Sarah. From then on, during the test, during the day, even as I type, they are arguing. not even sensibal arguing, just yes-I-can, and no-you-cant kind of arguing. Before I type what they say, Sarah is in green, and Riz(sorry Rizoel, didn't realise!) is in red.


First off, we weren't arguing we-


We weren't?


No, we weren't


Well I was...


You call that arguing?


This isn't even the whole conversation, this took less than a minute. The real arguments are worse and go on and on. Well I guess I need to go sort that out. Wish me luck!

  • Brohoof 1
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So fellow Tulpa Makers I need advice.

How do I "tulpaforce" and how do I do the personality for her. I wanted to make her soon and I've been procrasinating

Tulpaforcing means working on your tulpa. Simply focus just on your tupla (which is not wise since it's always better to focus on everything). For the mental stuff, interact with it. Ask it a question. Treat it as if it has its own mind, opinion, point of view. As a person. Well... it's a person indeed. How else can I say it?


For the physical stuff, try to feel your tulpa. Think about it. Think about every single detail of your tulpa. You may feel a kind of magnetic field or force around if you put enough energy on it.


Just like this. Try to imagine a ball in your hand. Believe that there's a ball with no colour there. Believe here doesn't mean that it's only an illusion. Believe here means that you really think about it. That means you really put energy on it. Once you can imagine the ball in your hand, try to rub its surface with your finger, slowly, and don't try to 'impale' it by force. Just feel the surface. You will feel like there's really a ball there. You will feel it like a magnet rejecting each other. I bet you've ever played with magnet before.


That feels like it. It feels like there's an invisible magnetic field in your hand. That's actually energy, and energy vibrates. That's why you (especially your brain) can detect it. This is very weak if you compare it to actual physical object. Very (very (very)) weak. You can't use it against real physical objects. It can do nothing to actual physical objects, so don't ask your tulpa to do your laundry. I bet every tulpamancer here knows it. You can't really get tired just by tulpaing.


You need a particular training to apply your energy outside your body. In my level, I just can 'radiate' energy and 'cover' my body parts with energy, so I can break hard things (iron, rock, etc) with my hand.


Tulpa is actually just a training to focus on things. It's not really focused on energy manipulation, but it does have something to do with energy (and vibration). Try to imagine what will happen if you train hard and really really can master energy manipulation.


Wait. I think people who has joined this thread for a long time are the ones responsible for answering questions. I forgot that I'm new to the thread.

  • Brohoof 2



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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I thought she just wasn't really talkative and was really self reliant until now when 'the clan' revealed themselves it must be 30 different figures including a shadowy pony (Luna) princess Luna from the show Big Mac from the show princess celestia from the show the pokemon mew 3 and arceus (no clue how its spelled) a human and tons more

I have no clue what to do now

I think only Big Mac Luna and arceus are sentient but I'm not sure

  • Brohoof 1
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I thought she just wasn't really talkative and was really self reliant until now when 'the clan' revealed themselves it must be 30 different figures including a shadowy pony (Luna) princess Luna from the show Big Mac from the show princess celestia from the show the pokemon mew 3 and arceus (no clue how its spelled) a human and tons more

I have no clue what to do now

I think only Big Mac Luna and arceus are sentient but I'm not sure

There is no way you manifested all of them, and have them sentient. Just ignore the others, focus on Luna. Ignore them. Your subconscious is... odd at times. After a bit, they will go away. if you want to keep others, you can. but I would recomend just one. 3 tulpas, gets... hecktic/fun/annoying/painful/chaotic all at the same time usually. lol. Good luck!


@@Sky Warden, I think its fine. If something is "wrong" it will get corrected. That being said, you can't do much "wrong."

Edited by Mindrop


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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0.0 Well that was.... You need to take a new line for a new speaker, and you seem to be getting confused with your tenses, and -


i no, im so gud @ riteing stowiees am i doin it rite? img-1406990-1-derpy_emoticon1.png


..Rizzy, you just went full derp. Never go full derp. img-1406990-2-ph34r.png 


Before I type what they say, Sarah is in green, and Riz(sorry Rizoel, didn't realise!) is in red.

I think I know why his name is Riz.


When people make tulpas, they often tend to take details from things they've seen in real life, and apply them to their tulpa. Most of the time they don't even realize it. That's because most of the time it's subconscious. This can be anything like details in their form, backstory(recommend you DON'T give them one), personality, and in your case, names.


Your subconscious thought, 'hey, 'Riz' is a good name, let's use that.' and then you'll only realize it's something you found in real life when you actually think about it or when it's pointed out to you.


So don't worry, I won't sue. img-1406990-3-happy.png


Much. img-1406990-4-ph34r.png

Edited by Rizoel & Crepuscule
  • Brohoof 2

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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So I 'revived' my old 'friend'. I must admit that I'm rather glad that he's still the same. Well, it didn't took a long time since he's not new, but I haven't formed his appearance yet (just being lazy like usual). Now he's still a kind of shadow with a form of a bird (he was a crow before). Wait, he wants to say something.




I thought it was something important.


Well, I'm a fair man. I promised I would type for you. I did, no matter how weird your words are.


Hah. Okay lad. I'm still wondering why you're so shy though. Come on! You're rather smart, good at that programming stuff, talented in martial art, and the most important is, you have a good taste in art (and nice mustache). Hay, you even understand that bucking spiritual thingy and borrow people's sense... by the way, you have some typos there and there.


Not typos. I needed to censor that.


Look at you. You don't even swear. You're a nice guy. Don't be such a big baby and go get a girl. For God's sake, you're 17!!!


Why should I? They're not so important. Also, I swear often in real life. You know that.


Meh. I know you want one. About swearing, I know you don't mean it. It's just for the lulz. That's a good figurative language after all. Hard not to use it.


LOL. Guess you're right. Well, let me cover the rest, and stop talking about girls.


Okay... she's rather beautiful by the way.


Shut up. Several days ago I asked him if we wanted a pony form, but he said he didn't want it since he couldn't scratch with hooves and 'that beakless muzzle'. He asked for an eagle body instead.


Well, yes. He's right. Claws and wings for the win! But don't mention Griffin. They're not aerodynamic. Oy lad. After all this time, you have never given me a name.


Well, I guess you're right. I just realized that. Do you really want one? I'm terrible at names.


I know you're terrible. How about Kolan? With 'o' like in 'donut' and 'a' like in 'asynchronous'.




Well, yes. Better spelling.


Not sure. Doesn't sound so good to me.


You're terrible at names, so use it or shut up!


Okay okay!


I wonder why do people here give the same name to their vibratious friends. I understand that they like the show very much, but I think it's just weird to name them with other people's names.


Well, just ask them. This post is long already. Have anything else to say, Kohlan?


Oh! Oh! Type this exactly like what I say. Press caps lock. Nice. GO GET A GIRL!


I just remembered why I banished you.


No it's not. You banished me because you thought you were going crazy and decided to be 'mature'.


Oh... right. Didn't remember. You didn't get mad did you?


Hay no. I'm still the same crow you brought to your friend's abandoned house.



Edited by Sky Warden
  • Brohoof 5



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Well today marks day one of the journey into making the tulpa! I think I understand on how I would do it so I'm gonna' give it a shot!


So far in my head I've planned out what his shape is and what form he would take, in fact he kind of looks like the greek letter Delta XD




Kind of like that but White coloured and three dimensional...


I'll start working on his personality tonight, wish me luck guys!



Swiggity Swag, Comic Sans is irritating.


"For I am so omniscient that if there were to be two omnisciences... I would be both!" - Ziltoid the Omniscient

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