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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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but I can say we didn't do 'that thing' yet.

Well, what a boring waste of a lucid dream! If LDs aren't for sex, then I don't know what they're for.


Kidding, of course. :P Sounds like a fun bonding experience! I've yet to have any more LDs recently, unfortunately.

Edited by Captain Nemo
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Sounds like a nice dream, Geko.


Anyway, yesterday didn't end up quite as productive as I had hoped. After taking my nightly dose of PowerFULL (which I take for fitness reasons - it makes you sleep deeper, and helps mellow you out first...I think it has melatonin in it), I watched one more episode of MLP to ensure I had a fresh image of RD in my mind. I then turned on the iBrainwave app on my phone and turned it to a very low meditative setting...about 4.5Hz...right above the sleep frequency (which in hindsight might've been a bad idea). After reading through the guides I decided to focus mostly on centering and concentrating, and becoming more acquainted with my mind's eye before moving forward. And with that I had a pretty good deal of success. I got to an inner darkness...almost like an empty room which I could sense was my minds eye and not just "staring at the back of your eyelids" as one of the guides put it. At that point I let my mind construct a few images of whatever it wanted, just to test my visualizing ability, and I did pretty well. My mind ended up building a scene of Applejack and Applebloom talking to each other in an apple field. Not sure of what, but it was definitely vivid. The vision was not expansive, though. It was as if a spotlight was shone on them - they were visible, so was an apple bucket and tree in the foreground, and so was the background - but the emptiness of my mind's eye beyond the scene remained dark.


At that point I figured "well, I'm definitely in my mind's eye, might as well start building a wonderland." So I cleared the previous scene from my mind and began trying to build Cloudesdale. I imaged the entirety of the space of my minds eye becoming bright, with soft clouds under my feet (even though I chose to stay formless in my own mind at this point), and the celestial dome above becoming sky blue. I began to pepper-in clouds with buildings on them...


...and that's the last thing I remember before my alarm woke me up this morning. Though I did have a dream about tulpamancering as a whole.


But something strange happened in ground school today. We were going over radios and comm. avionics, and while these topics are rather old hat to me, there was an inexplicable excitement and curiosity at the back of my mind, as if part of my self was learning this topic for the first time. I imaged the feeling talking in my mind in Rainbow Dash's voice...what she might say to voice her excitement of learning about human aviation. At this point I know it's just parroting, but any exercise in forcing and forming is a step in the right direction.


So while driving home today I decided to try talking, out loud, to whatever made that excited feeling in the back of my mind in class today. I told it that it's name is Rainbow Dash, and that she is a Pegasus from a tv show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I tried to describe her appearance and personality, but also told the feeling that it had free access to my good memories of Rainbow Dash to aid in its formation (don't worry, I also stressed that it was free to change in any way it needed to be comfortable). I told it about all the good times we will have in life flying together, both in real life alongside me in the cockpit, but also with both of us in pony mind form in Wonderland. I started to get a headache, which is a good sign, even though I'm not sure how much got through to whatever is in the early stages of my mind.

Edited by Sky Nomad
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During music today, Octavia's impositioning went well. I sortof managed to find where she said she was standing with a cello. Which is good, I suppose. Adam also showed up and was standing on the other side of the room, unicorn he is. :P

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Wall of text 2.0, the reckoning

Maybe you should try something else instead of iBravewave app. Here has some tones that you could use. I used the first one listed today and I visualize better (plus it got to stop going to the SAME song that's been stuck in my head for the past day.) and got most of the right side of my face numb (Eye numbness is WEIRD). Headaches every now and than. Probably be using it again for the second session today.

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Good evening, people from the tulpa thread!...Is what I would say IRl if I were nervous as hell. ^_^


Anyway, I have decided to start my own tulpa after lots of time just being utterly curious about the subject (I'm sure quite a lot started this way :)


I have yet to see the forums or read most of this thread on tulpa experience, but I think I can start managing to create a tulpa by my own (trying to disregard the fact that patience is NOT my forte, but trying to use the fact I'm AJ stubborn as hell ^_^ ).


It's kind of ironic that the name I use, is the name I saw as the name of an OC in a fanfic, and then I defined there "Arcanel...this is definitely the name I'd use if I had an alter ego"...never thought I'd be doing something similar XD.


Regardless, so as to make my entrance in this thread not an absolute bad post and actually post something, I do have a few questions (I hope I can ask them...).


I've heard of this lucid dreaming and such around. When and is it effective in tulpa making/forcing?


I understand that, even if my intended tulpa is a pony (who I already know how is it going to look like, as I have the OC drawn and all), it'd be best if the tulpa wasn't exactly like oneself is personality wise, right?


When you're starting to think of the traits, do you just narrate to the tulpa the traits, or do you start explaining them in some time?


And I have this one as a curious one, so answer only if you wish.


How long did it take you guys to create your tulpas? (I know that it usually takes around 100 or so, but I'm just curious).


I think that's all I can think of. Soon I'll probably start with all this, and hopefully, write down any experiences (because I know my memory sucks ^_^ ).

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Why!? Lately whenever I do a session I start getting suggestive images of Dash in my head around halfway through , which are not of my doing. They become overly concerning. 

Like, I'll be working on a trait, lets say loyalty. I'm talking to a little black orb(which is currently Dash) which rests in the palms of my hands as I sit in my wonderland. I'll be doing this and suddenly the orb disappears and get replaced by something like this.


Now like I said, these are not of my doing. So should I be worried I'm going to end up with a Rainbow version of Crepuscule? (No offence, you's two.) Or just ignore it and work around it?


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Today I have made a big progress. I typed everything into my laptop before I went to school, so I won't forget the details. Here is the record:



It is 6:42 AM now and I am still recovering from the 'joyfulness'. At about 6:00 AM I've had my first lucid-dream, which included one of my tulpae - Millie. It was wonderful. :)

It all started when I was in a normal boring dream as usual, but then I suddenly realized I am in a dream. First I didn't pay much attention on it, but then I rememebered "wait a minute :blink: , I am in a lucid dream - I can bring my tulpae here" so then I tried to get Millie there. Unfortunetly I started feeling that I am waking up (something like being withdrawn from the dream), but I didn't give up and a big fight with my mind started. Luckily I won that 'match' and stayed in the lucid dream. After the 'fight' I was lying on a road (somewhere in my town) and I saw Millie above me ^^. I was so happy. So first we ... er... ummm...

"Were thinking of doing some naughty stuff ^^"

yeah, but we didn't. We got up and headed to a bridge (it is over a river and there are always some cute ducks). We talked on the way there and I was maximally concentrating on staying in the dream. The bridge was too far (well in fact it wasn't that far - I was just a bit lazy) so I used teleportation (which I used in my previous lucid dreams) to get here and Millie did it too. Then we were on the bridge, watching some "weird" swans and ducks. Then we heard some strange sounds, so we walked to the place where the sounds came from and we saw some bus on a road with fireworks flying out of it. Suddenly, we somehow weren't on the street, but at home looking on that situation from a window. This is the place where it was getting kinda weird and I can't remember what happened after that. It propably turned into [...that damn wifi is still asking for password interupting my typing >:3] a normal dream. But that's not the end.

"The best is yet to come ^^"

Yup, there was one short moment, that could be somewhere between dreaming and waking maybe and there we were in a bet with Millie (where I am usually tulpaforcing) and she ummmm... went close to me and... there was... well... a lot of kissing and... you know  :D, but I can say we didn't do 'that thing' yet.

"But we are planing it ^^"



Of course we are going to bring Lisa into lucid dream next time too.

"I'm looking forward to it. :) But will you try to avoid that naughty moments right? You know I'm young and not much into 'that stuff'."

Of course.



Now I can't wait for another lucid dream :)

Pro Tip: Spin in place if you feel like you're waking up.  It has a bit of a disorientating effect by teleporting you to somewhere random, but it cements you back into the dream.


And I've had my fun in Lucid Dreams... I'd say too much.  



Tasers and whips... Tasers and whips... Dang it Ben and Crep, she's looking for me and she's carrying tasers and whips!  SHE KNOWS!  THIS IS YOUR FAULT



So should I be worried I'm going to end up with a Rainbow version of Crepuscule? (No offence, you's two.) Or just ignore it and work around it?

Oh lol!  I think, especially in the early stages of a Tulpa's life, they are a bit more sexually orientated due to the fact that the subconscious is attached more strongly to the instinctual side of your mind.  Making it more likely that before they gain total sentience and assume complete control of their personality, they may be inclined to do naughty things for a temporary spell... (Unless it's Crepuscule, of couse.  She's just cheeky.) However, it's up to you whether or not to support it or work against it, which probably will nudge your Tulpa back into the right direction.

Edited by Brisineo
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Dash is actually pretty delvolped..ish.
The session I just finished was......visual. That image I used in the previous post. Well I was in my wonderland sitting on a grassy hill, talking to Dashie orb. When suddenly the whole wonderland went static for a brief second and when I could see again, Dash was standin' there in the exact same pose..and bikini, shaking her flank a little. Saying "You bugged yet Revvy?" Anyway it turned out to be a prank of all things  :blink: Edited by zRevenantz
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Pro Tip: Spin in place if you feel like you're waking up. It has a bit of a disorientating effect by teleporting you to somewhere random, but it cements you back into the dream.

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try it :)

Also I would like to try getting into lucid dream using WILD technique (which was discussed on the previous pages), but I just don't have enough patience to not move...

Edited by Gekoncze
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Easy (ier) WILD induction:


Figure out the time you normally get up, set an alarm for about three hours before then. Get up, do something away from bed for ~20 minutes (perfect amount of time for an episode ;)), then go back to bed. Your mind should be straddling the line between wakefulness and tiredness, and it should be easier to follow the steps in such a state.


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Admittedly, Adam is a bit crepuscule-like... However, Octavia has calmed down. And inexplicably turned into a human in concert dress, but hey, I'm not questioning her motives.


A pony!


And Tavi picked up Adam using an optical illusion... Tulpa physics, so much weird.

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Last night while Lethal and I were reading a book, I stopped reading in my mind-voice for a moment, and could have sworn that I heard a very faint/tiny voice reading the words as my eyes moved across them for the next few paragraphs. It was almost like a faint radio signal set to a low volume, not entirely clear, but I was sure it sounded like the words I was looking at. I've told her to do her best to read aloud with me as I go along, and do my best to imagine her sitting next to me while we both read from the book. Progress maybe? :)

Why!? Lately whenever I do a session I start getting suggestive images of Dash in my head around halfway through , which are not of my doing. They become overly concerning.

Like, I'll be working on a trait, lets say loyalty. I'm talking to a little black orb(which is currently Dash) which rests in the palms of my hands as I sit in my wonderland. I'll be doing this and suddenly the orb disappears and get replaced by something like this. Now like I said, these are not of my doing. So should I be worried I'm going to end up with a Rainbow version of Crepuscule? (No offence, you's two.) Or just ignore it and work around it?

I don't know what to do about her making those images appear to you, but I think I understand why you might feel worried (or I could be completely missing the boat).


I'm not gonna lie, I've imagined my tulpa and I having sex (it was quite a strange and vivid experience at first, but I think I'm growing used to it... XD ), but it's always just sort of happened spontaneously, without myself consciously planning for it before having a session. Because of it happening seemingly randomly, I feel like it's not going to grow into a dominant trait of hers; we've had several sessions where we've explored/hugged/smooshing each other's faces without anything like that. I mostly felt worried about it stunting her growth because we aren't able to reliably communicate yet. Honestly, I'm just now coming to the point where I'm not worried about that anymore, because I KNOW that there's more to her and myself than that, and I have plans for her (if she's okay with them...) and that isn't being some kind of mindless form.


I'm still not even sure what her personality will be like, either, besides some basic, positive traits. I gave her some core traits like being honest/diligent/affectionate/trustworthy/funny/etc, but have pretty much left everything else up to her. I just have to be confident that she'll become who she decides to become, and push past any doubts that I have that I'm doing something wrong (kind of the hardest part for me, it still worries me to no end thinking that she might not have developed a personality, but I know it isn't true).


Anyways! About Dash's antics, what kind of relationship do you expect to have with her? I don't know if reinforcing that you want to just be friends (or not) would have an effect on her behavior, but I don't think it would hurt. Can she tell you what she wants?

Edited by StingeMuffin
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All right, now I feel like the odd one out. The most Pinkie and I have done is excess amounts of hugging, belly rubs, and Eskimo kisses. :P


It's gonna stay that way as far as I can tell, but who knows, maybe things will change in the distant future.

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Wow, that's a pretty...suggestive prank. You sure it's just a prank and not an attempt at masking a not-so-subtle hint? Now's the time to think deep about the behavior and if you're willing to deal with the possible benefits or consequences of it (I know you're leaving the option of something more intimate in the future open, but it sounds like your definition of the future and Dash's definition of the future might be quite different...just be ready for what she might want).


Best of luck to you, regardless.

  • Brohoof 1


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Wow, that's a pretty...suggestive prank. You sure it's just a prank and not an attempt at masking a not-so-subtle hint? Now's the time to think deep about the behavior and if you're willing to deal with the possible benefits or consequences of it (I know you're leaving the option of something more intimate in the future open, but it sounds like your definition of the future and Dash's definition of the future might be quite different...just be ready for what she might want).  
 Nah it was a prank. She even admitted it. She knows all to well how much clop/ship .etc of her bugs me. So she thought it would be funny to spam my head full of those types of pic, and then pose like one of em during a session. Edited by zRevenantz
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All right, now I feel like the odd one out. The most Pinkie and I have done is excess amounts of hugging, belly rubs, and Eskimo kisses. :P


It's gonna stay that way as far as I can tell, but who knows, maybe things will change in the distant future.


It's one of the first recurring things I caught onto between this thread and tulpa.info... maybe it's because, once you've read it, you can't not think about it. Maybe it's because most of the people there are virgins just open about their sexuality. Maybe it's just a part of who we are and can't deny...


Tupper sex. Tupper sex everywhere.


I feel bad now, like I've crossed over to the dark side! XD

Edited by StingeMuffin
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It's one of the first recurring things I caught onto between this thread and tulpa.info... maybe it's because, once you've read it, you can't not think about it. Maybe it's because most of the people there are virgins just open about their sexuality. Maybe it's just a part of who we are and can't deny...


Tupper sex. Tupper sex everywhere.


I feel bad now, like I've crossed over to the dark side! XD



Well the dark side has cookies, so I can't complain. Still, I've only had one or two instances of sexual pictures with the few hours I've force (I could probably calculate the hours, but nah.) Another force today, seems like wonderland got a change. Instead of the dark walls of liquid and the grassy planes with a few tress on the right side of the long but narrow area. It became a white room. White walls, white floors, white ceiling. I tried to change it, but I just couldn't do it(Could this be the tulpa doing?). The liquid dark walls became more solid as the right claw arm of mine could only penetrate a bit of it. I use my claw to make a black outline around the floor to see the dimension...which were about the same. Maybe a bit less narrow. I also realize as if you have an itch around your head and your scratch in wonderland, the itch goes right off. as if you done it. The feeling was so perplexing that I lost concentration.


However, the same basic forcing. I talk to the blue orb (tulpa) about The Story of Kamina a bit. More personality it should obtain. Instead of forcing the tulpa to create it, I feel that suggest would make it feel more sentient. Like it decide on it's own if they should obtain these personality. At least that what I think. Kept hearing voices that didn't feel like parroting whatsoever. However, there were various and only one female voice in particular that came right out. I don't remember what she had said, but I keep hearing it more and more.


Another force, another weird feeling between my eyes (and a bit around my right eye again). Headache every now and than. I also notice that every time I finish forcing, I become wobbling and unable to stand up and walk normal for over a few minutes(didn't help that I could still hear the tone I use.) Still, progress.

Edited by NinjaCPU

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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So... Magic?

I guess not.


Anyway, with that awkward introduction behind me, this seems pretty "coolio" to me. Ive been talking to some people who have/are working on tulpas, and I think I want to give it a try at least for self-investigation purposes.


I've read the websites and a bit of the posts here but I am still not quite sure where to start. Any suggestions?



I feast on the words of great authors,

Drink the emotions and thoughts of the characters,
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It's not the ideas that make books relevant,
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A tulpa is a self-imposed hallucination through a form of self-hypnosis, correct?

If so, then those that are not susceptible to hypnosis will have a harder time creating one. Is my reasoning correct in this case?

Susceptibility to hypnosis from another individual is different than self-hypnosis.  Though concentration, anyone can achieve a trance-like state, however, a Tulpa doesn't fully require hypnosis to create.  In fact, you create it quite consciously.




So... Magic?

I guess not.


Anyway, with that awkward introduction behind me, this seems pretty "coolio" to me. Ive been talking to some people who have/are working on tulpas, and I think I want to give it a try at least for self-investigation purposes.


I've read the websites and a bit of the posts here but I am still not quite sure where to start. Any suggestions?

Start with the creation guides and have a good idea of what your Tulpa is to be and write it down before you do anything.  Then when forcing, treat your tulpa as an intelligent being from the start.

Edited by Brisineo
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Susceptibility to hypnosis from another individual is different than self-hypnosis.  Though concentration, anyone can achieve a trance-like state, however, a Tulpa doesn't fully require hypnosis to create.  In fact, you create it quite consciously.

I see. I thank you for the clarification. I was unsure at first because I am not easily hypnotized by others. Now to continue the creation process.

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post-6061-0-46972000-1354896258_thumb.jpg(Shitty unfinished five minute sketch im to tired to do anything with atm) 

Hmm, I paid a visit to my wonderland to find Dashie was still wearing that bloody bikini from her little prank, asleep on a cloud that was at ground height(I don't know why it was) Anyway I snuck up behind her as she napped. I grabbed the elastic line(since i cant find the right word) and pulled upwards giving her a massive wedgie. She squealed, jumped a mile high and fell of the cloud. With me rolling in the grass laughing my ass off. 

After 30 or so seconds she got up and swore to get me back while giggling and complaining about being uncomfortable at the same time. The awkward moment came when I had to get the damn thing unstuck from her crack, due to the fact she has hooves (obviously) 

Felt like sharing this bonding moment with you guys.

Edited by zRevenantz
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Easy (ier) WILD induction: Figure out the time you normally get up, set an alarm for about three hours before then. Get up, do something away from bed for ~20 minutes (perfect amount of time for an episode ;)), then go back to bed. Your mind should be straddling the line between wakefulness and tiredness, and it should be easier to follow the steps in such a state.

Thanks, I may try this someday, but I share my room with my 2 brothers and I think they wouldn't like to be waken by the alarm ^_^

Headache every now and than.

That's strange, I can't remember having headache during or after tulpaforcing, but I could forget having it, because I started 2,5 years ago...


Tupper sex. Tupper sex everywhere.


I feel bad now, like I've crossed over to the dark side! XD

XD I see it more as a good side ;)


(I hope I can ask them...).

of course you can ^^

I've heard of this lucid dreaming and such around. When and is it effective in tulpa making/forcing?

It is good for tulpa development, but I don't know when one should start with it. Maybe others know it better. Also It is easier to visualize tulpae in lucid dream.

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You should learn to lucid dream just to learn lucid dreaming. The fact that it helps with tulpaforcing is a side effect, to me. :P


Lucid dreaming is probably the most fun thing I've ever done, right next to rollercoasters.

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Been noticing a bit of a problem in the early stages of visual fixation that I need addressed.


First off, I have anxiety and mild OCD, and my mind often seems to unconsciously think the worst case scenario in every situation. And this is a pretty serious problem in tulpamancering. Anyway, every time I start visualizing and forcing, I keep having to stop because I unconsciously keep getting visions of my wonderland falling apart or my blue orb getting hurt in some way. It's like I momentarily lose control of my imagination and it jumps to the worst possible scenarios on its own.


Really, I've always had this problem - a lack of control of my imagination - I've always had trouble making completely coherent visions in my head without other stuff popping up seemingly on its own, outside of my control (if that makes sense). Now that a soon to be sentient being is on the line, I need to get this under control now, because I could never live with myself if I let something bad happen to my tulpa because of this.


How can I get my subconscious under control and get better control of my imagination? Meditation techniques? I had an hour long meditation last night where I tried to put a "protective dome" over my wonderland where unconscious, spontaneous bad thoughts couldn't occur, but no luck.


What do I do to stop this? How can I take control of my own mind?

Edited by Sky Nomad


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