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12 minutes ago, Kramathia said:

happy hug.png SHINNY ! *she would tackle hug @Shiny Silvermoon * My friend! are you okay! I have a paper to give you! Am helping @Princess Silky making sure everyone is safe!

@Kramathia "Me too, I have a paper to give you because I know you like publishing stuffs!" Shiny gave her a copy of the Treaty of Silvermoon. "Now can I see what paper you have for me?"

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14 minutes ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

@Kramathia "Me too, I have a paper to give you because I know you like publishing stuffs!" Shiny gave her a copy of the Treaty of Silvermoon. "Now can I see what paper you have for me?"

Chatterbox happy.gif Sure! Here you go, friend! *Chatterbox shows a document with indication to aboard the ship carefully and the details of Silky request to ensure safety of ponies*


Cleaning her Glasses.gif I will spread the word! I will make it viral for you! We make a nice team you and me and Silky!!!



Edited by Kramathia


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@Princess Silky@ReverieRiver@River wisp@Shiny Silvermoon

Silver watches all these events unfold from the safety of some nearby bushes. While he isn’t entirely sure of what just happened, he can tell by the crowds’ reaction that it had been very significant. Now, a small group of them head off behind a large rock. Clearly, these ponies must have some sort of plan. Or at the very least, one that was better than his. While he had been thinking the best idea had been to split up, he can now see that the best chance they had was to stick together. He quickly looked around but could not locate the other kirin who had been with him earlier.

No use waiting here for them here, hopefully they’re ok. Perhaps we’ll meet back up someplace along the way. He thought to himself as he moved from cover to cover. He could not afford to be left behind with so much at stake.

He would soon arrive at the aforementioned rock, where a nearby ship had been moored. This vessel also had several others onboard. The kirin looked around, trying to figure out which pony was in charge here. He saw the pink pegasus from earlier, accompanied by a unicorn mare, and decided to approach them.

“Hey there!” He greeted as he walked up to them. “Would you happen to have room for a kirin onboard that ship of yours?” He asked with a kind smile.

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Chatterbox asks.gif *Chatterbox appears behind @silver slate making a pop sound* Hi new friend! Am Chatterbox! A reporter from Canterlot Times Newspaper and Magazines! Am a friend of Silky and Shinny!  *She gives you a paper with Silky instruction to board the ship* Here! Hope you are comfy! 


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5 minutes ago, Silver Slate said:

@Princess Silky@ReverieRiver@River wisp@Shiny Silvermoon

Silver watches all these events unfold from the safety of some nearby bushes. While he isn’t entirely sure of what just happened, he can tell by the crowds’ reaction that it had been very significant. Now, a small group of them head off behind a large rock. Clearly, these ponies must have some sort of plan. Or at the very least, one that was better than his. While he had been thinking the best idea had been to split up, he can now see that the best chance they had was to stick together. He quickly looked around but could not locate the other kirin who had been with him earlier.

No use waiting here for them here, hopefully they’re ok. Perhaps we’ll meet back up someplace along the way. He thought to himself as he moved from cover to cover. He could not afford to be left behind with so much at stake.

He would soon arrive at the aforementioned rock, where a nearby ship had been moored. This vessel also had several others onboard. The kirin looked around, trying to figure out which pony was in charge here. He saw the pink pegasus from earlier, accompanied by a unicorn mare, and decided to approach them.

“Hey there!” He greeted as he walked up to them. “Would you happen to have room for a kirin onboard that ship of yours?” He asked with a kind smile.


Chatterbox Attracted.gif You seem charming! ~


Edited by Kramathia


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7 minutes ago, Silver Slate said:

@Princess Silky@ReverieRiver@River wisp@Shiny Silvermoon

Silver watches all these events unfold from the safety of some nearby bushes. While he isn’t entirely sure of what just happened, he can tell by the crowds’ reaction that it had been very significant. Now, a small group of them head off behind a large rock. Clearly, these ponies must have some sort of plan. Or at the very least, one that was better than his. While he had been thinking the best idea had been to split up, he can now see that the best chance they had was to stick together. He quickly looked around but could not locate the other kirin who had been with him earlier.

No use waiting here for them here, hopefully they’re ok. Perhaps we’ll meet back up someplace along the way. He thought to himself as he moved from cover to cover. He could not afford to be left behind with so much at stake.

He would soon arrive at the aforementioned rock, where a nearby ship had been moored. This vessel also had several others onboard. The kirin looked around, trying to figure out which pony was in charge here. He saw the pink pegasus from earlier, accompanied by a unicorn mare, and decided to approach them.

“Hey there!” He greeted as he walked up to them. “Would you happen to have room for a kirin onboard that ship of yours?” He asked with a kind smile.

"A Kirin! They look so cool! I heard that they can turn their mane into fire and even breath fire like a dragon! How unfortunate that I don't have time to have a conversation with you about your culture! We have more important things to do right now... Hop into the ship!"

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Moments ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

"A Kirin! They look so cool! I heard that they can turn their mane into fire and even breath fire like a dragon! How unfortunate that I don't have time to have a conversation with you about your culture! We have more important things to do right now... Hop into the ship!"

chatterbox happy.png Oh but you can also breath fire @Shiny Silvermoon you just need a spicy pepper! *laughs*


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@Kramathia@Shiny Silvermoon

Silver turns around to discover the source of the popping sound. “Oh, hello there, Chatterbox! My Name is Silver Slate, but my friends just call me Silver. It’s nice to meet you!” He exclaims happily, taking the paper with his magic and placing it in his saddlebag, before turning back to face the other unicorn.

“I appreciate your interest in my kind and our culture! What you say is true!” He says with a grin. “I’m sure we will have plenty of time to discuss this later. For now, I understand the sense of urgency in our mission and shall head aboard. But thing before I do, what is your name?”

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10 hours ago, Silver Slate said:

@Kramathia@Shiny Silvermoon

Silver turns around to discover the source of the popping sound. “Oh, hello there, Chatterbox! My Name is Silver Slate, but my friends just call me Silver. It’s nice to meet you!” He exclaims happily, taking the paper with his magic and placing it in his saddlebag, before turning back to face the other unicorn.

“I appreciate your interest in my kind and our culture! What you say is true!” He says with a grin. “I’m sure we will have plenty of time to discuss this later. For now, I understand the sense of urgency in our mission and shall head aboard. But thing before I do, what is your name?”

"My name is Shiny Silvermoon! It's a pleasure to meet you! What is yours?"

9 hours ago, Kujamih said:

@Shiny Silvermoon @Princess Silky


@Silverspark184 @River wisp

 A portal would appear at the center of them and out of no where two creatures where thrown to them.

It was @Ghostie boi  and @Pandora

" Hey you forgot these two. It wouldn't be fun if the fight would only last a minute."


@Kujamih "White Light! I'm very curious about your goals! Are you just being chaotic or do you truly have a plan? Also, could you bring Princess Luna? I see Twilight Sparkle but I don't see my leader! Come on!" Shiny would beg him to bring Princess Luna, her head practically shoved into the portal.

She would then turn around to the new crewmates, @Ghostie boi and @Pandora. "Welcome on the SS Moonship! I came out with the idea to fuse the word moon and the word friendship..."

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13 hours ago, Princess Silky said:

"VIBRANT!" Silky's eyes would light up as the cyan pony would disembark on the ship meet the group. "Careful, it seems Cheshire Springshas been noticed as she flew astray from Team Tartarus!" 

"Silky!" Vibrant would quickly trot towards Star Silk and tackle hug her. "How lovely to see You here. Worry not. I am always a vigilant one" He said with confidence in his voice. 

12 hours ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

@Kramathia "Chatterbox!!! I'm so happy to see you on the pirate ship! I think it might be a pirate ship... Let's do like it's one! Anyway, we must focus on stopping the mare with the evil fireworks!"

"A pirate ship, You say? Shall we do some shanties on our way?" He would chuckle after saying that. 

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Silverspark: Noticing  a stallion coming into view as she watched from under Silky's cloak  she seen him once before at that crazy food fight  @Hugs of Sir Manys Vibrant  when Magloria was trying to look for Silky she remembered him making an appearance talking to the pink Pegasus this little filly is fond of she kind of smirked "is he your boyfriend  or something "she asked in a small whisper only @Princess Silky to hear

2 hours ago, Vibrant Grove said:

"Silky!" Vibrant would quickly trot towards Star Silk and tackle hug her. "How lovely to see You here. Worry not. I am always a vigilant one" He said with confidence in his voice. 

"A pirate ship, You say? Shall we do some shanties on our way?" He would chuckle after saying that. 


Mlp is awesome I don't  care if it's for little kids I am 34 and single but mlp help me through somethings and I thank them for that

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14 hours ago, Kujamih said:

@Shiny Silvermoon @Princess Silky


@Silverspark184 @River wisp

 A portal would appear at the center of them and out of no where two creatures where thrown to them.

It was @Ghostie boi  and @Pandora

" Hey you forgot these two. It wouldn't be fun if the fight would only last a minute."


Ghost would've acted quick, Wrapping himself around @Pandora to make sure her and the sprout on her head stayed safe, Rolling across the ground till they reached a stop. He got up and looked around to see what was going on, And what did they meant by "Fight" ?, He'd decided to enter his Spectral veil: Spirit phase, Electricty flowing off his eye's and the marking's on his fur becoming more sharp. "Pan, Hold onto me" Angel's voice would've became more serious and focused...


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8 hours ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

"My name is Shiny Silvermoon! It's a pleasure to meet you! What is yours?"

"My name is Silver Slate, but my friends call me Silver. It's nice to meet you, Shiny." The kirin said with a smile. He felt as ready as he could be for whatever may lie ahead, and hoped that he could be of some help at some point along the way.

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1 hour ago, Silver Slate said:

"My name is Silver Slate, but my friends call me Silver. It's nice to meet you, Shiny." The kirin said with a smile. He felt as ready as he could be for whatever may lie ahead, and hoped that he could be of some help at some point along the way.

"You have this color in your name too?! Wow! Silver is a very popular color! Whatever we must stay focus! I'm just sad that I didn't have the time to finish building the mecha I was working on! I'm totally sure it would have worked! Eventually..."

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6 hours ago, Ghostie boi said:

Ghost would've acted quick, Wrapping himself around @Pandora to make sure her and the sprout on her head stayed safe, Rolling across the ground till they reached a stop. He got up and looked around to see what was going on, And what did they meant by "Fight" ?, He'd decided to enter his Spectral veil: Spirit phase, Electricty flowing off his eye's and the marking's on his fur becoming more sharp. "Pan, Hold onto me" Angel's voice would've became more serious and focused...


Chatterbox happy.gif New faces! come on in! *Gives the papers with Silky instructions * My name Is Chatterbox, but you can call me Chat, Chatty, Boxxie or "leave me alone your weirdo!"  heh heh Is nice yo meet you all *giggles*


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15 hours ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

"My name is Shiny Silvermoon! It's a pleasure to meet you! What is yours?"

@Kujamih "White Light! I'm very curious about your goals! Are you just being chaotic or do you truly have a plan? Also, could you bring Princess Luna? I see Twilight Sparkle but I don't see my leader! Come on!" Shiny would beg him to bring Princess Luna, her head practically shoved into the portal.

She would then turn around to the new crewmates, @Ghostie boi and @Pandora. "Welcome on the SS Moonship! I came out with the idea to fuse the word moon and the word friendship..."

Light attempts to kiss shiny to scare her off the portal that she hangs on.

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8 hours ago, White Light said:

Light attempts to kiss shiny to scare her off the portal that she hangs on.

@Kujamih Shiny Silvermoon would let out a squeak and drop off the portal before White Light could kiss her.

She would then lose balance and fall to the ground as the portal would close. The mare would be blushing brightly but tried to hide it with both hooves.

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15 hours ago, Kramathia said:

Chatterbox happy.gif New faces! come on in! *Gives the papers with Silky instructions * My name Is Chatterbox, but you can call me Chat, Chatty, Boxxie or "leave me alone your weirdo!"  heh heh Is nice yo meet you all *giggles*

The ghostling stared  at the mare with a Sharp glare before reverting to normal, leaving him exhausted but soon He'd begin to read the paper's, still wondering where they were...

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Nightmare Moon Wallpapers - Top Free Nightmare Moon Backgrounds -  WallpaperAccess

Rising as a mist from a cloud above, Nightmare Moon took form and surveyed the ponies below. She remained wary of them, especially that White Light who had pursued her. Her centuries of solitude from various lifetimes had taken their toll. Once she had wanted nothing more than to see them cherish her night, but one can become used to loneliness, and truly venturing away from it came with a degree of difficulty she had not expected. A small part of her even missed the wasteland of a home, but a greater part felt spurred by the success of her team and what these lesser creatures had accomplished thus far. Even if it were to add up to nothing, their efforts were a joy to witness, and she would continue to enjoy them from the calm and quiet space above, until that feeling came over her again.

Just as when her reality had torn open for her to come to this place, a rush of energy abound, surged and lit up with a distant deafening blast. A few hairs stood up with the shockwave and static that rolled across her body. She did not care for this disruption, nor the declaration that proceeded.

@Props Valroa

Nightmare Moon stood tall upon the cloud miles away, her eyes furrowing from the words of the announcer, and the pinkness of the Strawberry Moon would subtly change.

“Death’s end?” She’d snort, “More like it’s start for somepony.”

Her horn would light up as she spread her wings and dropped off of the cloud, only for it and three others to come aglow and follow her initial descent. Her horn dimmed but the clouds stayed alight, each taking the form of a Serpent, Timberwolf, Phoenix, and Scorpion, but looked as though they could be living extensions of her mane and tail. She would fade into nothingness, hidden once more while her star-studded creations ventured out.


@Shiny Silvermoon

A slight breeze would her by, carrying with it the unmistakable voice of Nightmare Moon. “I’ll be watching over you.”

The moon would be noticeably red now, seeming to glow from behind. The stars were brighter than usual and shimmered occasionally. To top off the strangeness of this, a translucent blue serpent would phase through the ship and out the other side.

Here's when the next Lunar Eclipse and Blood Moon will happen


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Mountains blown, the distance glows, Even though the sun has set. Weary eyes watch the skies, for new challenges to be met.

But one tires amid those who conspire, and thou could use a little rest. Join us in good company, sip on a little something, and return to the battle  refreshed!

With us you'll fight the good fight, hearts, minds, and bellies full. We'll keep your spirit well and lively, with diets never dull.

Fuel your fire with flames adorn, Cajun kernels popped and spice galore! Quench your thirst before every gig, with a kick of citrus and lavender sprigs!

All of this and more, and you needn't spare a coin. Simply step into the moonlight, and ask to join.


On 2023-06-05 at 7:52 PM, Shiny Silvermoon said:

Did you bring popcorn?


Edited by SharpWit
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2 hours ago, Nightmare Moon said:

Nightmare Moon Wallpapers - Top Free Nightmare Moon Backgrounds -  WallpaperAccess

Rising as a mist from a cloud above, Nightmare Moon took form and surveyed the ponies below. She remained wary of them, especially that White Light who had pursued her. Her centuries of solitude from various lifetimes had taken their toll. Once she had wanted nothing more than to see them cherish her night, but one can become used to loneliness, and truly venturing away from it came with a degree of difficulty she had not expected. A small part of her even missed the wasteland of a home, but a greater part felt spurred by the success of her team and what these lesser creatures had accomplished thus far. Even if it were to add up to nothing, their efforts were a joy to witness, and she would continue to enjoy them from the calm and quiet space above, until that feeling came over her again.

Just as when her reality had torn open for her to come to this place, a rush of energy abound, surged and lit up with a distant deafening blast. A few hairs stood up with the shockwave and static that rolled across her body. She did not care for this disruption, nor the declaration that proceeded.

@Props Valroa

Nightmare Moon stood tall upon the cloud miles away, her eyes furrowing from the words of the announcer, and the pinkness of the Strawberry Moon would subtly change.

“Death’s end?” She’d snort, “More like it’s start for somepony.”

Her horn would light up as she spread her wings and dropped off of the cloud, only for it and three others to come aglow and follow her initial descent. Her horn dimmed but the clouds stayed alight, each taking the form of a Serpent, Timberwolf, Phoenix, and Scorpion, but looked as though they could be living extensions of her mane and tail. She would fade into nothingness, hidden once more while her star-studded creations ventured out.


@Shiny Silvermoon

A slight breeze would her by, carrying with it the unmistakable voice of Nightmare Moon. “I’ll be watching over you.”

The moon would be noticeably red now, seeming to glow from behind. The stars were brighter than usual and shimmered occasionally. To top off the strangeness of this, a translucent blue serpent would phase through the ship and out the other side.

Here's when the next Lunar Eclipse and Blood Moon will happen

The Ghostling would've stared up at the sky wondering why the Moon had turned red, Thinking it was something Dangerous He'd tapped back into his Spectral veil: Phantom state to make sure if it was something dangerous, He'd already be ready...

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3 hours ago, Nightmare Moon said:

Nightmare Moon Wallpapers - Top Free Nightmare Moon Backgrounds -  WallpaperAccess

Rising as a mist from a cloud above, Nightmare Moon took form and surveyed the ponies below. She remained wary of them, especially that White Light who had pursued her. Her centuries of solitude from various lifetimes had taken their toll. Once she had wanted nothing more than to see them cherish her night, but one can become used to loneliness, and truly venturing away from it came with a degree of difficulty she had not expected. A small part of her even missed the wasteland of a home, but a greater part felt spurred by the success of her team and what these lesser creatures had accomplished thus far. Even if it were to add up to nothing, their efforts were a joy to witness, and she would continue to enjoy them from the calm and quiet space above, until that feeling came over her again.

Just as when her reality had torn open for her to come to this place, a rush of energy abound, surged and lit up with a distant deafening blast. A few hairs stood up with the shockwave and static that rolled across her body. She did not care for this disruption, nor the declaration that proceeded.

@Props Valroa

Nightmare Moon stood tall upon the cloud miles away, her eyes furrowing from the words of the announcer, and the pinkness of the Strawberry Moon would subtly change.

“Death’s end?” She’d snort, “More like it’s start for somepony.”

Her horn would light up as she spread her wings and dropped off of the cloud, only for it and three others to come aglow and follow her initial descent. Her horn dimmed but the clouds stayed alight, each taking the form of a Serpent, Timberwolf, Phoenix, and Scorpion, but looked as though they could be living extensions of her mane and tail. She would fade into nothingness, hidden once more while her star-studded creations ventured out.


@Shiny Silvermoon

A slight breeze would her by, carrying with it the unmistakable voice of Nightmare Moon. “I’ll be watching over you.”

The moon would be noticeably red now, seeming to glow from behind. The stars were brighter than usual and shimmered occasionally. To top off the strangeness of this, a translucent blue serpent would phase through the ship and out the other side.

Here's when the next Lunar Eclipse and Blood Moon will happen

@SharpWit "Thank you, Nightmare Moon." Whispered Shiny Silvermoon as if for herself. Her surrounding taking a red tint, she instinctively turned her gaze to the sky and saw the red moon. Her iris shrunk as she realized that a phenomenom was going to take place.

"It's going to happen..." Was the last thing she said before her body suddenly began to change before everypony's eyes. Not a single occult book ever spoke about what they all saw at this very moment.

The style of Shiny's mane and tail shifted into a messier and spikier one and the icy blue lines changed for both colors of the rainbow. In the same time, her iris became magenta and the silver crescent moon on her cutie mark turned into a red crescent moon.

The appearance of the unicorn was now disturbingly similar to Rainbow Dash.

"We must stop chilling on this pirate ship and give an hoof to Nightmare Moon!" Shiny said with seemingly no fear in her newly magenta eyes, how strange!

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9 hours ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

@SharpWit "Thank you, Nightmare Moon." Whispered Shiny Silvermoon as if for herself. Her surrounding taking a red tint, she instinctively turned her gaze to the sky and saw the red moon. Her iris shrunk as she realized that a phenomenom was going to take place.

"It's going to happen..." Was the last thing she said before her body suddenly began to change before everypony's eyes. Not a single occult book ever spoke about what they all saw at this very moment.

The style of Shiny's mane and tail shifted into a messier and spikier one and the icy blue lines changed for both colors of the rainbow. In the same time, her iris became magenta and the silver crescent moon on her cutie mark turned into a red crescent moon.

The appearance of the unicorn was now disturbingly similar to Rainbow Dash.

"We must stop chilling on this pirate ship and give an hoof to Nightmare Moon!" Shiny said with seemingly no fear in her newly magenta eyes, how strange!

Ghost stared at the mare and saw them under-going a Transformation, but knew what this must feel for them as He felt it before. "...Power Creek." A term He used to describe when something transform's and feeling's god-like power, But get's clouded by it and make's mistake's and unrequired movement's, Sapping them of energy and leaving them exhausted.

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