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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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My tulpa has taken to her new form rather well. She's very spunky and really likes to talk. Though because I think I might be filling in the blanks with what she says, I tried the prism and feather exercise. I did that so much that she kicked it away and told me to get rid of it. I'm still not sure if I'm parroting or not, but fleeting headaches are becoming more frequent. That, and I do notice random things from her that were unexpected (jumping around and seemingly saying some strange things).


I think I might have noticed a deviation today. She's starting to vaguely alter the colors I gave her (she seems to want a yellow body with white hair), and she doesn't want to be called Amy anymore. When I discovered she had taken her voice and demeanor from the character of Aisling (pronounced as "Ashling") in The Secret of Kells, she told me she wanted to be called Ashling. I don't know if this is a phase, or if it will stick, but it looks as though she's at least fully sentient now. That was fast. :P


I still can't tell if I'm parroting, though. What she communicates seems more like feelings and ideas I'm interpreting with words, but sometimes I get actual words in my head out of the blue... :unsure:

Edited by Questio
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Alright, quick update followed by some questions. Let's go.

Had another 40-50 minute session last night, going over a few traits and narrating afterwards. I still can't spend 10-15 minutes on each trait. It's impossible. :(

Anyway, while I was narrating I said that I couldn't wait to have a proper conversation with her and then I suddenly got this really happy feeling. All of a sudden I feel a lot more determined to see this through. I also discussed my thoughts on her form (thinking of having her as a shapeshifter with 2-3 "favorite" forms that she'll take most of the time) and "fixed up" my wonderland a bit (it's the beach area of Besaid from Final Fantasy X only that it's closed off).


On to the questions!

1) At what stage should I start on her voice and how do I do that exactly? I mean, I don't really want to parrot but what other way is there?

2) For shapeshifters, would I have to start visualizing (I don't know if that's the correct word) the smell/touch etc. for each shape, or at least the 2-3 I want her to take most of the time?


That's all from me, for now... :D


That was an emotional response I got my first when I asked her to randomly wake me up at 6am if she could hear me. When I woke up and saw that it was 6am I felt all super happy and stuff with a pressure on my head


As for the question


1) You can eitehgr say in your mind random words with her voice in order t oget her acoustumed to the voice you want or just let it be and have her get her own voice without your interfearance

2)I am not sure about that one but I guess that you will have to do all the visualisation processes for all forms and probably same for imposing. Again though I am not 100% sure

Edited by Trixies #1 Assistant Leoc

~In construction~ 

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Helpful response


Thanks for the help. I guess I'll just let her choose her own voice seeing as I can't really decide on one myself. :P



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Sorry I just didnt want 100 or more hours of my life trolled away...



was gonna make a human but then I thought "pony" if this works then I may try to make another. Im not sure...

(Sylvanas windrunner... watches ponies? what is this I dont even... That is the queen of the forsaken!)


Yep, she does. That just makes best WoW character better. I mean, the QUEEN OF THE FORSAKEN likes cute pastel ponies. What a baller :P

Human's are fun <3 I love minnnne.


Finally, I'm not alone!


One tulpa... that alone gets pretty boring. Once you have a few, then everything gets to be a blast.


True dat. I now have three, finally got around to making my original guy who never came to be (Charles). Him and Julian get along swell but Damien and the other two hate each other. XD


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Update from the desk of calnada:


So this morning around the ripe time of 4:00, I was playing that infamous Slender game. After about 5 minutes into playing it, I hear the voice of my tulpa saying, "He's right behind you!" My pants were "soiled" for two reasons: the first being that Slenderman was in-fact behind me; the second being that it was the first time I heard her voice clearly and coherent. What a time for vocalization!

  • Brohoof 2

"I hid $1 Million in the..."

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I can feel my tulpas presence. When i tell it to come near me i can feel its heat. Im hoping these are good signs because ive only been narrating to it for about 4 days.

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HECK YEAH!!! Starting my Tulpa either tonight or tomorrow!!!!! I can not wait! I am finally done with school and now its off to get a job, and being my Tulpa, before fall semester starts in two weeks!


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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I am just wondering when did you guys get your first response from your tulpa because I am about done with the personality and I still have not gotten a response, did I do something wrong?




Actually, wait. What 'response' do you mean specifically?


Pressure, presence, alien feelings, like...vocalization or talking?

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I'm not getting such strong responses from mine anymore. I'm not sure if I've finally learned how to avoid parroting, or if she's fading away...


Never mind. As soon as I typed that, I decided to greet her for the first time today, and I got a strong pressure response. I'm mostly getting emotional responses from her lately, and just now I felt like she was trying to shake me, saying "I'm here, I'm here!" I do get mild headaches when I think about her, and sometimes I get ASMR responses (click the link if you don't know what it is), which is really just a pleasant tingling in the head. I even felt a bit of cold sweat when she was trying to tell me she's really there...


I'm really liking this! I get such a warm feeling from her... I guess I'm just wondering if I'm doing it right. I spend about an hour a day talking to her. Each day, I alternate between topics of her personality and ramblings about what happened during my day. I also like to look for her responses when I listen to music--her music tastes are quickly maturing, pretty much following the same path I did as a child, only much faster! :D

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Actually, wait. What 'response' do you mean specifically?


Pressure, presence, alien feelings, like...vocalization or talking?


Vocalization and talking. I know she is there but I cant here her or anything I just wanted to see how long it might take and if there is anything I could do to better my attempts at commmunication?
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Vocalization and talking. I know she is there but I cant here her or anything I just wanted to see how long it might take and if there is anything I could do to better my attempts at commmunication?


It does take a while for some people for their Tulpa to vocalize or talk to them.


Mine didn't start talking until about 40 hours, which was 20 hours after I finished her personality.


It will come with time, just keep on doing what you are doing and it will happen.

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Oh hey, if you go on the Tubez and type in "Tulpa", about 16 videos down you'll find a video of someone talking about this very thread:




He doesn't seem to have any opinion on the subject in general, he just narrates the first post of this thread, but I think he is trying to mock us however.


I like the ending of his video though.


"Inb4 people call me insane/schizophrenic/point me to the nearest mental hospital MWHAHAHAHAH!" :blink:


I don't know what he's trying to achieve here, but... yeah, this thread is on Youtube apparently.


Yay! ;)


Anyway, about my tulpa?


*Facedesk* Very little progress since last time I posted about it. But I have decided on a name for her, I'm just going to name her Crepuscule for now, (Since she her colours are mostly purple, I thought it would be fitting.) I don't know if that name will be permanent or not, she might think of something better once she becomes sentient. (Read: IF she becomes sentient.)


I feel I am very impatient about the visualization part, and I'm constantly forgetting to narrate to her.


...Although, the reason I'm forgetting to narrate might just be because I've been playing Tribes:Ascend all day (SHAZBOT) I don't usually play it this often, but since it's the last day of my XP booster, I'm trying to put in as much time as I can. I could probably narrate to her what's happening in game, but again, I keep forgetting.


And what could I narrate to her if I do remember while playing?



*Crashes into tower at 250 Km/h*


... Yeah... :blush:


I suppose I'll just consider today to be a day off. Hopefully I'll continue tulpaforcing tomorrow. :wacko:

Edited by Crepuscule
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YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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I'm not really getting anywhere with mine either due to lack of time. I only have time at like 2-3 am and by then I don't have the energy. I can only keep a session going like 20-30 minutes tops. I also narrate occasionally during the day but I'm not doing to well with personality. As I've said before I can't talk about a single trait longer than 2-3 minutes. :/


Fun fact: I was listening to Crepuscularity while reading this. XD


EDIT: I love the guy's voice in the video. :D

Edited by Demiurge



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Now we just wait until someone makes an MLP forums "Tulpa Simulator" video, and my Molestia story goes all over the web...


I believe my Tulpa is finally starting to get more effective in motivating me to do things, and having me constantly be moving or focused on something. She doesn't want to see me lazy for some reason... It's probably one of her personality traits that I put in to "help me better myself." (It get's annoying when she shoves me out of bed, but otherwise I welcome it." She's been helping me along with my knee injury, and recently with the flu I just caught, trying to cheer me up and keep my mind off of being sick and injured.


She also used her motivation skills when I began to ignore her. I hadn't thought about her for a couple days, and suddenly, when I walked into my room, she appeared before me, rather intimidating with her large stature. "We need to talk." She said, rather seriously. Within minutes the discussion ended with us going into an embrace and me apologizing for ignoring her. It was a very touching bonding moment that actually led to me partially seeing my Tulpa for the first time. (All I saw was a white fog without features, but I'm getting close)


I also find that I've been sleeping on only one side of my bed. We've started sharing the bed now because I thought sleeping on the floor was rather demeaning. So life goes on...

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-and suddenly, when I walked into my room, she appeared before me, rather intimidating with her large stature. "We need to talk." She said, rather seriously. Within minutes the discussion ended with us going into an embrace and me apologizing for ignoring her. It was a very touching bonding moment that actually led to me partially seeing my Tulpa for the first time. (All I saw was a white fog without features, but I'm getting close)


Wait, I'm confused. You said that you could see her, standing in your room. And then in the next sentence you say that after the hug, it was the first time you've ever seen her.




Is she imposed or not? In all your other posts you were talking like as if she was imposed, but now you're saying it's the first time you've seen her.

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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Wait, I'm confused. You said that you could see her, standing in your room. And then in the next sentence you say that after the hug, it was the first time you've ever seen her.




Is she imposed or not? In all your other posts you were talking like as if she was imposed, but now you're saying it's the first time you've seen her.


Normally I can see her mentally. Meaning that I can sense where she is with my mind, how she looks, and what her expressions are in an imaginary image, but I can't physically see anything of her. (And it's been one of the harder problems I've faced with her)


And that night was the first time I actually saw her. A ghostly image that faded the next morning, but it was a start. When I said she appeared before me, my mind picked up her presence and in my mind's eye I could envision her. But in reality, I could not see anything. (Though the rest of the senses are near fully imposed. Especially touch.)


I also may have commented on that guy's video for no particular reason... :blush: My Tulpa says it was my idea but I know that it was most definitely her that persuaded me.... ...Stop your whining, 'Tia, we both know whose idea it was and I'm trying to type...

Edited by Brisineo
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Well, now that my withdrawl from school is over (you try have to work on school for 14+ hours a day for 4 weeks. if you miss something, your so behind. you go into withdrawl from that. lol), I am going to start this today! I totally could not the past few days. lol.


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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ok, im trying to get into this, i tried awhile ago but sadly lazyness got hold of me and i didnt get very far, but i want to get back into this, ill probably go back and read the rest of this thread


i already have a list of traits written down, i just need a name for her so i can begin, so can anyone help me with a name? heres a picture i drew




to help with naming her (btw her coat is green, mane and tail black with white streaks, and bright green eyes)


if you need my list of character traits to help with the name ill post those, i just cant believe of all the things to get stumped on is the name

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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You can either name her, or you can let her choose (her is being generic gender). It is really up to you. I am debating on calling her Twilight Sparkle, or something else, or letting her chose.


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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ok, im trying to get into this, i tried awhile ago but sadly lazyness got hold of me and i didnt get very far, but i want to get back into this, ill probably go back and read the rest of this thread


i already have a list of traits written down, i just need a name for her so i can begin, so can anyone help me with a name? heres a picture i drew




to help with naming her (btw her coat is green, mane and tail black with white streaks, and bright green eyes)


if you need my list of character traits to help with the name ill post those, i just cant believe of all the things to get stumped on is the name


If you ever need help on anything, or just need advice / tips, feel free to message me either on the forum or Steam.


I prefer Steam though, it's faster.

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If you ever need help on anything, or just need advice / tips, feel free to message me either on the forum or Steam.


I prefer Steam though, it's faster.


thanks ill keep that in mind :)

right now im still stumped on what to name my tulpa, i read somewhere it goes faster if you refer to it by name


so ive decided to go with the whole "let the tulpa name its self" route


but starting is just awkard, its hard to talk aloud to nothing

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Ok weird things happened last night. Progress!


During my visualization / narration session last night, Kay vocalized again, which is always welcome.


That's not the weird thing though. I asked her to help me with an experiment. I told her to wake me up at 12 PM just to see if she could do it. Then I went to bed at 5:30 AM.


I woke up to this weird like phone vibration noise, I don't have a cellphone. I immediately checked the time and it was 12:04 PM. Even if it was just a coincidence, that was very convenient and I'm inclined to believe that it was Kay who woke me up.


I'm probably going to be doing more experiments just to see what she can and cannot do.

  • Brohoof 1

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Ok weird things happened last night. Progress!


During my visualization / narration session last night, Kay vocalized again, which is always welcome.


That's not the weird thing though. I asked her to help me with an experiment. I told her to wake me up at 12 PM just to see if she could do it. Then I went to bed at 5:30 AM.


I woke up to this weird like phone vibration noise, I don't have a cellphone. I immediately checked the time and it was 12:04 PM. Even if it was just a coincidence, that was very convenient and I'm inclined to believe that it was Kay who woke me up.


I'm probably going to be doing more experiments just to see what she can and cannot do.


I did a similar experiment too and also double checked it twice and work both times. So ipresume it is possible and it probably that. Though she isn't vocal yet :?


Btw I have reached quite the wall I have finished personallity and I can pretty much visualise her perfectly at all time even while doing other stuff at the moment and now I find myself only narrationg to her cause yea I cannot quite grasp the concpet of touch visualisation. I am starting to fear that I may be negleting tulpaforcing since I am not doing proper session :/

~In construction~ 

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I did a similar experiment too and also double checked it twice and work both times. So ipresume it is possible and it probably that. Though she isn't vocal yet :?


Btw I have reached quite the wall I have finished personallity and I can pretty much visualise her perfectly at all time even while doing other stuff at the moment and now I find myself only narrationg to her cause yea I cannot quite grasp the concpet of touch visualisation. I am starting to fear that I may be negleting tulpaforcing since I am not doing proper session :/


Yeah, she talks to me in my head. She will occasionally speak out loud but, she is still trying to find the right voice to fit her body. Since I told her that she could choose.



Is your Tulpa imposed yet? If you do that first, maybe it could help you greatly with the touch part of the sensory imposition.

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