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open The Town That Friendship Forgot

Samurai Equine

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“What!?” Sundae exclaimed “W-Why would Keen be in coma!?” she did not expect to hear Keen was suddenly in a horrible state. What could had happened to her? Did the game do something do to her to put her in coma? No, it couldn't be, no one is injured when they went out of the game, could it be...

In her agitated state, Sundae's horn glowed with red magic aura as she glared at Nopony “Did you do something to her!?”

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@Pastel Heart @ExplosionMare @Cinnamon Coffee @Samurai Equine @GeneralDirection @PawelS @Windy Breeze @Kronos the Revenant @C. Thunder Dash

As Chelsea took to the air in her water dragon, Dynamo grinned as some of the mechanical crabs were drenched in her water attack. "Perfect! Thanks, Chelsea!" He exclaimed, before being handed a staff by the female griffon. He wasn't sure on making heads or tails, but he still took it. He did, however, place the staff behind him for safe keeping. "I won't use it yet unless I need to. Still, thanks for the assist Chelsea. Now it's time to make these mechanical beats to short circuit. Thundy, now!" He looked towards Thundy, before turning back towards the mechanical crabs. "THUNDER!" He called out as his horn launched a surge of lightning magic. If the attack worked in conjunction with Thundy's magic, then the crabs would be shocked to the point of frying.

Once the team began to enter the next level of the base, Dynamo continued to take out whatever enemy he could. Whether it be by magic, his newly acquired staff, or cards. Seeing the maze begin to branch into different directions, Dynamo gulped as realization began to sink in. "Maybe we might have to split into some small groups. That way, we can all find the right path, while also have a way to alert the others. Perhaps provide clues that could give others a way to find the right path." He explained, listening in on Trilby's remark of his sense of direction. "I remember you said you could find the entrance to the level, but I didn't now you could find the boss. That's both helpful and powerful in order to get through this maze." Out of nowhere, lights began to illuminate among the walls. Each arrow and light would point in a direction that possibly lead to the boss room. "I don't think the lights and arrows stole your thunder, Trilby. If you ask me, then I'd still like for you to lead the path. Better to be safe than sorry. Besides, this could be a trap set up by Kronos. Even if this is his way of helping us catch up to him, I'd still not take any chances. So, please. Lead the way, my friend." He would say, placing a hoof upon the cleric's shoulder."

Dynamo's ears perked as he looked behind him to see Seir, who had stated that he would cover the fort. "Are you sure? I wouldn't want to leave you behind, Seir." He understood that being a tank, the group could try some tank strategy like in World of Warcraft. Upon looking at Seir's expression, Dynamo sighed, before giving the warrior a smile and nod. "I understand, but catch up when you can. If we need your help, then you'll be the first to know. Just stay safe and catch up as soon as you can." He would say, before getting ready to charge on ahead.

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@Windy Breeze

"I did not." Nopony says with a calm voice, trying not to agitate the unicorn further. "She was already in that state when I saw her. I just examined her, and told the pony who found her to take her to the hospital. That's all."

This conversation is not going well, the druid thinks. She's blaming the messenger, which is a reaction I should have foreseen. My chances of gaining useful information are getting slim, but maybe not all is lost...

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@Dynamo Pad @ExplosionMare @Samurai Equine @GeneralDirection @PawelS @Windy Breeze @Kronos the Revenant @Pastel Heart

At the very moment Dynamo signaled, Thundy released the energy along with Dynamo's Thunder attack. Because of the massive amount of energy, the ground shook. Chelsea who was above the group gathered some energy. Her body began to glow. "And to finish this off...TIDAL SWEEP!" Chelsea shouted as she released a torrent of water that washed away whatever was directly in front of the group. Hopefully, this would almost clear the path ahead. 

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Sundae deeply thought of what he said, then, she lowered her guard down “I guess, you're not, since if you did hurt her, you wouldn't go and tell me what happened to her. Mighty stupid of me for being hostile, sorry” she said with a apologetic expression while cutting off her offensive spell she's preparing “So, what's your name, Mister?”

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@Windy Breeze

The druid feels relief that the tone of the conversation has changed for the better. "My name is not important, you can call me Nopony. What I do is important, and that is tracking down potentially dangerous magic, which seems to be the case here. So, the second thing I need to tell you is a piece of advice, both for Shadow Trail and her loved one..." He pauses here, expecting a reaction again.

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Sundae frowned “I think Shadow hasn't got out of the game and nor i have any idea who her lover is, but if the piece of advice is important, tell me, I could tell Shadow once she got out” it's only her speculation Shadow is still in the game because she hadn't seen her yet.

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@Dynamo Pad, @Pastel Heart, @C. Thunder Dash, @PawelS, @Windy Breeze, @ExplosionMare, @GeneralDirection@Kronos the Revenant

In Level 4,
Seeing Thundy, Chelsea, and Dynamo pull off a group attack was great! Elusive and Tempest both applaud, a little wide-eyed at the display.

Dynamo was very nice to try and be supportive to Trilby. "Yeah, great idea~! I'll be the meat shield so that no one else gets hurt following the yellow arrow road." Trilby says sarcastically as he leads the way. "Wine some more, why don't you. That's totally what we want in a team player... Just focus on leading the way; I'll bail you out of any trouble. You might need your energy for the boss." Tempest says, which is enough for Trilby to stop acting down-in-the-dumps. Looks like it's time for a...


And so they begin to traverse the maze following the path Kronos has set up for them.
If an army of cyborg wolves appear, Tempest makes a shadow appear on the ground, causing them to fall through it like a cartoon black hole.
If gun turrets pop out of the walls or ceiling, Tempest temporarily turns giant and crushes them under foot or tentacle.
If they run into any anti-gravity sections, Tempest can make a shadow portal so they can all just skip past that specific area.
Tempest really is doing all the heavy work for everyone. Trilby leads, but no one has to lift a finger/claw/talon/etc. with Tempest around.
There might have been a crudely drawn crayon-message on the ground, but chances are only Dynamo will notice that.

~Montage over~

After having gone through this crazy, twisting maze of a path, there is a small stairway that leads upwards to some kind of gigantic vault door. "It's there. The boss awaits just behind this door. Hope everyone is ready." Trilby says. And as the group takes their first steps up the stairs...


The vault door swirls, clicks, and unlocks in many mechanical ways before sliding up. It reveals another mechanical door behind it; which opens by splitting in half. Behind that is another mechanical door that scans them all with a red light before entering a numeric code and opening up. Behind that one was another mechanical door, this time using a colors and music combination that automatically solves itself. This goes on for a while, each towering high-tech door revealing yet another and another, until finally...


The last mechanical door opens with a flare, revealing the boss room, Kronos, and a lost party member that got herself into a rather awkward situation.

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@Samurai Equine @Kronos the Revenant @Pastel Heart @PawelS @GeneralDirection @ExplosionMare @Dynamo Pad @C. Thunder Dash

Going through all the maze was not easy, but also not difficult, with the help Tempest, Trilby, and some of the members of the group, they are able to destroy every obstacles that tried to stop them from getting to the final boss. Soon, they are greeted by a vault door. They opened the door, and went inside to the other side.


Shadow's shock and terrified voice echoes throughout the boss room, she was not able to examine the room, as she had her eyes trained on the last boss, Kronos, and one of the member of the group, Pastel.

Sensing their master's distresss, Shadow's drones stupidly charged at Kronos in an attempt to get an attempt to get a better shot with their lasers.

Edited by Windy Breeze
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@Windy Breeze

"The advice is »don't trust diaries«. Tell it to Shadow Trail when you see her. Now, I need your help. I'm looking for ponies, or other creatures, with eyes like these..." Nopony describes to Sundae Delight the brown and blue eyes he saw in his vision. Not only their colors, but also shapes, which he draws on a piece of paper. "I need to find them, in order to keep this town safe from evil magic."

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Sundae was confused, Diaries, brown and blue eyes, evil magic? She was absolutely confused, but for ponies born from a rich family, she decided to follow caution instead of her beliefs, even decided to give some lists of ponies to Nopony “I think there are several ponies I knew have beown or blue eyes” she started “There's Hazelnut Joy, Brick Brown, Crystal Nature, Trilby Hatter, Stargazer, Pony Horse, Silver Duty, Star Hunter, Nail Risk, Samurai Equine, Paw Love, Eclair Delight, Sassy Harvester, Stunt Showoff...” she will continue to list down names, making it impossible to figure out who is Shadow's love interest.

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@Dynamo Pad @Pastel Heart @Windy Breeze @PawelS @ExplosionMare @Kronos the Revenant

Thundy drove into the boss's room with his Marauder and revved it loudly. He noticed Pastel. "Oh I'm so glad you're okay Pastel." He said. Chelsea let out a sigh of relief herself seeing that Pastel was okay. "Let's finish this once and for all." Thundy said to the other. Chelsea sat atop her water dragon, ready for the fight.  

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@Dynamo Pad @Pastel Heart @Windy Breeze @PawelS @ExplosionMare @C. Thunder Dash

As the heroes entered Kronos’ chamber, he leapt from his rafter with Pastel imprisoned, shouting, “YOU GO NO FURTHER, HEROES!!!” As he slams the ground, a Borderlands-esque intro scene occurs, which simply says: “Kronos, the Juggernaut. This is the end!!” He looked to the heroes, then to Pastel and simply tossed her towards her allies.


”SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!!!!” he yells as he unleashes a flurry of plasma shots at the heroes. This barrage of plasma should be relatively easy to dodge, and it would deal heavy damage to heavy armor. Heroes with high evasion or energy resistance could easily tank these shots; otherwise, heroes would take LOTS of plasma damage and suffer a plasma burn DoT for a couple of turns. 

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@Kronos the Revenant @Dynamo Pad @Pastel Heart @Windy Breeze @ExplosionMare @PawelS @Samurai Equine

"Mega-Griff...GO!" Thundy shouted as he pulled the special lever. The marauder transformed into the mega-griff, dodging the plasma shots. Thundy pulled back on the flight controls causing the mega-griff to fly in the air. Thundy fired an electro shot and rolled a dice that dealt 25% damage. If it landed on a 4 or 6, paralysis would occur for only a few seconds. The dice landed on a 1 sadly. "Dang it..." Thundy said. Chelsea was dodging the plasma blasts as well. She then fired a hard pulse of water that dealt only 15% of damage. "Gotta charge more Chelsea." Thundy said taking notice. 

Edited by C. Thunder Dash
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@Kronos the Revenant @Samurai Equine @C. Thunder Dash @PawelS @ExplosionMare @Pastel Heart @Dynamo Pad 

Shadow immediately went to support Pastel “Thank, Luna, you are alright!” she glanced back just in time for Kronos' wave of plasma shots to fly towards them “Look out!” she throw herself and Pastel out of the way of an incoming plasma, however, she didn't go out with an injury. She yelped when she felt the plasma hit her right wing, which was spread out along with the other wing, her Drones aren'tt so lucky, one is completely obliterated, while the other manage to avoid two plasma shots, only to be hit by another one.

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Kronos took notice as he took some damage, however, as long as the generators were secure, he could keep the deterrence field to the Dark King’s chamber up. Not only that, but he was also able to put up a shield around himself as well borrowing power from said generators. A translucent blue energy shield surrounded Kronos now. Physical attack damage is suppressed while the shield is up, but magic damage, especially electrical damage, could shorten out the shield very quickly. 

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@Dynamo Pad @Pastel Heart @C. Thunder Dash @Windy Breeze @ExplosionMare @GeneralDirection @Kronos the Revenant @Samurai Equine

After entering the boss chamber, Tree Song decides to take a more active role in the fight. Since her weapon works only on close contact, and charging directly at Kronos doesn't seem like a good idea, she prefers to attack him from behind. After dodging the plasma shots (but not completely, one of her wings gets slightly damaged), she flies to the back of Kronos, and looks for a weak spot to strike. She sees the generators damaged by Pastel, decides that it's a good target... and then a shield appears around Kronos. I'm too late... but maybe my sword can do something against this shield? she thinks and strikes the barrier with her angelic weapon.

@Windy Breeze

11 hours ago, Windy Breeze said:

Sundae was confused, Diaries, brown and blue eyes, evil magic? She was absolutely confused, but for ponies born from a rich family, she decided to follow caution instead of her beliefs, even decided to give some lists of ponies to Nopony “I think there are several ponies I knew have beown or blue eyes” she started “There's Hazelnut Joy, Brick Brown, Crystal Nature, Trilby Hatter, Stargazer, Pony Horse, Silver Duty, Star Hunter, Nail Risk, Samurai Equine, Paw Love, Eclair Delight, Sassy Harvester, Stunt Showoff...” she will continue to list down names, making it impossible to figure out who is Shadow's love interest.

Pony Horse? Is it seriously a real name, or she's paying games with me? Nopony thinks and makes his last attempt at getting useful information from the mare. "That's too many. Could you please narrow down the list to those with the eye shapes exactly as I described? I understand you don't have to remember it, but if you do, it would be very helpful. I need any information I can get."

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Kronos felt a weird discharge on his back. His generators!! 

“Who the hell is there!?” Kronos asked as he swung around trying to flick off whoever was on his back, “Get off!!”

Kronos is swinging wildly now!! The heroes have a chance at an attack at the generators while he’s distracted!! Will they take this opportunity to strike or recover?

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@Kronos the Revenant @ExplosionMare @PawelS @Samurai Equine @Pastel Heart @Dynamo Pad

"Chelsea, go! Take'em out!" Thundy called out. Chelsea charged at the generator, firing a large water blast, hoping that the conduction would cause the generator to not only short but explode due to conduction. 

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“Mmm... The ponies which closely resemble the brown eye you are talking about is Hazelnut Joy, Brick Brown, Paw Love, Trilby Hatter, Nail Risk, Polish Judge, and Samurai Equine, for the blue eye, it would be Eclair Delight, Crystal Nature, Silver Duty, and Pony Horse, trust me. i'm also confused how a name like that exist” Sundae told him

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@Samurai Equine @C. Thunder Dash @Dynamo Pad @Kronos the Revenant @PawelS @Pastel Heart @Windy Breeze

Pencil sent her smallest creatures out to attack since they could dodge the incoming plasma attacks the easiest. The majority of the flying insects and various furry creatures were able to charge swiftly past the strange ooze though a few of them took damage. The animals that made it past the attacks were able to give Kronos a bit of damage before he was able to put up his shield.

Huffing furiously, Pencil created a series of fluffy sketches on the ground to create yet another set of creatures. While the majority of the creatures would be out assisting with small attacks, the furry beasts Pencil just conjured up would serve as a distraction. Finishing off her work with fine tipped curves, Pencil watched impatiently as the bulls she created sprung to life.

She commanded them to hit up against Kronos’ shield. She knew they probably wouldn’t penetrate it, but perhaps their jostling of the shield would turn the boss’ focus away from the others long enough for them to make significant attacks. While Pencil waited to see how her plan would take effect, she kept a watchful eye on the others to see how they were fairing.

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@Pastel Heart @ExplosionMare @Samurai Equine @GeneralDirection @PawelS @Windy Breeze @Kronos the Revenant

Once the attacks had connected, Dynamo's ears perked as he heard the sound of clapping from behind him. He glanced to see that Elusive and Tempest had given their applause on the teamwork. His ears fell as he felt a light blush upon his cheeks. He wasn't really used to the praise, but he wouldn't allow it to make him overconfident. "T-Thank you, everyone." He responded, before turning his attention to the male griffon. "See? It was a good combination and my idea worked. I know of elemental combinations as water conducts electricity. Thank you for trusting me and I hope we can have more combo's like that later. We'll need everything we can get in order to take down Kronos." He would say, his ears falling as he heard Trilby's remark. "I'm sorry Trilby. I didn't mean it like that. I know that if you took the lead in finding the boss room, then I'll be sure to try and back you up. I know this might not help, but it will absorb one hit that would prove otherwise fatal." He explained, holding up a card with his magic. The card then expanded to a giant card that acted like a shield. 

As the group traversed the maze, Dynamo was on the lookout for any power-ups and/or traps. Any opposition was thwarted by Tempest. He was thankful to have someone like her on their side. He wasn't sure what would happen if they didn't recruit her. Even so, he was just glad to have a new friend on board. Getting past all of the enemies and traps, it looked like the group was almost there. It was then that Dynamo had stopped upon seeing a crudely drawn crayon-message on the ground. He tried to read it to the best of his abilities, but it proved difficult due to the slight chicken scratch. His eyes soon widened in realization as it was Pastel, who was trying to be reckless in stopping Kronos. That was all the more reason to try and reach the boss, so they could help her out if she was in trouble. 'Just hang on, Pastel-chan. We're on our way!' He thought as they all had soon reached a small stairway. Hearing Trilby's words of preparation, Dynamo nodded with a look of determination. "Oh, believe me, Trilby. If that door isn't going to open really soon, then I'm going to try and give that door a knocking. By knocking, I'm talking about breaking that door down." He explained, his eyes narrowing slightly. Once the door began to open, the boss room was revealed to hold Kronos and Pastel.

Upon entering the boss room, Dynamo could see Kronos holding Pastel up by her garb, while dangling her off of the ledge. "KRONOS!" His voice echoed off of the walls, while he stared at the boss with a look of anger and fury. His jaw tightened slightly, while gritting his teeth. "Let Pastel-chan go and give her back, or I can assure you that you will regret it. Now, Kronos!" As he saw Pastel being tossed, Dynamo quickly rushed over towards the pink mare. "Are you okay, Pastel-chan. Don't worry because I'm right here now." He caught her, but quickly saw a plasma shot being launched towards them. Without a second thought, Dynamo turned in his direction, while placing his back in front of the two. Acting quickly, the gazelle had launched itself forward, before leaping it's way into the attack. Effectively taking the blast for the two as it fell towards the ground. "Gazelle!" He exclaimed, before seeing it lie upon the ground. "Are you alright? Please get up." He wasn't sure how durable Pencil's drawings are, but it looked to have taken some serious damage.

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@Dynamo Pad, @Pastel Heart, @C. Thunder Dash, @PawelS, @Windy Breeze, @ExplosionMare, @GeneralDirection@Kronos the Revenant

In the boss fight,
Trilby didn't have much time to act. The boss fight was happening fast! Thankfully someone was there to catch Pastel after being thrown like a ragdoll back at her teammates. He sees Kronos locking on with his plasma blasts. He uses his energy shield powers and gives nearly everyone (except Dynamo's gazelle) an optional shield they can use for one attack of their choice. That's as far and as thin as he can spread his shield powers ... But he didn't put up one for himself.


Trilby got hit by one of the plasma shots. The idiot forgot that Dynamo gave him a defense card, and he didn't use it. He flies backwards, traveling a distance before falling on his side. His health meter is falling fast. It won't be long before he has 0% HP. Trilby shudders as he lays there. "Oh Celestia... It's fake, but it feels like dying for real."

Elusive looks on in shock at what happened to Trilby as she spends most of her time trying to defend herself from Kronos attack's. She also notices Tree Song trying to bring the generators down. "You're goin' down, robo dude." Elusive says before summoning her microphone and giant speakers, screaming into the mic as the speakers laser focus on Kronos' energy shield. If this doesn't help weaken the shield, nothing will. Before long, with team work, the generators seem to be going down after all! A group effort between her, Thundy, and Tree Song.

"We need a healer over here! Team mate down!!" Tempest yells as she runs over to stay beside Trilby. She doesn't have healing abilities. Chelsea and Tree Song might. Trilby was also a healer. The team can't afford to lose one! Tempest is a powerhouse character, but she'll wait until Kronos' shields are down completely to do any attacks.

As all this goes on, the game whispers to Dynamo. "It doesn't have to be like this, you know... You can turn this around right now, if you are willing to accept your destiny..."

Edited by Samurai Equine
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@Samurai Equine @Dynamo Pad @Pastel Heart @Kronos the Revenant @C. Thunder Dash @ExplosionMare @GeneralDirection @PawelS

Ignoring the damage she took, Shadow immediately went to Trilby, leaving Pastel in Dynamo's care “Are you okay, Trilby!?” she asked with concern. She glance at Kronos. To her surprise, Kronos seems to be in a panic, behind him is Tree Song! Shadow mentally praised Tree for her smart strategy and began to gove support by spawning more drones to distract Kronos. They can only cause minor damage to the boss' help, but hopefully, they can distract him long enough for Tree to possibly destroy the shield.

“Drones, attack!” the five drones obliged and began shooting at Kronos, however, just like the first two drones, these five decided to come closer, making them vulnerable.

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@Pastel Heart @ExplosionMare @Samurai Equine @GeneralDirection @PawelS @Windy Breeze @Kronos the Revenant @C. Thunder Dash

Dynamo turned his attention over towards Thundy, who had used his marauder to transform into a sort of mechanized creature. Seeing a griffon like creature, Dynamo's jaw dropped slightly in shock. "Wait a second? Is that a zoid!? I've heard about the anime, but I didn't think it was possible to see on in this game!" He exclaimed with a slight grin, before pouting slightly. "It's kind of cool and all, but it's not like the blue or white liger. I mean, it's cool and all, but it's just me." He muttered, while playfully sticking his tongue out at the male griffon to show that he was joking around.

As the boss fight continued, Dynamo felt a sort of presence envelop him. Taking notice of Trilby, the blue unicorn soon understood that he had received an optional shield. Seeing the blasts still flying, he wasn't sure if he should use the shield now or save it for later. He was brought out of his thoughts as he heard a shout of pain off in the distance. He looked over to see Trilby, who had taken a hit as he was sent flying. Dynamo gasped as his monocle caught sight of Trilby's HP. "N-No...t-this can't be..." He shuddered as he looked at everyone around him. Pastel, the gazelle and now Trilby were all hurt in one form or another. He shook slightly as he wasn't sure what could be done. They weren't even through the first phase and they were all falling apart. Hoisting Pastel onto his back, Dynamo quickly made his way over towards the cleric, while Elusive tried to take down the generators. With the assistance of Thundy and Tree Song. 

Upon making his way towards the fallen Cleric, he saw Tempest and Shadow were still with him. "If only I had my keyblade from earlier. I'd be able to use healing magic to bring him back to good health." He gritted his teeth in frustration. He could help in bringing down the shields and generator, but he wasn't sure if there was more he could do. He could deal damage, but not high amounts of damage like the others. Suddenly, his ears perked at the sound of the game whispering to him again. "W-What?" He quietly responded with nothing more than a hushed whisper. If anyone was near the blue unicorn, then they'd be able to hear him. "I-I can turn this around, b-but how? A-Accept what kind of destiny? What d-destiny do I have?" He didn't understand what this game was trying to tell him, but he almost didn't want to believe the word this time.

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