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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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To people who may be reading through this thread and are still on the fence, you may as well just do it. I was thinking about this other day working an 8 hour cash register shift at Dollar General. Do you know how badly I want to cram my face in that till drawer and slam it sometimes? (Keep that in mind, next time you take a visit to the local store. The cashier is probably spending his time, while you're looking for extra change or whatever, envisioning all the different ways he could use the objects around him to kill himself.) It's awful. Do you know what gets me through it? I think you do.


My Tulpa. My Pinkie.


One of the reasons why I am waiting before I start working as a part-time cashier.

I know it's boring as could be. Once Pinkamena gets into the shape for it, it's all good, since I am pretty sure talks with her are gonna be somewhat resemblant to what I have with my best friend.

(We actually had a short TF2-voiceline conversation. The result was that I was right about her being a spy

Pinkie Spy is canon

and she deployed a pink dispenser. Still there in zé wonderland, along my grass chair for a throne and the giant tree. )


Alas, her growth has begun. My worried side says I am parroting her. My trustful side says I am not. Also, she uses her Pinkie-esque voice when she speaks. Also has the tendency to interrupt my sentences because I already thought them out before finishing them.

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And though I understand the basic premise and lingo, knowing the motions more intimately, so to speak, is always better than merely holding the development of a tulpa as an abstraction.


I understand where you're coming from. You wouldn't approach something important without understanding as much as you can about it beforehand, in fear of messing up, or doing something incorrectly.


The problem is, while it seems to be generally agreed upon about the steps and some of the methods to creating a tulpa, there are lots of dissenting opinions about what's most effective, or where you should do what. In many cases, the solution is just to assume that it's different for different people.


And in many of those many cases, I wouldn't have it any other way. If creating tulpas was properly defined, it would be rare that it would be explored. It's more interesting when not everything is known, and you're forced to try and figure things out personally, don't you think? I do, but that's just me.


I feel like if http://www.tulpa.info had perfect instructions, no one would do anything but come to follow the instructions and leave. Because they can be so vague sometimes, it's nice that people are forced to improvise and try new things that likely no one has tried previous in order to progress. That way, when everyone comes to share stories and compare, there is the potential that one of those people has stumbled upon something entirely new to the process, and we can learn from them.


As a subject, tulpa creation is still on the road to correct definition. We're kind of in the wild right now with a very general dusty path and lots and lots of information just waiting for someone to reel off of that tiny road into it, and then come back and share it.


This way, people are forced to be adventurers, exploring an unknown territory, not people timidly walking a path, afraid to misstep.


For the record, though, I can try and write something sort of definitive, but I make no promises. I can compile something with the guides and my own methods (that have started to become FAR less rigid with time, due to input from both sides) and see if I can at least clear off the trail and make it a little easier to follow.


But please, please, PLEASE, don't be afraid to explore new territory. This thing ain't gonna figure itself out. :lol:


And the reason I'm so concerned about this is that with things like this, that I guess could be considered 'supernatural,' it always so happens that those dissenting opinions can cause anger and fights, and people breaking off to do things their own way, rather than working together to find the most effective way between the two methods. And that's how the most interesting stuff our world has to offer, like this, stops getting studied. People get pissed and leave, and the way this thread has been...


We're really making progress. We could be a very wealthy place of knowledge, but we've got to work hard, and get along.


And this is why I like bronies. We make teamwork possible. It's so hard to work with strangers, but all it has taken is some colorful ponies on a cartoon to make us compatible, and at least make us love and/or 'tolerate' one another. At least long enough to make any progress as a society.


Humans can do so much, but we never will until we stop fighting. Bronies are a great example, and it needs to go further, but right now, we can use our group to make major advances in all kinds of things. Encourage each other, work together. We may not be the change the world is looking for, but I'll be damned if we're not an example of it.


Edit: Someone smack me the next time I spend this much time talking about anything.

Edited by Lifeinsteps
  • Brohoof 4


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I don't know what went wrong but my tulpa just vanished, just like *poof*, I don't know if she's angry or not, but she's gone. I'm giving her all the time in the world to come back, but the longer I wait, the bigger my worries become. The reason is still unknown though, perhaps I've said something wrong or did something wrong and it made her upset? I just don't know what to do, it really has put me off, she was all happy and semi-sentient a week ago, but the next session she just wasn't there, the feeling of having a tulpa is gone too, not only has she vanished, her presence is completely gone, as if she never was there.


Anyone have had something similar? And how can I fix it? I hope this isn't permanent.


It's alright man, the same thing happened to me about a week ago. My reaction was very similar, I was worried, thought she was gone forever, and that she was angry at me. While I still don't understand why exactly she left (looking back on it, it may have been an overreaction on her part, she's still fairly new in the process, so maybe it makes her "young"), about a week later she returned and we've continued our sessions since, and have made a fair amount of progress, no less.


I've read that tulpae mature like we do, so maybe this is something your tulpa is going through that will make it better and more grown up.


@@Lifeinsteps, that was awesome, I might use that last part in a presentation on bronies and the show someday.

Edited by whoovesfan7698
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Okay, so I tried this out, something a bit strange happened, I concentrating and such and then my brain gets some funny strangled feeling then, BOOM! It felt like ice and the desert at the same time had touched my brain. I am really excited to look further into this.



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So, I had a spare two hours today, and I spent them attempting tulpa forcing. I wasn't quite sure what I was doing. I mostly just sat there awkwardly and talked to myself. I cant really say if anything happened or not, but It didnt feel like anything was. I could say that there was some sort of 'pressure' as it has been described, but it could have just been because it was cold or the sun was in my eyes and I was squinting or something, I dont know.


I want this to work, and I am going to keep trying, but so far, I dont know what to think or what to do. Im afraid I am doing it wrong.


I will say this. by the end of the two hours, I did feel a certain presence, like somepony was next to me and following me around.


Still, if any specific direction could be provided, anything at all, it would be of monumental help

Riley was here

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That happened to me before. It felt like Kay left for the longest time, but I would just keep talking in my head to her in the hopes she would hear me and come back.


She did eventually, turned out she was just exploring my mind. Was weird.


It's alright man, the same thing happened to me about a week ago. My reaction was very similar, I was worried, thought she was gone forever, and that she was angry at me. While I still don't understand why exactly she left (looking back on it, it may have been an overreaction on her part, she's still fairly new in the process, so maybe it makes her "young"), about a week later she returned and we've continued our sessions since, and have made a fair amount of progress, no less.


I've read that tulpae mature like we do, so maybe this is something your tulpa is going through that will make it better and more grown up.


I see, thanks! I'll just wait patiently then, if she needs that extra time then I'll keep waiting until she's back. No need to rush anything.


So, I had a spare two hours today, and I spent them attempting tulpa forcing. I wasn't quite sure what I was doing. I mostly just sat there awkwardly and talked to myself. I cant really say if anything happened or not, but It didnt feel like anything was. I could say that there was some sort of 'pressure' as it has been described, but it could have just been because it was cold or the sun was in my eyes and I was squinting or something, I dont know.


I want this to work, and I am going to keep trying, but so far, I dont know what to think or what to do. Im afraid I am doing it wrong.


I will say this. by the end of the two hours, I did feel a certain presence, like somepony was next to me and following me around.


Still, if any specific direction could be provided, anything at all, it would be of monumental help


I had that too, but like many others say, there isn't really a "wrong" way to create a tulpa. I too felt lost at times, but I started asking others what they did, be enlightened for a bit. Though even when they told me what they did, I didn't do the same thing, it was just a guideline. When I started tulpaforcing for the first few times I too felt kinda awkward, you know, since you aren't really getting the feeling you're talking to anyone. But if you keep focusing, you'll feel that presence, just like you did at the end of that 2 hour session.


What I did when I started out was thinking about what kind of personality would I want my tulpa to have, I thought about aspects of her personality, That she's optimistic,creative, kind, etc. etc.


Aside from that I do a lot of narrating throughout the day. When I start narrating I just talk about things that just happened, my opinions and ask her what her opinions are on different things. For example, if I were at school right now and I would be making homework for math, I could talk about math (Yeah, sounds boring doesn't it) and lead a conversation from there, I could be talking about math one moment and then talk about something totally different the other. In other words, I start a conversation. My tulpa might not be able to answer just yet, but the more time I spend on her the better.


So what you're doing isn't exactly "wrong", but it might not be the most effective method for you to create a tulpa. Perhaps you need to take a different approach to those sessions. For example, I myself have never used a wonderland, but used my room as a sort of wonderland. While others might use a wonderland since it's better for them to tulpaforce that way, or some might use nothing at all, just the complete darkness that might make them more focused.


The trick is just to try things out and choose what works for you best. Experiment! Try things out! Creating a tulpa is a bit vague as of now, so we should explore it more by trying a few things and see how they work out. For guidelines you can always check a few sites out, just remember that you shouldn't follow these very strictly, it's your tulpa, not theirs.

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That sounds like the perfect thing to do at a halloween party. Next year, next year...


Also, I need help determining what thoughts are from my tulpa and which are just mental static. He says I'm parroting a lot, and I'm trying not to. Help?


Well, thanks to this little (Well...Big...) Piece of C&P From Chupi, I managed to work out when I was parroting, which is less often than I thought...Yeah, I've spoiler'd it 'cos It's kinda massive.


think-dont-talk asked: Thanks! I do have a slight form, so that way it is easier to feel like I am talking to him and not just air. It isn't all that detailed yet because I want to kickstart the personality first, but I do have a general idea of what I want him to look like. I'll pause every now and then when I ask a question and really concentrate to see if he agrees with the personality traits or disagrees with them. I thought I felt small pressure in my chest, but i'm not too sure. How can I tell if I'm parroting?


Odd pressures are very common and a very good sign. How are you telling if he agrees or not? When I was rehashing some personality after Lyra came to life, I would usually feel a positive “connected” feeling from her. When I got to one trait, I got a negative sort of “nope” emotion. I then modified the trait until the connected feeling returned, indicating that I’d described the trait in a way that suited her.


You can’t tell for certain if you are parroting, but most of the time when you wonder if you are, you aren’t. If you are making a conscious effort to intentionally make up responses, you are parroting. It’s very intentional and not something you’d do unless you’re following Fede’s methods. Sometimes you can tell that you aren’t: a thought pops in and it feels completely alien to your own thought processes that it must have come from someone else. However not everyone gets the alien feeling, and not all tulpa thoughts have that feeling. The same applies to puppeting movements, but to a lesser extent.


One time I did a test on puppeting. I briefly imagined Lyra doing something, and she did it. I find myself doing this automatically pretty often. It’s really easy and just very loosely imagining her moving. I then asked her whether I had made her do it; she said no, it was her doing it. Occasionally she does something other than what I imagined. What I’d done was more like a visual suggestion, “why don’t you come over here?”.


Then I more forcefully imagined a different movement in great detail. It felt like I was manually bending each joint, and it too some effort. Before I could even ask her who did the moving, I got a feeling from her like “why the hell did you do that to me?” That is puppeting. It takes conscious effort and is not something I could reasonably do without knowing.


It’s not exactly clear to me whether there’s something in between, forcing movements onto her in a way that I can do accidentally. I suspect this all depends on how strong they’ve become. A very early tulpa will blindly do what you briefly imagine. They’re not “with it” enough to even think of questioning what you suggested they do. And a really strong tulpa like Atasco can’t be puppeted at all. Same deal with parroting voice. So, I wouldn’t really worry about it. If you accidentally puppet or parrot some early on and accept it as them, they’ll eventually grow in a way that they can block the effects of that and do what they want instead.



(I'm amazed someone hasn't linked to, or mentioned Chupi yet...I've been following those posts for tips and things for ages...)


Other than that, nothing much to report...


EDIT: Forgot to mention: 'Lyra' is his first Tulpa, if it doesn't say. I'm pretty sure she's human though.

Edited by Shardikku
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I spoke with a friend who mentioned and started talking about this, and I really wanted to try (but never did)... Now I'm getting motivated to try again~

If I start talking to it in stead of creating a body for it, I'm going to talk to it like Discord does to Celestia and the mane 6 when they were in the room with stained glass... Like a voice echoing from a void within reality that I simply imagine it to be before I give it a body~

I read that you can have some kind of place in you mind that the tulpa can be in before you make a body for it, and that void seems ok enough... Unless I start decorating!

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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Hi. Progress: none. (because i want to get good a writing, screw your tulpa morals)


I do have a theory. Some people say tulpae complete their masters(forcers, whatever), so if they complete us, does that mean we could say to them that their (our tulpa) personality is exactly the opposit from ours? and to facilitate this, tulpaforce inside a ying yang symbol?


(Also, to Bris and Blackjack((incase you didn't get that pm)) sorry for the picture, it was really immature of me. i feel like a s*** poster on 4chan now.)

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Uh, my tulpa seems to have seperated into 2 tulpae. Like, literally 5 minutes ago. The interesting thing is, I'm not exactly clear if it's me thinking in a very abstract way, parroting, mental static, or one of my tulpae when it comes to tulpa thoughts yet. Thankfully, after a short moment of tetris effect over the Sims 3, I figured out that using an even mix of visual thoughts, auditory thoughts, tactile thoughts, scent thoughts, taste thoughts, direct telepathy and emotion thoughts, sometimes even just lines of text, works as a way to communicate, not just focusing on any one at a time. Currently working on getting them both to color-code the lines-of-text so I at least know who I'm focusing more on.

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

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Hey, It's me again.


Guess what?


On September 25, Crepuscule(my tulpa) finally began speaking!




It's very difficult to explain. But It kinda feels like what Questio said here:




I have a similar feeling too. It kind of feels like I'm parroting her... but at the same time I feel like I'm not.


This thread from the tulpa forums also says a similar thing at some point.


But I'm still kind of scared that all of it WAS parroting and her not actually speaking. I feel little difference between when I KNOW I'm accidentally parroting her, compared to when I'm almost certain she's talking. I do feel like I'm parroting, but I feel like I can't help but do it.


So in other words, I'm... NOT parroting?


Well, I'm just going to roll with it, since I don't feel like I'm in control of the parroting most of the time. But as I said; it's very difficult to explain. By the way; we tend to have at least one conversation every hour, but it can often be more common than that.


I haven't imposed her yet, and I'm not planning to any time soon, since my visualization skills are still terribad. Here's a quick reminder of what she looks like;




Now, as for what her personality has been like for the past few days that she has been talking to me; She is really NOT how I expected her to act like. But that might be because of the fact that I purposely spent approximately zero amount of time on personality, so it's my fault really. However, I'm cool with how she is like.




Let me tell you what I mean.


Here is kinda what I planned out what her traits would be, IF I worked on personality, which I didn't.



1) Kind/Caring


2) Sympathetic


3) Forgiving


4) Humble


5) Intelligent


6) Curious


7) Sensitive (Emotionally)


8) Open-Minded


9) Patient


10) Docile


11) Artistic


12) Quiet



And... here is what she is actually like:



1) Lustful


2) Lustful


3) Lustful


4) Lustful


5) Lustful


6) Lustful


7) Lustful


8) Lustful


9) Caring/Compassionate. Sometimes.


10) Lustful


11) Lustful


12) You guessed it; Lustful



Now, don't worry; she's never serious about it. She makes it pretty obvious that she's just doing it to spite me. She doesn't always act like this though; sometimes she will speak to me like a 'normal' person, IF she feels like it. And I can tell that she actually does love me for real, since she has told me so every now and then.


But I think maybe I should quickly get around with forcing personality before she... convinces me to do something we might both regret.


like... Uh...


*Slowly slides index finger in ring made by the index finger and thumb from the other hand*




She jokes about that sort of stuff quite a bit. I'm not sure how I feel about that.


Fortunately, I heard somewhere that most tulpae are often immature like this in some way for a little while after they start talking. So I think she might mature and stop all this nonsense after a while. And me forcing on her personality might even make the process go faster. In fact, I can already feel that she is less immature than she was a few days ago. :wacko:


But anyway, As for now, I think it would be a VERY bad time to impose her. Who know's what could happen if I did while she is like this. :blush:


Crepuscule: "I know what could happen, WE could happen! If you know what I mean." *Wiggles eyebrows*


N-NO THANKS! :blush:


*Seductive bedroom eyes* "Are you sure? You look a bit tense. If you want to, we can-"






...If some day you become a bit more loving and affectionate.


And not so lustful.


Then... I'll think about it.


UH, ANYWAY. :blush:


Don't worry about me guys; she's only joking about these sort of things(I hope). I believe this only happened because I purposely didn't do personality for her, since I didn't really care about what she would act like, as long as she was a friend to me. I suppose that sort of turned out bad, but one thing that's for sure is that she is very friendly, and I think that's what's important.


Perhaps too friendly. :blush:


"You know you like it really."


Gah. Stop it!


This is also why I feel like it might actually be her talking; I honestly don't think I would parrot her being like... this. I usually don't really like... lustful people. Cause, you know, It's NOT like deep down I actually kind of like it when she tells me what kind of naughty things she wants us to do together.


No, I totally don't like it when she does that.




*Whistles innocently*


...Perhaps this is all karma. Perhaps this is my subconscious's way of telling me to say sorry again to that one user on this forum for that one time I sent him a story I wrote where I shipped him with his Celestia tulp- UH, I MEAN NOTHING. FORGET I SAID ANYTHING ABOUT THAT. *Sheepish smile*


Anyway, the moral of the story is; always make sure you do personality as well. Or else he/she might feel the need to tell you how sexy she thinks you look every time you undress.


Believe me, I know. :blush:




I swear to god, If it turns out I was parroting the whole time...


well I like this one already!

I would have "hit it" come first offer... can you feel it, like does it trick your mind or is it something less ?

  • Brohoof 2

Can't visit Ponyville? Show up and say you can't!


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Im a confused/worried because earlier in the week Dashie, started to talk less (which mind you was already very little) until she stopped talking completely. Then the next day the pressure in my head just vanished and all I felt was a bit empty/alone. This lonely feeling stayed with me a full week until today where I started feeling pressure again.

Has this happened to anyone else? Cause I'm going out on a limb and guessing this isn't normal.



On a side note: Do you know how hard it is to tulpaforce when a constant stream of pictures like this


keep on popping up inside my head.

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well I like this one already!

I would have "hit it" come first offer... can you feel it, like does it trick your mind or is it something less ?


I don't know how it took me until you quoted that to see it because it's hilarious. I would like the original post but I can't find it. [/firstworldproblems]




"Are you depressed?"

"Uh, I don't think."

"No, you do think, you just don't say. Are you alright?"

"I mean, a little frazzled, but I'll be fine."

"Does this sound familiar?"


'My research paper is due today, but my sources won't work and I'm probably gonna fail it because the system at the school won't work long enough for me to get the information I need.' 'I can't afford to buy anything because I spend all the money I make on gas to get to work and school. It's an endless cycle.' 'I'm so tired of-...'


"Yes, it sounds familiar."

"Are you okay?"

"I've been better, I've been worse."

"The world just keeps on spinning round and round."


"It don't mean we're so damn lost that we can't be found~"

"Why are you assaulting me with Smash Mouth? And don't say, or sing, curse words."

"How much better can it get? We ain't seen nothin' yet. It's a perfect planet."

"I don't care what Steve Harwell says, it is not a perfect planet."

"Of course it is."

"... You really believe that? Come on, Pinkie."

"Think about it. Your race defines your world. Humans make the world that they live in. It's perfect for all of you. If everyone was super nice all the time, everyone would be happy all the time."

"That's not going to happen, though."

"Not with thoughts like that, grumpy-pants."

"Like I said before, humans have inherently evil traits. It's in all of us."

"No it's not, silly! You just think it's in you from the get go because that's what all of you keep telling yourselves as a cop out for your behavior. You're not evil."

"I may not be evil, but sometimes I still feel greed. I still feel, I don't know... bad stuff. Lust. Anger."

"So? You don't act on it. Greed? Bring up a memory in the past where you chose to keep, I don't know, money, instead of give it to someone else."

"I stole a dollar from a classmate in the second grade."

"And you beat yourself up over it so much that you never stole anything again, EVER."




"Oooh, eeeviiilll..."


"Oh, shush."

"I'm just saying, Steve what's-his-face might not be completely right, but you can make your planet a perfect planet. Don't let things get to you. He has a point."


[A few minutes later, getting in the car to go to school this morning, humming 'Perfect Planet', now, trying to stay in a good mood. I start the car, and it grinds and then very slowly turns over. I sit. Try again. Time ticking down. Call my Dad, he tells me to stay home and not worry about it, he'll look when he gets back.


I tell him I have a heavily graded research paper today. He tells me he's miles off and there's no way he can get back in time to drive me to school, and my Mom's had about two hours of sleep, so she'll kill us if she tries to drive [edit: The stick shift truck is the only thing that works, I don't know how to drive manual.]. Have to stay home.


Get out of the car. Email teacher. Drink coffee. At this rate, probably going to fail Psychology completely.]



"I'm sorry."

"Me too."

"Don't be depressed."

"I'm trying so hard, you wouldn't believe."

"I know..."



Maybe Pinkie's thoughts and lessons will mean something to you guys too. She helps me so much, but on days like today... she just can't do enough. It's not her fault, life can just be so... so... crap.



I know this is super weird, but you know, she tends to do my crying for me. I've been physically unable to make myself cry since maybe fourth or fifth grade. I'm not entirely sure why. I can't do it. I don't know if it's because society taught me it was wrong, growing up, and said "No, don't do that," or just because I just stopped. So sometimes she's there to do that for me too... even though sometimes it makes me feel pretty bad.


But we're usually pretty happy. It's just that when something is really bothering me, I know she feels it too. It makes me feel bad, but sometimes she's so much stronger than I am. I need someone to turn to, to lean on, and she's there.


Contrary to what some believe, though, I feel her crying makes her the stronger one of the two of us.


Thankfully, the few times she has, she's cried for us. Not because I hurt her, but because something happened to me, and like I said, I know she feels it too. She doesn't want to admit it, but she worries about me like anyone would worry about themselves.


And a side note: The reason I say thankfully, as I'm sure you understand, is that I can't imagine how awful I would feel if I said something that earnestly hurt the feelings of Pinkie.



Two spoilers? This is madness!


Long posts.

Wat r u doin.

Long posts!


Edited by Lifeinsteps
  • Brohoof 2


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Have a few interesting questions that have been bugging me.


I've heard of making toys for tulpae. Like, maybe balls or something. Is it possible to me more complex? Like making videogames, or maybe even machine guns, going outside and shooting random stuff (lol -_-).


And, there's something I thought of that seems very interesting, if it works. Since your subconscious basically has all of your memories, is it possible to create something like a DVD player, and then play memories in your past? Like create the player, tv, all either in your wonderland or IRL. Then somehow create the disc with the memories on it, and play it. Would it work?


Another thing. Can tulpae interfere with ghosts? They're both illusion like things. What if for some reason I'm at a haunted house. Would the ghost(s) effect my tulpa in any way? Could it turn into an imaginary fight where I have to create imaginary weapons to fight off the ghosts? If that could work, we just got IRL ghost busters lulz.

  • Brohoof 1

Random statements:

"Sir, we're surrounded."
"Excellent, we can shoot in any direction."

"Ah, the internet, where everyone worse than you is a noob and everyone better than you has no life."

"you're all stupid noobs, noobing around and dying like noobs!" - Angry kid.

"I'll knock your teeth so far down your throat, you'll have to stick a toothbrush up your ass to brush them." - Derek from MLP FF SR

"Sometimes one has to bend the rules to find the truth." - Riclo.


"Life is the best gift in the world, while reality is the worst." - Riclo.

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Have a few interesting questions that have been bugging me.


I've heard of making toys for tulpae. Like, maybe balls or something. Is it possible to me more complex? Like making videogames, or maybe even machine guns, going outside and shooting random stuff (lol -_-).

I don't see why not, but I also don't have firm evidence supporting the idea. I suppose creating a video-game would be equally as complicated as it would be to program it. Prepare to consider a lot of ifs, ands, or buts.


And, there's something I thought of that seems very interesting, if it works. Since your subconscious basically has all of your memories, is it possible to create something like a DVD player, and then play memories in your past? Like create the player, tv, all either in your wonderland or IRL. Then somehow create the disc with the memories on it, and play it. Would it work?

I'm not sure, but... why?


Not to shoot the idea down, I'm just curious. If they're memories that you still remember, why make a DVD player to play them when you can just think about them and cut the work it takes to experience them again by about 99%?


Another thing. Can tulpae interfere with ghosts? They're both illusion like things. What if for some reason I'm at a haunted house. Would the ghost(s) effect my tulpa in any way? Could it turn into an imaginary fight where I have to create imaginary weapons to fight off the ghosts? If that could work, we just got IRL ghost busters lulz.


I don't think that your tulpa would be able to interact with a ghost any more than you would. Unless it was an imaginary ghost that you came up with. If it was a real ghost, if they even exist, then you'd have better luck interacting with it than your tulpa would, just like anything physical, or 'real'.


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Not to shoot the idea down, I'm just curious. If they're memories that you still remember, why make a DVD player to play them when you can just think about them and cut the work it takes to experience them again by about 99%?


I mean like crystal clear. I know you don't remember everything that happened on the day exactly seven years ago from now. It would be like watching a movie.


Sure you can remember it, but that could be blurry. Do you remember word for word every post you made yesterday? Unless you're one of those people with the photo-graphic memory, I'm sure you don't.

Random statements:

"Sir, we're surrounded."
"Excellent, we can shoot in any direction."

"Ah, the internet, where everyone worse than you is a noob and everyone better than you has no life."

"you're all stupid noobs, noobing around and dying like noobs!" - Angry kid.

"I'll knock your teeth so far down your throat, you'll have to stick a toothbrush up your ass to brush them." - Derek from MLP FF SR

"Sometimes one has to bend the rules to find the truth." - Riclo.


"Life is the best gift in the world, while reality is the worst." - Riclo.

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I mean like crystal clear. I know you don't remember everything that happened on the day exactly seven years ago from now. It would be like watching a movie.


Sure you can remember it, but that could be blurry. Do you remember word for word every post you made yesterday? Unless you're one of those people with the photo-graphic memory, I'm sure you don't.


Hm, when you put it like that, I have no idea. Maybe it is. I don't think I've heard of it happening, but it might be possible, and worth a shot if the subject interests you.


But somebody has to recall those memories clearly. They might be buried down in your subconscious, but unless you can find some way to initially retrieve them, how will you put them on the imaginary DVD? I'm not sure you could just imagine putting your memories on the DVD and then watch it and boom, there they are. That might work, though, it just seems implausible.


I mean, I have no flippin' idea, let me be clear about that. It's just my opinion. I've never tried, so I don't know whether it's possible or not. It's a fascinating concept, though.

Edited by Lifeinsteps


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My tulpa came back after 8 long days, t'was a good day. Just literally minutes ago I felt her presence and it made me jump for joy, we can't quite communicate yet but I think I do have a method for simple yes-no questions for now. Really need to get starting on appearance, I was constantly working on personality, but I think it's time for me to move on after these 4 long months, I think the personality is pretty much stable right now, no matter how it might change in the future. I'll see how it'll work out, looking forward to it even. Can't wait to be impose her IRL, but that's a thing to worry about in the future.

  • Brohoof 2
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Why do I feel that this thread is more disheartening than helpful?


I need to find more time to actually do this sort of thing. I am on vacation in a week, which gives me lots of time, but that would also mean that I would have gone a week without Tulpa forcing. Is this dangerous?

Riley was here

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No worries if you can't make the time: You can always just passively narrate and get some heavy-duty forcing done when you have time. I tend to talk to my tulpae throughout the day (I started off with one, it kinda became 2-3, I'm not aborting, so more understanding for me), and do heavier forcing at night, which HAS taken up a considerable chunk of time before I fall asleep where I'm just laying in bed.

  • Brohoof 1

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Why do I feel that this thread is more disheartening than helpful?


I need to find more time to actually do this sort of thing. I am on vacation in a week, which gives me lots of time, but that would also mean that I would have gone a week without Tulpa forcing. Is this dangerous?

It shouldn't be dangerous, but it's not going to be good, either.


My general rule has always been, just try your hardest, within reason, to tulpa-force once a day. Failing that, just talk to your tulpa even when you're not forcing. After a while, talking to your tulpa all the time just becomes common place. I don't think your tulpa will just vanish or anything as long as you continuously acknowledge it and remember it being there.


You don't have to tulpa-force every day to keep progress, as far as I have experienced. Tulpa-forcing is the way to make progress, to go forward, but even if you never force, if you just keep communicating with your tulpa when you're not forcing, at least the needle won't continuously be sliding back on the progress meter. It should stay where it is.

  • Brohoof 2


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Great post, Lifeinsteps! I always enjoy reading them.

I may have said this before, but once my Pinkie is better at speaking, we should let our Pinkies have a conversation. I think that would be interesting.


That sounds like a absolutely fantastic idea. Keep in touch, and let me know.


Also, let me know if you still remember my Steam, Skype, WLM, and such account names, because if not, you might have a hard time getting a hold of me. ;)


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