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movies/tv Whats the most Violent film you have ever watched?

~Sugar Sprinkles~

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A Serbian Film.


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If "The Hills Have Eyes" was violent to any of you I do not ever recommend this movie. Actually, I don't recommend this movie to anybody. :unsure:


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I watched a few trailers, and reactions

and i can already say 'dafuq'


I just like to watch slasher films because they make me laugh xD

  • Brohoof 1

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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I watched a few trailers, and reactions

and i can already say 'dafuq'


I just like to watch slasher films because they make me laugh xD


Lmao, that picture!


But yeah if you want to watch it don't say I didn't warn you. I think it was kinda funny because it's so over-the-top, but maybe I'm just weird.

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You really need to watch the movie again XD There is blood and gore EVERYWHERE.


I meant that particular scene. Yes there is visual gore otherwise but it is not nearly as bad what is out there.

Are you going to find a new way to twist my comments around XD

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I meant that particular scene. Yes there is visual gore otherwise but it is not nearly as bad what is out there.

Are you going to find a new way to twist my comments around XD


I'm not trying to twist anything xP If there's confusion it's because you're not being clear with each comment, not because I'm doing anything.


Anyway, this particular stream of comments has gotten pointless at this point. I'll take your word for it that there is worse, and agree to disagree about this particular movie.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~


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Defiance. This one scene, this guy bursts into a Nazi Officer's house, and murders the guys family in front of him, and then murders him. Or something like that.

It's been a while.

Edited by One Fine Djentleman


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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I'm pretty sure I've been de-sensitized to a lot of violence thanks to video games, so my lines might be a little blurred. :huh:

'A Clockwork Orange' is quite violent, but not really in terms of gore. Just overall messed up. Just realised that face looks an awful lot like an orange. What were we talking about again?


Oranges. Right. I like oranges.

Edited by Celestia's Scribe
  • Brohoof 1

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Suicide Club. Fingers were cut off, skin was ripped off, people jumped off into train tracks while a train was coming.


You must be 18 or older to watch, or just input a fake month/day/year like I always did :)





Oh look it shows a bloody image.

Edited by RiuChan


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  • 2 months later...

Irreversible and Enter the Void.


I've seen people get their heads chopped off and whatever... but stuff like Saw or Battle Royale are so unrealistic that they don't affect me that much. For Irreversible and Enter the Void... the violence is just too real, and their placement in the story just make them too emotionally taxing for me.


They're great films IMO. But definitely not for younger people. Seriously, this isn't Pulp Fiction... these two movies might just scar you for life. Not only are they extremely violent and messed up... but their messages are just super depressing.

Like y'know how they say Jaws makes you afraid to go back into the water?

Those two movies just make you afraid to continue living.


Kill Bill, Battle Royale, The Thing, Tucker and Dale vs. Evil...

Those movies are all very violent, but fun to watch. If you don't want to be severely depressed, avoid the other two films I recommended, and check out these other ones. These ones are gory but fun.


Also, there's a French horror movie called Eyes Without A Face. It's pretty old(1960s?) but it was very controversial when it came out and I think the effects hold up very well. It definitely made me squeamish, and it's hard for movies that old(or even recent ones) to do that.


OK I just remembered another few really good gory movies:

OLDBOY It's a Korean revenge movie. Really really good story, and some pretty intense violence. One of my favorite films of all time.


Let the Right One In It's a Swedish vampire movie. They had a remake a few years ago(Let Me In) but the Swedish one's more violent(though LMI was really good for a remake).

Edited by Dr Manehattan
  • Brohoof 1

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Not sure, I've seen quite a few horror/gore movies.


Probbably Hostel, there are some rather gory scenes in that, but honestly there is more gore on the internet anyway, made all the worse because a lot of it "real", there is a website i use for anything gory i want to watch that i will not link, but everything on the website is real, no stage blood etc.

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Since I am totally obsessed with horror movies and I love gore horror I literally laughed when I saw you ponies' posts ^^

I better not post mine.. They're bad. REALLY BAD.


"Meh, the human centipede takes the price"

Uhm, no. It's not eaven on my top 100.



But erhm..







ReGOREgitated Sacrifice

Cannibal Holocaust

Tumbling Doll of Flesh

Murder Set Pieces

A Serbian Film

Cutting Moments


August Underground's Mordum

August Underground's: Penance

Ichi the Killer


Just to name a FEW.


I have a video about my (old (I know eaven worse movies by now)) top most DISTURBING (not violent though) movies:








I think I saw a few of those on the Cinema Snob...


as for me, I don't do horror. AT ALL. I'm a big wussy chicken liver. as for violence, i'm gonna go with 300

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I'd have to say that either "saving private Ryan" or "black hawk down" but be the most violent movies ive seen in their entirety. I do recommend both, though. They are excellent movies.






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Since the thread is about VIOLENT movies, and not horror ones...

I might have to say John Rambo, Expendables 2, and Scarface. They are really violent (but I fucking love that kind of movies)


Not sure, I've seen quite a few horror/gore movies.


Probbably Hostel, there are some rather gory scenes in that, but honestly there is more gore on the internet anyway, made all the worse because a lot of it "real", there is a website i use for anything gory i want to watch that i will not link, but everything on the website is real, no stage blood etc.


what the fuck?

Edited by Teh Boi

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John Carpenter's THE THING. Seriously The Thing was one really messed up horror movie. It's just plain bloody and just reminds me of Dead Space.

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I've seen my fair share of Tarantino, but I can't honestly list a Tarantino film as the most violent film I've ever seen, mostly because his films usually have a lot (and I mean, A LOT!!!!!!!) of dialogue and build-up to some very violent sequences, but not always very long sequences. As such, the most violent movie I've ever seen would probably be, oh, "Saving Private Ryan"; there are a lot of violent war movies out there, but "Saving Private Ryan" has both some of the most real-feeling violence I've ever seen in a movie, but also A LOT of violent scenes, even compared to some war movies. It kinda has, as far as measuring violence goes, the perfect balance of realistic-violence (or at least realistic-feeling), and a lot of it, which is why it takes the cake for me. Sure, some slasher films might arguably be more violent, but most of those films are so fake it isn't even funny; for me, the most violent movie I've ever seen definitely needed an element of realism to it, and "Saving Private Ryan" certainly has that going for it.


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I do not usually go for violence in movies. Sometimes violence is a byproduct or necessary to a movie with a decent plotline etc. That said probably the most violent move I have ever seen is "Silence of the Lambs." on the mental level or "Total Recall" on the physical level (that being the schwartzeneggar version -- not the remake).

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Serbian film probably


But canibal holocaust is pretty violent when you hear about the law suits.


Also the real violence is on the internet.


I've never seen it but it sounds like a pretty fucked up movie.

Apparently when the film was released, people thought that the actors were actually killed on camera. The director was charged with making a stuff film, but he eventually managed to prove that none of the actors had been killed.


The animal cruelty that is featured in the film however is all very real. And that in my opinion is absolutely unacceptable. 6 animals were killed on camera while making the movie. A turtle was literally decapitated alive, a monkey had the top of his skull chopped off. This is really fucked up and should not be viewed by anyone to be honest.

  • Brohoof 1
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The last 10 mins of Rambo 4.....


I suppose I could have said a horror film of some kind, but in terms of actual violence levels most horror films are lacking.

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I just recently saw an action movie called The Raid: Redemption.


Not the *most* violent or gory film I've seen, not by a longshot... but it's still pretty darn violent.

Highly recommended. It's one of the best action movies I've ever seen.


Also the movie Drive has a few short bursts of violence, but when it gets gory it really gets gory. Regardless of how violent it is, it's one of my favorite movies ever!

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