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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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Are you saying "Because their tulpas take the form of cartoon ponies, the people here don't take tulpas seriously"? Every tulpamancer I know says that forcing a tulpa to assume a certain role or changing their thought patterns against their will is a bad idea.


[Example: I take the form of Rainbow Dash; my host...well, okay, he kind of expected me to be Rainbow Dash in the early days, but at the time he also expected me to eventually become corporeal. He grew out of those beliefs.].

no, it just seems like someone wants a tulpa thats EXACTLY like characters from a show, following design and personality to a T.


and thats not fair to the tulpa at all.

  • Brohoof 1


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From what I could get, apparently it is some sort of a sentient being that lives or appears to live inside your mind.

"Fairy tales are more than true, not because they tell us that dragons exist;

but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten."

~ G. K. Chestertonsig-34493.Do4gzZF.png

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no, it just seems like someone wants a tulpa thats EXACTLY like characters from a show, following design and personality to a T.


and thats not fair to the tulpa at all.


The one I started isn't.  She's not even related to MLP in any way.

Avatar art by Dilarus   --   Click below for my game downloads:



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The one I started isn't.  She's not even related to MLP in any way.

well, then, that means i wasn't trying to call you out. 


sorry, if you took offense.


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@, First off, it seems as if I misunderstood what you were saying. I thought you meant we were all lying about the tulpa thing.  Glad to hear that you don't. Sorry about that.  :)


In my time here, however, it seems as if very few people actually understand the gravity of this situation, and far too many act impulsively. They don't fully register that it's a living thing they are trying to create; they act selfishly without seeing that another's life is on the line. 


While I can't speak for everyone, it seems like many of the people who decide they want a tulpa fall under one or both of two follies. They either don't give themselves enough time for the decision, or they justify it with the wrong reasons. *Note, this is where I stop addressing you in particular*


What I am about to say is an address to all readers of this thread. While it will most likely get buried by the sea of pages, even if only one otherwise misguided soul is saved, this will have done its job. 


Give yourself adequate time for the decision. This is something that will most likely follow you for the rest of your life; you need to think about the exceedingly long term. I realize it's hard to even think about next Tuesday, but if you don't consider the rest of your future when you think of this, you are doing both yourself and any possible tulpa a disservice beyond measure. What will your life be like with them? How will they change it? Will you ever come to a point where they'll be detrimental? These are only some of the many, many questions you should ask yourself.  But then, how long should you give yourself? Well, there's no defined time period. But I myself would recommend no less than two months. Again, this is a decision with great gravity. I myself took around 6 months, and even then, I wasn't absolutely sure. Please, for your and their sake, take your time.


Bonus Point: This is a decision with absolute permanence. It lasts longer than any report card, criminal record, occupation, pretty much anything. It is essential that you are of a mature enough mind to grasp at the idea of permanence. I'd highly advise that you avoid this until you are at least 16 years of age. Even then, that still seems young. Besides, if you are that young, your life is just beginning. Take time to breathe, enjoy your surroundings, maybe take a lucky lady/ gentleman on a date? Who knows, you might find a much better partner that way.  ;)


Also, make sure you do this for the right reason. It may seem cool now to have Twilight Sparkle around at all times, but think of what it means for them. Twilight Sparkle is a fictional character, a personality created by writers for the entertainment of children. She's not meant to exist. By forcing them to be Twilight Sparkle, you're essentially forcing them to become that which does not exist; you may as well have never created them in the first place. Besides, forcing them to be a certain thing is a terrible way for them to live. They can't be themselves like that. And they will end up being different, so you're setting both you and them up for disaster. Basing them off of an existing character, either official or original, forces them into a mold which they simply cannot fit. 


There are plenty of sources out there detailing wrong reasons, so I won't waste your time with that. Rather, I'll mention some of my own reasons, to hopefully either help the kindly readers get on a good path or rid some narcissism from my system. One big reason is the idea of having an individual with whom it would be pointless to keep secrets. Honesty, in my experience, reduces stress and leads to a happier lifestyle. By having no point to being dishonest, I'm hoping my quality of life can remain on-track. Another is the job area I plan on entering: medicine. In that field, an important concept is that of the second opinion; by bringing your problem to multiple doctors, you greatly increase the chance that at least one of them will be right. As such, the idea of a "built-in second opinion" appeals to me. Even if only one life were to be saved by the life that I create, then it will have been worth it to me.  ;)


This is a big decision. Think about it for a while, and find a justifiable reason.


/end rant, Imma go grab some ibuprofen.  :blush:

  • Brohoof 3


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I wanted to create a tulpa because I probably would need some mental support, like someone I could trust completely, and would always be there for me. I thought long and hard about it, but then I realized that I already have a person IRL that probably will fulfill that role. Also, if you want to create a tulpa, it should pretty much occupy your thoughts, right? But that spot already goes to said person, so I don't think tulpamancing would work out for me... :3

Also, the person I mentioned before also has a tulpa. She created it when she was really young, (I don't know how old,) and it slowly disappeared over time, but when I brought up the subject of tulpae, it came back. So that's a nice little example of that tulpae are with you your entire life. :3

  • Brohoof 2


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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Oh yes I wanted to ask that doesn't it effect negatively your brain? I mean we are talking about modifying your cerebration or something like that.



Is part of the normal mechanisms present on the mind of all primates, it provides the (healthy and necesary) self-self interactions [with guaranteed absence of violence or judgement]; not going deeper than a "invisible imaginary friend" in adult monkeys or young children.


But, the most evolved part of the human brain (were conciousness about "yourself" being the same person shown in the image reflected on a mirror), is what allows for a more complex development of those "independent  mind constructs".


Called "that little voice of conscience" (usually depicted in cartoons as a white winged angel over the right shoulder, and/or a red horned homunculus at the left); is as normal as talking to oneself without expecting anything to ever answer (but they will always do; just not trough the part of the brain processing soundwaves or readed text into spoken words).


For people with mental problems, the creation of imaginary friends (and their more engaging, "visible" versions: Tulpae), may develop a syndrome that looks similar to the "Multiple Personality Disorder" [but it is not that condition, as a Tulpa can never "take control" of the person, nor could "hide" any memories of actions done with the body].


For a normal, emotional balanced person; is a powerfull tool for meditation or self reflection; since your ego has no access to "how" the mental processes of the Tulpa actually form and resolve, but only what he/she allows you to know about their feelings or opinions. 

If the Tulpa is not forced on its "inception" to have any particular traits, it does not take any especific "form" or defined personality (tough if mantained for a long enough time, it usually develops a complementary/antagonist form of the main "Myers Briggs" personality profile of the person who creates it).


The Tulpa has the same sensory input that the person (since it is inside the brain, receiving the same signals from the spine, eyes, nose and ears); but they can process it diferently, taking notice of things that the Ego does not.

If he/she considers important for mutual survival, future enjoyment or pain prevention; it may force you to get "more aware" of your sorroundings (typical sensation of being observed, like an "arachnid sense").

Edited by SilverComet
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Besides, forcing them to be a certain thing is a terrible way for them to live. They can't be themselves like that. And they will end up being different, so you're setting both you and them up for disaster. Basing them off of an existing character, either official or original, forces them into a mold which they simply cannot fit.

[i'm based on Rainbow Dash, and I'm fine. Although I kinda know what you're talkin' about--my host was scared of the way Nina looked, so she changed her form to something less frightening. He kinda forced her to stay in that form...anyway, she's fine now. He's not scared of her looks; she can have the form she wants; he'll very rarely think of his actions and beat himself up.]


Yep. Although I didn't really take time to think things through, I would say that my reason for venturing into tulpamancy (to see if it's possible) was fairly noble. Not super good, like your reasons, but not exactly bad.




{Does anyone else have any 'sweet spots' when possessing their hosts? Like, for example, you're ticklish or something in an area your host isn't? For me, it's the spine, between my big, majestic wings.}


[(re: "big, majestic") I told him to write that :P.]

Edited by KruegerMeister
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@, First off, it seems as if I misunderstood what you were saying. I thought you meant we were all lying about the tulpa thing.  Glad to hear that you don't. Sorry about that.  :)


In my time here, however, it seems as if very few people actually understand the gravity of this situation, and far too many act impulsively. They don't fully register that it's a living thing they are trying to create; they act selfishly without seeing that another's life is on the line. 


While I can't speak for everyone, it seems like many of the people who decide they want a tulpa fall under one or both of two follies. They either don't give themselves enough time for the decision, or they justify it with the wrong reasons. *Note, this is where I stop addressing you in particular*


What I am about to say is an address to all readers of this thread. While it will most likely get buried by the sea of pages, even if only one otherwise misguided soul is saved, this will have done its job. 


Give yourself adequate time for the decision. This is something that will most likely follow you for the rest of your life; you need to think about the exceedingly long term. I realize it's hard to even think about next Tuesday, but if you don't consider the rest of your future when you think of this, you are doing both yourself and any possible tulpa a disservice beyond measure. What will your life be like with them? How will they change it? Will you ever come to a point where they'll be detrimental? These are only some of the many, many questions you should ask yourself.  But then, how long should you give yourself? Well, there's no defined time period. But I myself would recommend no less than two months. Again, this is a decision with great gravity. I myself took around 6 months, and even then, I wasn't absolutely sure. Please, for your and their sake, take your time.


Bonus Point: This is a decision with absolute permanence. It lasts longer than any report card, criminal record, occupation, pretty much anything. It is essential that you are of a mature enough mind to grasp at the idea of permanence. I'd highly advise that you avoid this until you are at least 16 years of age. Even then, that still seems young. Besides, if you are that young, your life is just beginning. Take time to breathe, enjoy your surroundings, maybe take a lucky lady/ gentleman on a date? Who knows, you might find a much better partner that way.  ;)


Also, make sure you do this for the right reason. It may seem cool now to have Twilight Sparkle around at all times, but think of what it means for them. Twilight Sparkle is a fictional character, a personality created by writers for the entertainment of children. She's not meant to exist. By forcing them to be Twilight Sparkle, you're essentially forcing them to become that which does not exist; you may as well have never created them in the first place. Besides, forcing them to be a certain thing is a terrible way for them to live. They can't be themselves like that. And they will end up being different, so you're setting both you and them up for disaster. Basing them off of an existing character, either official or original, forces them into a mold which they simply cannot fit. 


There are plenty of sources out there detailing wrong reasons, so I won't waste your time with that. Rather, I'll mention some of my own reasons, to hopefully either help the kindly readers get on a good path or rid some narcissism from my system. One big reason is the idea of having an individual with whom it would be pointless to keep secrets. Honesty, in my experience, reduces stress and leads to a happier lifestyle. By having no point to being dishonest, I'm hoping my quality of life can remain on-track. Another is the job area I plan on entering: medicine. In that field, an important concept is that of the second opinion; by bringing your problem to multiple doctors, you greatly increase the chance that at least one of them will be right. As such, the idea of a "built-in second opinion" appeals to me. Even if only one life were to be saved by the life that I create, then it will have been worth it to me.  ;)


This is a big decision. Think about it for a while, and find a justifiable reason.


/end rant, Imma go grab some ibuprofen.  :blush:

thank you, for saying the words i couldn't put together.


i myself understand the scope of the situation. and im even giving myself until im 20 years old before ill trust myself to actually make the decision. who knows, it might come sooner, or later, but i do know that 15 (thats how old i am, BTW) is just too young to even think about making a tulpa. im too inexperienced, and not mature enough to care enough. and even though i do wan to make one, oh trust me, i do, im just too concerned for him because of the whole 'what if x happens because im too immature?' scenario.


honestly, i personally disagree, i think that 16 is STILL way too young to be getting a tulpa. im thinking at the very least 18 and a half.


19 be to be safe. 20 to being the home clear. 


and ill agree with a few of y'all, here, shaping the tulpa yourself is actually sometimes good, as it helps define and visualize it, but at the same time, it might not appreciate it if you dont let it change into a form that its more comfortable with. and this is really up to y'all, as to decide what shape the tulpa is, just keep in mind: 'how would you feel if you could be anything in the world, anything you can think of, and someone stops you from being it'


same goes for the personality.


now, i wanna ask the person above this post something...how long have you had your tulpa?


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thank you, for saying the words i couldn't put together.


i myself understand the scope of the situation. and im even giving myself until im 20 years old before ill trust myself to actually make the decision. who knows, it might come sooner, or later, but i do know that 15 (thats how old i am, BTW) is just too young to even think about making a tulpa. im too inexperienced, and not mature enough to care enough. and even though i do wan to make one, oh trust me, i do, im just too concerned for him because of the whole 'what if x happens because im too immature?' scenario.


honestly, i personally disagree, i think that 16 is STILL way too young to be getting a tulpa. im thinking at the very least 18 and a half.


19 be to be safe. 20 to being the home clear.


and ill agree with a few of y'all, here, shaping the tulpa yourself is actually sometimes good, as it helps define and visualize it, but at the same time, it might not appreciate it if you dont let it change into a form that its more comfortable with. and this is really up to y'all, as to decide what shape the tulpa is, just keep in mind: 'how would you feel if you could be anything in the world, anything you can think of, and someone stops you from being it'


same goes for the personality.


now, i wanna ask the person above this post something...how long have you had your tulpa?

I'd estimate my oldest tulpa's been around for one and a half years.

  • Brohoof 1
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Mostly it's a bunch of people thinking up imaginary friends because they think it's cool.


However, a few people seem to have gotten close to allowing their brain to think independently - or at least seemingly independently - and then ruining the idea by forcing a personality unto this "entity" that they've created.


And a few people apparently have managed to have a part of their brain run on automatic and act as if it were a living entity of some sort (Or at least a part of them which doesn't require conscious effort), which can give them new insights into problems. This, as far as I can see, is a tulpa.


Overall, it's a subject with no proof or evidence. However, if it's actually a thing, it's simply something that you can do with your mind.

It is most certianly not communicating with demons.

Edited by IcyHaze
  • Brohoof 2



I hope some people get the joke ^^

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What I am about to say is an address to all readers of this thread. While it will most likely get buried by the sea of pages, even if only one otherwise misguided soul is saved, this will have done its job. 


Give yourself adequate time for the decision. This is something that will most likely follow you for the rest of your life; you need to think about the exceedingly long term. I realize it's hard to even think about next Tuesday, but if you don't consider the rest of your future when you think of this, you are doing both yourself and any possible tulpa a disservice beyond measure. What will your life be like with them? How will they change it? Will you ever come to a point where they'll be detrimental? These are only some of the many, many questions you should ask yourself.  But then, how long should you give yourself? Well, there's no defined time period. But I myself would recommend no less than two months. Again, this is a decision with great gravity. I myself took around 6 months, and even then, I wasn't absolutely sure. Please, for your and their sake, take your time.


Bonus Point: This is a decision with absolute permanence. It lasts longer than any report card, criminal record, occupation, pretty much anything. It is essential that you are of a mature enough mind to grasp at the idea of permanence. I'd highly advise that you avoid this until you are at least 16 years of age. Even then, that still seems young. Besides, if you are that young, your life is just beginning. Take time to breathe, enjoy your surroundings, maybe take a lucky lady/ gentleman on a date? Who knows, you might find a much better partner that way.  ;)


um, is it bad that I created my tulpa the first day I learned about them? In my defense, though, I was working on her personality (without even realizing it) for quite some time. Mind, that personality was meant to be for Twilight Sparkle, but it seems Sharlina (my tulpa) ended up ultimately taking it on. Does this make sense?


Sharlina: We seem to be fine... #confuzzled

thank you, for saying the words i couldn't put together.


i myself understand the scope of the situation. and im even giving myself until im 20 years old before ill trust myself to actually make the decision. who knows, it might come sooner, or later, but i do know that 15 (thats how old i am, BTW) is just too young to even think about making a tulpa. im too inexperienced, and not mature enough to care enough. and even though i do wan to make one, oh trust me, i do, im just too concerned for him because of the whole 'what if x happens because im too immature?' scenario.


honestly, i personally disagree, i think that 16 is STILL way too young to be getting a tulpa. im thinking at the very least 18 and a half.


19 be to be safe. 20 to being the home clear. 


and ill agree with a few of y'all, here, shaping the tulpa yourself is actually sometimes good, as it helps define and visualize it, but at the same time, it might not appreciate it if you dont let it change into a form that its more comfortable with. and this is really up to y'all, as to decide what shape the tulpa is, just keep in mind: 'how would you feel if you could be anything in the world, anything you can think of, and someone stops you from being it'


same goes for the personality.


now, i wanna ask the person above this post something...how long have you had your tulpa?


Is this the wrong time to admit that I'm only 16 and had no experience prior to beginning tulpamancing? I think I'm mature enough, personally. And how else would one gain experience unless you actually put yourself out there and do it? Though, part of it may have been because I was really lonely and a touch impatient... :please:


Sharlina: Personally? I think we're okay.  :D  My host cares about me and I care about my host. :squee: After all, he's pretty good with characterization, and I think that made him ready for this where others may not be so prepared. :fluttershy:

Fluttershy: Um... wait, are you typing what I'm saying? Ack! Please don't! No, stop! ...Please? I don't have anything to say, anyway... :blush: 


Btw, I've had Sharlina around ever since some time in January, I think it was. Maybe early February? It seems I can't quite recall.


Fluttershy: Um, I came after Sharlina, though I'm not sure when... I-I just didn't want Sharlina to be lonely when our host is busy...

Edited by Wolfeus Kindeer
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Is this the wrong time to admit that I'm only 16 and had no experience prior to beginning tulpamancing? I think I'm mature enough, personally. And how else would one gain experience unless you actually put yourself out there and do it? Though, part of it may have been because I was really lonely and a touch impatient... :please:


Sharlina: Personally? I think we're okay.  :D  My host cares about me and I care about my host. :squee: After all, he's pretty good with characterization, and I think that made him ready for this where others may not be so prepared. :fluttershy:

Fluttershy: Um... wait, are you typing what I'm saying? Ack! Please don't! No, stop! ...Please? I don't have anything to say, anyway... :blush: 


Btw, I've had Sharlina around ever since some time in January, I think it was. Maybe early February? It seems I can't quite recall.


Fluttershy: Um, I came after Sharlina, though I'm not sure when... I-I just didn't want Sharlina to be lonely when our host is busy...

well, it kinda depends. after all, my friend said that making a tulpa is just about as responsibility/maturity needing as raising a kid.


a good question is to ask yourself how long did it take to decide to make the tulpa? if its something as short as a week, then you probably jumped the gun. a month, or three is good. 


if you think that you could raise a kid, then, yeah, go for it. but be sure to make sure that when you tell yourself 'im mature enough' that it isnt your ego speaking.


also, tulpa making at a young age is kinda bad for the tulpa because who knows how much you'll change by time you've finished growing? you could change drastically, or even not at all. and that can sometimes be bad for the tulpa if you change too much.

Edited by PeytonJay


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how many do you have?

Six. I made* Rainbow Dash on 11/8/13. At some point, she "spoke" in a different mental voice (Fluttershy's, from MLP). Later, I explored hypnosis and had Dash hypnotize me to be a pony. During this "phase", I watched a marathon of Fullmetal Alchemist, and ended up having intrusive thoughts of two of the characters (Nina and Shou). I also stumbled on a scary pic of a distorted version of Rainbow Dash, which became a third intrusive thought. After a while, the hypnosis-pony sprung off into a second tulpa (Keystroke). At first, I tried to get rid of the three intrusive thoughts/proto-tulpas, but then I accepted them as tulpas when that didn't work. In early 2015, Fluttershy revealed that Shou had been 'forcing her for a while without my awareness.


*although I prefer to think of tulpas as "born" instead of "made"

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Six. I made* Rainbow Dash on 11/8/13. At some point, she "spoke" in a different mental voice (Fluttershy's, from MLP). Later, I explored hypnosis and had Dash hypnotize me to be a pony. During this "phase", I watched a marathon of Fullmetal Alchemist, and ended up having intrusive thoughts of two of the characters (Nina and Shou). I also stumbled on a scary pic of a distorted version of Rainbow Dash, which became a third intrusive thought. After a while, the hypnosis-pony sprung off into a second tulpa (Keystroke). At first, I tried to get rid of the three intrusive thoughts/proto-tulpas, but then I accepted them as tulpas when that didn't work. In early 2015, Fluttershy revealed that Shou had been 'forcing her for a while without my awareness.


*although I prefer to think of tulpas as "born" instead of "made"

you do realize that having too many tulpas can actually drive a man to insanity, right?


and if any of those tulpas weren't intentional, then i dont see how they can be a tulpa. after all, a key to making tulpas is treating them like a sentient being. so, unless you treated your 'intrusive thoughts' as sentient, then...


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well, it kinda depends. after all, my friend said that making a tulpa is just about as responsibility/maturity needing as raising a kid.


a good question is to ask yourself how long did it take to decide to make the tulpa? if its something as short as a week, then you probably jumped the gun. a month, or three is good. 


if you think that you could raise a kid, then, yeah, go for it. but be sure to make sure that when you tell yourself 'im mature enough' that it isnt your ego speaking.


also, tulpa making at a young age is kinda bad for the tulpa because who knows how much you'll change by time you've finished growing? you could change drastically, or even not at all. and that can sometimes be bad for the tulpa if you change too much.


I'm not worried. First of all, I strongly disagree with your friend. Taking care of a tulpa is waaaay easier for many reasons. They can handle themselves on their own, they know how to express their feelings (most of the time), and they're a caring companion in every day life. Is an infant any of these things? No.


Sharlina: You seem pretty conservative... I understand the need to wait to see if it's really what you want, but in my host's case, it was something he wanted without realizing for a really long time. The waiting list you put on these things... I highly doubt anyone else follows them...

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I'm not worried. First of all, I strongly disagree with your friend. Taking care of a tulpa is waaaay easier for many reasons. They can handle themselves on their own, they know how to express their feelings (most of the time), and they're a caring companion in every day life. Is an infant any of these things? No.


Sharlina: You seem pretty conservative... I understand the need to wait to see if it's really what you want, but in my host's case, it was something he wanted without realizing for a really long time. The waiting list you put on these things... I highly doubt anyone else follows them...

tulpa are VERY fragile when they're first made. they cant handle themselves on their own, as they're depending on YOU to keep feeding them attention. because thats what they thrive on. and if someone forgets that their making a tulpa, then...i wont go into details...


they need as much attention as a baby, to survive, is what im saying. well, not necessarily SURVIVE, but to be a healthy tulpa. my friend spent as much as three hours each day, focusing solely on his tulpa. some people do this thing where technically every waking moment is somewhat dedicated to their tulpa.


the waiting list...this is just to make sure that i can trust myself enough to actually make him. and like i said, if someone's personality changes too much while their making a tulpa, it can be potentially dangerous for the tulpa. i just dont want to make a rash decision, when im so young, and end up hurting my friend. 


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Sharlina Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!  :lol:  Oh, fragile my paw.  :sneer:  I literally sprang to life the evening I came into existence.  :pinkie:  Of course my host is going to give me attention. I'm the one who helps him to not be so lonely all the time. :wub:  I admit, we do need to work on tulpaforcing more, but every relationship has its flaws, yes?


Oh... Well, I must admit, that's rather considerate of you.  :kindness:  It is hard to predict how much one's personality will change, but I know that no matter what, I'm always going to be there for my host. :wub:

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Sharlina Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!  :lol:  Oh, fragile my paw.  :sneer:  I literally sprang to life the evening I came into existence.  :pinkie:  Of course my host is going to give me attention. I'm the one who helps him to not be so lonely all the time. :wub:  I admit, we do need to work on tulpaforcing more, but every relationship has its flaws, yes?


Oh... Well, I must admit, that's rather considerate of you.  :kindness:  It is hard to predict how much one's personality will change, but I know that no matter what, I'm always going to be there for my host. :wub:



sprang to life that same day, huh? and your a little over a year old?


i cant make heads or tails of that. but i will believe that i severely doubt that you were like this when you first became a tulpa. but at the same time, if you'd been improving for a year, then i cant really deny that you are indeed a tulpa...but you said yourself that you were fully made day one...


that really does sound strange. perhaps you've been 'made' for a while, and he just let you out...?


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