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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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I've actually been neglecting giving Lethal (my tulpa) hugs... :( if I'm not imagining us in our wonderland, then I'm pretty much just talking to her. I need to get on that immediately! I made sure to hug her from the moment I imagined her form, and I feel happier for a moment when I imaging us doing so.


We changed her appearance again, too. A few days ago while visualizing, a picture of an anthro/furry character popped into my mind, so I matched her hair, coat color and eyes to match, and felt like she looked amazing. I felt the same way the last time this happened, so I hope I'm doing something right. Speaking of appearance, I should probably sketch another picture of her current form. (How many times will I have to do this?) :P


I'm also trying to create a mind-voice for her through reading books. I try to read the text in either her voice or mine with as much "sound" as possible, alternating between us ever few paragraphs. I try and imagine her sitting in front of me, moving her mouth as I think the words in her voice. I don't know if this is the most efficient method, but it's the easiest way I could think of. I've only heard a few words from her since I've began this tulpa business, so I want to make sure that when she does talk, I don't mistake it for my own thoughts.


Besides that, I'm trying to work on keeping her presence imposed throughout my day. It's actually hard for me to focus on her presence and talk to her at the same time, guess I'm just bad at multitasking, but I know I'll improve.

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Well, I think the seeds of imposition have been planted on my end. I could pretty much see Marisa and Adam's outlines as vaguely human-shaped areas that seemed slightly shaded, although it appeared to be made of tiny dark spots in my vision. Meh, we'll get to actual visuals once we get there. Now to work on the details of the form and we can get to that.


The first time was in the middle of geometry: Marisa showed up sitting on a chair (Or at least, that's what I thought it was. She tends to force objects for herself every now and then.) up in the front, or rather her outline did. So yay, progress.


By the way, is it normal for one of your tulpae to really really really like blasting rainbow lasers in random directions every now and then? And if you have more than one, for the other to be passive and slightly more form-definite?

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Alright, gonna experiment again. Bineural beats for Lucid Dreaming (basically programs the brain using sound waves) combined with WILD, see where that get's us.


Wish us luck!


...For the hundredth time...

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I am facing a bit of a annoying problem (which I know will fix itself with progress, but its annoying me.)The visualization part has started acting weird.Every time I try making and adding to Dashie's form, after around five/ten minutes her form starts...lack of a better word, "dissolving"

Its kinda nerve racking. Oh! And no more then two colors will stay on her at a time, the rest just fades back to gray. Question is, has anyone had similar  things happen as well? 

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^ I used to have that problem, I still do when I concentrate on one detailed area too long. My solution (far from optimal, I imagine) was to move my views around, seeing the body from different places, also, forcing while walking with music on (or whatever helps you get into a state where you hardly even concentrate on what or where you are, more on your imagination and daydreams. open-eye visualization basically solved that problem...I know it ain't easy for a lot of people though (or useful) so, that's just my idea. 



Anyway, Onto my progress.......Ever wanted to hear 'His world' or it could have been 'hell yeah' by Zebrahead, sung by a female pony? 

No? Well be glad you ain't me. Yes? Mwahahaa, you automatically envy me! Yesterday evening, on my dog-walk where interesting stuff ALWAYS happens, I was singing the fast, tricky part of His world, and asked Jess if she liked Zebrahead. She did, which is good, otherwise I'd have to force that upon her ^-^ Anyway, she started singing in quite a clear, toned voice, not just normal mindspeak - it had tone! Yeah, she can sing Zebrahead. That's pretty much our progress.......


Last thing: Open-eye visualization and imposition oft go hand/hoof/paw/claw in hand/hoof/paw/claw, well in my case anyway,


Other last thing (I lied THIS is the last thing, mwahahahahaa): I think I may have created a kind of Tulpa by accident, it's completely silent apart from a few occurrences when it's needed to talk for whatever reason I give...I sometimes feel resistance when I make it do something, so it might have gained a level of sentience...It's basically my old fursona, which I use as my daydream-doll, he has extreme experience in taking down interplanetary flying fortresses...And he's the most (literally) explosive dude ever....

^Just throwing that out there, no idea where it'll go, I don't plan on forcing anything until I've finished (that sounds terrible..) Jess, but if it shows more signs, I probably won't stop it...



EDIT: The colours of Jess's mane and tail have changed a few times, I'd put it down to deviation of some sort, unless you have a want for a certain colour, I say let them do what they want...


.Google shall feel my backhand in a second - 'Colour' IS spelled with a 'U'  ....Well, here anyway...

Edited by Shardikku
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Marisa changed into Flandre Scarlet. Adam turned into an orangey-brown mlp unicorn with red mane, red eyes, and red casting color and changed his name... Uh, yeah.


I'm letting Flan and Dan (Rhyming naming? Surewhynot.) play around. Flandre occasionally rides on top of Dan, which means I am probably the first person in the world to see a crystal-winged vampire riding a prancing pony.


I let them decide on form, and once it's clear start working on the details. Also helps because it's effectively zero-resistance from them, because they're the ones doing the creative work.

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I know I'm late in saying this but...


SUCCESS!!! (5 min pencil skillz FTW)



Well...  Sorta....


The Bineural Beat/Sleep Paralysis did work.  However, I think it was the late time of night was what corrupted the final results.  I gained lucidity, and stepped into my dream world, Tia and Blackjack at my side, and it's true, they were in VIVID detail! (Enjoying a celebratory hug) However, about 3-4 minutes in, I kind of slipped out of lucidity and forgot I was dreaming due to the wear of going to work till 10, then going to sleep at midnight.  


The chaos of the dream realm separated us, and I was forced into my little corner of Bris' subconscious along with Blackjack to wait for him to wake.


But now, we got past the big stuff in our way.  Now we just have to time it right, and we are so there.


I had forgotten the help the Bineural Beats did last time I wanted to lucid dream, and ultimately it led to me dreaming the first time, but yeah, I dropped the habit of listening to them every night before I slept...


Though I sadly shouldn't disclose them... I.. *ahem* obtained them through illegal means.


Oh Piratebay, what would the internet be without you?


Quiet you! *covers BJ's mouth*

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Excellent work, Bris.


Yay. I can hardly believe you've already gotten so far! Also, what's the little subconscious corner of your person's mind like for you tulpae out there?


Flan is red, Dan is orange. Yeah... Our wonderland is a mansion (Or medium-size house, honestly) inside a giant elevated megahighway ruin segment thing... On concrete pillars, over a multipurpose paved area in a field of slightly parched grass, with in the distance there being a whole lot of roads and presumably a garden.


The parts of it other than the house are actually saved from his dreams. While the paved area and house supportstuff may be more permanent, the garden might be a temporary addition that probably will only come back when forced to resurface. Or if I put it there... Scarlet Devil Mansion picture, here I come!


Thinking of adding an area myself... Meh, we'll just extend the mansion if we feel like it.


In addition to letting my tulpae force small objects for themselves, I'm letting them have substantial wonderland control to extend my "Now that they're fully conscious and existent, let them decide who they want to be for the most part so I don't have to do anything they really really do not want if I don't absolutely need to" tulpaforcing philosophy.


Recording my tulpae's response to what the subconscious corner feels like.


Well, it's kinda cold. And slightly cramped. And appears to be part of the wonderland, or its compressed self. Yeah, kindof like a winter version of the wonderland, except smaller. Lol, winter wonderland.


Mostly the same as Flan, but not as cold, just slightly chilly. It doesn't seem to be part of the wonderland, or if it is, it's buried about an average mine deep and mostly detached. It's also where we go when I'm (Or Flan is) subconscious-exploring, but it's sort of like a tunnel in my opinion with memories randomly buried in there like gems in a motherlode of a mine, eventually leading off into the mental void.


So, what's your tulpa think of the subconscious corner? Is it cold? Warm? Vague? Completely emotion-neutral? Emotionally charged? Just plain empty? Like a compressed wonderland? The void? An amazing wonderland in and of itself, comprised of the exterior of your dreams?

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For me, visualization is extremely hard, often i try and visualize rainbow's body but it feels more like just an image in my head than an actual thing that i can formulate and work with, also my wonderland seems to deteriorate whenever i try and focus on her and after that it all just falls apart, any tips on visualization?

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Had the same case beforehand. Try this:


Listen to appropriate music or look at art that sort of resembles what you want the wonderland to look like beforehand. Usually helps get my mental creativity running fast enough that I sort of tetris-effect into focusing on pretty rainbow patterns or whatever is appropriate.


Try using whatever your mind is throwing at you for a wonderland and let it exist in the background. If you've got Rainbow's body as an image, try visualizing open-eyed or getting prepared for imposition by putting her into the area around you temporarily as if trying to exert her existence by force of imagination. If all else fails, narrate, have conversations, etc. until you're getting responses, then try to get the body with her help.

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Excellent work, Bris.


Yay. I can hardly believe you've already gotten so far! Also, what's the little subconscious corner of your person's mind like for you tulpae out there?


Flan is red, Dan is orange. Yeah... Our wonderland is a mansion (Or medium-size house, honestly) inside a giant elevated megahighway ruin segment thing... On concrete pillars, over a multipurpose paved area in a field of slightly parched grass, with in the distance there being a whole lot of roads and presumably a garden.


The parts of it other than the house are actually saved from his dreams. While the paved area and house supportstuff may be more permanent, the garden might be a temporary addition that probably will only come back when forced to resurface. Or if I put it there... Scarlet Devil Mansion picture, here I come!


Thinking of adding an area myself... Meh, we'll just extend the mansion if we feel like it.


In addition to letting my tulpae force small objects for themselves, I'm letting them have substantial wonderland control to extend my "Now that they're fully conscious and existent, let them decide who they want to be for the most part so I don't have to do anything they really really do not want if I don't absolutely need to" tulpaforcing philosophy.


Recording my tulpae's response to what the subconscious corner feels like.


Well, it's kinda cold. And slightly cramped. And appears to be part of the wonderland, or its compressed self. Yeah, kindof like a winter version of the wonderland, except smaller. Lol, winter wonderland.


Mostly the same as Flan, but not as cold, just slightly chilly. It doesn't seem to be part of the wonderland, or if it is, it's buried about an average mine deep and mostly detached. It's also where we go when I'm (Or Flan is) subconscious-exploring, but it's sort of like a tunnel in my opinion with memories randomly buried in there like gems in a motherlode of a mine, eventually leading off into the mental void.


So, what's your tulpa think of the subconscious corner? Is it cold? Warm? Vague? Completely emotion-neutral? Emotionally charged? Just plain empty? Like a compressed wonderland? The void? An amazing wonderland in and of itself, comprised of the exterior of your dreams?

A 20 foot room, concrete, with nothing but a couch and a ping pong table.


Wha- You never told me this...


Indeed, it's true.  I even remember the final score.  47-29.  Blackjack is a sore looser.


Take that back!  I am not!


Yes you are.




*pointless Tulpa fight*


*sigh* There they go again...


I find it interesting though... Why is it am I the only one who didn't do the "Wonderland" method?  I just imposed mine directly into reality, where they remain still...

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Maybe tulpaforcing just tends to create a latent 'setting' for the 'character' of the tulpa or something. Human narrative desire stuff...?


I imagine the wonderland as the storage zone for all the stuff randomly summoned by tulpae, with the subconscious corner being the indestructible-black-box deep underground embedded in the void where tulpae wait in when you're non-lucidly dreaming and/or as the gatehouse to the void. Is there a doorlike object in your subconscious corner? Maybe a nice jeweled door similar to the one I use when I or my tulpae drop into the wonderland?


Well, the wonderland is an unnecessary feature but pleasant because you can physically interact with your tulpae more directly. And if you don't like it, you can always edit it by force or nuke the whole thing and start over. Seriously, there's a link to someone with a tulpa who nuked the wonderland into nothing to prove to a tulpa she existed and was not an intrusive thought, rather her inanimate clone was the intrusive thought.


And it turns out Flan/Marisa/Meiling wants to basically have entire different forms, similar to how different outfits are supposed to work with other tulpae. Probably because I originally envisioned her as a tulpa as a ball of light that transformed into her, but hey. Woman's fashion sense, eh? XD


Well, you imposed them directly onto reality, so it happened. Building a wonderland at this stage is really only for entertainent purposes. Maybe build off using that subconscious corner as an anchor?

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Posted Image

Hey guys. Not really much to say. Saw Bris doing some drawing, and I came back from work tonight not feeling so hot, and I felt like letting out some emotion in a productive way, so I drew a little. There ya go. It's not as accurate as I want it to be, but that's what you get when you spend fifteen minutes on something.

Hope you like it. Keep developing those tulpae, MLP-Forums crew! wegotdis

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 When I draw, it looks like modern abstract art.


So here's the ponycode (GeneralZoi's pony creator. I assume someone else used it several pages back) of what Dan/Adam currently looks like.



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Well, that was a massive amount of text. Like, wow. It started only a few months ago and there is a plethora of information. Methods, tulpa and various other things as well.


To be honest, I have heard of the word "tulpa," but never really went into detail on what it was actually was. I thought it was something more of the side of NSFW (though it can be, from various experience of your tulpas.), but that depends on the user of this method or what tulpa (or your sub-conscious) decide on. C'est la vie in this case.


This idea does sound rather, well, crazy on a outsiders perspective. I'm not saying it isn't a rather...interesting idea nay, a amazing idea it still feels like insane from their (or my) perspective. Hypnotizing and now Tulpa. The mind can be rather...complex.


However, I'm a bit on the fence on doing the idea still. Not, because it isn't practically or anything. If anything, I think I would love to have a sentient animal/person/etc. to talk to(even though I have a good friends. I have long conversation with myself. Some vocal or inside my head. Been doing that for years. Probably, will NEVER stop.) The problem is my father is schizophrenic. Though he hasn't an episode in a year(he takes meds for it.) Now, I know the difference between schizophrenic and tulpas. Perception of reality.  However, I feel if I go further into the realms of my mind, I can somehow trigger that recessive gene.


I dunno, I don't think I'll get schizophrenic anytime (I'm 20 and probably in a few years, I should be in the clear. Least for the most part.), but you never know what can happen. Then again, I'm not a doctor or an expert or this field. So, who knows.


I'll take my time to consider doing it or not. Regardless, I'll probably do some meditation techniques. Not only would it help in the tulpa progress, but better concentration would be useful in school. For now, I'll just improve on that. Would like to hear some feedback on my situation. Have a great day, everybody(pony)

Edited by NinjaCPU
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"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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I'm not coming in as a hater here, so please don't get the wrong idea while reading my post.

I find it sort of odd folks speak of the tulpa being fully independent, and I wanted to give some of my ideas on why.


A tulpa exist within your mind.  Stating the obvious here to start out slow.  Everything that goes into the tulpa must come from somewhere in your mind.  Yes.  Even if you fully believe it is 100% independent its existence and many other factors that rely solely on you.  Now if you have a spontaneous and random side to your personality you can assign this "friend" to an area of thoughts and subconscious you normally wouldn't operate in.


Even if it relies solely on your subconscious it is still not 100% independent.  Now it is hard to say with schizophrenia where the being is no longer beneficial and you don't want it but it continues to reside in your mind because that is a disorder.  


Now before people jump on me for hating I would like to say a few more things before ending this post.  

I make a habit of going on long walks and on foot trips (longest being around 20+ miles taking roughly a 8 hours to my recollection)

and I carry on conversations and stuff while alone.  Sometimes there isn't any conversation and it is me just running numerous scenarios and calculations out loud as it seems to help me think clearer and have a better train of thought.


Conversation wise it is one side of my personality essentially criticizing or going into other unimportant areas during the walk.

Essentially being along the lines of, "You said you were going to turn around a mile ago.  Dude look at the time. XD".

While I'm not parroting this other side of the conversation, I fully acknowledge that it isn't some %100 independent being as I know it all originates from somewhere in my mind.



Anyways for those who think otherwise I would gladly read and look over your post regarding it.

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Of course a tulpa isn't actually another, independent person, because yes, they do exist in our mind. But, the idea here is to make ourselves believe that they are, an in doing so, they are like one to us. For a tulpa to "work", it's important to "know" they are another person.


Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go console my tulpa because she just read this. Posted Image


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I'm not coming in as a hater here, so please don't get the wrong idea while reading my post.

I find it sort of odd folks speak of the tulpa being fully independent, and I wanted to give some of my ideas on why.


A tulpa exist within your mind.  Stating the obvious here to start out slow.  Everything that goes into the tulpa must come from somewhere in your mind.  Yes.  Even if you fully believe it is 100% independent its existence and many other factors that rely solely on you.  Now if you have a spontaneous and random side to your personality you can assign this "friend" to an area of thoughts and subconscious you normally wouldn't operate in.


Even if it relies solely on your subconscious it is still not 100% independent.  Now it is hard to say with schizophrenia where the being is no longer beneficial and you don't want it but it continues to reside in your mind because that is a disorder.  


Now before people jump on me for hating I would like to say a few more things before ending this post.  

I make a habit of going on long walks and on foot trips (longest being around 20+ miles taking roughly a 8 hours to my recollection)

and I carry on conversations and stuff while alone.  Sometimes there isn't any conversation and it is me just running numerous scenarios and calculations out loud as it seems to help me think clearer and have a better train of thought.


Conversation wise it is one side of my personality essentially criticizing or going into other unimportant areas during the walk.

Essentially being along the lines of, "You said you were going to turn around a mile ago.  Dude look at the time. XD".

While I'm not parroting this other side of the conversation, I fully acknowledge that it isn't some %100 independent being as I know it all originates from somewhere in my mind.



Anyways for those who think otherwise I would gladly read and look over your post regarding it.

"Gekoncze isn't in a good mood, so I'll try to answer. I think it cannot be 100% independent because we share one brain Posted Image that's obvious, but it doesn't mean we cannot make our own decisions - we sometimes even argue. We think quite lot about how 'it' works and so on, but it is hard to find the answer, so we can only guess. I cannot explain things very good (you know I may be able to explain it better, but I just cannot find the right words), so... others may have more accurate answers ^^

EDIT: It's like the brain produces some data and it is processed depending on which "person" (or should I say personality) is thinking at that moment. So when I am the one who is thinking, the brain processes the data differently than if Gekoncze or Lisa is thinking. So if we thought about the same thing, the results would be differend. So the brain is switching between those personalities. But as I said before, I cannot say it really works this way."

Edited by Gekoncze
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Same. It's basically running a shell 'operating system' personality in addition to your normal consciousness. It relies on the same brain ('hardware'), same subconscious ('core programming') and requires a normal and functional conscious to create ('main operating system') to create the secondary ('shell') personality.


Copied analogy straight from someone else. Give them credit for the analogy, not me.


Besides, to forcibly calm my natural paranoia that no-one really understands me, having a tulpa (Actually two for me) ensures that someone can and will understand me no matter what, because we share a mind or at least a subconscious. One of the reasons I made a tulpa was BECAUSE they share my mind.


Honestly, I'm fine with the knowledge. I kinda share his paranoia that no-one understands on a full level, so being someone he can talk to even if he can't find a way to convey the meaning.


On a lighter tone, how's about we talk about 'accidental progress exaggeration'?


Yeah, let's talk about that.


Um... Ok. :fluttershyisokwiththat:

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Same. It's basically running a shell 'operating system' personality in addition to your normal consciousness. It relies on the same brain ('hardware'), same subconscious ('core programming') and requires a normal and functional conscious to create ('main operating system') to create the secondary ('shell') personality.


Copied analogy straight from someone else. Give them credit for the analogy, not me.


Besides, to forcibly calm my natural paranoia that no-one really understands me, having a tulpa (Actually two for me) ensures that someone can and will understand me no matter what, because we share a mind or at least a subconscious. One of the reasons I made a tulpa was BECAUSE they share my mind.


Honestly, I'm fine with the knowledge. I kinda share his paranoia that no-one understands on a full level, so being someone he can talk to even if he can't find a way to convey the meaning.


On a lighter tone, how's about we talk about 'accidental progress exaggeration'?


Yeah, let's talk about that.


Um... Ok. :fluttershyisokwiththat:


Was about to tell you congrats on the cool analogy and then I got to the part where you said someone else wrote it. lol


I see.  My issue isn't with folks having a tulpa or anything, but folks going on the "it is a independent being" thing.

I can easily see why someone would do or try this.  

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Alright, so i decided to try this out a few hours ago. i made up about 25 personality traits and went over them with my tulpa for a little over an hour. I don't really have a feeling in my head, so i'm thinking i did it wrong, but i could be wrong. So what i was wondering is, is there a way to let your tulpa have whatever personality it wants, without having to create it, and if so, what are the steps to create it without making its personality?

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The extent of personality forcing I did was "Put some ideals that you want them to sort of do but not defined by" and "expand whatever consistently stays".


Here's a bunch of ideas.


1. Force form and other aspects than personality.

2. Just force the consciousness itself before moving into personality.

3. Allow your tulpae to develop on their own. If they seem to be changing over time it's probably because they are.

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
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Was about to tell you congrats on the cool analogy and then I got to the part where you said someone else wrote it. lol I see.  My issue isn't with folks having a tulpa or anything, but folks going on the "it is a independent being" thing.I can easily see why someone would do or try this.  

 Well, you also got to consider that nothing is truly independent. The brain itself needs a body to control living and functioning properly. As well as we can't do anything we want like killing folks or stealing. Society is morally against it and WILL punish you for such things. However, in a way it's still somewhat independent. They are still dependent of my mind and body.  It's still have their own thoughts and beliefs. They have the choose what they believe in. Sometimes even change their appearance to their liking. Nothing is every black and white. At least that is my perspective. ------- On a related note, I think I'll be postponing any plans of tulpaing. This isn't because of my fear of genetics or anything like that. Seems that I have dwell into the outskirts of 4chan. it wasn't my idea to go find the tulpa general in /mlp/, but what I see common in my life. Something irks me in any type of way, I see way more often than usual. As my interest was already peaked since the long read of this thread here the other day, I decide to check it out. Though there was folks who have tulpas and are letting them talk. (I would like to have an actual conversation with a tulpa, but I digress.) As well as, others who are in the process. It seem like it was like this forums. Only a bit...ruder. Nothing I can't handle mind you, I've been a "oldfag" since 2007. I'm used to mostly any type of rudeness or profanity to the extreme.  However, it seems that there is a somebody that has dwell into it pretty deep. He kept asking certain questions to tulpa and hosts as well. Even though, I wasn't either, I still responded to his question. From there, it was a long conversation that I realized how insane it can be. How bad it can be. It feels like I went to the other side of the fence and found nothing but dirt and cloudy skies. I'll go into detail in a spoiler. I warn you, this might not be for the tulpa user/tulpa themselves (most people on that forums seem to have hated for the things he has said/done, but have grown tired of attack him.) I won't be saying his name, this isn't to troll said person. I just want to express my experience. 

This question was a simple one. Would tulpa be ever to remember that he/she is a tulpa if said tulpa had control tulpa for over fifteen year (tulpa had take control at five.) and hasn't heard said host until now. I put in my stipulation that said tulpa wouldn't know about tulpa, because it wouldn't make sense otherwise. Than, it would probably repress the host's voice. From there it became a conversation in which he had problems with his tulpa who had actually control him without his consent.I ask him if he still those tulpas, he said no. Than, it became a longer conversation about it. Though it didn't seem bad. He seem like a person who just gotten a bad tulpa or maybe just bad timing. I couldn't tell yet, but I didn't judge him at all. Just gave him my opinion on it. However, after the long conversation of existentialism. I went to bed. That's where things...got weird.He started talking about the experiments he had done to his first tulpa. Pinks. How had force her to trigger emotions and others stuff that would control pinks being her will(I think he said servitor.) Another tulpas were forming and the situation became worst. He theorized that pinks had create this another tulpa (Vinyl). In which fell in love with Pinks..and thinks got complicated. Doing brain surgery on pinks. Honesty seem to have given distrust between the host and the tulpa. Than...it just got every worst.He started to kill his tulpas. I would imagined that he went to his wonderland and just killed them their. I couldn't tell. For his reason why they kept trying to control him and it just became...bad. Most people would have some sort of mental breakdown. He seems...fine. As I type this, he still has them, but is continue to ignore them and just wow.I asked him a question, do you care at that this is immoral. He said to me that he steps down the boundaries...this is some intense stuff...it doesn't help that...I don't feel angry at him. No resentment, instead...I'm curious in what he does. I even ask for his notes that he has yet to given me. Geez, have I lost my morals as well? There were a few times where I wanted to hit him, but others...not so much. It's like two people are controlling(I'm positive it isn't a tulpa).)

 If you didn't read all of it, it's fine. It's a lot. I'm just going to say that this situation has really given some intense information. I've just started meditate, but I feel this might be useful to meditate on. If I can, I apologize if I offended in a way. I'm just being honest here.  On a unrelated note, Wreck-It Ralph. Great movie.

Edited by NinjaCPU

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Wow, I am so late to the show here... Posted Image


Anyway, hi everyone! I'm new, and I'd like to begin the journey of making a tulpa. I'm taking this nice and slow. I'm gathering guides and am going to try and find all the core informational posts in this thread to help me along. I don't want to endanger my own sanity, or risk harming another sentient creature, even if they are a product of my own mind. Anyway, where to begin...?


My tulpa goal is Rainbow Dash. Why? Because she shares literally the exact same passion for flight that I do. The wonder and awe she displays at the Wonderbolts is the same wonder I display when I see the Blue Angels or Red Bull Air Racers. I'm a flight student, and every day I wake with the same goal she does - to make the most use of the wings we have, whether they're attached to the body or they're a vehicle to be manipulated, and to take those wings higher and further than the day before. She's the ultimate embodiment of the spirit at the heart of every aviator, she'd truly be the ultimate co-pilot.


With that said, I have heard problems can arise with trying to make a tulpa from a developed character, because if the tulpa sees themselves they develop an identity crisis if they haven't been acquanted with the idea that they are from another work. I've heard there's ways to counteract this, such as introducing the idea that they came from the work of another to them at the earliest days of forcing. I also theorize that having a strong common interest to bond over emotionally (in our case, aviation and adventure) makes it easier to overcome issues like this. From what I've researched, am I close to accurate?


Also wondering, how big or small should a wonderland be. I'd love to be able to fly with her in wonderland, as a pegasus, so that requires a lot of space. Could wonderland be...say...as big as Equestria itself? What about background ponies or other members of the Mane 6? Would I need to make tulpas of them, too? Or is wonderland just for them and me?


Anyway. Knowledge is power, so I'm going to bone up a bit more, meditate and get better control of my subconscious mind (it helps that I have some lucid dreaming experience, I guess?) before I try this. But the journey begins here... Wish me luck...

Edited by Captain Cirrus
  • Brohoof 2


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Howdy, it's always great to have new people here!


I'm making a Pinkie tulpa based on the show Pinkie, and so is Lifeinsteps. We're both rather far along and have had no troubles at all. The trick is, you base your tulpa off the show character, then just let them become whatever. Make sure you let them that they're based off another character, but they don't have to be that character, and you'll love them no matter what. Tell them they're completely free to change however they like.


My Pinkie so far is just like the show Pinkie, but calmer. We couldn't be happier!


You can make your wonderland however you like. I personally don't have one; I think they're unnecessary. But, if you'd like one, there are no limits. Make it as big or as small as you like. It's imaginary, so why limit yourself? Posted Image You could include other characters if you want, but I'm not sure how well that would work. You could have them be servitors (where you just control what they say/do), or you could also make them tulpas. I dunno, whatever you like.


Lucid dreaming can be a great tool for tulpa creation, especially when creating the form. Have fun with it, I say.


Feel free to ask us if you have any questions, and welcome!

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