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open The Town That Friendship Forgot

Samurai Equine

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@Firefighter Equine @Dynamo Pad @Courageous Thunder Dash @Starforce @Ragland Tiger

Score! Pencil attacked successfully! She quickly bounced off Cheap and prepared for her next attack. Sparkly was right behind her, grinning at her victoriously. She grinned at Starlight cheerfully for helping her out. She couldn’t have landed the attack without her.

“Alright, Cheap! You ready to see one of my deals?” she asked coily, sneakily taking something out of her saddlebag and placing one item into each hoof. “Pick a hoof!”

Meanwhile, Sparkly flew into the air in search for anything she could potentially help out on, all while making sure everyone was protected, Pencil especially. She concentrated on the dust spells she had saved up and allowed warm, purple magic to pulsate around her horn. It had a tingly feel to it which filled her with excitement and power.

Who else thinks they stand a chance against me? she wondered. Although she previously hated the idea of fighting, she loved having the chance to stand up against harmful foes in this way.

Over where Cosmic and Dynamo were, it appeared that Round 2 of the tournament was beginning. In spite of all of the chaos, the fight continued. It seemed this time that things were turning around as Dynamo was gaining on Cosmic. Pencil and Sparkly both hoped Dynamo could survive against Cosmic during his entire countdown.

“Go, Dynamo! Use everything you’ve got!” Pencil yelled so her cheers could be heard.

“Focus on your heart and your mind and let that guide you to victory!” Sparkly added. She was pretty loud already, so there was no need to raise her voice.

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@Dynamo Pad @ExplosionMare @Reality Check @Firefighter Equine @Ragland Tiger

”Come Dynamo! Finish it! You got this!!” Chelsea shouted. All Bingo could do was unleashed a loud howl. “You got this bro! Finish Cosmic off!” Thundy shouted raising a fist.

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@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Firefighter Equine @Starforce @Reality Check @Kronos the Revenant @Courageous Thunder Dash

Just as Dynamo's attack was about to fade, Dynamo had soon felt a warmth that begun to envelop his body. Looking down, he noticed that a beam of light had hit his pendant, before said pendant had begun to glow even brighter than he ever did before. It was then that the gaming unicorn could hear it. The voices of all those who had accepted him for who he truly was. The friends that stuck by him all the way up until now. Closing his eyes once more, he recalled a piece of memory from each of those that he called a friend. 'Bluebell.' He recalled the date the two went on together, to confessing their feelings and to their first kiss. 'Starlight.' He recalled the moment the two of them had met. To having her support in a tournament and talking about what happened to his father. 'Onii-san.' He recalled the moment he had received the portable video game console, to where they had considered themselves as brothers. 'Bro.' He recalled the moment the moment both he and the male griffon had wanted the gaming unicorn to be his brother. 'Pencil, Sparkly.' He recalled the two telling him to not give up, while having a heart to heart with the unicorn and alicorn. 'Chelsea, Kronos, everyone.' He recalled the moments that the group had stood together to help defend Friendshire. To the moment that they had found him when he nearly ran away from Cosmic and his team. The moment they reaffirmed that he was their friend was the moment he felt he could start being true to himself.

Cosmic, knowing that he had won, decided to push for the win. "YOU"RE DONE!" As he pushed, he found that there was some invisible force that blocked his way. 'Huh? W-Why can't I push back?' Try as he might, the bully was getting nowhere, before he found himself being pushed back. The orb of energy that was slowly fading was starting to reform. Almost as if the energy was expanding and becoming stronger than it was before. 'N-No...t-this can't be. I can't let myself be pushed back by him. I won't allow it!' Even as he gained his footing back, there was still one more voice calling out to the blue unicorn. 'Let go.' Dynamo gasped as he heard the voice, but the presence was nowhere to be seen. 'You have to let go. You have more power than you realize. It's time for you to understand what makes that magic strong. Let go! Let your magic and power explode! Do it, my son! Do it now, Dynamo!' Tears had threaten to spill, before slowly cascading down his cheeks. 'Father.' Slowly opening his eyes, Dynamo looked Cosmic in the eyes as his eyes narrowed. "How about you give up. Give up on trying to make me give up!" Pouring everything he had from the amulet and his magic reserves into his lightning, Cosmic was intending on ending this fight once and for all. However, something felt off. Almost as if something was wrong. That's when the bully's magic had unexplainably shorted out. The lightning around him faded in and out as his magic began to fail him. Taking this as the opportunity to strike, Dynamo pushed forward as his attack canceled out Cosmic's. Just before the attack had slammed into Cosmic's chest where the amulet was. Effectively destroying it as the gem shattered into pieces.

"N-NOOOOOOO!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!" Cosmic's shouts could be heard throughout the stadium as the attack had hit its mark. 'WHY!? HOW!? How could I lose to him again!? How could I lose to such a failure!?' His mind raced as memories of his shortcoming came flooding back into his mind. Looking back at Dynamo, the bully had looked scared as if he was seeing a completely different pony. His eyes shrank even further as he thought he saw a silhouette appear behind the gaming unicorn. That silhouette was an orange pegasus, who had black/gray mane tied up in a ponytail. A black gray tail, blue eyes, and a cutie mark that was of a welder's helmet and a checkered flag. That pegasus was Dynamo's father, Quick Fix, who looked to have appeared as a spirit to support his son. Appearing next to Dynamo and Quick were others that looked like a vision to Cosmic. From Bluebell, to Starlight, to Samurai, to Pencil, to Thundy, to Chelsea, to Kronos, and others that Dynamo had come into contact with, or who called him a friend stood next to him as if protecting him. 'T-Them? I-It was all them? Those he called friends? Were they the true reason that he was this strong?' Just as the others were disappearing, a new figure had emerged as the figure had their back to Cosmic. After what seemed like an eternity, the figure turned around to reveal that it was Dynamo, but in the age of what looked to be of a young colt. The young colt had a neutral expression. Almost unreadable for Cosmic to comprehend. Young Dynamo soon smiled as he held a hoof out for Cosmic to take. Noticing this, Cosmic looked to see that he was a young colt, as well. 'Am I...being given another chance? Maybe...this is a sign.' Reaching out to take Dynamo's hoof, Cosmic soon realized what he was doing, before pulling his hoof back.

'No...I can't. Even after all I've done, I will never accept it. If I was given the chance to do what I did again, then I'd do it in a heartbeat. I will never acknowledge friendship and love.' As reality kicked back in, Dynamo grunted as he gave a final shout, before letting the attack go. Cosmic found himself being sent flying back as the attack carried him a few feet. Just as he slammed against the protective walls between the arena area and the stand, Cosmic gasped as the wind was knocked out of him. The wall started to crack as it soon crumbled around him, before falling to the ground and was out of bounds. Dynamo gasped for breath as the magic from his horn slowly faded. His legs shook as he felt like he was going to collapse at any second. With that last bit of magic, the gaming unicorn was just about empty. Even though he was just about out of magic, Dynamo had hoped that this was it. He gave it everything he had, but he hoped that Cosmic was down for the count. He couldn't do much more at this rate. He gasped as he heard the sound of groaning, while Cosmic slowly opened his eyes. Taking in his surroundings, he realized that he was covered in rubble, as well as outside of the ring. That was a clear indication that he had lost, but he was already disqualified. So, the results of the tournament didn't matter to him. What mattered was what happened now. "I don't understand it. W-Why won't you put an end to this?" Hearing this caused Dynamo to close his eyes and give a sigh at the defeated neon green unicorn.

"If I did that, then I'd be no different that you, Cosmic." Dynamo responded, Cosmic chuckling as he found the response as pathetic. "So, then you're admitting that you don't have the stomach to go through with it. I knew it! I KNEW IT! You don't have it in you to actually take me down! Even after what you did, you still are the same, sad, pathetic unicorn I know. No matter how hard you try and no matter what you do. You will always and forever be a failure!" Cosmic's chuckles soon morphed into laughter as he felt he had won a moral victory. The victory was short lived as he knew that nobody was laughing. Laughter ceasing, Cosmic watched as Dynamo shook his head. "It's not that. It's because you're not worth it." Hearing that caused something inside Cosmic to snap. "What was that? I-I'm not worth it? What is that supposed to mean!?" Cosmic growled as Dynamo spoke up.

"I said that finishing you off is not worth it, Cosmic. Even if I did, then what would that solve? It's like I said before that all it would show is that I'd be no better than you. You rely on nobody, but yourself. You selfishly use others to get what you want. Even if you did get what you want, then you wouldn't feel satisfied. You'd still just be empty and you don't even care who you use or who you have to hurt to get what you want." There was a brief pause, before Dynamo continued to speak to Cosmic. "It's why I did everything I could in order to protect everyone from you. Did you notice something though? That whole time I used that spell and my magic, my magic wasn't corrupted. If I gave into my hatred like you did, then my magic would be corrupted. However, you could see a pure warmth of light. A sign that I tried to not let revenge and hatred take over after what you've done. Even after all of these years, you've let revenge take over and you wouldn't move on. It's tiring after a while, Cosmic and I'm done with your games. I didn't have to take it easy on you, so I didn't. I went all out with that spell to give you something to remember. Even when you think you're safe in your dreams or your worst of nightmares. I was one of the very few who could defeat you." Dynamo panted for breath, but he knew he wasn't finished speaking. "This fight is now over. Your pride and reputation as a gamer are gone. Today, you showed everyone here what kind of individual you truly are. You challenged and lost to a gamer who is almost superior to you. Do you know what the worst part about that is?" He asks, narrowing his eyes slightly. "You labeled him as a failure didn't you."

Hearing that caused something to snap once more within Cosmic. As if hearing those words had caused the unicorn to tremble with anger. "I know I could tell you that I'll never forgive you for what you've done. As much as I might sound crazy, I'm not going to do that. I know that deep down, there's still some good within you, Cosmic. It's why I want you to take time to think about all that you've done. If you really wish to change, then I'd like for us to start over. If not, then I want you to leave me and my friends alone. It's over, Cosmic." Sighing, Dynamo slowly turned as he tried to walk towards his friends. However, Cosmic's heart rate had started to increase rapidly. His eyes were the size of peas as memory after memory of his defeats played through his mind. "No. No, no, no...NO!" Rising to his hooves, Cosmic had let out a roar of anger. "Don't you dare act like you can be might, loser! I will not stand for this humiliation!" He declared, his horn charging with magic to the point the ground was rumbling. "I've been made a fool out of for the last time! I don't care about this town! I don't care about this dumb tournament! I don't care about anyone, so long as they meet my goals! I will not lose! I will not disappear! I will not be eclipsed by your shadow! DO YOU HEAR ME, KYUBIKI!?"

As he saw Cosmic charge his magic, Dynamo felt his body begin to tremble with worry. With how many injuries Cosmic sustained, it was impossible for him to stand. Let alone, have any magic left. "I'LL GET YOU ALL FOR THIS! YOU WON'T ESCAPE...MY WRATH!" Looking at each and every single pony and creature in the ring, Cosmic knew who his targets were. "I'LL GET YOU!!!" Gritting his teeth, the bully glared daggers at everyone present. "YOU'RE ALL MINE!!" He exclaimed, preparing to launch his spell to take anyone and everyone down. Just as he was about to launch his laser spell, the spell rebounded as he was knocked backwards. His own unicorn horn exploding on impact. 'My...m-my...' He thought as he landed back on the ground. The pain and shock of what had just happened had caused the unicorn to pass out. Dynamo had let out a breath he didn't know he was holding as it looked like Cosmic was finally knocked out by his own hooves.

 "It was his anger." Frozen spoke up, alerting the others who were around him to realize what he had discovered. "It seems like his magic is fueled by his anger. The more anger he got, the more magic he could generate. It appears that the revenge he had was what kept his power going for so long." He would say, before a sudden thought had been bothering him. "How did his horn break like that? I didn't think something like that was even possible." Hearing this had caught Calhoun's attention, as well. "I didn't even know unicorn's could destroy their own horns either. Do you think it was that spell that caused the explosion?" Hearing the suggestion had made Frozen shake his head in disagreement. Running through the possibilities, Frozen's eyes widened slightly as the theory seemed impossible, but not unlikely. "It was the headbutt." Listening to the answer, Calhoun could only shake his head. "As much as I respect and appreciate your intellect, Frozen. I find that theory to be highly unlikely and illogical." The ebony pegasus nodded in agreement, but opted to push on. "It is, but I think that's what happened. If you recall, Dynamo charged up his horn with magic, before head-butting Cosmic. Using his magic as a sort of barrier, he made sure that his horn wouldn't be damaged from the impact. Cosmic was caught off guard, so he didn't have any opportunity to defend himself. He must have gained a crack in his horn when that happened and his magic was going haywire. It's why that attack failed in the final clash against Dynamo, as well as when he charged up his magic as the explosion occurred. Charging up his magic had caused the magic in his horn to overload. It looks like even in the end, his anger and revenge was his own undoing." Near the end of Frozen's explanation, Dynamo had thought the area around him was starting to spin. The gaming unicorn's legs had finally given out on him as he collapsed on the arena floor. The magic drain and exhaustion he had gone through had finally caught up to him as he passed out from fatigue.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad @ExplosionMare @Starforce @Firefighter Equine @Reality Check

Thundy looked and saw when Cosmic was sent flying out of the ring with a blast. "He's done it!" Thundy shouted happily jumping up and down. He suddenly stopped celebrating when he saw just how weak Dynamo was. Bingo was celebrating in the stands until he saw how tired Dynamo was. He had a look of concern on his face. "Is Dynamo Pony okay...?" Bingo asked. "He looked beyond exhausted...Thundy or myself may need to go and restore his energy..." Chelsea said. 

Suddenly, when Cosmic got back up, Thundy gasped, clenching his fists, but saw a detail that Cosmic didn't even see...magic...it was growing...until...it all exploded. When Thundy heard Frozen's explanation, he nodded. "Yep, I figured, and this is what he gets. It's sad, really sad. This is why you don't put your anger in a place like this. So what if someone gets a talent you desperately wanted, that's them. There are hundreds...no...thousands more talents out there that you can obtain to forge a new destiny." Thundy said to Frozen and Calhoun as he walked over to the passed out Dynamo, and gently picked him up holding him close.

Back in the stands, Bingo was celebrating at the defeat of Cosmic. "Well I'm glad that this is all over. Poor Dynamo...one pony's anger caused all of this..." Chelsea said turning to Reality. 

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@Dynamo Pad @Courageous Thunder Dash @Firefighter Equine

Sparkly watched from above as Dynamo and Cosmic were at the heat of their battle. She also surveyed the area to make sure nopony tried to charge at Pencil again. Thankfully, she seemed to know what she was doing with her tool creation spell. The fight below continued and strong bursts of magic were shot between the two unicorns. Fury and vengeance consumed Cosmic while determination and friendship filles Dynamo with power.

The power Dynamo has inside of him is far greater than anything Cosmic possesses. He works hard for everything in life and always supports his friends. Cosmic on the other hoof, he takes the easy route in life, which will be unfulfilling in the long run Sparkly thought, pondering the outcome of the fight.

With one final blow, Dynamo succeeded and defeated Cosmic, leaving him with a slightly cracked horn. Now he couldn’t say anything about Dynamo’s horn since his now also has a disadvantage.

Sparkly smiled with satisfaction but Pencil frowned with concern. She looked up towards Sparkly and said,

“I know he had that coming, but I hope he’s okay.”

Sparkly nodded and flew down towards the area Dynamo and Cosmic were in. She picked up Pencil with her magic to carry her along. Pencil squirmed but did not protest since she was not dragged quickly enough to be annoyed or uncomfortable.

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@Dynamo Pad @Courageous Thunder Dash @Kronos the Revenant @ExplosionMare

Necry returned after talking to Zacian."Huh. I wonder what everyone is doing still?" He said. He changed to Dawn Wings Forme and flew to find someone to talk to.

Zacian was watching Necry from a distance."Be strong little one. " He bowed his head in a foreshadowing manner and said telepathically,"Who knows what may strike next...or who..."

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20 hours ago, Dynamo Pad said:

The gaming unicorn's legs had finally given out on him as he collapsed on the arena floor. The magic drain and exhaustion he had gone through had finally caught up to him as he passed out from fatigue.

@Dynamo Pad @Courageous Thunder Dash @Kronos the Revenant @ExplosionMare @Firefighter Equine @Starforce @Reality Check @Kronos the Revenant

Some of the remaining spectators looked on in stunned silence while Bluebell struggled to drag her broken, pain ridden body back into the ring, and towards the unconscious Dynamo.  When she reached him, she looked around at her astonished friends, and, even through her own pain and trauma, she smiled at them.   With her horn softly flickering and sputtering with what little magic she had left, She looked up at his face with tears in her eyes. "Y-y-you d-did it," she said, her voice weakening.  "I n-n-n-knew y-you could.  Feeling her own consciousness start to slip away, she  closed her eyes, and said, "I l-l-love y-y-you d-Dynamo Pad, n-no -- re -- regrets.  With that her horn flickered one last time, and its color faded from blue to pale grey.


Edited by Ragland Tiger
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Kronos look on to his two friends in awe after what transpired. Fearing the worst, he bumrushed to their aid, knocking back others out of his way.

“DYNAMO!! BLUEBELL!!” he called out as he slid to their sides, “No, no no no, you can’t go on like this.” He then summoned one of his spirits. “Gabriel,” he beckoned, “Please tell me they’re okay!”

The blueish white ethereal pony held his hooves above both bodies. He gave a slight grin and turned to Kronos. 

“They’re exhausted to the point of passing out. Relax, child, they’re alive still. Give them rest and they’ll bounce back.”

“Thank Xerox,” Kronos breathed a sigh of relief, “These two are tough ponies, I’ll give them that.” He then stepped back to give his friends space to get up and breathe. 

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@Dynamo Pad @Firefighter Equine @ExplosionMare @Reality Check @Ragland Tiger @Frisk

Thundy saw Bluebell who also collapsed. He gently laid Dynamo next to Bluebell, letting out a quiet sniffle. He hoped the two would recover, but knew they needed medical attention. 

Chelsea sensed odd magic. She started to pant a little. “Chelsea bird okay? Will Dynamo and Bluebell be okay?” Bingo asked concerned. “I don’t know…I sense dark magic within Bluebell…she took a major blow…the magic from the alicorn amulet is a completely different story…” Chelsea said sniffling a little herself. Bingo sort of hugged Chelsea. 

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"...Let's hope so." Mayor Black says with a nod, surprised by the sudden closeness. As he turns on his desk radio, he is suddenly shocked by a sudden news announcement. It's about what's going on in the tournament. It covers what happened between Cosmic, Dynamo, Bluebell, the big free-for-all battle, and the tragic ending. Mayor Black's eyes go wide. "Excuse me, Opia. Something has just come up. You can follow me to the hospital, or you can do the flourist thing you spoke of. If you need any help, my staff will gladly do whatever you request. But right now, I have somewhere I need to be." Mayor Black says as he leaves his desk.

He goes back outside and finds a shed of some kind. Unlocking it, Mayor Black pulls out his motor scooter. He gets on it, looking a little too heavy for the thing, he start up the motor and soon drives off. He has one destination in mind...


@Reality Check, @Frisk, @Ragland Tiger, @Courageous Thunder Dash, @ExplosionMare, @Kronos the Revenant

Safe to say, the finale of this battle leaves everyone, well, almost speechless.

Cosmic is defeated; it's a hard won victory. Any astrology beasts that he summoned before are gone now. This fight is over, but it has clearly taken too harsh a toll on Dynamo and Bluebell. "Get the staff on this, immediately!!" Mayor White orders. Elusive Facts has stepped away from being a commentator to be a journalist again, reporting everything that is happening to her personal news crew. And naturally, the tournament staff are on it, including medical staff.

Helping out with Dynamo is rather easy, he's mostly just tired and maxed out on magic, but no amount of healing spells seem to be working on Bluebell. "No good, boss. The second her injuries heal, they just re-open all over again. We better get this one to the Hospital." The staff says. Starlight hears the news and nods, magically taking Cheap under her own control so that he won't get away. Not that he can, being trapped in crystal and everything. "Fillies and gentlecolts, it seems two fighters and a civilian have been critically injured. The tournament committee has agreed to postpone further tournament activities until the victims can get the necessary medical attention they need. We apologize for the chaos and the temporary intermission as we try to stabilize their conditions. We hope you all understand. Please stay safe." Straightaway comments. As he does so, Samurai is beside himself. He saw everything. He eventually remembered that he let Kronos borrow his dark stone buster sword, but too late to use it now. "...You did it, otoutosan. You were the hero I couldn't be today." Just as Samurai takes a step forward, he feels something against his hoof. He sees what it is and recognizes it. When no one is looking, he scoops it off the ground and hides it in his armor. Samurai goes over to Cosmic, finds some random rope, and uses it to tie Cosmic up. He hoists Cosmic onto his back. "All right, everyone. Let's get these two ponies to a hospital, immediately." Samurai says.


It's a whirlwind of a trip.

Everyone from the tournament who is close to Dynamo and Bluebell, everyone who cares, comes along to the nearest hospital. Including the judges! Thankfully, Dynamo and Bluebell are given the same room so they can relax on two neighboring beds. A doctor comes in to help with the healing process. No doubt Chelsea and other medical staff are using their medical abilities to help Dynamo and Bluebell. Dynamo will make a full recovery in mere minutes, but what about Bluebell? Why is it she isn't so easily healed?

After a thorough examination, the doctor speaks up. "The reason for Bluebell's condition is clear. Her injuries are a product of dark magic, which is effectively blocking any normal magic from healing her. This curse doesn't seem to be too strong. It will most likely fade away on its own over time. Until then, Bluebell will have to heal up naturally, which could take a few months or so. We're looking at broken bones and other complicated conditions. If we had to take a guess, Dynamo's overwhelming magic during the fight kept him from being afflicted by any dark magic effects." The doctor explains.

...All because of dark magic...

Samurai, by this point, has taken off his helmet and skull mask. He looks over at Cosmic, who has been sleeping this entire time in the corner of the room. He's been tied up. Everyone decided to postpone his medical attention for the time being. Samurai looks upon him angrily. He walks over, pins Cosmic against a wall, and gives him a few power slaps across the face. It's loud enough to fill the room. "WAKE UP!! Wake up this instant, kisama!" No doubt Cosmic will be tired, confused, and drained. But he doesn't need to be awake forever, just long enough for him to hear Samurai out and complete a simple task. As soon as Cosmic regains consciousness, Samurai pulls out what he grabbed earlier. It's a fragment of the Alicorn Amulet. Specifically, it's the head, and the eyes still have a faint glow. Samurai holds it up to Cosmic. "Now you listen to me. You're going to use this fragment, and you're going to reverse the damage you did to Bluebell. And if you can't heal her, then I demand you transfer her pain and all her injuries to me instead! You got that?!" Samurai says.

Obviously, this causes some gasps and surprise. But before anyone can say anything, Samurai stops them. "THIS IS MY DECISION! Sure, I could use this fragment of the amulet myself, make Bluebell feel better. I'm a hardened warrior that has seem some terrible battles. I can shoulder whatever injuries Bluebell has much better than she can... I'm sure Thundy, Chelsea, or just about anyone here could it as well. But that's not the point. Right now, you have a lot to answer for, Cosmic. You've hurt Bluebell, endangered innocent lives, and caused all kinds of destruction. When this is over, you won't get to go home. You might not even get to see a jail cell. I report directly to Princess Celestia. I can have you BANISHED to the moon, if I want! So if you want any kind of chance to be exonerated of your crimes, if you want ANY kind of mercy or pardon, then you'll use this fragment and make things right. I'm giving you that chance, so you should be thankful and take it." Samurai demands with all the full seriousness in his heart. Cosmic is not really in a position to argue right now, and Samurai is hoping that with the Alircorn Amulet broken, it won't be affecting his negative emotions anymore. Hopefully, Cosmic has some kind of mental clarity right now.

"But Samurai, to go THAT far? Do you understand how long you could be bed ridden?" The doctor asks. "It's fine. I can accept that. Today, I watched my brother be a hero, something I should have been. As guardian of Friendshire, I'm suppose to protect this town from danger so that no one gets hurt. How can I call myself that guardian if I can't even protect one single soul?" Samurai asks, looking over at Bluebell for the moment. "...When they wake up, tell Dynamo and Bluebell that they are both heroes, and they should be proud of what they did today." Samurai concludes, practically saying his goodbyes.

It seems like that pretty much settles it, until a voice speaks up.

"In that case, let me have some of Bluebell's injuries." Mayor White says, stepping up. "No, Mr. Mayor! You can't, I--" Samurai begins. "NO! You weren't assigned to this town to protect it. Your Shogun assigned you to keep the peace as an ambassador, becoming the guardian was extra on your part. Please, I am the mayor. I love this town, and it's citizens. They are like my children. Let me be the father I haven't been able to be for a long time now. Protecting the citizens is my responsibility too. I'll shoulder some of Bluebell's pain. I'm not some helpless citizen being attacked, I'm a volunteer, and I know what I'm getting into." Mayor White says, putting a hoof on Samurai's shoulder. "White-sama..." Samurai says in disbelief, his eyes wide and glossed over from White's selflessness.

... "...Well, if volunteering makes all the difference, I don't mind taking on some of Bluebell's pain too. ...What? Don't you know? Before I was a news reporter and got my life together, I use to be in a street gang. I can take some pain too. No big deal." Elusive, the brave pegasus reporter, says before putting her hoof on Samurai's back. "I'll volunteer too. We can't lose a valuable citizen at this rate, right?" Straightaway says with a nod, putting a hoof on Samurai's other shoulder. "Yeah. Dynamo's my friend too, and so is Bluebell. I wouldn't be Twilight's apprentice if I wasn't willing to help out. Give me some of Bluebell's pain too." Starlight Glimmer smirks and adds her hoof to Samurai's back.

About that moment, the door busts open, and Mayor Black appears. "NOT SO FAST! I heard everything. Don't think you're going to be doing this without me. If anyone's going to be taking on some of Bluebell's injuries, it's me. Go ahead; whatever portion you're giving my brother, I want DOUBLE that!" Mayor Black says before walking over and putting a hoof on Samurai. "Brother..." Mayor White says, stunned. "What? Don't look so surprised, brother of mine. After all, I am the greedy one, remember? And you're not the only mayor that cares about this town." Mayor Black explains.

Samurai smiles, touched by all the selflessness everyone has. He looks around to see if anyone is also going to get in on this, but he also turns to Cosmic to see if he'll agree to it. Then again, what choice does he have?

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@Dynamo Pad @ExplosionMare @Firefighter Equine @Reality Check @Ragland Tiger 

Thundy hoped and prayed that Bluebell would be okay. He decided to stay at the tournament stands. In the stands, Chelsea prayed that everything would be okay. She gathered some water energy and traced the energies of those who went to be with Dynamo and Bluebell. "Oh dear...they're deciding who will take the pain of the dark magic inflicted on Bluebell..." Chelsea said to Reality. "I'm watching from the tournament arena. I can sense all your energies. I just hope you take care..." Chelsea said telepathically to everyone within the hospital room. 

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@Firefighter Equine @Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger @Courageous Thunder Dash

Kronos was listening to everyone prattling about who gets to sacrifice their limbs for their friends until he interjects. 

“Enough!! I’ll help heal them. I’ve seen my fair share of combat and i happen to be an expert on very advanced healing magic, including damage transfer magic. With your permission, i would want to partake in this endeavor to heal  our friends.”

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@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Firefighter Equine @Starforce @Kronos the Revenant @Frisk @Reality Check @Courageous Thunder Dash

-Small Time Skip-

As Dynamo floated in a void of light, Dynamo had recalled feeling the warmth of his pendant wash over him.

"Y-y-you d-did it," she said, her voice weakening.  "I n-n-n-knew y-you could.  Feeling her own consciousness start to slip away, she  closed her eyes, and said, "I l-l-love y-y-you d-Dynamo Pad, n-no -- re -- regrets."

Opening his eyes slowly, he looked over to see that Bluebell was watching over him. Seeing her smiling face had brought a sense of comfort to his heart. He smiled softly, but it was short lived as Bluebell seemed to have been floating away from him. Fading away slightly as if her very existence was being erased. "Bluebell!" He called out to her as he extended his front hooves for her to take. As the area around him began to grow brighter, Dynamo had slowly opening his eyes once more. "Bluebell!" He quickly sat up as if being jostled awake from an electric shock. He instantly regretted sitting up quickly as his body was still angry with him for what he had done. Falling back, his head hit the pillows as he soon took in his surroundings. It wasn't his home or the inn, but a hospital room. If anyone had seen him wake up, he hoped that anyone could help fill him in on what was going on. He needed to know where Bluebell is. If what he was experiencing just before was a dream, then he needed to make sure that she was okay.

Upon hearing shouting all around him, Cosmic opened his eyes as his mind was in a daze. He recalled fighting Dynamo, being overwhelmed, before charging up his magic to attack anyone that dared to stop him. "W-Where am I? Why can't I move!? What happened!?" He soon looked down to see that his legs were tied with rope. Meaning he wouldn't get anywhere anytime soon. It wouldn't be a major problem if he used his magic. Concentrating slightly, he found that no aura was coming. In fact, there was nothing happening. No spark, no magic, nothing. Looking up, he soon saw that his horn was missing from where it would be on his forehead. "AH! MY HORN! WHERE IS MY HORN!?" If he was smart, he'd lower his voice as he was in a hospital room. Being pulled from his hysteria by Samurai, the neon green unicorn was smacked a couple of times across the face. "You! How dare you touch me with your hooves!" He snarled as he wasn't in the mood for anyone's nonsense. That didn't seem to affect Samurai, who seemed to have looked absolutely livid. What caught the bully's attention was what Samurai had pulled out of his armor. That being a fragment of the Alicorn Amulet, while the eyes had a sort of faint glow. Being asked, no, demanded to fix what was done was something he wasn't intending on hearing. "Why should I do that? This is all Kyubiki's fault. If anything, this is his mess that he needs to have fixed. Am I wrong? I mean, you are the ones that hurt him, so it looks like he returned the favor. At most, that punk owes me a new horn! If he won't give me a new horn, then I'll make sure to take his!" He huffed with a small smirk. He wasn't intending on doing anything, but it seemed like everyone else had other plans.

At the mention of Samurai and others taking Bluebell's pain to help remove the dark magic, Frozen had took a bold step forward. He had followed the others as he knew running away would only cause more trouble. With Cosmic tied up and Cheap being frozen in crystal, he was in no position to be making demands. Seeing Dynamo and Bluebell lying on neighboring beds was the straw that broke the camel's back. "Excuse me, everyone. I admire everyone being noble, but can I speak for a moment?" He asks, making sure to have everyone's attention, before continuing. "I know that coming to this town for evil intentions was a miscalculation, or a mistake. I thought we were coming to stir up trouble, but all we did was make a huge mess. I won't ask for your forgiveness as I don't believe I deserve a chance. However, if you'll allow me. I wish to take on most, if not, then all of the pain that this mare has received. After meeting Calhoun and getting advice from an ally, I want to do this. It may not be much, but to me, it's a start. A new start to a path that I see as a road to redemption." He bowed his head as he wanted to show that he was being sincere. Watching the scene unfold, Calhoun walked up and placed a comforting hoof upon Frozen's shoulder. "Don't worry about it, Frozen. You won't have to take it all on by yourself." He smiled at the pegasus, before turning to the group. "I'll take on just as much pain as Frozen will. I'm a yak and I may be smart, but I'm also very strong. I'm more durable than you'll realize, so receiving that much pain will be nothing. I know I might not have anything to do with this, but I joined Cosmic's group in the first place. If anything, I'm just as responsible. I wish to do my part to correct the mistakes that were made." He explained, bowing to the group as he was in the same position as Frozen.

Seeing not one, but two of his teammates bowing and begging for forgiveness was something that Cosmic wouldn't and couldn't believe. "Cosmic! Pride! What are you two doing!? You dare betray me!?" He exclaimed, before hearing the dangers for doing what he did by Samurai's words. "Y-You're bluffing. You're messing with me, right? This is what we've done all the time. Sure, it's not as extreme as what we did, but this was always overlooked. What makes this town any different from what we've done in the past?" He didn't understand why he was given such a chance, but the group in this room were all fools if they thought he'd agree to their terms. Sighing, Frozen glanced up at his former leader with a look of pity. "Just stop, Cosmic. Even without the amulet, this is always how you've acted. One could argue that the amulet poisoned your mind, but that's not true. You willingly accepted that power and turned it into your own. Cheap was a fool and it made him even more crazier than before. I was able to keep my mind and heart in check because I only was given a small dose of that power. Everything we've done. Everyone we've hurt in the past and even now. When will it ever be enough? It's like what Dynamo had said. Even if you got what you want, then would you truly be satisfied? All you'll truly will be in the end is empty. You won't stop until you get what your heart desires, but even then it won't be enough. So, do the sensible thing, Cosmic. If you even have a shred of humanity or even dignity left, then you'll fix what you've done."

Standing up, Calhoun turned to Cosmic with a look of anger in his eyes. "Don't forget how that fight of ours went before, Cosmic. With how you're tied up at the moment, I don't think you'll be able to stop me. Especially with that horn of yours gone, then you're not so tough. So, I suggest you be wise to what you say next and listen to everyone. Otherwise, I don't think you'll like the answer you'll receive. Take Samurai's words to heart as you have no room to be making demands. And, by the way. While I do like the name Pride for my strength and knowledge. My name is Calhoun." With all eyes on him, the neon green unicorn knew he was trapped like a rat. Gritting his teeth as his body shook with anger, he let out a frustrated sigh. Knowing fully well that he was stuck with no options left to get him out. "Alright! Fine. I'll do what needs to be done." He was about to continue by asking for the amulet, but was stopped by Frozen. "Oh, no you don't. Samurai, right? If you'll allow me, then I'll make sure to draw the dark magic back and distribute the damage. With Cosmic's horn out of the picture, he won't be doing much magic anytime soon. I have more extensive knowledge of the amulet. So, please. Allow me to make things right." He asks, extending a hoof in hopes that Samurai would give Frozen a chance.

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@ExplosionMare @Dynamo Pad @Reality Check @Kronos the Revenant @Firefighter Equine

Chelsea listened to all that was said. She started to pant again. She sent a quick message to Thundy about how Frozen was gonna take the dark magic himself. He gasped. "I think we all should be there." Thundy said telepathically. "Okay, let's go." Chelsea said. She took Bingo's paw. "Where are we going Chelsea bird?" Bingo asked. "To the hospital. There's something major with Dynamo and the others." Chelsea answered. 


Chelsea, Thundy and Bingo burst through the doors. "We came as soon as we can." Chelsea said. Thundy walked up to Frozen and knelt beside him. "Buddy...are you sure you can handle this...Chelsea told me about it. It's a big pain to bare...I know you want to do what's right..." Thundy said looking into Frozen's eyes. 

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@Firefighter Equine @Dynamo Pad @Courageous Thunder Dash @Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Starforce @Kronos the Revenant

Reality stayed behind on the stand with Chelsea, Thundy, and Bingo. Part of him wanted to head to the hospital to check on Dynamo and Bluebell, but he felt unsure on what he could possibly do to help. When Chelsea told him that the others were planning on taking the dark magic Bluebell took, he was a bit surprised, though it also told him on how much their friends cared about them. The moment he heard that the three of them were heading to the hospital, Reality didn't hesitate to follow them.

Even after Reality reached the hospital and caught up with Chelsea, Thundy, and Bingo, he just simply stood aside, not knowing what to say.

Edited by Reality Check
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@Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger @Firefighter Equine @Courageous Thunder Dash @Starforce @Kronos the Revenant

Pencil and Sparkly travelled with the others to visit Dynamo and Bluebell in the hospital. Dynamo had suffered minor injuries but poor Bluebell was unable to heal properly. She had been infected with some kind of dark magic, all thanks to Cosmic and his Alicorn Amulet.

Sparkly looked over at the tied up fool with disdain and disgust. How could somepony hurt an innocent pony like this so badly? Bluebell wasn’t even a primary target, either, yet she suffered all of the consequences over a pointless Cutie Mark jealousy. Pencil, meanwhile, trotted towards Bluebell’s bed and fought to hold back tears.

“I-is she gonna be okay?” she asked shakily. Her heart ached so much for Bluebell and she couldn’t imagine what would happen if the mare didn’t make it.

Luckily, everyone seemed to have a solution. Bluebell’s friends, the mayors, some of the tournament fighters, and even Frozen offered to take on some of her dark magic. Naturally, Sparkly volunteered as well.

“Allow me to take a great deal of it. I already possess a great deal of power, I can withstand a bit of corrupted magic. If I can alleviate the suffering of a friend this way, I will gladly do so.” she stated.

Pencil looked towards the group before replying.

“I can, um, take some of the magic, too. I don’t want to see Bluebell suffer anymore,” she said. “I do wonder, though, what’ll happen to us once we do take some of her dark magic? Would we all run the risk of getting corrupted?”

She looked to the group for answers. She didn’t mean to sound selfish by any means, she just wanted to express her concerns. If everyone had a bit of dark magic inside of them, they ran the risk of it affecting the good magic already inside of them. Unless there was a safe way to combat it, she wasn’t sure if taking it on was the best idea. However, the magic had to go somewhere and the sooner Bluebell was relieved from it, the better.

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@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Firefighter Equine @Starforce @Reality Check @Kronos the Revenant @Courageous Thunder Dash

Frozen had turned away from Samurai as he heard Thundy's voice from within the room. It looked like the griffon duo and Bingo the diamond dog had made their presence known. "I don't know if it's possible to handle whatever will happen, but it's logically sound that it must be done. We made many mistakes in the past and this one is no exception. We hurt someone that didn't deserve it. Along with others who were in the same position. If there's any chance, then I hope this is the first step towards that change." He explained, Calhoun placing a comforting arm around Frozen's shoulder. "Don't forget about me, Thundy. I'm a yak, so I should be able to take this no problem. I read that dark magic is not too friendly, but it's something we all need to overcome. I know I might be considered a pawn from how Cosmic treated everyone, but that's not the case. I willingly wanted to join and I did. Whether it's true or not, I'm still responsible for everything that's happened. So, I want to correct that mistake if at all possible." The yak and pegasus looked over to the door to see that Pencil and Sparkly had joined them. To others, Frozen had a neutral expression as if he didn't care. However, his expression softened slightly as he looked remorseful of the situation. "You're going to be okay." Frozen spoke up to gain Pencil's attention. "I've studied the amulet before as it's why I want to be the one to use it. I don't trust Cosmic at this point to let him use it in the right hooves. Even if you have him reluctantly use it to help us. If we share some of the pain, then it might not take the whole corruption away. I've only read the basics as Cosmic didn't trust anyone to use it for their own gain. It's still worth a try to see what happens." He explained, hoping to slightly relieve the situation. 


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@Dynamo Pad @ExplosionMare @Reality Check @Firefighter Equine @Ragland Tiger 

"I would take some of the energy..." Thundy sighed. "...but..." Thundy stopped putting a hand over his heart. Chelsea wrapped an arm around Thundy. Bingo suddenly stepped forward. "Thundy bird inspired Bingo to be hero. Bingo strong. Bingo can take dark magic to help Blu-blu." Bingo proclaimed. Thundy looked at Bingo. Diamond Dogs were feisty in nature and he wasn't sure how the dark magic would affect Bingo, but somewhere, he trusted Bingo. "Okay Bingo...go and be a hero." Thundy said looking into Bingo's eyes holding his left paw. Bingo hugged Thundy, and Thundy hugged Bingo back. 

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@Reality Check, @Frisk, @Ragland Tiger, @Courageous Thunder Dash, @ExplosionMare, @Kronos the Revenant

Starlight Glimmer uses her magic to quietly free Cheap's head from the crystal block, but that's all. She gives him a glare that makes it clear that Cheap is not allowed to talk, and if does, she can magically shut him up again.

Samurai looks humbled by Frozen's request. He also looks humbled that Alhimar, Sparkly, and Pencil volunteer too; nodding to each of them. But he shakes his head left and right and denies Frozen the amulet. "Thank you, Frozen-san, but no. I overheard your conversations with Thundy-niisan. At the last moment, you could have followed Cosmic without question, but you didn't. You awoke to the truth and decided not to follow the madness after all. For that, you were never going to be punished as badly as Cosmic. I know how much Calhoun-san and Thundy-niisan would vouch for you. ...No, it has to be Cosmic that does this. If he doesn't, he'll be punished for his crimes and treated like a criminal, perhaps punished just as bad as Nightmare Moon or King Sombra." Samurai turns to Cosmic. "I can tell, you're still full of pride, too much to admit what you did was wrong. Maybe you never will. But I won't give up believing that somewhere deep inside, you are not a lost cause. I warned you about the path you were walking, and now you have a permanent reminder of what happens when you fight out of jealousy, malice, and vengeance. Maybe in the future, if you ever feel like lashing out against others for their cutie marks or their talents, you'll remember Friendshire and you'll realize destiny isn't something taken or given--It's what we forge for ourselves."

With nothing more to be said, Samurai gives the shard to Cosmic, and lets him do his magic.

And with some surprise, he does so, the amulet shard turning to dust after he uses it. Even with a broken horn, the curse of Bluebell's injuries clears up around her, and it is transferred to everyone else. And because there are so many volunteers, instead of injuries that would leave one bedridden or comatose, the pain they endure is minor.

Samurai drops his left hoof and grabs his upper arm. "Ugh... Oh boy, it's going to hurt trying to move that arm around. Anyone else?" Samurai asks, checking to see how bad the others have it.
"My left foot... I can't feel my right foot." Mayor White says. He can move it around, but he has clearly lost feeling in that hoof. "Likewise, I can't feel my left foot. I thought I told you to give me double the pain!" Mayor Black explains, also moving his foot around to try and regain any feeling in there.
Elusive gives an audible pout. "Oh~ My right wing is numb at the base. There goes my ability to fly." Elusive says. Straightaway grabs his chest and pants. "I've got a compressed chest. It hurts to breath or talk too much..." Straightaway adds.
What really scares everyone is when Starlight suddenly collapses. "Hey! Are you okay?" Elusive is the first to kneel down and help her up. Starlight stands with a shudder. "Yeah... I'm fine. I have the worst headache, but I'll be fine. ... Umm, I know this might sound weird, by why are we all here again? I can't remember the last few hours..." Starlight asks.

The doctor, and two of his nurses, begin to examine everyone who took on some of Bluebell's pain. "Hmm... For the most part, everyone seems to have suffered some minor pains. Pinched nerves, some irritation around the joints, stuff like that. I can prescribe pain killers to all of you. Probably will clear away in a couple of days at best. However, it seems Starlight's short term memory was affected from this magical transfer. Tell me Starlight, how much do you remember?" The doctor asks. She takes a moment to think, though she is clearly fighting a headache as she keeps a hoof to her temple. "I remember joining the group, and I was watching Dynamo about to start his fight against Cosmic, and... That's it. Suddenly, I'm waiting up here. The rest in between is a blank." Starlight says.

As Samurai watches everyone getting examined, he looks over and notices something. "Oh, Dynamo-otoutosan! You're awake." He smiles and walks over.

Edited by Firefighter Equine
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@Firefighter Equine @Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger

As soon as Samurai used the Alicorn Amulet shard to redistribute the overall pain, Kronos was at first disappointed he didnt feel anything at first, then he suddenly had what seemed like a stroke as his head went numb momentarily. Luckily, Gabriel defibrillated him back into consciousness. Kronos proceeded to slap himself in his own face to restore sensation to it. 

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@Firefighter Equine @ExplosionMare @Dynamo Pad @Reality Check

Bingo felt just the smallest of pains...however, it seemed as if a faint reddish-purple aura surrounded Bingo, as if he was trying to wield the power. Bingo grunted a little as thoughts seemed to scatter everywhere in his brain. Nonetheless...Bingo overcame it...with the red hue disappearing...and a purple aura taking its place. Thundy looked at Bingo. "Oh my goodness...look at that!" Thundy said surprised. Chelsea looked in Bingo's direction...but didn't start panting. "Hey, you're not panting like you usually do..." Thundy said. "I think Bingo has a super special gift. It seems as though when he took the magic...he someway, somehow made it...his..." Chelsea said. "Bingo, try making a ball of energy. Focus on that energy and let some of it out..." Thundy said. "Okay, Bingo will try." Bingo replied as he extended his left paw out. Bingo focused on the energy. Slowly but surely, a ball of purple energy formed in Bingo's paw. 

"You are one special diamond dog Bingo. Wait until Dynamo sees this." Thundy commented. 

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@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Firefighter Equine @Starforce @Reality Check @Kronos the Revenant @Courageous Thunder Dash

As the crystal around Cheap's head began to freed from the Crystal, the earth pony breathed a huge gasp of breath. "Ugh! Finally! I thought I'd never..." His train of thought was suddenly stopped as he saw Starlight's glare being directed at him. Given the state he was currently in, the earth pony gave an audible gulp. A clear indication that he was in no room to make demands or talk. With Frozen, the pegasus had turned to face Samurai, who had addressed him. "I only awoke to the truth with help from what I guess is called a good friend." He smiled slightly as he looked over to Calhoun, who blushed from the compliment. "After seeing what everyone was discussing about Cosmic, now I truly see what kind of pony he is. I just wish it didn't have to resort to endangering others in order to see him in such a state." He sighed, shaking his head as he knew this was something he wouldn't let go of. As for Cosmic, Frozen nodded, yet knew that it would be a hard pill for Cosmic to swallow. The neon green unicorn glared daggers at everyone in the room, but not as badly at Samurai, who was basically reading him his rights. "You would really go that far? Just to punish for just a bit of mischief?" He asks, even though he knew what Samurai was stating was right. The fact that his punishment could be that extreme, but not entirely untrue. With a heavy and drawn out sigh, Cosmic rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Alright! Fine! I said I'll do it! Not like I have any choice in the matter, right!? Just realize that one day, you'll all live to regret what you've said today." He grumbled as he tried to call upon his magic. A bit difficult as his horn was destroyed from his failed attempt at a spell.

Summoning magic proved to be a difficult task. Even if he was gifted in magic, he knew taking revenge now would prove futile. Barely managing to levitate the shard, Cosmic blasted magic at the shard. The shard of the amulet, itself, then sent beams of energy at those that chose to volunteer. Some had already showed signs of limbs going numb, while sustaining light injuries. As the beam had hit Frozen, the pegasus had winced as his wings grew numb. He tried to open his wings, but found it difficult to do so. "It appears that I won't be flying anytime soon. It's a small price to pay with what I've caused to everyone." He noted, noticing that Elusive suffered a similar fate as he did. Albeit, less severe as what he now sustained. Calhoun, himself, felt nothing at first as the beam had hit him. Barely a few seconds later, he felt his limbs were shaky as if replaced by jello. Slumping to the ground, the yak felt his body was sore all over. "I suppose my physical prowess was not able to help me on this one. A terrible calculation on my end, but a sore body just needs rest. At least, I hope so in terms of my train of thought." Calhoun responded as he continued to pant for breath in his exhaustion. Cheap, meanwhile, had listened to what Alhimar was saying about him. Even though he was put as part of the blame for helping Cosmic, Frozen and Calhoun were getting off of the hook, so it seems.

"W-Was I really used like that? Was I nothing more than just a pawn? Just to be used and discarded for a singular goal?" With how Starlight glared at him before, he felt it wasn't wise to speak. Even so, these questions kept replaying in his mind. Over and over as he was frozen in that block of crystal. Even though he couldn't move, his eyes saw everything. The fight between Dynamo and Cosmic was a bit of an eye opener for the burgundy earth pony. From the way it looked, Cheap could now start to see why Cosmic chose him to train. "It looks like you finally understood. I want to say it's a surprise coming from you, but I'm glad you do know. It's unfortunate, but yes. Cosmic was planning to train you to beat Dynamo and to take his mark. If the opportunity didn't come, then he would have just taken yours to modify to his own devices of that amulet. I'm sorry Cheap." Cheap's eyes widened slightly at this revelation. The fact that Frozen had said sorry had proved that he wasn't lying. As all of this was going on, Dynamo had watched as everyone seemed to have been in some deal of pain, or sustained some injuries of their own. "Onii-san? What's going on? What happened to everyone? Is everyone okay? W-Where's Bluebell?" He asks nonstop as Samurai made his way over. He tried to get out of bed, but could only move slightly as he pushed off the blankets/covers. "I-I need to find Bluebell. I h-had some sort of dream where she was with me and then disappeared. S-Something's wrong, onii-san. B-Bluebell needs me right now. I need to get to her, please." He gritted his teeth as he hated feeling weak. Even if he was weakened and/or in pain. His concern for Bluebell and the others greatly outweighed what had happened to him prior.

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@Dynamo Pad @Firefighter Equine @ExplosionMare @Ragland Tiger @Reality Check

Bingo's ears twitched when he heard a voice. He turned and saw Dynamo. "Dynamo pony want to help Blu-blu? Blu-blu here Dynamo." Bingo said pointing over to where Bluebell was. Chelsea walked over next to Dynamo in case he tried to get up. Thundy walked over to Frozen and picked up, holding him in a sort of hug. "Darkness can blind you, just like anger. It is a joy when you finally feel free...but it comes at a cost..." Thundy said stroking Frozen's fur lovingly. 

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@Reality Check, @Frisk, @Ragland Tiger, @Courageous Thunder Dash, @ExplosionMare, @Kronos the Revenant

Mayor Black is the first to leave. "Opia, let's be on our way. I got everything I needed. I did my part, and I got the glory." He calls out to her as he hobbles out, limping a little since one hoof has no feeling right now. "Later, chumps!" Mayor Black snorts playfully at the rest as he leaves. A little rude, but he did offer to help without argument. "Ziggurate, my brother..." Mayor White says, watching him leave.

Samurai pats Alhimar on the shoulder. "Don't worry, Alhimar-san. I appreciate what you're saying, but they're all defeated, and Cosmic isn't going anywhere. For now, we'll allow the doctors to do their best to heal him up. But considering his broken horn, and his broken spirit, I'd say he's been punished enough. Trust me, I've faced enough villains to know. We won't be hearing from Cosmic for a long time." As he passes, he also pats Frozen and Calhoun on their shoulders. Samurai even pats Kronos' shoulder. "You were amazing, Kronos-san. I'm glad we're on the same team." Furthermore, he pauses when he sees Bingo possessing new powers. "Wow, Bingo. That's amazing! Do you think he would have been a tougher opponent if he faced you with these powers in the ring, Thundy?" Samurai asks.

Samurai goes over to Dynamo. "Okay! Okay! Wagatta, otoutosan. Don't be in a rush. Everything is fine now. You did it. You won. And Bluebell is going to be just fine. Let me show you." Samurai puts a hoof around Dynamo and helps him out of bed. He allows Dynamo to lean on him like a crutch as they walk over to Bluebell's bed. "She should be waking up any second now. She'll probably want to see your smiling face." Samurai says.

The two other judges help Starlight up and tend to her. She looks over at Cheap with a shocked and confused look. "Did I do this? This looks like one of my spells. Should I set him free?" Starlight asks. "Heh. You tell 'em, Elusive." Straightaway says, short or breath. "He'll be fine. We're going back to the tournament grounds to try and fix everything. We'll tell you more about it on the way there." Elusive explains. Then, she turns to face everyone else. "No one rush on our accounts, everyone. We can handle the repairs. That's what we have staff for. Just don't leave this hospital unless you are feeling perfectly capable." She explains before the three of them begin to leave. Mayor White stays behind. "I'll join you in a moment, I just want to make sure everyone is okay first." Mayor White says.

Edited by Firefighter Equine
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@Dynamo Pad @Firefighter Equine @ExplosionMare @Reality Check @Ragland Tiger

”Absolutely, it would’ve forced me to rely more on my natural strength combined with something else. Tomorrow, Bingo and I will do some training on this. It’ll be awesome if Dynamo comes along as well.” Thundy said as he continued to hold Frozen close. Bingo nodded yes excitedly. 

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